Richard Wagner
Il·lustres execrables Gran Reserva
Richard Wagner
Els il·lustres execrables són personatges
The illustrious execrable are characters.
que han estat fonamentals per la història de la humanitat.
that have been fundamental for the history of humanity.
Alguns d'ells, fins i tot, idolatrats.
Some of them, even idolized.
Tot i que potser no se'ns havia explicat tota la veritat.
Although perhaps we were not told the whole truth.
Fins ara.
Until now.
Malcom Otero i Santi Jiménez
Malcom Otero and Santi Jiménez
estripen el record que tenim d'aquests il·lustres execrables
they tear apart the memory we have of these illustrious execrable ones
i ens mostren la seva cara més fosca.
and they show us their darker side.
I en aquest episodi, Richard Wagner.
And in this episode, Richard Wagner.
Oh, village sans prétention, j'ai mauvaise réputation.
Oh, unassuming village, I have a bad reputation.
Je me démène ou je reste quoi, je passe pour un je ne sais quoi.
I struggle or I stay what, I come off as a something or other.
Avui, amics, li traiem la perruca, la batuta, la boina
Today, friends, we take off the wig, the baton, the beret.
i tot a Willem Richard Wagner,
and all to Willem Richard Wagner,
també anomenat Willem Richard Geyer, però conegut com Wagner.
also known as Willem Richard Geyer, but known as Wagner.
Què volen uns endemàtors?
What do some enormators want?
No volia sentir una cançó de Wagner, encara.
I didn't want to hear a Wagner song, yet.
Cançons de Wagner.
Songs of Wagner.
Wagner, cancions.
Wagner, songs.
Aquesta no està mal, eh? Mira, mira.
This one's not bad, huh? Look, look.
Aquesta et donen ganes de deixar-te patilles grosses
This makes you want to grow a big mustache.
i posar-te un casc amb putxa.
and put a helmet on you with a visor.
Una mica de... com es diu això? Oktoberfest, eh?
A bit of... what do you call this? Oktoberfest, right?
Sí. Aquí, amb cerveses, així, amunt i avall.
Yes. Here, with beers, like this, up and down.
Això és una cançó pel Kaiser Guillem,
This is a song for Kaiser William,
que sembla això. Ah, en seriós és una cançó pel...
What does this seem? Ah, seriously, it's a song for...
Sí, sí, sí, però sembla això d'un de juerga, no?
Yes, yes, yes, but this seems like a party, doesn’t it?
Va, i tant.
Sure, of course.
Sí, sí, sembla el càntic de futbol.
Yes, yes, it sounds like the football chant.
El Kaiser Guillem era un tio molt de juerga.
Kaiser William was a very fun guy.
Bueno, a veure.
Well, let's see.
A més, amb aquells bigotis, no ho sé.
Besides, with those mustaches, I don't know.
Ui, de cervesa.
Oh, beer.
Molt viking.
Very Viking.
Parlarem dels vikings.
We will talk about the Vikings.
Ah, sí?
Oh, really?
Bueno, sí, sí, dels...
Well, yes, yes, of the...
Ah, bueno, sí, clar, clar.
Ah, well, yes, of course, of course.
No posarem cançons de Wagner perquè,
We will not play Wagner's songs because,
com fa la ràdio pública d'Israel, està prohibit.
as the public radio of Israel does, it is prohibited.
Ah, sí?
Oh, really?
A Israel no es pot conèixer Wagner?
Can Wagner not be known in Israel?
A la ràdio pública, no sé si l'estimades.
At public radio, I don't know if you love it.
Ah, sí, ja veurem per què.
Ah, yes, we'll see why.
Va, per on comencem?
Come on, where do we start?
A veure, Wilhelm, Guillem.
Let's see, Wilhelm, Guillem.
No és Richard, és Willem.
It is not Richard, it is Willem.
Ah, hosti.
Ah, damn.
Neix a Leipzig, que encara no era Alemanya.
Born in Leipzig, which was not yet Germany.
Leipzig vol dir...
Leipzig means...
El lloc de porcs, segurament en alemany.
The place of pigs, probably in German.
L'equip que eliminarà el Manchester City.
The team that will eliminate Manchester City.
Que encara no era alemany.
That he was not yet German.
I aleshores ja sabem el que passarà al final.
And then we already know what will happen in the end.
No vull saber-ho res, deixeu-me.
I don't want to know anything, leave me alone.
Bueno, això...
Well, this...
No vull saber-ho res, deixeu-me.
I don't want to know anything, leave me alone.
No sé res de futbol ni de reina.
I know nothing about football or queens.
Leipzig encara no era Alemanya.
Leipzig was not yet Germany.
Que no penso dir-ho d'aquesta manera.
I don't intend to say it that way.
Jo ho diré Leipzig.
I will say Leipzig.
Vinga, va.
Come on, let's go.
Bueno, encara...
Well, still...
Si aparegués de la morena dient-ho.
If the brunette appeared saying it.
Ja, com que sou alemanys vosaltres...
Yes, since you are Germans...
No era Alemanya, perquè encara faltaven 50 anys perquè existís Alemanya.
It was not Germany, because Germany did not exist yet for another 50 years.
No hi havia Alemanya.
There was no Germany.
Si Wagner no era alemany.
If Wagner was not German.
Bueno, si era alemany, perquè es deien...
Well, if he was German, why were they called...
Germanic, Germanic, no eren els països alemanys.
Germanic, Germanic, they were not the German countries.
Però no era Alemanya com en tal, no existia.
But it was not Germany as such, it did not exist.
Ell va néixer fa més de dos segles.
He was born more than two centuries ago.
Seria de la RDA.
It would be from the GDR.
És que no pensarem res.
It's just that we won't think of anything.
Va néixer fa més de dos segles, el 1813.
He was born more than two centuries ago, in 1813.
Era el novèfic d'un policia que va morir de tifus.
He was the nephew of a police officer who died of typhus.
L'hem canviat l'emoció, m'està atabalant molt, eh?
We've changed the emotion, it's really overwhelming me, you know?
Pots posar una altra?
Can you put another one?
Sí, home, posa-m'ho.
Yes, come on, put it on for me.
Una mica de música d'ascensor.
A bit of elevator music.
El pare va morir de tifus quan tenia sis mesos.
The father died of typhus when he was six months old.
Un policia tenint nou fills?
A policeman having nine children?
No, eh, un idò.
No, well, a yes.
I què, té a veure que sigui un policia...
And what does it matter that he is a police officer...
Tenia una porra molt bé.
I had a very good club.
Va, prou.
Come on, enough.
Això m'ha fotat.
This has messed me up.
Va, avanceu, per favor.
Go ahead, please.
No, la qüestió és que el pare va morir quan tenia sis mesos.
No, the issue is that the father died when I was six months old.
Wagner, òbviament, no el seu pare.
Wagner, obviously, not his father.
La seva mare, als pocs mesos, es va casar amb Ludwig Geiger,
His mother, a few months later, married Ludwig Geiger,
que era un actor i dramaturg.
that he was an actor and playwright.
Ludwig Geiger?
Ludwig Geiger?
No és com...
It's not like...
És com Heiper.
It's like Heiper.
La seva mare va dir, se m'ha mort el policia
Her mother said, the policeman has died on me.
i ara compraré un Heiper, man.
And now I will buy a Heiper, man.
Un actor, va passar de policia a actor.
An actor went from being a police officer to being an actor.
I llavors, els primers anys, es va dir...
And then, in the first years, it was said...
Però després, va canviar una altra vegada a Wagner.
But then, he changed back to Wagner again.
Es parla que Gaia podria ser el seu veritable pare.
It is said that Gaia could be his true father.
Això es diu.
This is called.
Perquè ell ho insinua en algun moment.
Because he hints at it at some point.
Però això no ho sabem.
But we don't know that.
Això no va dir-te que...
This didn't tell you that...
Amb la feina que tenien els policies a l'Eidpick.
With the work that the police had at the Eidpick.
Nou fills.
New children.
Ara ho he entès.
Now I understand it.
Quan sortia de...
When I was coming out of...
Ara ho he entès.
Now I understand it.
Bé, però també no té gaire importància si era el pare o no el pare.
Well, but it doesn't really matter whether he was the father or not.
Va marxar a viure a Dresden.
He moved to live in Dresden.
Ja sabeu.
You already know.
Ja sabeu on es va produir...
You already know where it happened...
Un polemic bombardeig que va acabar amb desenes de milers de persones.
A controversial bombing that ended with tens of thousands of people.
Que ja sé que no té res a veure.
Because I already know it has nothing to do with it.
I que ja Wagner estava mort.
And Wagner was already dead.
Però és per si a algú de l'ESO li sonava alguna cosa que no posa el dinamo de Dresden.
But it’s just in case someone from high school remembers something that doesn’t say the dynamo of Dresden.
Ah, o sigui, és donant la dada que no tenia cap res a veure.
Ah, so it’s giving the information that had nothing to do with it.
Sí, no té res a veure.
Yes, it has nothing to do with it.
A Guillem, és a dir, Ricard, li agradava molt el teatre.
Guillem, that is, Ricard, really liked theater.
Des del principi.
From the beginning.
Li agradava més el teatre que la música.
He liked theatre more than music.
De fet, van intentar fer-li classes de piano, però no se li donava gens bé la música.
In fact, they tried to give him piano lessons, but he was not good at music at all.
No sabia tocar el piano.
I didn't know how to play the piano.
De matí d'allò de...
In the morning of that...
Nen, toca el piano.
Boy, play the piano.
I el nen no volia tocar el piano.
And the boy didn't want to play the piano.
Ah, i allò que li deien, bueno, aquest nen traieu-lo ja d'aquí.
Ah, and what they told him, well, get this kid out of here already.
També, no és Mozart, que allò als cinc anys tocava d'esquenes amb els ulls tancats i havia fet 26...
Also, it’s not Mozart, who at five years old played with his back turned and his eyes closed and had already composed 26...
Tres òperes.
Three operas.
Tres òperes, no sé quantes sinfonies, havia guanyat la Champions, tres pilotes d'or i no sé quantes coses.
Three opera titles, I don't know how many symphonies, had won the Champions, three Ballon d'Or awards, and I don't know how many other things.
No, ell va ser... Wagner va ser...
No, he was... Wagner was...
Va ser...
It was...
Una mica més lent.
A little slower.
No va ser precoç.
He was not precocious.
Una mica més lent.
A little slower.
El seu professor era un tal Miller.
His teacher was a certain Miller.
Miller, Thomas Miller.
Miller, Thomas Miller.
I estava desesperat.
I was desperate.
Perquè el nen diu, el Wagner aquest a la música no arribarà, eh?
Because the boy says, this Wagner won't get anywhere in music, right?
No arribarà.
It won't arrive.
Senyora, el matemàtic és millor, eh?
Madam, the mathematician is better, right?
No el dediqui al nen Wagner aquest a la música.
Don't dedicate this Wagner piece to the child for music.
Al teatre, no? Diu que li agrada el teatre.
To the theater, right? He says he likes the theater.
Sí, clar.
Yes, of course.
A ell li interessava la literatura i el teatre.
He was interested in literature and theatre.
De fet, va escriure una obra quan tenia 14 anys.
In fact, he/she wrote a work when he/she was 14 years old.
Sí, per tant, eh?
Yes, therefore, eh?
Que es deia Leubald.
His name was Leubald.
I que es veu que era molt dolenta.
And it turns out she was very bad.
Home, tenia 14 anys.
Man, I was 14 years old.
A veure si tampoc, a veure la sorpresa.
Let's see if not, let's see the surprise.
Hi ha gent amb 55 que escriu coses espantoses.
There are people at 55 who write terrible things.
També t'ho deia, eh?
I was telling you that too, right?
I aleshores, per exemple, però clar, com és Wagner...
And then, for example, but of course, how is Wagner...
Ha estat molt criticat per aquesta obra dels 14 anys.
He has been heavily criticized for this work of 14 years.
Cosa que em sembla, des de la nostra perspectiva cabrona,
Something that seems to me, from our bastard perspective,
fins i tot injusta.
even unfair.
Adorno és una persona, eh?
Adorno is a person, right?
Era un filòsof.
He was a philosopher.
Teo d'ella.
Teo of her.
No, o sigui, explica'ls-hi tu.
No, I mean, you explain it to them.
Ara, obre telèfons i digue-li a tots els de l'ESO
Now, open the phone and tell everyone in secondary education.
que diguin qui és Teo d'Adorno.
Let them say who Teo of Adorno is.
I puta idea.
I have no idea.
Adorno és el que es posa la meva mare a les orelles.
Jewelry is what my mother wears on her ears.
Aquesta edat van desculpar...
This age they forgave...
Bueno, Adorno el va criticar molt,
Well, Adorno criticized him a lot.
que et sembla de molt mal gust per part d'Adorno.
that seems very inappropriate on Adorno's part.
Va, una.
Come on, one.
Un nen de 14 anys.
A 14-year-old boy.
14 anys, sí.
14 years, yes.
Bueno, quan té ja 14, 15 anys, descobreix Beethoven.
Well, when he is already 14, 15 years old, he discovers Beethoven.
En aquell any, Beethoven va morir.
That year, Beethoven died.
Ai, pobre.
Ah, poor thing.
Bueno, sí, clar.
Well, yes, of course.
El seu ídol es va morir.
His idol died.
Clar, ja saps, és com que hi hagués una gran explosió,
Of course, you know, it's like there was a great explosion,
perquè, clar, hi era una figura i el tio va dir...
because, clearly, there was a figure and the guy said...
L'internet de l'època, el Twitter, Beethoven...
The internet of the time, Twitter, Beethoven...
I el tio va dir, posava la ràdio, sentia Beethoven i va dir...
And the guy said, he turned on the radio, heard Beethoven and said...
Hòstia, això de la música, que no m'agradava quan era petit,
Holy shit, this thing about music, that I didn't like when I was a kid,
i igual m'agrada molt.
And I like it a lot too.
De Beethoven va passar Mozart.
Beethoven surpassed Mozart.
I va començar a dir...
And he/she started to say...
Hòstia, això de la música mola molt.
Wow, this music thing is really cool.
Va començar a formar-se i a escriure les primeres obres.
He started to train and write the first works.
I amb 20 anys ja va dirigir...
And at 20 years old, he already directed...
Ell era un artista bastant total,
He was a rather total artist,
en aquest sentit que feia els llibrets, l'escenografia i la música.
in this sense that he made the booklets, the scenery, and the music.
Amb 20 anys dirigia un petit teatre, per resumir.
At 20 years old, I was directing a small theater, to sum up.
I, a més a més, també li agradava molt mamà.
And besides, he also liked mommy very much.
Li agradava la música, el teatre, la cervesa i molt les dones.
He liked music, theater, beer, and women very much.
Ell, això de les Valkíries, els Nibelungs i...
Him, this about the Valkyries, the Nibelungs, and...
I tot això...
And all this...
El posava molt pelote.
He was very sycophantic.
De les dones, ara en parlarem.
Now we will talk about women.
La cervesa era una passió molt forta, cosa que estem a favor.
Beer was a very strong passion, which we support.
Fins aquí esteu bastant d'acord.
Up to here you are quite in agreement.
Li va faltar fer l'òpera Voldem, òpera.
He needed to do the opera Voldem, opera.
Però el que sí que tenia era molt mal vi i molt mala cervesa.
But what they did have was very bad wine and very bad beer.
Perquè sempre que anava a les tavernes i es mamava,
Because every time he went to the taverns and got drunk,
acabava abofatades amb la gent.
ended up overwhelmed by the people.
Jo que parlava amb altra gent de...
I was speaking with other people about...
El típic Norman Mailer i tot aquest...
The typical Norman Mailer and all this...
L'amic que sempre la lia quan batalla.
The friend who always gets her into trouble when she fights.
Era ell.
It was him.
Menys a favor.
Less in favor.
Bueno, Wagner, Guillem, s'enamora d'una actriu, Mina,
Well, Wagner, Guillem, falls in love with an actress, Mina,
que per cert, també es diu Wilhelmina.
which, by the way, is also called Wilhelmina.
És a dir, Guillermina, com Guillermina Mota.
That is to say, Guillermina, like Guillermina Mota.
Guillem i Guillermina.
Guillem and Guillermina.
Però a Wagner la fidelitat no se li donava bé.
But Wagner was not good at loyalty.
Se li donava malament.
He was given poorly.
I van tenir una relació difícil.
They had a difficult relationship.
Van estar 20 anys junts.
They were together for 20 years.
La van enganyar durant 20 anys.
They deceived her for 20 years.
Però ell no la va considerar gaire.
But he didn't think much of her.
Fins i tot va arribar a escriure,
He even went so far as to write,
a una tia que ha estat 20 anys,
to an aunt who has been 20 years,
va ser un error de joventut.
It was a youthful mistake.
Com si fos un porret que s'havia fumat allà.
As if it were a joint that had been smoked there.
Un error de joventut durant 20 anys.
A youth mistake lasting 20 years.
A veure, no va ser una nit sortint de discoteca.
Let's see, it wasn't a night out at the club.
No, tio, no és un error de joventut.
No, dude, it's not a youthful mistake.
És que són 20 anys junts, per favor.
It's been 20 years together, please.
Encara que li va escriure 400 cartes.
Even though he wrote her 400 letters.
A ella.
To her.
Sí, que ja sabeu, les cartes en 20 anys tampoc són tantes.
Yes, as you already know, letters in 20 years are not that many either.
Les cartes eren com el correu electrònic, però en paper.
The letters were like email, but on paper.
Però en 20 anys, 400 tampoc són tantes.
But in 20 years, 400 aren't that many either.
No, són 20 anys.
No, it's 20 years.
Però és que vivien junts, també.
But they also lived together.
Som algú més difícil.
We are someone more difficult.
Escriu-li cartes.
Write him/her letters.
Igual, comptava com a carta,
Anyway, I counted it as a letter,
t'he deixat el xucrut en la nevera.
I left the sauerkraut in the fridge for you.
Has fet una cena que jo no hi he fet.
You have made a dinner that I have not attended.
Falten cartòfes.
There are no potatoes left.
Compra viernes.
Buy Friday.
Bueno, ell no va ser el millor marit, diguem-ne.
Well, he wasn't the best husband, let's put it that way.
La gelosia, era molt gelós.
Jealousy, he was very jealous.
A més, va acabar la seva carrera d'actriu,
In addition, she completed her acting career,
perquè ell no la deixava actuar,
because he wouldn't let her act,
perquè es posava molt gelós.
because he got very jealous.
Aquest també és un cas molt paradigmàtic.
This is also a very paradigmatic case.
Dic, tios que s'enamoren d'actrius que actuen
I say, guys who fall in love with actresses who act.
i que són desitjables i que són símbols,
and that they are desirable and that they are symbols,
però quan es casen amb ell dius, ara ja no actuen més.
but when they marry him you say, now they won't act anymore.
Sí, ella, la veritat, el seguia a totes les seves fugides.
Yes, she, in truth, followed him on all his escapes.
Ja veurem que ella ha de fugir molt.
We will see that she has to flee a lot.
I fins i tot en una d'aquestes...
And even in one of these...
Más que fugitivo, eh?
More than a fugitive, huh?
En una d'aquestes fugides, en un vaixell,
In one of these escapes, on a ship,
que hi havia una tempesta, va perdre el fill que portava.
that there was a storm, she lost the child she was carrying.
Que ja no en va tenir més.
That he/she didn't have any more.
Va dir que no era la dona d'un famós compositor,
She said she was not the wife of a famous composer.
perquè la prohibició d'estimar,
because the prohibition of loving,
es va cancel·lar la seva primera representació
his first performance was canceled.
i tenien problemes en aquella època per representar les obres
They had problems at that time representing the works.
i molts fracassos.
and many failures.
I molts problemes de pasta, com ja veurem.
And many money problems, as we will see.
Sí, en aquesta crisi que tenia amb la seva...
Yes, in this crisis he had with his...
amb Willermina,
with Willermina,
Guillem, Richard, Wagner,
Guillem, Richard, Wagner,
va tenir moltes amants.
he had many lovers.
Una, però la que es va enamorar molt, va ser de Mathilde Wessendog.
One, but the one who fell very much in love was Mathilde Wessendog.
Wessendog estava casada.
Wessendog was married.
I no estava casada amb qualsevol.
I was not married to just anyone.
Estava casada amb un home que era un macerat
I was married to a man who was a maniac.
amb molta pasta.
with a lot of money.
Guillem la va convertir en la seva musa,
Guillem turned her into his muse.
bàsicament perquè el seu marit segueix apuquinant i hagi pasta.
Basically because her husband keeps gambling and has money.
Hi ha gent que diu que és una relació platònica,
There are people who say it is a platonic relationship,
però sembla que no.
but it seems that not.
La cosa és que Mina va trobar una carta eròtica.
The thing is that Mina found an erotic letter.
Aquests escrivien cartes eròtiques.
They wrote erotic letters.
Una mena del llupón de l'època.
A kind of wolfhound of the time.
I Guillem va fugir a Venècia.
Guillem fled to Venice.
Val a dir que el banyut va seguir, anys més tard,
It is worth saying that the idiot continued, years later,
sufragant, tot i que ell l'enganyés la seva dona,
suffering, even though he deceived his wife,
els projectes de Wagner.
Wagner's projects.
L'art per damunt de tot.
Art above all.
Aquestes coses que tenien, aquestes coses irromàniques,
These things they had, these Iromanic things,
diu, t'estàs punxant a la meva dona,
He says, you're flirting with my wife.
però ets molt bo i jo et segueixo pagant.
but you are very good and I keep paying you.
I l'altre dia, mira, què hi farem, tu?
And the other day, look, what can we do, huh?
Mina va escriure amb una carta.
Mina wrote with a letter.
Atenció, que parlaré en alemany.
Attention, I will speak in German.
No, què dius? No el podràs dir, això, ara.
No, what are you saying? You won't be able to say that now.
Hat ein genialer...
He has a genius...
Bueno, escolta, vols que ho intenti?
Well, listen, do you want me to try?
Hat ein genialer Mann,
He is a brilliant man,
das Recht auf ein Schuft zu sein.
the right to be a scoundrel.
Molt bé.
Very well.
Ne, vega.
No, cow.
Encara que a tots els oients, gràcies aquí a la, al, al, al, al...
Although to all the listeners, thanks here to the, to the, to the, to the, to the...
Gràcies, gràcies.
Thank you, thank you.
I al meu més central.
And in my most central.
Thank you.
La, ho han entès.
Yes, they have understood it.
La carta que li va escriure la seva dona a Wagner significa
The letter that his wife wrote to Wagner means
Ser un geni li dóna dret a ser un fill de puta.
Being a genius gives him the right to be a son of a bitch.
Molt simplificat, eh?
Very simplified, huh?
Bueno, el Guillem usava bastard, però aquí l'hem pujat una mica.
Well, Guillem used a bastard, but here we've raised it a bit.
La tercera dona important per, per el Guillem,
The third important woman for Guillem,
i diem important perquè aquest senyor movia el llom més que un bon ovo, eh?
And we say important because this gentleman moved his back more than a good egg, eh?
Deia de Guillem les importants, perquè hi ha moltes dones.
It was said about Guillem the important ones, because there are many women.
És Cosima Bonvulo.
It is Cosima Bonvulo.
El misteri del Bonvulo.
The mystery of Bonvulo.
Cosima Bonvulo.
Cosima Bonvulo.
Que és la filla...
What is the daughter...
Aquesta és la famosa.
This is the famous one.
Aquesta és la filla legítima de Fran Liszt.
This is the legitimate daughter of Fran Liszt.
Es deia Bonvulo, no perquè distribuís fake news,
It was called Bonvulo, not because it distributed fake news,
Sinó perquè estava casada...
Unless it was because she was married...
A mi m'ha estat molt list.
It has been very smart for me.
Prou, prou.
Enough, enough.
Pareu, pareu que m'està fent vergonya.
Stop, stop, I'm feeling embarrassed.
Que ara estic posant-me vermell.
That now I am blushing.
Bueno, no perquè distribuïs fake news, sinó perquè estava casada,
Well, not because you distribute fake news, but because she was married.
amb el director...
with the director...
d'orquestra Hans Bonvulo.
of orchestra Hans Bonvulo.
Es diu, es diu, i això sembla que és veritat,
It is said, it is said, and this seems to be true,
que mentre el director, diguem-ne...
that while the director, let's say...
Bonvulo, movia la batuta a l'escenari,
Bonvulo moved the baton on stage,
el que li posava a Guillem era anar al subterrani del teatre
What Guillem was made to do was go to the basement of the theater.
i moure també la batuta a la dona de Bonvulo.
And also move the baton to Bonvulo's wife.
Ja està, ja està entès.
It's done, it's understood.
Ja sense mina que l'havia deixat,
Already without the mine that I had left,
doncs aquí es va centrar en Cosima,
so here it focused on Cosima,
és a Cosima linda.
She is a pretty Cosima.
I el seu amor no la vaga.
And her love does not wane.
I què us passa avui?
And what's happening to you today?
El seu amor no la vaga.
His love does not wane.
L'afer, l'afer, el romàns, el didili,
The affair, the affair, the novel, the didactics,
va passar quan el matrimoni voló
It happened when the couple flew.
i Guillem estava convidat pel,
And Guillem was invited by the,
això atenció perquè això tindrà més història,
this attention because this will have more history,
el rei Ludwig II de Baviera.
King Ludwig II of Bavaria.
Aquest que havien fet que estava com una campana, home.
This one they had made that was like a bell, man.
Com el rei se trobés en aquest cas seria Lluís II de Baviera.
If the king were in this case, it would be Louis II of Bavaria.
La relació va ser un escàndol,
The relationship was a scandal,
però Guillem mentia al rei tota l'estona dient
but Guillem was lying to the king the whole time saying
que només eren xerrameques, no t'ho creguis, no és veritat.
They were just chit-chat, don't believe it, it's not true.
O sigui, anava mentint al rei, que l'anava mantenint.
In other words, he was lying to the king, who was keeping him.
Una cosa terrible.
A terrible thing.
Va trigar un bastant,
It took quite a while,
però l'any més tard va concedir el divorci a Còssima
but a year later he granted the divorce to Còssima
i Còssima va passar a ser de Còssima voló a Còssima Wagner.
And Còssima went from Còssima voló to Còssima Wagner.
I s'ha de dir que Wagner, tot i tenir gairebé 60,
It must be said that Wagner, despite being nearly 60,
va tenir tres criatures.
she had three children.
El primer...
The first...
El primer el va tenir encara...
He still had the first one...
Ai, no, aquella frase és horrible, eh?
Oh no, that sentence is horrible, isn't it?
Mis émenes de fuerza.
My strength themes.
Por favor.
El de Wagner, imagina't.
The one from Wagner, can you imagine?
No, prou.
No, enough.
El de Wagner també.
Wagner's too.
S'ha de dir que el primer dels tres nens
It must be said that the first of the three children
el va tenir com que va trigar tant a donar el divorci
He had him because it took so long to grant the divorce.
quan encara aquesta dona estava...
when this woman was still...
casada en el senyor Fake News.
married in the Lord Fake News.
Ja està.
That's it.
Després tornarem a Còssima, que té raca.
Then we will return to Còssima, which has a race.
Per cert, Lluís II de Baviera era el rei boig, eh?
By the way, Ludwig II of Bavaria was the mad king, right?
El que es va fer construir un...
What was built a...
Sí, a Espanaus i tal.
Yes, in Spain and such.
I li va pagar moltes coses.
And he paid her many things.
Ara parlarem de les coses que li va pagar Lluís II.
Now we will talk about the things that Lluís II paid for.
Però ell era un rei boig.
But he was a mad king.
Brin, brin amb Alemanya, era.
Ring, ring with Germany, era.
Li deien el rei boig, no?
They called him the mad king, didn’t they?
No, no, li deien el rei boig.
No, they called him the mad king.
Sí, però això és redundant.
Yes, but that is redundant.
Roiland II de Baviera.
Roiland II of Bavaria.
Aquesta cançó és, brin, brin, en alemany, eh?
This song is, brin, brin, in German, right?
A mi, mira.
Look at me.
Molt bé.
Very well.
Tot xulo.
All cool.
És un bon bolo.
It's a good gig.
A veure, fins ara res.
Let's see, nothing so far.
A veure, tenim coses que no són massa presentes.
Let's see, we have things that are not very present.
Molt faldiller, però hi ha hagut molts.
Very skirted, but there have been many.
I cal entendre com era Wagner.
And we must understand what Wagner was like.
Però és que a Wagner li agradava molt el luxe.
But Wagner really liked luxury.
Però molt.
But a lot.
Molt, molt.
Very, very.
I no pagar-lo.
I won't pay for it.
Això està molt bé.
This is very good.
Que t'agradi, però que el pagui un altre.
I hope you like it, but let someone else pay for it.
Entre altres coses, a Franks Litz.
Among other things, at Franks Litz.
Feia el list i jo.
I was being the clever one, and so was I.
He d'ajudar, i li escriu una carta al list,
He has to help, and he writes him a letter on the list,
al list, en el que diu,
to the list, in which it says,
he d'ajudar la meva imaginació
I have to help my imagination.
i trobar mitjans per estimular
and find ways to stimulate
les meves facultats imaginatives.
my imaginative faculties.
És a dir, bueno,
That is to say, well,
així que no puc viure com un gos,
so I cannot live like a dog,
no puc dormir sobre palla
I can't sleep on straw.
i beure ginebra comú.
and drink common gin.
No puc beure ginebra comú.
I can't drink common gin.
És a dir, traducció.
That is to say, translation.
Soc un puto jefe, soc un S superior
I am a fucking boss, I am an S superior.
i necessito luxes
and I need luxuries
per poder composar les generalitats que jo composo.
to be able to compose the generalities that I compose.
Clar, què va comportar això?
Of course, what did this entail?
Doncs, evidentment,
Well, obviously,
que li demanava diners a tothom,
who was asking everyone for money,
que no es tornava, molts deutes.
that it didn’t come back, many debts.
I això què passava?
And what was happening?
Que havia, com no tornava els diners,
That there was, as he didn't return the money.
havia de sortir corrents dels llocs.
I had to run out of places.
Per exemple, a Riga
For example, in Riga.
va haver de sortir fugint dels creditors
he had to flee from the creditors
amb William Mina
with William Mina
i el seu gos, això també,
and his dog, that too,
es va endur el gos.
He took the dog.
A París, Guillem va entrenar
In Paris, Guillem trained.
Robert, que Robert era el gos.
Robert, because Robert was the dog.
El gos es deia Robert?
The dog's name was Robert?
Sí, i el va entrenar, atenció,
Yes, and he trained him, attention,
perquè no només era un gran escenògraf,
because he was not only a great set designer,
literat, director de teatre,
literary, theater director
Era un gran ensinistrador de gossos!
He was a great dog trainer!
Si no fotis...
If you don't mess it up...
Sí, era l'Àngel Cristo dels gossos.
Yes, it was the Ángel Cristo of the dogs.
Era Manolita Chen dels gossos.
It was Manolita Chen of the dogs.
Però el va ensinistrar per fer què?
But he trained him to do what?
Perquè recollís les moderes...
So that he could collect the moderas...
Qui és aquesta senyora, ara?
Who is this lady now?
Això és part de la cançó, eh?
This is part of the song, right?
A veure, ell...
Let's see, he...
futs de Riga
Riga feet
amb la seva dona i el gos.
with his wife and the dog.
A la dona se l'endú,
The woman is taken away,
doncs mira, perquè és la dona.
Well, look, because she is the woman.
I el gos diu, hòstia...
And the dog says, damn...
Per què?
Perquè el gos l'havia ensinistrat.
Because the dog had trained him.
Per fer què?
For what?
Per recollir monedes del terra.
To pick up coins from the ground.
No, home, no!
No, come on, no!
Que no recollir monedes del terra?
What, not picking up coins from the ground?
Sí, senyor!
Yes, sir!
Quan ell va a París,
When he goes to Paris,
la gent llançava monedes al Sena.
People were throwing coins into the Seine.
Les que es quedaven a la riba, imagino,
Those who stayed on the shore, I imagine,
les que s'enfonsaven.
those that were sinking.
Aleshores ell li deia...
Then he was telling her...
Raus! Raus!
Out! Out!
I l'altre tornava...
And the other one returned...
Amb la boca carregada de monedes.
With the mouth full of coins.
Com un càmpster.
Like a camper.
Clar que sí.
Of course.
I ho mateix feia a les fonts de París,
I did the same at the fountains of Paris,
on la gent tira monedes a les fonts.
where people throw coins into the fountains.
Sí, home, allà...
Yes, man, over there...
Li deien...
They called him...
A veure!
Let's see!
Actu! Busquen!
Act! They are looking!
De veritat.
Fritz Gavis!
Fritz Gavis!
I anaven a buscar les monedes.
They were going to fetch the coins.
Per tant, aquí...
Therefore, here...
Però què va passar?
But what happened?
Que la policia va detenir el gos
That the police detained the dog.
i ell va haver de parar.
And he had to stop.
Home, però escolta...
Man, but listen...
Fa ser el que vulgui, el gos.
It makes the dog want what it wants.
Però el tio és un geni!
But the guy is a genius!
I tothom el coneix, per la tretologia...
And everyone knows him for the treetology...
No, el tema és que van sinistrar un gos
No, the thing is that they adopted a dog.
a agafar monedes amb la boca.
to pick up coins with the mouth.
El mèrit de Wagner és que van sinistrar el gos
Wagner's merit is that they retrieved the dog.
perquè agafés monedes.
to pick up coins.
S'ha de dir, la veritat, que li agraden molt els gossos
It must be said, the truth is, that he/she really likes dogs.
i que amb aquestes fugides
and that with these escapes
moltes vegades s'enduia el gos.
Many times he took the dog with him.
En aquest cas era un Terranova, que és gran, el gos.
In this case, it was a Newfoundland, which is a large dog.
Va, va.
Come on, come on.
Tu saps les monedes que cauen.
You know the coins that fall.
Quedem tardíssim.
We'll meet very late.
Al Guillem i a la Mina se li van acabar
Guillem and Mina ran out.
els diners del tot.
the money of everything.
They are ending.
Part perquè el Guillem es va jugar la pensió de sa mare
Part because Guillem gambled away his mother's pension.
amb una aposta de joc.
with a betting wager.
I què va fer?
And what did he/she do?
Va vendre els seus regals de casament,
He sold his wedding gifts,
les joies i altres possessions.
the jewels and other possessions.
I van emprendre una altra, una nova fugida.
They undertook another, a new escape.
La veritat, no m'estranya que la Mina
The truth is, I'm not surprised that Mina
no estigués feliç, eh?
he wouldn't be happy, right?
Te'n veus?
Do you see yourself?
I tant.
Me too.
Home, molt bé.
Good, very well.
Ja vas agafant les...
You're already taking the...
El vostre és referent.
Yours is a reference.
Please provide the text you would like me to translate.
No canteu.
Do not sing.
No, de fet, és un paper de bàrba.
No, in fact, it is a beard paper.
Please provide the text you would like me to translate from Catalan to English.
Bé, però fins a la bien pagat trigueu una estona encara.
Well, but it will still take a while until the well-paid one.
Sí, eh.
Yes, huh.
Bien pagat...
Well paid...
A una altra ocasió, aquest gran bad
On another occasion, this great blunder.
que es va fugir dels crèdits, també una altra aventura
that escaped from the credits, also another adventure
que s'explica de la seva vida
that explains their life
a Viena, disfressat de dona
in Vienna, dressed as a woman
cosa que veurem que no era
thing that we will see that it wasn't
massa estranya
too strange
que era més habitual
that was more common
del que semblava
than it seemed
era una mica Wagner Divine
it was a bit Wagnerian Divine
però tot va semblar arreglar-se
but everything seemed to be fixed
quan ell coneix, com hem dit abans
when he knows, as we said before
el rei Ludwig II de Baviera
King Ludwig II of Bavaria
aquest home, que estava com un llum de ganxo
this man, who was like a hook light
li agradava tant l'obra de Wagner
he liked Wagner's work so much
que li va pagar tots els deutes
that paid off all his debts
i que eren molts
and there were many
i el mantenia com un rei
and I kept him like a king
però els excessos i els malbarataments de Guillem
but the excesses and the wastefulness of Guillem
eren tan alts com els de Ludwig
they were as tall as Ludwig's
i que van convertir en qüestió d'estat
and that became a matter of state
és a dir, aquí vivien bé
That is to say, they lived well here.
Ludwig i Wagner
Ludwig and Wagner
i la resta del poble a prendre pel sac
and the rest of the town can go to hell
i tant luxe inimaginable
and such unimaginable luxury
en aquella època va acabar
at that time it ended
amb els que li van demanar que se n'anés de Múnich
with those who asked him to leave Munich
que si es quedava, quedaria
that if he stayed, he would stay
Múnich com el Barça
Munich like Barça
sí, però no són aquests
yes, but these are not them
els únics motius pels quals
the only reasons why
va haver de fugir la seva vida
he had to flee his life
abans de ser el nen mimat del rei
before being the king's spoiled child
va esclatar a Europa la revolució de l'any 48
the revolution of 1848 exploded in Europe
ja sabeu que l'any 19 va haver la del 20, la del 30 i la del 48
You already know that in the year 19 there was the one from 20, the one from 30, and the one from 48.
aquesta del 48
this one from '48
cada país tenia les seves característiques
each country had its characteristics
a Alemanya es volia la unificació
In Germany, unification was desired.
i tenia un fort component nacionalista
I had a strong nationalist component.
i ell es va unir a aquesta revolució
And he joined this revolution.
però a la franja escarrana del moviment
but in the narrow strip of the movement
fins i tot Bakunin va estar a casa seva
Even Bakunin was at his home.
Bakunin dormia aquí
Bakunin slept here.
i un dia
and one day
un d'aquests actes
one of these acts
van repartir literal
they distributed literally
octavetes i pamflets
leaflets and pamphlets
una revolta més aviat
a rather revolt
va haver-hi una repressió policial
there was a police repression
i Wagner va haver de fugir a Zúrich
and Wagner had to flee to Zurich
i va estar 13 anys exiliat
he was exiled for 13 years
fort, 13 anys per les competicions europees
strong, 13 years for the European competitions
però ja que parlem de política
but since we're talking about politics
parlem també del seu antisemitisme
let's also talk about his antisemitism
atenció que això és un tema
attention that this is a topic
per això que deia el Malcom
that's what Malcolm was saying
està prohibit posar música de Wagner
It is prohibited to play music by Wagner.
no, perquè clar, aquí tothom diu
no, because of course, here everyone says
com que Wagner era el compositor preferit de Hitler
as Wagner was Hitler's favorite composer
clar, automàticament era nazi
of course, he was automatically a Nazi
també a Hitler li agradava molt les bledes
Hitler also liked Swiss chard a lot.
i les bledes no són nazis
and the Swiss chard are not Nazis
també t'haig de dir
I also have to tell you
però hi ha alguna cosa d'això?
But is there any truth to this?
antisemitisme sí
antisemitism yes
antisemitisme, el 1851
antisemitism, 1851
Wagner escriu amb seu dònim
Wagner writes with his pseudonym.
un assaig titulat
an essay titled
el judaïsme a la música
Judaism in music
bueno, podria ser una cosa
well, it could be one thing
el títol no hi ha vindicació
the title there is no vindication
és informatiu
it is informative
però bueno, en el text ataca els jueus en general
but well, in the text it attacks the Jews in general
però en especial els dos compositors
but especially the two composers
més populars en aquell moment
most popular at that moment
Mendelssohn, els dos jueus
Mendelssohn, the two Jews
Mendelssohn i Jacob Meyer
Mendelssohn and Jacob Meyer
cal dir que Meyer
it must be said that Meyer
va ajudar moltes vegades
he helped many times
a Wagner a la seva carrera
to Wagner in his career
el va ajudar a representar
he helped him to represent
tot i que va ser un fracàs
although it was a failure
l'obra Rienzi
the work Rienzi
Guillem amb una carta
Guillem with a letter
li va dir en el seu
he told him in his
a aleshores amic compositor joveu
and then, young composer friend
en tota l'eternitat
in all eternity
no podré dir a vostè
I won't be able to tell you.
res més que una paraula
nothing more than a word
gràcies, gràcies
thank you, thank you
com el Bastet
like the Bastet
visca la ràdio
long live the radio
visca la música
Long live music!
i sempre bé
and always well
i després va acabar dient
and then he ended up saying
no us fallaré
I will not fail you.
però Guillem va canviar d'opinió
but Guillem changed his mind
i anys més tard
and years later
va escriure aquest assaig
he wrote this essay
amb perles com ara
with pearls like now
repugna especialment
especially repugnant
l'expressió purament sensual
the purely sensual expression
de la llengua jueva
from the Jewish language
tot i dos mil anys de tracte
despite two thousand years of dealings
amb nacions europees
with European nations
la cultura jueva no ha encertat
the Jewish culture has not succeeded
a trencar la peculiar obstinació
to break the peculiar stubbornness
del natural jueu
of the natural Jew
en la característica pronunciació semita
in the characteristic Semitic pronunciation
si la manera de parlar característica
if the characteristic way of speaking
fa el jueu pràcticament incapaç
makes the Jew practically incapable
d'expressar-se artísticament
to express oneself artistically
els seus sentiments
his/her feelings
i punts de vista a través del discurs
and viewpoints through discourse
amb més raó li ha de resultar impossible
with more reason it must seem impossible to him
expressar-ho a través del cant
express it through singing
quan un jueu canta
when a Jew sings
tot allò que ens havia resultat repugnant
everything that had seemed repugnant to us
en la seva aparença
in its appearance
i en la seva parla
and in his speech
ens impulsarà a sortir corrents
it will drive us to run out
i això que encara no havia sentit
and this is what I still hadn't heard
a Beniví té que dir
Beniví has to say.
te quiero amor
I love you, my love.
això és Wagner
this is Wagner
que quan parlen els jueus
that when the Jews speak
són repugnants
they are disgusting
va fer una segona edició
he made a second edition
d'aquest pamflet
of this pamphlet
amb el seu nom
with his name
en el que manifestava
in which he/she expressed
que ell havia devingut la víctima
that he had become the victim
d'un autèntic complot jueu
of a genuine Jewish plot
contra la seva persona
against his/her person
i contra les seves noves creacions musicals
and against their new musical creations
segons Admult Gessner
according to Admult Gessner
el judaïsme a la música
Judaism in music
el judaïsme a la música
Judaism in music
el llibre aquest va perpetuar
this book perpetuated
i va dotar autoritat
and granted authority
a aquest estereotip antijueu europeu
to this European anti-Jewish stereotype
o sigui que té gran importància
that is to say, it is very important
sí, també hem de veure la seva relació amb les dones
Yes, we also need to see his relationship with women.
ja hem vist abans
we have seen before
que era un espartà
what was a Spartan
Fidel no era
Fidel was not.
però també diries
but you would also say
li agradaven les dones en el sentit sexual
he was attracted to women in a sexual sense
però valorava les dones
but he valued women
ell escriu un text també
He writes a text too.
que es diu
what is it called
femení en allò humà
feminine in the human aspect
i escriu sobre la monogàmia
and write about monogamy
sobre la monogàmia aquest tio
about monogamy this guy
aquest tio escriu sobre la monogàmia
this guy writes about monogamy
la més noble raça blanca
the noblest white race
que d'aquí veuran després altres interpretacions
that from here they will later see other interpretations
a posteriori
a posteriori
la més noble raça blanca
the noblest white race
se'ns mostra a la llegenda i a la història
we are shown in legend and history
des de la seva primera aparició
since its first appearance
com a monogàmica
as a monogamous person
mentre que els conqueridors es barregen
while the conquerors mingle
poligàmicament amb els vençuts
polygamously with the defeated
marxen cap al seu ocàs
they are heading towards their twilight
és el darrer text de la seva vida
it's the last text of his life
presumptament feminista
presumably feminist
feminista, com diu Àlex Ros
feminist, as Àlex Ros says
Wagner encaixa en el perfil de misògin
Wagner fits the profile of a misogynist.
en la seva conducta real
in their actual behavior
però no ho reflectia en la seva música
but it did not reflect in his music
perquè clar, les valquídies i tot això són
because of course, the Valkyries and all this are
tots van a buscar la dona
They are all going to look for the woman.
el seu amor i tot això
his love and all that
vaja, és com si
well, it's as if
Winston ens parlés
Winston spoke to us.
de la seva vida
of his life
una curiositat és que
a curiosity is that
de Guillem és la passió
Guillem's passion is.
per la que dèiem abans de la ropa femenina
for what we were saying before about women's clothing
va ser una carta a una modista
it was a letter to a dressmaker
perquè li fes un vestit
so that she would make him a dress
per a la seva dona
for his wife
ja estima que va donar les seves mesures
already loves that gave her measurements
era molt detallat
it was very detailed
el coset haurà de tenir coll alt
the jacket must have a high collar
de puntes i amb cintes
on tiptoe and with ribbons
les mànigues han de ser ajustades
the sleeves must be fitted
i el vestit portarà volants voluminosos
and the dress will have voluminous ruffles.
del mateix material de setí
made of the same satin material
serà molt ampli
it will be very broad
i amb cua
and with tail
ja el jipó tindrà un llaç darrere
the jumper will have a bow on the back
com el de davant
like the one in front
segons Barry Milliton
according to Barry Milliton
més o menys ho tenia bastant canturat
more or less I had it pretty much figured out
com volia que fos el vestit
as I wanted the dress to be
per la seva dona cometes cometes cometes
for his wife commas commas commas
segons Barry Milliton del Warner Journal
according to Barry Milliton from the Warner Journal
que no sabem qui serà el Warner Journal
we do not know who the Warner Journal will be
jo estic subscrit al Warner Journal
I am subscribed to the Warner Journal.
això recolza la teoria
this supports the theory
que li ha d'haver de transvestir-se
that he must have to dress in women's clothing
com ja havia explicat algun deixeble seu
as some of his disciples had already explained
altres creuen que és pur fetixisme
others believe that it is pure fetishism
per la ropa femenina
for women's clothing
sí que és allò
yes, it is that
han de que si Hitler hagués sabut
If Hitler had known
que arribava a com pac a la piranya
that arrived like a pac to the piranha
hagués dit hola clar
he would have said hello clearly
guillem també és culpable d'un malaltès
Guillem is also guilty of an illness.
que ha durat segles
that has lasted for centuries
les banyes als cascs dels vikings
the horns on the Viking helmets
què passa amb les banyes dels cascos
What happens with the horns of the helmets?
els vikings no portaven banyes als cascos
Vikings did not wear horns on their helmets.
no portaven banyes
they didn't have antlers
Vicky el viking
Vicky the Viking
Vicky t'has equivocat
Vicky, you are wrong.
no t'has equivocat
you are not mistaken
va ser Wagner qui els va posar
It was Wagner who put them.
a l'anei dels llibrelungs
to the aunts of the free things
perquè també dissenyava la cineografia
because he/she also designed the cinematography
va posar les banyes
he cheated
perquè li va sortir del nas
because it came out of his nose
és un malaltès
it's an illness
li agradaven molt les banyes
he liked antlers very much
de banyes era un expert
of horns he was an expert
dos segles
two centuries
un malaltès que va fer Wagner
an illness that Wagner had
no els vikings no portaven banyes
No, the Vikings did not wear horns.
de les òperes que hi havia
of the operas that were there
i aquí van sortir
and here they came out
que tots els vikings van amb banyes
that all Vikings have horns
no anaven amb banyes
they didn't go with horns
i els romans no saludaven amb el braç anal
And the Romans did not greet with the anal arm.
això no té culpa Wagner
this is not Wagner's fault
al final de la seva vida
at the end of his life
abans de crear Parsifal
before creating Parsifal
que va ser la seva última
what was her last one
es va embarcar en un projecte molt peculiar
he embarked on a very peculiar project
la construcció d'un teatre
the construction of a theater
de més de 1900 butaques
of more than 1900 chairs
per representar només
to represent only
obres seves
his/her works
el que es coneix també com Spotify Wagner
what is also known as Spotify Wagner
a Bayreuth
to Bayreuth
i es fa aquest primer festival
And this first festival takes place.
el primer festival
the first festival
eren 4 òperes de més de 15 hores
there were 4 operas of more than 15 hours
que van trigar dos anys de sàxos
that took two years of sex
i va ser un èxit
It was a success.
va assistir Tchaikovsky
Tchaikovsky attended.
Nietzsche, Tolstoi
Nietzsche, Tolstoy
una juerga de gent
a party of people
tota gent molt bonica
all very nice people
molt alegre
very happy
però faltaven diners
but money was lacking
i qui el va ajudar?
And who helped him?
el rei
the king
el rei ha tornat
the king has returned
un altre vegada
another time
i més macenes
and more warehouses
la veritat és que mola fer
the truth is that it's cool to do
un teatre només per tu
a theatre just for you
és com fer una editorial
it's like doing a publishing house
només pels teus llibres
only for your books
o un cinema només per les teves pel·lícules
or a cinema just for your movies
o el restaurant mundo només per tu
or the restaurant world just for you
mundo restaurant
World restaurant
Wagner mort
Wagner dead
si no encara estaria viu
if not, I would still be alive
i no l'haguessin pogut fer
and they wouldn't have been able to do it
mor a Venècia
death in Venice
que és on mor la gent molt
that is where many people die
de veritat
la gent de cultura
the people of culture
a la seva mort rep
at his death receives
5.000 telegrames
5,000 telegrams
no va contestar cap
none answered
això vol dir que era un tio molt famós
this means he was a very famous guy
necrològiques llarguíssimes
very long necrologies
tots els diaris
all the newspapers
el New York Times
the New York Times
milers de persones
thousands of people
a les ciutats alemanyes
to the German cities
havia mort una veritable
had died a true one
va morir com una veritable estrella popular
he died like a true pop star
i aleshores van passar dues coses
And then two things happened.
una és que la seva dona Cosima
one is that his wife Cosima
es fa amb el festival de Bayreuth
It is done with the Bayreuth festival.
i de seguida es torna un festival
and soon it becomes a festival
Bayreuth no com es diu?
How do you say Bayreuth?
Spotify Bayreuth
Spotify Bayreuth
i tothom vol acudir
and everyone wants to attend
al festival de Cap Roig Bayreuth
at the Cap Roig festival Bayreuth
Cosima molt freda i estricta
Cosima very cold and strict
i radicalment també antisemita
and radically antisemitic as well
va vigilar que les obres que representessin
he made sure that the works represented
es fessin sempre tal com es feien
they were always done as they were done
en vida del seu marit
in the life of her husband
és a dir això segueix sent un festival
That is to say, this remains a festival.
amb el teatre més incòmode del món
with the most uncomfortable theater in the world
i va cedir la gestió al seu fill
and handed over the management to his son
encara avui els descendants de Wagner
still today the descendants of Wagner
continuen vivint del festival
they continue to live off the festival
i no malament precisament
and not badly precisely
200 anys i encara viuen del festival
200 years and they still live off the festival.
i al de Pedralbes li van aixecar d'aquell poble
And the one from Pedralbes was taken from that village.
la segona és que el nazisme
The second is that Nazism
va prendre Wagner
he took Wagner
com una icona nacional socialista
as a national socialist icon
fins i tot Hitler en persona
even Hitler in person
va introduir algun canvi
Did he/she introduce any changes?
a la sonografia del festival
to the sonography of the festival
ell mateix
ell mateix?
sí sí sí
yes yes yes
i digue-li que no a Hitler
I told him no to Hitler.
no no
no no
Cosima es posava molt xuleta
Cosima was getting very cocky.
amb els compositors jueus
with the Jewish composers
però quan li va venir Adolf Hitler
but when Adolf Hitler came to him
li va dir
he told her
aquesta cortina
this curtain
mi fura
my fur
lo que quiera lo que quiera
whatever you want, whatever you want
devia ser difícil dir-li que no a Hitler
It must have been difficult to say no to Hitler.
si no lo quisiera
if I didn't want it
tenia un pronto
I had a fit.
si tenia un pronto
if I had a moment
tenia un pronto
I had a fit.
i encara això de Hitler
And still this about Hitler.
no és responsabilitat de Wagner
it is not Wagner's responsibility
però és simptomàtic
but it is symptomatic
com deia Woody Allen
as Woody Allen said
a Misteriosa Senyora de Manhattan
A Mysterious Lady from Manhattan
escoltar a Warner
listen to Warner
em fan ganes de
they make me feel like
no Warner
no Warner
a Warren
to a Warren
a Warren Wagner
to Warren Wagner
escoltar a Wagner
listen to Wagner
quan escolto a Wagner
when I listen to Wagner
m'entren ganes d'envellir-me
I feel like aging.
i això és molt difícil
and this is very difficult
m'entren ganes d'envellir Polònia
I feel like aging Poland.
és veritat
it's true
aquest era Wagner
this was Wagner
que malgrat ser antisemita
that despite being antisemitic
segueix sent un geni
keep being a genius
que s'escolta tot a la ràdio del món
that is heard all on the world's radio
del món menys
of the world less
a la ràdio pública d'Israel
on the public radio of Israel
per raons òbvies
for obvious reasons
doncs avui Richard
so today Richard
si no
if not
Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner
Frank Reichard Wagner
Frank Reichard Wagner
gràcies eh
thank you, eh
apa adeu
come on goodbye
adeu adeu
goodbye goodbye
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