Episodi 1. Com ha de ser una universitat feminista i interseccional? Part 01
Episodi 1. Com ha de ser una universitat feminista i interseccional? Part 01
Unitat d'Igualtat de la UOC
UOC Equality Unit
es troba a la universitat actualment.
He is currently at the university.
El racisme, el capacitisme, la transfòbia o l'homofòbia entre d'altres
Racism, ableism, transphobia, or homophobia among others.
i com aquestes discriminacions es poden vehicular
and how these discriminations can be conveyed
a través de polítiques de diversitat, igualtat i inclusió.
through policies of diversity, equality, and inclusion.
Abordarem el compromís feminista i la interseccionalitat en concret
We will address feminist commitment and intersectionality in particular.
i analitzarem si una universitat amb mirada interseccional
and we will analyze whether a university with an intersectional perspective
pot ser una eina de transformació social
it can be a tool for social transformation
que vagi més enllà dels seus murs, ja siguin físics o virtuals.
that goes beyond its walls, whether physical or virtual.
El podcast està moderat per Anna Cloua Influenciada,
The podcast is hosted by Anna Cloua Influenciada.
professora dels Estudis de la Ciència i la Informació de la UOC,
professor of Science and Information Studies at the UOC,
investigadora principal del grup de recerca SUTRAC
principal investigator of the SUTRAC research group
sobre comunicació i transformació social.
about communication and social transformation.
Les seves línies de treball inclouen el dret a la informació i a la comunicació,
Their lines of work include the right to information and communication,
les desigualtats en l'accés a l'esfera pública,
the inequalities in access to the public sphere,
els discursos d'odi en els mitjans
hate speech in the media
i les narratives no hegemòniques dins del feminisme.
and the non-hegemonic narratives within feminism.
Les persones convidades en aquest primer podcast
The guests in this first podcast
són les persones que ens han convocat a la universitat
they are the people who have summoned us to the university
són l'Anna Isaià Cassian.
They are Anna Isaià Cassian.
Hola, què tal, Anna Isaià?
Hello, how are you, Anna Isaià?
Hola, bonos dies, què tal?
Hello, good morning, how are you?
Tu ets doctora en Psicologia Social,
You are a doctor in Social Psychology,
docent investigadora del grup de recerca Cairnet,
research teacher of the Cairnet research group,
de l'IN3, de la UOC.
from IN3, from UOC.
Investigues entorn de les geografies de colonials,
You investigate the geographies of the colonials,
el feminisme marxista sobre la ciutat neoliberal,
Marxist feminism on the neoliberal city,
relacions cos-espai i precarització del treball i acció política.
body-space relations and precarization of work and political action.
Tenim també l'Esther Mayoko.
We also have Esther Mayoko.
Bon dia, Esther.
Good morning, Esther.
Hola, bon dia.
Hello, good morning.
Benvinguda al podcast.
Welcome to the podcast.
Ets doctora en Filosofia de la Ciència
You are a doctor in the Philosophy of Science.
per la Universitat de Santiago de Compostela,
for the University of Santiago de Compostela,
docent i activista feminista.
teacher and feminist activist.
Has investigat sobre les interseccions de gènere,
Have you researched the intersections of gender,
sexualitat i raça
sexuality and race
i has analitzat l'impacte de les polítiques públiques trans
I have analyzed the impact of trans public policies.
i les persones racialitzades.
and racialized people.
Diego Falcóni, bon dia.
Diego Falcóni, good morning.
Bon dia, gràcies per la invitació.
Good morning, thank you for the invitation.
Ets doctor en Teoria de la Literatura i Literatura Comparada,
You are a doctor in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature.
advocat especialitzat en drets humans i docent,
specialized lawyer in human rights and teacher,
i les teves línies d'investigació giren a l'entorn del comparativisme
And your lines of research revolve around comparativism.
i l'anàlisi literari, el dret i la normativitat,
and literary analysis, law, and normativity,
els estudis gais, lèsbics i queer i les teories postdecolonials.
gay, lesbian, and queer studies and postcolonial theories.
Abans de començar, m'agradaria proposar a les persones convidades
Before we begin, I would like to propose to the invited guests.
que m'expliquin en un minut cadascuna de vosaltres, sisplau,
Please explain to me in one minute each of you.
quin ha estat el vostre recorregut vital
What has your life journey been like?
i que identifiqueu els moments en què vau connectar
and identify the moments when you connected
els vostres interessos personals en la vostra activitat,
your personal interests in your activity,
en la vostra activitat,
in your activity,
fora de la universitat, amb els interessos com a acadèmiques
outside of the university, with academic interests
o en un projecte acadèmic concret.
or in a specific academic project.
Bé, bon dia.
Well, good morning.
A mi m'agrada sempre dir
I always like to say
que quan em fan aquestes petites peticions
that when they make me these small requests
de posar tres o cinc línies de bio
to put three or five lines of bio
i sempre, en aquestes petites línies de bio,
And always, in these little bio lines,
sempre poso...
I always put...
activista, investigadora, docent o docenta universitària
activist, researcher, university teacher
i ho poso, i sempre ho dic, a més, per aquest ordre.
I put it on, and I always say it, furthermore, in this order.
És a dir, que l'activisme és el que finalment
That is to say, that activism is what ultimately
m'ha portat a construir tota la meva trajectòria acadèmica,
it has led me to build my entire academic career,
que també ho posaré una mica entre comilles,
that I will also put a little in quotes,
però és així.
but it is like this.
I l'activisme és això que m'atravessa a la vida.
And activism is what runs through me in life.
Així que...
d'aquí portar això a l'àmbit
from here bringing this to the field
on faig la meva pràctica diària.
where I do my daily practice.
No puc entendre
I cannot understand.
la meva pràctica acadèmica,
my academic practice,
la meva pràctica docenta,
my teaching practice,
sense l'activisme.
without activism.
Ara, mentre fes la pregunta
Now, while I ask the question.
de com fer aquest punt d'inici,
of how to make this starting point,
d'on ens sorgeix aquesta passió
where this passion arises from
per voler pensar o fer-nos preguntes,
to want to think or ask ourselves questions,
sempre em ve a la cabeça
it always comes to my mind
la història dels meus avis,
the story of my grandparents,
la història de la meva família,
the history of my family,
que per part paterna són del camp
that on the father's side are from the countryside
i van viure la generació dels anys 70
and they lived through the generation of the 70s
del desmantelament neoliberal del camp
of the neoliberal dismantling of the countryside
i el meu avi va cultivar la terra
And my grandfather cultivated the land.
com a campesí durant tota la seva vida
as a peasant throughout his whole life
i el meu pare és la primera generació
And my father is the first generation.
on als anys 70, en aquesta mirada també imperialista,
in the 70s, in this imperialist gaze as well,
s'empeça a generar la idea
the idea begins to take shape
que la gent ha d'anar a l'universitat
that people have to go to university
per treballar la terra.
to cultivate the land.
Aleshores, comencen a emigrar progressivament
Then, they begin to emigrate progressively.
a les ciutats més grans
to the largest cities
fins a arribar a la ciutat
until reaching the city
i aquí és on el meu pare,
and here is where my father,
estudia agronomia
studies agronomy
i això és important
and this is important
perquè a mi sempre em fa pensar
because it always makes me think
per què jo acabo estudiant a la universitat
Why do I end up studying at the university?
quan el que més m'ha marcat
when what has marked me the most
el sentit de per què estudiem
the meaning of why we study
i per què ens fem certes preguntes
And why do we ask ourselves certain questions?
té a veure amb coneixements útils
it has to do with useful knowledge
per a la vida, per a una vida digna
for life, for a dignified life
i llavors sempre penso
and then I always think
en com hi ha una certa mescla d'engany
as there is a certain mixture of deceit
o sigui, penso molt en el meu avi,
that is to say, I think a lot about my grandfather,
penso en el meu pare, penso en mi,
I think of my father, I think of myself,
en com ens van vendre des d'aquest marc
how they sold us from this framework
colonial de progrés,
progressive colonial
la idea que
the idea that
per saber sabers útils
to know useful knowledge
per a la vida havia d'anar a la universitat
for life I had to go to university
i en aquesta idea de progrés
and in this idea of progress
hi ha una pèrdua, hi ha una pèrdua
there is a loss, there is a loss
d'altres sabers profunds
of other profound knowledges
en relació amb la vida
in relation to life
i llavors per a mi crec que la meva relació
And then for me I believe that my relationship
amb la universitat i l'acadèmia
with the university and the academy
sempre ha estat una reivindicació
it has always been a demand
que hem vingut a la universitat
that we have come to the university
a disputar que el saber
to dispute that knowledge
de la vida es construeix en altres llocs
life is built in other places
que són sempre per fora de l'acadèmic universitari
that are always outside of the university academic environment
que es produeixen a la calle
that occur in the street
que es produeixen en les nostres comunitats
that occur in our communities
en els activismes
in the activism
i que quan entrem a la universitat
and that when we enter university
és per disputar-li
it is to contest him/her
que no vam permetre
that we did not allow
la higienomonia de el seu saber
the hygienomy of your knowledge
doncs aquesta seria per a mi
Well, this one would be for me.
la manera en què em visc a la universitat
the way I experience myself at university
ocupant-la i intentant hackear-la
occupying it and trying to hack it
Bé, jo soc Diego Falconi
Well, I am Diego Falconi.
he de dir que per a mi
I have to say that for me
hi ha dos moments clau
there are two key moments
respecte al que vaig a anomenar
regarding what I am going to mention
política i polítiques del desig
politics and policies of desire
per un costat
on one side
per un altre l'activisme
for another activism
i per un altre l'acadèmia
and for another the academy
que es junten en un moment
that they come together at a moment
important en la meva pròpia narrativa vital
important in my own life narrative
com us deia el primer
as I told you at first
és a l'Equador, en el meu país d'origen
It is in Ecuador, in my country of origin.
quan entro a estudiar dret
when I start studying law
a més interessat en els drets humans
more interested in human rights
i sent maricó
I sent Maricó.
en aquesta època almenys
at least in this era
i a l'Equador que havia despenalitzat
and in Ecuador that had decriminalized
l'homosexualitat que tenia una pena
the homosexuality that had a penalty
de 12 anys, de 8 anys
of 12 years, of 8 years
perdó, de reclusió major
sorry, of major confinement
és a dir, era una de les coses que em van fer
that is to say, it was one of the things that made me
de les penes més greus
of the most serious penalties
entrar a pensar acadèmicament
to enter into academic thinking
va ser una pesadilla
it was a nightmare
perquè no hi havia discurs
because there was no speech
és a dir, els drets humans
that is to say, human rights
no tenien la capacitat de pensar
they did not have the capacity to think
les necessitats d'un maricó
the needs of a queer person
i sent home
I sent home.
imagina't les de persones
imagine the number of people
les de dones
the women's ones
doncs va ser aquest moment
so it was this moment
per a mi com un remessó
for me like a remittance
en el que vaig entendre
in what I understood
que aquest discurs
that this speech
em demanava
he was asking me
i que es complementava
and that complemented each other
amb el de la calle
with the one from the street
amb el de el meu propi cos
with that of my own body
i els seus desitjos
and their wishes
que no tenien cabida en la llei
that had no place in the law
i després el segon moment
and then the second moment
és aquí a Catalunya
it's here in Catalonia
el moment en què
the moment when
vinc a fer un doctorat
I'm coming to do a doctorate.
i em trobo
and I find myself
amb una incommensurable
with an immeasurable
que mai havia estat
that had never been
anunciada, assumida
announced, assumed
en les aules acadèmiques
in the academic classrooms
de la meva doctorat
of my doctorate
i que era
and what was it
absolutament violenta
absolutely violent
amb les corporalitats
with the physical bodies
en el meu cas, equatorianes
in my case, Ecuadorians
una migració molt gran
a very large migration
a principis d'aquest segle
at the beginning of this century
i que no es corresponia
and that did not correspond
de cap manera
in no way
el que estava passant
what was happening
a la calle
to the street
aquests discursos polítics
these political speeches
no hi havia cap resposta acadèmica
there was no academic response
llavors em sembla que
then it seems to me that
igual que el que comentava Nisa
just like what Nisa was saying
per a mi hi ha
for me there is
uns sense sentit allà
a meaningless one there
a l'acadèmia
to the academy
hi ha un desig d'intervenció
there is a desire for intervention
i de dir
and to say
davant d'aquests silencis
in the face of these silences
davant d'aquestes omissions
in light of these omissions
és important una intervenció
an intervention is important
una intervenció crítica
a critical intervention
política i també corporal
political and also bodily
del desig que pot ser incòmode
of desire that can be uncomfortable
moltes vegades
many times
llavors potser per allà
then maybe over there
ensenyaria una resposta
would show an answer
bé, a part d'una universitat
well, apart from a university
en què es pot parlar
what can be talked about
i en què es pot escoltar
and in what it can be listened to
per a vosaltres
for you
què és l'Universitat Feminista Interseccional?
What is the Intersecting Feminist University?
Bé, jo en primer lloc
Well, I first
volia dir que
I wanted to say that
el feminisme interseccional
intersectional feminism
des del meu punt de vista
from my point of view
és un primer pas
It's a first step.
jo no crec que sigui
I don't think it is.
the objective
jo crec que és un pas
I believe it's a step.
per seguir endavant
to move forward
pensant en els feminismes
thinking about feminisms
i en la feminitat
and in femininity
en les formes crítiques d'intervenció
in the critical forms of intervention
en aquest sentit
in this regard
vull dir
I mean
el feminisme ha estat molt important
feminism has been very important
dins de la construcció
within the construction
acadèmica i política
academic and political
sense dubte de les universitats
without a doubt of the universities
en molts països del món
in many countries of the world
i no obstant això
and nevertheless
el que jo crec
what I believe
és que un feminisme interseccional
is an intersectional feminism
would imply
una sèrie d'altres diàlegs
a series of other dialogues
que en molts casos
that in many cases
no es donen
they are not given
vull posar un exemple
I want to give an example.
que potser sigui decisor per a això
that may be decisive for this
si és que ens trobem
if we meet
en una taula redonda
at a round table
o en qualsevol event
or in any event
dins d'una universitat
within a university
i veguéssim que aquesta universitat
and we see that this university
perdó, aquesta taula redonda
sorry, this round table
o aquest event
or this event
estigués composta només per homes
was composed only of men
és una cosa que avui dia
it's a thing that nowadays
seria inacceptable
it would be unacceptable
és una cosa que ens escandalitzaria
it's something that would scandalize us
estaríem dient
we would be saying
com pots fer això?
How can you do that?
que tinguem un grup de senyors
that we have a group of gentlemen
explicant-nos la realitat
explaining to us the reality
el que a mi em passa
what happens to me
és que la gran majoria de taules
is that the vast majority of tables
a les quals jo vaig
to which I go
la gran majoria d'espais
the vast majority of spaces
en els quals jo estic
in which I am
presenciant corporalitats
witnessing corporealities
que estan parlant sobre temes acadèmics
that are talking about academic topics
són totes blanques
they are all white
i ningú s'escandalitza
and no one is shocked
és a dir, encara no tenim
that is to say, we still do not have
una noció de pensar
a notion of thinking
com altres corporalitats
with other corporealities
altres sabers
other knowledge
altres metodologies
other methodologies
han d'habitar l'universitat
they must inhabit the university
a mi em sembla
it seems to me
que el moment en el que
that the moment when
això ens comença a escandalitzar
this is starting to scandalize us
anem a tenir una universitat
we are going to have a university
que podria ser
what could it be
volia finalment dir
I finally wanted to say
que jo crec que
that I believe that
of intersectionality
com deia
what did you say
és un pas
it's a step
no és el fi
it is not the end
si bé és una eina
although it is a tool
que en el meu cas jo defenc
that in my case I defend
que aplico en les meves classes
that I apply in my classes
cal dir que des del sud global
it must be said that from the global south
per exemple
for example
autores com Chicuriel han dit
authors like Chicuriel have said
compte amb pensar
be careful with thinking
que d'interseccionalitat és el fi
that intersectionality is the end
perquè de fet
because in fact
interseccionalitat és un esquema
intersectionality is a framework
i és un esquema que no necessàriament
and it is a scheme that is not necessarily
està allà per
is there for
qüestionar les opressions
questioning the oppressions
moltes vegades
many times
està allà simplement per definir-les
it is there simply to define them
de fet l'anàlisi interseccional
in fact the intersectional analysis
que jo escullo moltes vegades
that I choose many times
en els ajuntaments
in the municipalities
i en les universitats
and in the universities
és definir a una persona
it is to define a person
bé a tu t'intersecten la raça
well to you the race intersects
la classe, la sexualitat
class, sexuality
la malaltia, el que fos
the disease, whatever it was
i allà es queda
and there it stays
llavors allà no hi ha transformació
then there is no transformation there
llavors em sembla en definitiva que
then it seems to me ultimately that
l'interseccionalitat és un mecanisme
intersectionality is a mechanism
ho hem d'aplicar
we have to apply it
ho hem d'aplicar a Europa amb urgència
We must apply it to Europe urgently.
ho hem d'aplicar a Espanya
we have to apply it in Spain
i a Catalunya amb urgència
and in Catalonia with urgency
però no és de cap manera
but it is in no way
el fi al qual hem d'arribar
the end we must reach
Sí, jo
Yes, me.
em plantejo moltes dubtes
I have many doubts.
això de pensar una universitat
this of thinking about a university
feminista interseccional
intersectional feminist
de fet no sé molt bé
In fact, I don't know very well.
què pot significar això
What can this mean?
per començar perquè
to start with why
veig que s'utilitza
I see that it is used.
feminista interseccional
intersectional feminist
com si interseccional fos un adjetiu
as if intersectional were an adjective
una cosa que
one thing that
que li suma a aquest
that adds to this
a aquest feminista
to this feminist
i no com precisament per exemple
and not how exactly for example
com plantejaves tu, Diego
how you were thinking, Diego
que tal com jo ho veig
how I see it
la interseccionalitat
és una eina
it is a tool
i no una altra cosa
and not another thing
i també en aquest sentit
and also in this regard
em planteja
it raises for me
també dubtes
also doubts
de com
of how
como podemos pensar
how can we think
en una universidad
at a university
feminista interseccional
intersectional feminist
o algo por el estilo
or something like that
una de las cuestiones
one of the issues
que la interseccionalidad
that intersectionality
ha planteado históricamente
has historically raised
no desde los años 70
not since the 70s
sino yo me voy mucho más atrás
otherwise, I go much further back
yo hago una genealogía
I make a genealogy.
feminista negra de la interseccionalidad
black feminist of intersectionality
que por ejemplo
that for example
la podemos pensar en la interseccionalidad
We can think about it in terms of intersectionality.
en el famoso discurso
in the famous speech
de Sojourner Truth
of Sojourner Truth
¿Acaso no soy yo una mujer?
Am I not a woman?
Una mujer negra
A black woman
que interpela
that interpellates
desde ahí
from there
y en ese sentido
and in that sense
la cuestión
the question
el analizador raza
the race analyzer
si queréis
if you want
siempre ha estado
has always been
en esa genealogía
in that genealogy
que yo
than I
I imagine.
de la interseccionalidad
of intersectionality
el analizador raza
the race analyzer
siempre ha estado
he has always been
ahora bien
now well
cuando aquí hablamos
when we talk here
de una universidad feminista interseccional
of an intersectional feminist university
es algo que siempre falta
It's something that is always missing.
siempre falta
always missing
directamente también
directly also
porque hablar de raza
why talk about race
en este territorio
in this territory
es algo
it's something
y es algo que no se puede practicar
and it's something that cannot be practiced
en estos territorios
in these territories
en Cataluña
in Catalonia
o en el reino de España
or in the kingdom of Spain
y en Europa
and in Europe
porque también además
because also additionally
es una negación
it is a denial
consciente muy europea
very European conscious
además a partir de un cierto momento
furthermore from a certain moment onwards
yo creo que no podemos
I believe that we cannot.
hablar de una
speak about one
universidad feminista interseccional
intersectional feminist university
teniendo en cuenta
taking into account
cuál es el punto de partida
what is the starting point
que también un poco
that also a little
con lo que hablábamos
with what we were talking about
que planteaba
that raised
precisamente con lo que planteaba
precisely with what was being proposed
y las experiencias vitales
and life experiences
y qué es lo que vemos
and what is it that we see
es realmente
it really is
sí, difícil
yes, difficult
Sí, a mí algo que me parece
Yes, something that seems to me
como muy importante
as very important
de lo que hacían referencia
to what they were referring
Mayoko y Diego
Mayoko and Diego
tiene que ver con
has to do with
la cuestión de las genealogías
the question of genealogies
o sea, para mí es como difícil
I mean, it's like difficult for me.
pensar la idea de feminista interseccional
thinking about the idea of intersectional feminism
o sea, es como si se hubiera generado
that is, it's as if it had been generated
una suerte de marca registrada
a kind of trademark
y además es importante pensar
and it is also important to think
y preguntar quién ha registrado esa marca
and ask who registered that trademark
en este contexto
in this context
esta idea de feminismo interseccional
this idea of intersectional feminism
marca registrada
registered trademark
quiénes han sido justamente personas
who have been just people
dentro del ámbito académico
within the academic field
que han intentado hacer un registro
that they have tried to make a record
una marca registrada
a registered trademark
de determinados conceptos
of certain concepts
despolitizando y desactivando
depoliticizing and deactivating
y neutralizando
and neutralizing
todo el potencial político
all the political potential
que tuvieron en un inicio
that they had at the beginning
utilizar la cuestión de la interseccionalidad
use the issue of intersectionality
como un concepto
like a concept
es sumamente problemático
it is extremely problematic
y me parece como muy clave
and it seems very key to me
esto que decía Mayoko
this that Mayoko was saying
cómo esto se ha convertido en un adjetivo
how this has become an adjective
y borrando
and erasing
toda la cuestión de una práctica
the whole issue of a practice
una herramienta
a tool
y sobre todo una experiencia encarnada
and above all an embodied experience
y a mí, por ejemplo
and to me, for example
me parecía como muy importante
it seemed very important to me
la necesidad de volver
the need to return
o sea, qué pasa
I mean, what’s happening?
cuando recurrentemente se habla
when it is frequently talked about
de que la noción de interseccionalidad
that the notion of intersectionality
surge por
it arises from
creencia o que la plantea en un momento
belief or that it is raised at a moment
hay un borrado absoluto
there is an absolute deletion
de que la producción de saberes
that the production of knowledge
y de conocimientos
and of knowledge
es siempre colectiva
is always collective
forma parte de procesos comunitarios
is part of community processes
y colectivos de largo alcance
and long-range collectives
y qué efectos genera la academia
And what effects does the academy generate?
o generan algunas académicas
or generate some academics
a la hora también
at the time too
de extraer y borrar
to extract and delete
todos esos cambios
all those changes
en disputa
in dispute
de los que fueron surgiendo
of those who emerged
determinados términos
certain terms
yo tenía como
I had like
cuando venía justo ahora en el metro
when I was just coming on the subway
pensando un poco
thinking a little
la conversación de hoy
today's conversation
me venía a la cabeza
it came to my mind
un libro del que nosotres
a book that we
mismas que estamos aquí en la mesa
same as we are here at the table
hemos hablado un montón
we have talked a lot
que es el libro de
what is the book of
Esta puente en mi espalda
This bridge is in my back.
y que siempre que podemos
and whenever we can
nos convoca
calls us together
es un libro que se edita
it is a book that is published
en un primer momento
at first
por Kitchen Table Press
by Kitchen Table Press
Kitchen Table Press
Kitchen Table Press
es una editorial
it is a publisher
que surge
that emerges
en los años 80
in the 80s
justamente en una interpelación
just in an interpellation
a decir
to say
¿qué está pasando
What is happening?
con la producción
with the production
de nuestros conocimientos
of our knowledge
que no podemos tener acceso
that we cannot have access
a editar
to edit
en unos determinados espacios
in certain spaces
vamos a montar
let's get on
nuestra propia editorial
our own publishing house
y a partir de allí
and from there
diferentes autoras
different authors
muchas de ellas lesbianas
many of them are lesbians
they begin
a ponerse
to put on
manos a la obra
let's get to work
a escribir
to write
desde narrativas
from narratives
a escribir
to write
a hacer críticas
to make criticisms
al clasismo
to classism
por un lado a decir
on the one hand to say
¿por qué no nosotras
Why not us?
no podemos editar?
Can't we edit?
no podemos editar
we cannot edit
y no podemos tener
and we cannot have
nuestras propias editoriales
our own publishers
porque no tenemos herencias
because we have no inheritances
no tenemos acceso
we do not have access
a determinados privilegios
certain privileges
de clase
from class
que nos permitan
that allow us
una habitación propia
a room of one's own
para poder sentarnos
to be able to sit down
cómodamente a escribir
comfortably to write
escribimos como podemos
we write as we can
y cuando podemos
and when can we
es decir
that is to say
hay toda una geopolítica
there is a whole geopolitics
también de la producción
also from the production
de conocimiento
of knowledge
entonces disputar
then dispute
el clasismo
respecto a la producción
regarding the production
del conocimiento
of knowledge
disputar el racismo
to dispute racism
estamos hablando
we are talking
otra vez
¿qué es el clasismo?
What is classism?
hablando del imperialismo
talking about imperialism
todas esas experiencias
all those experiences
que se empiezan
that are starting
a producir
to produce
a la hora de
at the time of
esta compilación
this compilation
que en este caso
that in this case
es esta puente
is this bridge
en mi espalda
on my back
están poniendo
they are putting
en práctica
in practice
una serie
a series
de alianzas
of alliances
la gran crítica
the great critique
es un feminismo
it is a feminism
que ha puesto
what has he/she put
como horizonte
like a horizon
el género
the gender
y lo que vienen
and what is to come
a interpelar
to interpellate
todas estas
all these
avias - you (plural) had
es decir
that is to say
el género
the genre
se nos queda corto
it falls short for us
para hablar
to talk
de lo que para nosotras
of what for us
es un horizonte emancipatorio
it is an emancipatory horizon
esa es la práctica
that is the practice
to dispute
que el género
that the gender
nunca ha sido suficiente
it has never been enough
como horizonte político
as a political horizon
para un montón
for a pile
de cuerpos
of bodies
y de vidas
and of lives
y esa tendría que ser
and that should be
la herramienta
the tool
de la interseccionalidad
of intersectionality
no una serie
not a series
de ejes
of axes
y categorías agregadas
and aggregated categories
sino una disputa
but a dispute
frente a un feminismo
against feminism
que ha planteado
that has raised
que la perspectiva
that the perspective
de género
of gender
era nuestra lucha
it was our struggle
para muchas de nosotras
for many of us
no ha sido nunca
has never been
nuestra lucha
our struggle
en primer lugar
first of all
sino es como
but it is like
en este entramado
in this framework
de otras muchas cosas
of many other things
yo creo que
I believe that
es bien
it's good
como volver
how to return
a esas genealogías
to those genealogies
¿qué nos ha ayudado
What has helped us?
a pensar
to think
como práctica
as practice
de verdad
dejar de lado
to put aside
la idea
the idea
de feminismo
of feminism
más que ha registrado
more than has been recorded
¿querías añadir algo?
Did you want to add something?
porque estaba
because I was
lo he dejado
I have quit.
un poco
a little
entre paréntesis
in parentheses
pero ahora estaba
but now he was
escuchando a Niza
listening to Niza
y también
and also
esa idea
that idea
de cómo
of how
se ha tomado
it has been taken
la interseccionalidad
y cómo ha viajado
And how has it traveled?
que yo digo
that I say
que eso
what is that
nos revela también
reveals to us also
which ones
y cómo
and how
son los
they are the
los tránsitos
the transits
del conocimiento
of knowledge
se toma
it is taken
una idea
an idea
un concepto
a concept
una herramienta
a tool
¿cómo es
How is it?
is it?
y hace
and makes
un viaje
a trip
la interseccionalidad
no marca
does not mark
sino que
but rather
es la vida
it's life
es la experiencia
it is the experience
to create
a partir
de la experiencia
of the experience
de una serie
from a series
de personas
of people
que podemos
that we can
to name
en muchísimos casos
in countless cases
"Isn't it?"
sobre todo
above all
si estamos hablando
if we are talking
por ejemplo
for example
de esos
of those
de esos años
from those years
y de esta
and from this
de esta
of this
esta puente
this bridge
a mi espalda
behind my back
que no eran
that were not
que no eran
that they were not
eran escritoras
they were writers
eran poetas
they were poets
eran muchas
there were many
muchas más cosas
many more things
sí que
yes that
lo que sí que eran
what they were indeed
todas ellas
all of them
they were
eran activistas
they were activists
desde sus
since its
diferentes ámbitos
different areas
entonces eso
then that
se coge esto
you take this
se eleva
it rises
let's say
a la categoría
to the category
de conocimiento
of knowledge
del norte
from the north
en este caso
in this case
y se trae
and he/she brings
a la academia
to the academy
y entonces
and then
¿qué pasa con eso?
What happens with that?
desde ahí
from there
es que claro
It's just that, of course.
desde ahí
from there
es desde donde
it is from where
se piensa
one thinks
que la interseccionalidad
that intersectionality
como me dijeron
as they told me
ya lo he contado
I've already told it.
varias veces
several times
pero lo tengo que contar
but I have to tell it
siempre ¿no?
Always, right?
una académica
an academic
feminista blanca
white feminist
de este territorio
of this territory
un día me dijo
one day he/she told me
¿cómo hacer
how to do
cómo nos haces
how do you make us
esta crítica
this critique
al uso
to use
que hacemos
What do we do?
de la interseccionalidad?
of intersectionality?
Nosotras lo usamos
We use it.
Isn't it?
La interseccionalidad
pues ponemos
well, we put
el género
the gender
y todo lo demás
and everything else
el género
the genre
y todo lo demás
and everything else
o sea
that is to say
queda muy claro
it is very clear
cuál es
which is
la jerarquía
the hierarchy
of the
de cómo
of how
se piensa
Esa herramienta
That tool
tampoco me gusta
I don't like it either.
to speak
de ejes
of axes
o algo
or something
por el estilo
by the style
el género
the genre
y todo lo demás
and everything else
si la interseccionalidad
if the intersectionality
es el género
it is the genre
y todo lo demás
and everything else
de nuevo
volviendo a primar
returning to prevail
el género
the gender
el viaje
the trip
que ha hecho
what has he/she/it done
es malo
it's bad
very bad
En mi opinión
In my opinion
ese tránsito
that transition
Sí, quizá
Yes, maybe.
para completar
to complete
una motivación
a motivation
de género
of gender
por ser mujer
for being a woman
pero una
but one
de raza
of race
por ser mujer negra
for being a black woman
Entonces lo que dice
So what he says
Crenshaw es
Crenshaw is
los jueces
the judges
lo que están haciendo
what they are doing
es pensando
it's thinking
a partir
de la experiencia
from the experience
de la mujer blanca
of the white woman
y el llamado
and the call
el llamado
the call
que hace Crenshaw
what is Crenshaw doing
que es
what is it
es muy poderoso
It is very powerful.
it is
hay que ir
we have to go
a pensar
to think
la experiencia
the experience
de la mujer afrodescendiente
of the Afro-descendant woman
y no obstante
and nevertheless
este no deja
this one doesn't leave
de ser un esquema jurídico
to be a legal framework
que sirve
that serves
además en ese momento
besides at that moment
o sea
I mean
en lo práctico
in practice
no en lo político
not in politics
sino en lo práctico
but in practice
sirve para reparar más
it helps to repair more
en definitiva
in short
sirve para dar más dinero
it serves to give more money
porque el derecho
because the law
solamente sabe reparar
he only knows how to fix
a partir de la plata
from the silver
el tema es
the topic is
yo creo que
I believe that
la interseccionalidad
tiene algunas cuestiones
Has some questions.
que son importantes
that are important
tal como
just like
como se ha mencionado aquí
as mentioned here
me parece
it seems to me
que es muy importante
that is very important
como mencionaba Nisa
as Nisa mentioned
como mencionaba
as I mentioned
pensar en esas genealogías
thinking about those genealogies
pensar por ejemplo
think for example
I think
los movimientos indígenas
indigenous movements
y en los movimientos chicanos
and in the Chicano movements
en el caso de Estados Unidos
in the case of the United States
se ha hablado
it has been talked about
desde otras terminologías
from other terminologies
como la impureza
like impurity
la impureza
the impurity
como potencia política
as a political power
que existen
that exist
y coexisten
and coexist
dentro de una corporalidad
within a physical body
entonces de nuevo
then again
para seguir
to continue
en la misma línea
in the same line
creo que este es un esquema
I think this is a scheme.
la interseccionalidad
es un esquema
it's a scheme
es un modelo
It is a model.
estoy completamente
I am completely.
de acuerdo con ustedes
in accordance with you
o sea
that is to say
yo preferiría
I would prefer.
que hablemos
that we talk
de una
right away
para el cambio radical
for radical change
de una
right away
de una universidad feminista
from a feminist university
de una universidad feminista
from a feminist university
o anticolonial
or anticolonial
me parece que ahí
It seems to me that there.
estaríamos hablando
we would be talking
en términos políticos
in political terms
porque de interseccionalidad
because of intersectionality
tal como
just as
me encantó este término
I loved this term.
de Nisa
of Nisa
de la marca registrada
of the registered trademark
lo que hace es un poco
what it does is a little
lo que dice el género
what gender says
en su momento
at the time
también en la universidad
also at the university
es como
it's like
las feministas nos asustan
feminists scare us
pongamos género
let's put gender
las maricas nos asustan
the gays scare us
mejor que sean estudios de género
better that they are gender studies
y aquí parece que pasa
and here it seems that it happens
un poco lo mismo
a little of the same
parece que nos da
it seems to give us
miedo decir
fear to say
tenemos universidades
we have universities
hay que
tener política
to have politics
creo que
I think that
creo que aquí
I think that here
también hay que llamar
you also have to call
a las cosas por su nombre
call things by their name
esto no quiere decir
this doesn't mean
de nuevo que
again what
se rechace
is rejected
la interseccionalidad
es una herramienta útil
It's a useful tool.
en muchas ocasiones
on many occasions
pero creo que también
but I think that too
los ejercicios
the exercises
de honestidad
of honesty
son importantes
they are important
¿Qué es lo que se ha hecho
What has been done?
a través de sidedität
through sidedität
a los planes,
to the plans,
las valoraciones
the valuations
Please provide the text you would like to have translated from Catalan to English.
de la política
of politics
de género
of gender
en general
in general
los trabajadores
the workers
y el carácter
and the character
sobre el tema
about the topic
sobre el periodismo
about journalism
sin embargo
I spoke.
en paralelo
in parallel
de que
of what
they are
to be able
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