Condemna a Angela Dobrowolski i l’última hora contra els carteristes de Barcelona
Versió RAC1 - Successos amb Toni Muñoz
Condemna a Angela Dobrowolski i l’última hora contra els carteristes de Barcelona
La sentència d'intent d'assassinat de l'Ànguila
The sentence for the attempted murder of the Eel.
of Obrobloski.
Segons l'Audiència de Barcelona,
According to the Barcelona Court,
aleshores, dona de Josep Maria Mainat
then, wife of Josep Maria Mainat
va intentar matar-lo
he tried to kill him
punxant-li insulina mentre dormia.
injecting him with insulin while he was sleeping.
Ara bé, com que just després
Well, since just after
se'n va penedir i va trucar a l'ambulància,
he regretted it and called the ambulance,
se la condemna només per lesions
she is only convicted for injuries
i no per intent d'assassinat.
and not for intent to murder.
Compte, doncs, amb aquesta resolució
So be careful with that resolution.
del Tribunal.
of the Court.
Això fa que la pena de presó
This means that the prison sentence
quedi rebaixada només a 4 anys i mig
it is reduced to just 4 and a half years
de presó.
from prison.
Que són anys, 4 anys i mig.
That is years, 4 years and a half.
Però veurem si
But we will see if
amb el bon comportament i amb altres reduccions
with good behavior and with other reductions
la condemna queda retallada.
the sentence is reduced.
Bé, aquestes i altres qüestions
Well, these and other issues
les comentem tot seguit amb el periodista
We will discuss them immediately with the journalist.
especialitzat en successos
specialized in events
i tribunals de la Vanguardia,
and tribunals of the Vanguard,
el Toni Muñoz. Toni, bona tarda.
Toni Muñoz. Toni, good afternoon.
A veure, lesions
Let's see, injuries.
i no intent d'assassinat.
and not an assassination attempt.
Per tant, només 4 anys i mig
Therefore, only 4 and a half years.
de condemna.
of condemnation.
Què et sembla aquesta sentència
What do you think of this sentence?
i què ve a dir
And what does it mean?
aquesta resolució de l'Audiència
this resolution of the Court
de Barcelona sobre el cas?
from Barcelona about the case?
clar, deixa de banda l'intent d'assassinat.
Sure, leave aside the assassination attempt.
Sí, i ha sigut, diguéssim,
Yes, and it has been, let's say,
una de les novetats més curioses,
one of the most curious novelties,
més cridaneres d'aquesta
more striking than this
resolució de l'Audiència
resolution of the Hearing
de Barcelona, una sentència dictada per la
from Barcelona, a ruling issued by the
secció 20, i que el que ve a dir
section 20, and what it means
és que en Grado Brovolski
it's that in Grado Brovolski
va intentar matar Josep Maria Mainat,
he tried to kill Josep Maria Mainat,
però finalment va desistir
but he finally gave up
i va trucar a l'ambulància. I això
And called the ambulance. And this
s'ha d'apremiar. I per tant, com es
it must be hastened. And therefore, how is it
premia? Doncs no condemnant-la per un
premises? Well, not condemning her for one
delicte d'intent d'assassinat,
attempted murder.
pel qual li podien haver imputat...
for which they could have charged him...
posat una pena de 13 anys de presó,
imposed a sentence of 13 years in prison,
sinó que se li aplica, finalment,
but it is finally applied to him/her,
una pena de 4 anys i mig per un delicte
a sentence of 4 years and a half for an offense
de lesions. Per què? Doncs perquè en aquest intent
of injuries. Why? Well, because in this attempt
de matar-lo sí que el va lesionar, sí que va
he did injure him, yes he did
caure ferit, li va provocar un coma
falling injured caused him a coma
hipoglosèmic, pel qual va haver de ser
hypoglycemic, for which he had to be
traslladat a l'hospital,
transferred to the hospital,
però es queda fora,
but he/she stays outside,
diguéssim, el delicte d'intent
let's say, the crime of attempt
d'assassinat. Aquest seria el
of murder. This would be the
resum. Aquí s'ha de dir una cosa, i és que
summary. Here it must be said one thing, and that is that
Josep Maria Mainat, durant el judici,
Josep Maria Mainat, during the trial,
ja va explicar més o menys
he already explained more or less
aquesta tesi.
this thesis.
Ell va dir
He said
jo crec que era possible
I believe it was possible.
que intentés matar-me, però
that tried to kill me, but
també volia pensar que
I also wanted to think that
ella es va penedir i ho va solucionar.
She regretted it and resolved it.
Ho va intentar solucionar. Aleshores,
He tried to fix it. Then,
això és el que va dir Josep Maria Mainat.
this is what Josep Maria Mainat said.
En el judici. En el judici, clar. Això
In the trial. In the trial, of course. This
és finalment la tesi que ha
it is finally the thesis that has
interpretat el tribunal, de dir
interpreted the court, to say
és veritat que el va intentar matar,
it's true that he tried to kill him,
però també s'ha de valorar i s'ha de
but it must also be valued and must be
premiar, doncs que al final va trucar a l'ambulància
reward, for in the end he called the ambulance
i va revertir la situació de coma
and it reversed the coma situation
hipoglosèmic en la que havia caigut. Doncs vés, però,
hypoglycemic episode in which he had fallen. Well, go ahead, but
en resum, ara que parles del Josep Maria Mainat,
in summary, now that you mention Josep Maria Mainat,
aquest matí, el món
this morning, the world
ha qüestionat
has questioned
que el Codi Penal elimini
that the Penal Code eliminates
part de la pena a les persones,
part of the pain to people,
tal com estàs dient tu, eh?, a les persones que just
just as you are saying, huh?, to the people who just
després de matar algú, se'n desdiuen.
after killing someone, they backtrack.
I ho ha dit així.
He said it like that.
No sé si es va penedir o no es va penedir.
I don't know if he regretted it or not.
Si realment es va penedir,
If he really repented,
no es queda curta perquè la llei ho diu
it does not fall short because the law says so
i la llei és la llei, no? El Codi Penal no
And the law is the law, right? The Penal Code doesn't.
puc canviar-lo. Crec que és un cert
I can change it. I think it's a sure thing.
terme mig que em deixa satisfet
A halfway term that leaves me satisfied.
aquesta condemna de quatre anys i mig.
this sentence of four and a half years.
I, sobretot, deixa clar
I, above all, make it clear
que no tinc una paranoia de qui em va voler
that I don't have a paranoia about who wanted me
intentar assassinar. Aquest article
attempt to assassinate. This article
s'aplica, doncs, a tots els casos en què, després
it applies, therefore, to all cases in which, after
d'un intent d'assassinar, l'agressor se'n penedeix?
Does the aggressor repent of an attempt to murder?
Això funciona així? Bé, es penedeix
Does this work like this? Well, he regrets it.
i intenta revertir la situació que ell mateix
and tries to reverse the situation that he himself
ha provocat. Això es diu
it has caused. This is called
desistiment voluntari
voluntary withdrawal
amb la temptativa d'assassinat. És a dir, tu mateix
with the attempted murder. That is to say, yourself.
desisteixes del que has fet, no?
You give up on what you've done, right?
I, en aquest cas, el que considera
I, in this case, what you consider
el tribunal és que
the court is that
Àngela Dobrovolski va injectar dues
Àngela Dobrovolski injected two.
dosis d'insulina
insulin dose
a Josep Maria Mainat. Josep Maria Mainat era
to Josep Maria Mainat. Josep Maria Mainat was
diabètic, però no dels que prenen
diabetic, but not one of those who take
insulina. Aleshores,
insulin. So,
ella, de matinada, el va despertar...
She woke him up in the early morning...
Hi ha diferents tipus de diabetes. Sí.
There are different types of diabetes. Yes.
Doncs el va despertar, va dir
Well, he woke him up, he said.
que li injectaria una dosi
that I would inject him a dose
de Saxenda, que és un
of Saxenda, which is a
un tractament anti-envelliment
an anti-aging treatment
i també unes vitamines.
and also some vitamins.
Sí, i una cosa per primer, també.
Yes, and one thing to begin with, too.
Exacte. I, aleshores, el que
Exactly. And then, what
va considerar...
he/she/it considered...
Bueno, el que va provocar-li és un coma
Well, what caused him was a coma.
Quan Josep Maria Mainat ja estava
When Josep Maria Mainat was already
en coma hipoglossèmic, és quan
in hypoglycemic coma, it is when
Àngela Dobrovolski truca a l'ambulància...
Àngela Dobrovolski calls the ambulance...
I aquí és on s'agafa el tribunal
And this is where the court is held.
per redimir-li la condemna.
to redeem his sentence.
Exacte, perquè diu que va aconseguir revertir
Exactly, because he says he managed to reverse
la situació i salvar-li
the situation and save him/her
la vida. Perquè si ella
life. Because if she
també podia haver actuat d'una altra manera, i això ho diu
it could also have acted differently, and that says it.
el tribunal, que és deixar-lo morir.
the court, which is to let him die.
Ja li havia provocat aquell coma
He had already caused that coma.
hipoglossèmic, podia no haver fet res i haver-li
hypoglycemic, could have done nothing and have him
provocat la mort. Però va anar de poc.
caused the death. But it was close.
Ho va dir un metge. Sí, sí, va anar de poc.
A doctor said it. Yes, yes, it went little by little.
De fet, la sentència
In fact, the sentence
és molt clara en
it is very clear in
diverses coses. I és que no té cap
various things. And it's that it has none.
mena de dubte que Àngela Dobrovolski
no doubt that Àngela Dobrovolski
va intentar matar Josep Maria Mainat.
He tried to kill Josep Maria Mainat.
Això no hi ha cap dubte. Per què?
There is no doubt about that. Why?
Doncs pel comportament que va tenir
Well, for the behavior he had.
Àngela Dobrovolski. Recordem, això és la matinada
Àngela Dobrovolski. Remember, this is the dawn.
del 22 al 23 de juny de l'any 2020
from June 22 to June 23 of the year 2020
a casa de Josep Maria Mainat.
at the house of Josep Maria Mainat.
Josep Maria Mainat a la mitjanit se'n va dormir.
Josep Maria Mainat went to sleep at midnight.
Àngela Dobrovolski havia vist el dia
Àngela Dobrovolski had seen the day.
abans que Josep Maria Mainat
before Josep Maria Mainat
tenia molt avançat els tràmits del divorci i,
I had the divorce proceedings well advanced and,
només que els tràmits comencessin
if only the procedures would start
o s'iniciessin, ella quedava
or they would begin, she remained
fora i completament exclosa
out and completely excluded
d'una hipotètica herència
of a hypothetical inheritance
en cas de mort. Per tant, el que se sospita
in case of death. Therefore, what is suspected
o el que creu el tribunal és que va intentar matar-lo
or what the court believes is that he attempted to kill him
abans que iniciés els tràmits del divorci
before starting the divorce proceedings
per així tenir dret a cobrar una quantiosa
to thus have the right to receive a substantial amount
herència. Aleshores,
inheritance. Then,
Josep Maria Mainat rep aquestes
Josep Maria Mainat receives these.
dues dosis que en un primer moment no se sabien
two doses that at first were not known
exactament de què era, perquè això també
exactly what it was about, because this too
era el centre del debat. Què li va injectar?
It was the center of the debate. What did they inject him?
Àngela Dobrovolski sempre deia, no, no, jo li vaig donar
Angela Dobrovolski always said, no, no, I gave it to him/her.
aquest tractament anti-aging i això no
this anti-aging treatment and this not
provoca el coma hipoglucèmic o, almenys,
provokes hypoglycemic coma or, at least,
jo no ho sabia. Per tant, no hi havia una voluntat
I didn't know that. Therefore, there was no intention.
de matar. Què diu el tribunal?
of killing. What does the court say?
L'única substància que li podia
The only substance that could do it.
fer baixar el nivell de glucosa
lower blood sugar levels
a Josep Maria Mainat d'aquesta manera tan abrupta,
to Josep Maria Mainat in such an abrupt manner,
tan repentina,
so sudden,
era la insulina.
It was insulin.
Mainat ha dit també que ara està
Mainat has also said that he is now
tranquil i que no té cap mena de contacte
calm and without any kind of contact
amb la seva exdona, que és la, recordem-ho,
with his ex-wife, who is the one, let's remember,
que és a la presó. Abans que hi ingressés,
who is in prison. Before he entered there,
això sí, la cosa era diferent.
that said, the thing was different.
Ha dit que un dels darrers
He said that one of the last
exemples és que havia
examples is that there was
intentat accedir a casa seva per les
attempted to access his home through the
taulades i
roofs and
diu, Mainat, que té claríssims
he says, Mainat, that he is very clear
els motius d'aquest comportament.
the reasons for this behavior.
Considera que ella va canviar completament
She believes that she changed completely.
per culpa de la droga
because of the drug
i les males companyies.
and the bad company.
Has pensat molts cops com coi hem arribat fins aquí?
Have you thought many times about how the hell we got here?
Bueno, ja...
Well, already...
Unes coses he pensat, és que ho sé.
One thing I thought is that I know it.
O sigui, la culpa de tot és la
So, the blame for everything is hers.
puta droga, vale?
Fuck drug, okay?
És a dir, érem una parella
That is to say, we were a couple.
feliç, relativament feliç,
happy, relatively happy,
tot anava bé, i ho he determinat
Everything was going well, and I have determined that.
haver-hi un inici de divorci, i això
there being a beginning of divorce, and that
la va portar ella a caure en mans de la droga
she led her to fall into the hands of drugs
i no només de la droga,
and not only from the drug,
sinó d'elements de persones
but of elements of people
tòxiques relacionats amb el món de la droga
toxic substances related to the world of drugs
que li van girar el cervell.
that they turned his brain around.
aquesta era la darrera
this was the last one
causa que tenia Angla...
cause that Angla had...
Aquesta és
This is
la primera causa que vam conèixer d'Angela
the first case we knew of Angela
Dobrovolski, d'assassinat de Jovem Maria
Dobrovolski, for the murder of Jovem Maria
Mañan. Això vol dir que encara en queden? Sí, clar.
Tomorrow. Does that mean there are still some left? Yes, of course.
Encara en té pendents? Sí, home.
Does he still have some pending? Yes, man.
Ella ara mateix està en presó preventiva,
She is currently in preventive detention.
la causa, no per intent... Jo pensava que aquí es tancava
the cause, not by intent... I thought that this was where it ended
ja els judicis de l'Àngela...
the trials of Angela...
No, bueno, es tanca, diguéssim, el cas
No, well, let's say, the case is closed.
més gros, l'acusació més greu que hi havia
the more serious, the more serious accusation that there was
contra ella, que és la de l'intent d'assassinat, que al final,
against her, who is the one with the assassination attempt, which in the end,
com dèiem, ha acabat amb un delicte de lesions
As we said, it has ended with a charge of bodily harm.
agreujades, però ella, per exemple,
aggravated, but she, for example,
en aquest impàs
in this interim
o en aquesta espiral, diguéssim,
or in this spiral, let’s say,
delictiva en la qual va entrar després
criminal in which he/she entered afterwards
que saltés a la llum aquest cas, doncs ella, per exemple,
that this case came to light, for example, she
ha irromput a casa de Jovem Maria Mañan
has broken into the house of young Maria Mañan
sense permís, ha intentat ocupar-la
without permission, has tried to occupy it
i després ha saltat diverses...
and then he/she jumped several...
diversos habitatges, ha entrat a robar
various homes have been burgled
i després, l'últim cas, potser el més
and then, the last case, perhaps the most
greu i el que crida més l'atenció
serious and what stands out the most
és que va posar una bomba, o va intentar
It's that he put a bomb, or he tried.
posar una bomba en un edifici
to place a bomb in a building
al barri de Sants en què vivia
in the Sants neighborhood where I lived
el seu amant.
her lover.
Aleshores la van enxampar allà i per cul...
Then they caught her there and for a...
Bueno, per culpa o com a conseqüència, diguéssim,
Well, because of or as a consequence, let's say,
d'aquest fet, és ara en presó preventiva
as a result of this, he is now in preventive detention
perquè considera el jutge que és un perill per la societat.
because the judge considers that he is a danger to society.
tanquem el capítol de l'Àngela,
we close the chapter of Angela,
per tant, queden encara...
therefore, there are still...
Vàries causes. Vàries causes i diversos
Several causes. Several causes and various.
judicis per desenvolupar. Parlem
judgments to develop. Let's talk.
ara d'un...
now of a...
En fi, una de les notícies del dia,
Well, one of the news items of the day,
d'aquest pla pilot que destapava
of this pilot plan that uncovered
el nostre company
our colleague
Toni Muñoz.
Toni Muñoz.
Aquest pla pilot que l'Ajuntament de Barcelona posarà en marxa
This pilot plan that the City Council of Barcelona will launch
per combatre els carteristes
to combat pickpockets
Donarà assistència jurídica
It will provide legal assistance.
a les víctimes, prengui nota
To the victims, take note.
senyor Regasens, de robatoris
Mr. Regasens, of robberies
comesos per aquest tipus
charged for this type
de lladres per poder participar com a
of thieves to be able to participate as
acusació particular en el
private prosecution in the
procés judicial. D'aquesta manera,
judicial process. In this way,
el govern de Collboni pretén
the Collboni government intends
demanar directament l'ingrés a presó
request direct imprisonment
a aquests delinqüents o
to these criminals or
ordenar o donar ordres
to order or give orders
d'allunyament de determinades
of distancing from certain
zones. Es tracta d'una mesura
zones. It is a measure
que pot ser realment efectiva
that can be really effective
per acorralar els carteristes o només
to corner the pickpockets or just
és una mesura, podríem dir, de cara a la galeria.
It's a measure, we could say, for show.
En què consisteix, Toni Muñoz? Doncs mira, això és
What is it about, Toni Muñoz? Well, look, this is
un pla pilot que va posar en marxa
a pilot plan that was launched
el govern de Jaume Collboni, l'Ajuntament
the government of Jaume Collboni, the City Council
de Barcelona, el passat 19 d'agost,
from Barcelona, on August 19th,
que ja s'ha posat en marxa, i una
that has already been set in motion, and a
mica el que intenta és
a little what he tries is
acorralar, pressionar
corner, press
els delinqüents una mica més del que ho fa
the criminals a little more than it does
la justícia. Com bé estem dient
Justice. As we are well saying.
els últims dies, els jutjats
the last days, the courts
no arriben a temps a jutjar
they do not arrive in time to judge
aquest tipus de delinqüents multirreincidents
this type of multi-recidivist criminals
que es dediquen, doncs, a fer furs, a
that they dedicate themselves, then, to making furs, to
robar amb violència o a robar el descuit
to rob with violence or to rob the careless
i aleshores, què passa? Si tu
And then, what happens? If you
ara enxampes un lladre i el judici
now you catch a thief and the trial
no es fa fins al 2026,
it will not be done until 2026,
l'efecte dissuasori que té això
the deterrent effect that this has
és nul, és completament nul. Totalment d'acord.
It is null, it is completely null. Totally agree.
Aleshores, què es vol fer?
So, what do you want to do?
L'Ajuntament, el que ha posat en marxa
The City Council, which has launched
aquest pla pilot, que el que intenta és
this pilot plan, which aims to
intervenir en el procés judicial.
to intervene in the judicial process.
S'ha de dir, l'Ajuntament de Barcelona no es pot personar
It must be said, the City Council of Barcelona cannot be represented.
en contra d'aquests carteristes perquè no té
against these pickpockets because it does not have
legitimitat. Anirà allà, davant del
legitimacy. He will go there, in front of the
jutge, i dirà, escolta, jo vull participar del procés.
judge, and he will say, listen, I want to participate in the process.
I li diran, no, vostè no té legitimitat,
And they will tell him, no, you have no legitimacy,
per tant, no pot fer-ho. Quina manera ha trobat?
therefore, he cannot do it. What way has he found?
Doncs intentar representar a les
So trying to represent to the
víctimes dels furs, que aquests sí, són part
victims of the privileges, which indeed are part
afectada, per tant, sí que podrien participar
affected, therefore, they could participate
del procés judicial. Aleshores,
of the judicial process. Then,
cada vegada que hi ha un fur,
every time there is a fur,
un fur, la Guàrdia Urbana,
a fur, the Urban Guard,
els agents de la Guàrdia Urbana, li ofereixen
the Urban Guard agents offer you
a aquesta víctima d'aquest fur,
to this victim of this fur,
si vol participar del procediment judicial,
if you want to participate in the judicial procedure,
amb els costos pagats
with the costs paid
per l'Ajuntament. Per tant, el seu advocat
for the City Council. Therefore, your lawyer
el pagarà l'Ajuntament, i d'aquesta manera
the City Council will pay it, and in this way
podrà participar en el procés
will be able to participate in the process
judicial contra aquest lladre
judicial against this thief
multirreincident. Què permet això?
multirecurrent. What does this allow?
Doncs que es puguin demanar
Well, they can ask for it.
penes de presó preventiva
preventive prison sentences
o ordres d'allunyament
or restraining orders
mentre el procés judicial s'està fent.
while the judicial process is underway.
Per tant, això ja és una manera que pot
Therefore, this is already a way that can
dissuadir els lladres a l'hora d'actuar.
dissuade thieves when acting.
Fins ara no es fa. És a dir, la Fiscalia
So far it is not done. That is to say, the Public Prosecutor's Office.
no demana gairebé mai a una persona que fa
he hardly ever asks a person what they do
furs que entri en presó preventiva.
grounds for entering preventive custody.
Però, si ho pot fer la víctima,
But, if the victim can do it,
tindrà aquesta potestat, i de fet, en els dos casos
he will have this power, and in fact, in both cases
que de moment ja s'ha aplicat aquesta nova
that this new one has already been applied for now
normativa o aquest nou protocol,
regulation or this new protocol,
ja s'ha fet. És a dir, s'han demanat
It has already been done. That is to say, they have been requested.
l'ingrés a la presó d'aquestes persones.
the imprisonment of these people.
De moment, els jutges no ho han concedit,
For the moment, the judges have not granted it.
però des de l'Ajuntament es considera que és una manera
but the City Council considers that it is a way
per pressionar i que el delinqüent,
to pressure and for the delinquent,
que normalment pot arribar al jutjat i marxar
that usually can arrive at the court and leave
per una porta i xufar una altra,
through one door and out another,
almenys hi estarà una estona més
at least she will be there for a while longer
perquè haurà d'afrontar
because he/she will have to face
que els jutges hi hagi de plantejar-se si ingressa
that the judges have to consider whether to admit
a la presó o no. Tu expliques a
to prison or not. You explain to
La Vanguardia que aquest pla pilot
La Vanguardia that this pilot plan
es va posar en marxa el 19 d'agost i que de moment
it was launched on August 19 and for now
s'aplicarà només en 10
it will apply only in 10
casos per comprovar si funciona.
cases to check if it works.
A hores d'ara podem
At this point, we can.
ja tenir un diagnòstic de si funciona o no funciona?
Do you already have a diagnosis of whether it works or not?
De moment només s'ha aplicat en
At the moment, it has only been applied in
dos casos perquè també s'ha de tenir en compte.
two cases that must also be taken into account.
S'ha de tenir en compte que
It must be taken into account that
hi ha una sèrie de requisits, que és que
there are a series of requirements, which are that
la víctima sigui resident a Barcelona.
the victim is a resident of Barcelona.
Els turistes no compten més que res
Tourists count for nothing.
perquè després no queden subjectes
because then there are no subjects left
al procediment judicial perquè se'n van cap a casa seva i després
to the judicial proceedings because they are going home and then
no vindran aquí a declarar en contra
they will not come here to testify against
d'aquesta persona que els ha robat la cartera
of this person who has stolen their wallet
o el mòbil.
or the mobile.
Aleshores busquen un determinat
Then they look for a certain one.
perfil de víctima, que és resident a Barcelona
victim profile, which is a resident of Barcelona
Si no en queden de residents a Barcelona
If there are no residents left in Barcelona.
o també
or also
de nacionalitat espanyola perquè d'aquesta manera
of Spanish nationality because in this way
poden seguir la causa.
They can pursue the case.
De moment, què sabem?
For now, what do we know?
Doncs que és això, que es busca sobretot més
Well, what is this, that is sought above all more?
l'efecte dissuasori que no tant
the deterrent effect that is not so much
que els jutges acabin de
that the judges finish of
demanant l'ingrés a presó d'aquests delincuents.
requesting the imprisonment of these criminals.
I tant se val l'import
The amount doesn't matter.
del que roben?
of what they steal?
Bé, l'import del que roben...
Well, the amount of what they steal...
O ha de ser a partir d'uns cèntims?
Or should it be starting from a few cents?
Bueno, això sempre és així. És a dir, al final un furt
Well, that's always the way it is. That is to say, in the end a theft.
sempre és inferior a 400 euros
it is always less than 400 euros
i tu apliques la greugem de multireincidència
And you apply the aggravating factor of multiple offenses.
quan has comès 3 furs
when you have committed 3 sins
has estat condemnat per 3 furs
you have been sentenced for 3 years
i en el quart t'apliquen la greugem de multireincidència
And in the fourth, they apply the aggravating factor of multiple offending.
sempre i quan
as long as
el valor dels 3 delictes
the value of the 3 crimes
anteriors, de les quantitats
previous, of the quantities
de les coses que hagis robat,
of the things you have stolen,
superi els 400 euros.
exceed 400 euros.
Però això comptarà? És a dir, quan l'advocat
But will this count? I mean, when the lawyer
s'hi presenti, tot compta jo?
Is it present, does it all count for me?
Clar, clar. El que demanarà és que s'apliqui
Of course, of course. What will be requested is that it be applied.
aquesta greugem de multireincidència i que, per tant,
this grievance of multirecidivism and therefore,
imagina't que porta 20 condemnes
imagine that he has 20 convictions
doncs diguin, escolta, que aquesta persona
so they say, listen, that this person
s'ajusta a les condicions
meets the conditions
per poder-li demanar l'ingrés a la presó.
to request his admission to prison.
Si tu vols ser dissuasori, l'única
If you want to be dissuasive, the only
manera és la tècnica americana, tu.
The way is the American technique, you.
Com aquest del fals atemptat del Trump
Like this one about Trump's fake attack
o el que sigui, amb una
or whatever, with a
child's play
de catxe 748,
from catxe 748,
i li fots a la cama...
and you shove it up your leg...
Catxe 7, sí. Sí, sí, una
Cache 7, yes. Yes, yes, one.
AKG, catxe 7...
AKG, cache 7...
Maten les taques. Amb una catxe 748
They kill the stains. With a catxe 748.
li fots a la cama o el que sigui
you hit it in the leg or whatever
i el deixes ja dissuadit, m'entenc?
And you leave him already dissuaded, do you understand me?
Aquí només som a l'oest a mitges.
Here we are only halfway to the west.
Perquè tu no pots portar l'arma.
Because you cannot carry the weapon.
No pots portar l'altra gent. I fes-li
You can't take other people. And do it for her.
alguna cosa tu amb el que et vols robar.
something you want to steal from yourself.
Que aquí anirà la prosa, eres tu.
That here will go the prose, it is you.
A veure, canviem...
Let's see, let's change...
Canviem d'això.
Let's change the subject.
Si no permeten, després d'aquest comentari
If they do not allow, after this comment.
de qualitat, posa-li la signatura.
quality, put the signature on it.
Perquè és...
Because it is...
Ja està, ja està, firmat, eh?
That's it, that's it, signed, eh?
Anem a l'atenció amb el Pablo
Let's go to the attention of Pablo.
Escobar Suec, que,
Escobar Suec, who,
on el tenim? A veure si sabeu
Where do we have it? Let's see if you know.
on para. A Catalunya? No serà pas aquí.
Where is it? In Catalonia? It won't be here.
Efectivament. Ah, segur?
Indeed. Ah, sure?
Premi per Montse Lluçà.
Award for Montse Lluçà.
El senyor Marcelí també ha opinat.
Mr. Marcelí has also expressed his opinion.
Execuo amb el senyor Virgil.
I execute with Mr. Virgil.
A veure, el Pablo
Let's see, Pablo.
Escobar Suec. Demà comença
Swedish Escobar. It starts tomorrow.
un judici, es tracta de Jonás
a trial, it is about Jonás
Fal, de 52 anys, un narcotraficant
Fal, 52 years old, a drug dealer.
detingut el mes d'agost a l'estat
detained in the month of August in the state
espanyol, i que es troba a
Spanish, and that is located in
la presó d'Abrians 1,
the prison of Abrians 1,
a l'espera de la seva possible
waiting for its possible
extradició al País Nòrdic.
extradition to the Nordic country.
Aquí no el coneixem de res, però se l'acusa
Here we don't know him at all, but he is being accused.
d'haver extorsionat a un empresari suec
of having extorted a Swedish businessman
que li va deixar diners. A veure,
that he/she left him/her money. Let’s see,
Toni Muñoz, qui és Jonás
Toni Muñoz, who is Jonás?
Falc? Aquí no el coneixem, però
Hawk? We don't know him here, but...
a Suècia es veu que
In Sweden, it is said that
és una celebrity. Sí, sí, és molt
She is a celebrity. Yes, yes, she is very.
conegut, eh? És molt, molt conegut.
Well-known, isn’t it? It’s very, very well-known.
És tipus Pablo Escobar, el Pablo Escobar de...
He's like Pablo Escobar, the Pablo Escobar of...
Podríem dir que és el delinqüent o el criminal
We could say that he is the delinquent or the criminal.
més conegut de Suècia. Es diu Jonás Falc,
most well-known from Sweden. His name is Jonás Falc,
Sitges, des de fa uns quants anys,
Sitges, for a few years now,
i se'l considera un dels...
and he is considered one of the...
Tots, fixeu-vos, eh? Tots instal·lats
Everyone, notice, okay? Everyone is installed.
aquí, eh? Tots fan cap aquí. Perquè aquí s'hi viu
Here, huh? Everyone comes here. Because you can live well here.
molt bé. Hi ha una temperatura
very good. There is a temperature
extraordinària. Doncs aquí feia alguna cosa, perquè si
extraordinary. Well, here it was doing something, because if
tots els delinqüents acaben,
all criminals end up,
tots els mafiosos s'acaben instal·lant aquí a Catalunya,
all the mafiosos end up settling here in Catalonia,
alguna cosa... El català, qui viu
something... Catalan, who lives
i trepiqueix a Catalunya. Sí, doncs mira,
and it stumbles in Catalonia. Yes, well look,
com per exemple el Jonás Falc. I que fa
like, for example, Jonás Falc. And what does he do?
anys ja, recordeu aquells italians que
years already, remember those Italians who
havien agafat aquells mafiosos. Bueno, italians,
they had caught those mobsters. Well, Italians,
Mohamed Tata, els dels
Mohamed Tata, the ones from
atemptats de les Torres Bessones,
attacks on the Twin Towers,
que estaven a Saló, vull dir, ho tenim
that they were in Saló, I mean, we have it
tot. Ole, ole. Per tant, a veure,
everything. Oh, oh. So, let's see,
Jonás Falc és... Viu
Jonás Falc is... Alive
a Sitges. Viu a Sitges,
in Sitges. Lives in Sitges,
no? Però podríem dir que ell és
No? But we could say that he is.
un dels criminals més coneguts a Suècia
one of the most famous criminals in Sweden
perquè ell se'l considerava
because he considered himself
el gran narcotraficant
the great drug trafficker
escandinau, era l'encarregat,
Scandinavian, he was in charge,
o se'l creia, o se l'acusava de ser
either he was believed, or he was accused of being
un dels grans narcotraficants europeus,
one of the great European drug traffickers,
que el que feia era transportar
that what I did was transport
en baler de luxe
in luxury bale
grans quantitats de droga
large quantities of drugs
a través del mar del Carib.
through the Caribbean Sea.
Aleshores, aquí es va fer una operació
Then, an operation was carried out here.
internacional dirigida per Eurojust,
international led by Eurojust,
que és l'agència europea de justícia,
what is the European Justice Agency,
en què s'havien implicat
what they had been involved in
diversos estats, Suècia,
various states, Sweden,
Espanya, Estats Units,
Spain, United States,
Colòmbia, és a dir, tots per
Colombia, that is, everyone for
caçar a Jonás Falc, a qui es considerava
to hunt down Jonás Falc, who was considered
el Pablo Escobar suec,
the Swedish Pablo Escobar,
el gran narcotraficant. Això es va fer
the great drug trafficker. This was done
una operació que es va dir Operación Playa,
an operation that was called Operation Beach,
en castellà. En castellà?
In Spanish. In Spanish?
En castellà, Operación Playa, i se'l va detenir
In Spanish, Operation Beach, and he was arrested.
l'any 2010, va ingressar a la presó
In 2010, he was sent to prison.
a Suècia, i se l'acusava,
to Sweden, and he was accused of,
se li demanaven 18 anys de presó.
He was sentenced to 18 years in prison.
Se'l va condemnar a 18 anys de presó,
He was sentenced to 18 years in prison.
es va considerar que ell movia tota la droga
It was believed that he was moving all the drugs.
des del Carib fins a Suècia,
from the Caribbean to Sweden,
va denunciar les males pràctiques,
he reported the malpractice,
les males arts que van fer servir
the evil arts that they used
les autoritats sueques per enxampar-lo.
the Swedish authorities to catch him.
Per exemple...
For example...
Per què vol dir
What does it mean?
denunciar les males arts?
report the bad arts?
Les maniobres que van fer
The maneuvers they made.
per detenir-lo. Aleshores, es van cometre
to detain him. Then, crimes were committed
una sèrie d'irregularitats, en què
a series of irregularities, in which
finalment va anul·lar
finally annulled
completament aquesta condemna de 18 anys.
completely this 18-year sentence.
Ell havia passat 3 anys a l'empresó
He had spent 3 years in prison.
preventiva, fins que no va ser jutjat,
preventive, until he was judged,
i es va anul·lar aquesta condemna,
and this conviction was annulled,
va quedar lliure, i l'estat
was left free, and the state
suec li van haver de pagar
they had to pay him/her
una indemnització multimilionària.
a multimillion-dollar compensation.
Estem parlant que això
We are talking about this.
va fer molt de mal a l'estat suec,
it caused a lot of harm to the Swedish state,
perquè, pensa que és
because, think that it is
una operació en la qual hi van destinar...
an operation in which they allocated...
Es considera la segona operació
It is considered the second operation.
més important de Suècia, després del
most important of Sweden, after the
dispositiu que van desplegar,
device that they deployed,
per intentar trobar l'assassí
to try to find the murderer
d'Olof Palme.
of Olof Palme.
O sigui, el segon més important era per detenir
That is, the second most important was to stop.
Joan Asfalc. Un cop el detenen, el jutgen,
Joan Asfalc. Once he is arrested, he is judged.
el condemnen, finalment ho anulen tot
they condemn him, finally they annul everything
perquè les actuacions i les maniobres
because the actions and the maneuvers
que havia fet la policia sueca
what the Swedish police had done
eren irregulars.
they were irregulars.
Aleshores, Joan Asfalc, què fa?
So, what is Joan Asfalc doing?
Acaba, surt en llibertat,
He finishes, he is released.
quan anulen aquesta sentència, cobra
when they annul this sentence, charge
una indemnització multimilionària,
a multimillion-dollar compensation,
i aleshores ve cap a Sitges.
and then comes towards Sitges.
aquí a l'estat espanyol,
here in the Spanish state,
concretament, un jutjat de Vilanova
specifically, a court in Vilanova
i l'Ajaltru, li obre una
and the Ajaltru, opens one for him
causa per què? Per blanquets de diners.
Reason why? For money laundering.
Què van considerar? Doncs que
What did they consider? Well, that
Joan Asfalc, tots aquests diners
Joan Asfalc, all this money.
que havia tret, diguéssim, del suposat
that he had taken out, let's say, of the supposed
narcotràfic, que finalment després
drug trafficking, which finally after
se li havia anul·lat aquesta condemna,
this sentence had been annulled,
l'invertia en diverses coses aquí a
I invested it in various things here in
Catalunya. Com, per exemple,
Catalonia. Like, for example,
2,4 milions d'euros amb la qual
2.4 million euros with which
va comprar la casa on viu a Sitges,
he bought the house where he lives in Sitges,
i diners
and money
també que va muntar, va comprar el
also that he mounted, he bought the
Patxà de Barcelona, aquí al costat
Patxà de Barcelona, here next door.
del Camp Nou, i no sé si recordeu
from Camp Nou, and I don't know if you remember
que el va rebatejar amb un nom que es deia
that he renamed with a name that was called
Oshum. Va haver-hi una època que es deia Oshum,
Oshum. There was a time when it was called Oshum,
abans que ara hi posessin un
before they put one there now
gimnàs. Doncs,
gym. Well,
qui hi havia darrere d'aquesta operació, de la compra
Who was behind this operation, behind the purchase?
d'aquesta discoteca, era Joan Asfalc.
From this nightclub, it was Joan Asfalc.
I què considerava la justícia? Doncs que, bueno,
And what did I consider justice? Well, that, you know,
que Joan Asfalc havia aprofitat els diners
that Joan Asfalc had taken advantage of the money
del narcotràfic per blanquejar diners.
of drug trafficking to launder money.
Aquest judici
This trial
es va fer l'any 2021,
it took place in 2021,
aquí a Catalunya.
here in Catalonia.
Joan Asfalc estava com acusat.
Joan Asfalc was being accused.
Havia passat un any la model,
A year had passed, the model,
en preventiva, després va sortir
in preventive custody, then he was released
i ja va estar vivint tranquil·lament
and he/she already lived peacefully
a la seva mansió de Sitges, que havia comprat suposadament
to his mansion in Sitges, which he had supposedly bought
amb diners que provenien
with money that came from
del narcotràfic. Aquí a Catalunya
of drug trafficking. Here in Catalonia
se li demanaven també una pila
they were also asked for a pile
d'anys de presó, però ell què deia?
of years in prison, but what was he saying?
Bueno, és que a mi no m'han condemnat mai
Well, it's just that I've never been sentenced.
per ser un narcotraficant. Per tant, si els
to be a drug trafficker. Therefore, if the
diners no poden provenir del narcotràfic,
money cannot come from drug trafficking,
jo no puc blanquejar diners
I cannot launder money.
si els diners a l'origen
if the money at the origin
no és il·lícit, no?
It's not illegal, is it?
Perquè no s'ha aprovat, que jo no he estat mai
Because it hasn't been approved, that I've never been.
condemnat per narcotràfic. Igualment,
convicted of drug trafficking. Likewise,
l'Audiència de Barcelona el va condemnar
The Barcelona Court convicted him.
a dos anys i mig de presó, però com que ja n'havia
two and a half years in prison, but since he had already
passat un en preventiva, doncs se li ha
After a preventive measure, then it has been taken from him.
conmutat la pena i ha seguit
the sentence has been commuted and has continued
a Catalunya. I a partir d'aquí,
in Catalonia. And from here,
ell què s'ha presentat? Va haver-hi
What has he presented? Was there?
un documental a Suècia, que es diu Operació
a documentary in Sweden, called Operation
en Playa, que va ser molt conegut i per això
in Playa, which was very well-known and therefore
ha elevat al gran públic la figura de
has elevated the figure of to the general public
Joan Asfalc, i és
Joan Asfalc, and he is
on parlaven sobretot d'aquestes maniobres
they mainly talked about these maneuvers
que havia fet
that he/she had done
la policia sueca per enxampar-lo.
the Swedish police to catch him.
De fet, expliquen un episodi
In fact, they explain an episode.
i ara tots estàveu preguntant què va fer
And now you were all asking what he did.
la policia sueca. Doncs entre altres coses
the Swedish police. Well, among other things
s'havien disfressat, per exemple,
they had dressed up, for example,
de jueus ortodoxos,
of orthodox Jews,
havien anat a casa de Joan Asfalc
they had gone to Joan Asfalc's house
i havien intentat
they had tried
vendre-li un diamant a veure si
sell him a diamond to see if
picava i d'aquesta manera el podien enxampar.
he was tapping, and this way they could catch him.
És a dir, li anaven posant tot de travetes
That is to say, they kept putting obstacles in his way.
i de trampes a veure si picava
and with tricks to see if I would fall for it
i el podien enxampar.
and they could catch him.
Si és la policia...
If it's the police...
Tu no pots
You cannot.
induir a la comissió d'un delicte,
induce the commission of a crime,
és a dir, menys la policia.
that is to say, except for the police.
I tant, per enxampar un delinqüent
Absolutely, to catch a criminal.
aquí va...
here it goes...
O sigui, a veure, per ells val tot,
So, let's see, for them anything goes.
però contra ells
but against them
tot no val. No, home, no, en un estat democràtic
everything is not worth it. No, come on, in a democratic state.
no. Ah, caram. I el van pillar així?
No. Oh, wow. And they caught him like that?
No, bueno, així al final
No, well, like this in the end.
es van destapar aquestes
these were uncovered
males arts i maniobres que havia fet
bad arts and maneuvers that he had done
la policia sueca i van anul·lar el cas.
The Swedish police canceled the case.
Llavors ell va sortir triomfador. Què passa?
Then he came out victorious. What happens?
Que ell va treure o va destapar les vergonyes
That he uncovered or exposed the shame.
de l'estat suec i aleshores
from the Swedish state and then
li tenen molta mania, o això és el que diu ell.
They have a lot of dislike for him, or that’s what he says.
I aleshores, què ha passat?
And then, what happened?
Que en els últims anys l'han anat detenint
That in recent years they have been arresting him/her.
de forma recurrent. Aquí a Catalunya?
recurringly. Here in Catalonia?
Aquí a Catalunya. A Catalunya hi ha les Balears.
Here in Catalonia. In Catalonia, there are the Balearic Islands.
Perquè, per exemple, l'any 2021
Because, for example, in the year 2021
ell, quan ja havia estat
he, when he had already been
condemnat aquí a Barcelona i estava
condemned here in Barcelona and was
en llibertat, ell se'n va anar de vacances
On leave, he went on holiday.
amb la seva família a Eivissa.
with his family in Ibiza.
Aleshores, quan està allà,
So, when he/she is there,
però en un restaurant, per part van passar les imatges,
but in a restaurant, they showed the images on the part.
ell estava en un restaurant, dinant amb els nens,
he was at a restaurant, having lunch with the kids,
la seva dona, i tal, i sempre ha dit que
his wife, and so on, and she has always said that
vol que el deixin tranquil, que ell simplement vol ser feliç
He wants to be left alone; he just wants to be happy.
amb la seva família,
with his family,
doncs arriba la policia nacional
then the national police arrives
i el deté
and he/she/it stops him/her/it
allà mateix, doncs perquè
right there, then why
han considerat que té vincles amb la
they have considered that it has links with the
mocromàfia. La mocromàfia també són els principals
mocromafia. The mocromafia are also the main ones.
narcotraficants holandesos i és qui mou
Dutch drug traffickers and it is who moves.
els fils del crim organitzat a tot Europa.
the threads of organized crime across Europe.
Doncs consideraven que s'havia reunit
They considered that he had gathered.
Joan Asfalc amb la mocromàfia
Joan Asfalc with the mocromafia.
per fer un enviament de droga
to make a drug shipment
cap a Europa, i aleshores li atribuïen
towards Europe, and then they attributed to him
aquesta causa. Però què va passar?
this cause. But what happened?
El van detenir,
They arrested him.
va estar dos dies al calabós, i després va sortir
he was in the dungeon for two days, and then he got out
en llibertat.
in freedom.
Un mes després es trobava
A month later, he/she was found.
a Madrid, i el detenen
in Madrid, and they detain him
per una altra operació, en aquest cas
for another operation, in this case
també de les autoritats
also from the authorities
portugueses, perquè consideraven que havia fet uns
Portuguese, because they considered that I had made some.
negocis fraudulents.
fraudulent businesses.
I és més, ara
And what's more, now
ara sí que està a la presó.
now he is indeed in prison.
Porta un mes engarjolat,
He has been incarcerated for a month,
per què? Doncs perquè consideren
Why? Well, because they consider
que ha extorquit
that has extorted
a un empresari de Suècia
to a businessman from Sweden
que li deu diners.
that owes him money.
Sembla ser, doncs, que Joan Asfalc
It seems, then, that Joan Asfalc
l'any 2012, crec,
in the year 2012, I believe,
no, 2014, li havia
no, 2014, I had it
deixat 4 milions d'euros a un empresari
left 4 million euros to a businessman
de Suècia, i encara
from Sweden, and still
no li ha tornat. I aleshores, el que
he hasn't returned it to her. And then, what
sospita les autoritats sueces
suspects the Swedish authorities
és que Joan Asfalc,
it's just that Joan Asfalc,
que viu a Sitges, va contractar
who lives in Sitges, hired
8 sicaris...
8 sicarii...
Veus, ell sí que pot...
You see, he can...
Si en falla un,
If one fails,
si s'equivoca un...
if one makes a mistake...
En queden 7, eh? 8 sicaris
There are 7 left, right? 8 hitmen.
a Suècia, que el que van fer
to Sweden, what they did
va ser intentar cremar
it was an attempt to burn
el pis d'aquest empresari
the apartment of this businessman
que li devia diners.
that owed him money.
Fiscalia sueca
Swedish Prosecutor's Office
diu que ha trobat indicis que apunten
says he has found signs that point
que l'ideòleg de tot això era Joan Asfalc
that the ideologue of all this was Joan Asfalc
i, de fet, que han trobat missatges
and, in fact, they have found messages
amenaçadors que li havia enviat
threatening messages he had sent to him
Joan Asfalc a aquest empresari
Joan Asfalc to this businessman.
que li devia diners.
who owed him money.
Quin és el tema? Què diu Joan Asfalc?
What is the topic? What does Joan Asfalc say?
Diu, bueno, és que el que es consideren amenaces
He says, well, it's just that what they consider threats.
eren simplement reclamacions
they were just claims
de pagament. Si aquesta persona
of payment. If this person
en deu diners, jo no l'estic extorquint,
In ten money, I am not extorting him.
simplement li estic reclamant els diners.
I am simply claiming the money from him/her.
Sí, però li cremes el pis.
Yes, but you burn his apartment.
Al final no es va cremar.
In the end, it did not burn.
Ja tampoc.
Not anymore.
Els van enxampar, com intentaven cremar-lo,
They caught them as they were trying to burn it.
però al final no el van enxampar.
but in the end they didn't catch him.
Aquí sempre tenim aquesta figura
Here we always have this figure.
d'aquest personatge
of this character
que es mou entre dues aigües,
that moves between two waters,
que hi ha gent que creu en la seva innocència
There are people who believe in their innocence.
que diu, bueno, aquesta persona
What did he/she say, well, this person.
al final no està fent res i és l'obsessió
In the end, he/she is not doing anything and it is the obsession.
que tenen les autoritats sueces
what the Swedish authorities have
per enxampar-lo.
to catch him.
Però el delicte inicial sí que el va fer,
But he did commit the initial crime.
que va ser anar amb un vaixell...
what it was like to go on a ship...
Bueno, no anava ell, va enviar amics seus
Well, he didn't go, he sent some friends of his.
que feien aquesta trabassia.
what were they doing this work.
De drogues, això sí que...
Of drugs, that for sure...
Bueno, va ingressar a la presó.
Well, he/she was sent to prison.
El que passa que després,
What happens is that afterwards,
perquè les proves no eren correctes
because the tests were not correct
o s'havien...
or had...
S'havien obtingut de manera il·lícita.
They had been obtained illegally.
Va sortir de la presó,
He got out of prison,
però va ser sentenciat.
but he was sentenced.
I després, absolt.
And then, acquitted.
Aquell que no ha fet res,
He who has done nothing,
la policia que no para de tenir.
the police that doesn’t stop having.
En canvi, el Puigdemont entra i surt com si fos Campitxa
On the other hand, Puigdemont comes and goes as if he were Campitxa.
i aquí no passa res.
And here nothing happens.
Això és el país que tenim aquí a la justícia.
This is the country we have here in justice.
Fixa't que es diu Joan d'Esfalca, aquest senyor.
Notice that this gentleman is called Joan d'Esfalca.
No m'estranya.
I’m not surprised.
Amb la vida d'aquest Pablo Escobar suèc,
With the life of this Swedish Pablo Escobar,
el Joan d'Esfalca,
the Joan of Esfalca,
ara pot passar que l'extraditin,
now it may happen that they extradite him,
perquè el tenia l'Abrianzú,
because Abrianzú had it,
arribi a Suècia
arrived in Sweden
i l'hagin de tornar a deixar en llibertat
and they have to release him again
perquè ha fallat, vés a saber què,
because it has failed, who knows what,
perquè aquest home sempre cau de l'et.
because this man always falls from the e.t.
D'aquí dos dies el tornen a tarir sitges.
In two days they will return to tar the pits.
O potser perquè ell no té res a veure.
Or maybe because he has nothing to do with it.
Clar, eh?
Of course, huh?
És innocent.
He is innocent.
Al final, el que ell...
In the end, what he...
La sospita és que és un home molt intel·ligent,
The suspicion is that he is a very intelligent man,
que no s'ha embrutat les mans...
who hasn't gotten their hands dirty...
Que sempre ho té tot ben...
That she always has everything well...
I que no ha...
And that hasn't...
Atado y bien...
Tied up and well...
Sembla, pel que ell sempre diu, eh?
It seems, from what he always says, right?
Les policies de tot el món em tenen enfilat,
The police from all over the world have me on the run,
tots volen demostrar la meva culpabilitat,
everyone wants to prove my guilt,
però mai ho aconsegueixen.
but they never succeed.
I aleshores, aquí la societat en general
And then, here the society in general.
es mira això amb aquests ulls i diu,
"he looks at this with those eyes and says,"
bueno, o una de dos,
well, either one of two,
o li tenen mania perquè a l'operació en playa
or they have a grudge against him because of the operation in Playa
va acabant no res
it's ending nothing
i, per tant, estan intentant
and, therefore, they are trying
a veure si li troben alguna cosa
let's see if they find something on him
per ensampar-lo perquè ens va deixant ridícul,
to embarrass him because he is making us look ridiculous,
o per una altra,
or for another,
és aquest tio,
it's this guy,
és un narcotraficant dels grans, dels importants,
he's a major drug trafficker, one of the important ones,
no s'embruta les mans
one does not get their hands dirty
i al mateix temps no hi ha manera
and at the same time there is no way
de trobar indicis o proves
of finding clues or evidence
que aquests també són els més difícils d'enxampar,
that these are also the hardest to catch,
els narcotraficants, diguéssim,
the drug traffickers, let's say,
que estan a dalt de...
that are at the top of...
Perquè d'algun lloc has de treure els milions.
Because you have to get the millions from somewhere.
Bueno, aquest és el tema, no?
Well, this is the topic, right?
És a dir, al final, a què es dedica?
That is to say, in the end, what does he do?
Bueno, diu que fa diverses inversions...
Well, he says he makes several investments...
Inversions, és curiós.
Investments, it's curious.
Fa diverses inversions
He makes several investments.
i després també hi havia un...
and then there was also a...
Aquí en el judici de Barcelona,
Here in the trial in Barcelona,
que es va fer l'any 2021
what was done in 2021
i que el vaig seguir atentament,
and that I followed him closely,
hi havia imputada la tieta de Jonas Falk,
Jonas Falk's aunt was implicated.
aquí a Catalunya, eh?
here in Catalonia, eh?
També la tieta.
Also the aunt.
Harriet Broman,
Harriet Broman,
que també viu aquí?
who also lives here?
Bueno, crec que viu a Cavall,
Well, I think he lives in Cavall.
entre Suècia i Sitges.
between Sweden and Sitges.
I sembla ser que ella és a qui van utilitzar
It seems that she is the one they used.
per dir que els diners
to say that money
me'ls va deixar la meva tieta.
my aunt gave them to me.
Al final jo vaig poder comprar la mansió
In the end, I was able to buy the mansion.
i tot això perquè els diners me'ls va deixar la meva tieta.
And all this because my aunt left me the money.
Un dels arguments que van fer servir
One of the arguments they used.
és que la teva tieta dona tret a aquests diners.
It's that your aunt gives birth to this money.
Doncs es veu que la seva tieta, i això és veritat,
Well, it seems that her aunt, and this is true,
havia fet una cançó quan era jove
I had made a song when I was young.
que havia tingut molt d'èxit
that had been very successful
i aleshores, bueno,
and then, well,
ha identificat que gràcies a això
has identified that thanks to this
va fer molts diners
he made a lot of money
i per això pot deixar-li 2,4 milions d'euros
And that's why it can leave him 2.4 million euros.
per comprar una mansió a Sitges, no?
to buy a mansion in Sitges, right?
Com a Patrick Hernández.
Like Patrick Hernández.
Jo vaig preguntar...
I asked...
Patrick Hernández va fer una cançó
Patrick Hernández made a song.
i amb una cançó
and with a song
em sembla que cobra 900 euros cada dia.
I think he/she earns 900 euros every day.
Busca-ho aquí, va sortint la vanguardia.
Look for it here, the vanguard is emerging.
Quina cançó és, ho saps?
Which song is it, do you know?
No ho sé, però jo després vaig preguntar
I don't know, but then I asked.
a coneguts de Suècia, escolta,
to acquaintances from Sweden, listen,
a tu et sona?
Does it sound familiar to you?
Ni idea.
No idea.
Aquest grup, ni idea.
This group, no idea.
Bueno, el misteri d'aquest personatge
Well, the mystery of this character.
l'haurem de seguir, eh?
We'll have to follow him/her, right?
Això l'està, perquè haurem d'estar...
This is what it's doing, because we will have to be...
És el cas de quan viatja a Suècia,
It is the case when he/she travels to Sweden,
si l'imputen...
if they charge him...
Bueno, ara té 30 dies l'Audiència Nacional
Well, now the National Court has 30 days.
que és qui ha de decidir sobre la seva extradició,
who is the one that has to decide on their extradition,
a veure si l'envia o no l'envia,
let's see if he sends it or not.
però al mateix temps també té un ordre d'extradició
but at the same time it also has an extradition order
de Portugal per aquella detenció
from Portugal for that detention
que li van fer l'any 2022 o 21
what they did to him in 2022 or 2021
i, en fi, haurem de veure
Well, we'll have to see.
qui se l'emporta abans,
who takes it away first,
si Portugal, si Suècia o si Vesca d'aquí,
if Portugal, if Sweden or if Basque from here,
perquè consideren que no hi ha prou indicis
because they believe there is not enough evidence
per enviar-lo a Suècia.
to send it to Sweden.
I el dissabte en llibertat,
And on Saturday in freedom,
aquesta també seria...
this would also be...
Li tenen el dit ficat...
They have their finger stuck...
La monja ha trobat el titular
The nun has found the headline.
de la cançó de Patrick Hernández
from the song by Patrick Hernández
¿Cuánto dinero le donan al día?
How much money do they donate to him/her per day?
De Born to be alive,
Born to be alive,
que és una cançó, recordeu, del 79,
what is a song, remember, from 79,
va vendre 25 milions de còpies
sold 25 million copies
i cada dia li dona a Patrick Hernández
And every day he gives it to Patrick Hernández.
entre 800 i 1.500 euros.
between 800 and 1,500 euros.
Pues lo mateix passa con esta señora.
Well, the same happens with this lady.
No, aquesta senyora, deixa'm dir,
No, this lady, let me say,
que malgrat que tingués molts diners
that despite having a lot of money
perquè havia sigut cantant quan era jove i tot això,
because I had been a singer when I was young and all that,
ara, el mes passat,
now, last month,
va ingressar a la presó a Suècia
He was imprisoned in Sweden.
perquè li van descobrir
because they discovered him
una plantació de marihuana.
a marijuana plantation.
Aquesta família, escolta, està de pega, eh?
This family, listen, is having a tough time, huh?
Sí, psicologista, com jo.
Yes, psychologist, like me.
Escolta, i abans d'acabar,
Listen, and before finishing,
Comentem aquest judici que comença demà
Let's discuss this trial that starts tomorrow.
sobre l'assassinat d'una infermera de Girona.
about the murder of a nurse from Girona.
Va passar el 25 de setembre del 2020.
It happened on September 25, 2020.
Els suposats autors del crim
The alleged authors of the crime
s'enfronten a 31 anys de presó.
They face 31 years in prison.
En total, però, hi ha 4 implicats.
In total, however, there are 4 involved.
A veure, recordem una mica,
Let's see, let's remember a bit,
refresquem el cas.
Let's refresh the case.
Sí, aquest és un crim que es cometa,
Yes, this is a crime that is committed,
com deies, el 25 de setembre del 2020.
As you said, on September 25, 2020.
L'assassinada és una infermera de Girona
The murdered woman is a nurse from Girona.
que es deia Carme Font
whose name was Carme Font
i que va ser brutalment assassinada
and was brutally murdered
al seu domicili.
at his/her home.
Ella apareix lligada,
She appears tied up,
amb unes brides,
with some straps,
colpejada brutalment i, finalment, asfixiada.
brutally beaten and, finally, suffocated.
Aleshores, a partir d'aquí,
Then, from here on,
la policia el que intenta és esbrinar
the police is trying to find out
qui hi ha darrere d'aquest crim
who is behind this crime
i, se n'adonen, buscant l'agenda de visites,
And, they realize, looking for the visit schedule,
s'ha de dir que la Carme Font
It must be said that Carme Font
era una persona que tenia dues feines.
He was a person who had two jobs.
Una feina, diguéssim,
A job, let's say,
la que feia a la clínica Girona,
the one I was doing at the Girona clinic,
on feia d'infermera,
She used to work as a nurse.
i després també tenia una consulta pròpia
And then I also had my own practice.
de podologia a casa seva.
podiatry at home.
És a dir, si et volies mirar els peus,
That is to say, if you wanted to look at your feet,
doncs anaves a la podòloga a casa d'aquesta senyora.
So you were going to the podiatrist at this lady's house.
Doncs bé, aquell dia que la van matar,
Well, that day they killed her,
el dia 25 de setembre del 2020,
on September 25, 2020,
només tenia una única visita a la tarda,
I only had one appointment in the afternoon,
que és quan es creu que la van matar.
that is when it is believed she was killed.
Aleshores, van buscar qui hi havia darrere d'aquell nom,
Then, they searched for who was behind that name,
que crec que era Òscar,
that I think was Òscar,
si parlo de memòria,
if I speak from memory,
van mirar el número de telèfon que hi havia apuntat
they looked at the phone number that had been noted down
i van veure que hi havia un senyor
and they saw that there was a gentleman
que es deia Nicolàs,
who was called Nicolás,
que no era un senyor que es deia Òscar,
that it was not a man named Òscar,
sinó que es deia Nicolàs,
but he was called Nicolàs,
i van mirar el telèfon mòbil
and they looked at the mobile phone.
que havia fet aquella reserva
that had made that reservation
i van veure que només l'havien fet servir
and they saw that they had only used it
per fer una única trucada,
to make a single call,
que era la de reservar la cita.
that was to book the appointment.
Qui hi havia?
Who was there?
Qui havia posat en contacte aquesta persona
Who had put this person in contact?
per reservar la cita?
to book the appointment?
Doncs una treballadora de la Clínica Girona
Well, a worker from the Girona Clinic.
que treballava amb la Carme Font, amb la víctima,
who worked with Carme Font, with the victim,
que es deia Consol i que treballava amb ella.
who was named Consol and worked with her.
Doncs aquesta Consol sembla ser
Well, this Consol seems to be
que tenien problemes econòmics
that they had economic problems
i va idear, juntament amb el seu marit,
she devised, together with her husband,
que havia estat condemnat feia molts anys
that he had been convicted many years ago
per un delicte d'estafa,
for a crime of fraud,
de, bueno, doncs potser diem
Well, then maybe we say.
que anem a mirar-nos els peus,
let's go look at our feet,
enviem un amic nostre,
we send a friend of ours,
l'atraquem, ens emportem les caixes fortes,
we approach it, we take away the safes,
perquè sembla ser que era una persona
because it seems that he was a person
que tenia propietats i que podia tenir diners amb efectiu
that he had properties and could have cash money
i d'aquesta manera, doncs, solucionem
And in this way, then, we solve.
els nostres problemes.
our problems.
Una manera fàcil, no?
An easy way, right?
Les nostres problemes econòmics.
Our economic problems.
Finalment, doncs això els va sortir malament,
Finally, this went wrong for them,
van acabar detingudes quatre persones,
four people ended up being arrested,
la Consol, que era la companya de feina
Consol, who was the work colleague.
de la Carme Font, el seu marit, el Jordi,
of Carme Font, her husband, Jordi,
que era, diguéssim, aquesta persona que havia estat
What was, let's say, this person who had been.
condemnada anteriorment per estafa
previously convicted for fraud
i que tenia diversos
and that I had several
que eren, en fi,
what they were, in short,
delinqüents o...
delinquents or...
O sigui, no era una banda criminal
So, it wasn't a criminal gang.
que van entrar buscant... No, no, això estava
that they came in looking for... No, no, this was
orquestrat des de la mateixa clínica
orchestrated from the same clinic
d'una companya. Sí, sí, la companya de feina.
of a colleague. Yes, yes, the work colleague.
Aleshores, compren un telèfon
Then, they buy a phone.
mòbil, fan aquesta trucada,
mobile, make this call,
la Consol, a l'agost,
Consol, in August,
és a dir, el mes abans que es cometés el crim,
that is to say, the month before the crime was committed,
havia trucat o havia enviat un missatge
I had called or had sent a message.
a la Carme dient, escolta, t'enviaré un familiar
to Carme saying, listen, I'll send you a relative
perquè té problemes als peus, a veure si pot
because he has problems with his feet, let's see if he can
venir, el pots agafar, que això ja et dona,
come, you can take it, that this already gives you,
diguéssim, més confiança, no?, que no
let's say, more confidence, right?, than not
entri qualsevol a casa teva. I li fas un forat
Anyone can enter your home. And you make a hole in them.
i no sé què. Exacte. I aleshores,
and I don't know what. Exactly. And then,
el forat l'hi van fer el 25 de setembre del 2020,
they made the hole on September 25, 2020,
quan hi havia només aquesta única
when there was only this one
cita, entre les 6 i les 7 de la tarda,
appointment, between 6 and 7 in the evening,
bueno, doncs aquesta persona.
Well, then this person.
Què va passar aquell dia? Doncs que
What happened that day? Well, that
l'enviat per aquesta
the envoy for this
família, doncs, va allà a mirar-se
family, then, goes there to watch themselves
els peus, i al mateix moment
the feet, and at the same time
entra un operari a l'edifici
a worker enters the building
que anava amb una granota
who went with a frog
d'aquestes blaves i un covell
of these blue ones and a bucket
fins a passar per operari, i aleshores
until passing as a worker, and then
que era el còmplice d'aquesta
who was the accomplice of this
persona, tots dos acaben irrompent
person, both end up bursting in
doncs el... El cor.
so the... The heart.
El pis, o el domicili de la Carme Font,
The apartment, or the home of Carme Font,
acaben matant-la
they end up killing her
perquè sembla, doncs, que no
because it seems, then, that no
trobaven les caixes fortes, finalment
they finally found the safe boxes
les van trobar però no les van poder
They found them but could not.
trencar, per tant,
break, therefore,
no es van endur absolutament res
they didn't take anything at all
i van acabar amb la vida, doncs,
and they ended up with life, then,
d'aquesta senyora. Finalment, doncs,
of this lady. Finally, then,
uns quants dies després, crec que va ser una setmana,
a few days later, I think it was a week,
una setmana i mitja després, van ser detingudes
a week and a half later, they were arrested
aquestes dues, aquestes quatre persones,
these two, these four people,
el que feia d'operari, el que es va fer
what he did as a worker, what he became
passar per pacient, i després també
to be patient, and then also
la Consol, que era la companya de feina,
Consol, who was the work colleague,
de la Carme i el seu marit,
of Carme and her husband,
en Jordi. Demà comença el judici
Jordi. The trial starts tomorrow.
a l'Audiència de Girona, quatre anys després
at the Girona Court, four years later
que es cometés el crim, que també
that the crime was committed, that too
el retard, Déu-n'hi-do, considerable,
the delay, good heavens, considerable,
i, doncs, per als autors
and, therefore, for the authors
materials del crim, que serien aquest Nicolàs
materials of the crime, which would be this Nicolás
i l'Eugenio, l'operari i el
and Eugenio, the worker and the
pacient, o el suposat pacient, els demanen
patient, or the supposed patient, they ask him/her
31 anys de presó, i a
31 years in prison, and to
la Consol i al Jordi, per
Consol and Jordi, for
qui es considera, doncs, els autors intel·lectuals
who is considered, then, the intellectual authors
o els ideòlegs del crim, se'ls demana una pena
or the ideologists of crime, they are given a penalty.
de 10 anys de presó.
of 10 years in prison.
Doncs, complert avui
Well, completed today.
la secció del Toni Muñoz, escolta,
the section of Toni Muñoz, listen,
Déu-n'hi-do, hem fet un pac,
Wow, we've made a pact,
un pac sencer
a whole pack
of information,
en fi, del passat, del present
Well, of the past, of the present.
i del futur, com per exemple aquest judici
and of the future, such as this trial
que comença demà. Toni Muñoz, moltíssimes gràcies.
that starts tomorrow. Toni Muñoz, thank you very much.
A vosaltres.
To you.
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