Profesiones y Tipos de Personas - Zapp Ingles Listening 2.17

Conversaciones en Inglés Reales: Audio en Inglés

Profesiones y Tipos de Personas - Zapp Ingles Listening 2.17

Conversaciones en Inglés Reales: Audio en Inglés

Zap English. Listening.

Zap English. Listening.

Level 2. Unit 17. Professions and kinds of people.

Level 2. Unit 17. Professions and types of people.

Este podcast de Listening con inglés real se acompaña de un e-book que puedes descargar en inglé

This Listening podcast with real English is accompanied by an e-book that you can download at inglé

En esta unidad, vas a escuchar a las personas hablando de los tipos de personas y los tipos de trabajos.

In this unit, you will hear people talking about types of people and types of jobs.


Let's get started.

Task 1 de Listening.

Task 1 of Listening.

Hemos preguntado a dos personas una pregunta.

We have asked two people a question.

¿Cuáles de estos tipos de personas has sido o querrías ser?

Which of these types of people have you been or would you like to be?

¿Un actriz?

A female actor?

¿Un capitán?

A captain?

¿Un paciente?

A patient?

¿O un político?

Or a politician?

¿Cuál de los oradores ha sido un actriz, un capitán, un paciente o un político?

Which of the speakers has been an actress, a captain, a patient, or a politician?

¿Cuál de los oradores ha sido un actriz, un capitán, un capitán?

Which of the speakers has been an actress, a captain, a captain?

Nunca, nunca, nunca he performado de nuevo después de eso, ni siquiera he danzado de nuevo después de eso.

Never, never, never have I performed again after that, nor have I even danced again after that.

Nunca, nunca, nunca he danzado de nuevo después de eso.

I have never, never, never danced again after that.

Y luego, creo que mi tiempo más reciente de actuar o de hacer actividades sería...

And then, I think my most recent time of acting or doing activities would be...

Hice algunos comerciales y modelé cuando vivía en Nueva York durante un par de años.

I did some commercials and modeled when I lived in New York for a couple of years.

Y así fue bastante una actividad cuando alguien está agarrando una cámara en frente de ti y te dice que vas.

And so it was quite an activity when someone is holding a camera in front of you and tells you that you're going.

Algo que me gustó mucho en algún momento de mi vida, de una manera u otra,

Something that I really liked at some point in my life, in one way or another,

sería involucrarme en la política, porque soy muy apasionado por el cambio

It would be getting involved in politics, because I am very passionate about change.

y muy apasionado por la gente.

and very passionate about people.

Yo siempre podía entrar en el servicio público de una manera u otra,

I could always get into public service one way or another,

pero creo que para llegar al fondo de algo, para hacer que algo cambie,

but I believe that to get to the bottom of something, to make something change,

tienes que estar en el lado político, en el lado legal.

You have to be on the political side, on the legal side.

Así que me gustaría estar en algún tipo de...

So I would like to be in some kind of...

Tener algún tipo de oficio en algún punto de mi vida,

Having some kind of trade at some point in my life,

donde pueda hacer un cambio para las personas que me importan y para la comunidad alrededor de mí.

where I can make a change for the people that matter to me and for the community around me.

¿Te gustaría ser una actriz?

Would you like to be an actress?

Bueno, no creo que tenga ese tipo de ego,

Well, I don't think I have that kind of ego.

aunque soy muy extranjera y seguramente usualmente tengo mucho que decir sobre todo.

Although I am very foreign and I surely usually have a lot to say about everything.

Pero para llegar en un escenario y actuar para la gente, no, no lo creo.

But to get on a stage and perform for people, no, I don't think so.

¿Un paciente?

A patient?

Bueno, yo he sido un paciente, no me gusta ser un paciente,

Well, I have been a patient, I don't like being a patient.

pero a veces nos forzamos a hacer cosas que no nos importa mucho hacer,

but sometimes we force ourselves to do things that we don’t really care much about doing,

y ser un paciente se pone en esa categoría.

and being a patient falls into that category.

¿Un capitán?

A captain?

Bueno, eso es totalmente fuera de mi ámbito de pensamiento o consideración.

Well, that is completely outside my realm of thought or consideration.

No tengo ni idea de lo que los capitanes hacen o deberían hacer,

I have no idea what captains do or should do,

y no creo que haya conocido a nadie.

and I don't think I have met anyone.

Así que eso deja al capitán fuera.

So that leaves the captain out.

Y un político...

And a politician...

¡Absolutamente no!

Absolutely not!

Eso toma el mismo ego como un actriz,

That takes the same ego as an actress,

pero tal vez con menos ética.

but perhaps with less ethics.

Escuchando Trabajo 1

Listening to Work 1



¿Han sido ambos los oradores un actriz, un capitán, un paciente o un político?

Have both speakers been an actress, a captain, a patient, or a politician?



Nicholas ha sido un actriz, y Ronnie un paciente.

Nicholas has been an actress, and Ronnie a patient.

Escuchando Trabajo 2

Listening to Work 2

Escucha Trabajo 2

Listen Work 2

Esta vez, escuchará a alguien hablando sobre las diferencias

This time, you will hear someone talking about the differences.

y cosas que son similares entre dos trabajos o tipos de personas.

and things that are similar between two jobs or types of people.

Escucha Trabajo 2

Listen Work 2

Piense en lo que es lo mismo y lo que es diferente.

Think about what is the same and what is different.

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un capitán y un empleado?

What is the difference between a captain and an employee?

¿Tom tiene las mismas ideas que tú?

Does Tom have the same ideas as you?

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un capitán y un empleado?

What is the difference between a captain and an employee?

they're quite general an owner yeah a professional a professional yes a leader yes and a captain

They're quite general: an owner, yeah, a professional, a professional, yes, a leader, yes, and a captain.

wow okay they are quite general yeah so for example i mean an owner being an owner of something

Wow, okay, they are quite general, yeah. So, for example, I mean an owner being an owner of something.

could be very interesting if you own something interesting like a restaurant it could be

It could be very interesting if you own something interesting like a restaurant.

interesting but also could be very stressful owning a restaurant yeah um i was thinking more

Interesting, but it could also be very stressful to own a restaurant. Yeah, I was thinking more...

when i hear the term term owner i'm i think more of property owning owning flats or owning

When I hear the term "owner," I think more of property ownership, owning apartments, or owning.

um houses yeah and that's i think i think it would be quite interesting to be an owner if you

Um houses yeah and that's I think I think it would be quite interesting to be an owner if you

have a property and have if you had some input into renovating it or or making like those people

Have a property and have you had any input into renovating it or making it like those people.

who buy old houses and then

who buy old houses and then

make them better and then rent them all out or sell them for a lot of money that would be quite

make them better and then rent them all out or sell them for a lot of money that would be quite.

interesting definitely and yeah if you could get lots of money that would be fantastic um

Interesting definitely, and yeah, if you could make a lot of money, that would be fantastic. Um.

i think that would be quite interesting but again i think you'd have to be quite clued up

I think that would be quite interesting, but again I think you'd have to be quite knowledgeable.

with money you'd have to know a lot about money and finance which i don't

With money, you would have to know a lot about money and finance, which I don't.

me though i'd be a terrible owner me too maybe i could own a dog that would be

I thought I'd be a terrible owner. Me too. Maybe I could own a dog; that would be.

oh you could make money out of owning a dog if it was a racing dog

Oh, you could make money from owning a dog if it was a racing dog.

oh yeah i was thinking more of just being a dog owner and not earning any money yeah that's nicer

Oh yeah, I was thinking more about just being a dog owner and not earning any money. Yeah, that's nicer.

yes what about a professional that's a general term well i think anyone who works as a professional

Yes, what about a professional? That's a general term. Well, I think anyone who works as a professional.

unless you're really really bad and unprofessional at your job i'm a teacher and i'd say i was a

Unless you're really, really bad and unprofessional at your job, I'm a teacher and I'd say I was a

professional yeah what about being something like a professional sports person i would love that

Professional, yeah. What about being something like a professional sports person? I would love that.

that's something that i would i would love to be a professional sports person i would love that

That's something that I would love to be, a professional sports person. I would love that.

love to earn money or recognition um from doing a sport that i absolutely love if i could be a

I love to earn money or recognition from doing a sport that I absolutely love if I could be a

professional windsurfer that would be fantastic to be paid and get to travel the world doing

Professional windsurfer that it would be fantastic to be paid and get to travel the world doing.

something that you love doing would be amazing yeah so for me doing professional sports person

Something that you love doing would be amazing, yeah, so for me, being a professional athlete.

would be the ideal ideal job that's the perfect one what about a leader a leader the term leader

Would be the ideal job that's the perfect one, how about a leader, a leader, the term leader?

the word leader is a term that means a leader a leader is a leader a leader a leader a leader a leader

The word leader is a term that means a leader a leader is a leader a leader a leader a leader a leader.

to me says responsibility responsibility and i wouldn't i don't think i would like the responsibility

To me, it says responsibility, responsibility, and I don't think I would like the responsibility.

in being a leader um makes me think of a politician yeah like leading the country i wouldn't want to do

Being a leader makes me think of a politician, yeah, like leading the country. I wouldn't want to do that.

that think of how much how much responsibility you'd have and how many people would be asking

Think of how much responsibility you'd have and how many people would be asking.

you questions all the time and and everyone would have huge expectations and i wouldn't want that

You question all the time and everyone would have huge expectations and I wouldn't want that.

too much stress too much responsibility yes too many sleepless nights what about a captain what

too much stress too much responsibility yes too many sleepless nights what about a captain what

does that make what kind of um job or role does that make you think of well when you first said

What kind of job or role does that make you think of when you first said it?

captain i immediately imagined being the captain of a of a ship like a captain of a cruise ship or a

Captain, I immediately imagined being the captain of a ship, like the captain of a cruise ship or a...

um or a yacht but or a yacht but

um or a yacht but or a yacht but

now we've talked about

ahora hemos hablado sobre

being a professional sports person i i'm now thinking that a captain could also mean being

Being a professional athlete, I am now thinking that a captain could also mean being

the captain of a team yes so the captain of a rugby team or the captain of a

the captain of a team yes so the captain of a rugby team or the captain of a

a football team or netball team handball team and i would if it was that type of captain i would

a football team or netball team handball team and I would if it was that type of captain I would

quite like that job if i was going to be paid to be a captain of a team it's kind of leader though

I quite like that job if I was going to be paid to be a captain of a team; it's kind of a leader, though.

isn't it yeah i suppose it is a leader but the responsibility is not you're not responsible for

Isn't it? Yeah, I suppose it is a leader, but the responsibility is not yours; you're not responsible for it.

your country you're not responsible for a huge group of people your only responsibility is that

Your country, you’re not responsible for a huge group of people; your only responsibility is that.

your team work well to win something and if they don't win nothing bad is going to happen

Your team works well to win something, and if they don't win, nothing bad is going to happen.

how about you what would you what would you like to be after all of those out of all of those

How about you? What would you like to be after all of those?

probably none of them um yeah i i don't want to be a leader i don't like telling people what to do

Probably none of them, um yeah I don't want to be a leader, I don't like telling people what to do.

um a captain of a ship if i knew how to sail i suppose so but i know i i would not want to

Um, a captain of a ship? If I knew how to sail, I suppose so, but I know I would not want to.

have a position in life where i was responsible for other people i like being responsible for

I have a position in life where I was responsible for other people I like being responsible for.

myself and then i don't have to worry if i have to be responsible for other people even if it's

myself and then I don't have to worry if I have to be responsible for other people even if it's

only we win a game we lose a game or if it's responsible for people on a ship i wouldn't be

We only win a game, we lose a game, or if it's responsible for people on a ship, I wouldn't be.

able to sleep because i just worry well this is the problem i have in my job where i'm responsible

I'm unable to sleep because I just worry. Well, this is the problem I have at my job where I'm responsible.

for a class of children and i find it difficult to sleep because i'm i worry about things you

For a class of children and I find it difficult to sleep because I'm worried about things.

know worry about them and things i've got to remember to do with them and um yeah so anything

I'm sorry, but the text you provided does not appear to be in Spanish. Could you please provide a Spanish sentence for translation?

i prefer jobs without lots of responsibility yeah an owner of something would be okay because

I prefer jobs without a lot of responsibility. Yeah, owning something would be okay because...

if i own something and it goes wrong well that's my problem yeah it's

If I own something and it goes wrong, well that's my problem, yeah it's.

not it's not going to well hopefully not going to affect too many other people especially not

No, it's not going too well. Hopefully, it's not going to affect too many other people, especially not.

their lives yeah listening task three answers so were there any jobs or roles we didn't like

their lives yeah listening task three answers so were there any jobs or roles we didn't like

well neither of us wants a job or a role with a lot of responsibility

Well, neither of us wants a job or a role with a lot of responsibility.

for example a leader or a politician

for example a leader or a politician

congratulations you've worked at improving your listening skills

Congratulations, you've worked at improving your listening skills.

on the topic of jobs and types of people

On the topic of jobs and types of people.

recuerda que en el ebook que acompaña este podcast encontrarás más ejercicios

Remember that in the ebook that accompanies this podcast, you will find more exercises.

que te ayudarán a desarrollar tu listening thank you for listening bye

that will help you develop your listening thank you for listening bye

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