A Whole New Show!!



A Whole New Show!!


Thank you so much for joining us.

We'll see you next time.

And hi there, and hello there, good afternoon to everybody, good evening, good morning, good night, whatever you want to call this.

Hello there, I am obviously your wonderfully fantabulous, fantastic, amazingly super and bright, and well behind in his show timings, your Queer Lad podcasting host, Queer Lad.

Obviously that's not a pun on words or anything, that is, because obviously your host is the queerest little fairy on the planet.

Um, welcome to whatever show number this is, I think we'll start the review, um, Queer Lad podcast, you know, the revised editions.

Um, my apologies people to all of you, because this has severely been a lack on my part of making sure this gets done.

Um, I owe you guys a lot more than what we've been giving out, which has basically been nothing.

So, um, expect this to now start being on a regular.

So, um, I'm not sure if we're talking weekly yet, definitely not talking daily, because I, apart from, um, obviously my working pattern being 12 hour shifts daily at times, um, probably I presume for, well, we fortnightly, so every two weeks for those people who don't remember the words fortnightly, but I will be doing a lot more than what we used to do.

So, obviously, one of these.

updates that we're going to need to give everybody is with regards to the fact

that little old queer lad is no longer he is no longer 22 no people as of the

24th the 4th of August and this little queer lad hit 23 and I hit it with a

vengeance believe me and my birthday night was spent not really with much

remember I've got to say I don't really remember what happened that night I

remember going out for dinner dinner I think was very nice but don't remember

much after that so I think I have the flatmate to thank for that one but I

think I'll probably argue with him at some point to find out what did we

actually do what happened I remember coming home with bruises on me so

wild sex session who knows my birthday gifts were the source of also some

quickies but I'm not gonna go through all of them so I'm not gonna go through

delight as you can undoubtedly hear and I'll see if I can take a picture of this

thing somewhere for you guys to see what it is it's digit love digit love people

how can you not love this thing and this was about for me for from the people at

work who I assume think I am sex-mad totally sex-mad apparently and so it's

got this main digit that goes round and round and round and round and round and

round and obviously the little thumb that sticks out is a little vibrating

my dog hates this I stuck it like we put it on the floor and will set the finger

going and the thumb vibrating and she'll snap it but as soon as she feels the

vibration she runs a mile and that's my dog his dog and started off by chewing

the finger or trying to but um it then turned up when he felt the vibration off the thumb it was

like oh run run run run uh so anyway aside from all of that uh what else is needing to be updated

well um obviously as you can tell this show from where it's being podcast from uh which i'm still

in the wonderfully fabulous what it's today anyway being the 5th of october a sunny little

glasgow-y town um it is quite sunny um obviously i've not been outside yet so kind of need to go

outside at some point i need to get some electric cards and stuff so if you see me out and about

don't slap me too hard because my body won't take it and you may leave a handprint or it may

swallow you up because again fat people


uh what else is there to put you guys on um well yeah we've got a little howdy that i need to send

out to uh our little mr boy um and i'm gonna call him mr boy until he responds to this because he

knows who he is he specifically asked and i'm gonna well he didn't specifically ask but he

mentioned my shows to me a couple of days ago um so we're gonna mention this to him to say

here you go um to g boy who

who knows what i'm talking about um this is for you obviously my accent as you can tell is still

a bit buggered up it's totally conked out who knows what you want to call it um but one thing

i will say is that at least i have the decency to say i'm going to invite you out for coffee

which i may do tomorrow being saturday yeah because you don't have any money and no you're

not making me toast not a chance not a chance

um the other one thing i want to publicly say um away from the bathtub away from him anyway

is about somebody else who um i will probably very nicely send a link to the show to them to say

have a listen to this no millions of people around the world know what happened um

over the last couple of days i have made assumptions about things that without knowing

all of the facts have assumed

are true you know like you would hear in a court case or something assumes facts not

an evidence well i assumed facts that weren't an evidence so um to the one person in question

now this one person took it upon themselves to speak to a very very dear friend of mine

who obviously was going to report back to me not like as in as it required to

but reported back to me with regards to what they said to them and it was kindly informed

to me about um i had behaved in a certain manner i had done certain things to this person

and it was like i'd genuinely been an alright ass to them um now hmm seeing as the situation

that they were referring to happened only the date the brief two days before i knew

what they were talking about

So I knew, obviously, I need to stick my oar in here, I need to make sure that this is kept up.

So, to that person, I'm going to say this.

Like me, don't like me, it's your choice.

However, I'm assuming that even after our attempted conversation from the other night about this, that there's stuff that I need to hear.

Stuff that needs to be resolved regarding this.

It is up to you to make that move. I am not doing it.

I'm not going to go into too much detail just now, because I want to see how this pans out first.

If it doesn't pan out well, I will draw mention to this again, people.

So, you know me, I'm quite the bitch, so I normally do let you guys know of what's going on.

One of the other things I'm going to remind people of is that

I am single.

Yes, I am.

Now, I may live with my flatmate, who is my ex, but that bears no, absolutely no resemblance to what my life is like, or to anything at all.

He and I are just close friends.

Now, nothing more. He has his own boyfriend.

He is his own boyfriend, and yet I have people who still think that I tend to sleep with him or whatever.

That does not happen.

So, you know, it's very nice for people to assume.

These things.

What else do I want to update you on?

Let me see.

Well, obviously, from the last podcast of this one, which was obviously a good couple of months ago now,

one of the main changes for us would be the fact that we're no longer recording onto a Windows computer.

We're recording on a Mac, people.

So, this should effectively start to become a lot easier as schedules and things start to get a lot more.

Set up and so bear with me, because this is new stuff to me and well, effectively, it's new on a new computer.

But once we get into a lot more of this, then we'll get to have a lot of fun.

So hopefully, like what I'm going to attempt to do after with this, this audio you're going to hear is obviously going to be set in either one of two ways.

You're either going to hear it with no music at the opening or you're going to hear music at the opening.

If you hear music at the opening, what I can ask some of you to do is to get back in touch with me and let me know.

On what you guys think of how that was laid out and how it sounded.

If it sounds awful, then let me know, because I need to make sure I tweak certain things here and there.

I need to make sure that I do certain things at certain times.

So, oh, well, c'est la vie, shall we say.

What else do we need to mention?

Oh, yeah.

Um, little Miss Lucy.

Little Miss Lucy, who, um, is actually going to be recording.

And my parents are going to be the one to become the face of the Queer Night podcast.

At one point, they're going to take a picture of her in all of her glory.

Not in the usual way she likes to lie.

This dog has gained the attribute of lying on her back.

Legs and everything are wide open.

Now she did not learn this from me, people.

Do not ask me.

I had nothing to do with this.

She made the choice to do this on their own.

In fact, I actually make the assumption that she learned, she still does this from when we had her heatered.

when we had her spayed because

years ago when I had

two dogs that were my own


when Lucy was spayed said the other dog that we had

that hadn't been neutered before

and had learned that obviously while she was healing

and everything if you lie on your back it's a lot more comfortable

and she still sort of

kept that up so

believe her but she's going to be the face

of the show she's going to be the one

that you're going to see if you download

the show or anything so

hopefully that's going to

count out not too badly

we'll get some work done on that

and it'll be something else that we

enjoy with frequent delight

with frequent delight

as you can tell

I'm still as hyperactive

and as amusingful as ever


I'm going to try and make sure

from continuing forward

with this that we don't have shows

that last

hours and hours and hours

like we did before

I think I had one that lasted over an hour and a half

at one point so

I want to make sure that shows last no more than roughly

about 20 to 30 minutes


after that anything further

will be either an additional show

or could possibly


something funky I don't know

but who knows

so what else

do we need to update on let me see

obviously I don't know if you guys can hear that

but there is a

lovely helicopter flying nearby so

not a lot else

that's really update is updatable

I don't think

one of the things that has

really actually annoyed me in the last couple of days

well the last couple of weeks even

is more to do with

it's more to really to do with money

sort of thing


and people saying you know

Oh I need money to do anything

any I can't do this because no money

well that's really annoying me because

me me me you know I'm not a very confident person at the

best of times

but when I speak to certain people or I

attempt to do things with people one of the first things I'll say is I've no

money so this it's we can do it till then

and most of the things I make a suggestion on doing or stuff that's not

going to cost anything and the reason for that is because i'm not a materialistic person yeah i know

i've got two computers television dvd player all that stuff but i'm not a materialistic person i

it means nothing to me i could do without it you know um it's all stuff to me that at the end of

the day you know you come into this world with nothing you're gonna back out with nothing so

it's like each to their own this is what it is gonna be like

um so my suggestion would just be why don't we all just make the effort and say right

you know it doesn't take much to you know throw some sandwiches together um you know then just

like a couple of things in a bag bottle of water and go for a walk together you know or go see

some sites you know people seem to forget that you can do things like that i mean even on your

own doorstep there are places you can go where are going to be fun they're going to be hilariously


a good laugh with your mates so um one of the things that really amused me though in the news

recently was a story about some firemen now normally this would be the great source of

entertainment for me um because we get to see pictures of funky firemen but in this instance

it's not and it's not because um these firemen apparently disturbed a local cruising dogging

site now for those of you who don't know what dogging is


, dogging effectively is the heterosexual term for cruising as what we homosexual people would

know it as um just jazzed up a little bit um they apparently went out of this woodland site

um with their truck and shone the lights from the truck into this wooded area and then went

in with torches and stuff to go and find people now this these people were gay and the amusing

thing about this story is that they were gay and they were gay and they were gay and they were gay

and they were gay and they were gay and they were gay and they were gay and they were gay

and they were gay and they were gay and the story was that

after they were caught they then got legal advice with regards to how they were caught


uh i

have to find it amusing

that this wasn't our police our our our forces were there that are there to protect

us we're there to stop public indecency of those attacks at times um i'm not saying you're not

beautiful don't do it i'm just saying you know don't get caught and but um but this was our fire

brigade people these were these were our firemen what the hell were they doing thinking they were

for finding that out. You know, this just does not clarify for me. I'm just so

confused. Obviously the X Factor, which is what we have over here in the US

obviously being a pop idol, has started again over here. I normally don't watch

this show but my flatmate really likes it so we're sort of in a predicament at

this point in time where our television living room is busted so he's using one in my room

and a lot of the time, like Saturday, we'll have that on if we're not

getting ready to go out or anything. And I tend to find that this year, because

obviously they've introduced the new categories of under-18s I think it is, to

go to like, or is it something like 12 to 18 or something, I really think they've

opened up a category that really shouldn't be there because I've listened

to a lot of TV shows and I think they've opened up a category that really shouldn't be there because I've like listened to

a lot of TV shows and I think they've opened up a category that really shouldn't be there because I've listened to

some of these kids who get, I mean, people seem to forget, in my opinion anyway,

people seem to forget that kids get their hopes up a lot more easily than

adults do. For those of us who are over the age of 18 or more than

the over the age of 21, we've known disappointment. We know that we can fail

at things. You know, we may not like it, we may not like the outcomes of us failing,

but we know we can fail. Whereas kids tend to think that they are

indestructible and then when they fail

it hits them so much more. And these people that I've seen on the show, they

are just, it's not good entertainment. Why somebody would think putting a 15

year old through getting judged like that and then having to tell them no and

then the outcome of it, then watch and then filming this and putting it on

national television for millions to see, it's just not right. I don't see

why you should put people through that. There's no need for it.

These people are human beings and at the end of the day

that's what they're gonna grow up to know. You know, it's the case of, oh I got

humiliated, I was treated like crap, you know, not everybody's opinion but I hope

that be mine. What else do we say let's see peepholes!

Yeah, so one of the things we're going to mention, obviously to do with the

podcast, is going to be the fact that obviously before I had gone back to good old podomatic

And we're going to change from them again.

Obviously, Podomatic's sitting there being the old reliable, old faithful, shall we say.

So, for those of you who are listening through the FeedBurner feed link.

I can't remember how to say any of this now.

Obviously, you guys won't notice any change.

But for those of you who directly use the Podomatic feed link, you guys are going to need to update.

So, this show is going to be posted twice to two different sites.

One using the FeedBurner and the other one using just the normal Podomatic.

So, it may show up in FeedBurner twice.

I don't think it will do.

But it means that if you change the feed subscription link, obviously, you're going to get the show twice.

So, my apologies.

You don't have to listen to me draw on twice.

But it's good for you to know that just to make sure you update stuff.

So, what...

I think that's what we'll keep the show to just now anyway.

Obviously, there's a lot of stuff I want you guys to give me feedback on to kick my ass.

Keep me in line and say, look, you've not told us about this.

What happened to this?

Or especially stuff that's changed or any changes that are made to the show.

Let me know what you guys think of them.

Obviously, email me at queeralivepodcast at gmail.com.

Obviously, please be nice.

You can send whatever you want to me.

My email for that, for the show.

It gets downloaded straight to my computer.

So, there's none of this.

Oh, I can only check it anytime I'm online.

I can check it anytime I come home.

So, please feel free to email me anything you want.

Obviously, within reason.

Anything underage, obviously, gets reported.

So, please be gentle here, people.

I am a swooden little soul.

What I'll do...

This is hitting 20 minutes of audio just now.

So, what I'll do...

I'll call this time.


For just now.

But I will return people.

I'm really sorry, obviously, as I said before,

that this has taken so long for me to get back in touch with this.

But hopefully, now that we have this better computer set up in here,

then we'll shoot back more frequently.

So, be good to everybody.

Be nice.

Obviously, get in touch either through my blogging site,


or email me at queeralivepodcast at gmail.com

For all of you now, have a good day, night, good evening,

whenever you decide to listen to this.

And enjoy, people.

Bye, y'all.

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