ITL March 8th, 2006

Kristin Barrick

Embarrassing Outbursts: (I am not Adam Curry)

ITL March 8th, 2006

Embarrassing Outbursts: (I am not Adam Curry)

This record has been skilfully crafted by British comedians

using ancient, well-worn classical hand-tooled jokes.

It has been specially designed to sit at the back of your record collection

amongst the old Frank Sinatra albums,

to be brought out and split up when you get divorced.

Any complaints about the humorous quality of this album

should be addressed to British Airways, Ingrams Drive, Redditch.

I saw her today at the reception

Glass of wine in her hand

I know she was drunk

I know she was going to meet her connection

At her feet was this tall, footloose man

You can't always get what you wanna

I say you can't always get what you wanna

You can't always get what you wanna

But if you try some time, you might find

You can get what you need

Let me tell you again, you can get what you need

All right now

I went down to the demonstration

To get my fashion of abuse

Singing to fit our frustration

If we don't, I'm gonna blow a fuse

You can't always get what you wanna

I say you can't always get what you wanna

You can't always get what you wanna

Let me tell you again, you can't always get what you wanna

If you try some time, you might find

You can have what you need

All you got to do is want it

You can have what you need

Let me tell you again, you can get what you need

Leave me alone

Hey, hey, hey

I went down to the demonstration

To get my fair share of abuse

Singing to fit our frustration

If we don't, we're gonna blow a fuse

You can't always get what you want

I went down to the demonstration

You can't always get what you want

You can't, you can't always get what you want

Oh, for some time

Maybe you'll find

You can get what you need

Come on now

I know you can get what you need

Come on now, let me see

You can't always get what you want

Well, every time it works for what you want

You can't always get what you want

Hey, hey, hey, hey

You can't always get what you want

Don't worry so much about what you want

Let me tell you again

You can't, you can't

I said you can't always get what you want

But I know you can get exactly what you need

You can't always get what you want

And then you said to yourself

You said, I don't care

I got to, I got to get what I need

I got to have what I need, y'all

But I got to have what I want

Don't worry so much about what you want

Hey, hey, hey, hey, yeah

I got to have what I need

But I got to have what I want

Hey, hey, hey, hey, yeah


Hey everybody

Thank you for listening

This is In The Loop


March 8th


6-7 Central Time

I'm glad

That you're listening in whatever way you are


I thank you

You are listening, by the way


Where experimental

Radio from

The School of the Art Institute

Of Chicago comes from



How's it going?

Good? Okay

I always do that and I have no idea why

It's just like

Conversational habit I think


What you had heard before

Just to get this out of the way

You heard Ben Fold's In Between Days

On a speed graphic

Ben Lee, Gamble Everything for Love

MC Chris, Care Bear

Stevie Wonder, You Haven't Done Nothin'

Monty Python, Announcement

Luther Allison

You Can't Always Get

What You Want

Very important lesson to learn

And this is some

It's Not Unusual


Muzak version in the background

I told you a few weeks ago that

I for some reason am obsessed


With elevator music

With really lame elevator music

I have no idea why

But it continues

As you can hear

Oh yeah

Alright, now see last week

I did not get to celebrate Fat Tuesday

Yeah, I could have celebrated it on Wednesday

When my show was

It was only the day after Fat Tuesday

But, you know

I was having a big discussion about Islam

And it's kind of hard to fit

Fat Tuesday

You know

Into a discussion about

Being Muslim in America

And Islam

And Muhammad

And violence and cartoons

And things like that

So, I therefore give you

Zoftig Wednesday

That's right

Zoftig Wednesday

You know, it's warming up outside

Here in Chicago

And it's raining today

And so I just decided that

This show is going to be a little vacation show

So, I have a flower in my hair

If you were listening live

You would be able to see that

A little flower in my hair

Got a little kind of tropical

Kind of tropical shirt on

I have a little

A nice tasty drink

Just lemonade

But it's in a


I'm showing it to the camera

Even though I'm the only one listening

It's in a Spongebob container

It's called Health Flow

But it's got Spongebob on it

It's yellow

It's basically a sippy cup

I'll show you

Or I'll do an audio

Or a radio play about it

It's open now


Yep, that's what it sounds like

It's definitely a sippy cup

So yeah

You know, because I've just been feeling a little

You know, not in the mood

To work

Kind of way

And so

I decided that the weather

And everything else

It just

I deserve

And we deserve


A vacation show

So we're gonna have

A little news

And then

Just settle back

Into some

Gonna have some chat

And some

Nice cool tunes

Get a drink

Put on some board shorts


Get laid



Pre-spring break

Zoftig Wednesday

Zoftig is another word for fat

I just

Just to tell you about that


I'm gonna turn this down

This by the way is

Summer Samba

By Walter Wonderly

Told ya


I don't know why

Elevator music

But that's the entire story


by winter wanderly walter wanderly hard to say all right now there's been a lot of news and

i'm just kind of getting frustrated trying to trying to understand everything so

what i have uh i've got two little bits and some sound clips which go along with them

uh i'm just i'm just pissed and

my anger is so easily channeled into frustration and uh

and then just ambivalence about it that uh we're just gonna ride that you know nice fine line in

all of those tonight uh hence the vacation show but and we're also going to give you an update

about uh they have arrested they have made some arrests in alabama

for the string of church murder or church fires

uh it was like 10 i believe or a few uh fires 10th fire i believe uh in the area of churches

and half were predominantly black and half were predominantly white

so uh that's there's there's some action which has been going down today about that which i

i'm not sure why i'm not sure why i'm not sure why i'm not sure why i'm not sure why i'm not sure

find ridiculous uh once you hear it you'll understand but so let me start off with the

international bit in the past few weeks iran's profile regarding nuclear development has

increased greatly resulting in more talk and debate about what the un and the us should do

in response just kind of flash back to before the iraqi war and that's what's going on now

so fun iran is determined to begin nuclear research and enrich uranium inside its borders

as well as pursuing options outside of their borders with a proposed agreement with russia

the country says that the program is solely for peaceful purposes

but the u.s.

and other countries remain skeptical the following is a clip from hardball with chris

matthews featuring my hero the democratic representative from pennsylvania

war hero my hero john murtha well you say that we rediverted or rediverted our troop

strength from afghanistan didn't catch bin ladd moved into iraq or fighting a civil war

a middle of a civil war now rather than fighting terrorism

you say that we rediverted our troop strength from afghanistan didn't catch bin ladd moved

into iraq or fighting a civil war now rather than fighting terrorism but you also mentioned a

second front i think you're talking about a third front really the possibility of us going into

iran here is vice president cheney talking about iran today the iranian regime needs to know

that if it stays on its present course the international community is prepared to impose

meaningful consequences well mr murtha i don't believe vice president cheney engages in bluffs

so what's he talking about just one little interruption there no

cheney doesn't bluff and nor does he fire warning shots and also cheney has gone on to basically

repeat what he said about iraq or what condoleezza rice said about iraq i believe is that all options

are on the table regarding them meaning yes the countdown to another war to yet another war to

drain the economy and morale and

i don't know my generation of people and of members uh yeah we can just kind of count down

to that it's going to begin very very shortly most likely at least in my completely biased opinion

but back to john murtha well i i'm it's unfortunate that we've heard so much rhetoric from the

administration we've heard this over and over and over again and it does nothing but make it more

difficult to solve the problem

this is an international problem in iran we have we have to use international communications

international diplomacy and when you make statements like that you make it very difficult

to solve it diplomatically for for instance right now we couldn't deploy to iraq iran

most people don't realize iran is three times in geographical uh bigger than in iraq and in a 58

million people versus 26 million it's it's not possible our our military stretched so thin there's

no way we could deploy to a second front

and then sustain that front so it's ridiculous to to make it talk like well we could take all

the options off the floor it could be a military option there's no way we can do that now our

intelligence was so bad in iraq that don't i don't believe we have better intelligence in iran and so

if they're talking about using bombing stripes in iran you're going to have world support for

that the public is against us going into iran therefore getting out of iraq for heaven's sake so

you know the rhetoric the biggest thing chris i biggest argument for the спires i don't know so i'll answer that you're just good to

to have this administration they've been overly optimistic about what's happening in iraq they

keep saying things are going well the president said mission accomplished since he said mission

accomplished we've lost 2 000 people in iraq we have 20 000 casualties in iraq and and they keep

saying we don't need this many people we're not going to redeploy the iranis had their election

let them take over we got to give them guidelines and a timeline to say okay folks this is your

government you got to fight for your your your democracy you want democracy you got to fight for

it well let me talk about iran because you know something about this military situation i expect

a lot if we were to do a surgical strike on iraq or iran rather and knocked out what we thought

were their nuclear facilities and sent them back a couple years what would be the danger to america

in that kind of approach well in the first place chris i don't think it's necessary to even think

about that in the near term they're not close to have a nuclear capability so so what we need to

do is stress diplomatic relations

we need to work with russia we need to work with these other countries one of the problems we have

is when we go off on our own we get no support from anybody else you remember in the 91 war

how president bush not only got support from the international community they paid for the war

they paid the 60 billion dollars and and we're paying though we're going to spend 450 billion

dollars in this war by the end of this year money that could be spent much better someplace else

and that doesn't even take care of the upgrading the military and the other thing that's happening

when the military gets

stretched too thin like it is the problem is that they can't they they we can't scare anybody

in other words when cheney makes a threat like that it's it falls on deaf ears because they know

darn well we couldn't accept it but the big thing is as much money as we spend on intelligence we

don't know where the targets are we don't we don't know exactly what we need to do so there's no use

even talking about a military strike again that was democratic representative from pennsylvania

john my hero

my hero martha on the chris matthew around a hardball with chris matthews i wish a hardball would

hit that man in the balls frankly we've been some chatter on uh huffington

post let me get to it uh what did matthew say recently

and of course this is probably completely out of context but yay it's fun to say anyways

chris matthews chris matthews where are you

i can't find it anyways i think you said something about uh that

the guy in

obviously this is very researched


bit uh that mccarthy that mccarthy was right

i only read the little front front page thing about that so i have no idea

exactly what it means but i just saw that on huffington post and went

is this like china that while i was growing up i you know it's kind of solid in the belief that

china was bad and then i grow up and then suddenly china's good

or that trickle-down economics was bad and that tax cuts to the rich don't help the poor

and now suddenly they do or they're supposed to i don't know it's turning every single one of my

childhood beliefs on its ear completely turning turning them around

and i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know

And screwing me up.

It's kind of like being disillusioned all over again.

And I'm 26.

So I've had plenty of disillusionment.

Plenty of disses.


So for there to be more, you know.

I'm to the point where I just expect it.

Like, yes.

You're going to let me down.


Oh, up is down?


Black is white?



I obviously don't know crap.


And that's an uncomfortable segue into the next piece.

And this, frankly to me, is it's the beginning of the end.

And if the women and the men, but especially the women of my generation and yours, don't do something.

This is the beginning.

This is the beginning of the end for the pro-choice movement.

It is so insanely close.

All right.

On Monday, the governor of South Dakota signed into law a bill that bans abortion statewide,

except in cases where the mother's life is in danger.

Also signed that day a bill to create a state fund collecting donations for a legal defense fund.

Anticipating the anti-abortions bills' future court fight.

Governor Mike Rounds, Republican governor, says that this bill acts as a test to see if the current Supreme Court will reconsider Roe v. Wade,

an act made increasingly likely considering President Bush's two recent appointments to the court.

Two lifelong appointments.



Barely anyone even raised an eyebrow about.

Certainly didn't hear any of my classmates or my other.

20 something brethren talk about in Chicago to me or anything.

There wasn't any big like, don't vote for this guy, do not vote yes on his appointment.

It's the beginning of the end.

This is a clip from the South Dakota governor, South Dakota, which is incredibly boring.


has mount rushmore but uh yeah flat saraval has a great piece about it about uh how that's where

teddy roosevelt went after his wife died and how it was a great place to contemplate one's

depression and it's just flats and you can look on and on and on into the distance and there's

nothing it's like wyoming all right this is the south south dakota governor mike rounds

this is an opportunity to find out whether or not the supreme court would totally reject itself

on roe versus wade the other part the other aspect that sometimes gets lost in the discussion

about the regulation or prohibition of abortion is the fact that we have to provide these individuals

that are faced with that challenge in their life we have to provide them with other alternatives

we have to provide them with assistance in dealing with this very sensitive issue in their life we

have to assure them that they're not going to have a negative impact on their lives we have to

there is economic assistance, that there is support for them

if they're challenged with keeping a child.

We have to provide them with economic assistance.

We have to provide them with that support network necessary.

All right, okay.

I'm going to go back to that because there is a part.


Not only, okay, yes.

There's the bill that went through the legislative branch

of South Dakota, and they have a very short session

because there's not much to do in South Dakota.

And I'm from Montana, so I can compare and contrast,

and it's fair.

But as he's talking about what the options are going to be

for then these women or families who, I think he says,

like take on the job or take on the obligation or something

about raising a child or having a child,

then talks about,

how therefore we need to provide them support economically

and just basic economic support.

And this is a Republican, a Republican in the party

that calls welfare, Medicaid, Social Security,

even entitlement programs to make it sound like it's a bunch

of rich.

Bitch, hoity-toity, trust fund kids who are entitled

to their daddy's money, which is completely ridiculous.

So it's contradicting his own party, and it's,

let's play that again.

This is an opportunity to find out whether or not

the Supreme Court would totally reduce itself

on Roe versus Wade.

Yeah, it's just a, it's just a trial.

It's just, oh, you know, we're just testing things out.

It's like a science experiment, really,

that will affect millions and millions of women

and also the sale of coat hangers.

The other part, the other aspect that sometimes gets lost

in the discussion about the regulation or prohibition

of abortion is the fact that we have to provide these individuals

that are faced with that challenge in their life.

We have to provide them with other alternatives.

We have to provide them with assistance in dealing

with this very sensitive issue in their life.

We have to assure them

that there is economic assistance.

It's a very sensitive issue in their life.

That sounds incredibly personal.

It's not a baby.

If you're going to be pro-life and show pictures of dead fetuses

with ice cream cones in their non-existent hands,

then be consistent.

That there is support for them if they're challenged

with keeping a child.

If they're challenged.

We have to provide them with economic assistance.

We have to provide them with that support.

That's support.

That's support necessary.

Yeah, because that's really going to happen when they're talking,

you know, when Bush is still kind of in his back pocket.

He's got the whole privatizing Social Security thing.

It's like, oh, I still want to do this,

but you guys don't want me to.

So, but it still should be done.

And welfare and Medicare and Medicaid and when everything,

when all of those entitlement programs, you know,

programs are just going so swimmingly, face, you know,

with all of the Republicans tax cuts and program cuts,

including basic student loans, which completely affects me

and probably most of you listening.

No, but we, you know, we're just going to ban abortion

and then we're going to provide them with opportunities.

Oh, we?

No, I meant you.

You're going to provide them.

We provide them with opportunities, the private sector,

because the private sector can do everything.

And so can churches, churches in the private sector,

capitalism and religion.

You never thought that they went together, but apparently they do.

This bill is one of many across the board, abortion bans,

working their way through legislatures across the country.

South Dakota's though, is the first.

It's probably the first.

Thing that they're first in.

Now, okay.

Pat Robertson speaks about this and I have a clip from the 700 club and okay.

I've kind of studied Pat Robertson.

I don't know if you'd call it studying, but whatever.

Uh, I've watched the 700 club more than I'd like to admit.

And you know, I kind of know what he's about.


So this next clip shocked me.

Uh, I'm just going to play it and then you can, uh, you can guess what I'm shocked about.

Haley Barber is going to sign one in Mississippi.

It'll be comparable to South Dakota.

And the whole idea is to get a couple of the circuits, uh, ruling on this matter.

Of course, if you could have a conflict in the circuits, it guarantees going to the Supreme court.

But, uh, it does seem that, uh, with the current makeup of the court, they still don't have as many judges.

It would be needed to overturn Roe.

They need one more.

And I dare say before the end of this year, uh, there will be another vacancy on the court.

And this case will be percolating up the, up the line to hit the court maybe in a year or so.

So that's, that's what these governors are doing.

They're, they're setting up a challenge, but it does seem a pretty extreme.

They don't have a rape and incest exception in there.

It's just strictly life of the mother.

So we'll see what happens.


Something exists in the world that Pat Robertson believes is too extreme.

And it's about Christianity too.

So just to make it clear.

First, he's going to have his God brigade pray for another Supreme court justice to die.

And second, something exists in the world, in the Christian world that is too extreme for Pat Robertson.

When I heard that last night, uh, I think it's via crooks and

I just went.

Did they switch his brand of crazy pills?

What is going on?

Oh my God.

Oh, and you can find.

You can find, uh, the God, the God brigade.

Excuse me.

Find the God.

The God brigade and, uh, their prayer mission to pray for the deaths or the illnesses or what have you of, uh, uh, of Supreme court justices on the seven on the website, the Christian broadcasting network.

Let's see.

700 club.

We'll find it for you.

Just because there's.

There's such, oh, there's such really weird stuff in this.

Operation Supreme court freedom.

Uh, you click on the 700 club and then it's in the side.

We'll link.

And it's operation Supreme court freedom.

This is what it says.

And it's kind of old.

Um, because, uh,

with the picture which they have, it's still

Sandra Day O'Connor and Chief Justice William Rehnquist

so it was before they started to drop like

flies. President Bush's selection of John G. Roberts Jr.

to replace Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

has unleashed a firestorm of debate as both sides

of the political spectrum prepare for a battle that could determine the course

of our nation for decades to come.

Add to this news the very real possibility of another

court vacancies or of additional court vacancies in the

near future and it's clear to see that we are on the verge of an

historic breakthrough on the Supreme Court!

Instead of an out of control


and threatening our democracy

we could soon see a conservative majority on the court that would

protect the moral fabric of our nation and the freedoms we cherish.

But there's a rough road ahead!

Character assassins on the left

are preparing a war room. They are determined to destroy reputations and delay hearings. They did it.

to destroy reputations and delay hearings. They did it.

To Clarence Thomas, and these forces are still at work today.

Okay, they did it to Clarence Thomas because he put a pubic hair on a Coke can.

You know, it's not like they made that up.

And it is easy to see why.

The Supreme Court is the last bastion of liberal power.

The last one, apparently.

It's over after that.

For over 40 years, a.k.a. since Roe vs. Wade,

black-robed tyrants have pushed a radical agenda in America with devastating results.

Consider the damage inflicted since 1962.

They banished prayer and the Bible from our public schools.

They raised a right of privacy banner, under which 53—4—sorry, I almost exaggerated.

God knows they never do that.

43 million babies have been aborted.

They overthrew sodomy laws, the ones in Texas, opening the door to same-sex marriage.

They called for the removal of the Ten Commandments from courthouses across the nation.

It is ridiculous.

And here's his call for prayer.

Tens of thousands of people responded to this massive prayer offensive.

And cried out to the Lord to change the court.

And God heard those prayers.

And the prayer points, because, you know, usually politicians hand out talking points.


Pat Robertson and the 700 Club, they hand out prayer points.

Pray that the person God desires would be appointed to the Supreme Court.


That the person God desires would be appointed to the Supreme Court.

Pray that—

Pray that the president would have courage and rely on God's wisdom in nominating new Supreme Court justices.

Not at all on facts.

But just on faith.

Which everyone knows is completely secure.

It's always right.

Just ask the people who went on Hale-Bopp.

Who put on the purple diamond robes or sheets over them and wore Nikes.

To get onto the Comet.

That was passing Earth?


Just ask them.

Faith is always correct.

Doesn't matter in what.

Just faith.

Pray that the justices of the Supreme Court would rule according to the Constitution as written.

And not man's opinion.


Like going back to saying that a black man is only worth three-fifths of a white man.

And that women can't vote.

Because that's in the Constitution, too.

Don't forget that.

Be consistent.

Pray that those who oppose biblical truth would retire from the Supreme Court and be replaced by those who honor God's law.

Pray that truth would reign supreme during the Senate confirmation hearings.


See, this one's like,

This one's just fairly direct.

Pray that Roe v. Wade be overturned.

Pray the biblical prayer.


But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.

Amos 524.

In the United States of America.

Justice rolling down like waters and righteousness.

Again, I never thought righteousness was a good thing.

But I guess that's self-righteousness.

And the difference?

I don't really know.

All right.

I'm going to play a little sing-along song.

So everybody at home can sing along.

And then we'll briefly cover the article about the Alabama fires.

And apparently those nine or ten fires were just a joke.

That got out of hand.

Oh, of course.

It makes complete sense.


Pearly shells.

From the ocean.

Shining in the sun.

Covering the shore.

When I see them.

My heart tells me that I love you.

More than all the little pearly shells.

For every grain of sand upon the beach.

I've got a kiss for you.

And I've got more left over.

For each star that twinkles in the blue.

My heart tells me that I love you.

More than everything else is you.

I like.

My heart tells me that it knows that it knows that it can.

My heart tells me that it knows that it knows.

That we'd love one thing.

A new pearly shell.

We're yours, my very best friends, and we'll

be good friends.

Oh, that's right.

No more than a kiss.

A little little beginning of the Thursday night.

And then we'll talk about what we need to think about.


pearly shell

from the ocean

shining in the sun

covering the shore

when I see them

my heart tells me that I love you

more than all the little pearly shells

Ah, pearly shells.

All right, and in the same theme of Hawaiian music,

Don Ho.

A cover...

A cover that never should have happened.

Cruel and fine

Something knocked me out the tree

Now I'm on my knees

Cover me

Darling, please

Hey, hey, hey, monkey

Monkey, hey, monkey

Don't you know you gotta

Shot the monkey

Hey, hey

After Fox

Read on a ri

You got APA

I know about that

There's one thing you must be sure of

I can't take anymore


Don't you monkey with the monkey

Hey, Hey, monkey

Monkey heyto monkey, monkey monkey, did you got the money?

I can't take anymore! I can't take anymore, darling, don't you monkey with the monkey hey, monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey!

Hey, monkey, don't you know you're gonna

Chop the monkey, hey, hey

Chop the monkey, hey, hey, yeah

Monkey, we'll take your hand

Monkey, something's burning

Monkey, don't like it but I guess I'm learning

Chop, chop, chop

Won't your monkey get hurt, monkey

Cover me when I sleep

Cover me when I breathe

Throw the pearl before the swine

Make the monkey blind

Cover me down in glee

Hey, monkey, monkey, hey, monkey

Don't you know you're gonna

Chop the monkey

Hey, hey

Chop the monkey, hey, hey, hey, yeah

Monkey, you are the besty

Monkey, run with the cliche

Monkey, cause the news is breaking


Shark the Monkey Delight

That was Don Ho with a cover of Shark the Monkey.

It's on the album When Pigs Fly.

Songs you never thought you'd hear.

I would add, and

that never should have happened

in the first place.

But I like it.

It goes along with my

one of the other crazy songs

that I have people covering.


What else do I have?

This is Experimental Radio.

Me going through my

purchased playlist.

I have Pat Boone singing

Stairway to Heaven.

I'll give you a little sample.

Oh wait, that's Don Ho again.

This is from In a Metal Mood,

No More Mr. Nice Guy.

Okay, get to singing.

Ah, there you go.


Oh god, okay, and then I have this.

By the Connells.

That's right.

This one's actually pretty good.

I'm trying to pan like spam

And done when I come and slam

Then I feel like the son of Sam

It's still weird.

It's still awfully, awfully weird.

I don't know.

It is 6.45.

Look at that.

Again, thank you for listening.

This is In the Loop,

broadcasting from

and podcasting at

Speaking of podcasts,

I have another podcast that

Oh yeah, with the whole like church bombing thing

or church fire things.

That was basically the punchline was that

it was like a joke that got out of hand.

They're college students

and it's a joke

and it got out of hand

and then they set five more fires

to try to detract


from the first four or something.

Yeah, that is a good idea.

That sure sounds like a joke

that went too far.

I can give plenty of examples of

other jokes that have gone too far

that don't include

burning down a church.


But yeah, so

Oh, the other podcast.

I'll get to that in a second.

See, for the past few weeks now,

I've been in, as I said in the beginning of the show,

a complete non-working mode.

First, I blamed it on cabin fever.

It was cold and so I was inside a lot

and maybe that was it.

Then, now in the past few days

and at least for the next week,

it's going to be warm.

So I'm thinking, okay,

it's going to be spring fever then.

So either way, I have fever.

I have a fever.

I have somehow

contracted a fever.

And that's the song I'm playing in the background.

Never know how much I love you

Never know how much I care

That's right.

Whether it be cabin

of the cabin variety

or of the spring variety,

I have a fever.

Give me a fever

When you give me a fever

And it's in this lazy

and relaxed, but relaxed

in a panicky way,

retarded attitude.

And I think it comes from

something that I've realized.

And that sounds kind of stupid,

but, you know,

what else am I going to do

on experimental radio?

I'm still waiting to know

what experimental radio is.

Learning hurts.

It sounds so whiny,

but it's true.

Learning stretches the mind.

It bends and tweaks

your very definition of reality

and more importantly,

the very definition of who you think you are.

It redefines you constantly.

You learn something new

or you learn that you can't do something

and it can completely

throw your identity

into a people.

I've spent so many times

just going like,

I don't know

what's going on anymore.

And so learning something new

scares me also

because I've been through that

a lot of times

and I'm such in desperate need

to find who I am.

Like I think a lot of people,

maybe not desperate,

but I think they're in some ways

trying to find out who they are

since that could be called

the meaning of life.

Having this definition

of who you are

being constantly changed,

that's painful.

And it's painful like exercise.

It's painful

and it stretches your brain

like you're doing yoga.

It's supposed to hurt.

It hurts to have

your opinions proved wrong

or your assumptions proved wrong.

It hurts to admit

that you're not completely capable

of something.

In something that you perhaps

had a lot of pride in in the past.

But like yoga

and like other exercises,

if it hurts,

it means it's working.

You're learning,

you're growing,

you're changing.

And see,

maybe all of this stretching

that my brain has been doing

by learning

in the past few weeks

has caused this fever.

Maybe I contracted it

from the stretching

and from the overexertion

and the overexertion.

Of my brain.

Which is so completely lazy.

And probably not true

at all.

But learning hurts

and my brain doesn't want it anymore.

It has said no.

You will play golf.

You will play electronic golf even.

That's even lazier.

You will be listening to

the Marc Maron show out of LA.

And that will be the only thing

which sparks any interest.

Didn't you?


And see,

something else which has

sparked interest in me

has, I mean,

has obviously been podcasting.

Since it is a kind of

radio that anyone can do

thanks to wonderful sites


But through the past

six or seven or eight months

that I've been putting

this radio show together,

and then trying to podcast it,

I also started a,

just a few weeks ago,

started a podcast

about the show 24.

I'm a big fan.

If you could see my computer,

it's got a picture of

Kiefer Sutherland in the background.

I'm a big fan of 24.

I like it.

It's aggressive and manly


constant adrenaline.

And fast-paced.

But I love it.

And if there's anything

that I know,

and that I'm sure that I know,

it is pop culture.

And I've tried so hard

to get away from pop culture

and to learn more about politics

and to learn more

about current events

and to be able to talk about them.

And this 24 podcast

has been successful.

Which is,

it's fantastic.

But it's also like a confirmation of,

yes, content does matter.

And you can't do

political content.

At least just yet.

You can't.

But you can talk about 24

and you can make over-emotional speeches

about how much you hate

that stupid curtain shirt

that they made Martha Logan wear

for the last three episodes.

I can go on about that.

But politics?


No, that's going to be difficult for me.

That's going to be challenging.

And as you heard before,

I'm not really up to a challenge right now.

And it's just kind of sad

because what does the,

what do people need more?

Talk about a television show

or discussion of current events,

politics, issues,


Knowledge, et cetera.

Oh, 24, definitely.

No, I mean,

it's just sort of

upsetting and disturbing

and discouraging for me

that I've had such a hard time

with this show

and with getting support.

Which is not to say that

I haven't gotten support.

It's only my little,

needy brain saying

you haven't gotten

the right kind of support.

Or I guess my judgmental,

needy brain saying

you haven't gotten

the right kind of support.

And it's not because

I haven't advertised.

Because I have.

But it's also because

radio is not appointment radio.

Appointment radio

has become podcasting.


with a station that broadcasts

26 or 28 hours

out of the entire week.

You're going to have your niche.

But besides that,


And like there wasn't a show on

before me tonight.

And there's not a show on

after me tonight.

So I don't even have like the whole,

you know,

friends effect.

And that they would put a really crappy show.

Not saying that my show is crappy.

But of course it could be

a hell of a lot better.

They put a crappy show,

a crappy new show after Friends

to see if it could become a success.

And occasionally it would.

And then when they moved it

to a different day,

all of the viewers would go away.

Because they'd realize,


I have to choose to listen

or to watch this

on a different night.

Yeah, I don't like it that much.




in short,

I don't really like

the way that

this radio station,


is structured.

Because it doesn't,

it doesn't do what a radio

station should be doing.

Even if it's not trying to be,

you know,

a regular radio station.

If experimental is,

you know,


variable start times,

the ability to say fuck

and shit

and ass

and to not have to pay

as many royalties

to record labels

and to,

you know,

come up with a different gimmick

of playing music,

then yeah.

Then that's experimental.


and I was talking to my friend

Zach about this

up in Madison,

where I'm,

going this weekend

for a Ben Folds concert.



I had posted something

on my blog about this,


my frustration

and how,


no one's showing me

how to do this.

And it's not about,

it's not about having

a catchy,

a catchy phrase.

It's not about a catchphrase


that was the advice

that I got

from someone

when I asked for advice

was to get a catchphrase.

I don't think a catchphrase

is going to exactly


bring in the listeners.

And advertising itself,

just period,

does not guarantee

you to

bring in listeners.

So I was talking to Zach

and I was

complaining a little bit,

completely out of frustration

about how

a lot of the shows

on Free Radio SAIC

are about,

you know,

are just different variations

of music.

It's, you know,

a different gimmick.


and some of the gimmicks

are really good.

And I'm not saying

my show is good

or great.

It, you know,


Definitely falls

in the mediocre pile.


what is,

what's experimental


having a gimmick

for an hour of music?

That's a format

that only NPR stations

still do.

Pretty much.

I mean, like,

here's an hour of blues.

Here's an hour of jazz.

It's just coming up

with a different gimmick.

And you gotta have a gimmick.

As I know that song

from Gypsy,

as the strippers go around.

You gotta have a gimmick.

But is that experimental?

And yes,

there are other


and talk shows,

and then some other

shows featuring

live performances,

which I think

is fantastic.


what is it?

I don't get

what experimental,

what experimental radio

is supposed to be.

And Zach compared it to

putting out cover songs


no one putting out

any original songs.

He said that I was,

but I


Because I

ride the fine line.

Between humility

and low self-esteem.

I ride it.

Trust me.

I don't know,

but it's very frustrating.

And it's 6.59.

I've got to get out of here

because I'm going to try to

stick to my timelines.

It just clicked over to seven.


So I'm going to leave you

with a fantastic song

by Elvis Costello off of

the fantastic live


My Flame Burns Blue

live with the



It is a foreign

foreign orchestra.

It's a fantastic album.

Go and get it downloaded

off of iTunes.

Even the cover art is


Again, you've been listening

most likely through podcasting


And I thank you so much for it.

I am Kristen Barak.

This has been in the loop.

And I will see you hopefully,

or you'll see me next week

from six till seven central time

on this internet radio station.

And maybe we'll continue our little

vacation because you know,

I like wearing flowers and flowers

in my hair and having a sippy cup

in the studio.

It's completely closed off.

Like I can't, it's, it's definitely

a sippy cup for

retarded people like me.

All right.

Wrapping this up.

Elvis Costello.

Elvis, I love you.


Elvis, I love you too.






Jesus Jesus.


She looks so good that he gets down in her boot bags

She is watching the detectives

Oh, he's so cute

She is watching the detectives

Oh, when they shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot

They beat him up until he's dead or starved

But he can't be wounded when he's got no heart

When he's got no heart


Launch out of that jump

And start a new life

She is so cute

She is watching the detectives

Oh, when they shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot

They beat him up until he's dead or starved

But he can't be wounded when he's got no heart

When he's got no heart

She is watching the detectives

Thank you.

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