Capítol 10: Ginestà


La Playlist

Capítol 10: Ginestà

La Playlist

RAC més 1 presenta la Playlist amb Agustí Serrat.

RAC more 1 presents the Playlist with Agustí Serrat.

Els convidats d'avui són dos germans del barri de Sant Andreu, de Barcelona,

Today's guests are two brothers from the Sant Andreu neighborhood of Barcelona.

que van començar a cantar junts amb un grup que es deia La Púrria.

that started singing together with a group called La Púrria.

Que quan pensen com va anar, recordarà aquests dies tristos, tenim clar que no van ser...

That when they think back on how it was, they will remember these sad days, we are clear that they were not...

L'any 2018 van formar un nou grup i van treure el seu primer disc, Neix,

In 2018, they formed a new group and released their first album, Neix.

però va ser amb el disc del 2019, Ginestar, quan van començar a enlairar-se amb cançons com Estimar-te com la Terra.

But it was with the 2019 album, Ginestar, when they began to take off with songs like Estimar-te com la Terra.

Això sí, si hi ha una cançó seva que ha triomfat els últims mesos, sobretot a través de xarxes socials com TikTok, és l'Eva i la Jana.

Indeed, if there is a song of theirs that has been a success in recent months, especially through social media like TikTok, it is "Eva and Jana."

Ja coneixem de sobres la música que fan, però quins temes escolten ells?

We already know very well the music they make, but what songs do they listen to?

Els hi preguntarem quines cançons estarien a la seva Playlist, el Pau i la Júlia Sarrasolses de Ginestar.

We will ask them which songs would be in their Playlist, Pau and Júlia Sarrasolses from Ginestar.

Què tal, com esteu?

How are you, how are you doing?

Molt bé, preparats.

Very well, ready.

Doncs comencem a fer la vostra Playlist, us preguntaré per cançons que us poseu en moments determinats

Well, let's start making your Playlist, I will ask you for songs that you play in specific moments.

o que relacioneu amb persones o amb emocions concretes.

or that you relate to specific people or emotions.

Ara comencem amb una pregunta fàcil.

Now we start with an easy question.

Quina cançó teniu ara mateix en bucle? Una cançó que no us pugueu treure pel cap, per exemple.

What song do you currently have on repeat? A song that you can't get out of your head, for example.

Comencem per tu, Pau.

Let's start with you, Pau.

Doncs jo tinc Getting Older, de la Billie Eilish.

Well, I have Getting Older, by Billie Eilish.

És un discàs, l'últim que he tret.

It's an amazing album, the latest one I've released.

I la veritat és que justament aquesta cançó, que és la primera del disc, és d'aquelles que t'entren dins i costa molt que surtis.

And the truth is that exactly this song, which is the first on the album, is one of those that gets inside you and it's very hard to get out.

Per què aquesta cançó?

Why this song?

No ho sé ben bé, però quan vaig sentir la melodia em va atrapar...

I don't know for sure, but when I heard the melody it captivated me...

És molt raro, no ho sé, feia molt temps que no em passava

It's very strange, I don't know, it hadn't happened to me in a long time.

i crec que la Billie Eilish ha trobat una sonoritat molt especial que ningú més té

I believe that Billie Eilish has found a very special sound that no one else has.

i aquest tipus de pop tan tranquil, tan melòdic, entra superbé i m'ha atrapat.

And this type of calm, melodic pop fits perfectly and has captivated me.

A tu què et sembla, Júlia, aquesta cançó?

What do you think of this song, Júlia?

A mi m'agrada molt.

I like it a lot.

Tampoc he escoltat gaire Billie Eilish.

I haven't listened to much Billie Eilish either.

Però aquesta, quan l'ha posat el Pau a casa algun dia, doncs de mi m'agrada molt.

But this one, when Pau has put it at home some day, I really like it.

Atrapa molt la sonoritat de la Billie Eilish.

It captures the sound of Billie Eilish very well.

I en el teu cas, quina cançó seria?

And in your case, which song would it be?

Jo he triat Romance Romántico de Mujeres.

I have chosen Romantic Romance by Women.

Aquesta cançó la vaig descobrir fa un any, més o menys.

I discovered this song about a year ago, more or less.

No, fa un any.

No, a year ago.

Sí, bueno, quan ens vam desconfinar, sí, fa un any.

Yes, well, when we were lifted from lockdown, yes, it was a year ago.

I em va atrapar moltíssim perquè té aquest rollo com fresquito, però alhora com garajero antic

It caught me a lot because it has this fresh vibe, but at the same time it feels like an old garage.

i això m'atrapa molt, m'agrada molt.

and this captivates me a lot, I like it a lot.

I l'he escoltat moltíssim, encara la tinc al cap.

And I have listened to it a lot, I still have it in my head.

Clar, no sé si vosaltres, que esteu tan junts, entenc que si l'escoltes tu moltíssim,

Of course, I don't know if you, who are so close, understand that if you listen to him a lot,

el Pau també l'escolta moltíssim, o no?

Pau listens to it a lot too, doesn’t he?

Sí, jo també l'he escoltat molt, aquesta cançó.

Yes, I have also listened to this song a lot.

I de fet era un grup que tenia pendent de veure aquest estiu,

And in fact, it was a group I had planned to see this summer,

que crec que van venir aquí a Barcelona, a un festival, i no hi vaig poder anar.

I think they came here to Barcelona, to a festival, and I couldn't go.

Vaja, bueno, va ser la sort.

Well, it was luck.

Un cop que vinguin, podem arreglar-ho.

Once they come, we can fix it.

Anem per una altra.

Let's go for another one.

Quina cançó us poseu, en aquest cas, quan esteu tristos?

What song do you play, in this case, when you are sad?

Per exemple, Júlia.

For example, Júlia.

Jo he triat la de Guantanamera, de Guiderrica de la Cuenca.

I have chosen the one by Guantanamera, by Guiderrica de la Cuenca.

Explica'm per què.

Explain to me why.

Em va acompanyar molt, en un moment, en la ruptura, aquesta cançó que vaig tenir.

This song that I had accompanied me a lot during the moment of the breakup.

I no sé, és com el tempo, l'harmonia...

I don’t know, it’s like tempo, harmony…

No sé, és com perfecte per acabar de plorar si estàs a punt.

I don't know, it's like perfect for finishing crying if you're about to.

Perquè sou dels que us poseu música per anar més al Pau,

Because you are the type of person who plays music to relax more.

o música per animar-vos quan esteu tristos?

or music to cheer you up when you are sad?

Jo crec que primer m'agrada tocar una mica fons.

I think I first like to hit rock bottom a little.

No sé, a vegades m'agrada retroalimentar-me en la tristesa, si m'ho puc permetre.

I don't know, sometimes I like to indulge in sadness, if I can afford it.

I els dies que no m'ho puc permetre, doncs, vamos per arriba i posem cançons per estar feliços.

And on the days when I can't afford it, well, let's go out and play songs to be happy.

Pocs gracos, no?

Not many funny things, right?

I tu, Pau?

And you, Pau?

Jo sí, jo també sóc d'afrontar-me al màxim i després ja sortiré quan pugui.

I do, I also face things to the maximum and then I'll go out when I can.

I vaig triar Madrid Sembí, de Niña Polaca.

I chose Madrid Sembí, by Niña Polaca.

Madrid Sembí

Madrid Sembí

Aquesta cançó, per mi, és la millor cançó de l'any, amb diferència, per mi és la meva prefadina, diria.

This song, for me, is the best song of the year, by far, I would say it is my favorite.

I és una cançó de trobar falta algú.

And it's a song about missing someone.

I com que jo estic una mica...

And since I am a little...

En aquest punt, doncs, em ve molt de gust escoltar-la sovint.

At this point, then, I really enjoy listening to her often.

I em posa una mica trist, però és que em sembla tan bonica i deliciosa que l'escolto molt.

It makes me a little sad, but it seems so beautiful and delightful that I listen to it a lot.

Doncs això és per posar-te trist i, al revés, per posar-te content, quina cançó et posaries?

Well, this is to make you sad and, on the contrary, to make you happy, which song would you play?

Todo de ti, evidentment.

Everything about you, obviously.

Que després en parlarem, però una de les clares candidates a Cançó de l'Estiu, eh?

We'll talk about it later, but one of the clear candidates for Song of the Summer, right?



Què creieu que té?

What do you think it has?

Doncs mira, jo crec que té aquesta barreja entre el que es porta ara, així, rotllo, The Weeknd, una mica així, hem mogut,

Well, look, I think it has this mix of what’s trendy right now, like, in the style of The Weeknd, a bit like that, we’ve moved it around.

però amb una melodia més espanyola, en castellà, que atrapa molt, també, i ritme de discoteca.

but with a more Spanish melody, in Spanish, that also captivates a lot, and with a nightclub rhythm.

Crec que és com la barreja perfecta.

I think it's like the perfect mix.

Està com tornant als 80-90, o sóc jo?

Is it like going back to the 80s-90s, or is it just me?

No, no, està tornant. Tot torna, tot torna.

No, no, it's coming back. Everything comes back, everything comes back.

De fet, nosaltres també hi tornem una mica amb el nostre proper disc, així que no...

In fact, we are also going back a bit with our next album, so no...

No marxem mai.

We never leave.

I a tu, Júlia, què et sembla Todo de ti?

And you, Júlia, what do you think of Todo de ti?

A mi m'agrada molt, però a vegades em sento que estic una mica fora de...

I really like it, but sometimes I feel like I'm a bit out of...

Estic una mica fora del que s'escolta ara.

I'm a bit out of touch with what’s currently being heard.

Jo crec que no escolto gaire... Potser no escolto gaire ràdio, no?

I don't think I listen much... Maybe I don't listen to the radio much, right?

Sí, és especialeta.

Yes, it's a bit special.

En el teu cas, per exemple, quina cançó seria per estar contenta?

In your case, for example, what song would it be to feel happy?

Jo he triat una... És bastant més tranquil·la. Es diu Ànima de Corall i és de Guillem Ramís, de Iocas Grasses.

I have chosen one... It's much quieter. It's called Soul of Coral and it's by Guillem Ramís, from Iocas Grasses.

Fes-me viure, ànima de corall.

Make me live, soul of coral.

Corall, olor de mar, somriure clar.

Coral, smell of the sea, clear smile.

Són dos tipus de cançons molt diferents, els dos per arribar al mateix lloc.

They are two very different types of songs, both aiming to reach the same place.

No sé, a tu, Júlia, per què aquesta cançó et posa contenta?

I don't know, Júlia, why this song makes you happy?

Aquesta cançó m'agrada molt perquè té com dues parts.

I really like this song because it has like two parts.

La primera, que és com avenera, que també m'encanta,

The first one, which is like an anointing, which I also love,

i la segona, que comença com amb una mica així de rig i més animat.

And the second one, which starts with something like this, a bit more lively and animated.

I les dues veus em sembla que empasten superbé.

And the two voices seem to blend superbly.

A més, quan abans...

Furthermore, when earlier...

Quan abans descobri, estava en un moment molt guai i em transportava allà, també.

The sooner I discovered it, I was in a very cool moment and it transported me there, too.

Us he preguntat ara a la part les cançons que us recorden emocions i tal,

I have now asked you about the songs that remind you of emotions and such.

però ara vull saber quina cançó teniu que us recordi l'una a l'altra.

But now I want to know which song you have that reminds you of each other.

Ja, és que a més hem triat la mateixa.

Yes, that's because we've chosen the same one.

Hem triat la mateixa.

We have chosen the same one.

Teneza, Pirata.

Teneza, Pirate.

L'heu triat parlant-ho abans o ha sigut casualitat?

Did you choose it after discussing it or was it a coincidence?



Sí, de fet és una cançó que és dels tres germans.

Yes, in fact it is a song that belongs to the three brothers.

No sé, l'hem escoltat i vam arribar a la conclusió que ens representava moltíssim

I don't know, we listened to him and came to the conclusion that he represented us a lot.

de la nostra adolescència, no?

from our adolescence, right?

No, l'infància sobretot.

No, childhood above all.

L'infantesa, sí.

Childhood, yes.

Sí, és més de fer el boig al camp, de fer el llut,

Yes, it's more about fooling around in the field, making a mess,

de fer el cabra, una mica nens salvatges, no ho sé.

About acting crazy, a bit like wild kids, I don't know.

Sí, però dèieu que l'havíeu descobert com a l'adolescència, també.

Yes, but you said you had discovered it in your adolescence as well.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Tot això és perquè fa les emocions.

All of this is because it creates emotions.

Però ara repassem una mica la vostra vida a través de les cançons.

But now let's go over your life a bit through the songs.

Per exemple, comencem per tu, Júlia.

For example, let's start with you, Júlia.

Quina cançó et recorda a la teva infància?

Which song reminds you of your childhood?

L'esmacedònia, la de posa'm un suc.

The fruit salad, the one that makes me a juice.

Posa'm un suc de llimona, pinya o mango, m'és igual.

Give me a lemon, pineapple, or mango juice, it doesn't matter to me.

Posa'm un suc de mandarina, pomo, plat també en gelat.

Give me a tangerine juice, a pear, and a plate of ice cream as well.

Posa'm un suc de maduixa, de cacau barrejat.

Give me a mixed strawberry and cocoa juice.

Posa'm un suc, un suc de kiwi, un suc de maracuja.

Give me a juice, a kiwi juice, a passion fruit juice.

Per què? Eres molt de l'esmacedònia?

Why? Are you really into the fruit salad?

Escoltava molt l'esmacedònia.

I listened to the mashed fruit a lot.

Jo crec que el primer concert que vaig anar va ser a l'esmacedònia, al SAT.

I think the first concert I went to was at the Esmacedònia, at the SAT.

I, de fet, vaig anar fa uns mesos amb una col·lega, amb la Carara,

I, in fact, went a few months ago with a colleague, with Carara,

a veure el reencontro de l'esmacedònia i va ser una passada.

Let's see the reunion of the fruit salad, and it was amazing.

Estava com... vaig tornar a la infantesa, de cop.

It was like... I returned to childhood, all of a sudden.

Però ara, no sé, crec que haurien de sortir molts més grups ara de l'esmacedònia.

But now, I don't know, I think there should be many more groups coming out of the esmacedonia now.

De fet, s'ha acabat.

In fact, it is over.

O sigui, s'entén a l'esmacedònia com infantil,

That is to say, it is understood in smacedonia as childish,

però parlant des d'un altre punt, que no és tant d'animació,

but speaking from a different perspective, which is not so much about animation,

sinó també de les coses.

but also of things.

Les coses que els hi passen, els nens i joves.

The things that happen to them, children and young people.

I a tu, Pau, també t'agradava un concert més d'edat?

And you, Pau, did you also like a concert more suitable for your age?

Sí, jo alguna vegada hi havia anat.

Yes, I had been there once.

El que passava és que a mi em relleva molt que el cotxe sempre sonava al mateix disc, saps?

What was happening is that it really bothered me that the car always played the same disc, you know?

I aquí eren dos contra un.

And here were two against one.

Les dues germanes aquí es feien molt fortes amb la música de nenes.

The two sisters here became very strong with girl music.

A mi m'agrada molt, perquè és una cançó que m'agrada molt.

I like it very much because it's a song that I really enjoy.

Perquè en el teu cas, quina recordes d'escoltar més?

Because in your case, which one do you remember hearing the most?

Jo era dels Pets, i hi ha un disc concret, amb una cançó concreta, que és Agosti.

I was a fan of Els Pets, and there is a specific album with a specific song, which is Agosti.

Un cap suat, sense llevar, per fer la mitjana.

A sweaty head, without getting up, to make the average.

Mentre al costat la dona va, pesant resquets i pales.

While next to her the woman goes, weighing little things and shovels.

Diria que va ser el primer disc.

I would say it was the first album.

Que em vaig comprar, jo conscientment, això ho parlava amb algú l'altre dia, no me'n recordo qui.

What I consciously bought for myself, I was talking about this with someone the other day, I don't remember who.

I sí, no ho sé, els Pets i aquesta cançó concretament,

And yes, I don't know, Els Pets and this song specifically,

em transporten als estius de quan teníem vuit, nou anys, alguna cosa així.

They take me back to the summers when we were eight or nine years old, something like that.

I estava amb el papa, sobretot, que era qui més proper estava amb aquest estil de música.

I was with my dad, especially, who was the closest one to this style of music.

I de fet, el primer concert que vaig anar, com deia la Júlia, en el meu cas, és dels Pets.

And in fact, the first concert I went to, as Julia said, in my case, is by Els Pets.

I tu la recordes també, Júlia, aquesta cançó?

And do you remember it too, Julia, this song?



Sí, jo recordo quan vivíem a l'Eixample amb el nostre pare,

Yes, I remember when we lived in the Eixample with our father,

que sempre que entrava a l'habitació del Pau, estava sent amb els Pets.

that whenever I entered Pau's room, I was listening to Els Pets.

Va, doncs avancem ara uns anys.

Come on, let's move ahead a few years now.

Pau, quina cançó recordes més de la teva adolescència?

Pau, which song do you remember the most from your adolescence?

Jo, mira, primer de tot, compto la meva adolescència a partir que vaig marxar de casa.

Well, look, first of all, I count my adolescence from the moment I left home.

O sigui, a partir dels 18, jo crec, que és quan vaig viure més l'adolescència.

So, from the age of 18, I believe, is when I lived adolescence the most.

I vaig triar, he triat una cançó del primer disc d'Ocas Grasses, que és Els Passos Importants.

I chose a song from Ocas Grasses' first album, which is Els Passos Importants.

Els passos importants es solen fer sense roba.

Important steps are usually taken without clothes.

Per què?


Doncs perquè va sortir just quan vaig marxar de casa, aquest disc,

Well, because it came out just when I left home, this record,

i va ser un descobriment, un estil de música en català bastant diferent del que s'havia fet,

It was a discovery, a style of music in Catalan quite different from what had been done.

i a mi em va agafar també en una etapa de canvis, d'universitat, de descobrir el món una mica,

and it caught me at a time of change as well, at university, discovering the world a little.

i això em va resultar bastant important, escoltar aquesta cançó i aquell disc en general.

And this seemed quite important to me, to listen to this song and that album in general.

Clar, és una cançó molt de concert, de festa major, la gent es treu la samarreta i tal.

Of course, it's a very concert-like song, for a festival, people take off their shirts and all.



No sé si, en el teu cas, és una cançó que t'ha agradat.

I don't know if, in your case, it is a song that you liked.

Ets molt de sortir, de festa, és més de quedar-te a casa?

Do you like going out, partying, or do you prefer staying at home?

Sí, sóc de sortir de festa, però no...

Yes, I do go out to party, but no...

O sigui, però això, sobretot a festes majors.

That is to say, but this, especially at major festivals.

Les festes majors les hem visitat pràcticament totes, diríem, amb els amics d'aquí a Barcelona i per aquí prop,

We have visited almost all the major festivities, we would say, with friends here in Barcelona and around here.

però de discoteques i aquestes coses sí que no, això no m'ha agradat mai.

but nightclubs and those things, no, I have never liked that.

Tu també, Júlia?

You too, Júlia?

Jo exactament igual, crec que... De fet, mai he anat a una discoteca.

I exactly the same, I think... In fact, I have never been to a nightclub.



No, és que tampoc m'ha empirida, m'agradava més com l'ambient de plaça, de barri,

No, it's just that it hasn't inspired me either, I liked the plaza, neighborhood atmosphere more.

d'aire lliure, no sé, conèixer, no sé, gent, així, d'aquesta manera.

outdoor, I don't know, know, I don't know, people, like this, in this way.

No sé, no hem viscut això, però que segur que mola, també.

I don't know, we haven't experienced this, but it must be cool too.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

En el teu cas, quina cançó recordes de la teva adolescència?

In your case, which song do you remember from your adolescence?

Jo he triat, de la troba Kung Fu, La flor de primavera.

I have chosen, from the Kung Fu collection, The Spring Flower.

La flor de primavera, la més bella de tot l'any.

The spring flower, the most beautiful of the year.


Tell me.

Bueno, jo l'adolescència, o sigui, aquesta cançó pensant en l'adolescència,

Well, I adolescence, that is, this song thinking about adolescence,

pensava en l'època de l'ESO batxillerat, que és quan vam començar a sortir,

I was thinking about the time of high school, which is when we started dating,

bueno, parlo de ben, per la meva germana i jo,

Well, I'm talking about fine, for my sister and me.

que vam començar a sortir més de festa, com pel barri, per festa major i tal,

that we started going out more to party, like around the neighborhood, for the local festival and such,

i recordo com que...

I remember how...

Era una època en què, de la troba Kung Fu, encara feia concerts

It was a time when, from the Kung Fu record label, they were still holding concerts.

i sempre anàvem a concerts de la troba, o també hi havia xarango,

and we would always go to concerts of La Troba, or there was also Xarango,

que s'ho va estar petant, espancat, zoo,

that was having a blast, spread out, zoo,

i era com aquest descobriment de la festa de l'adolescència,

and it was like this discovery of the celebration of adolescence,

de l'arribar una mica tard, però no gaire, no sé, em recorda això.

The fact of arriving a little late, but not too much, I don’t know, reminds me of this.

Perquè ha canviat molt, o sigui, vosaltres no fa gaire, diguéssim,

Because it has changed a lot, I mean, you all not long ago, let's say,

que vau ser adolescents, sou joves,

that you were teenagers, you are young,

però ha canviat molt la música que heu anat escoltant amb el pas del temps,

but the music you have been listening to has changed a lot over time,

o heu mantingut bastant el mateix?

or have you kept quite the same?

Sí que ha canviat, jo crec...

Yes, it has changed, I think...

Bé, abans, jo només escoltava música en català, abans,

Well, before, I only listened to music in Catalan, before.

i ara, doncs, hem descobert-ho, he descobert grups de fora,

And now, then, we have discovered it, I have discovered groups from outside,

i, no sé, crec que hem ampliat una mica les mires.

I don't know, I think we have broadened our horizons a bit.

Sí, jo, sobretot, he deixat d'escoltar aquesta música

Yes, I, above all, have stopped listening to this music.

que estava de moda quan érem adolescents,

that was fashionable when we were teenagers,

Gascà, Gralla, Rumbeta, no ho sé,

Gascà, Gralla, Rumbeta, I don't know,

el que estava de moda fa deu anys, més o menys.

what was in fashion ten years ago, more or less.

Ara, ara escolto música molt diferent, vull dir,

Now, now I listen to very different music, I mean,

des de reggaeton fins a punk,

from reggaeton to punk,

fins a la música més tranquil·la,

up to the calmest music,

de fet, aquí, també, no ho sé, una mica de tot,

in fact, here, also, I don't know, a little bit of everything,

però, sobretot, en català.

but, above all, in Catalan.

O sigui, això sí que jo ho segueixo fent.

So, this is something I still do.

Treu els mil contes que jo recordo

Take out the thousand stories that I remember.

Cortes-hi per sempre les dites que porto

Cut them off forever the sayings I carry.

Agafaré el vol al fil cap al jardí i navega

I will take the flight towards the garden and sail.

I les tiraré amb la canya des de coberta

And I will throw them with the rod from the deck.

En parlàvem abans amb tot el dieti, eh?

We were talking about it earlier with the whole diet, right?

Júlia, en el teu cas, quina ha estat la teva cançó de l'estiu?

Julia, in your case, what has been your song of the summer?

Jo he triat una cançó de Soc un bohemio,

I have chosen a song from I am a Bohemian,

que es diu Conta de primavera.

it is called Spring account.

I ara que fa temps que no vengo

And now that it's been a while since I came.

Que si verd és fosc quan no sé de tu

That if green is dark when I don’t know about you.

Per què?


Bueno, perquè, com que tampoc he tingut un estiu molt de festa,

Well, because I haven't really had a very festive summer either,

molt d'això, doncs és una cançó que ha sigut bastant el reiu d'aquest estiu.

A lot of this, so it is a song that has been quite the trend this summer.

Tampoc he escoltat, vull dir, que al final ens passem els dies

I haven't heard, I mean, that in the end we spend our days.

o les setmanes a la furgó i, no sé, que s'ha escoltat Soc un bohemio.

Or the weeks in the van and, I don't know, that I've heard "I'm a bohemian."

I en el teu cas, Pau?

And in your case, Pau?

Jo he triat Pareja de l'any.

I have chosen Couple of the Year.

Mi condición enamorado

My condition in love.

Lo que a mí te da una chica que hay extraño

What a strange girl gives me.

Y el no tenerte me hace daño

And not having you hurts me.

Seríamos la pareja del año

We would be the couple of the year.

Cuánto te extraño

How much I miss you.

Sin condición me enamoré

I fell in love unconditionally.

Precisamente de una chica que no es mía

Precisely about a girl who is not mine.

Y mis amigos no sabían

And my friends didn't know.

Y a mí todo el mundo me decía

And everyone told me

Qué pasaría, me dejaría

What would happen, would you leave me?

Aquesta sí que seria una de les que més ha sonat.

This would indeed be one of the most talked about.

No sé, en el teu cas, per què t'agrada?

I don't know, in your case, why do you like it?

És un temazo, no sé, des que la vaig sentir.

It's a fantastic song, I don't know, ever since I heard it.

I mira que va sortir rotllo al febrer o al gener.

And look, it came out in February or January.

Vull dir, que no m'ha sortit l'estiu, tampoc.

I mean, my summer hasn't worked out either.

Però, no ho sé, aquest ritmazo i aquest flow

But, I don't know, this rhythm and this flow

transporta el xiringuí.

transport the gazebo.

Em dui tot directament.

I take everything directly.

Què creieu que ha de tenir una cançó

What do you think a song should have?

per ser la cançó de l'estiu?

to be the song of the summer?

La tornada perfecta, i aquesta la té.

The perfect return, and this one has it.

O sigui, una melodia enganxosa

So, a catchy melody.

i una tornada perfecta

and a perfect return

i, sobretot, parlar d'amor

and, above all, talk about love

perquè és el que agrada a l'estiu.

because it's what is enjoyed in the summer.

I que es pugui ballar, no?

And that it can be danced, right?

Sí, això.

Yes, that.

Que no hi ha mient, no val la pena.

If there is no lie, it's not worth it.

Yo no tengo alas, pero tú sí vuelas.

I don't have wings, but you do fly.

Me quita la pista i me quedo a capella.

It takes away the track from me and I'm left acapella.

Ara ja tenim les cançons que heu proposat a vosaltres

Now we have the songs that you have proposed.

per fer la playlist però us en porto jo algunes de més

To create the playlist, I'll bring you some more.

a veure què us semblen.

let's see what you think.

Vull que em digueu si estarien o no a la vostra llista,

I want you to tell me if they would be on your list or not.

que no vol dir que no us agradin, eh?

that doesn't mean you don't like them, huh?

Però això no estaria a la llista.

But this wouldn't be on the list.

Això sí, vosaltres heu de ficar d'acord, eh?

That is, you all have to agree, okay?

Perquè no podem fer dues llistes.

Because we can't make two lists.



Per exemple, comencem.

For example, let's begin.

Tu, Pau, vas néixer el 5 d'agost del 94

You, Pau, were born on August 5, 1994.

i en aquell moment el número 1 de la llista Billboard,

and at that moment the number 1 on the Billboard chart,

Bord era aquesta.

This was a bord.

És una cançó que es diu

It's a song called

I swear, no sé si l'havíeu sentit

I swear, I don't know if you had heard it.

mai. Sí, em sona.

Never. Yes, it sounds familiar to me.

I què en dius?

And what do you think about it?

No t'ho inventis, eh?

Don't make it up, okay?

No, no, ho dic perquè

No, no, I say it because

a la Joana li sona i

Joana sounds familiar to her and

m'estava dient que sí.

she was telling me yes.

No sé, amb aquest

I don't know, with this one.

tu que et sona o tu, Júlia, que amb aquests

you, who rings a bell, or you, Julia, with these

20 segons, què us sembla?

20 seconds, what do you think?

Està bé, una mica lenta, no? Sí, jo crec

It's okay, a little slow, isn't it? Yes, I think so.

que... A la nostra

that... To ours

playlist volem música una mica més animada

playlist we want music a little more lively

i jo crec que no la posarem, eh?

And I think we won't put it on, right?

Doncs en el teu cas, Júlia,

Well, in your case, Julia,

vas néixer 4 anys després, el 98, i el número 1

you were born 4 years later, in 98, and number 1

de la Billboard era aquest.

This was from the Billboard era.

Clar, no sé,

Sure, I don't know.

què us sembla? Es diu

What do you think? It's called

Too Close, The Next.

Too Close, The Next.

Uau, doncs no em sona. No, a mi tampoc em sona.

Wow, well that doesn't ring a bell for me. No, it doesn't ring a bell for me either.

I el rotllo, què us sembla?

And the roll, what do you think?

Més dens, més ballable, no?

Denser, more danceable, right?

Jo crec que potser sí que la podem posar, aquesta.

I think that maybe we can put this one.

Va, sí, la posem.

Come on, yes, let's put it on.

Molt bé, doncs entra dins.

Very well, then come in.

Clar, vosaltres sou de Sant Andreu

Of course, you are from Sant Andreu.

i pel que sé també del Sant Andreu, no?

And as far as I know, also from Sant Andreu, right?

Això ho han dit? Sí.

Have they said that? Yes.

I qui també és del barri, vaig a fer un link aquí,

And who is also from the neighborhood, I'm going to make a link here,

és el Daniel Agred dels Amics de les Arts.

It is Daniel Agred from Amics de les Arts.

Aquest és El meu cos.

This is My body.

Vull que em digueu què us sembla la cançó

I want you to tell me what you think of the song.

i què us semblen els Amics de les Arts.

And what do you think of Amics de les Arts?

Doncs ens agraden molt, la veritat.

Well, we really like them, to be honest.

Tampoc és una música que escoltem habitualment,

It's also not music that we usually listen to,

però està superben feta

but it is really well done

i ens agrada molt també a nivell de

and we also really like it on a level of


of age.

La lletra és que és una mica el que em toca a mi més

The letter is that it is a bit what affects me the most.

i els Amics de les Arts

and the Friends of the Arts

no els coneixem personalment.

We do not know them personally.

Jo sí. Ah, tu sí.

I do. Ah, you do.

Ens vam trobar a la ràdio l'altre dia,

We met at the radio the other day,

però això, estaria molt guai

but that would be really cool

conèixer-los més perquè, a més,

to get to know them better because, moreover,

sent del barri el Daniel Agred,

heard from the neighborhood Daniel Agred,

que és el teclista,

that is the keyboardist,

doncs estaria bé xerrar un dia, fer una birra

So it would be nice to chat one day, have a beer.

i tocar una estona, fins i tot.

and play for a while, even.

Jo els vaig veure fa poc

I saw them recently.

i em van agradar molt el directe.

I really liked the live performance.

I aquesta cançó en concret, què us sembla?

And this specific song, what do you think?

Bé, molt bé.

Good, very good.

Molt ballable.

Very danceable.

La posem dins 100%.

We put it in 100%.

Doncs va, per acabar, he buscat

Well then, to finish, I have searched.

una de les cançons que més està triomfant

one of the songs that is becoming a big hit

ara mateix, número 1

right now, number 1

aquí a Catalunya i també a Espanya

here in Catalonia and also in Spain

i un dels temes del moment és clarament aquest.

And one of the current trending topics is clearly this.

Y es que me encantas tanto

And it's that I love you so much.

si me miras mientras canto

if you look at me while I sing

se me pone cara tonta

I make a silly face.

niño, tú me tienes loca

Boy, you drive me crazy.

y es que me gusta no sé cuánto

And it's that I like it, I don't know how much.

gogo, gogo, sé tú como digas lo vasco

gogo, gogo, I know how to say it in Basque.

si quieres te lo digo en portugués

If you want, I can tell you in Portuguese.

eu gosto de você

I like you.

És el remix de Mon Amour

It is the remix of Mon Amour.

de Zoilo a Maitana, no sé si l'havíeu sentit.

From Zoilo to Maitana, I don’t know if you had heard it.

Sí, sí, sí, l'altre dia.

Yes, yes, yes, the other day.

O sigui, no sé com va sortir

So, I don't know how it came out.

però me'l van passar

but they sent it to me

igual fa 3 dies o així.

About three days ago or so.

És una melodia que s'enganxa molt, no?

It's a melody that sticks with you a lot, isn't it?

A mi m'encanta.

I love it.

Està molt ben fet. Jo el posaria.

It is very well done. I would put it on.

Jo el posava 100% i la veritat és que

I put in 100% and the truth is that

això enganxa molt

this is very addictive

i per mi hauria hagut de sortir fa un mes, també t'ho dic.

And for me, it should have come out a month ago, I'm telling you that too.

Hauria sigut candidata, Clara, també a Cançó de l'Estiu.

I would have been a candidate, Clara, also for Summer Song.

Ara fa tard, però bé.

It's getting late, but alright.

Molt bé, doncs amb totes aquestes cançons

Very well, then with all these songs

ja en tenim de sobres per poder fer

we already have enough to be able to do

la vostra playlist. Moltes gràcies, Pau i Júlia.

your playlist. Thank you very much, Pau and Júlia.

A tu, moltes gràcies.

To you, thank you very much.

I recordeu que tots els que vulgueu

And remember that all of you who want to

podeu escoltar-la sencera o descarregar-vos-la a

You can listen to it in full or download it at

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

A tu, moltes gràcies.

To you, thank you very much.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Sólo contigo escaparme

Only with you can I escape.

Mon amus i bupleamos aquí

My cousin and I are having fun here.

Pues nos vamos.

Well, we're leaving.



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