Capítol 9: Viatgem fins a Colòmbia per fer la Transcordilleras amb bicicleta de grava


Quilòmetre vertical

Capítol 9: Viatgem fins a Colòmbia per fer la Transcordilleras amb bicicleta de grava

Quilòmetre vertical

Us imagineu pedalar sobre una bicicleta de grava

Can you imagine pedaling on a gravel bike?

més de 4 dies non-stop entre 2.000 i 4.000 metres d'altitud?

More than 4 days non-stop between 2,000 and 4,000 meters in altitude?

En aquest capítol viatjarem fins a Colòmbia

In this chapter we will travel to Colombia.

per participar en la Transcordilleres.

to participate in the Transcordilleres.

RAC més 1 i Comut,

RAC plus 1 and Comut,

l'aplicació mòbil per a navegació i planificació de rutes,

the mobile application for navigation and route planning,

us ofereixen quilòmetre vertical amb Xavi Alujas.

they offer you a vertical kilometer with Xavi Alujas.

Benvinguts al nou i darrer capítol

Welcome to the new and last chapter.

d'aquesta temporada de quilòmetre vertical.

of this vertical kilometer season.

Avui viatjarem fins a Colòmbia

Today we will travel to Colombia.

per participar en la Transcordilleres,

to participate in the Transcordilleres,

una prova de gairebé 1.000 quilòmetres de distància

a test of almost 1,000 kilometers in distance

i amb uns 20.000 metres de desnivell positiu acumulat.

and with about 20,000 meters of accumulated positive elevation gain.

Aquesta aventura comença a la ciutat de Càlid,

This adventure begins in the city of Càlid,

a la vall del Cauca,

in the Cauca valley,

i acaba a Guasca, a les afores de Bogotà,

and ends in Guasca, on the outskirts of Bogotá,

travessant 3 de les principals serralades del país.

crossing 3 of the main mountain ranges of the country.

Una de les principals dificultats

One of the main difficulties

és l'altitud per on transcorre.

It is the altitude at which it runs.

La major part del recorregut es pedala

Most of the route is cycled.

al voltant dels 2.500 metres d'altitud

around 2,500 meters in altitude

i fa cim, a gairebé 4.000 metres,

and it peaks at nearly 4,000 meters,

al Paramo de Sumabaz.

to the Sumabaz Páramo.

L'organització d'aquesta prova

The organization of this test

la permet fer en diferents modalitats.

it allows you to do it in different modalities.

La non-stop, el rellotge, no para en cap moment

The non-stop, the clock, does not stop at any moment.

i és cada participant qui tria quan descansa.

And it is each participant who chooses when to rest.

També es pot fer en 8 i en 3 etapes

It can also be done in 8 and in 3 stages.

en les quals el rellotge sí que s'atura

in which the clock does stop

i s'acaba sumant al temps de cadascuna d'elles.

and it ends up adding to the time of each of them.

Nosaltres avui la viurem

We will live it today.

en format non-stop i en parella mixta

in non-stop format and in mixed pairs

amb els nostres protagonistes,

with our protagonists,

l'Ada Xinxó i el Sant Ibal.

Ada Xinxó and Saint Ibal.

L'Ada Xinxó i el Sant Ibal

Ada Xinxó and Saint Ibal

són parella des de fa molts anys

They have been a couple for many years.

i des de sempre han viscut les seves vacances

and they have always spent their holidays

d'una manera ben diferent de la resta.

in a way very different from the rest.

Sempre viatgen amb les seves bicicletes,

They always travel with their bicycles,

ja sigui en BTT o de grava.

whether on a mountain bike or on gravel.

I no només coneixen nous racons de món,

And they not only discover new corners of the world,

sinó que participen en proves

but participate in tests

per fer-les junts en format non-stop

to do them together in a non-stop format

i en bikepacking.

and in bikepacking.

No patiu, que durant la conversa

Don't worry, that during the conversation

tindrem temps de saber què és això del bikepacking.

We will have time to find out what bikepacking is.

De seguida els saludo,

I greet them right away,

però deixeu-me que us faci 5 cèntims

but let me give you my two cents

de què són les bicicletes de gravel

What are gravel bikes made for?

o, com ho hauríem de dir en català correcte,

or, how we should say it in correct Catalan,

de grava o d'aventura.

of gravel or adventure.

Són bicicletes molt semblants

They are very similar bicycles.

pel que fa a la geometria a les bicis de carretera,

as far as geometry on road bikes is concerned,

amb un manillar molt semblant,

with a very similar handlebar,

però el quadre i les rodes estan adaptats

but the frame and the wheels are adapted

per fer-les servir també fora de l'asfalt,

to use them also off the asphalt,

amb un pas de roda més gran,

with a larger wheelbase,

ja que les rodes són més amples

since the wheels are wider

i normalment tenen un dibuix

And they usually have a drawing.

per tenir una millor tracció sobre grava,

to have better traction on gravel,

terra o sorra,

soil or sand,

tot i que també es poden fer servir

although they can also be used

en corriols poc tècnics,

on little technical paths,

sense moltes pedres ni gaires arrels.

without many stones or many roots.

Cada dia hi ha més addictes

Every day there are more addicts.

a aquest tipus de bicicletes

to this type of bicycles

i estan guanyant molta popularitat.

and they are gaining a lot of popularity.

De fet, cada dia s'organitzen més proves

In fact, more tests are being organized every day.

fins al punt que l'octubre del 2022

until the point that October 2022

es va disputar la primera vegada

it was held for the first time

el primer Mundial de Ciclisme en grava

the first Gravel Cycling World Championship

a Veneto, a Itàlia.

to Veneto, in Italy.

I ara que ja ens hem fet una lleugera idea

And now that we have a slight idea.

de com són les bicicletes de grava,

about what gravel bikes are like,

agafem la Flaca i la Solsonina,

let's take the Flaca and the Solsonina,

que són les dues bicicletes de l'Ada i el Santi,

they are Ada and Santi's two bicycles,

i anem a reviure la Transcordillera.

And let's relive the Transcordillera.

Adar i Santi,

Adar and Santi,

benvinguts a Kilòmetre Vertical.

welcome to Kilometre Vertical.

Hola, moltes gràcies.

Hello, thank you very much.

Bona tarda.

Good afternoon.

Moltes gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you very much to you all.

A veure, Ada i Santi,

Let's see, Ada and Santi,

vosaltres sou uns addictes a les proves llargues,

you are addicted to long tests.

non-stop, que feu en BTT o en gravel?

non-stop, what do you do in mountain biking or gravel?

Al capítol 69 del Fem Muntanya

In chapter 69 of Fem Muntanya

ja vam parlar amb tu, Ada,

we already talked with you, Ada,

de la MB Últimer i de la Seven Serpents.

from the MB Últimer and from the Seven Serpents.

En aquest capítol de Kilòmetre Vertical

In this chapter of Kilòmetre Vertical

vull parlar amb vosaltres

I want to talk with you.

de la Transcordillera a Colòmbia.

from the Transcordillera to Colombia.

Ada i Santi, com la vau conèixer?

Ada and Santi, how did you meet?

i què és el que us va cridar més l'atenció?

And what was it that caught your attention the most?

Doncs aquesta la vam conèixer...

Well, we met her...

És culpa del Santi, o sigui, que us ho expliqui ell,

It's Santi's fault, so he should explain it to you.

perquè va ser ell el que va localitzar aquesta cursa

because it was he who located this race

i me la va proposar.

and he/she suggested it to me.

Bé, bé, bé, la nostra ja s'havia passat així de dir, inversa.

Well, well, well, ours had already passed like this, inverted.

O sigui, necessitàvem fer vacances a principi d'any,

So, we needed to take a holiday at the beginning of the year,

per temes de calendari.

for scheduling reasons.

A principi d'any, en aquesta part del món, fa molta fresca.

At the beginning of the year, in this part of the world, it is very cool.

Anem a traient opcions, vaja.

We are narrowing down options, it seems.

I amb això, mirant la pàgina web de,

And with this, looking at the website,

que és una web internacional,

that is an international website,

que hi ha moltes rutes per tot el món,

that there are many routes all over the world,

anem a veure això que es feia a l'altre hemisferi

let's see this that was done in the other hemisphere

i s'ajustava bastant als desitjos.

and it fit quite well with the wishes.

Tindre més o menys una temperatura acceptable

To have more or less an acceptable temperature.

i, sobretot, de fer vacances,

and, above all, to take a vacation,

de descobrir alguna zona nova i que tinguessin al·licients extres.

to discover some new area that had extra incentives.

Havíeu estat abans a Colòmbia o us estrenàveu?

Had you been to Colombia before or were you experiencing it for the first time?

No, no, la primera vegada.

No, no, the first time.

Perquè a Costa Rica sí que vau estar fa poc temps, també.

Because you were in Costa Rica recently, too.

Correcte, l'any passat, també, pel gener,

Correct, last year too, in January,

el mateix que comentava el Santi,

the same as what Santi was mentioning,

buscant un bon temps i poder fer vacances

looking for good weather and being able to take a vacation

al que és la fora d'època

to what is out of season

per al que estem acostumats d'aquí, les vacances,

for what we are used to around here, holidays,

vam anar a parar a fer una ruta a Costa Rica,

we ended up taking a route in Costa Rica,

que l'any passat la vam fer pel nostre compte,

that last year we did it on our own,

sense que fos res organitzat,

without it being anything organized,

també amb bypacking,

also with bypacking,

i aquest cop vam trobar aquesta cursa,

and this time we found this race,

amb el format non-esto, nosaltres la vam fer,

with the non-esto format, we made it,

i que ens va cridar molt l'atenció.

and that caught our attention a lot.

Hi haurà oients que ho sabran,

There will be listeners who will know it,

però pels que no estan gaire avasats.

but for those who are not very accustomed.

Què és el bypacking?

What is bypacking?

Bé, el bypacking, més que res,

Well, the bypacking, more than anything,

és el que ens coneixia sempre per cicloturisme,

it's what always knew us for cycling tourism,

més que res és agafar-te la teva bicicleta,

more than anything it's to take your bike,

les coses que puguis necessitar,

the things you may need,

i anar-te'n de viatge.

and go on a trip.

Això és el que resumiria jo com a bypacking.

This is how I would summarize backpacking.

El que passa és que ara hi ha com unes bosses específiques,

What happens is that now there are specific bags,

que són molt més còmodes per portar tot aquest material,

that are much more comfortable for carrying all this material,

i n'hi diuen, doncs, bypacking.

And they call it, then, bypacking.

Una prova com aquesta, de gairebé 1.000 quilòmetres,

A trial like this, of nearly 1,000 kilometers,

i més de 20.000 metres de desnivell positiu,

and more than 20,000 meters of positive elevation,

com es prepara, però tant a nivell físic,

how it is prepared, both physically,

com a nivell mental,

as at a mental level,

i sobretot, també, m'imagino, que a nivell de material.

And above all, I also imagine that at the material level.

S'ha de provar tot,

You have to try everything,

i no podeu anar a estar 4 o 5 dies pedalant

and you can't spend 4 or 5 days cycling

sense provar tot el material que heu de fer servir.

without trying all the material you have to use.

Doncs, a nivell físic,

Well, on a physical level,

no hem arribat com haguéssim volgut,

we have not arrived as we would have liked,

senzillament per la temporada que és,

simply for the season it is,

perquè per nosaltres aquí és l'hivern,

because for us here it is winter,

i ens ha donat molt poc marge

and has given us very little margin.

quan vam decidir que anàvem cap aquí,

when we decided we were heading this way,

ja era quasi desembre,

it was almost December,

i clar, a l'hivern hi ha menys hores de llum,

and of course, in winter there are fewer hours of daylight,

i no hem pogut entrar tot el que volíem,

and we haven't been able to cover everything we wanted to.


we would like.

A la contra, a nivell mental,

On the contrary, on a mental level,

com que hi havem consciència de tot això,

since we are aware of all this,

s'arribava molt més sòlids,

they arrived much more solid,

sense tindre certes aspiracions molt grans,

without having certain very big aspirations,

sinó senzillament amb actitud

but simply with attitude

d'intentar disfrutar-ho el màxim possible,

to try to enjoy it as much as possible,

que surti el millor possible.

may it turn out as well as possible.

Jo tenia, a més a més, un petit hàndicap

I also had a small handicap.

que porto lesionada bastant de temps,

that I have been injured for quite a while,

i llavors, al novembre, desembre,

and then, in November, December,

vaig estar molt centrada en intentar recuperar la lesió,

I was very focused on trying to recover from the injury.

i també al gener vam fer una miqueta de portadeta,

and also in January we did a little bit of a cover page,

intentar fer més quilòmetres,

try to do more kilometers,

per no arribar amb tants pocs quilòmetres a les cames,

to not arrive with so few kilometers in the legs,

però al final era això, anàvem de vacances,

but in the end it was this, we were going on vacation,

anàvem a viure l'experiència,

we were going to live the experience,

i a gaudir de Colòmbia,

and enjoy Colombia,

a conèixer un nou país, a conèixer gent,

to get to know a new country, to meet people,

i al final el resultat de la cursa

and in the end the result of the race

tampoc era el més important.

it wasn't the most important either.

Ara ho parlàveu, no?

You were talking about it now, weren't you?

Si heu aprofitat les vostres vacances

If you have enjoyed your holidays

per anar-hi,

to get there,

la prova s'ha disputat del 12 al 19 de febrer,

the competition took place from February 12 to 19.

vosaltres, quan marxeu de casa

you, when do you leave home

i quan heu tornat?

And when have you returned?

Doncs nosaltres vam marxar el dia 4

Well, we left on the 4th.

amb la intenció d'arribar uns dies abans

with the intention of arriving a few days early

per poder fer una miqueta de climatació a l'alçada,

to be able to do a little bit of heating at altitude,

aquest era un altre factor.

this was another factor.

Ja no era tant també el tema dels quilòmetres,

It was no longer just about the kilometers,

sinó que a Colòmbia,

but in Colombia,

durant la cursa,

during the race,

la cursa es diu Transcordilleres

the race is called Transcordilleres

perquè creua les tres cordilleres

because it crosses the three mountain ranges

de Zandes a Colòmbia,

from Zandes to Colombia,

i clar, havíem d'arribar a pedalar fins a 3.800 metres,

And of course, we had to pedal up to 3,800 meters.

i no era tan sols,

and I was not alone,

el punt aquest més alt,

the highest point this month,

sinó el fet que molts dels quilòmetres

but the fact that many of the kilometers

els havíem de fer pedalant per sobre dels 2.000 metres

we had to do it pedaling above 2,000 meters

o, bàsicament, 2.500 metres.

Oh, basically, 2,500 meters.

Llavors, la nostra idea va ser

Then, our idea was

anar-hi uns dies abans,

go there a few days earlier,

vam volar a Bogotà,

we flew to Bogotá,

que és també on acabava la cursa,

which is also where the race ended,

i vam, després de muntar les bicicletes

and we went, after assembling the bicycles

i estar un dia per allà

and spend a day there

a conèixer Bogotà,

to get to know Bogotá,

vam sortir pedalant i vam fer una ruta

we went out cycling and we did a route

de dos dies per la zona de Cundinamarca,

over the course of two days in the Cundinamarca area,

pedalant sempre

always pedaling

a més de 2.500 metres.

at more than 2,500 meters.

És que s'ha de tenir en compte que Bogotà

It must be taken into account that Bogotá

ja és a 2.500 metres d'alçada.

It is already at 2,500 meters above sea level.

Com porteu totes les bicicletes

How do you carry all the bicycles?

i tot el material necessari?

And all the necessary material?

Perquè si a vegades viatjar durant tres setmanes,

Because if sometimes traveling for three weeks,

ja m'hi poso, no?

I'm getting started, right?

Has de portar no sé quantes maletes de roba,

You have to bring I don't know how many suitcases of clothes,

de recanvis i tal.

of spare parts and such.

Com transporteu les bicicletes i quant pesa tot plegat?

How do you transport the bicycles and how much does it all weigh?

Bé, és un poema, és un poema.

Well, it's a poem, it's a poem.

Al final és com part de la cursa.

In the end, it's like part of the race.

A la cursa estàs preocupat

In the race, you are worried.

per portar el material necessari

to bring the necessary materials

i per fer aquests viatges

and to make these trips

és el mateix, però per aconseguir

it's the same, but to achieve

passar a l'aeroport, no?

Go to the airport, right?

Perquè sempre vas apuntadíssim de pes per tot.

Because you always weigh in perfectly for everything.

Nosaltres tenim unes bosses per portar les bicis.

We have bags to carry the bikes.

A la mateixa bossa de les bicis

In the same bag as the bikes.

carreguem roba, alimentació,

we load clothes, food,

el que podem a les mateixes bosses

what we can in the same bags

i acabem sempre anant

and we always end up going

molt apuntats de pes

very heavy points

i triant a veure què agafem i què no agafem.

and trying to see what we take and what we don't take.

Sí, la companyia normalment

Yes, the company normally

et posa un màxim

it sets a maximum

de l'equipatge aquest esportiu

of the luggage this sporty

que es paga a part,

that is paid separately,

et posen un màxim d'uns 23 quilos.

they put a maximum of about 23 kilos on you.

Llavors, és això el que et dic?

So, is this what I'm telling you?

Sí, però si comptes que la bicicleta

Yes, but if you consider that the bicycle

ja en pesa bastants.

It already weighs quite a lot.

La bossa sola, la maleta que estem rodant

The bag alone, the suitcase that we are rolling.

on portem la bici, ja pesa uns 8 quilos,

we carry the bike, it already weighs about 8 kilograms,

em sembla. I més això, que hi posem

I think so. And more of this, that we put in.

les sabates d'anar amb bici,

the cycling shoes,

els cascos,

the helmets,

coses d'alimentació i tot,

food things and all,

vam arribar allà i quan et pesen

we arrived there and when they weigh you

la bicicleta dius

the bicycle you say

i pesaven 24 quilos.

and weighed 24 kilos.

No ens van dir per res, no?

They didn't tell us anything, did they?

Però es tracta de minimitzar.

But it is about minimizing.

Durant la cursa tampoc podem carregar

We also cannot charge during the race.

molta cosa, per tant l'equipatge ja el minimitza.

A lot of things, therefore the luggage minimizes it already.

Volem carregar amb el màxim possible

We want to charge as much as possible.

i per estar per allà

and to be around there

els dies d'abans i després de la cursa

the days before and after the race

un jersei, uns texans,

a sweater, some jeans,

uns pantalons curts per si fa calor,

a pair of shorts in case it gets hot,

una mania curta i poca cosa més.

a short obsession and not much more.

Durant la cursa, quin és el material que vosaltres

During the race, what is the material that you all...

necessiteu a part de les bicicletes?

Do you need anything other than the bikes?

Lògicament, amb aquest bikepacking

Logically, with this bikepacking

què és el que us obliguen a portar a l'organització

What are you required to bring to the organization?

i què és el que vosaltres, a més a més, porteu?

And what else do you bring?

L'organització rarament

The organization rarely

no ens va obligar a portar, no teníem

"he didn't force us to bring, we didn't have"

un material obligatori marcat.

a marked mandatory material.

El que sí que anem a ficar va ser

What we are going to include will be

molta lògica. Des d'aquí

a lot of logic. From here

anàvem una miqueta espantats pel fet que

we were a little scared because

comentava que pujàvem a vora 4.000 metres.

He mentioned that we were climbing to about 4,000 meters.

En aquestes alçades

At this stage.

sí que està clar que el temps és molt canviant

It is clear that the weather is very changeable.

i pots tindre qualsevol mena

and you can have any kind

de tema.

of topic.

I això ens obliga a estar

And this forces us to be

sortint impermeables,

leaving waterproofs,

tindre roba llarga

to wear long clothes

mínimament, unes capes

at least, a few layers

per poder-te bregar. Portàvem plomes

to be able to deal with you. We were carrying feathers

i sempre una miqueta cobert

and always a little covered

pel tema de l'alçada

regarding the height

i canvis de temperatura.

and temperature changes.

I comptant també que pedalem

And also considering that we pedal.

de nit, llavors, clar, el millor de dia

At night, then, of course, the best during the day.

fa molta calor, però a la nit

it's very hot, but at night

les temperatures ja baixen i més si estàs

the temperatures are already dropping and even more if you are

en alçada. Però, bueno,

at height. But, well,

a part de tot això de la roba,

apart from all this about the clothes,

portem també

we also bring

un mínim d'eines que

a minimum of tools that

puguem arreglar, fer alguna

we can fix, do something

reparació si és necessari.

repair if necessary.

Portem barretes,

We bring bars,

gels, recuperador,

gels, recovery

portem uns vols

we have some flights

i unes culleres per

and some spoons for

menjar, no sé,

to eat, I don’t know,

què més portem, doncs, l'oli per

what else do we bring, then, the oil for

engreixar les bicicletes,

inflate the bicycles,

mantes tèrmiques per si

thermal blankets for itself

tinguéssim alguna caiguda o

we had some fall or

alguna cosa, doncs, menys tenir

something, then, less having

les mantes tèrmiques d'emergència,

emergency thermal blankets,



sobretot hem de portar llums

above all we must bring lights

i unes bones llums perquè hem de

and some good lights because we have to

pedalar de nit, el

pedal at night, him

GPS i, no sé,

GPS and, I don't know,

paper de vàter,

toilet paper,

una navalleta,

a small knife,

qualsevol cosa d'aquestes que

anything like this that

ocupi poc, però que et faci

it takes up little, but let it make you

servei. I, com dèiem, com ens preguntaves

service. I, as we said, as you were asking us

abans, evidentment el material

before, obviously the material

l'hem d'haver provat abans i aquí teníem

we must have tried it before and here we had

molt avantatge en què havíem fet

a great advantage in what we had done

la Seven Serpents al mar,

the Seven Serpents in the sea,

que era una cursa similar,

that it was a similar race,

però amb menys alçada. Llavors,

but with less height. Then,

vam portar moltes coses similars

we brought many similar things

en aquella cursa. El que sí

in that race. What yes

que vam poder canviar va ser

what we were able to change was

que allà dormíem

that we slept there

fent bivac, descansàvem

While bivouacking, we rested.

fent bivac a la Seven Serpents. Però

bivouacking at the Seven Serpents. But

aquí, abans d'anar-hi, vam entrar

here, before going there, we went in

en contacte amb

in contact with

gent local que ja havia fet la cursa o que

local people who had already run the race or who

viuen allà i que estan acostumats

they live there and are used to it

a fer aquest tipus de proves

to do this type of tests

o de fer bikepacking ells sols

or bikepacking on their own

i ens van dir que

and they told us that

passàvem per un munt de pobles

we passed through a bunch of towns

i que els allotjaments eren molt econòmics

and that the accommodations were very cheap

i que ells el que feien era anar

and what they did was go

a hostals. O sigui, aquest cop

to hostels. That is, this time

vam canviar el que era

we changed what it was

l'esterilla i

the mat and

el sac de dormir per

the sleeping bag for

portar més roba d'abric per pujar

bring more warm clothing to go up

en alçada i, en canvi, dormíem

in height and, on the other hand, we slept

en allotjaments.

in accommodations.

Això està molt bé, aquest canvi

This is very good, this change.

heu sortit guanyant.

you have come out winning.

Ara ho comentaves, Ada, i ho comentàveu

Now you were commenting on it, Ada, and you were commenting on it.

abans, eh? Heu pedalat a una mitjana

Before, right? You have pedaled at an average.

de 2.500 metres d'alçada,

at an altitude of 2,500 meters,

heu arribat gairebé fins als 4.000,

you have almost reached 4,000,

poc més de 3.800

just over 3,800

del paramo de Sumapaz.

from the Sumapaz moor.

Com reacciona el cos? Noteu

How does the body react? Do you notice?

que les cames no tiren?

Do the legs not work?



Sí, sí, bàsicament això.

Yes, yes, basically that.

Les cames, al final,

The legs, in the end,

la primera ruta que anem fent pel nostre

the first route we are taking for our

compte, sí que, a part d'esbufegar,

watch out, yes, apart from huffing,

molt, ja notaves que et limitava

a lot, you could already tell that it was limiting you

el cos, que et costava bastant

the body, which cost you quite a bit

tindre un rendiment, vaja.

to have a performance, indeed.

Però allà, després, ja en cursa, realment,

But there, afterwards, really in the race,

les cames i tot anava fent.

The legs and everything was moving.

Jo, tot i així, l'alçada,

I, nonetheless, the height,

no la porto molt estupenda.

I don't think she's looking great.

Vull dir, sí que pots anar tenint

I mean, yes, you can keep having.

petits maldecaps

small headaches

i una mica de... a part

and a little bit of... aside

de l'ofec. I quin és el tipus de terrenys

of suffocation. And what type of land is it?

que heu trobat durant gairebé

what you have found for almost

aquests 1.000 quilòmetres? I per

these 1,000 kilometers? And by

quins paratges heu pogut pedalar?

What landscapes have you been able to cycle through?

Terrenys, una mica de tot.

Land, a bit of everything.

Tant pistes més bones

Such better clues

com gravel més

as gravel more

trencat i

broken and

també trams d'asfalt. Esclar,

also sections of asphalt. Of course,

l'únic que... l'asfalt allà a

the only thing... the asphalt there in

Colòmbia, almenys per les zones

Colombia, at least for the areas

com passàvem, evidentment, la cursa

as we obviously passed the race

intentava evitar carreteres

I was trying to avoid roads.

principals i això

principals and this

anava per zones bastant rurals,

I was going through quite rural areas,

però els trossos que hi havia d'asfalt

but the pieces that were asphalt

et podies trobar un tram d'asfalt bo,

you might find a good stretch of asphalt,

però havies d'estar molt atent perquè, de cop i volta,

but you had to be very attentive because, all of a sudden,

hi havia hagut un desprendiment

there had been a landslide

de la carretera i estava allò tot mig

from the road and it was all halfway there

trencat o hi havien

broken or there were

forats grossos

big holes

i les pistes,

and the tracks,

doncs això, hi havien pistes

so that's it, there were clues

en més bon estat, però hi havien pistes bastant

in better condition, but there were quite a few clues

trencades i pujant, per exemple, al

broken and climbing, for example, to the

pàramo de Sumapaz,

Sumapaz moorland,

al terreny hi havien

in the field there were

rampes dures amb pedra solta

hard ramps with loose stone

i això, sumat a l'alçada,

and this, added to the height,

doncs es feia dur.

so it was hard.

I baixades també, baixades,

And descents too, descents,

hi havien algunes baixades bastant llargues

there were some quite long descents

i trencades que arribaves a baix

and broken ones that you reached at the bottom

amb la bicicleta de gravel que, de manera

with the gravel bike that, in a way

ostres, ojalà hagués agafat la BTT

Wow, I wish I had taken the mountain bike.

perquè hagués baixat

because he/she would have gone down

molt més còmode i amb les cervicals

much more comfortable and with the cervical ones

més senceres, no? Però, bueno,

more whole, right? But, well,

una miqueta de tot i també

a little bit of everything and also

algun tram que ens va sorprendre

some part that surprised us

són trams d'enllaç que a l'organització

they are link sections that to the organization

ens preferirien haver-los de posar,

they would prefer to have to put them,

però, per exemple, vam pedalar per un tram

but, for example, we pedaled for a stretch

d'autopista que allà

of highway that there

està permès anar amb bicicleta,

it is allowed to ride a bicycle,

de fet, hi havia fins i tot gent caminant

In fact, there were even people walking.

pel voral i nosaltres la vam fer

along the edge and we made it

aquell tros la vam fer de nit

we did that piece at night

i plovent, però sí, sí,

and it's raining, but yes, yes,

vam pedalar per un tram d'autopista.

We pedaled along a stretch of highway.

Vull dir que una miqueta de tot, ben variat.

I mean a little bit of everything, nice and varied.

Ara ho comentaves, m'ha sorprès.

Now that you mention it, I'm surprised.

Podíeu triar si volíeu

You could choose if you wanted to.

fer-ho amb bici de gravel o amb BTT

do it with a gravel bike or with a mountain bike

o era obligatori fer-ho amb bici de gravel?

Or was it mandatory to do it on a gravel bike?

Sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, així.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, like this.

Hi havia...

There was...

La majoria sí que eren bicis de gravel

Most of them were indeed gravel bikes.

o almenys en la categoria non-stop,

or at least in the non-stop category,

però realment podies

but you could really

anar amb una BTT rígida,

to go with a rigid mountain bike,

amb doble o amb el que volguessis.

with double or with whatever you wanted.

Estava obert el reglament

The regulation was open.

en aquest apartat.

in this section.

I això és el que hem fet.

And this is what we have done.

Ada, Santi, heu acabat en 4 dies

Ada, Santi, you have finished in 4 days.

i 38 minuts per fer

and 38 minutes to do

aquests gairebé 1.000 quilòmetres.

these almost 1,000 kilometers.

Heu quedat en sisena i setena posició

You have finished in sixth and seventh position.

a la general i tu, Ada, has sigut la segona dona.

In the general, you, Ada, have been the second woman.

Això fent

Doing this



de la vella, heu pedalat

from the old one, you have pedaled

uns 250 quilòmetres de mitjana

about 250 kilometers on average

al dia. Com es gestiona

To the day. How is it managed?

l'esforç? És a dir, com us heu

The effort? That is to say, how have you all been?

organitzat el dia per poder pedalar

organized the day to be able to cycle

aquesta mitjana de 200-250

this average of 200-250

quilòmetres al dia? I llavors aquí

kilometers per day? And then here

li has de sumar el dormir, el descansar,

you have to add sleeping, resting,

el menjar...

the food...

Com us heu fet el vostre dia a dia

How have you made your day-to-day?

durant aquests quatre dies?

during these four days?

Doncs la veritat és que vam ser molt

Well, the truth is that we were very

estructurats, diguéssim,

structured, let’s say,

perquè el que fèiem

because what we were doing

era... Bé, vam sortir pedalant

It was... Well, we went out cycling.

a les set del matí del diumenge

at seven in the morning on Sunday

i vam estar

and we were

pedalant fins que es va fer fosc, vam

pedaling until it got dark, we

continuar una miqueta més. Allà

continue a little longer. There

a quarts de set es fa fosc i es

At a quarter to seven it gets dark and it...

torna i clareja a les

return and clear up at the

sis del matí, o sigui, tens nits de gairebé

six in the morning, that is to say, you have nights of almost

12 hores i a més a més

12 hours and furthermore

hi havia molt núvol, era negre nit

it was very cloudy, it was dark night

i molt poca lluna. Llavors

and very little moon. Then

nosaltres el

we him

que fèiem era això, cap a

what we were doing was this, towards

quarts de set, les set, algun dia

quarter to seven, seven o'clock, someday

una mica més d'hora, depèn on ens enganxava,

a little earlier, depends on where it caught us,

paràvem a descansar,

we stopped to rest,

diguéssim, i el que fèiem era, durant

let's say, and what we did was, during

la parada, menjar,

the stop, food,

com que dormien en un allotjament

as they were sleeping in accommodation

ens dutxàvem una miqueta,

we showered a little,

ràpid, típica cosa, a més l'aigua solia estar

quick, typical thing, also the water used to be

freda, però clar, no et fotràs dintre un llit

cold, but of course, you won't get into a bed

amb tota la marranada de pols i

with all the mess of dust and

les cames plenes de fang, i a part que

the legs full of mud, and apart from that

també s'agraeix, doncs una petita

also appreciated, thus a small

dutxa, menjar,

shower, food

arreglar alguna cosa de les bicis

fix something on the bikes

si feia falta, i

if it was necessary, and

descansar. Llavors, paràvem

rest. Then, we would stop

en total unes quatre hores i mitja

In total about four and a half hours.

o cinc, de les quals en devíem

or five, of which we owed.

descansar, doncs, dos,

rest, then, two,

dos i alguna cosa.

two and something.

Això vol dir que si paràvem

This means that if we stopped

a les sis, quarts de set,

at six, a quarter to seven,

a les dotze ens tornàvem

at twelve we were returning

més o menys a posar

more or less to put

en marxa, i pedalàvem

on the move, and we were pedaling

tot el que quedava de nit, de dotze a sis

everything that was left of the night, from twelve to six

del dematí. Què ens permet

in the morning. What allows us

això? El que ens

This? What we

permet era que

let it be that

durant la nit les temperatures

during the night the temperatures

són més agradables, i

they are more pleasant, and

a les zones rurals no hi ha trànsit,

in rural areas there is no traffic,

tots els camins que fèiem

all the paths we used to take

per zones rurals a la nit

for rural areas at night

estaven desèrtics, només érem nosaltres,

they were deserted, it was just us,

pedalant. Si fèiem algun tros

pedaling. If we did some stretch

de carretera, hi havia una miqueta més

on the road, there was a little more

de trànsit, però, bueno, en general,

of traffic, but, well, in general,

bones temperatures i poc trànsit,

good temperatures and little traffic,

i, per contra, el que hi havia

and, on the contrary, what there was

eren molts gossos sueltos,

there were many loose dogs,

que a la nit no estan acostumats a que passi

that at night they are not used to it happening

gent, per la qual cosa, doncs,

people, therefore, then,

s'esveren, ens abordaven,

they became unhinged, they approached us,

ens perseguien, i quan dic molts, vol dir

they were chasing us, and when I say many, it means

moltíssims. I l'altre inconvenient de

very many. And the other disadvantage of

pedalar a la nit és que no veus el paisatge,

cycling at night means you can't see the landscape,

però ja ens ho vam fer venir bé,

but we made it work for us,

perquè els paisatges

because the landscapes

que volíem veure els passéssim de dia,

that we wanted to see them during the day,

i també vam tenir la sort

and we also had the luck

que vam poder quadrar que molts trams

that we could match that many sections

on feia més calor,

it was hotter.

perquè allà,

because there,

ells diuen que hi ha zones càlides i zones

they say that there are warm areas and areas

humides, llavors les zones

humid, then the areas

càlides, que eren les de més baixes,

warm, which were the lowest,

que vam arribar a pedalar uns

that we managed to pedal some

mil metres o així, ho vam passar

a thousand meters or so, we passed it.

de nit, per la qual cosa vam evitar les temperatures

at night, which is why we avoided the temperatures

de calor, que, per exemple,

of heat, that, for example,

la gent, alguna gent que va passar, doncs,

the people, some people who passed by, well,

en altres moments del dia, o en

at other times of the day, or in

els que ho feien per etapes, perquè

those who did it in stages, because

la cursa aquesta podies tirar a fer la non-stop

In this race you could go for the non-stop.

o en 8 etapes, doncs, a vegades

or in 8 stages, then, sometimes

ells van pedalar a 38 graus,

they pedaled at 38 degrees,

i nosaltres, si ho vam tenir aquesta temperatura,

and we, if we had this temperature,

va ser en moments molt, molt puntuals.

it was at very, very specific moments.

Deíeu que dormíeu 2 hores,

You said you slept for 2 hours,

2 hores i mitja al dia, això em surt

2 and a half hours a day, that's what it amounts to.

que heu dormit 10 hores en 4 dies,

that you have slept 10 hours in 4 days,

això vol dir que aneu acumulant cansa'n-sí,

this means that you are accumulating fatigue,

aneu acumulant fatiga,

you are accumulating fatigue,

com es nota això a l'hora

How does this show at the hour?

de prendre decisions, a l'hora

to make decisions, at the time

de pedalar, si heu tingut

to pedal, if you have had

enfrontament entre vosaltres a l'hora

confrontation between you at the hour

de prendre decisions, o la sort

of making decisions, or luck

de ser parella, doncs, fa que

being a couple, then, makes it so that

tot es solucioni d'una altra forma?

Can everything be solved in another way?

Bueno, per sort, portem molts anys rodant

Well, fortunately, we've been working for many years.

junts i abans

together and before

estem callats una estona que discutint-nos, no?

Let's stay quiet for a while instead of arguing, right?


We carry

molt bona gestió d'aquesta.

very good management of this.

També en vistes que cada vegada

Also in light that increasingly

la neurona va més i més lenta,

the neuron is getting slower and slower,

el que sí que portem és

what we do bring is

intentar portar-ho molt preparat de casa.

try to bring it very well prepared from home.

Portem molta cosa apuntada,

We have a lot of things written down.

a quins quilòmetres hi ha coses, a quins quilòmetres

at what kilometers are things, at what kilometers

podem comprar menjar o descansar,

we can buy food or rest,

per evitar prendre, com dius,

to avoid taking, as you say,

prendre massa decisions, no?

Making too many decisions, right?

Que tot sigui una miqueta, tindre petites

That everything is a little bit, to have little ones.

metes i saber fins on has d'arribar.

you set goals and know how far you have to go.

I així, doncs, una miqueta et pots

And so, then, you can a little bit.

deixar portar i

let oneself go and

evitar aquests problemes, no?

avoid these problems, right?

No he tingut un gran dubte de si

I haven't had a great doubt about it.

què passa si ara continuo

What happens if I continue now?

dues hores més o dues hores menys,

two hours more or two hours less,

si hagués parat o no hagués parat, doncs,

if he had stopped or not stopped, then,

intentem portar al màxim estagat

we try to bring it to the maximum extent

tot i així anem prou bé.

Nevertheless, we are doing quite well.

I de què us heu alimentat durant

And what have you been feeding on during?

aquests quatre dies? Doncs una miqueta

these four days? Well, a little bit

de tot, o sigui, nosaltres, com et deia,

of everything, that is, we, as I was saying,


we bring

coses des de casa, o sigui, portem

things from home, that is, we bring

barretes, portem gels,

bars, we bring ice,

portem gominoles,

we bring gummy candies,

també allà vam comprar

we also bought there

una mica de vena d'aquesta amb

a bit of this vein with

flocs, que ens la preparem

flocks, let's get ready for it

barrejada en recuperador, doncs, quan paràvem

mixed in the recoverer, then, when we stopped

a descansar en els allotjaments,

to rest in the accommodations,

però, a part, doncs, compres moltes

but, apart from that, you buy a lot

coses allà, no? Doncs

things there, right? So

un dia pares a mitja ruta,

one day you stop halfway through,

ostres, estem... és l'hora de dinar

Wow, we are... it's lunchtime.

i vam

and we went

comprar-nos allà medio pollo asado,

buy us half a roasted chicken there,

que allà és supertípic i en trobes

that it is supertypical there and you find it

paradetes a tots els pobles que passes,

stalls in all the villages you pass through,

o pares en un super

or stop at a supermarket

i compres, doncs, una bossa

And you buy a bag, then.

de patates o

of potatoes or

el que trobis més a mans i et vingui

whatever you find most handy and works for you

de gust. També hi ha allà

Of pleasure. It's also there.

panaderies, li diuen, que són com els

bakeries, they say, are like the

fons d'aquí, l'únic que solen tenir

background from here, the only thing they usually have

menys coses dolces, sinó

fewer sweet things, but rather

són, bueno, tenen tot tipus de pa,

they have all kinds of bread,

és curiós,

it's curious,

pots comprar-te un

you can buy one for yourself

croissant farcit de bocadillo,

croissant filled with sandwich

perquè el bocadillo allà és la

because the sandwich there is the

guaiava, i

guava, and

és com una mena de

it's like a kind of

de codonyat, bueno, una confitura, no?

quince paste, well, a jam, right?

Però em va fer molta gràcia i vaig anar, dic,

But I found it very funny and I went, I say,

posa'm aquesta pasta, i em diu,

put this pasta on me, and he/she tells me,

bocadillo, dic, no, no, aquesta pasta, em diu,

sandwich, I say, no, no, this pasta, tells me,

i diu, no, no, és que està farcida de

and says, no, no, it's just that it's stuffed with

bocadillo, dic, ah, vale, bueno, doncs posa'm aquesta,

sandwich, I say, ah, okay, good, then put this one for me.

dic, una pasta farcida de

I say, a stuffed dough of

bocadillo. I, bueno, hi havia

sandwich. Well, there was

molts forns d'aquesta,

many ovens of this type,

llavors era molt pràctic perquè paraves,

back then it was very convenient because you could stop,

compraves qualsevol pasta d'aquestes

you were buying any of these pastas

i tu menjaves i continuaves.

and you were eating and continuing.

Què és el que més us ha agradat

What did you like the most?

i us ha cridat l'atenció de la Transcordilleres?

Has the Transcordilleres caught your attention?

Què és el que recomanaríeu?

What would you recommend?

Bueno, la veritat de paisatges.

Well, the truth of landscapes.

És un país que té

It is a country that has

un contrast constant.

a constant contrast.

I l'alçada, no? És molt

And the height, right? It's very...

surrealista agafar l'avió i aterrar

surreal to take the plane and land

a 2.500 metres i veure

at 2,500 meters and see

que, tant a 2.500 com a 3.000 metres,

that, both at 2,500 and 3,000 meters,

la vida és com una ciutat

Life is like a city.

d'aquí, no? Vull dir, pots veure comerços,

From here, right? I mean, you can see shops,

pots veure tothom passejant.

You can see everyone walking around.

El que per aquí la gent aniria pel

What around here people would go for the

litoral per intentar estar una miqueta en forma,

coast to try to stay a little fit,

passejant, caminant, allà la gent ho està fent

walking, going for a walk, there the people are doing it

a 3.000 metres, no? Vull dir, està pujant

At 3,000 meters, right? I mean, it's going up.

un turonet a 3.000 metres per intentar

a small hill at 3,000 meters to try

baixar el dinar del dia abans.

take down the lunch from the day before.

El qual és bastant surrealista

Which is quite surrealistic.

quan ho compares amb casa teva, no?

When you compare it to your home, right?

És molt curiós això, la veritat

It's very curious, this, to be honest.

de paisatges, perquè estàs allà i

of landscapes, because you are there and

mires cap a una banda i veus un prat

you look to one side and see a meadow

verd amb flors i vaques, que sembla

green with flowers and cows, that seems

Suïssa, i de cop i volta estàs

Switzerland, and suddenly you're there.

al mig del Pàramo

in the middle of the Moorland

amb unes plantes que no has vist mai,

with plants you have never seen before,

llavors uns contrastos molt

then some very contrasts

marcats, no? I també

marked, right? And also

el bosc de

the forest of

palmeres de cera de

wax palms of

Totxé va ser un lloc espectacular.

Totxé was a spectacular place.

A més vam fer una pujada molt llarga,

In addition, we made a very long ascent,

ens deien que a partir de

they told us that starting from

Salento veuríem el

Salento would see the

bosc de palmeres de cera

wax palm forest

i allà no veiem cap palmera, i va ser

and there we don't see any palm tree, and it was

arribar a dalt, vam començar a baixar i vam començar

When we reached the top, we started to go down and we started.

a aparèixer unes palmeres altíssimes

to appear some very tall palm trees

i, bueno, una precisitat

Yes, well, a clarification.

el bosc aquest, per si realment

this forest, just in case it really

algú va a Colòmbia, jo li

someone is going to Colombia, I'll go with him

diria que no es perdés

I would say it is not lost.

anar a Totxé i

go to Totxé and

descobrir el bosc de palmeres de cera.

discover the wax palm forest.

I suposo que mil quilòmetres

I suppose a thousand kilometers.

donen part molt també per trobar coses

they also give a lot to find things

que no us hagin

that they haven't عليكم

agradat gaire. Bueno, això d'anar

not very pleased. Well, this going

amb bicicleta per autovies

on a bike on highways

o autopistes no

or highways no

li recomanem a ningú.

we do not recommend it to anyone.

És com agafar per aquí

It's like taking it from here.

i anar per les rondes amb la bici,

and go around the ring roads with the bike,

no seria la millor

it wouldn't be the best

idea. Exacte, això

idea. Exactly, this

els gossos sueltos també

the loose dogs too

és això, que n'hi havia moltíssims

It's just that there were a lot of them.

i després vam tenir

and then we had

també, va haver-hi una nit

also, there was a night

sortint de Totxé, de tant ens va ploure una

leaving Totxé, it rained on us a lot

miqueta, no ens va ploure gaire, però

a little, it didn't rain much for us, but

havia passat just una

it had just happened one

una tormenta, que de fet alguns

a storm, which in fact some

que anaven davant nostre la van enganxar

they caught the ones who were in front of us

i vam fer després un tram

and then we took a stretch

per uns camps

through some fields

d'arròs, sortia el sol,

from rice, the sun was rising,

estava preciós, però quan vam sortir

it was beautiful, but when we left

d'allà ens havien acribillat els

from there they had shot us down

mosquits i

mosquitoes and

bueno, nosaltres no vam ser els únics, però és que

well, we weren't the only ones, but it's that

a mi se'm van

I am going.

sortir un munt de butllofes a les cames

to get a lot of blisters on the legs

de les picades i bueno, aquells

from the bites and well, those

mosquits no els hi desitjo a ningú

I don't wish mosquitoes on anyone.

tampoc. Fer aquestes aventures en

neither. To have these adventures in

parella té més beneficis que

a couple has more benefits than

quin conveni és o què? És a dir, tornareu a fer-ho

What agreement is it or what? In other words, will you do it again?

en parella o recomaneu més

in pairs or would you recommend more

fer-ho per separat? Jo sol no

Do it separately? Not on my own.





Això depèn molt de

This depends a lot on

la parella, és que nosaltres, no sé

the couple, it's just that we, I don't know

és el que diu el Santi, ho portem molt interioritzat

It's what Santi says, we have internalized it a lot.

vam començar a anar amb bici

we started to ride our bikes

junts i per nosaltres és molt fàcil

together and for us it is very easy

la dinàmica d'anar amb bici junts

the dynamic of riding bikes together

jo sí que em veig fent-ho sola

I do see myself doing it alone.



o sigui, jo me n'he anat de vacances

That is to say, I have gone on vacation.

no té cap sentit anar-me'n de vacances

it makes no sense for me to go on vacation

allà i sortir els dos

there and both go out

per separat


i cada un fer la seva

and each one do their own

cursa, no? I amb qui comentes

course, right? And who do you discuss it with?

ostres mira això, mira l'altre

wow look at this, look at the other one

no sé, per mi

I don't know, for me

és un gran plaer poder-ho

it is a great pleasure to be able to do it

convertir amb el Santi, no? I a més

turn with Santi, right? And also

a més és això que

besides, it is this that

que no, o sigui

that no, I mean

en cap moment ens hem discutit

At no time have we argued.

també és veritat que coneixem moltes parelles

It is also true that we know many couples.

que els dos van amb bicicleta i són incapaços

that both go by bike and are incapable

de fer una cursa junts, però bueno, clar

of running a race together, but well, of course

això suposo que va amb alternada

I suppose this goes alternately.

cadascú, no? Però a mi només

each one, right? But only me

el fet de, estàs pedalant

the fact that, you are pedaling

de nit i

at night and

se'ns creua un

it crosses us a

armadillo o un escorpí

armadillo or a scorpion

i dir, ostres Santi mira, no? Vull dir

And say, wow Santi look, right? I mean

si anem

if we go

per separat després també ho pots comentar, no?

Separately, you can also comment on it later, right?

Però no és el mateix haver-ho

But it's not the same to have it.

viscut en aquell moment, o ostres

lived in that moment, or wow

un riu, què fem? Baixem de la bici

A river, what do we do? Let's get off the bike.

passem muntats, no?

We pass mounted, right?

No ho sé, comentes les coses

I don't know, you comment on things.

i sempre es fa més distret, no?

And it always gets more distracted, right?

I com se us ha quedat el cos

And how has your body turned out?

després d'aquests quatre dies amb la transcordillera?

after these four days with the transcordillera?

Jo, generalment espatllat, sí

Me, generally broken, yes.

allà a l'acabar tenia

there at the end I had

encara tinc una mà que em vaig quedar

I still have a hand that I kept.

amb poca sensibilitat

with little sensitivity

amb poca força

with little strength

molt patoceta per agafar coses

very clumsy to pick up things

ara ja recuperant

now already recovering

El cul també és curiós perquè

The butt is also curious because

el cul sempre pateix amb aquestes coses

the butt always suffers with these things

i ho sabem, però

and we know it, but

aquí portava 24 hores

I had been here for 24 hours.

i ens estàvem queixant

and we were complaining

del cul, cosa que normalment

of the ass, something that normally

ens sol passar més tard, però va ser curiós perquè

it usually happens to us later, but it was interesting because

quan anàvem arribant tots els participants a l'onestop

when we were arriving all the participants at the onestop

tothom coincidia

everyone agreed

amb el mateix, no?

With the same, right?

I jo, per exemple, vaig tenir això

And I, for example, had that.

totes les picades aquestes

all these bites

més de 30 picades a les cames

more than 30 bites on the legs

que això

that this

em van reaccionar una miqueta més

they reacted a little more to me

del compte i, per exemple, a l'acabar

of the account and, for example, at the end

vaig anar a una farmàcia allà

I went to a pharmacy there.

i en lloc de donar-me una crema o això

and instead of giving me a cream or that

em van dir, ja et posem una injecció

They told me, we're going to give you an injection now.

i així en un parell de dies

and so in a couple of days

ho tens solucionat, i la veritat és que vaig dir

you have it solved, and the truth is that I said

bueno, posa'm una injecció

Well, give me an injection.

perquè el que necessito després de 4 dies

because what I need after 4 days

és descansar, no? Em vull estirar al llit

It's resting, right? I want to lie down on the bed.

i no poder dormir perquè m'estan

and not being able to sleep because they are bothering me

picant les cames, no? Vull dir, sí

Itching the legs, right? I mean, yes.

tens cosetes, però

you have little things, though.

bueno, allò que diuen, no?

Well, that's what they say, isn't it?

Sarna com gusto no pica

"Scabies that is enjoyable does not itch."

I m'imagino que a la bici heu estat

I imagine you have been on the bike.

uns quants dies sense agafar-la, no?

A few days without picking it up, right?

Jo mateix a Colòmbia, després de la cursa

Me myself in Colombia, after the race.



Hi vau tornar, eh?

Hi, you came back, right?

Sí, sí, al cap de 3 dies

Yes, yes, after 3 days.

crec, una cosa així, teníem

I think, something like that, we had.

un port d'aquests famosos de carretera al costat

A port of these famous roadside ones beside.

a prop d'on dormíem

near where we slept

i bé, anem fent l'esforç a poc a poc

And well, we are making the effort little by little.

i patim

and we suffer

per seure, més que per cames, per altres

to sit, more than for legs, for others

patim per seure, però anem fent l'esforç

We struggle to sit, but we keep making the effort.

aquest d'anar a fer el port aquest perquè a més

this going to do the port this because also

és que, clar, hi ha a Colòmbia una afició a la bici

It's just that, of course, there is a passion for cycling in Colombia.

immensa i és un autèntic espectacle

immense and it is a true spectacle

veure la quantitat de gent

see the amount of people

amunt i avall, de tot tipus

up and down, all kinds

de nivell, vaja, des del professional

of level, well, from the professional

al que comentava abans, no?

to what I mentioned earlier, right?

Algú que intenta ficar-se en forma

Someone who is trying to get in shape.

però a més d'anar per un lloc totalment pla

but in addition to going through a completely flat place

i tal, s'està intentant pujar a un

and so, they are trying to climb onto a

port que arriba a 3.100 metres

port that reaches 3,100 meters

3.300, vaja

3,300, wow.

I l'alto de la cotxilla, però és molt curiós

And the height of the cotxilla, but it is very curious.

o sigui, ho heu de veure, eh? Perquè

So, you have to see it, right? Because

és brutal, o sigui, el Tibidabo

it's awesome, I mean, Tibidabo

això de les aigües

this about the waters

no és res comparat amb l'alto de la cotxilla

it's nothing compared to the height of the cotxilla

un diumenge, pujant

one Sunday, climbing

hi havia gent, però bueno, vam dir

there were people, but well, we said

això és normal, però és que baixàvem

this is normal, but we were going down

i pujava una quantitat

and I used to raise an amount

bueno, increïble de gent

well, incredible people

i és el que diu el Santi, no? I de totes

And that's what Santi says, right? And of all...

les edats i amb totes les condicions

the ages and with all the conditions

físiques, no? Estan pujant a 3.300

Physics, right? They are going up to 3,300.

metres, doncs això, com qui

meters, so that, like who

va a la carretera de les aigües

go to the water road

al Tibidabo el cap de setmana

to Tibidabo on the weekend

Santi i Ada

Santi and Ada

a Kilòmetre Vertical ens agrada molt

We really like Kilòmetre Vertical.

conèixer noves rutes i ens agrada que els nostres

to discover new routes and we like that our

convidats planifiquin rutes en comú

guests plan common routes

com el millor planificador i navegador de rutes

as the best planner and route navigator

per això, m'agradaria que

for this reason, I would like you to

ens diguéssiu una ruta que us agrada fer

could you tell us a route that you like to do

plegats amb bicicleta, ja sigui amb BTT

together by bicycle, whether it be with mountain biking

ja sigui amb gravel, i l'afegirem

whether it is with gravel, and we will add it

a la nostra col·lecció de rutes que trobareu

in our collection of routes that you will find

acomuts sota l'usuari de FemMuntanya

common under the user of FemMuntanya

a veure, què ens recomaneu?

Let's see, what do you recommend to us?

doncs de ruta

so on route

ens agrada

we like

i a més a més

and furthermore

la fem tant amb BTT com amb gravel

We do it both with MTB and gravel.

de quan m'he quedat recorregut, segons el que

since I have stayed traveled, according to what

cosa més clàssica que hi ha bé

the most classic thing there is well

al caminar això és

when walking this is

anar a Montserrat

to go to Montserrat

sempre li tens molt carinyo a la muntanya

You always have a lot of affection for the mountain.

i quan anem a veure les opcions

And when are we going to see the options?

de poder anar amb bici

to be able to go by bike

és una ruta que anem mirant de fer-la

It is a route that we are looking to complete.

tots els anys i especialment

every year and especially

quan estrenes alguna bici

When do you get a new bike?

o algun tema especial

or some special topic

vas a Montserrat

Are you going to Montserrat?

a Montserrat acaba d'estrenar-ho tot

Montserrat has just premiered everything.

aprofitem per batejar les bicis

let's take the opportunity to name the bikes

a Montserrat

to Montserrat

i quin trajecte feu servir?

And what route did you take?

vosaltres viviu a Sabadell i de Sabadell a Montserrat

you live in Sabadell and from Sabadell to Montserrat

hi ha molts camins per anar-hi

there are many ways to get there

sí, normalment

yes, usually

anem cap a la pastora

let's go to the shepherdess

de la pastora baixem cap a Rellinàs

from the shepherdess we descend towards Rellinàs

i d'allà cap a Monistrol

and from there to Monistrol

i amunt per la Calzina

up the Calzina

i cap al monestir

and towards the monastery

doncs escolta

so listen

afegirem aquesta ruta a Komoot

We will add this route to Komoot.

recordeu que la podreu trobar

remember that you will be able to find it

a la col·lecció de rutes

to the collection of routes

del quilòmetre vertical

of the vertical kilometer

que trobareu sota l'usuari de FemMuntanya

that you will find under the user of FemMuntanya

un plaer xerrar aquesta estoneta

a pleasure to chat for a little while

amb vosaltres, Ada Xinxó

with you, Ada Xinxó

i Sant Ibal

and Saint Ibal

cuideu-vos molt

take care of yourselves

i ens escoltem ben aviat

and we'll hear from each other soon

una abraçada

a hug

el plaer és nostre

The pleasure is ours.

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

una abraçada

a hug

amb aquesta aventura sobre les dues rodes

with this adventure on two wheels

de la Flaca i la Solsonina

from the Thin One and the Solsonina

les bicis de l'Ada i els Sàntins

Ada and the Sàntins' bikes.

acomiadem d'aquesta primera temporada

we say goodbye to this first season

de quilòmetre vertical

of vertical kilometer

amb aquesta aventura sobre les dues rodes

with this adventure on two wheels

de la Flaca i la Solsonina

of the Skinny Girl and the Solsonina

acomiadem d'aquesta primera temporada

we say goodbye to this first season

de quilòmetre vertical

of vertical kilometer

moltes gràcies a tots els que ens heu escoltat

thank you very much to everyone who has listened to us

i si us heu perdut algun capítol

and if you have missed any chapter

o voleu reescoltar alguna conversa

or do you want to listen to any conversation again

les trobareu totes al web

You will find them all on the website.

i a l'aplicació de RAC1

and in the RAC1 app

un servidor, ja ho sabeu, continuarà

a server, as you know, will continue

publicant el podcast del FemMuntanya

publishing the FemMuntanya podcast

moltes gràcies a Komoot

thank you very much to Komoot

per la confiança i fer possible aquest podcast

for the trust and making this podcast possible

i al Salva Kurumina pels magnífics

and to Salva Kurumina for the magnificent ones

muntatges de cadascun dels capítols

montages of each of the chapters

fins aleshores, gaudiu i sigueu feliços

Until then, enjoy and be happy.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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