Capítol 7: El vi a taula amb Marc Giró i Ada Parellada
360 graus
Capítol 7: El vi a taula amb Marc Giró i Ada Parellada
RAC Més 1 i vins i licors Grau us ofereixen 360 Graus,
RAC More 1 and Grau wines and liquors offer you 360 Degrees.
un podcast amb Joan Maria Pou per saber per què bevem el que bevem.
A podcast with Joan Maria Pou to understand why we drink what we drink.
Hola a tothom, benvinguts a un nou capítol de 360 Graus,
Hello everyone, welcome to a new episode of 360 Degrees,
el podcast que mira el món del vi cada dia des d'un punt de vista diferent.
the podcast that looks at the world of wine every day from a different perspective.
Avui parlem de copes, de gots, de porrons, de botes, de brindis, de festa, de protocol.
Today we talk about cups, glasses, carafes, barrels, toasts, celebration, and protocol.
Sabrem quina és la copa més adient per beure, per exemple, un vinagre a gran reserva o un xampany,
We will know which is the most suitable glass to drink, for example, a grand reserve vinegar or champagne.
o quin got hem de posar si volem convidar a gintònics.
Which glass should we use if we want to serve gin and tonics?
En definitiva, volem parlar de protocol a la taula
Ultimately, we want to talk about protocol at the table.
i de com les modes han marcat la història de la cristalleria.
and how fashion has shaped the history of glassware.
Ens hi posem? Som-hi!
Shall we get to it? Let's go!
Avui ens acompanyen a l'estudi dos convidats.
Today we are joined in the studio by two guests.
Una és l'Ada Parellada, propietària del restaurant Sanpruniana,
One is Ada Parellada, owner of the Sanpruniana restaurant,
autora d'un munt de llibres de receptes,
author of a bunch of recipe books,
i creu de Sant Jordi del 2016.
and cross of Saint George from 2016.
Vaja, l'Ada Parellada.
Well, Ada Parellada.
Ada, hola.
Ada, hello.
I l'altra és el Marc Giró, editor del programa d'aquesta casa Vostè Primer.
And the other is Marc Giró, editor of this house's program Vostè Primer.
Recentment ho ha donat amb un premi Ondes pel seu programa de televisió espanyola Late Show.
Recently, he has won an Ondas award for his Spanish television program Late Show.
I també un gran expert en protocol, el Marc Giró.
And also a great expert in protocol, Marc Giró.
Vaja, el Marc Giró. Només n'hi ha un.
Well, Marc Giró. There is only one.
Hola, Marc.
Hello, Marc.
Què tal?
How are you?
Com estàs?
How are you?
Fantàsticament. I a més està amb l'Ada fantàsticament.
Fantastically. And also, she is with Ada fantastically.
Que a més puguen quedar totes les seves germanes, que són genials,
That all of their great sisters can also stay.
que són el Cinto i la Madre, per favor, dones-li records, eh?
What are Cinto and Madre, please give them my regards, okay?
I tant, i tant.
Of course, of course.
M'ha pagat immemòria, però per no tenir-la.
It has paid me immemorially, but for not having it.
Tu t'has creuat mai amb les germanes i germans dels parells?
Have you ever crossed paths with the sisters and brothers of the couples?
No sé, quan he anat a dinar allà, no sé si corrien per allà o...
I don't know, when I went to have lunch there, I don't know if they were running around or...
No, no, no, no venen gaire.
No, no, no, they don't sell much.
Perquè nosaltres som set germans, de manera que si van venint gaire sovint...
Because we are seven siblings, so if they come quite often...
Et pots creuar, l'estadística diu que et pots creuar amb un parellada pel carrer en qualsevol moment.
You can cross paths, statistics say you can run into a pair on the street at any moment.
En qualsevol moment.
At any moment.
En qualsevol moment a Catalunya.
At any time in Catalonia.
Escolteu una cosa, avui volem parlar una mica això, no?,
Listen, today we want to talk a little about this, right?
de copes, de vins, de porrons, de protocol.
of cups, of wines, of porróns, of protocol.
La primera pregunta que tinc és
The first question I have is
què és més complicat en una taula d'aquestes d'un gran àpat?
What is more complicated at a table like this during a big meal?
Saber quin cobert toca en cada moment o saber quina copa toca en cada moment?
Knowing which cutlery to use at each moment or knowing which glass to use at each moment?
Perquè hi ha vegades que davant del plat tens un veritable exèrcit de copes
Because there are times when in front of the plate you have a true army of glasses.
que no saps ben bé per què serveixen algunes.
that you don’t quite know what some are for.
Però és molt senzill saber...
But it is very simple to know...
És molt senzill perquè t'ho indica la posició.
It's very simple because the position indicates it.
Com més a la dreta, els coberts que has mentat, no?,
The more to the right, the cutlery you mentioned, right?
doncs com més externs és el primer que has de fer servir.
so the more external it is, the first thing you have to use.
I la copa comença per la dreta.
And the cup starts on the right.
S'entén en un món de dretans, ja ho saps,
It is understood in a world of right-handers, you know that.
perquè sempre estan els sinistros, estan a la...
because the sinister ones are always there, they are at the...
absolutament marginats.
absolutely marginalized.
Per tant, tot el que comença per la dreta és el bo, i saps?
Therefore, everything that starts on the right is good, you know?
I per tant, a la dreta tens el blanc...
And therefore, on the right you have the white...
A la dreta a vegades no és el bo, però bé...
The right side isn't always the good one, but well...
És que volia dir alguna cosa per trencar aquest gel d'allí...
I just wanted to say something to break the ice over there...
I no anar pel tema, si no...
And not to go into the subject, but...
Però vaja, de dreta a esquerra és com s'han de fer servir les copes.
But come on, from right to left is how the glasses should be used.
No en tenia ni idea.
I had no idea.
Tu ho sabies, això, Marc?
Did you know this, Marc?
Sí, de totes maneres està bé...
Yes, anyway it's fine...
Donem per fet que ens trobem en situacions
We take it for granted that we find ourselves in situations.
en les que hi ha tota aquesta parafernàlia de taules.
in which there is all this paraphernalia of tables.
Tu has fet...
You have done...
Nosaltres estem aquí en unes taules que hi ha...
We are here at some tables that are there...
Sí, no ens ha passat mai.
Yes, it has never happened to us.
Casaments, a la gala del Premi Ondes, a la gala del Sant Jordi...
Weddings, at the Ondes Award gala, at the Sant Jordi gala...
Vull dir que pressuposes que estem constantment en àpats d'aquests...
I mean that you assume we are constantly having meals like these...
Perquè sou gent premiada i viatjada, i de...
Because you are award-winning and well-traveled people, and of...
No em crec, Marc, que teia...
I don't believe you, Marc, that you had...
Tu recordes aquell dia que hi vam anar?
Do you remember that day we went there?
Quan hi vas anar l'última vegada, potser fa una dècada...
When did you last go there, maybe a decade ago...
A un àpat amb festuosos...
To a meal with joyous...
Ah, sí, perdona, però el Marc Giró,
Ah, yes, sorry, but Marc Giró,
que ha viscut molts anys a la villa,
who has lived many years in the town,
i a més, en un càrrec manant i sent influent en la societat...
and furthermore, in a commanding position and being influential in society...
És veritat, és veritat.
It is true, it is true.
L'he anat a taules d'aquestes...
I have gone to tables like these...
És subestimat.
He is underestimated.
L'he anat a taules imperials.
I have taken it to imperial tables.
No en tinc cap mena de dubte.
I have no doubt about it.
I per Europa, és veritat.
And for Europe, it's true.
Per Europa també.
For Europe as well.
És veritat que jo crec que això...
It's true that I believe that this...
Jo les he parades, jo les he muntat.
I have stopped them, I have set them up.
Ell hi ha anat i jo les he muntat.
He has gone there and I have assembled them.
Jo la qüestió és tant que tinc la sensació que
I the question is so much that I have the feeling that
quan es va a un dinar d'aquests una mica més tocats i posats,
when going to a lunch like this, a bit more dressed up and put together,
tot el que seria l'entorn, la parafernàlia,
everything that would be the environment, the paraphernalia,
està preparada per fer el començament,
she is ready to make the start,
el punt de vista.
the point of view.
El punt de vista empatit,
The empathetic point of view,
perquè el començar descobreixi quin és el seu lloc al món
so that the beginning discovers what its place in the world is
que possiblement sigui perquè t'empatiteixi.
that it may be because it empathizes with you.
I jo et demanaria calma,
And I would ask you for calm,
perquè en el cas que vostès no sàpiguen
because in case you do not know
com funciona una taula d'aquestes immenses
How does one of these immense tables work?
o una taula perifollada,
or a cluttered table,
doncs, bueno, fas una mica així,
well, you do a bit like this,
clucos una mica a la teva esquerra...
a bit closer to your left...
Clar, i mires com va.
Of course, and you see how it goes.
...i a veure com va.
...and let's see how it goes.
I tots ens equivocarem de la mateixa manera.
And we will all make the same mistake.
Tothom fa el mateix.
Everyone does the same.
I si l'anfitrió fos un bon anfitrió
And if the host were a good host
i tu t'equivoquessis,
and you would be wrong,
et donaria la raó, diguéssim.
I would give you the reason, let's say.
Si de sobte...
If suddenly...
T'equivoquessis de cobert
You were mistaken about the cover.
o t'equivoquessis de copa
or you would have mistaken the cup
o t'equivoquessis de no sé què,
or you might be mistaken about who knows what,
doncs, si l'anfitrió és bo
well, if the host is good
o l'anfitriona és bona,
or the host is good,
doncs, diria,
well, I would say,
agafaria ràpidament la copa incorrecta com tu.
I would quickly grab the wrong cup like you.
Perquè d'això es tractava.
Because that's what it was about.
No, sí, sí, bueno, de fet hi ha dos...
No, yes, yes, well, in fact there are two...
En total no cal patir.
In total, there's no need to worry.
Hi ha aquella història de...
There is that story of...
Saps el rentamans?
Do you know the washing basin?
Sí, exacte.
Yes, exactly.
Aquell bol amb aigua i llimona
That bowl with water and lemon.
que un pobre se'l va beure, no?,
that a poor person drank it, right?
perquè no sabia què fer
because I didn't know what to do
i deu ser un ritme...
it must be a rhythm...
Un ritme...
A rhythm...
Un ritme habitual d'aquesta festivitat,
A usual rhythm of this festivity,
doncs, que ens porten aquesta aigua
well, they are bringing us this water
perquè fem una neteja primer amb llimona.
because we do a cleaning first with lemon.
I l'anfitrió va fer exactament igual.
And the host did exactly the same.
Em sembla que no sé quin rei era,
I think I don't know which king it was,
el seu convidat,
your guest,
i ell va fer...
and he did...
S'ho va beure.
He/She drank it all.
O hi ha aquell altre anfitrió
Or there is that other host.
que no sé quina cultura,
that I don't know which culture,
ara que m'has enxampat,
now that you've caught me,
però que taquen ja amb el vi expressament.
but they are already deliberately staining with the wine.
Taquen l'estovalla perquè trencar...
They stain the tablecloth because they break...
Així ens traiem de sobre l'aparació.
This way we got rid of the appearance.
Ens traiem de sobre, és a dir,
We get rid of it, that is to say,
perquè el primer que fa és tacar l'estovalla
because the first thing it does is stain the tablecloth
per tal que els convidats
so that the guests
no se sentin cohibits
don't feel shy
en el cas que taquin.
in the case they stain.
Bé, això, no sé si a casa vostra es feia o es fa,
Well, I don't know if it was done or is done at your home,
però a casa meva es feia
but at my house it was done
que quan algú assabalcava les estovalles
that when someone spread the tablecloths
el tocaven i et beneïen amb el càlcul.
they touched you and blessed you with the calculation.
Això porta moltíssima sort, perdona,
This brings a lot of luck, sorry,
perquè això s'ha de fer sempre...
because this must always be done...
Científicament comprovat.
Scientifically proven.
Científicament comprovat completament
Scientifically completely verified
i, a més a més, s'ha de fer a tots els comensals
And, furthermore, it must be done to all the diners.
així hi hagi 25 persones a la taula
so there are 25 people at the table
i es munta un cristo que és genial.
And they set up a great scene that is brilliant.
I tots tocant d'això.
And everyone touching on this.
Doncs bé, la qüestió, per fer-ho fàcil,
Well, the question, to make it easy,
és que a la dreta sempre es posa
it's just that it's always placed on the right
el vi blanc, perquè sempre es comença
the white wine, because it always starts
amb un vi blanc, després al mig es posa
with a white wine, then in the middle it is placed
el vi negre, una mica en retirat
the red wine, a bit withdrawn
el cava, i a l'esquerra
the cava, and to the left
l'aigua. I representa que va
the water. And it means that it goes
en aquest ordre, perquè el primer plat,
in this order, because the first course,
el segon plat, el tercer plat, i l'aigua
the second course, the third course, and the water
va tot beure. I ja està.
Go ahead and drink. That's it.
I no has de posar res més. No has de posar copes de licor
And you don't have to put anything else. You don't have to put liquor glasses.
ni res. Aquí les posa,
nor anything. Here she puts them,
però s'hauria de posar després.
but it should be put on later.
Queda claríssim.
It is very clear.
El xupito després.
The shot afterwards.
Queda d'un xupito? Sí, però això ja t'ho portaran ells.
Do you want a shot? Yes, but they'll bring that to you.
Aquells llocs que te'l porten
Those places that take you there.
amb got de...
with a glass of...
Palmero, de tub.
Palm tree, tube.
Això no és el... El got de tub també,
This is not the... The tube glass too,
que està en desús, ja possiblement parlarem.
that is out of use, we will possibly talk.
Quina pena, oi? Mira que era pràctic.
What a pity, right? It was so practical.
Parlem-ne ara mateix.
Let's talk about it right now.
Parlem-ne ara mateix. És veritat que
Let's talk about it right now. It is true that
en el seu dia era el got
in its day, it was the glass
dels combinats, i ara sembla
of the combinations, and now it seems
que està com molt denostat.
that is quite denigrated.
Però per què?
But why?
És una moda?
Is it a trend?
Home, per descomptat, tot va per modes, oi?
At home, of course, everything goes in modes, right?
Tot va per modes, però ara es porta
Everything goes in trends, but now it's in style.
el got, que pesa moltíssim,
the glass, which is very heavy,
i ample, per poder-hi
and wide, to be able to
encabir més gel.
fit more ice.
I en el cas del gintònic, que seria
And in the case of the gin and tonic, what would it be?
aquella copa, no?, aquella copa a baló
that cup, right? that ball cup
que sembla una piscina, que allà hi posem
that looks like a pool, that we put there
de tot, hi posem tot el gel, hi posem
of everything, we put all the ice in, we put in
tota la jardineria i tota la...
all the gardening and all the...
Les macedònies, no?
The fruit salads, right?
Tot el mercat, allà dins.
All the market, in there.
Jo crec que és el...
I think it is the...
Perquè n'anem aprenent. Jo crec que no és el mateix
Because we are learning from it. I think it's not the same.
prendre's un cubata
to have a mixed drink
o un gintònic a una discoteca
or a gin and tonic at a nightclub
a acompanyar-te,
to accompany you,
a t'envalli altres
to be sent to others
diurisíques substàncies,
diuretic substances,
que aquí era molt pràctic
that it was very practical here
perquè et podies anar amunt i avall
because you could go up and down
amb el teu... Que jo crec
with your... that I believe
que hi ha una cultura, que jo hi estic
that there is a culture, that I am in it
absolutament a favor, respecte a la qüestió
absolutely in favor, regarding the issue
tant dels licors com dels vins, que és que la gent va
both the liquors and the wines, which is that people go
afinant, el consumidor va afinant
tuning, the consumer was tuning
l'olfacte, diguéssim. I llavors, és evident
the sense of smell, let's say. And then, it is obvious
que un gintònic, si és bo i està ben preparat
that a gin and tonic, if it is good and well prepared
o un espirituós, el que sigui,
or a spirited one, whichever it may be,
no et digui amb els vins. O, de fet,
don't tell you with the wines. Or, in fact,
podem parlar del xampany, que tot allò de la copa...
we can talk about the champagne, that thing about the glass...
d'aquestes copes...
of these cups...
Flauta, flauta. La copa flauta, tot això,
Flute, flute. The flute glass, all this,
la típica copa flauta del Nadal
the typical Christmas flute glass
que tots tenim, està proscrita.
that we all have, is prohibited.
Però perquè la gent, el consumidor, diguéssim,
But why people, the consumer, let's say,
la persona, cada cop es veu, en principi,
the person, each time is seen, in principle,
es tendeix a veure millor,
it tends to be seen better,
diguéssim, assaborint,
let's say, savoring,
etcètera, etcètera. I llavors, clar, si la copa
etcetera, etcetera. And then, of course, if the cup
té el broc més gran,
it has the biggest spout,
doncs representa que els afluvis
so it means that the influences
d'aquell alcohol són més satisfactoris
from that alcohol they are more satisfying
i l'experiència és... Ah, l'experiència,
and the experience is... Ah, the experience,
ara ja ha sortit dir la paraula.
Now the word has been spoken.
L'experiència està
The experience is
més afinada. Jo crec que deu ser per això.
more tuned. I think it must be for that reason.
Però, de totes maneres, insisteixo. Jo crec que és veritat
But, in any case, I insist. I believe it is true.
que a un discotecot
that at a disco
de xunga-xunga, jo seguiria
of a haphazard nature, I would continue
bugant pel...
bugging by...
No en zona VIP, sinó a la pista, que és on s'ha d'estar,
Not in the VIP area, but on the dance floor, that's where you have to be.
on estan els valents i les valentes.
Where are the brave ones?
S'agriben pel tub.
They are grated through the tube.
Però saps que no és així?
But you know it's not like that?
No és així. Fa anys que no vaig a una discoteca.
That's not true. I haven't been to a nightclub in years.
Jo t'ho volia preguntar, jo també.
I wanted to ask you, me too.
Ens hem quedat en aquella època.
We have remained in that era.
Ara diu que són de plàstic.
Now he says they are plastic.
Però perquè, clar, és que un vidre
But because, of course, it's that a glass
en una discoteca és un arma, també.
In a nightclub, it is a weapon too.
S'ha de vigilar.
It must be watched.
Entre poc i massa.
Between too little and too much.
No, Marc, però et volia fer una pregunta, tu, sobre això.
No, Marc, but I wanted to ask you a question about this.
Ja sé que és molt difícil, allò, saber l'origen-origen,
I know it's very difficult, that is, to know the origin-origin,
però a mi sempre m'ha cridat
but it has always called me
molt l'atenció, no només en el món de...
a lot of attention, not only in the world of...
En aquest cas que estem parlant de les copes,
In this case that we are talking about the cups,
de les begudes, passa també en el món de la moda, etcètera.
of drinks, it also happens in the world of fashion, etcetera.
Hi ha un bon dia que
There is a good day that
algú decideix que
someone decides that
a partir d'ara els gintònics van amb aquesta copa
From now on, gin and tonics will be served in this glass.
en forma de...
in the form of...
De baló, no? De baló.
By ball, right? By ball.
I etige, eh? I s'extén,
I stimulate it, eh? And it stretches,
però s'extén pel món.
but it spreads across the world.
Jo crec que això és transversal.
I believe that this is transversal.
És transversal, és a dir...
It is transversal, that is to say...
Ara és veritat, perquè té tot un impacte
Now it is true, because it has a whole impact.
immediat, perquè és molt fàcil
immediate, because it is very easy
parlar amb l'altre món
talking with the other world
o mostrar-te a la resta del món
or show you to the rest of the world
a través de les xarxes.
through the networks.
D'altres maneres, a mi el que em fa gràcia és que la copa
In other ways, what amuses me is that the cup
a baló de conyac, que era
a balloon of cognac, which was
deliciosa perquè et permetia fer aquest
delicious because it allowed you to do this
moviment i acostar-te
movement and getting closer
i tal, el gintònic
and such, the gin and tonic
no és ben exactament igual,
it's not exactly the same,
però té tija, o sigui, té...
but it has a stem, that is, it has...
Bueno, perquè de mantenir la frescor
Well, in order to maintain freshness.
amb el conyac sí que tu pots
with the cognac, yes you can
plantar amb el teu propi tactal
plant with your own touch
i avall d'allò. Tu et preguntes això de la moda.
And down from that. You ask yourself about fashion.
Home, jo crec que el que seria
Man, I think that what would be
el productor, costa tant
the producer, costs so much
costa tant fer un bon gintònic
it’s so hard to make a good gin and tonic
o un bon vi
or a good wine
o... costa tant,
or... it costs so much,
o sigui, en el fons costa tant, si és un tipus de producte
I mean, fundamentally it costs so much, if it's a type of product.
que costa tant, que...
that is so difficult, that...
Tant i anys. Tant i anys, i és una cosa
So many years. So many years, and it is one thing.
tan elaborada, i és una cosa tan complexa,
so elaborate, and it's such a complex thing,
i és una cosa que és tan ancestral, en el fons,
and it is something that is so ancestral, fundamentally,
i és tan civilitzada, si vols,
and is so civilized, if you want,
que de sobte, si...
that suddenly, if...
Jo crec que les mateixes bodegues,
I believe that the same wineries,
i de whisky, bueno, per no parlar del whisky, oi?
And whisky, well, not to mention the whisky, right?
De whiskys, de licors, de gintònic,
Of whiskies, of liqueurs, of gin and tonic,
el vi,
the wine,
es van adonar que havien de posar en valor
they realized that they had to put value on
tota la feina que estaven tenint.
all the work they were having.
I, a més a més, havien d'arribar a
I, furthermore, had to arrive at
quantes més persones millor,
the more people, the better,
al cap i a la fi no deixa de ser un negoci, no?
After all, it is still a business, isn't it?
I jo crec que es posen
And I believe that they are put.
en marxa operacions de
operational operations of
màrqueting en el millor dels sentits
marketing in the best sense
i es van... Que són la conseqüència
and they went... Which are the consequence
d'una investigació. Que són la conseqüència d'una investigació,
of an investigation. That are the consequence of an investigation,
diguéssim, no és una cosa frívola.
let's say, it is not a frivolous thing.
No és una campanya exacta,
It is not an exact campaign,
ni absurda, ni... És per posar en valor, jo crec,
neither absurd, nor... It's worth highlighting, I believe,
el producte del que...
the product of which...
Es fa una investigació...
An investigation is being conducted...
De fet, he anat a tastos de copes.
In fact, I have been to tasting events for drinks.
O sigui, no tastos de vins,
So, no wine tastings,
sinó tastos de copes...
but tastes of drinks...
Que et mostren com varia.
That shows you how it varies.
Aquesta, per mi, és una
This, for me, is a
de les experiències que jo he tingut
of the experiences that I have had
que m'ha impactat més. Un dia un amic meu
that has impacted me the most. One day a friend of mine
em diu, vine amb mi a fer
he says to me, come with me to do
un tast de copes. I jo li vaig dir,
a taste of drinks. And I told him,
ai, què dius, quina mà... I em va dir, ja veuràs.
Oh, what are you saying, what a hand... And he told me, you'll see.
Ja veuràs, és bestial. Et vas pensar que era una guarrada, no?
You'll see, it's awesome. You thought it was disgusting, didn't you?
No, no, Marc, fes-me cas.
No, no, Marc, listen to me.
Va ser meravellós. Em van posar sis copes
It was wonderful. They served me six glasses.
al davant i, per exemple,
at the front and, for example,
en un cas em van posar un vi
In one case, they poured me a wine.
i em van dir, tasta-la amb la copa 1 i amb la copa 2.
And they told me, taste it with cup 1 and with cup 2.
Varia moltíssim, eh? I concentra't bé.
It varies a lot, huh? And focus well.
I jo, que no hi entenc gaire,
And me, who doesn't understand much about it,
ho vaig percebre de seguida.
I noticed it right away.
Quina era la copa adequada per aquell vi.
What was the appropriate glass for that wine?
Totalment. Em va ser impactant.
Totally. It was shocking to me.
Però això passa amb el xampany, per exemple, o amb el cava.
But this happens with champagne, for example, or with cava.
Parlem d'aquestes copes de xampany i cava
Let's talk about these champagne and cava glasses.
que tenim aquesta història deliciosa.
that we have this delicious story.
Quan bevíem xampany,
When we drank champagne,
bevíem amb copa a pompa dur.
We drank with a hard bubble glass.
Te'n recordes? Perfectament.
Do you remember? Perfectly.
S'agafa així, és una que és plana
It is taken like this, it is a flat one.
i que és
And what is it?
el motlle del pit
the chest mold
de la Madame Pompadour, que era l'amant
of Madame Pompadour, who was the mistress
de Lluís XIV, XV o XVI,
of Louis XIV, XV or XVI,
ara no m'ho fas dir,
now you're not making me say it,
i que era una dona espectacular,
and she was a spectacular woman,
però sobretot que tenia uns pits meravellosos
but above all that she had wonderful breasts
que van servir de motlle per fer aquestes copes.
that were used as molds to make these cups.
Per això es diu copa a pompa dur.
That's why it's called a hard pommel cup.
I això, quan bevíem xampany, bevíem aquestes copes, felicíssims.
And this, when we drank champagne, we drank from these glasses, very happy.
I de cop i volta,
And all of a sudden,
passem a beure cava i, en comptes de beure amb copa a pompa dur,
let's drink cava and, instead of drinking from a flute,
bevem amb copa flauta,
we drink from a flute glass,
que si allò,
that if that,
si la pompa dur és un pit,
if the hard pump is a breast,
la flauta és
the flute is
un pitu.
a cock.
Aquesta és la inspiració.
This is the inspiration.
Home, ja t'ho dic jo.
Fine, I'll tell you.
Sí, aquesta és la inspiració.
Yes, this is the inspiration.
Ja està bé, teníem la meitat de la humanitat
That's enough, we had half of humanity.
amorrada a un pit.
suckling at a breast.
Sí, sí, des d'allò.
Yes, yes, since then.
Totes contentes,
All happy,
allà amorrades.
there moored.
Hem de tornar a la copa a pompa dur, que em sembla molt més delicada.
We have to go back to the glass with a wide rim, which seems much more delicate to me.
A més, s'agafava així.
In addition, it was taken like this.
Quan faig el gest, perquè estem en una ràdio,
When I make the gesture, because we are on a radio,
però vull dir-te, saps que
but I want to tell you, you know that
t'explico que s'agafava agafant tot el pit.
I explain to you that it was taken by grabbing all of the breast.
Per sota, no?
Below, right?
Bueno, jo crec que el cava...
Well, I think that the cava...
Home, no ho sé, jo quan es va...
Home, I don't know, when it was...
Ara es beu amb copa normal, o sigui, amb copa de vi.
Now it's drunk from a normal glass, that is, with a wine glass.
Amb copa de vi?
With a glass of wine?
Ara es beu amb copa de vi.
Now it is drunk from a wine glass.
És que el cava, el xampany, quan és bo,
It's that the cava, the champagne, when it's good,
el cava, quan és bo,
the cava, when it is good,
tendeix a vi, diguéssim.
tends to wine, let's say.
O sigui, l'agulla es cau com més fina,
That is, the needle falls when it is finer,
més fina, més fina, més fina,
finer, finer, finer,
i és, i és, però és més fina.
and it is, and it is, but it is more refined.
I realment, és veritat que,
And really, it is true that,
que canvia molt
that changes a lot
tastar-lo amb una copa
taste it with a glass
amb el broc gros, de cara que el nas
with the big spout, facing that the nose
et càpiga dintre la copa, la boca i el nas
it fits inside the cup, the mouth, and the nose
et càpiga dintre la boca, que no fer-ho.
it fits in your mouth, not doing it.
Això per una banda. Ara, després hi ha un altre
This for one side. Now, then there is another.
assumpte respecte a la qüestió de les maneres
subject regarding the matter of manners
i els rituals, que seria
and the rituals, what would they be
estem celebrant el Nadal,
we are celebrating Christmas,
tenim unes copes de flauta o pampadurs
we have some flute glasses or champagne flutes
o una copa inadequada des del punt de vista
or an inappropriate glass from the point of view
d'estratègia científica
of scientific strategy
o des del plaer, etcètera, etcètera,
or from pleasure, etcetera, etcetera,
però la millor... Vull dir que també cal saber
but the best... I mean that you also have to know
en quin moment estem bevent.
At what moment are we drinking?
Què bevem i amb qui. I de sobte, per brindar,
What do we drink and with whom. And suddenly, to toast,
per exemple, potser va millor fer les copes
for example, maybe it's better to make the drinks
de l'avi o de l'avi, o aquelles copes gratades
from the grandfather or from the grandfather, or those scratched cups
i jihihihaha. Brindar sense
I jijihihaha. Toasting without.
xocar. Home, però bueno, això...
to crash. Man, well, this...
A veure, parlem-ne. Parlem-ne, va.
Let's see, let's talk about it. Let's talk about it, come on.
Això ho deia l'Espinàs, el Josep Maria Espinàs deia
This is what Espinàs said, Josep Maria Espinàs said.
s'ha de brindar aixecant la copa
One must toast by raising the glass.
així en la distància. Jo crec que si la festa
thus in the distance. I believe that if the party
ha anat bé... Després també una altra cosa que també
It went well... Later also another thing that also
jo... que no podem esquivar
I... that we cannot avoid.
amb la qüestió dels espirituosos
with the issue of spirits
és que alegren.
they are joyful.
Totalment. Aquesta alegria pot arribar
Absolutely. This joy can arrive.
a ser un problema, diguéssim, perquè clar, no es pot
to be a problem, let's say, because of course, it can't be
estar alegre si n'hi die.
to be happy if he/she says so.
Però aquesta alegria, si et fa
But this joy, if it makes you
picar, repicar, el repicar
to knock, to ring, the ringing
de copes, correspon a una alegria
suddenly, it corresponds to a joy
que seria la que estàvem buscant, precisament.
that would be the one we were looking for, precisely.
Totalment, però si estem parlant de protocol.
Totally, but if we are talking about protocol.
O sigui, el protocol diu que no s'han de tocar les copes.
That is, the protocol states that the glasses should not be touched.
No. Jo, en canvi, soc...
No. I, on the contrary, am...
Jo soc... estic pel protocol
I am... I am for the protocol.
del... com et diria jo? De la immediatesa.
from... how would I say it? From immediacy.
És a dir, que no
That is to say, no.
constrenyi. Llavors, si realment
constrain. Then, if really
tu tens... Bueno, jo
you have... Well, I
per descomptat, a una taula
of course, at a table
de Nadal, ara posem
for Christmas, now we put
una... ara no ens posem... no fem
one... now let's not get into... let's not do
una... no una...
one... not one...
no un sopar al Palacio Real,
not a dinner at the Royal Palace,
diguéssim, que seria absurd
let's say, it would be absurd
que la gent s'anés movent per la taula.
that people were moving around the table.
Però a casa, a casa,
But at home, at home,
Nadals, caps d'anys,
Christmas, New Year's Eves,
aniversaris, es pot xocar
anniversaries, you can clash
perfectíssimament. I fins i tot amb els nens,
perfectly. And even with the children,
que a ells els fan la gràcia. O sigui, jo crec que sí que hi ha
that they find it amusing. I mean, I believe that there is indeed
un moment en què tu has de... Evidentment.
a moment when you have to... Obviously.
Però m'agradaria saber ara quin és l'argument
But I would like to know now what the argument is.
del protocol a favor de no
from the protocol in favor of no
tocar les copes, diguéssim.
to touch the glasses, we could say.
Hi ha... aquesta...
There is... this...
el fet de brindar, o sigui, el gest,
the act of toasting, that is, the gesture,
el gest de brindar és ancestral,
the act of toasting is ancestral,
bé de... bueno, ancestral no,
well, ancestral no,
vull dir, des que hi ha
I mean, since there is
copes de vidre, diguéssim, no?
glass cups, let's say, right?
I diuen, diuen
And they say, they say.
que el fet que tu no
that the fact that you do not
toquis la copa, només que
you touch the cup, just that
saludis, que és una salutació,
greetings, which is a greeting,
el brindis és una salutació, primer,
the toast is a greeting, first,
que té una petita... un petit protocol,
that has a small... a small protocol,
un petit norma, perquè ningú se'ns esveri massa.
A small rule, so that no one gets too upset.
Ja saps que els protocols sempre el que és és abaixar
You already know that protocols always mean to lower.
una mica l'eforia,
a little euphoria,
l'afobisit... la...
the afobisit... the...
Fugositat. La fugositat i la fusivitat.
Fugacity. Fugacity and fusibility.
Val. I, per tant,
Okay. And therefore,
aplacar una mica aquell
calm that down a bit
desori. I diuen
disorder. And they say
que, primer, no es xocava
that, first, was not shocking
perquè no fos que la teva...
so that it wouldn't be that your...
el teu vi passés el de l'altre
your wine surpassed the other's
i fos una manera d'enverinar.
and if it were a way to poison.
Sempre estem amb els temes d'aixòs temes.
We are always dealing with those issues.
T'hi dius sentit, t'hi dius sentit, està bé.
You call it meaning, you call it meaning, that's fine.
Sí, que no trasbasi...
Yes, it doesn't overflow...
Aquests brindis amb la contundència d'un
This toast with the heft of a
viking, no? Exacte, clar.
Viking, right? Exactly, clear.
O d'un cavaller medieval, no?,
Or a medieval knight, right?
que es topen les copes i...
they clink their glasses and...
Exacte. I el viking ve i s'acaba l'altre cantó.
Exactly. And the Viking comes and finishes the other side.
O no trenquis la copa de l'altre, també,
Oh, don't break the other's cup, too,
amb un atac de força, no?
with a show of strength, right?
O sigui, que no trenquis... De fet, ara em ve al cap
So, don't break... In fact, it just comes to my mind.
una imatge que es va fer viral, que es diu ara,
an image that went viral, which is now called,
que va ser quan es va celebrar això de la
what was it when this was celebrated of the
Leonor de la Jura de la Constitució, no?, que hi ha
Leonor of the Oath of the Constitution, right? That there is.
el brindis a la taula del rei, i el rei
the toast at the king's table, and the king
es desplaça
it moves
fins al seient de la Leonor
until Leonor's seat
per brindar, tocant les copes,
to toast, clinking the glasses,
i la reina, simplement, des de la distància,
and the queen, simply, from a distance,
li fa així a la seva filla.
he does this to his daughter.
Que se'n va parlar molt, no?, de com és que la mare
There was a lot of talk about it, right?, about how it is that the mother
no s'havia apropat a la... Perquè, perquè...
he had not approached the... Because, because...
Perquè aquí és el que ha tingut uns
Because here is what has had some
protocols des de tota la vida,
protocols from a lifetime ago,
i, per tant, quan tu els tens
And, therefore, when do you have them?
integrats és quan els pots trencar, eh?
Integrated is when you can break them, right?
El problema és quan no els tens integrats...
The problem is when you don't have them integrated...
Però que si inventa el protocol és qui el pot trencar. Exacte.
But if someone invents the protocol, they are the one who can break it. Exactly.
Això és la... Per això el protocol s'ha d'anar
This is the... That's why the protocol must be followed.
amb compte, diguéssim, d'on ve
carefully, let's say, where it comes from
el protocol i qui el pot trencar.
the protocol and who can break it.
I després és igual, perquè a la reina
And then it doesn't matter, because to the queen
d'Espanya, a la pobra, li passa que
From Spain, the poor one experiences that
si ho fa perquè ho fa, i si no ho fa perquè no ho fa,
if he does it because he does it, and if he doesn't do it because he doesn't do it,
sempre li acaben caient, no?, perquè el masclisme
they always end up falling, right?, because of sexism
li cau de... El masclisme...
it falls to... Machismo...
I el classisme li cau d'aquesta pobra
And classism falls on this poor one.
senyora sistemàticament.
systematically madam.
Per mi, una eina
For me, a tool.
meravellosa per trencar qualsevol
wonderful for breaking any
tripus de protocol és el porró
Protocol tripods are the porró.
o la bota de vi. Aquí sí que desapareix.
or the wine barrel. Here it certainly disappears.
Aquí sí que hi ha... És fantàstic.
Here there really is... It's fantastic.
Aquí sí que hi ha, evidentment, no el Palau
Here there is, obviously, not the Palace.
Reial, però sí que en determinats moments, per trencar
Royal, but yes, at certain moments, to break.
el gel... Bueno, d'això de les bones maneres
The ice... Well, about this thing of good manners.
el protocol tindria a veure amb fer qualsevol
the protocol would have to do with doing anything
És a dir, que no he...
That is to say, that I haven't...
Jo no crec que... No sé si tu estàs d'acord amb mi,
I don't think that... I don't know if you agree with me,
que això de les bones maneres no té a veure
that this about good manners has nothing to do
amb el...
with the...
amb el què, sinó amb el com.
with the how, not with the what.
No és que hi hagi coses que no es puguin fer.
It's not that there are things that can't be done.
És que, vull dir, es podria robar.
It's just that, I mean, it could be stolen.
Es podria robar, fins i tot, des del punt de les bones maneres.
One could even steal, from the point of good manners.
Hi ha un ritual. I les bones maneres són amorals.
There is a ritual. And good manners are amoral.
O sigui, no tenen... No són bones
So, they don't have... They aren't good.
per elles mateixes. Però vull dir que
for themselves. But I mean that
tu podries... És a dir, que pots beure amb porró i beure
You could... That is to say, that you can drink with a porró and drink.
amb bota de vi ben begut...
with a well-drunk wine boot...
Home, per descomptat. Són bones bones maneres.
Home, of course. They are good manners.
Són consensos. Els protocols són consensos
They are consensuses. The protocols are consensuses.
per tal que tothom estigui confortablement
so that everyone is comfortably
i ningú se senti incòmode.
And nobody feels uncomfortable.
I aprendre. Són petites normes
And to learn. They are small rules.
que t'ajuden a una convivència.
that help you with coexistence.
Perquè la taula és molt perillosa.
Because the table is very dangerous.
I és que hi ha armes a la taula. Hi ha ganivets.
And there are weapons on the table. There are knives.
Llavors, els ganivets, fixa't que
Then, the knives, notice that
sempre han d'anar cap a dins, perquè
they always have to go inward, because
si no, poden tallar. Els ganivets
If not, they can cut. The knives.
no pots assenyalar amb un ganivet,
you cannot point with a knife,
perquè, doncs,
so, then,
és perillosíssim. Hi ha forquilles que
it's extremely dangerous. There are forks that
claven, hi ha copes que
they hit, there are glasses that
tallen... I, per tant,
they cut... And, therefore,
conviure en una taula amb gent desconeguda,
to live at a table with unknown people,
doncs, has de tenir un cert
well, you have to have a certain
constrenyiment per tal
constraint in order to
De no acabar enfarinant ningú, no?
Not ending up flouring anyone, right?
I que l'atreveixi, que ets dòcil, diguéssim.
And let it dare, because you are docile, let's say.
Sí, no. I és que, a més,
Yes, no. And it's just that, moreover,
a mesura que ens anem escalfant,
as we start to warm up,
i la conversa, això ho pot
and the conversation, this can
pots matar el teu... Perquè és el que et ve
you can kill your... Because it's what comes to you
més de gust, no? Matar
More enjoyable, isn't it? To kill.
tota la monolla.
all the nonsense.
Però, respecte a això del porró, és veritat
But, regarding this about the porró, it is true.
que si tu estàs en una taula on es veu el porró,
that if you are at a table where the porró can be seen,
no és qüestió de fer-se la fina,
it's not a matter of being coy,
diguéssim, o la bota, sinó que
let's say, or the boot, but rather
el veus i punt.
You see him, period.
Si el porró, no en tinc ni idea, perquè mira que és una dificultat
If the porró, I have no idea, because just look at how difficult it is.
enorme de no morir-me afegada
enormous not to die added
en l'intent aquest, no?
in this attempt, right?
I trobo que és dificilíssim.
I find it extremely difficult.
Jo, per favor, prefereixo
Me, please, I prefer.
mil situacions de copes de cap,
a thousand situations of headaches,
perquè ho trobo molt més fàcil
because I find it much easier
que no allò del porró,
not that thing with the porró,
que és un art, perquè és una habilitat.
which is an art, because it is a skill.
Veure un porró és una habilitat.
Seeing a pitcher is a skill.
L'altre, simplement, és conèixer unes normes,
The other is simply to know some rules,
però veure un porró és una habilitat
but seeing a pot is a skill
que s'ha de... A més, s'ha d'aprendre
that it must... Furthermore, one must learn
a mida de practicar i...
as a way to practice and...
Vull dir, és com un...
I mean, it's like a...
És com un curset.
It's like a mini-course.
Sense cap mena de dubte.
Without any doubt.
A favor o en contra de les copes de colors?
In favor or against colored glasses?
Ho dic perquè
I'm saying it because
hi ha alguns modernors que diuen ara...
there are some modernists who say now...
Bé, jo havia estat a casa... Jo recordo una vegada
Well, I had been at home... I remember a time
que vaig estar a casa molt, molt, molt, molt, molt, molt...
that I was at home very, very, very, very, very, very...
Molt setentera? No.
Very seventies? No.
Molt, molt, molt, molt, molt, molt...
Very, very, very, very, very, very...
Bueno, setentera, sisentera, cinquentera i gòtica.
Well, seventy-year-old, sixty-year-old, fifty-year-old, and Gothic.
Molt, molt, molt, molt bona.
Very, very, very, very good.
Molt, molt, molt, molt, molt bona.
Very, very, very, very, very good.
Que ells servien el vi...
That they served the wine...
Que no podien escriure... No els hi cabia el cognom a dintre
They couldn't write... Their surname didn't fit inside.
d'una pàgina. No, molt bo.
from a page. No, very good.
I ells servien
And they served
el vi, o el vi,
the wine, or the wine,
ja fos blanc, negre o el gà, amb copes de colors.
whether it was white, black, or the rooster, with colored cups.
I jo ja estava
And I was already
en aguitors, perquè ens havien dit sempre, no sé quantos,
in aguitors, because they had always told us, I don't know how many,
i vaig arribar a la conclusió que
I came to the conclusion that
la vaixella era boníssima, no sé què,
the dishes were very good, I don't know what,
venecià, no sé quin rotllo patatero, però
Venetian, I don't know what potato nonsense, but
i era de color, en aquest cas, perquè era
and it was colored, in this case, because it was
la casa tan bona, tan bona, tan bona, que ells
the house so good, so good, so good, that they
ja comptaven que el vi era boníssim. És a dir, que no
They already said that the wine was excellent. That is to say, that it wasn't.
calia que li veiessis tu el color, que el podien camuflar
It was necessary for you to see the color, as they could camouflage it.
i per això la copa era de color.
And that's why the cup was colorful.
I com que tenia les copes,
And since I had the glasses,
perquè després també treure una...
because then also take out a...
una bona vaixella, de vegades,
a good dinnerware, sometimes,
passa per sobre de la qualitat del vi,
overrides the quality of the wine,
diguéssim. Però aquesta gent estaven
let's say. But these people were
tan convençuts del...
so convinced of...
També vaig anar una altra vegada a una casa molt, molt, molt, molt bona,
I also went to a very, very, very, very nice house again,
molt, molt, molt, molt bona,
very, very, very, very good,
que em van donar peixuga a la planxa i es van quedar tan ampla
they served me grilled fish and they were so pleased
perquè ells consideraven que, com que hi havia
because they considered that, since there was
goies a les parets, doncs que ja tot el demés ja
you go to the walls, because everything else already
ho tenien fet, diguéssim, no calia demostrar res més.
they had it done, let's say, there was no need to prove anything else.
Llavors jo crec que la cosa deu ser. A veure, a mi
So I think it must be. Let's see, to me...
realment, jo, com que
really, I, since that
a casa meva hi ha moltes
At my house, there are many.
reminiscències dels anys 60 i 60,
reminiscences of the 60s and 70s.
evidentment, doncs aquelles copes
obviously, then those cups
l'on tan entranyables de color
the endearing purple light
tirant granat, i després hi ha
pulling a grenade, and then there is
grogues i verdes, i jo sempre hi tinc
yellow and green, and I always have it
una relació com molt entranyable, les trobo
a very endearing relationship, I find them
delicioses perquè, a més, tot torna
delicious because, moreover, everything comes back
i allò que em semblava horrorós em sembla meravellós.
And what seemed horrifying to me seems wonderful.
Però és veritat que és un
But it is true that it is a
sacrilegi, si ets un gastrònom,
sacrilege, if you are a gastronome,
no poder percebre tots els matisos
not being able to perceive all the nuances
del vi que et facilita,
of the wine that it provides you,
que és el color, com tu dius,
what is the color, as you say,
la textura, la llàgrima...
the texture, the tear...
Per tant, ara
Therefore, now
sempre són transparents, però
they are always transparent, but
depèn, ara vas als casaments cuquis
it depends, now you go to the cute weddings
i tot és de color
and everything is colorful
perquè són aquells gots
because they are those glasses
i tot plegat, que són
and all in all, what are they
de colors...
of colors...
Són com unes copes que són molt típiques
They are like glasses that are very typical.
portugueses, no? Molt...
Portuguese, right? Very...
També amb relleu...
Also with relief...
O sigui, és anti
So, it's anti.
el que ens han explicat per tastar, perquè
what they have explained to us to taste, because
és gruixuda.
it is thick.
Té la tija
It has the stem.
No és lleugera, pesa.
It is not light, it weighs.
Treca's el canyell.
Take out the bucket.
Està de color.
It's colored.
Tot al revés, però queda fantàsticament.
Everything is the other way around, but it looks fantastic.
I tothom boníssim.
And everyone very nice.
És com ho comentaves abans, no?
It's like you mentioned before, right?
En el seu dia, les copes eren com eren.
In their day, the cups were what they were.
Jo recordo, per exemple, una vaixella que tenia la meva mare,
I remember, for example, a dinnerware set that my mother had,
que el cel sí que la va retar de la seva,
that the sky did challenge her from its own,
i era una vaixella amb dibuixos,
and it was a dishware with drawings,
amb daurats, etcètera.
with golds, etcetera.
No tenia cap importància...
It didn't matter at all...
Cristalleria, perdona.
Glassware, sorry.
I, per tant, no veies res. Estava tot...
And therefore, I saw nothing. It was all...
Els dibuixos tacaven, diguéssim.
The drawings were smudged, let's say.
Ah, sí, és veritat. Hi havia aquelles típiques de cava...
Ah, yes, it's true. There were those typical cava ones...
Fins i tot amb la vora daurada.
Even with the golden edge.
Sí, sí, sí.
Yes, yes, yes.
Es tenia en compte només allò com a objecte...
It was only considered as an object...
Per decorar, la taula.
To decorate, the table.
Després hi ha aquest punt, ara tot transparent,
Then there is this point, now all transparent,
perquè hi ha aquesta evolució en la cultura del vida,
because there is this evolution in the culture of life,
no només l'olor, no només el gust,
not only the smell, not only the taste,
també hem de mirar-lo de cara a la llum,
we also have to look at it in the light,
per veure...
to see...
I ara sembla que hi ha com una mena de revolució contracultural
And now it seems that there is kind of a countercultural revolution.
de dir, escolta, deixi'm en pau,
to say, listen, leave me alone,
jo vull gots blaus a taula,
I want blue glasses on the table,
i deixi'm en pau.
And leave me alone.
Blaus o el que sigui.
Blues or whatever.
Ah, que ell diu que volen d'això.
Ah, he says they want this.
No, no, però és que, bueno,
No, no, but it's just that, well,
els que es van casar als 70,
those who married in the 70s,
les famílies dels 70-70 tenen aquells balons de coloreines,
the families of the 70-70 have those colorful balloons,
però els dels 90,
but those from the 90s,
i he vist copes de cava metàl·liques,
I have seen metallic champagne glasses,
de colors, les heu vistes,
of colors, have you seen them,
copes de cava, flauta, metàl·liques,
champagne flutes, metal,
que em sembla ja, o sigui,
what I think already, I mean,
vamos de denunciar.
Let's go to report.
Jo t'entenc.
I understand you.
No, no, jo no l'he vist, ara fins i tot jo,
No, no, I haven't seen him, now even I have.
els clics de famòdil, ara recordo tenir-ho, però...
the famodils' clicks, now I remember having it, but...
És que a mi ara m'ha vingut al cap...
It's just that it has come to my mind now...
T'ha semblat el sangrial.
Did you like the sangral?
Ah, exacte.
Ah, exactly.
No, ara m'ha vingut al cap les copes d'això, no?,
No, now I've just thought of the cups of this, right?
quan veus sèries de l'època de l'imperi romà,
when you watch series from the time of the Roman Empire,
o dels vikings, o dels cavallers medievals...
or of the Vikings, or of the medieval knights...
No s'havien inventat el vidre.
They had not invented glass.
No, que no s'havien inventat el vidre, que allà...
No, they hadn't invented glass, that there...
Tu és dels que penses en l'imperi romà un cop al dia, ja veiem.
You are one of those who thinks about the Roman Empire once a day, clearly.
No, avui, avui, bàsicament,
No, today, today, basically,
perquè t'he vist a tu que ets com el meu gladiador preferit.
Because I've seen you and you are like my favorite gladiator.
Ho sabia, ho sabia.
I knew it, I knew it.
I per això penso...
And that's why I think...
Per això he vingut sense camisa i sense...
That's why I came without a shirt and without...
A pecho de escurriera.
A chest of drawers.
Escolta, ara que parlaves del sangrial,
Listen, now that you were speaking about the Holy Grail,
ara aquesta és com la copa, no?
now this is like the cup, right?
Sí, sí, no, no, no.
Yes, yes, no, no, no.
És la mare de totes les copes, no?, la del sangrial.
It's the mother of all cups, isn't it? The Holy Grail.
És experta, però vaja, sí, sí, és la mare de totes les copes.
She is an expert, but well, yes, yes, she is the mother of all cups.
A més, un moment, abans d'acabar amb això de les copes de colors i les formes i tal,
Furthermore, a moment, before finishing with this about colored cups and shapes and all that,
realment, la cosa que ara s'ha posat de moda,
really, the thing that has now become trendy,
el que realment ara està a última moda,
what is really in fashion now,
és donar-te un pot de conserva.
It's like giving you a jar of preserves.
Et donen un pot de conserva.
They give you a jar of preserves.
Per beure?
To drink?
Sí, sí, pot.
Yes, yes, he can.
Et posen la cervesa amb un pot de conserva, que no ho heu vist.
They serve you the beer in a jar, you haven't seen that.
Però què és un pot de conserva? No m'entén.
But what is a can of preserves? You don't understand me.
Un pot de conserva.
A jar of preserves.
Un pot de tomàquet en conserva.
A jar of canned tomatoes.
No, un pot de tomàquet en conserva.
No, a jar of canned tomatoes.
I no et talles els llavis, no m'entenc, això.
And don't cut your lips, I don't understand this.
No, però no és una llauna, eh?
No, but it's not a can, okay?
És un vidre.
It is a glass.
Ah, ah, ah.
Ah, ah, ah.
És un vidre de melmelada.
It is a jar of jam.
Val, val, val.
Okay, okay, okay.
Un vidre de melmelada.
A jar of jam.
No m'entenc.
I don't understand myself.
Un pot de vidre de conserva.
A glass jar for canning.
I hi posen la cervesa.
And they put the beer there.
I falta poc.
It's almost done.
Per què et posin la llauna, eh?
Why do they put you in the can, huh?
Estic convençuda.
I am convinced.
Això de l'estabilització.
This about stabilization.
De cap manera la vull copa o got, me la pec directament de l'ampolla.
I don't want it in a glass or cup at all, just pour it directly from the bottle.
Hi ha gent que al revés, no, amb l'ampolla ni parlar-ne.
There are people who, on the contrary, won't even talk about the bottle.
Això també ha d'arribar aquí, perquè jo, si vas a Bells i que ho vas a llocs de cervesa
This also has to reach here, because I, if you go to Bells and you go to beer places.
o a la banja i demés, també la cervesa, també tenen uns embolics per copes i copetes,
or at the bar and so on, also the beer, they also have some mix-ups for drinks and small glasses,
les cerveseries, cada cerveseria té la seva copa.
The breweries, each brewery has its own glass.
I gerres.
I jars.
I gerres, sí, però ho dic, també hi ha tota una derivada en el món de la cervesa, eh?
I jars, yes, but I also say there is a whole derivative in the world of beer, huh?
Però absolutament.
But absolutely.
Esteu a favor dels didalets, popularment coneguts com a xupitos.
Are you in favor of didalets, commonly known as shots?
És que m'agrada la paraula didalets.
I just like the word didalets.
Que farà un didalet de vidols, és que m'encanta.
What will a little doll made of reeds do? I just love it.
A favor o no d'aquesta manera?
In favor or not in this way?
Jo a favor, si ets restaurador, has d'estar en un a favor sempre,
I in favor, if you are a restorer, you should always be in favor.
perquè és una forma d'allargar la història, tornar a demanar una altra postra,
because it is a way of extending the story, to order another dessert again,
després d'un didalet també una altra, i és la porta que...
after a little while, another one, and it's the door that...
El didalet, el xupito, és la clau que obre la porta del rest de la nit, diguéssim.
The shot glass is the key that opens the door to the rest of the night, we could say.
Per tant, de cara als empresaris de la nit i del dia de l'astronomia...
Therefore, regarding the night and day entrepreneurs of astronomy...
Ha baixat molt, eh?
It has dropped a lot, hasn't it?
Ha baixat molt.
It has dropped a lot.
Ha baixat radicalment, des de fa anys, eh?
It has radically decreased, for years now, right?
O sigui, realment, la quantitat de licors que es venen...
I mean, really, the amount of liquors that are sold...
La varietat, no la quantitat, eh?
Variety, not quantity, right?
Es van venent, però la varietat que abans havíem de tenir tot, de tot havíem de tenir...
They are selling out, but the variety that we used to have everything, we had to have everything...
Hi havia aquella època de...
There was that time of...
L'estomacal bonet.
The stomach bonet.
Si voleu que fem aromes de Montserrat, estomacal bonet, licor 43, el ponche caballero...
If you want us to make Montserrat aromas, stomach bonet, licor 43, the caballero punch...
I va haver-hi tota aquella època dels...
There was all that time of the...
Els pomiers i els petxers.
The apple trees and the pomegranates.
Els petxers i tot això.
The chestpieces and all that.
Tot això va ser increïble.
All of this was incredible.
Va mig matar la humanitat, allò va mig matar l'humanitat.
It half-killed humanity, that half-killed humanity.
Sí, home, els que hagueu sobreviscut allò...
Yes, man, those of you who survived that...
Jo crec que hi ha tres persones que han sobreviscut allò, però nosaltres...
I believe that there are three people who have survived that, but we...
Duríssim, eh?
Very tough, huh?
Quan hi ha aquesta dolçor...
When there is this sweetness...
Som duríssims nosaltres.
We are very tough.
Duríssims, i ens ho vam prenent tranquil·lament.
Very tough, and we took it calmly.
Però és veritat que s'ha...
But it is true that it has...
Aquella dolçor extrema que...
That extreme sweetness that...
Ara ja...
Now already...
Ara es va posar de moda...
Now it has become fashionable...
Ara no sé si encara està de moda, però jo crec que bastant sí.
I don't know if it's still in fashion, but I think it quite possibly is.
Però la reivindicació dels Jerez i dels Palos Cortados i tot això...
But the claim of the Jerez and the Palos Cortados and all that...
Ja no està de moda, tampoc.
It's no longer in fashion, either.
No, no, no.
No, no, no.
Ja ha passat a millor glòria.
He has passed on to better glory.
A nosaltres ens encanten.
We love them.
És que abans era molt habitual, l'aperitiu, era habitual això d'un Jerez...
It was very common before, the aperitif, it was common to have a sherry...
La gent sabia distingir entre una manzanilla...
People knew how to distinguish between a chamomile...
Que també, perdona que et talli, però la copa de Jerez aquella del teu periodo de la vida...
That also, sorry to interrupt you, but the Jerez cup from that period of your life...
Tot allò res ara, perquè també ha d'anar amb copa gran, diguéssim.
All that means nothing now, because it also has to go with a large glass, let's say.
Ah, sí?
Oh, really?
Home, clar, però tot això tu has de poder...
Home, of course, but you have to be able to...
Ah, gràcies per dir-m'ho, perquè com que no hem actualitzat això...
Ah, thank you for telling me, because since we haven't updated this...
Si és un Palo Cortado o un Jerez o una cosa d'aquestes, has de poder morrar el nas a dintre de la...
If it's a Palo Cortado or a Sherry or something like that, you should be able to stick your nose inside the...
És que tots els sentits, has d'estar tots els sentits allà ficant-te la cua.
It's that all the senses, you have to have all your senses there putting your tail in.
Tot el dia està cotitzada.
The whole day is quoted.
Però t'haig de dir que és una cultura extraordinària de la Jerez, eh?
But I have to tell you that it is an extraordinary culture of Jerez, huh?
Home, és fantàstic quan te l'explica.
Man, it's fantastic when he tells you about it.
A casa nostra hi ha hagut una revifada a la Ratafia, per exemple.
In our house, there has been a resurgence of Ratafia, for example.
Home, totalment.
Home, totally.
Totalment, ara redueix a Ratafia i a Limonchelo.
Totally, now reduce to Ratafia and Limoncello.
Que vindria a ser el primer, a Limonchelo i tot allò, sí, sí.
It would be the first, to Limonchelo and all that, yes, yes.
Mare de Déu.
Mother of God.
Però aquelles copes, que jo he ratat perquè jo estic a l'Eixample i ja sabeu, bueno, no sé si heu vingut a Sant Ploniana,
But those cups, which I missed because I am in the Eixample and you know, well, I don't know if you have come to Sant Ploniana,
però que és molt així, és molt variat, i després, bé, l'Eixample és un barri de pisos de gent gran,
but it is very much so, it is very varied, and then, well, the Eixample is a neighborhood of apartments for elderly people,
i a mi t'acaba...
and it ends for me...
Bueno, la qüestió és que hereto, hereto moltes copes i les que sobre...
Well, the thing is that I drink a lot, a lot of glasses and the ones left over...
Però què vols dir, que heretes a tots els morts de l'Eixample les heretes tu o com va la pel·lícula?
But what do you mean, that you inherit all the dead of the Eixample or how does the story go?
Totes les copes de la gent que es mora...
All the glasses of the people who die...
O ho estaves fomitzant, feia un rato que estava donant-li copes...
Either you were throwing up, I had been serving him drinks for a while...
O són parents teus o...
Either they are your relatives or...
No, no.
No, no.
Que la gent diuen...
That people say...
Els veïns.
The neighbors.
Aquests de buidar les cases, no els hi caben les cases noves, o no els agrada, no convida...
These people of emptying the houses, the new houses don't fit them, or they don't like them, they don't invite...
És que una vaixella gran, a veure on la fiques ara, eh?
It's just that a big dish, let's see where you put it now, huh?
És que les vaixelles ja gairebé no m'arriben.
It's just that the dishes almost don't reach me anymore.
Entre això i el poni, és que està...
Between this and the pony, it is that it is...
La vida moderna no està preparada per la civilització i les bones maneres, t'ho dic.
Modern life is not prepared for civilization and good manners, I'm telling you.
No, a veure, que les cases, les...
No, let's see, the houses, the...
Ai, perdona...
Oh, sorry...
Estàvem dient que heretes...
We were saying that you inherit...
Que, que, que, que, que...
What, what, what, what, what...
Heretes la cristalleria.
You inherit the glassware.
Que tot m'arriba escantonat, però hi ha una cosa que m'arriba irredempta i eterna, que són els hidalets.
Everything reaches me fragmented, but there is one thing that reaches me unredeemed and eternal, which is the little nobles.
No es trenquen, perquè no es fan servir mai.
They don't break because they are never used.
Of course.
Llavors, rebo, o sigui, hereto totes les col·leccions moníssimes que han cuidat,
Then, I receive, I mean, I inherit all the lovely collections they have taken care of,
han guardat a la vitrina durant...
they have kept in the display case for...
50, 60, 80 anys, i m'arriben perfectes, i em fa molta il·lusió.
50, 60, 80 years, and they come to me perfectly, and it makes me very happy.
I, però ara em falta la gent que se'l vulgui prendre, el hidalet.
And, but now I lack the people who want to take it, the little drink.
Ah, clar.
Ah, of course.
Gràcies, ho hem de deixar aquí.
Thank you, we have to leave it here.
Home, quina pena, eh?
Come on, what a shame, huh?
Moltíssimes gràcies per aquesta conversa tan divertida i tan constructiva sobre protocol i cristalleries i tot plegat.
Thank you very much for this fun and constructive conversation about protocol and glassware and everything.
Moltíssimes gràcies per venir, Marc Giró, moltíssimes gràcies a la parellada.
Thank you very much for coming, Marc Giró, thank you very much to the pair.
I a tots vosaltres, gràcies i fins la propera.
And to all of you, thank you and until next time.
Que vagi bé.
Take care.
RAC Més 1 i Vins i Licors Grau us han ofert
RAC Més 1 and Vins i Licors Grau have offered you.
360 graus.
360 degrees.
Un podcast per saber per què bevem el que bevem.
A podcast to understand why we drink what we drink.
RAC Més 1 i Vins i Licors Grau us han ofert 360 graus.
RAC Més 1 and Vins i Licors Grau have offered you 360 degrees.
Un podcast per saber per què bevem el que bevem.
A podcast to understand why we drink what we drink.
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