El món a RAC1 - Évole i la ràdio


El món a RAC1 - Évole i la ràdio

Si parlem de la Marta Romagos, Elisenda, hem de parlar radiofònicament

If we talk about Marta Romagos, Elisenda, we have to talk radio-wise.

d'una de les veus de referència dels informatius de Catalunya.

from one of the reference voices of the news in Catalonia.

Absolutament, una de les periodistes i vos referències, sobretot, de Catalunya Ràdio.

Absolutely, one of the journalists and your references, especially from Catalunya Ràdio.

Quants anys feia que treballes?

How many years had you been working?

Des del 1991, veus?

Since 1991, you see?

Setmana Santa del 91.

Holy Week of '91.

Si te'n recordes el dia exacte o no? Setmana Santa?

Do you remember the exact day or not? Holy Week?

Sí, perquè va ser entrar i dos dies i tenia una guàrdia de Setmana Santa,

Yes, because it was just two days after I entered and I had a shift for Holy Week.

sí, sí, me'n recordo perfectament.

Yes, yes, I remember perfectly.

I amb 24 anys tenies experiència prèvia on?

And at 24 years old, where did you have prior experience?

Perquè sempre hi ha unes pràctiques, sempre hi ha un lloc.

Because there are always practices, there is always a place.

Jo vaig començar a Ràdio Cornellà, clar, com tanta gent comença a les emissores municipals.

I started at Ràdio Cornellà, of course, like so many people begin at municipal stations.

Jo vaig treballar molt de temps a Ràdio, abans que estudia periodisme,

I worked a long time at the radio before studying journalism.

ja feia ràdio a Ràdio Cornellà, o sigui, em va enganxar la ràdio.

I was already doing radio at Ràdio Cornellà, so I got hooked on the radio.

Em va enganxar, o sigui, una entrevista que em van fer a mi perquè jo feia teatre.

It caught me, that is, an interview they did with me because I was doing theater.

O sigui, aquest va ser el meu primer contacte amb la ràdio.

So, this was my first contact with radio.

Feies teatre a Cornellà?

Did you do theater in Cornellà?

Feia teatre a Cornellà.

I was acting in theatre in Cornellà.

I vam fer, me'n recordo perfectament, la Venta Fox.

And we did, I remember perfectly, the Venta Fox.

Jo era la germanestra gran, dolenta, molt dolenta,

I was the big stepsister, bad, very bad,

que m'agrada molt els papers de dolenta.

I really like villain roles.

Perquè com que no ho sóc, m'agrada interpretar-lo.

Because since I am not, I enjoy interpreting it.

I són els més sucosos, clar.

And they are the juiciest, of course.

I ens van venir, ah, qui vol venir a la ràdio i fer una entrevista?

And they came to us, ah, who wants to come to the radio and do an interview?

I vaig dir, ja, doncs vam anar a tres.

I said, well, then we went to three.

I quan vaig tornar a casa meva, vaig dir,

And when I returned home, I said,

és que això de la ràdio és meravellós, perquè hi ha una llum vermella,

it's that this radio thing is wonderful, because there is a red light,

i llavors aixeca la mà, i hi ha un senyor que posa una música,

and then he raises his hand, and there is a man who plays music,

i llavors la treu.

and then she takes it out.

Vaig venir, absolutament, o sigui, vaig dir, és això.

I came, absolutely, I mean, I said, this is it.

Ja volia, dubtava entre fer periodisme o no i tal,

I wanted to, I was unsure whether to pursue journalism or not, and so on.

però allò em va acabar de decidir que volia estudiar ràdio.

but that made me finally decide that I wanted to study radio.

Doncs mira, aquí tenim un...

Well, look, here we have a...

Un fragment en què Neus Bonet, mira qui dóna pas.

A fragment in which Neus Bonet looks at who gives way.

A Catalunya Ràdio, el gran engany, amb Marta Romagosa.

At Catalunya Ràdio, the great deception, with Marta Romagosa.

Passa un minut de les 7 del matí, avui és divendres, 7 de juny del 91.

It's just past 7 in the morning, today is Friday, June 7th, 1991.

Al Catalunya Matius parlarem d'altres notícies,

In Catalunya Matius we will talk about other news,

que ara us avancem en els següents titulars.

we will now advance you in the following headlines.

Amb Joaquim Balaguer i Marta Romagosa.

With Joaquim Balaguer and Marta Romagosa.

És el 91, és gros.

It's the 91, it's big.

El ministre de l'Interior, José Luis Corcuera,

The Minister of the Interior, José Luis Corcuera,

va assegurar ahir al Congrés que els atarros Montiagudo i Iretzuma

asserted yesterday in Congress that the Montiagudo and Iretzuma outbreaks

havien sigut els primers a disparar

they had been the first to shoot

en l'operació policial a Lliçà de Munt contra el comando Barcelona.

in the police operation in Lliçà de Munt against the Barcelona command.

El PSOE ha començat a revisar la seva comptabilitat interna

The PSOE has begun to review its internal accounting.

mentre que un promotor immobiliari madrileny

while a Madrid real estate developer

ha presentat una querella contra diversos dirigents del partit

has filed a lawsuit against several leaders of the party

per les presumptes irregularitats.

for the alleged irregularities.

No em reconec.

I don't recognize myself.

Perdona, estàs fent allò que la gent,

Sorry, you are doing what people...

quan se sent per primera vegada a la ràdio,

when you hear it for the first time on the radio,

diu no m'agrada la veu, que és una cosa...

he says I don't like the voice, which is something...

No, no, però... Ostres, quina diferència.

No, no, but... Wow, what a difference.

Com digui que no li agrada la veu,

If you say you don't like the voice,

surt automàticament fora d'aquest estudi.

It automatically exits this study.

No, però que noto que estava tensa, nerviosa,

No, but I notice that I was tense, nervous,

que la veu se't queda...

that your voice stays with you...

Saps com si algú t'agafés d'algun lloc,

You know how it feels if someone were to take you from somewhere,

que no tenim les dones?

What don't we have, the women?

Doncs això mateix.

So that's it.

Em semblava això.

It seemed to me that way.

De tota manera, tu tenies clar

Anyway, you were clear.

que et volies dedicar a fer informatius o no?

Did you want to dedicate yourself to doing news reports or not?

No, jo vaig entrar a informatius.

No, I entered the news department.

Jo sempre he volgut fer un programa, en el fons.

I have always wanted to make a show, deep down.

Sempre he volgut fer un programa.

I have always wanted to make a program.

I l'he fet una vegada...

And I've done it once...

I prou.

I enough.

No, perquè, de fet, després programes intersemanals,

No, because, in fact, after interweekly programs,

aquelles coses, no?

those things, right?

Però un programa...

But a program...

La nostra Marga Ortuño era molt...

Our Marga Ortuño was very...

molt fan d'un programa

big fans of a program

que es deia El Mirall.

which was called The Mirror.

Queda'l bon dia a la una i sis minuts.

It's a good day at one and six minutes.

Avui, aquí, al Mirall, a Catalunya Ràdio,

Today, here, at Mirall, at Catalunya Ràdio,

parlarem del cafè.

We will talk about coffee.

Sou cafeters?

Are you coffee makers?


The Oriol?



El vaig fer un any, aquest programa.

I made it a year ago, this program.

Un any.

A year.

T'hem parlat de faig, què has de fer?

We have talked about it, what do you have to do?

Això era...

This was...

2012, potser, o una cosa així.

2012, maybe, or something like that.

Ah, molt bé.

Ah, very good.

Un any, un any.

One year, one year.

M'ho vaig passar tan bé...

I had such a great time...

O sigui, és de les vegades que m'ho he passat millor treballant,

So, it's one of the times I've enjoyed working the most.

perquè no vaig haver de fer entrevistes a ningú

because I didn't have to interview anyone

que no volia parlar.

that did not want to speak.

No vaig haver de fer entrevistes de promocions, eh?

I didn't have to do promotional interviews, right?

Saps, aquestes entrevistes que fas...

You know, these interviews you conduct...

Com ara la que m'estàs fent tu, però jo estic a gust per entendre'ns.

Like the one you're doing to me now, but I'm comfortable understanding each other.

Hi ha gent que a vegades les entrevista

There are people who sometimes interview them.

polítics que no volen dir el que tu vols que digui.

politicians who do not want to say what you want them to say.



Actors que no tenen ganes de vendre, exacte.

Actors who are not eager to sell, exactly.

Directors que no tenen ganes de promocionar alguna cosa.

Directors who are not interested in promoting something.

I clar, parlaves amb gent normal

And of course, you were talking to normal people.

sobre coses que els passaven.

about things that happened to them.

Cada dia un tema diferent.

Every day a different topic.

I la gent et dona tant que m'ho vaig passar molt bé.

And people give you so much that I had a great time.

Tens molta raó, perquè a mi m'ha emprenyat molt

You are very right, because it has really annoyed me.

que quan parlaves d'un tema...

that when you talked about a topic...

Venen a fer promoció.

They come to promote.

La paraula espanta per un periodista.

The word frightens a journalist.

Vé de promoció vol dir que ve aquí,

Comes from promotion means that it comes here,

que els dies que no estigui de promoció no el faràs mai.

that on days when it's not on promotion you will never do it.

Que a sobre que els hi estàs regalant un espai

That on top of the fact that you are giving them a space.

perquè parlin del que sigui,

so they talk about whatever,

vinguin amb mala llet.

come with bad intentions.

Llavors penses, us ho estalvieu i no em fa falta que m'ho porteu.

Then you think, save yourselves the trouble and I don't need you to bring it to me.

Això passa a vegades.

This happens sometimes.

Ho saps molt bé.

You know it very well.

Mare meva, què ha passat d'això.

My goodness, what has happened to this?

Un altre programa.

Another program.

A Catalunya Ràdio, El Gran Engany,

At Catalunya Ràdio, The Great Deception,

amb Marta Romagosa.

with Marta Romagosa.

El títol em va encantar.

I loved the title.

Això era un programa diari que s'emetia a l'estiu

This was a daily program that aired in the summer.

i es feia una tertúlia al voltant

and a discussion was held around

d'un tema que no s'ha solucionat encara,

of a topic that has not yet been resolved,

que és conciliació familiar, clar.

what is work-life balance, of course.

És una mentida, per això li vaig dir El Gran Engany.

It's a lie, that's why I called it The Great Deceit.

I tothom que va participar

And everyone who participated

estava absolutament d'acord al final.

I was absolutely in agreement in the end.

El títol era molt bo, El Gran Engany.

The title was very good, The Great Deception.

Sí, per això et dic, estic orgullosa del títol,

Yes, that's why I’m telling you, I am proud of the title.

del programa, diguéssim.

of the program, we would say.

Vaja, opció personal.

Well, personal choice.

Anna Elisaran, bona nit.

Anna Elisaran, good night.

Què tal?

How are you?

Molt bé, molt bé,

Very good, very good,

molt vermella.

very red.

Molt vermella com un tomàquet.

Very red like a tomato.

D'algunes coses que has sentit, d'aquí,

Of some things that you have heard, from here,

d'aquí parlava, Joan.

That's what Joan was talking about.

Elisenda, quina altra casualitat.

Elisenda, what another coincidence.

Quina altra, la meva veïna.

Which other, my neighbor.

Perquè l'Anna Elisaran era molt, molt, molt, molt,

Because Anna Elisaran was very, very, very, very,

molt amiga de l'Elisenda Roca.

very close friend of Elisenda Roca.

Que gran, que gran.

How great, how great.

Quina gran entrevista vam fer.

What a great interview we did.

La més gran.

The biggest.

Sí, sí, és la més gran.

Yes, yes, it is the biggest.

I a més propera, entranyable,

And closer, endearing,

si podies parlar de tot, de la vida.

if you could talk about everything, about life.

És un programa d'entrevistes que m'agrada per això,

It's an interview program that I like for that reason,

perquè ningú venia a vendre res

because no one came to sell anything

i perquè en el fons acabaves fent una conversa

and because in the end you ended up having a conversation

que tu, encara que no t'agradés el teatre

that you, even if you didn't like theatre

ni el personatge,

nor the character,

t'acabaves enganxant pel clima, no?

You were just getting stuck because of the weather, right?

Ara em fas una mica de rabieta.

Now you are making me a little bit upset.

Perquè, ai, sé,

Because, oh, I know,

com el vas fer a vegades.

Like you did sometimes.

Perquè, clar, jo com que estic una mica jubilada...

Because, of course, I’m a bit retired...

No, no, que tu hi ets, que estàs aquí.

No, no, you are here, you are right here.


Listen to me,

vas entrevistar aquest senyor.

you interviewed this man.

Tim Robbins, benvingut i gràcies per ser amb nosaltres.

Tim Robbins, welcome and thank you for being with us.

Aquí, gràcies.

Here, thank you.

Però el vas fer tan bé.

But you did it so well.

Para, para, para, para.

Stop, stop, stop, stop.

Li acaba de sortir un...

He has just gotten a...

Com dient?

How do you say?

No, perdona, però, o sigui,

No, excuse me, but, I mean,

Robbins va lligat a una lesió de la meva espatlla

Robbins is linked to an injury to my shoulder.

que vaig trigar un any a curar-me.

that it took me a year to heal.

Com, com?

How, how?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Però què va fer?

But what did he/she do?

Gimnàstica artística, tots dos?

Artistic gymnastics, both?

No, jo vaig arribar a Lisiada.

No, I arrived in Lisiada.

On era?

Where were they?

A Madrid.

To Madrid.

Això va ser una entrevista a Madrid?

Was this an interview in Madrid?

A Madrid, en un hotel de Madrid.

In Madrid, at a hotel in Madrid.

Jo crec que ens vam trobar per algun lloc.

I think we met somewhere.

Tu vas entrevistar algú altre?

Did you interview someone else?

O potser era un altre dia?

Or maybe it was another day?

Era un altre dia.

It was another day.

Ens vam trobar tu i jo a Madrid per entrevistar...

We met you and me in Madrid to interview...

No ho sé, però Tim Robbins, jo vaig anar a Madrid

I don't know, but Tim Robbins, I went to Madrid.

i no vaig...

and I'm not going...

Montse Girona, aquí ens vam trobar.

Montse Girona, this is where we met.

Sí, jo em vaig trobar al Basté a Madrid

Yes, I ran into Basté in Madrid.

un dia amb una entrevista.

A day with an interview.

I crec que era Tim Robbins

I think it was Tim Robbins.

i tu no feies Tim Robbins, sinó que feies...

and you didn't play Tim Robbins, but you played...

Benicio del Toro.

Benicio del Toro.



Jo feia l'actor i tu feies...

I was the actor and you were...

Sí, jo feia Tim Robbins i tu feies...

Yes, I was Tim Robbins and you were...

I quina pel·lícula era?

And what movie was it?

Que seria una de Fernando León.

That would be one by Fernando León.

Sí, d'Aranoa.

Yes, of Aranoa.

Jo feia Benicio i Fernando León.

I was doing Benicio and Fernando León.

I el Fernando León d'Aranoa.

And Fernando León d'Aranoa.

I jo feia el Tim Robbins.

And I was doing Tim Robbins.

Que això devia ser la pel·lícula aquella del Pou.

That must be the movie about the Well.

Exacte, molt bé, molt bé, Basté.

Exactly, very good, very good, Basté.

Que ara tinc un problema, que és que...

That now I have a problem, which is that...

No recordes el títol?

Don't you remember the title?

La pel·lícula del Pou?

The movie of the Well?

Del Pou?

From the Well?

Doncs jo vaig arribar a l'hotel lesionada i no ho sabia

Well, I arrived at the hotel injured and I didn't know it.

i em vaig fer una capsulitis retràctil severa baixant del tren

And I developed severe adhesive capsulitis getting off the train.

per no atropellar una senyora que se li va encallar la maleta

to avoid running over a lady who got her suitcase stuck

i per no caure a sobre seu

and to avoid falling on top of him

em vaig fer una estrebada baixant del tren

I had a sprain while getting off the train.

i vaig arribar allà, això.

I arrived there, that.

I per cert, hem de dir que també a Catalunya Ràdio

And by the way, we must say that also at Catalunya Ràdio.

no només vas començar fent informatius i altres programes

not only did you start making news and other programs

sinó que vas conèixer l'Antoni Clapés, amiga.

but you met Antoni Clapés, my friend.

Sí, senyor.

Yes, sir.

Allà, allà.

There, there.

Us va canviar la vida a tots dos.

It changed both your lives.

Aquests passadissos...

These corridors...

I feia el versió original, que es deia.

I was making the original version, which was called.

Darrere del Catalunya Vespre.

Behind Catalunya Vespre.

I m'intentaven...

They were trying me...

Jo, darrere d'ells.

Me, behind them.

M'intentaven fer riure, sempre.

They always tried to make me laugh.

I no ho van aconseguir mai.

And they never achieved it.





Per cert, deixa'm una cosa.

By the way, let me leave you something.

Tu vas estar al Matí de Catalunya Ràdio molts anys, no?

You were on Matí de Catalunya Ràdio for many years, weren't you?

Jo vaig estar en dues èpoques

I was in two periods.

en un any i mig i a l'altre quatre anys.

in a year and a half and the other four years.

Sí, en dues èpoques diferents.

Yes, in two different periods.

Pots explicar a la gent, perquè no pugui entendre

You can explain to people so that they cannot understand.

què significa això de llevar-se aquestes hores?

What does it mean to wake up at this hour?

Significa que no es pot fer com fa el Basté

It means that it cannot be done like Basté does.

de no tenir una rutina d'anar a dormir d'hora

of not having a routine of going to bed early

i de fer 20 minuts de migdiada.

And to take a 20-minute nap.

Ui, això és molt mare.

Wow, this is really cool.

Això t'ha quedat molt mare.

This has turned out very cool for you.

Tu creies 20 minuts de migdiada cada dia, Marta?

Did you think 20 minutes of nap every day, Marta?

Sí, 25, per ser exactes.

Yes, 25, to be exact.

Com jo això ho faig, eh?

How do I do this, huh?

25 amb el telèfon, tin-tin, tirin-tirin, i s'ha acabat.

25 with the phone, ding-ding, ring-ring, and it's over.

És a dir, res de pijama ni res, eh?

That is to say, no pajamas or anything, right?

No, no.

No, no.

Un cop de cap.

A blow to the head.

Un reset, ara estirada al llit com una mòmia,

A reset, now lying on the bed like a mummy,

amb les donants així, mòmia, reset de 25 minuts

with the donors like this, mummy, 25-minute reset

i la tarda...

and the afternoon...



Si no, havia d'anar a buscar la meva filla a l'escola

If not, I had to go pick up my daughter from school.

i era, mama, no has dormit oi?

And it was, mom, you didn't sleep, did you?

I aquest oi ja era que jo estava de mal humor,

And this, well, I was already in a bad mood,

perquè això posa de molt...

because this puts a lot...

No dormir posa de molt mal humor.

Not sleeping puts you in a very bad mood.



20-25 minuts és...

20-25 minutes is...

I no us lleveu de mal humor, després de la migdiada.

And don't wake up in a bad mood after the nap.

Si et lleves de mal humor, si estàs dues hores dormint.

If you wake up in a bad mood, if you spend two hours sleeping.



I són 20-25 minuts, i diu una cosa la Marta,

And it's 20-25 minutes, and Marta says something,

que té raó, que no és que estigui en posició de mòmia,

that he is right, it's not that he is in a mummy position,

però és veritat que jo, per exemple, no dormo mai,

but it's true that I, for example, never sleep,

mai a la nit, mai dormo cap amunt, mai.

never at night, I never sleep face up, never.

Jo dormo o de cantó o bocata rossa.

I sleep either on my side or on my back.

En canvi, a la migdiada és cap amunt.

On the other hand, during the nap it is head up.

Com una mòmia.

Like a mummy.

Com una mòmia, i saps que et despertaràs...

Like a mummy, and you know you'll wake up...

Parlem de mòmies d'aquí un moment, David Solans.

Let's talk about mummies in a moment, David Solans.

Endavant, endavant.

Go ahead, go ahead.

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