Dilluns 09/09/24 - 23.30 h
Tu diràs - L'hora a hora
Dilluns 09/09/24 - 23.30 h
I l'altra cosa important,
And the other important thing,
si els metges assumeixen que això es recupera en 12 mesos,
if the doctors assume that this will recover in 12 months,
i pel que sigui, espero que no, òbviament,
and for whatever reason, I hope not, obviously,
però el nano triga 13 mesos, no s'ha trigat 13 mesos?
But the kid takes 13 months, hasn't it taken 13 months?
És que vols fer-hi? És que, clar, vull dir, no sé,
What do you want to do about it? It's just that, well, I mean, I don't know,
és una cosa de normalitat, perquè si no, és el que diem,
it's a matter of normality, because if not, it's what we say,
especulem, els metges no ho diuen, hi ha secretisme,
we speculate, the doctors don't say it, there is secrecy,
la sensació... Això va passar amb l'Anso
the feeling... This happened with Anso
durant tot aquell procés de tantes lesions,
during that whole process of so many injuries,
que no es deien les operacions que havia tingut,
that they did not mention the operations he had had,
que s'amagava, que si Portugal, que si no...
that was hiding, that if Portugal, that if not...
No, no, no, més claretat, i ja està, i no hi ha problema,
No, no, no, more clarity, and that's it, and there is no problem,
i si hi ha claretat, com a mínim, els metges no especularem,
And if there is clarity, at least, the doctors will not speculate.
i per tant, no es crearà una nebulosa al voltant d'una situació
And therefore, a nebula will not be created around a situation.
que és, lamentablement, perquè estem parlant de lesions,
which is, unfortunately, because we are talking about injuries,
però que és normal en el món del futbol.
but that is normal in the world of football.
Jo crec que sempre és millor explicar-ho tu, quan passa alguna cosa,
I believe it is always better to explain it yourself when something happens.
que no que ho expliqui un altre, perquè si ho expliques tu,
let another person explain it, because if you explain it,
s'explicarà en teoria bé, i a més a més, tu agafaràs la iniciativa.
It will be explained well in theory, and besides, you will take the initiative.
Quan has d'anar a remol d'un altre que ja no ho ha explicat bé,
When you have to follow the lead of someone who has already explained it poorly,
ja sembla que estàs enganyant i tal.
It already seems like you are deceiving and such.
Els metges sempre han volgut dir-ho, eh?
Doctors have always wanted to say it, right?
Ah, és que és normal.
Ah, it's just normal.
Per això se n'hi anaven rodes de premsa.
That's why press conferences were held.
Ah, jo me'n recordo d'això, l'any dels quatre creuats, 2004-2005.
Ah, I remember that, the year of the four crusaders, 2004-2005.
Si anàvem a Sant Cugat, a la Cepilla de Sant Cugat, jo he anat.
If we went to Sant Cugat, to the Chapel of Sant Cugat, I have been.
No, no, no, però és que hi havia rodes de premsa a la sala de premsa,
No, no, no, but there were press conferences in the press room.
Ricard Maixent, Jordi Ardeu, amb el doctor Pruna,
Ricard Maixent, Jordi Ardeu, with Dr. Pruna,
explicant amb els dibuixos famosos del doctor Cugat, etcètera.
explaining with the famous drawings of Doctor Cugat, etc.
Ostres, si les hem fet, aquestes rodes de premsa.
Wow, if we have done these press conferences.
I eren fantàstiques.
And they were fantastic.
Després, trigaves més a recuperar-te.
Afterwards, it took you longer to recover.
O sigui, sabem que el creuat és una loteria.
That is to say, we know that the cross is a lottery.
És que és una loteria.
It's just a lottery.
Però com a mínim tens el control del que passa.
But at least you have control over what happens.
També et diré que hi ha casos que jo crec que sí que veurem,
I will also tell you that there are cases that I believe we will see.
si continuem amb la transparència, que és quan hi hagi una recaiguda.
if we continue with transparency, it will be when there is a relapse.
Un jugador que et diuen que estarà per tres setmanes
A player that they tell you will be around for three weeks.
i que quan arribi la tercera setmana i no el vegis,
and that when the third week arrives and you don't see him,
que no sigui que la segona ha forçat una miqueta i s'ha tornat a trencar,
that it's not that the second one has been a little forced and has broken again,
que vulguin dir que aquell jugador...
they mean that that player...
Un altre error.
Another mistake.
Però tampoc passaria res.
But nothing would happen either.
Però un altre error.
But another mistake.
Dintre de la recuperació...
Within the recovery...
Perquè si recau i no es diu,
Because if it falls and is not mentioned,
acabes assabentant que ha recaigut.
you eventually find out that it has fallen.
I aleshores fas notícia d'això.
And then you make news of this.
Ningú ha dit res quan sabem que el jugador ha recaigut.
No one has said anything when we know that the player has relapsed.
És que com més expliqui el club
It's just that the more I explain the club.
i com més es naturalitzi el procés de recuperació d'un jugador,
the more natural the recovery process of a player becomes,
menys notícies o menys es polemitzarà
fewer news or it will be less controversial
al voltant de l'evolució d'un jugador que s'està recuperant.
about the evolution of a player who is recovering.
Si tu naturalitzes i dones tota la informació amb tota la transparència,
If you naturalize and provide all the information with complete transparency,
hi haurà molts menys problemes i mals entesos.
there will be many fewer problems and misunderstandings.
Per cert, ara que ets al tema dels quatre creuats.
By the way, now that you're on the topic of the four crusaders.
L'altre dia, a l'entrevista amb el doctor Vilaró i el doctor Ardèbol,
The other day, in the interview with Dr. Vilaró and Dr. Ardèbol,
va sortir aquest tema i va dir...
this topic came up and he/she said...
Va dir...
He said...
Tinc una carpeta negra on podria explicar
I have a black folder where I could explain.
tot el que va passar amb aquells quatre creuats,
everything that happened with those four crossers,
però allà quedarà.
but it will remain there.
Allà quedarà fins d'aquí molts anys.
It will stay there for many years to come.
Van rebre moltes pressions.
They received a lot of pressure.
Sí, sí.
Yes, yes.
Home, és que en una temporada...
Dude, it's just that in one season...
...que hi haguin quatre tios de creuats...
...that there are four guys with crosses...
Aquesta història ha de ser bona dels que la van viure,
This story must be good from those who lived it,
però no ens va voler donar cap pista.
but he didn't want to give us any clues.
Va dir, no, no, no, això està guardat en una carpeta negra,
He said, no, no, no, this is kept in a black folder,
tot el que va passar, no en parlarem d'això.
We will not talk about everything that happened.
Perquè, a més, recordeu que un dels motius
Because, moreover, remember that one of the reasons
que es va esgrimir d'aquells creuats,
that was wielded by those crusaders,
no l'únic, òbviament,
not the only one, obviously,
sempre hi ha un...
there is always a...
No són metges, però saben que hi ha un punt d'enzar
They are not doctors, but they know that there is a point of ignition.
amb això dels creuats, no?
with this about the crusaders, right?
Es va esgrimir l'estat de la gespa.
The state of the grass was brought up.
Recordeu que va ser un any complicat amb la gespa.
Remember that it was a complicated year with the grass.
S'estrenava darrere del Camp Nou, no?
It premiered behind the Camp Nou, didn't it?
Era aquella gespa de darrere del Camp Nou, no?
It was that grass behind the Camp Nou, wasn't it?
Hi havia gent del club que...
There were people from the club that...
...que no entenia que es posés sobre la taula aquesta raó.
...that I didn't understand why this reason was brought up.
No, i recordo que si vam parlar dels tacks,
No, and I remember that we talked about the tacks,
de les botes...
of the boots...
Bueno, clar, que quan tu et passa això quatre cops,
Well, of course, when this happens to you four times,
ja amb tres, amb dos ja ho...
Already with three, with two it's already...
Bueno, ja comences a donar voltes.
Well, you're starting to go around in circles.
Amb tres ja no et dic, i amb quatre,
With three I don't tell you anymore, and with four,
la gent ja...
people already...
Hi havia una psicosi.
There was a psychosis.
Sí, sí.
Yes, yes.
Perquè qui et deia que no hi havia un cinquè?
Because who told you there wasn't a fifth?
No, al cap d'uns mesos va ser Xavi,
No, after a few months it was Xavi.
que va ser com el cinquè, o al cap d'un any, no?
It was like the fifth one, or after a year, right?
Però el Xavi diria que va ser el desembre.
But Xavi would say it was in December.
Sí, va ser després, va ser després.
Yes, it was afterwards, it was afterwards.
Era una altra temporada.
It was another season.
Va ser després, sí, sí.
It was afterwards, yes, yes.
I et va lesionar amb una entrada al Camp de la Masia.
He injured you with a tackle at the Masia Field.
Sí, sí.
Yes, yes.
Com va sortir?
How did it go?
Va sortir amb la cara absolutament desfigurada.
He came out with his face absolutely disfigured.
Perquè sabia perfectament el que havia de passar.
Because he/she knew perfectly well what was going to happen.
Sí, sí, sí, increïble.
Yes, yes, yes, amazing.
Ara, després va tornar a ser un jugador espectacular.
Now, he became a spectacular player again.
Vull dir que per Bernal també és un bon indicatiu.
I mean that for Bernal it is also a good indicator.
És a dir, es pot tornar a ser un jugador brutal.
That is to say, one can become a brutal player again.
Però mira, ara parlem dels 12 mesos.
But look, now let's talk about the 12 months.
A veure, els que més en saben,
Let's see, those who know the most,
al Barça deu tenir uns metges collonosos,
Barça must have some amazing doctors.
el Pruna, el cap dels altres metges,
the Pruna, the head of the other doctors,
aquests fisioterapeutes que tenen,
these physiotherapists that they have,
els preparadors físics que han fitxat,
the physical trainers they have signed,
el Tous...
the Tous...
A veure, tots aquests deuen saber molt.
Let's see, they all must know a lot.
Si ara diuen que pels xavals joves,
If they say now that for the young lads,
que encara no han fet el creixement absolutament,
that they still haven't made the absolute growth,
diuen, no ho sé,
they say, I don't know,
que és millor 12 mesos i no córrer,
it is better to take 12 months and not rush,
doncs 12 mesos.
so 12 months.
Amb Gavi ja s'aplica això.
With Gavi, this is already being applied.
I mira que si hi ha un tio que deu tenir ganes de tornar
And look, if there’s a guy who must be wanting to come back.
i deu tenir aquella ànsia i tal,
and he must have that longing and such,
és el Gavi.
It is Gavi.
Doncs si són 12,
Well, if there are 12,
si és que els hi queden 15 anys de carrera o 17.
if they have 15 or 17 years of studying left.
Mira, perdona,
Look, sorry,
és que recomano,
it is that I recommend,
els oients que no hagin pogut sentir-la la setmana passada,
the listeners who could not hear it last week,
si no busqueu a RAC1 a la carta o al podcast del Tu diràs,
if you don't look for RAC1 on demand or the podcast of Tu diràs,
dijous vam fer aquesta conversa amb el doctor Vilaró
On Thursday we had this conversation with Dr. Vilaró.
i el doctor Ardèbol.
and Dr. Ardèbol.
I la pregunta era aquesta.
And the question was this.
Per què abans tots teníem al cap
Why did we all used to have it in mind?
que amb 6 mesos tornaves d'uns creuats i ara amb 12?
that with 6 months you returned from some crosses and now with 12?
I ens va explicar que han hagut de canviar els protocols
And he explained to us that they have had to change the protocols.
perquè han vist,
because they have seen,
amb el temps,
with time,
abans es volia córrer massa, ens deien,
before we wanted to run too much, they told us,
i molta gent raqueja,
and many people complain,
i amb el temps han vist que
and with time they have seen that
una cosa és l'operació
one thing is the operation
i que amb 6 mesos pots començar a fer coses,
and that with 6 months you can start doing things,
ja córrer, ja moure aquell genoll.
already run, already move that knee.
Això sí, és així.
That's right, it is so.
Però han vist, amb el temps,
But they have seen, over time,
que com que tu implantes un lligament nou,
that since you implant a new ligament,
d'una altra part del cos,
from another part of the body,
treuen aquest lligament
they remove this ligament
i fan la sutura
and they do the suture
perquè s'ha trencat el lligament en creuat.
because the cruciate ligament has been torn.
Llavors, com que ho suturen,
Then, since they stitch it up,
diuen que es necessiten molts més mesos
they say that many more months are needed
perquè aquest lligament
because this ligament
consolidi, quedi dur.
consolidate, remain hard.
I per això han hagut de canviar a tot el món,
And for this reason, they have had to change all over the world,
han canviat els protocols
they have changed the protocols
i ara diuen
and now they say
12 mesos perquè sí,
12 months just because,
és que hi ha un risc,
there is a risk,
però comprovadíssim,
but well-established,
hi ha un risc molt menor
there is a much lower risk
que tornis a trencar-te els creuats
may you break your cruciatus again
si esperes 12 mesos.
if you wait 12 months.
Però en aquests 12 mesos
But in these 12 months
t'inclouen també la readaptació
it also includes the readjustment
a la competició perquè, per exemple,
to the competition because, for example,
el Xavi es lesiona un desembre
Xavi gets injured in December.
i aquell estiu hi ha Mundial
And that summer there is a World Cup.
a Alemanya el 2006
to Germany in 2006
i ell va al Mundial.
And he goes to the World Cup.
No és titular, però juga minuts amb Luis Aragonès.
He is not a starter, but he plays minutes with Luis Aragonès.
És a dir, estem parlant de 6 mesos escassos
That is to say, we are talking about just under 6 months.
i va al Mundial, però ell sempre explica
and he goes to the World Cup, but he always explains
a posteriori que va trigar
afterwards that took time
com a mínim més d'un any
at least more than a year
a tornar a sentir les mateixes sensacions al genoll
to feel the same sensations in the knee again
que tenia abans de lesionar-se.
that he had before injuring himself.
En aquests 12 mesos ja,
In these 12 months already,
aquest període de mes
this period of a month
per intentar consolidar la cava
to try to consolidate the cava
perquè no hi hagi una regaiguda
so that there is no flooding
i després la readaptació a la competició.
and then the readjustment to competition.
No va durar a recaure, no?
It didn't take long to relapse, did it?
No, no va recaure, però aquell Mundial el juga poc,
No, he did not relapse, but he played little that World Cup.
la final de la Champions no la juga...
the Champions final is not played by...
No, no, però que depenia dels...
No, no, but it depended on the...
Que això passava, hi havia jugadors que en 6 mesos
That this was happening, there were players who in 6 months
no tornaven a tenir uns creuats
they no longer had any crusaders
perquè, és veritat, hi ha un percentatge que,
because, it's true, there is a percentage that,
mira, doncs per sort, per fortuna,
look, then fortunately, by luck,
perquè aquell genoll ha secretitzat bé,
because that knee has secreted well,
però que els protocols actuals,
but that the current protocols,
com ara deies tu, són
as you said, they are
intentar que es lligui bé aquest lligament nou,
try to make this new ligament tie well,
que han posat ara a Marc Bernal,
that they have now put Marc Bernal,
i després aquesta feina de readaptació
and then this work of readaptation
que estan fent amb Gavi.
what they are doing with Gavi.
Si és que a Gavi ja el veiem a la gespa,
If we see Gavi on the grass already,
però és molt millor esperar encara...
but it's much better to wait even longer...
A tu Gavi el veus fer exercici i penses,
You see Gavi exercising and think,
hòstia, aquest tio...
wow, this guy...
Ja està per jugar.
It's ready to play.
Estaria per jugar, no?
Would you be up for playing, right?
No és el mateix entrenament que partit, eh?
It's not the same training as a match, right?
Abans de l'estiu, dèiem que el dijous
Before summer, we said that Thursday
podria fer alguna cosa amb el grup.
I could do something with the group.
De Gavi.
From Gavi.
Sí, però quan nosaltres, per exemple,
Yes, but when we, for example,
abans de l'estiu ja explicàvem
before the summer we were already explaining
que fins al novembre res, etcètera,
that until November nothing, etcetera,
aleshores, clar, xoca, no?
so, of course, it clashes, right?
Perquè com que veus les imatges
Because you see the images
que t'ensenya el club
what the club teaches you
i el veus aquest estiu
And you see him this summer?
i el veus amb aquestes ganes
And you see him with this enthusiasm.
i t'arriben les ganes
and you feel the desire
i les bones sensacions,
and the good feelings,
penses, ostres...
you think, wow...
Però no, no.
But no, no.
Sí, el protocol és molt seriós
Yes, the protocol is very serious.
i és inequívoc.
and it is unequivocal.
I més posant el focus
And more focusing on
en el que deia el Fernando,
in what Fernando said,
que és la musculatura d'aquests nanos
What is the muscle structure of these kids?
que són tan joves
that they are so young
i encara tenen la musculatura tendra
and they still have tender muscles
i encara més s'ha d'anar molt
and even more, one must go a lot.
al peu de la lletra
to the letter
amb el que diu el protocol.
with what the protocol says.
És que estem normalitzant coses que...
It's just that we are normalizing things that...
A veure, parlem de la minya mal.
Let's see, let's talk about the bad habit.
Però Cubací està jugant al Barça
But Cubací is playing for Barça.
amb 17 anys.
at 17 years old.
I Bernabé estava sent titular, indiscutible.
Bernabé was being an undisputed starter.
Però és que Cubací, des que va arribar,
But since Cubací arrived,
tu ja fas l'alineació del Barça.
You already make the lineup for Barça.
I l'hem instaurat.
And we have established it.
I Cubací ja és titular per tothom.
Cubací is already a starter for everyone.
És normal, sí, sí.
It's normal, yes, yes.
I és normal, però jo crec que no està
And that's normal, but I think it's not.
en acabats de formar.
just trained.
No vol dir que hagis d'anar molt en compte
It doesn't mean you have to be very careful.
i que posar-los en una urna,
and to put them in a ballot box,
però si realment, jo dic,
but if really, I say,
tota aquesta gent que en sap tant,
all these people who know so much,
perquè deuen saber molt,
because they must know a lot,
per coneixement i per experiència,
for knowledge and for experience,
et diuen que amb aquests nois s'ha de tenir
they tell you that with these guys you have to be careful
una cura especial a l'hora d'operar-los
a special care when operating on them
i que tornin,
and let them return,
suposo que en el dia a dia i en la prevenció
I suppose that in day-to-day life and in prevention
de lesions, també has de tenir certa cura.
of injuries, you also have to take certain care.
Sí, per cert, l'altre dia...
Yes, by the way, the other day...
I si l'han d'aplicar, que l'apliquin.
And if they have to apply it, let them apply it.
L'altre dia, per això, els doctors ens van desmentir una cosa
The other day, therefore, the doctors debunked something for us.
que jo tenia com pràcticament entesa,
that I had practically understood,
que és que no es trenquen més els creuats
What is it that the crusaders don't break anymore?
els de 17 anys que els de 30.
Those who are 17 years old are like those who are 30.
Que no té res a veure.
It has nothing to do with it.
La musculatura amb 17 anys és la mateixa.
The muscles at 17 years old are the same.
La feina dels 4 creuats se'l trenca Gabri,
The work of the 4 crusaders is broken by Gabri,
ja amb una edat,
already at an age,
se'l trenca Mota i Larsson.
Mota and Larsson break it.
Pots quedar la sensació
You may be left with the feeling.
que al tenir 17 anys
that at the age of 17
la musculatura està tendent.
the muscles are tense.
Uns creuats és mala sort, un mal gest...
Crossed fingers are bad luck, a bad gesture...
Jo dic per quan tornin.
I say for when they return.
Per quan tornin, sí.
When they return, yes.
Per quan tornin, evidentment, has de fer una feina aquí més important.
When they return, obviously, you have to do a more important job here.
Si això ho tenen contrastat i és així,
If they have verified this and it is so,
comprensió total.
total understanding.
Jo que no sé si el Gabi no tornarà abans,
I don't know if Gabi won't come back sooner.
però també et dic que si tornés abans
but I also tell you that if I returned sooner
del previst, pel que sigui una setmana o dues abans,
of the planned, whether it is a week or two beforehand,
també deu ser perquè aquests
it must also be because these
que van amb peus de plom
that go with leaden feet
veuríem que el tio està allà
we would see that the guy is there
que és...
what is...
que és una inutilitat aguantar-lo dues setmanes.
it's useless to tolerate him for two weeks.
Qui diu el novembre,
Who says November,
diu pel clàssic del 27 d'octubre.
says for the classic on October 27.
Uns minutets allà a l'arremau...
A few minutes there in the mess...
T'ho dic una cosa, arribats a aquest punt,
I'll tell you something, at this point,
tenint en compte
taking into account
el que ha passat Gabi,
what has happened Gabi,
tampoc ara no la cagarem per...
we won't mess it up now either for...
No, no, no, és obvi.
No, no, no, it's obvious.
Però vull dir que el 27 d'octubre ja és novembre.
But I mean that October 27 is already November.
No tinguem més pressa
Let's not rush any further.
que la que té Gabi, saps?
like the one Gabi has, you know?
Perquè més pressa que la que té...
Because more hurry than she has...
També vull entendre que si al final, pel que sigui, arriba abans,
I also want to understand that if in the end, for whatever reason, it arrives earlier,
serà també perquè aquests,
it will also be because these,
que volen retenir ara,
what they want to retain now,
veuen clar que per no retenir-lo dues setmanes no passa res.
They see clearly that not holding him for two weeks is not an issue.
Per assegurar-se quan comenci a competir en els entrenaments.
To make sure when it starts to compete in the training sessions.
Com posa la cama, si no té por,
How does he/she puts his/her leg, if he/she is not afraid?
si guanya duels...
if he/she wins duels...
Què en penses, Burak?
What do you think, Burak?
No, que ara mateix,
No, not right now.
o ja fa els últims anys, la veritat és que
oh, for the last few years, the truth is that
la prudència s'ha instaurat, no?
Prudence has been established, hasn't it?
Fa uns anys tot això era molt més salvatge.
A few years ago, all of this was much wilder.
Vull dir, el tema dels meniscus, els meniscus
I mean, the issue of the menisci, the menisci.
es traien, es traien i en un mes,
they took out, they took out and in a month,
que era un mes, mes i mig, i tots ja...
that it was a month, a month and a half, and all already...
Joaven, no?
Young man, right?
Pareixia el Mundial dels Estats Units.
It looked like the World Cup in the United States.
Tots ens posen aquest exemple.
They all give us this example.
El primer partit es lesiona i juga a la final.
The first match gets injured and plays in the final.
Un jugador gran, menisc fora
A great player, torn meniscus.
i que torni en dues setmanes.
And he should come back in two weeks.
Ara, a un nano jove li treus un menisc,
Now, you take out a meniscus from a young kid,
està mort, no té carrera.
he is dead, he has no career.
A Barán li van treure. I ha fet carrera, no?
They took Barán away. And he has made a career, right?
Sí, però no rambeixes igual.
Yes, but you don't ramble the same way.
S'acostuma a ser molt més prudent,
It is usually much more prudent,
s'acostuma a cuidar molt més l'esportista,
athletes are usually taken care of much more,
que la carrera se li allargui fins i tot la seva vida.
may his career extend even throughout his life.
Clar, això és un altre.
Sure, that's another one.
Tu operes ja només a córrer, però després aquest tio
You only operate by running now, but then this guy
com camina quan tingui 40 o 50 anys?
How does he/she walk when he/she is 40 or 50 years old?
I si es fa amb
And if it is done with
tots, doncs especialment s'ha de fer
everyone, so it must be done especially
amb els joves. Per tant, doncs bé, les coses aquestes
with the young people. Therefore, well, these things
van modificant-se i si s'ha d'esperar,
they are changing and if one has to wait,
doncs s'ha d'esperar i avall, no?
so we have to wait and down, right?
Anem amb en Sofati.
Let's go with Sofati.
Què tal? Avui l'hem vist.
How are you? We saw him today.
Avui ha fet una part
Today he/she has done a part.
de l'entrenament amb el grup,
from training with the group,
per tant, evidentment, s'ha de remarcar
therefore, it is obvious that it should be emphasized
com una bona notícia. Ens diuen
with good news. They tell us
que té bones sensacions, però també
that has good feelings, but also
ens diuen des del club que hem de ser prudents
They tell us from the club that we need to be cautious.
amb ell i no
with him and not
donar per fet que entrarà a la llista de diumenge
to take for granted that it will be on the Sunday list
encara, perquè van amb molta precaució
still, because they go with a lot of caution
amb ell, tenint en compte
with him, taking into account
el seu currículum és natural
his curriculum is natural
i estan molt a l'expectativa de com
and they are very much looking forward to how
va evolucionant aquesta setmana, però
it is evolving this week, but
aquest pas endavant se celebra
this step forward is celebrated
i s'ha de remarcar que avui
it should be emphasized that today
ha fet aquesta part de l'entrenament amb els
he has done this part of the training with them
companys. Tenim ara Ujo, llarga durada,
friends. We now have Ujo, long-lasting,
Christensen, llarga durada, Fermín en té
Christensen, long-lasting, Fermín has it.
per 3-4 setmanes, va dir al comunicat,
for 3-4 weeks, the statement said,
Marc Bernal, llarga durada,
Marc Bernal, long duration,
en Sofati, bones sensacions,
in Sofati, good feelings,
però piano piano,
but slowly,
que té un bon historial, i avui
that has a good track record, and today
també ens agradaria posar sobre la taula un
we would also like to put on the table a
dia més la situació de De Jong. Marta, què sabem,
another day, the situation of De Jong. Marta, what do we know?
què podem explicar, perquè clar, amb en Sofati
What can we explain, because of course, with Sofati?
van fent passos endavant, i De Jong què passa?
they are making progress, and what about De Jong?
Doncs ara mateix, pel que
Well right now, for what
sabem a RAC1, no està previst
we know at RAC1, it is not planned
que passi pel quiròfan,
to go to the operating room,
De Jong prefereix continuar amb el tractament
De Jong prefers to continue with the treatment.
conservador per resoldre els seus problemes
conservative to solve his problems
del turmell dret, que el tenen de baixa des del clàssic
from the right ankle, which they have sidelined since the classic
del 21 d'abril.
from April 21.
Hansi Flick va dir fa 10 dies que l'esperava,
Hansi Flick said 10 days ago that he was expecting it.
després d'aquesta aturada
after this break
per compromisos internacionals, però
for international commitments, however
internament al vestidor ja saben
they already know inside the dressing room
a dia d'avui que no serà,
to this day that it will not be,
serà així. No l'esperen ni per aquest
It will be this way. They are not expecting him even for this.
diumenge a Girona, ni tampoc per
Sunday in Girona, nor for
dijous que ve a l'estrena de la Champions a
next Thursday at the Champions premiere in
Mònaco. Ens diuen que
Monaco. They tell us that
De Jong continua sense tenir una data
De Jong still does not have a date.
concreta de retorn, i s'accepta
specific return, and it is accepted
internament amb resignació.
internment with resignation.
De Jong no vol tornar a jugar
De Jong does not want to play again.
fins que se senti al 100% i sense
until he feels 100% and without
molèsties, i clar,
annoyances, and of course,
en aquest sentit ens expliquen
in this regard they explain to us
que el neerlandès
that the Dutch
va fent treball individual,
keep doing individual work,
està fent a la gespa aquests dies,
it is doing on the grass these days,
i també el combina amb el tractament
and also combines it with treatment
nas. Va cada dia a la ciutat
nose. He goes to the city every day.
esportiva per recuperar-se, i insistim,
sports to recover, and we insist,
per molt que se li hagi aconsellat operar-se,
no matter how much she has been advised to undergo surgery,
cosa que hem explicat aquí al
thing that we have explained here at the
Tu diràs, de moment el jugador s'hi nega
You will say, for now the player is refusing.
en rodó. Ja ho vam repetir-ho,
in round. We already repeated it.
i també ho podeu recuperar al podcast
and you can also retrieve it on the podcast
la setmana passada, que
last week, that
evidentment amb el tractament conservador
obviously with conservative treatment
pot ser que enforteixi aquesta
it may strengthen this
lesió que té els lligaments del
injury that has the ligaments of the
turmell dret, i pot ser que reaparegui, però que
right ankle, and it may reappear, but that
mai tornarà a estar al 100% si no s'opera
he will never be 100% again if he doesn't have surgery
i no fa net, perquè té la zona
And it doesn't clean, because it has the area.
molt afectada. És que ha tingut dues
very affected. It's just that she has had two
lesions molt greus en els lligaments del
very severe lesions in the ligaments of the
turmell dret, i per tant, el més
right ankle, and therefore, the most
indicat hauria estat que s'ho parés. Jo ho hauria
It should have been indicated that he/she should stop. I would have.
fet un cop el descartant de l'Eurocopa,
once the Euro Cup discard is made,
i potser ara ja estaríem parlant de terminis
And maybe now we would already be talking about deadlines.
i de tornada...
and on the way back...
És que amb el temps que ha passat...
It's just that with the time that has passed...
És que han passat quatre mesos, però el jugador no ha
It's been four months, but the player has not...
volgut, ha preferit fer un tractament conservador,
dear, has preferred to undergo a conservative treatment,
s'ha de respectar. Dit això,
it must be respected. That said,
si torna a jugar sense
if he/she plays again without
haver passat pel quiròfan, a mi el que
having gone through the operating room, what I
m'explica, i m'ho va explicar l'altre dia al Tu diràs,
He explains to me, and he told me the other day at Tu diràs.
és que hi ha un alt risc de recaiguda,
there is a high risk of relapse,
perquè qualsevol torçada al turmell,
because any sprain to the ankle,
pot passar en una acció del joc, qualsevol
it can happen in any game action.
xut, qualsevol impacte, com li va passar al clàssic
shot, any impact, as it happened in the classic
del 21 d'abril amb Fede Valverde,
from April 21 with Fede Valverde,
se li torna a torçar el turmell i la tornem a tenir muntada.
She twists her ankle again and we have to put her back together.
I després hi ha un altre tema, que no s'ha
And then there is another topic that has not been
de menys tenir també,
having less too,
que és el tema mental.
what is the mental theme.
Quan un jugador té, ho hem vist
When a player has it, we have seen it.
amb en Sufati, precisament, que n'estàvem parlant,
with Sufati, precisely, that we were talking about.
quan un jugador entra en una
when a player enters a
espiral de lesions, també l'hi ha
spiral of injuries, it exists as well
passat a Pedri, hi ha una
passed to Pedri, there is a
part que t'afecta el
part that affects you the
coco, i tu potser
coconut, and you perhaps
tornes a jugar, però tu saps
you play again, but you know
que allò encara
that it still
et fa una mica de mal, o encara tens el
does it hurt a little, or do you still have the
record que t'has lesionat moltes vegades, i la
I remember that you have been injured many times, and the
por a tornar-te a lesionar i tornar-te a
fear of injuring yourself again and going back to
baixar un temps, fa que
lower a time, causes that
no donis
don't give
el 100% del que tu podries donar, i això
100% of what you could give, and that
sumat a que
added to that
ho tens tendre, segueix
you have it tender, keep going
no tan ben curat,
not so well taken care of,
etcètera, clar, el còctel
etcetera, of course, the cocktail
no és el més recomanable. És el que fa
it's not the most advisable. It's what it does.
més por. Jo crec que
more fear. I think that
he sentit gent dir
I have heard people say
aquest tio no s'implica,
this guy doesn't get involved,
prou, i ja
enough, and that's it
sempre li fa mal, i no
it always hurts him, and no
s'atreveix a jugar.
dare to play.
Bé, jo crec que
Well, I think that
jo primer, respecte pels jugadors, però sens
I'll go first, respect for the players, but without.
dubte, que clar, que
doubt, which is clear, that
porti aquest historial
bring this history
i que sàpiga que està tendre, i que
and let it be known that it is tender, and that
això pot recaure, i que tingui aquestes
this may fall, and that it has these
males sensacions, el pot fer jugar amb molta por.
Bad feelings can make him play with a lot of fear.
I aquesta por, jo crec que no
And this fear, I don't think so.
és que no s'atreixi, no és que no pugui
it's just that he doesn't dare, it's not that he can't
aguantar el dolor, sinó que tingui aquesta por,
to endure the pain, but rather to have this fear,
i aquesta por jugant, qualsevol que ha jugat
and this fear playing, anyone who has played
sap que sí, quan vas amb por, és quan et fa
you know it is true, when you go with fear, that’s when it gets you.
mal. O sigui, justament
bad. That is, precisely
quan vas fort, quan t'atreveixes, quan no
when you go strong, when you dare, when you don't
hi penses, és quan no et fas mal. Però quan dius
you think, it's when you don't hurt yourself. But when you say
espera, que aviam si em picaran, aviam si
wait, let's see if they will sting me, let's see if
no sé què, aviam si poso la cama, no la poso,
I don't know what, let's see if I put my leg, I don't put it,
llavors ja has llepat, perquè
then you have already licked, because
tornaràs a lesionar-te, i a més, no pots
you will injure yourself again, and moreover, you can't.
jugar, no pots competir així.
Play, you can't compete like this.
I jo suposo que és això el que està intentant
And I suppose this is what he is trying to do.
tornar a recuperar aquestes bones sensacions,
to regain those good feelings,
aquesta sensació de fortalesa,
this feeling of strength,
més enllà que condicionis
beyond that you condition
fins i tot la teva manera de córrer o de posar-te
even your way of running or of getting up
perquè vagis protegint el turmell
so you can protect your ankle
quan tens una lesió d'aquestes cròniques,
when you have an injury like this chronic,
és fotut
it's messed up
treure-t'ho del cap i treure-te-ho
get it out of your head and take it off you
del teu hàbit, del dia a dia, i això
of your habit, of the day-to-day, and that
és preocupant perquè
it is worrying because
realment si no acaba de millorar del tot
really, if it doesn't fully improve
pot ser condicionant gran.
it can be a major conditioning factor.
5 mesos farà, el 21 de setembre
It will be 5 months on September 21.
farà 5 mesos que va a jugar i es va a lesionar
It will be 5 months since he started playing and got injured.
el Bernabéu. 5 mesos, eh? Aquí el problema
the Bernabéu. 5 months, huh? Here's the problem
és que
it's that
ho tingui, efectivament, que ho tingui tendre
I have it, indeed, that I have it tender.
perquè tu sempre pots recaure.
because you can always relapse.
O sigui,
That is,
has tingut dues lesions, et recuperes,
you have had two injuries, you are recovering,
estàs bé, i de cop i volta
are you okay, and all of a sudden
el que li va passar a l'última
what happened to him at the last one
vegada, crec que va ser el Bernabéu,
sometimes, I think it was Bernabéu,
estava més o menys bé, se l'havia vist bé,
I was more or less fine, he/she had looked fine.
i xuta Valverde la pilota, no?
And Valverde shoots the ball, right?
Valverde li fot el viatge que li fot,
Valverde is giving him a hard time with the trip he gives him.
una pilota dividida, exacte,
a divided ball, exactly,
que arriba abans o que arriba tard,
whether it arrives early or late,
li fot el viatge i es torna a lesionar.
he messes up the trip and gets injured again.
D'acord. Clar,
Okay. Sure,
si ja surts tendre, és el que diu el Marc,
if you already come out tender, that's what Marc says,
tu no pots posar la cama dura.
you can't put your leg hard.
No pots anar a un duel.
You cannot go to a duel.
Si vas a una pilota dividida, sabem que allò està tendre,
If you go for a split ball, we know that it's soft.
si tens molts números, de tornar-la
if you have many chances of returning it
a lesionar.
to injure.
Aleshores, aquest per mi és el problema,
Then, this for me is the problem,
jo penso, aviam,
I think, let's see,
el primer que vol jugar és el jugador, no?
The first one who wants to play is the player, right?
Segur, esperem que sí.
Sure, we hope so.
Jo vull entendre que el primer
I want to understand that the first
que vol tornar a ser,
that wants to be again,
el que vol tornar a competir
the one who wants to compete again
i que vol tornar a sentir-se futbolista
and wants to feel like a footballer again
és Frenkie de Jong.
It's Frenkie de Jong.
Aleshores, la pregunta és,
Then, the question is,
algú li ha d'haver recomanat
Someone must have recommended it to him/her.
que es pot
that can be
recuperar en un tractament conservador?
recover in a conservative treatment?
O sigui, perquè realment, si estem davant d'un cas
In other words, because really, if we are faced with a case
que tots els metges del club, i tots els especialistes
that all the doctors of the club, and all the specialists
que ha consultat, i fins i tot,
that has consulted, and even,
com han explicat públicament
as they have explained publicly
un dia sí i un altre també, que estem davant
One day yes and another day also, that we are in front.
d'una lesió preocupant...
of a worrying injury...
Jo crec que li ve d'Holanda.
I think it comes from Holland.
Li deu venir d'Holanda, crec.
It must come from Holland, I think.
Que crec que li ve d'Holanda.
I think it comes from Holland.
És que algú li ha dit...
It's just that someone has told him...
Però, escolta, podem comprar que ell,
But, listen, we can buy that he,
del 21 d'abril al 14 de juny
from April 21 to June 14
que començava l'Eurocopa, digui, ei, tractament conservador
that the Euro Cup was starting, say, hey, conservative treatment
perquè vull jugar a l'Eurocopa.
because I want to play in the Euro Cup.
Vas a Holanda, fas uns entrenaments previs,
You're going to the Netherlands, you do some preliminary training,
i et diuen, no estàs per jugar, descartat per l'Eurocopa,
and they tell you, you're not fit to play, sidelined for the Euro Cup,
que va ser un bon bazo, això.
that was a good piece of luck, that.
Llavors has de prendre una decisió.
Then you have to make a decision.
Però a Holanda ja li venia just.
But in Holland, it was just enough for him.
Aleshores tu penses que a l'estiu et recuperaràs.
So you think that in the summer you will recover.
I vas pensant que et recuperaràs
And you were thinking that you would recover.
i van passant els mesos.
And the months go by.
El pla era que et recuperés, i no es descartava fins i tot
The plan was for you to recover, and it wasn't even ruled out.
que anés entrant a la pretemporada
that he/she would start entering the preseason
de manera gradual.
Però hi ha hagut un rum-rum al club fa quatre dies
But there has been a buzz at the club four days ago.
que podia entrar a la convocatòria
that could enter the call
contra el Girona, sí o no?
Against Girona, yes or no?
Sí, no?
Yes, no?
Aleshores, per què ve aquest rum-rum?
So, why is there this buzz?
Quina és la situació de Joan?
What is Joan's situation?
És que, mira, abans parlàvem dels metges.
It's just that, you see, we were talking about doctors before.
Estàvem davant d'un cas de secretisme, també.
We were dealing with a case of secrecy, too.
Perquè el jugador no vol aquí, potser.
Because the player doesn't want to be here, perhaps.
Clar, segurament perquè el jugador no vol.
Sure, probably because the player doesn't want to.
I després, aquí hi ha un altre tema
And then, here is another topic.
que és el de la pressió, també, al jugador.
what is the pressure, too, on the player.
Des del club, també.
From the club, as well.
Clar, perquè és un jugador
Of course, because he is a player.
que guanya molts diners a aquesta temporada.
who earns a lot of money this season.
S'ha intentat dir, què, noi, què hem de fer?
It's been tried to say, what, boy, what should we do?
I perquè jo crec que per Flick és un jugador important.
And because I believe that for Flick he is an important player.
Què en penses, Fernando?
What do you think, Fernando?
A veure, és molt complexa.
Let's see, it's very complex.
És molt complexa aquest cas perquè es barregen coses.
This case is very complex because things get mixed up.
I es barregen també ferides d'altres temporades
And wounds from other seasons are also mixed in.
i d'altres estius.
and other summers.
I de com la directiva va parlar d'ell.
And how the management talked about him.
Això és així, perquè ell això ho té clavat.
This is so because he has this nailed down.
També és complexa perquè
It is also complex because
quan parlem de lesions,
when we talk about injuries,
a vegades...
Perdona, Fernando, t'he clavat, però si tu et vols recuperar,
Sorry, Fernando, I hurt you, but if you want to recover,
la prioritat és recuperar-te.
The priority is to recover.
Sí, sí, però...
Yes, yes, but...
No em deixes de recuperar perquè t'hagis emprenyat
Don't stop recovering me just because you've gotten angry.
perquè un dia un jove alemany va cridar a uns periodistes
because one day a young German called out to some journalists
i els va explicar que s'havia d'anar a aquest jugador.
And he explained to them that they had to go to this player.
El que diu la Marta també del coco,
What Marta says about the coconut as well,
el coco conflueix en moltes coses,
the coconut converges in many things,
que és la teva cama, el teu dolor,
what is your bed, your pain,
la teva carrera...
your career...
Qui et recomana que corris una mica
Who recommends you to run a little?
i que si no va bé,
and if it doesn't go well,
que t'ho peris. T'ho recomanen del club.
I hope you enjoy it. They recommend it to you from the club.
El club que a tu fa un any o dos et va pressionar.
The club that pressured you a year or two ago.
Llavors, hòstia, el que em diguin aquests,
Then, damn, whatever these guys tell me,
jo no et diré que faré el contrari,
I won’t tell you that I will do the opposite,
però m'ho agafo amb pinces, no?
But I take it with a grain of salt, right?
Parlar del dolor d'algú
Talking about someone's pain
cada cop per mi és més complicat
Every time it's more complicated for me.
perquè, home, si a mi un dia em fa mal la cama
because, man, if one day my leg hurts
i em diuen, ah, tira, tio, tu, a treballar,
and they tell me, ah, come on, dude, you, to work,
i jo no puc,
and I cannot,
a treballar, però és que no puc,
to work, but I can't,
no és res. No, no, si no puc, no puc,
it's nothing. No, no, if I can't, I can't.
i ho sé jo. Llavors, parlar dels altres
and I know it. Then, talk about others
és complicat. El que vull dir és que
it's complicated. What I mean is that
sí que és veritat que el tractament conservador
it is true that conservative treatment
si ell no vol operar-se i algú li ha recomanat
if he doesn't want to have surgery and someone has recommended it to him
amb cara i ulls que ho faci,
with a face and eyes to do it,
s'ha de respectar i fins al final.
It must be respected and until the end.
Però el que dic és que hi ha un moment
But what I'm saying is that there is a moment
que has de posar el final. Final què és?
what do you have to put at the end? what kind of ending is it?
Un deadline, no? Clar, que cinc mesos després
A deadline, right? Of course, five months later.
un tractament conservador d'aquest turmell
a conservative treatment for this ankle
no evoluciona, o sis.
it does not evolve, or yes.
Doncs escolta, hi ha un moment que tu,
Well, listen, there comes a time when you,
com a futbolista, estiguis empipat
As a footballer, you should be angry.
amb el club, o no, estiguis de cul,
with the club, or not, you are on your ass,
o no, mirant per la teva carrera,
oh no, looking at your career,
has de dir, el tractament conservador
you have to say, the conservative treatment
tampoc tira. Quina alternativa
it doesn't work either. What alternative?
tinc? Tinc.
I have? I have.
Un altre tractament conservador?
Another conservative treatment?
Doncs vale, si és la teva cama
Well okay, if it's your leg.
i manes tu, i el club no pot fer
And you command, and the club cannot do.
res, que s'expliqui, que es digui.
nothing, let it be explained, let it be said.
Perquè si no, si no es diu res, com hem
Because if not, if nothing is said, how we...
dit abans, que amb jugadors es diuen coses
said before, that with players things are said
i amb uns als altres no, què farem?
And with each other not, what will we do?
S'especularem. Perquè no és normal
We will speculate. Because it is not normal.
que per unes quinze turmells estiguis cinc
that for about fifteen ankles you are five
o sis mesos i encara enganxis un altre
or six months and you still get another one
tractament conservador i el jugador, quan
conservative treatment and the player, when
li recomanen del club i ens ha arribat això,
they recommend him from the club and this has reached us,
no s'operi.
do not operate.
No, no, amb això estic d'acord
No, no, I agree with that.
que en algun moment has de dir... En algun moment has de
that at some point you have to say... At some point you have to
dir, escolta'm, i això? O has de
Say, listen to me, and this? Or do you have to?
parlar i el club aquí té alguna
"Talking and the club here has some."
cosa a dir. Evidentment que la vida
thing to say. Obviously, life
és meva, la cosa és meu i que jo
It is mine, the thing is mine and that I
puc decidir el meu tractament, no és faltaria,
I can decide my treatment, it wouldn't be missing.
però està clar que també és una cosa de dir, bé,
but it is clear that it is also something to say, well,
fins darrere, fins a un límit, a veure si això funciona,
until behind, to a limit, let's see if this works,
si no funciona... És que és un actiu teu que no pots fer
If it doesn't work... it means it's an asset of yours that you can't use.
servir. I el gran
serve. And the great
mal també que té De Jong és aquest d'això
The bad thing about De Jong is this.
de comunicar-se. Jo crec que se li està
to communicate. I believe that it is being
faltant el respecte moltes vegades des del club,
disrespecting often from the club,
des de l'afició moltes vegades, però ell
from the passion many times, but he
tampoc no parla. Ell no parla i no s'explica.
he doesn't speak either. He doesn't speak and doesn't explain himself.
Si s'expliqués, si entenguessin més la seva
If it were explained, if they understood more about theirs.
situació... El dia que va parlar...
situation... The day he spoke...
El dia que va parlar... Ens va
The day he spoke... He told us
mossegar... El dia que va parlar
biting... The day he spoke
la va cagar. Sí, sí. No, però...
he messed it up. Yes, yes. No, but...
Perquè se li ha emplenat el pap, se li ha emplenat el pap
Because he/she has filled up his/her belly, he/she has filled up his/her belly.
i es passa, es passa de la ratlla.
And it goes too far, it crosses the line.
Però la va cagar no per parlar, la va cagar
But she messed up not by talking, she messed up.
per la manera en què va parlar. Pel moment i la manera.
for the way he spoke. For the moment and the manner.
Perquè va anar a buscar factures amb els periodistes.
Because he went to look for invoices with the journalists.
No, no. I a més a més, perdoniament...
No, no. And furthermore, excuse me...
Jo vull aclarir la situació. Això, això i això.
I want to clarify the situation. This, this, and this.
No, aquest em fa una
No, this one makes me one.
pregunta en cau malament i com que l'ha fet
ask in a bad way and since he/she has done it
d'aquesta manera, li foto pel...
in this way, I hit him for...
Sí, sí.
Yes, yes.
No, no, està desafortunat,
No, no, it is unfortunate.
està clar. Explica, explica.
It's clear. Explain, explain.
No, i a nivell comunicatiu, perdona, un petit
No, and on a communicative level, sorry, a small one.
incís. Home, el que no és normal és
incisive. Well, what is not normal is
que ell no parli, que no parli al Barça
let him not speak, let him not speak at Barça
i el parte médico te'l tagi de fer
And the medical report you have to do it yourself.
Ronald Koeman cada cop que hi ha una convocatòria.
Ronald Koeman every time there is a call-up.
Perquè és que si no
Because if not
ningú diu res del Barça ni ell,
nobody says anything about Barça nor him,
a l'octubre tenim una altra aturada de selecció,
in October we have another selection break,
no? Sí. I Ronald Koeman, que no es
no? Yes. And Ronald Koeman, who is not
talla un pèl, sortirà
Cut a hair, it will come out.
i a més a més donarà el comunicat
and furthermore will give the statement
de part
on behalf
del jugador perquè
of the player because
amb qui parla ell... És amb el jugador.
Who is he talking to... It's with the player.
És amb el jugador, no amb el Barça.
It's with the player, not with Barça.
Donar comunicats mèdics al Barça, bàsicament.
Give medical reports to Barça, basically.
Bueno, però vull dir que al final, perquè no te'l doni
Well, I mean that in the end, so that I don't give it to you.
el teu comunicat, Koeman, millor que el doni
your statement, Koeman, is better given by you
al Barça. I se'n punten l'hambre i les ganes de comer
at Barça. They point out the hunger and the desire to eat.
perquè Koeman amb tot el ressentiment...
because Koeman with all the resentment...
També va calent. Sí, sí.
It's also hot. Yes, yes.
Vuit i la mitjanit. Ara seguim.
Eight thirty. Now we continue.
Tu diràs
You will say.
em valeix per i ser.
It is worth it for me to be.
Escolta, aquests dos cotxes són iguals?
Listen, are these two cars the same?
O és que hi veig doble? No, un és llarg i l'altre
Or do I see double? No, one is long and the other.
més curt. El que sí és doble és el pla Moves.
shorter. What is indeed doubled is the Moves plan.
Ara pots duplicar el pla Moves
Now you can duplicate the Moves plan.
a Citroën C4 i C4X elèctrics.
the electric Citroën C4 and C4X.
El teu Citroën C4 elèctric
Your electric Citroën C4
des de 23.100 euros. El doble
from 23,100 euros. The double
és el millor.
It is the best.
Finançant-lo amb Estelantis
Financing it with Stellantis.
Finanxals Servicis. Consulta Citroën.es
Financial Services. Check Citroën.es
Has vist la gran capacitat
Have you seen the great capacity?
de càrrega i la conducció autònoma
of charging and autonomous driving
de nivell 2 que té el nou Ducato?
of level 2 that the new Ducato has?
Aprofita els Pro Days i emporta-te'n un 100%
Make the most of Pro Days and take away 100%.
elèctric amb fins a 420 km
electric with a range of up to 420 km
d'autonomia i wallbox inclòs.
of autonomy and wallbox included.
Ho emporta-te'n un de dies al 100%
Take it with you one of these days at 100%.
connectat amb unes condicions excepcionals.
connected under exceptional conditions.
Consulta-les a fiatprofessional.es
Consult them at fiatprofessional.es
Aquest any
This year
101! El proper 1 de desembre
101! The next 1st of December
l'Allianz Jan Buen de Mundo Deportivo
Allianz Jan Buen from Mundo Deportivo
compleix la seva edició 101.
it is celebrating its 101st edition.
La llegenda segueix creixent.
The legend continues to grow.
Afanya-te a inscriure-t'hi a
Hurry up and sign up for it.
janbuen.cat i forma part de la cursa
janbuen.cat is part of the race.
més emblemàtica de Barcelona.
more emblematic of Barcelona.
Rebràs una samarreta tècnica Mizuno
You will receive a Mizuno technical t-shirt.
amb un disseny únic i exclusiu.
with a unique and exclusive design.
T'hi esperem l'1 de desembre.
We will be waiting for you on December 1st.
Preparats, llestos, ja!
Ready, set, go!
Aquest dissabte
This Saturday
14 de setembre, la nit a Igualada
September 14, the night in Igualada
té un nom.
it has a name.
Discoteca a la Sala.
Disco at the Hall.
A partir de les 12 de la nit, les portes
From midnight onwards, the doors
de la millor discoteca de la Catalunya central
from the best nightclub in central Catalonia
s'obren per tu a la plaça de Calpoll.
They open for you at the Calpoll square.
Aconsegueix la teva entrada anticipada
Get your advance ticket.
a l'Instagram de la Sala, al web
on the Sala's Instagram, on the website
lasala.cat o a Codetickets.
lasala.cat or Codetickets.
Discoteca a la Sala.
Disco at the Hall.
La festa mai s'acaba.
The party never ends.
El dissabte 14 de setembre
Saturday, September 14
a les 3 de la tarda viu
at 3 in the afternoon lives
El viatge bé des del festival
The journey is good from the festival.
que exhibeix produccions que incentiven
that showcases productions that encourage
la màgia de viatjar i que promouen
the magic of traveling and that they promote
el desenvolupament sostenible.
sustainable development.
Es tracta de l'únic certamen dedicat
It is the only competition dedicated.
al gènere audiovisual turístic d'Espanya.
to the audiovisual tourist genre of Spain.
Des de l'aula didàctica
From the teaching classroom
del Museu de Tortosa descobrirem
from the Museum of Tortosa we will discover
algunes de les pel·lícules que s'hi projectaran
some of the films that will be screened there
durant els 9 dies del festival
during the 9 days of the festival
i conversarem també amb artistes
and we will also talk with artists
i professionals que hi aporten
the professionals who contribute to it
el seu granet de sorra.
their grain of sand.
Una oportunitat per agafar idees
An opportunity to gather ideas.
i inspirar-nos per als nostres propers viatges.
and inspire us for our upcoming trips.
Dissabte 14 de setembre
Saturday, September 14
a les 3 de la tarda
at 3 in the afternoon
Viatge bé amb Ester Muñoz
Travel well with Ester Muñoz.
en directe des del
live from the
Terres Travel Festival a Tortosa.
Terres Travel Festival in Tortosa.
Vindreu, oi?
You'll come, right?
Track 1. Tots som 1.
Track 1. We are all 1.
Amb el suport de Terres de l'Ebre.
With the support of Terres de l'Ebre.
Reserva de la biosfera.
Biosphere reserve.
Tu em diràs
You will tell me.
amb l'espericé
with the espericé
que tu estàs preparat
that you are ready
però no ho saps.
but you don't know it.
Els meus ulls estan creixent
My eyes are growing.
i comença a mostrar-se.
and begins to show itself.
No he vist res que vingui,
I haven't seen anything coming.
mai no he vist res.
I have never seen anything.
Potser tindré
Maybe I will have
el que vingui a mi.
whoever comes to me.
Perquè he estat tan afortunat
Why have I been so lucky?
que no sé què dir.
I don't know what to say.
Ràpidament de diners
Quickly get money
he perdut la manera.
I have lost my way.
No he vist res que vingui,
I haven't seen anything coming.
mai no he vist res.
I have never seen anything.
Potser tindré
Maybe I will have
el que vingui a mi.
whoever comes to me.
Potser tindré
Maybe I will have
el que vingui a mi.
the one who comes to me.
Potser tindré el que vingui a mi.
Maybe I will have what comes to me.
Ter Stegen, titular ja, porter...
Ter Stegen, already a starter, goalkeeper...
Ara sí, ara sí, ja, per fi.
Now yes, now yes, finally.
Amb el dorsalú.
With the bib number.
T'imagines ara que sortís
Can you imagine if it came out now?
algun altre porter?
any other goalkeeper?
Ara sortís un jove porter alemany.
Now a young German goalkeeper would come out.
Ja el puc dir, sí.
I can say it now, yes.
Nagelsmann, avui,
Nagelsmann, today,
s'han fet públices unes declaracions
Some statements have been made public.
de Nagelsmann que ens han cridat
of Nagelsmann that they have called us
una mica l'atenció, explicant que
a bit of attention, explaining that
va haver de parlar amb Ter Stegen
he had to talk to Ter Stegen
al març i que no va ser una conversa
in March and that it was not a conversation
molt agradable.
very pleasant.
M'ha dit això el seleccionat alemany.
The German selected one told me this.
És un jugador molt important
He is a very important player.
per a nosaltres, perquè fa anys
for us, because years ago
que juga al Barça, és el capità
who plays for Barça, is the captain
i, per descomptat, també té una qualitat
And, of course, it also has a quality.
excepcional com a porter.
exceptional as a goalkeeper.
Les declaracions que va fer són
The statements he/she made are
absolutament comprensibles i legítimes.
absolutely understandable and legitimate.
Al març vam tenir una conversa amb ell
In March we had a conversation with him.
i no va ser especialment agradable.
and it wasn't especially pleasant.
Per un moment em va preocupar que em digués
For a moment, I was worried that he/she would tell me.
que no volia participar amb nosaltres.
that did not want to participate with us.
Espero que es mantingui sa i que pugui
I hope he/she stays healthy and can.
jugar al Mundial amb nosaltres d'aquí a dos anys.
play in the World Cup with us in two years.
Però Ter Stegen és un
But Ter Stegen is a
mal company de viatge quan no juga.
bad travel companion when they don't play.
El recordeu-vos
Do you remember?
de la que va muntar aquí amb Claudio Bravo.
that he set up here with Claudio Bravo.
Va anar directament
He went straight away.
al Barça.
to Barça.
I vaig del president a dir-li
I go to tell the president.
o ell o jo.
either him or me.
I qui es va quedar?
And who stayed?
Es va quedar el capità.
The captain stayed.
I el millor.
And the best.
I perquè era millor porter.
And because he was a better goalkeeper.
Però és que a més a més et quedes amb el jove.
But on top of that, you end up with the young man.
En aquest cas la història ha estat diferent.
In this case, the story has been different.
No hi ha marxa.
There is no way back.
Ningú m'ha tret a mi.
No one has taken me out.
Sí, sí.
Yes, yes.
Jo he estat aquí quan he estat
I have been here when I have been.
el porter titular i ara que vingui un altre
the starting goalkeeper and now let another one come
hi jugui. No m'ha desbancat ningú.
Hi played. No one has dethroned me.
El que va intentar fer aquí el Barça.
What Barça tried to do here.
Ell ho ha intentat fer.
He has tried to do it.
El que evidentment ha topat
What has obviously collided.
amb l'os del moll.
with the bone of the moll.
És segurament el millor porter.
He is probably the best goalkeeper.
Un dels millors porters de la història.
One of the best goalkeepers in history.
Per què dius això?
Why do you say that?
Per què fas que no, Fernando?
Why do you make it so, Fernando?
No, perquè és veritat que
No, because it is true that
jo entenc l'ambició de tothom.
I understand everyone's ambition.
Però si amb vint i pocs anys va fer això
But if at just twenty-something years old he did this
amb Claudio Bravo,
with Claudio Bravo,
és un detall que jo trobo
it's a detail that I find
que potser va una mica
that maybe it goes a little
passat. Perquè és que a fer aquest puenteo
past. Because it's about making this bridge
hi ha un entrenador, no recordo
There is a coach, I don't remember.
qui era el director esportiu, però si tant...
who was the sports director, but if so much...
Subi, no?
Up, right?
Home, no és un ningú.
He is nobody.
I diria que Subi és el que et va fitxar.
I would say that Subi is the one who signed you.
Sí, sí.
Yes, yes.
Home, i te'n vas directament a picar la porta
Come on, and you go directly to knock on the door.
del que més mana. Perquè això va ser així.
of what governs the most. Because this was so.
Va ser així, va ser així.
It was like this, it was like this.
I el Claudio Bravo ha fet una temporada
And Claudio Bravo has had a season.
collonuda. Era més gran,
awesome. It was bigger,
però era un porter que parava,
but he was a goalkeeper who stopped,
que la treia bé amb el peu...
that she took it out well with her foot...
I ell venia de jugar a tots els partits de Champions i guanyar-la.
And he had just played all the Champions matches and won it.
El campió d'Europa.
The champion of Europe.
I et dic una cosa. Com serà el
I tell you one thing. How will it be the...
Ter Stegen?
Ter Stegen?
Que l'entrenador era un tal Luis Enrique.
That the coach was a certain Luis Enrique.
És a dir, que aquestes situacions
That is to say, that these situations
de disciplina que algú pot
of discipline that someone can
to pose...
Que segur que ell també deia que
That surely he also said that
amb el temps el titular
over time the headline
era Ter Stegen, però la temporada
it was Ter Stegen, but the season
aquella que havia guanyat tot el titular
the one who had won all the headlines
en la temporada de la regularitat,
in the regular season,
que era la Lliga, va ser Bravo.
that was the League, it was Bravo.
Puntualitzar que Subi
To specify that Subi
l'havien destituït.
they had been dismissed.
El gener del 2015.
January 2015.
Però aquell any era el que feia Bravo, Lliga i Ter Stegen, Champions.
But that year was what Bravo, Lliga, and Ter Stegen did, Champions.
Era una cosa raríssima.
It was a very strange thing.
Va sortir bé.
It went well.
Corts d'aquestes que només...
Cuts like these that only...
No, poc amb...
No, little with...
Com és gent que Luis Enrique es pot fer
How is it possible for Luis Enrique to become?
i que es pot inventar.
and what can be invented.
El Barça B feia 10 partits cadascú.
Barça B played 10 matches each.
Creia que no ho comptava,
I thought it didn't count.
però ho va anar fent.
but he kept doing it.
Enquadraven 10 partits i els va anar canviant.
They scheduled 10 matches and changed them.
Però bé, jo també l'he sentit
But well, I have also heard it.
de vegades que per què no es poden canviar els porters.
Sometimes why the goalkeepers cannot be changed.
Estic convençut que si com a capità
I am convinced that if as captain
té aquesta determinació, tornem a guanyar el triplet.
Has this determination, we will win the treble again.
Tant de bo, tant de bo.
I wish, I wish.
Ter Stegen, que tingui sort demà.
Ter Stegen, good luck tomorrow.
Països Baixos, Alemanya, Lliga de les Nacions.
Netherlands, Germany, League of Nations.
lesió d'Odegaard,
Odegaard's injury,
molt bèstia.
very beastly.
S'ha pogut fer molt mal, eh, Odegaard?
You could really do a lot of damage, huh, Odegaard?
Sí, sí, Aquiles, diria jo.
Yes, yes, Achilles, I would say.
Era un noruega-àustria,
It was a Norwingian-Austrian.
ha guanyat Noruega 2-1.
Norway has won 2-1.
Sí, sí, la imatge la tinc aquí.
Yes, yes, I have the image here.
La veritat és que ell posa malament el peu
The truth is that he puts his foot in the wrong place.
i se li torça el turmell.
and he/she twists his/her ankle.
Mira com el posa aquí
Look how he puts it here.
i se li queda com enrere el turmell.
and his ankle seems to stay behind.
No, no, ha demanat el canvi,
No, no, he requested the change.
ha hagut de marxar amb llitera,
he had to leave on a stretcher,
entra llàgrimes i pot ser una lesió molt greu
eye tears and it can be a very serious injury
of Odegaard.
En aquest partit entre Noruega i Àustria.
In this match between Norway and Austria.
De quina competició?
From which competition?
Lliga de les Nacions.
League of Nations.
Very important.
Que no faci tractament conservador,
That he/she does not perform conservative treatment.
que aleshores es triga molt a reaparèixer.
that then takes a long time to reappear.
Aquí diuen torcedura de tobillo,
Here they call it an ankle sprain.
però jo, per la imatge que he vist,
but I, based on the image I've seen,
compta també l'Aquiles,
also counts Achilles,
la part de darrere del turmell.
the back of the ankle.
Et vull recordar que abans,
I want to remind you that before,
en aquesta competició,
in this competition,
eren partits amistosos.
they were friendly matches.
Per això t'ho dic.
That's why I'm telling you.
O sigui, que encara era pitjor.
So, it was even worse.
No, no, no, David, però si...
No, no, no, David, but yes...
Ara et lesiones amb una competició oficial.
Now you get injured in an official competition.
No, però el que et dic és que és una trampa
No, but what I'm telling you is that it's a trap.
encara més fotuda,
even more screwed up,
pels clubs,
for the clubs,
perquè per un amistós,
because for a friendly,
sent un amistós,
being friendly,
que era únicament allò per trincar,
that it was only something to grab.
per trincar perquè era un amistós,
to grab because he was friendly,
que no era oficial,
that it was not official,
tu encara podies dir,
you could still say,
escolta, tio, per un amistós,
listen, dude, for a friendly one,
vinc aquest jugador tal.
I'm bringing this player such.
Ara, sent oficial,
Now, being official,
t'han donat pel sac.
they have taken you for a ride.
I provaves jugadors, no?
You were trying out players, weren't you?
El sent amistós,
The friendly feeling,
va, convoca o què...
Come on, call or what...
És que és una competició que s'han inventat,
It's just that it's a competition they've made up,
i no us ho perdeu,
and don't miss it,
que li han fotut dos partits més
that they have taken two more matches from him
de quarts de final.
from the quarter-finals.
Sí, al març, anada i tornada.
Yes, in March, round trip.
Abans el que es classificava
Before what was classified.
era semis i final.
it was semi-finals and finals.
Semis a partit únic i final.
Semi-finals in a single match and final.
No, no, ara li han fotut
No, no, now they have messed with him.
doble partit de quarts de final.
double quarter-final match.
M'estàs parlant del calendari?
Are you talking to me about the calendar?
Sí, home.
Yes, man.
No, no, no.
No, no, no.
És meravellós que sàpigues...
It is wonderful that you know...
No està preparat, eh?
Not ready, huh?
És meravellós que sàpigues
It's wonderful that you know.
com valgui el programa.
as long as the program is worth it.
Hem fet avui un estudi
We have conducted a study today.
sobre el calendari.
about the calendar.
Welcome home!
Sí, amb els Saperes.
Yes, with the Saperes.
Però internacional.
But international.
No, ara explicarem el que...
No, now we will explain what...
Hem volgut fer un exercici periodístic
We wanted to do a journalistic exercise.
amb els Saperes,
with the Saperes,
interessant, sobre el calendari.
Interesting, about the calendar.
Quan hem entrat,
When we entered,
t'he vist un brillar als ulls.
I've seen a shine in your eyes.
És un tema del motiu.
It's a matter of reason.
Què és aquesta il·lusió?
What is this illusion?
14 anys de recorregut.
14 years of journey.
14 debats...
14 debates...
Sobre el calendari.
About the calendar.
Cada vegada en la primera
Every time in the first.
tornada de seleccions
return of selections
sobre el calendari.
about the calendar.
I el calendari...
And the calendar...
I no ho arreglem.
And we don't fix it.
Cada vegada és pitjor.
It is getting worse every time.
No, no, no.
No, no, no.
No es pot pitjor.
It can't get worse.
Que cada cop és pitjor.
That each time is worse.
I cada cop serà pitjor, Marta.
And it will keep getting worse, Marta.
No, no.
No, no.
Que això va més.
That this goes further.
Que facin una vaga general, home.
Let them go on a general strike, come on.
Que es pari tot.
Let everything stop.
Lluís de la Fuente ha de fer.
Lluís de la Fuente has to do.
Es fot els millors.
He/she/they gets the best.
Clar, on fotrien qualsevol de nosaltres.
Of course, they would drop any of us.
No, no.
No, no.
És pitjor.
It's worse.
Imagina't que a Catalunya
Imagine that in Catalonia
s'inventen més coses.
more things are invented.
Hi ha més partits.
There are more matches.
A les Champions hi ha més partits.
In the Champions, there are more matches.
A les Champions.
To the Champions.
No, no.
No, no.
I jo no ho sabia.
And I didn't know that.
Però m'han dit...
But they told me...
No, i al proper Mundial
No, and at the next World Cup.
en lloc de 32
instead of 32
són 48.
they are 48.
Però qui quedarà fora del Mundial?
But who will be left out of the World Cup?
Si són 48.
Yes, it's 48.
És l'esfitx.
It is the sphinx.
Ja, 204 seleccions.
Yes, 204 selections.
Papua, Bonaigua, Guinea
Papua, Bonaigua, Guinea
entra segur.
come in safe.
I Antigua i Barbuda
In Antigua and Barbuda
segur que entra.
sure it will fit.
També entra, sí.
It also enters, yes.
L'Antigua i la Barbuda.
Antigua and Barbuda.
Les dues.
No de solucionar-ho
Not to solve it.
perquè potser no hi ha solució
because maybe there is no solution
però sí que jo crec
but I do believe
que hi ha una cosa
that there is a thing
que els tuts han de fer.
what the tuts have to do.
Els clubs com Ingrans
Clubs like Ingrans
o Barça.
Oh Barça.
Plantilles molt més llargues.
Much longer templates.
No, entrarem en aquest debat.
No, we will not enter this debate.
Molt més llarg.
Much longer.
Un moment, un moment.
One moment, one moment.
Un moment, que entrarem en aquest debat
One moment, we will enter this debate.
que és molt interessant.
that is very interesting.
El que han de fer els clubs
What the clubs have to do
és demanar cobrar.
It's asking to be paid.
És demanar cobrar
It's asking to get paid.
perquè tens un Mercedes
because you have a Mercedes
i tens un Audi
And you have an Audi.
i tens un...
and you have a...
Els que anunciem aquí, eh?
Those we announce here, right?
Els que siguin.
Those who may be.
Sí, sí.
Yes, yes.
I agafa cada mes...
And I receive every month...
Una escoda o el que sigui.
A scythe or whatever.
Sí, una escoda o el que sigui.
Yes, a scab or whatever.
I el senyor de la Fuente
And Mr. de la Fuente.
arriba cada mes
comes every month
i diu
and says
escolta, t'agafo el cotxe, eh?
Listen, I'll take the car, okay?
Vinga, home.
Come on, man.
Home, però...
But... home.
Però si el pago jo...
But if I pay...
Jo te l'agafo.
I'll take it.
Te'l torna ratllat,
It returns it to you grated,
te'l torna amb una roda pim
He returns it to you with a round pebble.
un que no arrenca...
a that does not start...
Tot això...
All this...
I al novembre...
And in November...
I a l'octubre un altre cop.
And in October again.
I al novembre també.
And in November as well.
I al març.
And in March.
Però tu porta'l al mecani...
But you take it to the mechanic...
Sí, sí, però tu paga la lletra
Yes, yes, but you pay the bill.
i porta'l al mecani.
And take it to the mechanic.
Ho resoldrem una mica tot això?
Shall we resolve all of this a bit?
Sí, sí, sí.
Yes, yes, yes.
Ho resoldrem una mica tot això?
Shall we sort this all out a bit?
Aquests temes que han sortit
These topics that have come up
aquí a la taula en parlarem.
We'll talk about it here at the table.
Una mica, una mica.
A little, a little.
Tenim la solució?
Do we have the solution?
No, no, no.
No, no, no.
Ho resoldrem, vull dir que...
We will resolve it, I mean that...
Ho debatrem, sí.
We will debate it, yes.
No arribo fins a aquest punt.
I don't get to that point.
I jo parlaré del marc, eh?
And I'll talk about the frame, okay?
Després temes de dates i tot,
After themes of dates and all,
ho deixo per...
I'll leave it for...
De mi parlaràs?
Will you talk about me?
Sí, del marco.
Yes, from the frame.
Del marc general del tema del calendari.
Of the general framework of the topic of the calendar.
Si voleu aprofundir en dates concretes,
If you want to delve into specific dates,
sabeu que tenim aquí...
Do you know what we have here...
Això sí.
That’s right.
Caler inventat el Mundial de Club.
Invented Club World Cup money.
Pots fer...
You can do...
Caler d'Armand.
Armand's money.
Tristament no participaré.
Sadly, I will not participate.
Això pot ser...
This can be...
Fer preguntes,
Ask questions,
a veure si algunes no se les ha parlat.
let's see if some of them haven't been talked about.
Això pot ser...
This can be...
Espera, abans d'això.
Wait, before that.
En Clau Barça, alguna cosa més, Marta?
In Barça Key, anything else, Marta?
Apuntar dues coses.
Note two things.
Que els internacionals espanyols
That the Spanish internationals
d'esportiva fent tractament d'afició
from sports to hobby treatment
i tenen permís del club
And they have permission from the club.
per descansar fins dijous.
to rest until Thursday.
Això no vol dir que no vagin
This does not mean that they will not go.
alguns dies d'aquests voluntàriament,
some days of these voluntarily,
però poder, poden descansar.
but they can rest.
La resta...
The rest...
Estem baixant el pistó, ja.
We're lowering the piston now.
La resta tots han d'estar
The rest must all be there.
a l'entrenament de dijous
at Thursday's training
i dir-vos també...
and to tell you also...
Hòstia, el Sargent de Ferro, tu.
Holy shit, the Iron Sergeant, man.
Que ho ha avançat...
That it has moved forward...
Hòstia, el Sargent de Ferro ja comença a ser...
Damn, the Iron Sergeant is starting to be...
Està bé, està bé.
It's okay, it's okay.
De fil ferro.
Of barbed wire.
Ai, si perdem a Montilivi.
Oh, if we lose at Montilivi.
El Sargent de Ferro ja es torça.
The Iron Sergeant is already bending.
Demà menjarà canelons.
Tomorrow he will eat cannelloni.
Sí, senyor.
Yes, sir.
A Can Ferran, exacte.
At Can Ferran, that's right.
Demà ho han avançat els companys
Tomorrow the colleagues have brought it forward.
del Mundo Deportivo
from Mundo Deportivo
i ho hem confirmat
and we have confirmed it
que demà Hansi Flick i l'Staff
that tomorrow Hansi Flick and the Staff
van a l'estat de Can Ferran.
they go to the state of Can Ferran.
Només l'Staff, eh?
Only the Staff, huh?
Sí, només l'Staff.
Yes, only the Staff.
Només l'Staff, però s'haurà d'ampliar Can Ferran.
Only the staff, but Can Ferran will have to be expanded.
Són els mateixos que vaig veure
They are the same ones I saw.
presentats al Gàmper.
presented at the Gàmper.
Clar, clar.
Of course, of course.
Són un poble, eh?
They are a people, right?
Es metge molt bé.
He is a very good doctor.
Des d'aquí...
From here...
Tinc molts records a tota la gent de Can Ferran
I have many memories of all the people from Can Ferran.
que quan hi anem ens tracten de l'únic.
that when we go there, they treat us as the only ones.
Ara, que portin bitllets, eh?
Now, they better bring tickets, huh?
Que allà es paga en metàl·lic.
That there is paid in cash.
No, home, no.
No, come on, no.
Ah, en metàl·lic sí.
Ah, in cash, yes.
Hi ha caixer allà.
There is a cashier there.
Hi ha caixer allà dintre
There is a cashier inside.
perquè és una masia meravellosa.
because it is a wonderful farmhouse.
Ara els canelons de Can Ferran
Now the cannelloni from Can Ferran.
en traiem, eh?
We're taking it out, right?
Rubí, Sant Quir, Sant Cugat.
Rubí, Sant Quir, Sant Cugat.
Allà està aquella masia
There is that farmhouse.
que es diu Can Ferran, que és molt...
it's called Can Ferran, which is very...
Està començant a conèixer ja...
He is already starting to get to know...
Ja s'està adaptant.
It is already being adapted.
És de la terra.
It's from the land.
La gent de Ferro ja va entrar una mica, eh?
The people of Ferro have already come in a bit, haven’t they?
Hans Dieter, eh?
Hans Dieter, huh?
Hans Dieter ja està coneixent el territori.
Hans Dieter is already getting to know the territory.
D'aquí res, dies de festa, ja...
In no time, there will be holidays, already...
Ja ha descobert...
He/She has already discovered...
Un dia anant a veure Castellers.
One day going to see Castellers.
Ja ha descobert la Costa Brava.
He has already discovered the Costa Brava.
Després, va, anem a Montilivi.
Later, come on, let's go to Montilivi.
Mitja l'espasa per a sobre i què direm?
Half the sword above and what shall we say?
No, esperem que no.
No, we hope not.
Una ratxa.
A streak.
Estàs tovant.
You are lying.
Clar, Costa Brava, Can Ferran,
Of course, Costa Brava, Can Ferran,
compta amb el Girona.
count on Girona.
No, que ja ho veuràs com no.
No, you'll see that it won't.
Marta, Marta, res més?
Marta, Marta, nothing else?
Ja està.
That's it.
Si et vols quedar al calendari
If you want to stay on the calendar
i estàs convidada, si no, gràcies.
And you are invited, if not, thank you.
Sí, la dona, al final és important.
Yes, the woman is important in the end.
El que tu creguis...
Whatever you believe...
Si el Fernando vol que em quedi, jo em quedo.
If Fernando wants me to stay, I will stay.
No, ho dic perquè és molt divertit
No, I say it because it's very fun.
No, no...
No, no...
A descansar.
To rest.
Sobre el que hem tractat ja abans d'entrar al calendari,
About what we have already discussed before entering the calendar,
una pregunta molt ràpida, no us estengueu,
a very quick question, don't elaborate.
vull dir, us demano una opinió ràpida.
I mean, I'm asking you for a quick opinion.
Creieu que...
Do you think that...
No, no, perquè...
No, no, because...
Per què no hi ha Jatavit?
Why isn't there Jatavit?
No, perquè...
No, because...
No vull obrir un meló
I don't want to open a can of worms.
i vull anar al tema del calendari
I want to get to the topic of the calendar.
que el Saperes s'ho ha curat
that Saperes has taken care of it
i el Saperes ha fet avui trucades
And Saperes has made calls today.
a gent important de diversos organismes
important people from various organizations
per poder explicar una mica
to be able to explain a little
com funciona el calendari,
how the calendar works,
com es fa un calendari,
how to make a calendar,
qui aprova el calendari,
who approves the calendar,
què en diuen els clubs,
what do the clubs say,
quina bonificació tenen...
what discount do they have...
Bé, tot això ho intentarem explicar ara.
Well, we will try to explain all of this now.
Bé, què pot passar en el futur?
Well, what could happen in the future?
Creieu que Flick,
Do you think Flick,
que ha recuperat molts jugadors,
that has recovered many players,
o com a mínim ens ho sembla
or at least it seems so to us
en aquestes quatre o vintes jornades,
in these four or twenty days,
pot recuperar Enzo Fati,
Enzo Fati can recover.
que és un dels noms que hem posat sobre la taula,
that is one of the names we have put on the table,
o no?
or not?
Jo creuo els dits perquè ho faci.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it happens.
Creuo els dits perquè l'Enzo Fati
I cross my fingers for Enzo Fati.
com a mínim pugui jugar uns quants partits
as long as I can play a few games
o tenir l'oportunitat
or have the opportunity
de demostrar el que té de futbol.
to demonstrate what it has of football.
Perquè la putada de parlar malament,
Because the downside of speaking badly,
allà és a les 12,
there it is at 12,
és que portem molt temps
We've been at it for a long time.
que no ho pot demostrar.
that cannot be proven.
És que jo no sé quin Enzo Fati ens trobarem,
It's just that I don't know what Enzo Fati we'll encounter,
però l'Enzo Fati...
but Enzo Fati...
Aquesta per mi és la pregunta.
This is the question for me.
Quin Enzo Fati estem esperant?
Which Enzo Fati are we waiting for?
És que era un Enzo Fati que era meravellós.
He was an Enzo Fati that was wonderful.
I jo et concedeixo que sigui un Enzo Fati
And I grant you that he be an Enzo Fati.
al 80%.
at 80%.
L'Enzo Fati al 80%
Enzo Fati at 80%
és que et pot donar coses
it can give you things
que t'anirien molt bé.
that would suit you very well.
És que té gol, és que té instint,
It’s that he has an eye for goal, it’s that he has instinct,
és que té la porteria al cap.
It's just that he has the goalkeeping position in his head.
És que és un jugador que té 21 anys.
He is a player who is 21 years old.
Però és més un desig el que tens que no...
But it is more of a desire that you have than not...
Evidentment, és el meu desig.
Evidently, it is my wish.
Tant de bo torni Enzo,
I hope Enzo comes back.
tant de bo estigui...
I hope it is...
I perquè a més a més el xaval ho ha passat molt malament.
And because, moreover, the guy has had a really hard time.
I crec que pot ser un jugador, pot arribar a ser un jugador útil
I believe he can be a player, he can become a useful player.
pel Barça, però per això deia amb el Fernando
for Barça, but that's what I was saying with Fernando
quin Enzo estem esperant.
Which Enzo are we waiting for?
Jo, les vegades que he preguntat per Enzo
I, the times I have asked about Enzo.
de dir a dins, i encara l'estava dient com està,
of saying inside, and I was still saying it as it is,
dir aquell Enzo que recordem
tell that Enzo that we remember
no hi és.
he is not there.
És a dir, si recuperem una altra versió
That is to say, if we recover another version.
i pot ser un jugador útil, era un jugador
and he can be a useful player, he was a player
amb molta qualitat, era un jugador que tenia gol,
with a lot of quality, he was a player who could score,
i escolta, tant de bo el pugui recuperar
And listen, I really hope I can get it back.
Flick, però aquella versió
Flick, but that version
que vam veure d'Enzo, ara mateix
What we saw of Enzo, right now.
encara no hi és.
it's not there yet.
Si és aquella la que estem esperant,
If that is the one we are waiting for,
que no vol dir que una altra no pugui ser útil.
that doesn't mean that another one can't be useful.
És que jo crec que potser hauríem de deixar
I think that maybe we should let it go.
d'esperar aquella versió i hauríem
to wait for that version and we would have
de replantejar-nos
to rethink
què pot donar Enzo
What can Enzo give?
amb les seves qualitats, i potser s'hauria
with its qualities, and perhaps it should have
de reciclar en un altre perfil de jugador
to recycle into another player's profile
amb una altra
with another
projecció al camp. És que potser
projection in the field. Is it perhaps
l'error està en esperar
the mistake is in expecting
tornar a veure aquell Enzo, tenint en compte
to see that Enzo again, taking into account
tot el calvari que ha passat.
all the calvary that he has gone through.
És molt dur, perquè algun dia ho he fet,
It's very hard, because I've done it someday.
anar al YouTube i veure, per exemple, aquells partits
go to YouTube and watch, for example, those matches
temporada quan apareix, amb Setient,
season when it appears, with Setient,
partits contra el València...
matches against Valencia...
I amb el Verde, recordo, també.
And with the Verde, I remember, too.
Hòstia, un jugador elèctric que tirava
Damn, an electric player who threw.
la pilota i s'anava com volia...
the ball went wherever it wanted...
Aquella versió,
That version,
jo crec que difícilment la tornarem a veure.
I believe we will hardly see her again.
Jo soc molt escèptic,
I am very skeptical.
perquè jo crec que és una qüestió sobretot
because I believe it is mainly a matter of
mental, i que és una qüestió de confiança,
mental, and that it is a matter of trust,
i que és una qüestió de jugar i de sentir-se a gust,
and it is a matter of playing and feeling comfortable,
i crec que això serà molt difícil
I think this will be very difficult.
al Barça. Crec que serà molt difícil perquè
to Barça. I think it will be very difficult because
li costarà molt tenir minuts,
it will be very difficult for him to have minutes,
i tenim una competició a Anglaterra,
and we have a competition in England,
que recomanem ja una lliga de filials,
that we already recommend a league of reserves,
que pugui jugar uns quants partits amb el filial,
that he can play a few matches with the reserve team,
aquí això ja ni es contempla,
here this is not even considered anymore,
les sessions no han funcionat,
the sessions have not worked,
no ho sé, jo crec que allà ha de jugar,
I don't know, I think he has to play there.
ha de somriure, ha de tornar a confiar
she must smile, she must trust again
en ell mateix i perdre la por, i això són coses
in itself and lose the fear, and these are things
que és molt difícil de fer en un equip com el Barça,
which is very difficult to do in a team like Barça,
que els minuts van...
that the minutes go...
I tu t'imagines que es recicli en una altra posició?
And do you imagine it being recycled in another position?
De nou, per exemple?
Again, for example?
No massa, perquè...
Not too much, because...
O endarrerint-lo, o...
Either delaying it, or...
No massa, perquè crec que el que tenia era un gol,
Not too much, because I think what I had was a goal,
tenia un control,
I had a control,
un esprint,
a sprint,
tenia una interpretació dels espais al final,
I had an interpretation of the spaces at the end,
però no veig un jugador tampoc amb molta passada,
but I don't see a player with much passing either,
amb molta capacitat de poder combinar,
with great ability to combine,
no, no...
no, no...
Ho veig complicat, tu.
I see it as complicated, you.
L'entrada a l'àrea, jo crec que...
The entry to the area, I think that...
Hauria, hauria de tenir...
I should, I should have...
Hauria de propar l'àrea, perquè, a veure,
I should try the area because, you see,
la velocitat potser no la tens, però
maybe you don't have the speed, but
l'instint i la precisió que ell tenia
the instinct and precision that he had
per xutar i per veure el forat,
to kick and to see the hole,
això, a veure, no sé si ho haurà perdut, eh?
This, let's see, I don't know if he/she will have lost it, huh?
Però això és un intangible
But this is an intangible.
que hi ha qui el té,
there are those who have it,
i aquí el té, i aquí el té,
and here the tea, and here the tea,
i aquí millora, eh?
And here it gets better, right?
Ell, tan jove, ho feia molt bé, això.
He, so young, did it very well.
Era innat.
It was innate.
Ara, clar, no sé quina posició, si el teu nou és...
Now, of course, I don't know which position, if your new one is...
Clar, però també algun dia
Sure, but also someday.
deu descansar, que és bon home, no?
You must rest, for he is a good man, isn't he?
O un quart d'hora cada partit, de nou, no sé, alguna cosa així.
Or a quarter of an hour for each match, again, I don’t know, something like that.
Tu què en penses, David?
What do you think about it, David?
Doncs que tinc tants desitjos
Well, I have so many wishes.
com dubtes.
as doubts.
Jo, per no dir que...
I, not to say that...
que ho veig molt difícil.
I see it very difficult.
Ho veig molt difícil. Estem parlant d'un jugador de 21 anys
I see it as very difficult. We are talking about a 21-year-old player.
que li estem buscant un reciclatiu,
that we are looking for a recycling initiative,
un reciclatge, en 21 anys.
a recycling, in 21 years.
Hi ha mala senyal. L'Anatal Brighton
There is a bad signal. The Anatal Brighton.
ha jugat 3 partits de titular.
he has played 3 matches as a starter.
S'ha tornat a lesionar.
He has been injured again.
El Brighton, la temporada passada.
Brighton, last season.
3 mesos fora.
3 months out.
I crec que és un jugador...
I think he is a player...
Que volia més d'ell.
What did I want more from him?
Que era un jugador que havia de treballar més...
That he was a player who had to work harder...
I és un entrenador que va insistir bastant.
And he is a coach who insisted quite a lot.
Sí, sí, per portar-lo.
Yes, yes, to carry it.
Crec que és un jugador
I believe he is a player.
que necessita créixer amb la pilota.
that needs to grow with the ball.
Jo el veig arrencant des de la banda.
I see him starting from the side.
Però, clar, arrencant abans era
But, of course, tearing before it was...
desequilibrant. I aleshores, en tot cas,
unbalancing. And then, in any case,
si recuperem una versió
if we recover a version
perquè té gol, jugador d'àrea
because he has a goal, area player
i tal, no està recuperant una versió
And so, it is not recovering a version.
pròpia per ser titular.
suitable for being the holder.
No, està recuperant un jugador de plantilla.
No, he is recovering a squad player.
De minuts, de plantilla, clar.
Of minutes, of template, of course.
Jo el que crec és que en 21 anys...
What I believe is that in 21 years...
Aquest jugador hauria de tenir
This player should have
Amb paciència, potser,
With patience, perhaps,
perquè ha passat per un...
because it has gone through a...
Jo crec que un calvari de lesions i psicològicament
I believe it's a hell of injuries and psychologically.
també. Però en 21 anys
also. But in 21 years
que tu vegis un jugador i que diguis...
that you see a player and say...
No en farem res, no.
We won't do anything about it, no.
L'única sort que pot tenir...
The only luck one can have...
Amb els metges que hi ha...
With the doctors that are there...
No, no en farem res, no.
No, we won't do anything about it, no.
Si podem recuperar una versió d'Anzu
If we can recover a version of Anzu.
que ens permeti tenir esperança.
that allows us to have hope.
Llavors jo penso en una versió d'Anzu
Then I think of a version of Anzu.
que permeti ser un jugador important al Barça.
that allows to be an important player at Barça.
Jo crec que l'única sort que pot tenir
I believe the only luck she can have.
és que hi ha pocs davanters.
There are few forwards.
Hi ha els tres titulars que sabem.
There are the three titles that we know.
L'Aval, Lewandowski i Rafinha.
The Aval, Lewandowski, and Rafinha.
Després hi ha Pau Víctor
Then there is Pau Víctor.
i hi ha Ferran.
And there is Ferran.
Però si Ferran...
But if Ferran...
Si s'entra en lesions en dos,
If you enter injuries in two,
que fàcilment pot passar.
that can easily happen.
A Pau Víctor, tant de bo que li vagi molt bé
To Pau Víctor, I hope everything goes very well for him.
i que es creixi endavant.
and let it grow forward.
Però també podria ser molt bé que diguis
But it could also be very good that you say.
que no se n'ha acabat de sortir.
that hasn't quite worked out.
Pots reciclar Olmo o hauràs de jugar amb Anzu.
You can recycle Olmo or you will have to play with Anzu.
I llavors pot ser que hi hagi un tram de la temporada
And then there may be a stretch of the season.
on li diguis, doncs mira noi,
then tell him, well look boy,
ara se n'ha lesionat i tens ara un tram
Now he has been injured and you have a stretch now.
que tens un mes per jugar tu.
you have a month to play yourself.
Perquè o jugues tu o no juga ningú més.
Because either you play or no one else plays.
I llavors, a veure si en aquell mes se'n surt.
And then, let's see if he manages to do it in that month.
És l'única oportunitat que té.
It is the only opportunity he/she has.
Jo ara mateix poso abans a Pau Víctor
Right now, I prioritize Pau Víctor.
que ha donat-li minuts a Anzu
that has given minutes to Anzu
a recuperar una versió mínimament digna.
to recover a minimally dignified version.
Sí, però si...
Yes, but if...
Jo vaig veure de Pau Víctor a la pretemporada.
I saw Pau Víctor during the preseason.
Estic d'acord, però si juga 10 estonetes,
I agree, but if it plays for 10 moments,
Pau Víctor de moment no ha jugat.
Pau Víctor hasn't played yet.
Si comença a passar mesos que no juga, no juga,
If months starts to go by without playing, he doesn't play.
i quan surt ja ha perdut aquella guspina
And when it comes out, it has already lost that spark.
perquè Pau Víctor va embalat perquè ve del Barça B,
because Pau Víctor is excited because he comes from Barça B,
de ser el millor jugador del Barça B,
of being the best player of Barça B,
de fer una pretemporada on ha jugat...
to have a preseason where he has played...
L'home ha d'entrar 10 minuts ara de cop i volta
The man has to come in 10 minutes all of a sudden.
després de 3 jornades o 4 o 5 no ha jugat.
after 3, 4 or 5 matchdays he has not played.
Si passa 3 mesos parat, doncs ja veurem
If it stops for 3 months, then we will see.
quan surt Pau Víctor, ja no serà el mateix Pau Víctor.
When Pau Víctor comes out, he will no longer be the same Pau Víctor.
Jo crec que necessita confiança.
I believe that he/she needs trust.
I en aquest cas aquest entrenador sembla que hi confia.
And in this case, this coach seems to trust it.
Sembla que hi creu.
It seems that he/she believes in it.
Com a mínim vol intentar-ho.
At least he wants to try.
Si el Barça hagués pogut...
If Barça had been able to...
L'hauria venut.
I would have sold it.
Diguem les coses...
Let's say things...
Sembla un jugador, com deia el Roger, espectacular.
He seems like a player, as Roger said, spectacular.
Però si no...
But if not...
Tinc un cert apreci pel seu pare perquè es va portar molt bé amb nosaltres.
I have a certain appreciation for your father because he treated us very well.
Però si no el pots vendre.
But if you can't sell it.
Però era impossible vendre'l.
But it was impossible to sell it.
Tant de bo.
I wish.
Un jugador lesionat.
An injured player.
I amb la fitxa que té...
And with the card she has...
Trespassar-lo a baix preu.
Transfer it at a low price.
O cedir-lo una altra vegada.
Or concede it again.
El jugador ha volgut quedar-se.
The player wanted to stay.
I Flica pensava, no tinc la plantilla molt llarga, vinga.
I Flica was thinking, I don't have the template very long, come on.
Anem a provar-te.
Let's test you.
El va veure a la pretemporada, el nano semblava que començava a entrenar bé.
He saw him in the preseason, the kid seemed to be starting to train well.
Però vull dir que com a mínim...
But I mean that at least...
El Xavi va arribar un moment
Xavi arrived for a moment.
que l'Anzu no el veia.
that Anzu didn't see him.
I volia veure'l.
I wanted to see him.
Però pel que sigui, pel procés aquest,
But for whatever reason, for this process,
jo crec que pel tema de la lesió,
I believe that regarding the injury,
com es va...
how it goes...
Bueno, es gestiona aquella lesió també.
Well, that injury is also managed.
Alguna ingerència del Mendes.
Some interference from Mendes.
Perquè el Mendes mana.
Because Mendes is in charge.
El mana molt, eh?
He commands a lot, huh?
Clar, bueno.
Sure, well.
Al final, Manu i jo aquí,
In the end, Manu and I here,
Flica ve nou,
Flica comes new,
diu, escolta, el xaval tenia gol,
he says, listen, the kid had talent.
el tinc aquí, un jugador lesionat,
I have him here, an injured player.
ningú se l'emportarà,
no one will take it away.
perquè a més a més, té l'historial que té.
because moreover, it has the history that it has.
Jo el que haig d'intentar...
What I have to try...
Provem-ho a recuperar.
Let's try to recover it.
Però provem-ho és també donar-li confiança.
But trying it is also about giving it confidence.
És posar-lo a jugar.
It's putting him to play.
No, va dir només que hi ha l'exigència
No, he only said that there is the demand.
del nivell que és el Barça,
at the level that Barça is,
el que deia el David, de si tu et pots anar
what David was saying, about whether you can go
permetre anar posant un jugador
allow to start putting in a player
per recuperar nivell quan necessites també els resultats,
to recover level when you also need the results,
i l'altre el que apuntava el Fernando,
and the other thing that Fernando mentioned,
és a dir, que si no juga, tens un jugador
That is to say, if he doesn't play, you have a player.
amb un contracte de jugador franquici aquí.
with a franchise player contract here.
Perquè se'l va renovar com el 10,
Because he was renewed like the 10.
l'hereu de Messi.
Messi's heir.
És que havia de ser això.
It had to be this.
I ocupa un bon paquet d'espatlles.
And takes up a good amount of shoulders.
Encara porta el 10, no?
He still wears number 10, right?
I tens un jugador que si no ha de tenir molt pes,
You have a player who should not carry too much weight.
té un contracte molt important.
he has a very important contract.
Tal com està el Barça, això també és un...
As the Barça is, this is also a...
Tant de bo Flick, també,
I wish Flick would too.
toqui la tecla mental i de confiança.
touch the mental and confidence key.
La plantilla és curta i es finia molt per tu.
The squad is short and it finished a lot for you.
Ara ve un marató de partits, eh?
Now a marathon of matches is coming, right?
Ara ve un marató de partits.
Now a marathon of matches is coming.
Estàs parlant del calendari? Anem al calendari.
Are you talking about the calendar? Let's go to the calendar.
Mira que ho he intentat fa estona.
Look, I've been trying for a while.
No, és que a part, el Fernando ha aixecat les celles,
No, it's just that apart from that, Fernando has raised his eyebrows,
com ho hem dit, ara ja ho hem començat.
As we have said, now we have started it.
Volem posar...
We want to put...
Ho hem parlat abans a fora,
We've talked about it before outside,
Fernando, escolta, tira'm aquí l'assistència.
Fernando, listen, send me the assistance here.
Tens una altra pregunta?
Do you have another question?
No, no, no.
No, no, no.
Tenim el nostre Carles Porta particular,
We have our own Carles Porta.
perquè posarà llum
because it will bring light
a la foscor del calendari,
in the darkness of the calendar,
els aperes, per saber com s'elabora,
the aperitifs, to know how it is made,
qui li dóna el visti
who gives him the go-ahead
i plau als calendaris oficials
it pleases the official calendars
de les lligues, de les Champions,
of the leagues, of the Champions,
dels partits internacionals,
of international matches,
què es pot fer per canviar-lo, tal com demanen ja moltes veus,
What can be done to change it, as many voices are already asking?
i com aquí hi posem sobre la taula,
and here we put it on the table,
com que hi ha una aturada, com pot ser,
as there is a stop, how can it be,
els exprimeixen, doncs bé.
They squeeze them, then well.
És possible ara mateix tot això?
Is all of this possible right now?
A veure, a curt termini,
Let's see, in the short term,
diria que la resposta és que no,
I would say that the answer is no,
d'entrada, perquè el calendari internacional de FIFA
to begin with, because of FIFA's international calendar
està tancat fins al 2030,
it is closed until 2030,
és a dir, les dates en les que juguen les seleccions
that is to say, the dates on which the national teams play
en aquest període ja està definit,
this period is already defined,
aquestes famoses dates FIFA es van anunciar l'any passat.
these famous FIFA dates were announced last year.
El 2030?
Sí, jo plego, per màgica.
Yes, I quit, for magical.
Fins al Mundial d'Espanya,
Until the World Cup in Spain,
Portugal i Marroc,
Portugal and Morocco,
estan totes les dates FIFA acordades
all the agreed FIFA dates are set
al 2030.
by 2030.
Jo estic cansat,
I am tired.
que com ha estat el col·le...
how has school been...
Estic amb 63 anys.
I am 63 years old.
Mira, podeu fotre el calendari
Look, you can shove the calendar.
que vulgueu.
whatever you want.
Fins aquí,
Until here,
aquí de clar.
Here it is clear.
Per exemple,
For example,
l'horitzó no és molt alentador.
The horizon is not very encouraging.
Jo això no ho sé.
I don't know this.
Jo dic que sí, em dónes permís?
I say yes, do you give me permission?
Jo això no ho sabia,
I didn't know that.
i crec que és molt interessant,
I think it's very interesting,
perquè avui el Roger ha fet una sèrie de trucades.
because today Roger made a series of calls.
És a dir, el calendari definit de UEFA,
That is to say, the definitive UEFA calendar,
lligues estatals
state leagues
i FIFA amb seleccions
and FIFA with national teams
està definit i tancat
it is defined and closed
i aprovat per tothom fins al 2030.
and approved for everyone until 2030.
A partir del 2030...
Starting from 2030...
Encara foten a pitjor.
They still hit worse.
La FIFA ho té lligat.
FIFA has it tied up.
Fem el Mundial, ja ho he dit.
Let's do the World Cup, I've already said it.
En relació al tema dels clubs,
In relation to the issue of clubs,
es va anunciar l'any passat, després que també l'ECA,
it was announced last year, after also the ECA,
que és l'associació de clubs europeus
what is the association of European clubs
que representa més de 500 entitats,
that represents more than 500 entities,
donés el seu vistiplau
gave his approval
a aquesta proposta de la FIFA.
to this proposal from FIFA.
Per tant, un calendari que compta amb l'hoquei
Therefore, a calendar that includes hockey.
dels principals clubs europeus.
of the main European clubs.
I van tenir part de culpa
They had a share of the blame.
710 milions de dòlars
710 million dollars
que els clubs van pactar amb la FIFA
that the clubs reached an agreement with FIFA
per la cessió de jugadors
for the loan of players
passant de 209 milions, insisteixo,
passing 209 million, I insist,
de dòlars pels Mundials del 2018 i el 2022
of dollars for the World Cups of 2018 and 2022
als 355
to the 355
que cobraran
that they will charge
pel 2026 i 2030.
for 2026 and 2030.
És a dir, si el Barça cedeix...
That is to say, if Barça concedes...
La cessió de jugadors.
The loan of players.
Si el Barça cedeix 18 jugadors a diferents eleccions
If Barça loans out 18 players to different selections.
a un Mundial, cobra fins a 355 milions de dòlars.
In a World Cup, he earns up to 355 million dollars.
No, no, no.
No, no, no.
Per tots.
For everyone.
Home, si no hi ha tan insolucionat el programa.
Man, if the program is not so unsolvable.
Amigo de la fuente,
Friend of the fountain,
convoco-los a todos.
I summon all of you.
Sacrificant-los com xais a la Bíblia.
Sacrificing them like lambs in the Bible.
Perdoneu un moment.
Excuse me for a moment.
És una misèria cobrar 355 milions a repartir
It's a pity to receive 355 million to share.
entre tots els clubs que cedeixen jugadors.
among all the clubs that loan players.
Sí, però aquestes classificacions van gratis.
Yes, but these classifications are free.
Aquests que estan jugant ara...
Those who are playing now...
Han passat de 209 milions
They have gone over 209 million.
en aquests Mundials a 355
in these World Cups at 355
a canvi de donar l'hoquei
in exchange for giving the hockey
a aquest calendari.
to this calendar.
I en el marc d'aquest acord,
And in the context of this agreement,
l'ECA també va dir que sí.
The ECA also said yes.
Va aprovar el Mundial de Clubs,
He approved the Club World Cup.
la nova versió d'aquest juliol,
the new version of this July,
i també el retorn d'aquesta Copa Intercontinental
and also the return of this Intercontinental Cup
que, recordem, jugaran el campió de la Champions
that, remember, they will play the champion of the Champions League
contra un rival que sortirà d'unes eliminatòries a mà.
against an opponent that will come out of a manual elimination round.
Estàs parlant d'aquests diners
Are you talking about this money?
en fases finals, eh?
in the final stages, huh?
Sí, sí.
Yes, yes.
De Mundials a Mundials, només.
From World Cups to World Cups, only.
En la fase final hi ha el tronxo de les classificacions.
In the final phase, there is the ranking breakdown.
Estem parlant de la competició.
We are talking about the competition.
De la competició dels Mundials,
From the competition of the World Cups,
però que arran d'això han beneït els clubs
but as a result of this they have blessed the clubs
aquest calendari que, com dic, està tancat fins al 2030.
this calendar which, as I said, is closed until 2030.
Que això també convé subratllar-ho,
That is also worth highlighting,
que els clubs ho beneixen.
that the clubs bless it.
Però també hi ha quan dius
But there's also when you say
que si et lesiones en una fase de classificació
that if you get injured in a qualifying phase
també hi ha uns diners a partir d'ara, no?
There is also some money starting now, right?
Això és una cosa de FIFA
This is a FIFA thing.
que si és més de 28 dies
that if it is more than 28 days
et paguen crec que 24.000 euros al dia.
They pay you, I believe, 24,000 euros a day.
Sí, però al final tu pots cobrar per Gavi
Yes, but in the end you can charge for Gavi.
que estarà un any aturat, que és 7 milions.
that will be stopped for a year, which is 7 million.
I el concurs de Gavi
And the Gavi contest
què t'hauria donat a la GESPA?
What would you have given to the GRASS?
Durant un any.
For a year.
No, clar, no ho recuperes mai.
No, of course, you never recover it.
El retorn no...
The return not...
A veure, que acabi el Roger aquesta feina que ha fet.
Let’s see, let Roger finish this work he has done.
Per tant, aquesta és la situació
Therefore, this is the situation.
pel que ens diuen a partir de l'any vinent
for what they tell us starting next year
totes les parts implicades, FIFA, ECA, també FIFA Pro
all the parties involved, FIFA, ECA, also FIFA Pro
començaran a ser euros per parlar
they will start to be euros to speak
de com ha de ser més enllà del 2030.
of how it should be beyond 2030.
Aquestes fonts properes a l'ECA
These sources close to the ECA
que hem consultat a racons expliquen
that we have consulted in corners explain
que ens trobem davant d'un moment
that we find ourselves in front of a moment
que pot ser crucial per decidir
that could be crucial for deciding
quin ha de ser el model en els propers anys
what should the model be in the coming years
veient quina és la situació
seeing what the situation is
i les queixes que hi ha darrerament
and the complaints that there have been lately
sobre aquest calendari.
about this calendar.
Hem d'assegurar que el paper de l'ECA no és fàcil
We must ensure that the role of the ECA is not easy.
en el sentit que fa una mica de bisagra
in the sense that it acts as a bit of a hinge
entre els desitjos de FIFA
among FIFA's wishes
i també dels jugadors d'aquests clubs.
and also of the players from these clubs.
Hi ha un pastís, tothom vol la seva part
There is a cake, everyone wants their share.
clubs, federacions, jugadors
clubs, federations, players
i ningú està disposat a renunciar-hi.
and no one is willing to give it up.
Però enmig de tot això
But in the midst of all this
hi tenim els jugadors esgotats
the players are exhausted
per la quantitat de partits
for the number of matches
un espectacle que se'n ressenteix
a show that suffers from it
i uns ingressos que minven
and some decreasing income
si els jugadors no rendeixen el seu millor nivell.
if the players do not perform at their best level.
Pel que ens comentaven ara mateix
From what they were telling us just now.
hi ha dos models, per dir-ho així, sobre la taula
There are two models, so to speak, on the table.
A partir del 2030.
From 2030 onwards.
Sí, sí, tot això estem parlant ja
Yes, yes, we're already talking about all that.
de les converses que hi ha d'haver
of the conversations that should take place
per seure's ara
to sit down now
per parlar de com serà
to talk about what it will be like
el calendari a partir del 2030.
the calendar starting from 2030.
La idea és, ara tot això
The idea is, now all this
ho estem exprimint al màxim
we are maximizing it
i els jugadors no estan oferint
and the players are not delivering
l'espectacle que voldríem.
the show we would like.
És que a veure, veu el 34 ja com que
It's just that, you see, the 34 already seems like...
m'entens com si vola
you understand me as if I fly
el Mundial de la Repesaudita
the Repesaudita World Cup
un Mundial de petanca.
a World Petanque Championship.
No arribes, no el Mundial de la Repesaudita
You won't arrive, not the World Cup of Repesaudita.
el 2034.
the 2034.
El d'Espanya crec que sí.
I think so about Spain.
Em sembla molt interessant el que diu el Roger
I find what Roger says very interesting.
perquè és veritat que ara tothom veuen
because it is true that now everyone sees
entitats, clubs, organismes
entities, clubs, organizations
UEFA i FIFA, tothom veu
UEFA and FIFA, everyone sees
que això no va enlloc.
that this is going nowhere.
Ara mateix, perquè està tot el papaïdíssim
Right now, because everything is just so absurd.
els jugadors no són màquines
players are not machines
es lesionen, baixa l'espectacle
they get injured, the show goes down
i el que fa baixar l'espectacle què és?
And what brings down the show, what is it?
Que no paga la gent, no paguen les marques
That people do not pay, brands do not pay.
no paguen les teles perquè baixa l'espectacle
they don't pay for the shows because the performance is declining
llavors el negoci de tots se'n va a la merda.
then everyone’s business goes to hell.
Ho han de reconduir d'alguna manera. Per tant, hi ha dos models
They need to redirect it somehow. Therefore, there are two models.
Parlar una mica d'algun exemple com el de la NFL
Talk a little about an example like that of the NFL.
és a dir, una lliga per exemple amb pocs equips
that is to say, a league for example with few teams
més qualitat d'aquesta lliga
more quality of this league
més ingressos o
more income or
una altra via que seria la que estan seguint ara mateix
another way that would be the one they are following right now
que és mirar d'aconseguir
what it is to try to achieve
aquests ingressos a través de moltes
these revenues through many
competicions, molts partits com passa
competitions, many matches as it happens
ara mateix, amb el risc que això comporta
right now, with the risk that this entails
pel físic dels jugadors.
for the physical condition of the players.
Sobre el que sovint parlem
About what we often talk about.
de per què es juguen tants partits
of why so many matches are played
i per què l'ECA no els se la veu, el que ens
And why the ECA cannot be seen, what we...
plantegen és que quan hi ha aquest
they suggest is that when there is this
debat, tothom tensa la corda
debate, everyone strains the rope
cap al seu costat. Qui ha de reduir partits?
next to him. Who has to reduce matches?
Les competicions que generen molts ingressos
Competitions that generate a lot of income.
com puguin ser els mundials o les que no
as they can be the world championships or those that are not
en generen tants, com puguin ser per exemple
they generate as many as, for example, could be
les lligues domèstiques. De fet
the domestic leagues. In fact
la lliga francesa, l'alemanya, la portuguesa
the French league, Germany, Portugal
ja tenen lligues de 18 equips
they already have leagues of 18 teams
l'espanyola encara en té 20. La Prèmiera en té 20
The Spanish still has 20. The Premier has 20.
Itàlia en té 20, però compta, França i
Italy has 20, but watch out, France and
Alemanya han reduït a 18 equips
Germany has reduced to 18 teams.
les lligues. Són 4 partits menys per equip
the leagues. There are 4 fewer matches per team.
és poca cosa potser, però ja són
it's perhaps little, but it already is
4 partits. Aquí quan es planteja
4 matches. Here when is it proposed?
el debat, uns diuen, no, no, reduïu les lligues
the debate, some say, no, no, reduce the leagues
domèstiques, altres no, no, aquestes competicions
domestic, others not, no, these competitions
que també són massa llargues, però ep, aquestes
that are also too long, but hey, these
també donen calés.
They also give money.
No és fàcil perquè, com ara
It's not easy because, like now
estàvem comentant, aquí entren moltes
We were commenting, many come in here.
variables. Si es juguen tants partits
variables. If so many games are played
el risc de lesions augmenta, els
the risk of injuries increases, the
equips que disputen competició
teams that compete in competition
europea, per exemple, han d'apostar per plantilles
European, for example, must bet on templates.
llargues, com estava dient el David,
long, as David was saying,
i per tant, però necessiten també més
and therefore, they also need more
calés per mantenir-les. És a dir, aquí a vegades
money to maintain them. That is to say, here sometimes
és un pes que es mossega
it's a fish that bites itself
la cua. Al mateix temps, jugar
the queue. At the same time, play
molts partits afecta el nivell físic dels
many games affect the physical level of the
jugadors, i més ara que el futbol té un component físic
players, and even more now that football has a physical component
important, i aquests han de jugar infinitat
important, and these must play infinitely
de partits afectant la qualitat de l'espectacle
of matches affecting the quality of the show
i, com dèiem, provocant una tendència a la baixa
and, as we said, causing a downward trend
dels ingressos, com està passant
of the income, as is happening
amb totes les lligues que renegocien els seus
with all the leagues that renegotiate their
drets audiovisuals, és a dir, que els està costant mantenir
audiovisual rights, that is to say, that it is costing them to maintain
el nivell d'ingressos que
the level of income that
tenien. Per tant, de moment, tot seguirà igual, però
they had. Therefore, for now, everything will remain the same, but
tens els moviments que ha d'haver-hi a partir
you have the movements that must be there from
de l'any migdia per redefinir un esport
from the midday year to redefine a sport
i un negoci que es troba en aquesta cruïlla, i ha d'escollir
and a business that is at this crossroads, and has to choose
el millor camí que el faci atractiu
the best way to make it attractive
i alhora també solvent.
and at the same time also solvent.
Molt bé, Roger. Ha parlat
Very well, Roger. He has spoken.
amb fonts autoritzades, i jo insisteixo
with authorized sources, and I insist
que aquesta idea de fer una NFL
that this idea of creating an NFL
potser és una bogeria, però és veritat que
maybe it's crazy, but it's true that
els fans... Com a model general, no canvia.
the fans... As a general model, it doesn't change.
És a dir, lliga competicions amb menys
That is, it links competitions with less.
equips, que siguin més atractives i que generin
teams, that are more attractive and that generate
més, o anar a fer-ho a l'engrossa
more, or go do it in bulk
i moltes competicions...
and many competitions...
Però les competicions amb menys equips ho hem parlat sempre, Roger.
But we have always talked about competitions with fewer teams, Roger.
Com es gestionen? Perquè a quins clubs li dius
How are they managed? Because which clubs are you referring to?
que no continuaran la temporada
that they will not continue the season
següent, que en baixaran
next, that they will lower it
5 en lloc de 3?
5 instead of 3?
És un drama. Les aficions
It's a drama. Hobbies.
de Celta i Cebella van sortir al carrer
Celta and Cebella went out into the street.
aquí a protestar perquè els volien fotre
here to protest because they wanted to mess with them
a la segona divisió. Tu que parles d'aquestes
to the second division. You who speak about these
herifaltes, que avui has tocat
herifaltes, that today you have touched
tecles importants, gent de la ECA
important keys, people from the ECA
i tot, eh? Sí, comitè executiu.
And everything, huh? Yes, executive committee.
Digue'ls-hi que
Tell them that
hi ha una evolució que és... Ara quants
There is an evolution that is... Now how many
canvis n'hi ha? 5.
Are there any changes? 5.
Que facin 11 canvis.
Make 11 changes.
Hòstia. Sí?
Holy shit. Yes?
Els suplents també estaran contents,
The substitutes will also be happy,
els jugadors titulars
the starting players
descansaran més...
they will rest more...
A Zambó hi ha vegades que fan
At Zambó there are times that they make
pam i canviem l'equip.
let's go and change the team.
Uns que ataquen i uns que...
Some that attack and some that...
L'exemple que em feien...
The example they gave me...
Que fotis 11 canvis al minutet.
That you make 11 changes in a minute.
Clar, però vull dir...
Of course, but I mean...
Un moment, un moment.
One moment, one moment.
Per què els jugadors descansin?
Why do the players rest?
No, no, dic que alguna vegada...
No, no, I mean that sometimes...
Però més canvis sí.
But more changes, yes.
D'aquestes que parlàvem
Of these that we were talking about.
posàvem com a exemple també el nivell de...
we also set as an example the level of...
D'aquesta Eurocopa, no? Que s'havia notat ja
From this European Championship, right? It had already been noticed.
que molts jugadors arribaven molt fosos.
that many players were arriving very tired.
I que en molts partits s'havia notat...
And in many matches it had been noticed...
Sí, ha sigut molt fos...
Yes, it has been very dark...
Poc espectacle, no? Excepte l'Amin i algun més, no?
Not much of a show, right? Except for Amin and a few others, right?
I de dir, clar, fins on estem arribant?
And to say, of course, where are we getting to?
Una competició tan important com aquesta, no?
Such an important competition as this, right?
Arriba el moment, vols veure les estrelles, vols veure
The moment arrives, you want to see the stars, you want to see.
el rendiment, i veus que els jugadors...
the performance, and you see that the players...
És que no arriben a tot això.
They do not reach all of this.
Érem molt pocs equips. Diria que
We were very few teams. I would say that
érem 8 equips. No, 16
We were 8 teams. No, 16.
havien arribat a ser. Havien sigut
they had come to be. They had been.
8, havien sigut 8, però...
8, it had been 8, but...
Jo recordo les Eurocopes de 8 equips.
I remember the Euro Cups with 8 teams.
Però això era poc. Jo 16 t'ho compro.
But that was little. I'll buy it for you for 16.
4 grups de 4.
4 groups of 4.
Però és que ara han agafat format de Mundial.
But now they have taken on the format of a World Cup.
El 80, el 84...
The 80, the 84...
Han fet 24 seleccions.
They have made 24 selections.
Has de fer 8 anys de final.
You have to do 8 years of finals.
Amb el tercer de grup
With the third in the group.
que també passa, no?
That also happens, doesn't it?
3 partits de fase de grups i 8 anys.
3 group stage matches and 8 years.
I el que deies tu, que el Mundial 2026,
And what you were saying, that the 2026 World Cup,
que això és d'aquí dos anys, 48 seleccions
that this is in two years, 48 selections
amb el que això suposa, no?
with what this implies, right?
A mi em sembla molt interessant el debat,
I find the debate very interesting,
que a més a més és un debat que estan tenint internament,
which is also a debate they are having internally,
la ECA, el FIFPro,
the ECA, the FIFPro,
la UEFA, la FIFA, les lligues...
UEFA, FIFA, the leagues...
Tots estan pendents de dir, hòstia, el negoci ens cau.
Everyone is waiting to say, wow, the business is collapsing.
Perquè a les teles estan dient,
Because on the screens they are saying,
vaja espectacle esteu oferint, si els jugadors no van.
What a show you are putting on, if the players are not playing.
Jo no pago per aquest espectacle, no?
I'm not paying for this show, am I?
Llavors aquí què has de fer?
So what do you have to do here?
La següent pregunta és publicada, que és qui diu, qui cedeix?
The following question is published, which is who says, who yields?
D'on retallem? No, a mi no.
Where do we cut? No, not me.
A mi tampoc.
Me neither.
Volem menys partits, però llavors cobrareu menys
We want fewer games, but then you will earn less.
si hi ha menys partits.
if there are fewer matches.
Aquí tothom ha de fer un exercici de renúncia.
Here everyone has to make an exercise of renunciation.
Jo el que trobo que en el tema de les federacions
What I find in the topic of federations
i de les seleccions,
and of the selections,
és que no cobrin els clubs,
it's that the clubs don't get paid,
ja no et dic per la fase final,
I'm not telling you about the final phase anymore,
per tota la fase de classificació,
for the entire qualifying phase,
però si ells posen els artistes.
but if they choose the artists.
Si els hi paguen la fitxa,
If they pay them the fee,
si els hi paguen els traspassos.
if they are paid the transfers.
I quan el tio ve trencat com el Fermín,
And when the guy comes broken like Fermín,
no juga amb el club.
Don't play with the club.
Per això tota la història de la Superlliga.
That's why the whole story of the Super League.
I per això tota la història de la Superlliga va estar,
And that's why the whole story of the Super League was,
perquè es va portar molt malament a la pràctica,
because it behaved very poorly in practice,
però va estar a punt de sortir.
but it was about to come out.
Perquè al final, clar, alguna cosa has de solucionar,
Because in the end, of course, you have to solve something,
ningú t'ho acabarà acceptant, cap UEFA, cap FIFA,
nobody will ever accept it, neither UEFA nor FIFA,
cap Lliga Espanyola t'ho acabarà acceptant,
no Spanish league will ever accept it,
perquè se'ls acaba amb ells la història,
because their story comes to an end with them,
però hi ha uns quants clubs que realment
but there are a few clubs that really
són els que la gent vol veure, els que venen les samarretes,
they are the ones that people want to see, the ones that sell the t-shirts,
els que tenen les millors estrelles i diuen
those who have the best stars and say
escolta'm, i si fem nosaltres la Lliga?
Listen to me, what if we do the League?
Perquè clar, aquests clubs el problema que tenen
Because, of course, the problem that these clubs have
és que no voten.
They don't vote.
O sigui, voten, val igual el seu vot que
That is, they vote, their vote is just as valid as
el vot de l'Almeria...
the vote of Almeria...
Però jo recordo que Florentino i Laporta deien
But I remember that Florentino and Laporta said
que seguirien jugant la Lliga Espanyola,
that would continue playing in the Spanish League,
fent la Superlliga, que això em sembla...
doing the Super League, which seems to me...
Però crec que això de la fase inicial...
But I think that this initial phase...
La fase inicial...
The initial phase...
No, no, però la diferència és que hi estaven
No, no, but the difference is that they were there.
els ingressos que tu tenies jugant la Superlliga.
the income that you had from playing in the Super League.
O sigui, el Barça, per exemple,
So, Barça, for example,
si segueix jugant la Superlliga en les condicions que van presentar
if it continues playing the Super League under the conditions they presented
en el seu moment...
At its time...
300 i pico milions, amb la qual cosa ja pot ser
300 and something million, with which it could already be.
una plantilla per abarcar tot el que la Lliga té.
a template to cover everything the League has.
I ara gaire qualitat.
And now hardly any quality.
Què està passant una mica al bàsquet? Jo no el segueixo molt,
What's happening a bit in basketball? I don't follow it much.
però al bàsquet, a la CB
but in basketball, in the CB
hi juguen uns quants, o juguen uns minuts X
some play for a few minutes X
i a l'Eurolliga hi juguen uns altres.
And in the Euroleague, others play.
Hi van més, clar.
Hi, they are coming more, of course.
Hi ha convocatòries, hi ha uns que van ja cap aquí,
There are calls, there are some who are already on their way here,
uns que van cap allà,
some that are going there,
i si tenessis una cosa així
And if you had something like that.
t'aniria realment a que els cracs
I would really go to the crack parties.
es guardarien per la Champions, que entre altres coses...
they would save themselves for the Champions, which among other things...
O sigui, acaben jugant la Lliga
So, they end up playing in the League.
i acaben jugant la Champions, però és que
and they end up playing in the Champions, but it's just that
tu poses... O sigui, el ritme que es juga
you set... I mean, the rhythm that is played
en els partits bons de la Champions, els de la Lliga,
in the good matches of the Champions, those of the League,
és que no té res a veure. És un altre esport.
It has nothing to do with it. It's a different sport.
Però, per exemple...
But, for example...
Entenc l'exemple que poses del bàsquet, Marc,
I understand the example you give of basketball, Marc,
però clar, són esports absolutament diferents.
But of course, they are absolutely different sports.
El bàsquet en un mateix partit, atacs molt més ràpids,
Basketball in the same game, much faster attacks,
pista molt més petita,
much smaller track,
canvis constants, rotacions constants...
constant changes, constant rotations...
Sí, sí, en vol, en vol.
Yes, yes, in flight, in flight.
Has de fer canvis.
You need to make changes.
Som els primers... General, eh?
We are the first... General, right?
Quan un entrenador no acaba de consolidar un 11
When a coach has not managed to consolidate an 11.
i no té clars les idees, som els primers que diem
And if he is not clear about his ideas, we are the first to say it.
o sigui, clar, és que massa rotació...
I mean, of course, too much rotation...
M'entens? Vull dir...
Do you understand me? I mean...
Pels entrenadors és difícil, és difícil.
It's difficult for the coaches, it's difficult.
Has de tenir plantilles molt llargues i de molta qualitat.
You need to have very long and high-quality templates.
Els clubs grans.
The big clubs.
Perquè després has de mantenir el nivell, quan no juga el crac.
Because afterwards you have to maintain the level when the star player isn't playing.
Ha de sortir un altre jugador i mantenir el nivell, més o menys.
Another player has to come out and maintain the level, more or less.
Tenir nivell Barça, nivell Madrid, etc.
To have Barça level, Madrid level, etc.
Clar, no és fàcil.
Of course, it's not easy.
I el Madrid, per exemple, aquest any té set competicions.
And Madrid, for example, has seven competitions this year.
El Madrid pot jugar...
Madrid can play...
L'altre dia ho vaig sentir, pot jugar de l'ordre de 80 partits.
The other day I heard that he can play around 80 games.
És que juguen...
It's just that they play...
Un jugador de 80 partits és inassolible.
An 80-game player is unapproachable.
Perquè juguen al Mundial de Clubs Antic
Why do they play in the Ancient Club World Cup?
i participaran al Mundial de Clubs Nou.
They will participate in the new Club World Cup.
No s'inventin, eh? Ni sextete ni septete.
Don't make things up, okay? Neither sextet nor septet.
Aquí només hi ha un sextete possible,
Here there is only one possible sextet,
que és si guanyes Lliga, Copa Champions i els tres que es deriven.
what it is if you win League, Champions Cup and the three that derive from it.
Déu vulgui que no ho guanyin...
God willing they don't win...
Perquè això no es repetirà mai,
Because this will never happen again,
això del doble Mundial,
this double World Cup,
i si ho guanyéssim...
and if we won it...
No, no, s'acaba el futbol, Manu.
No, no, football is over, Manu.
S'acaba tot, eh?
Everything comes to an end, right?
Si parlen que poden fer per primer cop un triplete al podi de la pilotador...
If they talk about being able to achieve a triplet on the podium of the driver for the first time...
Però que no s'ha fet ja.
But hasn't it been done already?
Però això és mentida, si això s'ha fet...
But this is a lie, if this has been done...
Jo ho vaig publicat, eh?
I published it, right?
Si el 2010 Messi i Xavi Niesta van fotre un podi espectacular...
If in 2010 Messi and Xavi Iniesta made a spectacular podium...
Home, per primer cop a l'Història del Madrid.
Home, for the first time in the History of Madrid.
L'Història del Madrid, clar.
The history of Madrid, of course.
Però és veritat que el tema del futbol l'hem de repensar una miqueta,
But it is true that we need to rethink the topic of football a little bit,
perquè, a més,
because, moreover,
això mateix que els equips grans
just like the big teams
tenen tanta qualitat que els seus jugadors
they have such quality that their players
poden jugar al 60% i guanyar els partits,
they can play at 60% and win the matches,
home, no és gaire interessant.
man, it's not very interesting.
O sigui, cada vegada ho és menys.
That is to say, it is becoming less so each time.
Vull dir, veure el jugador,
I mean, to see the player,
què s'ha de dosificar,
what needs to be dosed,
perquè si no es dosifica no arribarà,
because if it is not dosed it will not arrive,
i ho veus, que està jugant allà, a mig gas,
and you see it, that it's playing there, at half speed,
i tot i així acabarà guanyant el partit
And yet he will end up winning the match.
a la mínima que apreti una mica...
at the slightest pressure...
Marc, a mi em sap greu,
Marc, I'm sorry.
crec que sóc una mica romàntic en el món del futbol
I think I am a bit of a romantic in the world of football.
i m'apassiona veure's...
I am passionate about seeing you...
En la vida, en general.
In life, in general.
Però a mi m'apassiona encara veure el Sabadell,
But I am still passionate about watching Sabadell,
per aquell sentiment de pertinença de la ciutat on vas néixer,
for that sense of belonging to the city where you were born,
d'haver anat de petit, però és cert,
of having gone as a child, but it is true,
i intentant ser objectiu,
and trying to be objective,
intentant ser objectiu,
trying to be objective,
és cert que has d'estirar per baix.
It's true that you have to pull from the bottom.
És a dir, la Lliga Espanyola
That is to say, the Spanish League.
hauria de ser de 16 o de 14 equips,
it should be 16 or 14 teams,
perquè és igual,
because it doesn't matter,
però el que vull dir és que el que ofereix espectacle
but what I mean is that what offers a spectacle
ara mateix és la Champions,
right now it's the Champions,
que és el que tu vols veure a la televisió,
what is it that you want to see on television,
tu vols veure una Champions, un Mundial,
you want to see a Champions, a World Cup,
the Euro Cup...
S'han de reduir les Nations Leagues
The Nations Leagues need to be reduced.
i les Lligues Estatals, i em sap greu,
and the State Leagues, and I'm sorry,
però hem d'anar cap aquí.
but we have to go this way.
Jo crec que l'important és que ha de ser oberta la competició,
I believe that what is important is that the competition must be open,
ha de ser oberta i ha de poder entrar el Girona de l'any passat.
It must be open and the Girona from last year must be able to enter.
Les històries com el Girona, això és el que ens enganxa,
Stories like Girona, that's what hooks us.
i això ha de poder seguir passant.
and this must continue to happen.
Ara, doncs clar,
Now, of course,
el Girona, per arribar a jugar
Girona, in order to play
realment amb el Barça i el Dallò,
really with Barça and the Dallò,
doncs segurament li costarà,
then it will probably be difficult for him/her.
haurà de fer un parell o tres
you will have to do a couple or three
de salts, i ara potser només n'havia de fer un, no?
of jumps, and now perhaps I only had to do one, right?
Aquestes coses segurament acabaran passant,
These things will surely end up happening,
però ha de poder arribar
but it must be able to arrive
un Girona que pugui arribar
a Girona that can reach
a tocar la Lliga Espanyola.
on the verge of the Spanish League.
Això ha de poder passar.
This has to happen.
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