Eric Ayala, pizzaiolo format a Nàpols a la família Moccia


El món a RAC1 - Cuinetes

Eric Ayala, pizzaiolo format a Nàpols a la família Moccia

El món a RAC1 - Cuinetes

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

Sí, interessant la sessió de la Constitució.

Yes, the Constitution session was interesting.

A mi m'ha d'haver vingut molta gana, eh?

I must have been really hungry, huh?

Sí, a mi també.

Yes, me too.

Eva, jo, bon dia. Hola, bon dia.

Eva, me, good morning. Hello, good morning.

Què fas tu aquí, Eva?

What are you doing here, Eva?

A mi se'm convida i jo, tot el que sigui parlar de menjar, disposadíssima.

I'm invited, and as for talking about food, I'm more than ready.

I no de qualsevol menjar. No, clar.

And not just any food. No, of course.

No de qualsevol menjar.

Not just any food.

Un d'aquells que venen de gust, que fan festa.

One of those that come with pleasure, that make a celebration.

Exacte, perquè avui volem parlar amb un pitzer...

Exactly, because today we want to talk to a pitcher...



...que té 25 anys,

...who is 25 years old,

que ho està...

that it is...

petant a xarxes.

breaking on networks.

És pràcticament impossible, si ets usuari habitual d'Instagram,

It's practically impossible, if you are a regular user of Instagram,

que no t'hagi sortit en algun moment algun vídeo seu,

that you haven't come across a video of him at some point,

per molt que no el segueixis.

no matter how much you don't follow him.

A més, ell el que fa és ensenyar als milers de persones que el segueixen

Furthermore, what he does is teach the thousands of people who follow him.

com elabora pitzes al forn de pedra que té al pati de casa seva.

how he makes pizzas in the stone oven he has in his backyard.

Això no ho pot dir tothom.

Not everyone can say that.

No. Ell és l'Èric Ayala.

No. He is Èric Ayala.

Éric, bon dia.

Éric, good morning.

Hola, bon dia. Moltes gràcies per invitar-me.

Hello, good morning. Thank you very much for inviting me.

És veritat que no ho pot dir tothom, eh?

It's true that not everyone can say that, huh?

Un forn de pedra al pati de casa seva.

A stone oven in his backyard.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Jo, bueno, aquest forn de pedra va ser una idea de la meva mare,

Well, this stone oven was an idea of my mother,

perquè jo estava començant a fer pitzes

because I was starting to make pizzas

i volia posar-me un forn molt senzillet,

I wanted to get a very simple oven,

que no era aquest concepte de pedra així,

that this concept of stone was not like this,

però ja podia treure una pitza bastant ben parida.

but I could already take out a pretty well-crafted pizza.

I la meva mare va dir

And my mother said

i si posem un forn com Déu mana de pedra?

And what if we put a proper stone oven?

I la meva germana va començar a investigar

And my sister started to investigate

i vam plantar aquell forn que pesa 800 quilos allà al pati de casa meva.

And we planted that oven that weighs 800 kilos there in my backyard.

Clar, però aquests forns on es compren?

Of course, but where can these ovens be bought?

Perquè això no es pot anar a l'Ikea o...

Because you can't just go to Ikea or...



O a botigues de...

Or at stores of...

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No, t'explico.

No, I'll explain it to you.

O sigui, en el món dels forns de pitza napolitana, sobretot,

That is to say, in the world of Neapolitan pizza ovens, above all,

hi ha tres grans constructors, per dir-ho d'una manera,

There are three great builders, to put it one way.

que són tres famílies que porten moltes generacions fent forns.

There are three families that have been making ovens for many generations.

En el cas del que jo he posat a la pitzeria de casa meva,

In the case of what I put in the pizzeria at my house,

o sigui, a la pitzeria del local, que jo obriré,

that is, at the pizzeria of the place, which I will open,

allà ha vingut Mastre Ernesto,

Master Ernesto has come over there,

que és una família de quatre generacions

what is a family of four generations

que porten molt temps fent forns.

that they have been making ovens for a long time.

O sigui, quatre generacions fent forns.

So, four generations making ovens.



El nom entenc, italiana?

The name I understand, Italian?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

De Nàpols?

From Naples?

Són napolitanos.

They are Neapolitans.

Per exemple, el que tinc...

For example, what I have...

El forn que m'han construït al local

The oven they have built for me at the premises.

van venir dos napolitanos, l'Ernesto i el seu cosí,

two Neapolitans came, Ernesto and his cousin,

i em van construir el forn.

And they built me the oven.

Vam portar totes les pedres d'allà

We brought all the stones from there.

i em van construir el forn allà en directe fixa.

and they built the oven for me there in live fixed.

I el que em va venir a fer aquest forn allà al local

And what this oven came to do for me there at the venue

és el mateix que va fer el forn de la pitzeria

it's the same as what the pizzeria oven did

on treballava jo al terrazzo.

I worked at the terrace.

O sigui, amb 18 anys va fer el forn

That is, at 18 he built the oven.

amb el que jo he pres al terrazzo, a Nàpolis,

with what I have learned on the terrace, in Naples,

i amb 53 ha vingut a fer-me el forn aquí.

And with 53 he has come to build the oven for me here.

En canvi, el forn que tinc a casa

Instead, the oven I have at home

és un forn més senzillet per començar.

It's a simpler oven to start with.

Aquests sí que són forns que és com que els prefabriquen allà

These are indeed ovens that are kind of prefabricated there.

i després te'ls envien ja directament muntats.

and then they send them to you already directly assembled.

A veure, l'Eric a xarxes és Eric Ayala Pizzayolo,

Let's see, Eric on social media is Eric Ayala Pizzayolo.



Què vol dir, pizzayolo?

What does pizzayolo mean?

Pizzayolo és una pregunta que em fan molt,

Pizzayolo is a question that many people ask me.

què vol dir?

What does it mean?

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

Em sembla òbvia, però veig que no, que costa d'entendre.

It seems obvious to me, but I see that it is not, that it is hard to understand.

Pels dumis?

For the dummies?

Pizzayolo és pizzero, és la traducció pizzé,

Pizzayolo is pizza maker, it is the translation of pizzé.

com li vulguis dir.

As you wish to say it.

Però pizzayolo, com a tal,

But pizzayolo, as such,

és una cosa molt més filosòfica.

It is something much more philosophical.

Jo crec que un pizzayolo és una persona

I believe that a pizzaiolo is a person.

que té una sensibilitat espacial

that has spatial awareness

i que vol transmetre el seu discurs

and that wants to convey its message

a través d'una pizza

through a pizza

posant ingredients que per ell signifiquen molt.

putting in ingredients that mean a lot to him.

Llavors, un pizzayolo, per mi,

So, a pizzaiolo, for me,

no és una persona que fa pizza,

he is not a person who makes pizza,

sinó una persona que té un discurs

but rather a person who has a speech

i el transmet amb la seva pizza.

and he conveys it with his pizza.

El forn que té el pizzayolo, Eric,

The oven that the pizzaiolo, Eric, has,

a casa, té nom, eh?

At home, it has a name, right?

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Més que el forn, el que té nom és l'espai...

More than the oven, what has a name is the space...

L'espai que ha creat...

The space that has been created...



Sí, i no sé si ho pronunciaré bé,

Yes, and I don't know if I will pronounce it correctly,

ara em corregiràs, sinó...

now you'll correct me, otherwise...

Perfecte, sí, sí, sí.

Perfect, yes, yes, yes.

Per què es diu així, Eric?

Why is it called that, Eric?

Mira, jo quan vam muntar com aquesta pizzeria a casa,

Look, when we set up this pizzeria at home,

que era molt improvisada,

that it was very improvised,

era el forn, una taula i ja està.

It was the oven, a table, and that's it.

Volia posar-li un nom a aquell espai,

I wanted to give a name to that space,

però no volia que fiqués res relacionat...

but I didn't want them to put anything related...

No volia que fiqués pizza X, pizza Eric, pizza tal.

I didn't want him to order pizza X, pizza Eric, pizza such and such.

Llavors, volia un nom en italià

Then, I wanted a name in Italian.

que no tingués ninguna paraula que posés pizza

that had no word that put pizza

i que tingués alguna relació amb mi.

and that it had some connection with me.

I llavors a la meva germana se li va córrer una idea molt bona

And then my sister had a really great idea.

que va ser posar-li...

what was it to give him/her...

Em va dir, hòstia,

He told me, damn,

que és el juego de l'amor.

what is the game of love.

I és perquè jo quan era petit, quan tenia 10-12 anys,

And it's because when I was small, when I was 10-12 years old,

cantava molt una cançó molt cutre que hi ha,

I used to sing a very cheesy song that exists.

que es diu

what is it called

i va ser el meu primer contacte amb Itàlia.

It was my first contact with Italy.

I quan em va dir que hi no, em va semblar espectacular.

And when she told me that she wouldn't, it seemed spectacular to me.

Clar, el teu primer contacte amb Itàlia,

Of course, your first contact with Italy,

amb 10 anyets o així, cantant aquesta...

at about 10 years old, singing this...

Cantant aquesta cançó, que és...

Singing this song, which is...

Que, bueno, sí, després, si algú l'escolta,

Well, yes, then, if someone listens to him,

el joco de l'amor és cutríssima, la cançó.

The game of love is very cheesy, the song.

O sigui, un tecno raro, no sé què deu ser, jo.

I mean, a weird techno, I don't know what it must be, me.

Clar, tu te'n vas a Nàpols.

Of course, you are going to Naples.

Tu aprens l'art de fer pizzas a Nàpols.

You learn the art of making pizzas in Naples.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Quan hi vas?

When are you going?

Mira, jo primer de tot em començo a enamorar d'aquest mundillo

Look, first of all, I'm starting to fall in love with this little world.

perquè començo a veure vídeos de pizza napolitana per internet.

because I’m starting to watch Neapolitan pizza videos on the internet.

Començo a veure vídeos i em començo a apassionar, diguéssim,

I'm starting to watch videos and I'm starting to get passionate about it, let's say.

tots els detalls d'aquest... tot l'ecosistema.

all the details of this... the entire ecosystem.

O sigui, no em vaig enamorar de la pizza

So, I didn't fall in love with the pizza.

perquè jo la pizza no l'havia provat, la pizza napolitana,

because I had not tried pizza, Neapolitan pizza,

però em vaig enamorar dels fons de llet,

but I fell in love with the milk backgrounds,

de la pinya com són, de com es mouen els pizzeros,

from the pineapple as they are, from how the pizzaiolos move,

els horneros, les aceiteres, tots els detalls, no?

the oven birds, the oilers, all the details, right?

I així vaig començar jo a intentar fer coses a casa i no podia.

And so I started trying to do things at home and I couldn't.

Llavors va ser tot això que vam col·locar el forn a casa,

Then it was all this that we placed the oven at home,

vam fer pizzas pels amics i tot això.

We made pizzas for friends and all that.

Però més endavant vaig anar primer de tot a fer un curs

But later on I first went to take a course.

de l'associació Neverachy Pizza Napolitana,

from the Neverachy Neapolitan Pizza association,

que és la que salvaguarda que la pizza napolitana es faci

what is it that ensures that Neapolitan pizza is made

seguint les regles.

following the rules.

És un grup de pizzeros que es van reunir en el seu moment

It is a group of pizza makers who met at that time.

i van dir, això de la pizza napolitana està arribant a tot el món,

They said, this Neapolitan pizza is reaching all over the world,

anem a intentar tutelar que això,

let's try to oversee this,

no se'n vagi de madre i seguir unes regles.

Don't go overboard and follow some rules.

Aquest va ser el primer cop que vaig anar a Nàpolis,

This was the first time I went to Naples,

però quan vaig tornar em vaig quedar una mica amb l'espinilla

but when I returned I was a bit left with the pimple

d'haver treballat en pizzeria.

of having worked in a pizzeria.

I més endavant, un any després, vaig tornar a Nàpolis

And later, a year later, I returned to Naples.

ja per treballar al terrazzo, a la pizzeria on he après.

I already worked at the terrazzo, at the pizzeria where I learned.

Pizza napolitana, has dit.

Neapolitan pizza, you said.

Pels aliens de la matèria, com és la pizza napolitana?

For the aliens of matter, what is Neapolitan pizza like?

L'autèntica, diguéssim.

The authentic one, let's say.

Va, a veure.

Come on, let's see.

La pizza napolitana és la pizza.

Neapolitan pizza is the pizza.

És la pizza...

It's the pizza...

Ara li hem de posar napolitana al final com per dir-te

Now we have to add a pastry at the end as if to say to you.

això és una pizza, perquè la pizza napolitana és la pizza.

this is a pizza, because Neapolitan pizza is the pizza.

L'altre és el que ha vingut després, han sigut mutacions d'aquesta pizza.

The other is the one that came later, they have been mutations of this pizza.

Però la pizza va néixer a Nàpolis i va néixer d'aquesta manera

But pizza was born in Naples and was born this way.

que va molt relacionada amb com és el poble napoletano,

that is very much related to what the Neapolitan people are like,

un fordanyenya amb una cocció molt violenta,

a very violent cooking fordanyenya,

molt ràpid, molt desmadre...

very fast, very chaotic...

O sigui, un carrer...

So, a street...

Un carrer de Nàpolis i una pizzeria és el mateix, no?

A street in Naples and a pizzeria are the same, right?

Llavors, la pizzeria va néixer allà i va néixer en aquelles condicions.

Then, the pizzeria was born there and was born under those conditions.

Què passa?

What's happening?

Que si tu agafes aquesta pizza amb aquest desmadre i te la portes a Alemanya,

If you take this pizza with this mess and bring it to Germany,

els alemanys que es posin a fer pizza diran

the Germans who start making pizza will say

bueno, espera't un moment, anem a organitzar això bé.

Well, wait a moment, let's organize this properly.

Anem a anar tranquils, anem a posar dos forns elèctrics, anem a...

Let's go calmly, let's set up two electric ovens, let's...

I llavors la pizza que surt és diferent, o sigui, en tots els àmbits, no?

And then the pizza that comes out is different, I mean, in all aspects, right?

Llavors, la pizza napolitana és la pizza perquè és com va néixer la pizza.

Then, Neapolitan pizza is the pizza because that's how pizza was born.

Si tu ho dius per diferència,

If you say it out of difference,

per diferenciar-la d'altre tipus de pizzes,

to differentiate it from other types of pizzas,

la pizza napolitana, veuràs que és una pizza molt lleugera,

Neapolitan pizza, you'll see that it's a very light pizza.

amb el bord lleugerament una mica més aixecat de lo normal,

with the edge slightly raised more than usual,

amb menys ingredients del que estem acostumats aquí.

with fewer ingredients than we are used to here.

Perquè aquí, per exemple...

Because here, for example...

L'esfarcim massa, potser, no?

We spread it too much, perhaps, don't we?

L'esfarcim moltíssim aquí.

We spread it a lot here.

I està tot inundat de mozzarella i tal, i el tomàquet ni el noten.

And it's all flooded with mozzarella and such, and the tomato doesn't even get noticed.

Molts cops, quan han vingut a provar les meves pizzes,

Many times, when they have come to try my pizzas,

el que més m'han dit és, hòstia, el tomàquet!

What they've told me the most is, damn, the tomato!

Perquè és que en les pizzeries aquí, no sé, en Europa en general, fora de Nàpolis,

Because it's that in pizzerias here, I don't know, in Europe in general, outside of Naples,

està molt oblidat el tomàquet, per exemple,

the tomato is very forgotten, for example,

i ha estat tot invadit de mozzarella.

and it has all been invaded by mozzarella.

Llavors, a nivell tècnic, t'hauria de dir que una pizza napolitana

Then, technically speaking, I should tell you that a Neapolitan pizza

és una pizza que s'ha fet en un forn de lenya, 450-500 graus,

It is a pizza that has been made in a wood-fired oven, 450-500 degrees.

la massa lleugerament més hidratada de lo normal,

the dough slightly more hydrated than usual,

i els ingredients, sobretot, de la zona de Campania, a prop de Nàpolis.

And the ingredients, especially, from the Campania region, near Naples.

És la millor pizza del món? Es fa a Nàpols?

Is it the best pizza in the world? Is it made in Naples?

La millor pizza...

The best pizza...

Però seguint rànquings o seguint...

But following rankings or following...

O la meva opinió...

Or my opinion...

La teva opinió, com a pizzaiolo.

Your opinion, as a pizza maker.

La meva opinió és que sí, la meva opinió és que la millor pizza del món es fa a Nàpolis

My opinion is that yes, my opinion is that the best pizza in the world is made in Naples.

perquè segueixen havent-hi pizzeries tradicionals que fan la pizza que feia el seu avi.

Because there are still traditional pizzerias that make the pizza that their grandfather used to make.

I per mi això és el que m'agrada d'una pizzeria, i és les pizzeries que acostumo a anar.

And for me, this is what I like about a pizzeria, and these are the pizzerias I usually go to.

Si ens posem en rànquings i tal, que no estic gaire d'acord,

If we get into rankings and stuff, which I don’t really agree with,

el més prestigiat és 50 Top Pizza,

the most prestigious is 50 Top Pizza,

i ara mateix diu que la millor pizzeria està a Caserta, que està a prop de Nàpolis,

And right now it says that the best pizzeria is in Caserta, which is near Naples.

però no és a la ciutat de Nàpolis.

but it is not in the city of Naples.

I és una pizza nova que està sortint, que és la pizza contemporània,

And it is a new pizza that is coming out, which is the contemporary pizza,

que per mi perd una mica l'essència dels valors del pizzaiolo.

for me, it loses a bit of the essence of the pizzaiolo's values.

T'explico una anècdota que ara m'ha vingut al cap.

I'll tell you an anecdote that just popped into my head.

Fa no gaire, amb uns amics vam estar a Sicília, precisament,

Not long ago, I was in Sicily with some friends, precisely,

i parlant amb una siciliana, li vam dir

And speaking with a Sicilian woman, we told her.

ostres, estem buscant llocs per anar a menjar bé pasta i bé pizza,

Wow, we are looking for places to go eat good pasta and good pizza.

i quan li vam dir pizza, amb ella, siciliana, va dir

And when we said pizza, with her, Sicilian, she said.

pasta sí, d'acord, la millor pasta d'Itàlia es fa aquí a Sicília,

pasta yes, okay, the best pasta in Italy is made here in Sicily,

però de debò...

but really...

O que esteu buscant pizzeries a Sicília, i ens va dir

Oh, what are you looking for pizzerias in Sicily, and he told us.

vosaltres que sou de Catalunya, que sou de Barcelona,

you who are from Catalonia, you who are from Barcelona,

allà es fan molt millor pizzes que aquí.

They make much better pizzas there than here.

És cert que es fa bona pizza a Barcelona, es fa bona pizza a Catalunya?

Is it true that good pizza is made in Barcelona, is good pizza made in Catalonia?

Hòstia, és que saps què passa?

Damn, do you know what happens?

Que de veritat que em fa molt aquesta pregunta,

That question really affects me a lot.

i no sé si hauré de començar a anar per respondre-la,

and I don't know if I will have to start going to respond to her,

però és que...

but it's that...

No hi vas, eh, pizzeries d'aquí?

You're not going, huh, pizzerias around here?

Fa molts anys que no vaig a pizzes a Barcelona,

I haven't been to pizzerias in Barcelona for many years.

perquè diguéssim que no vaig a sopar fora molt,

because we could say that I don't go out for dinner much,

i quan vaig, vaig a altre tipus de llocs,

And when I go, I go to other types of places,

però quan m'inflo de pizzes és quan vaig a Nàpolis,

but when I stuff myself with pizzas is when I go to Naples,

perquè tinc mil coses que vull provar i tal,

because I have a thousand things I want to try and all that,

llavors no acostumo a anar...

then I usually don't go...

Sí que és veritat que no sé si a Barcelona,

It is true that I don't know if in Barcelona,

o en Europa en general i tal,

or in Europe in general and such,

està evolucionant molt el món de la pizza,

the world of pizza is evolving a lot,

per tant, ja no passarà que per menjar-te una bona pizza

therefore, it will no longer happen that you will eat a good pizza

t'hagis d'anar a Sicília, com dius tu.

you have to go to Sicily, as you say.

És que també, canviant-te una mica de tema,

It's just that also, changing the subject a bit,

també hem de diferenciar molt Nàpolis de la resta d'Itàlia, eh?

We also have to differentiate Naples from the rest of Italy, right?

O sigui, a Nàpolis, ciutat, es fa la pizza com era abans.

That is, in Naples, the city, pizza is made as it was before.

A la mínima, aquest canvi,

At the slightest opportunity, this change,

aquest canvi de ciutat, ja estem canviant.

this change of city, we are already changing.

O sigui, quants més quilòmetres t'allunyes de Nàpolis,

So, the further away you get from Naples,

la pizza va tenir una mutació cap a alguna cosa

the pizza underwent a mutation into something

que ja no s'apropa gens, saps?

that is not getting closer at all, you know?

Llavors, al nord d'Itàlia no fan millor pizza que nosaltres,

So, in northern Italy they don't make better pizza than us,

i probablement a Sicília, a baix de tot, tampoc.

And probably in Sicily, down at the bottom, neither.

No ho sé perquè no n'he anat mai.

I don't know because I have never been there.

Però és bàsicament això, o sigui,

But it is basically this, I mean,

pizza de veritat, quan vagis a Nàpolis,

real pizza, when you go to Naples,

més a dalt, més a baix, jo ja no t'ho sé dir,

higher up, lower down, I don't know how to tell you anymore,

però en aquest canvi de ciutat, canvia molt el concepte.

But in this city change, the concept changes a lot.

Rosa, tu cap...

Rosa, your boss...

Per la teva feina has hagut de tastar de tot i més.

For your job, you have had to taste everything and more.

Hi ha hagut alguna pizza molt estranya

There has been some very strange pizza.

que hagis hagut de menjar algun cop que diguis, per favor?

Have you ever had to eat something that you would say, please?

Molt estranya?

Very strange?

Això no ho feu més.

Don't do this anymore.

Saps quina penso que era molt estranya?

Do you know which one I think was very strange?

Les pizzas dels 90's i principis dels 2000's,

The pizzas of the 90s and early 2000s,

que eren molt fines i molt crocants,

that were very thin and very crispy,

i de fet eren una mica desagradables.

and in fact they were a bit unpleasant.

Les menjaven perquè no hi havia una altra cosa, no?

They ate them because there was nothing else, right?

No s'estilaven les pizzas neapolitanes encara,

Neapolitan pizzas were not yet in style,

però allò sí que em semblava estrany, no?

But that did seem strange to me, didn’t it?

Era com dur.

It was like hard.




Very hard.

I una pizza no ha de ser dura.

And a pizza should not be hard.

Això a Nàpolis, aquest tipus de pizza li diuen biscotto,

In Naples, they call this type of pizza biscotto.

que seria com galleta, saps?

it would be like a cookie, you know?

És com una galleta que és tot crujiente i tot fi, no?

It's like a cookie that is all crunchy and all fine, isn't it?

No, la pizza no hauria de ser així.

No, the pizza shouldn't be like that.

La pizza ha acabat sent així

The pizza ended up being like this.

perquè la gent no té un fort de llenya

because people don't have a wood fort

que arribi a aquestes temperatures,

that it reaches these temperatures,

hidrata la massa molt menys,

hydrates the dough much less,

per tant, tens una cosa molt seca,

therefore, you have a very dry thing,

que ja la poses després a menjar,

that you then put her to eat,

que ja la poses després en un forn que t'ossecarà molt,

that you then put it in an oven that will dry it out a lot,

i tens la pizza allà dintre 5-7 minuts quan hauria d'estar on.

And you have the pizza in there in 5-7 minutes when it should be where.

Llavors, allò acaba, o sigui, crujiente, saps?

Then, that ends, I mean, crunchy, you know?

Acaba molt sec.

It ends very dry.

I més enllà de com fem aquestes pizzes,

And beyond how we make these pizzas,

¿consideres que ens les sabem menjar?

Do you think we know how to eat them?

Seguim el procediment que toca.

We follow the appropriate procedure.

¿Hi ha alguna manera de menjar-se una pizza?

Is there any way to eat a pizza?

No l'acostumeu a seguir el procediment que toca.

Don't get used to following the proper procedure.

Com hauríem de fer, a veure?

How should we do it, let's see?

És bastant simple.

It is quite simple.

A ver, a Nàpolis hi ha dues maneres.

Let's see, in Naples there are two ways.

Una la trobo molt salvaje,

I find one very wild,

i l'altra la trobo la que faig jo, vale?

And the other one I find is the one I do, okay?

¿Preferiu que comenci per la salvaje o per la normal?

Do you prefer that I start with the wild one or the normal one?

No, la salvatge pel final.

No, the wild one for the end.

Vale. La normal és, t'arriba la pizza,

Okay. The usual is, the pizza arrives,

la divideixes en 4 trossos,

you divide it into 4 pieces,

i llavors, tal qual,

and then, just like that,

doblegues la massa, l'has de doblegar així,

you fold the dough, you have to fold it like this,

i si se't cau una mica per davant, ho tires cap a dintre.

And if it falls a bit in front of you, you throw it inside.

Sí, fas com una U,

Yes, you make a U shape,

deixant els ingredients a dins de la U.

leaving the ingredients inside the U.

Sí, i sobretot 4 trossos, eh, només.

Yes, and especially 4 pieces, okay, just that.

4 trossos que el que et fa és... et fa triangles.

4 pieces that what it does is... it makes you triangles.

Sí, llavors fas així, i et menges el tros.

Yes, then you do this, and you eat the piece.

Quan t'acabes un tros, t'has de menjar el bord, sobretot.

When you finish a piece, you have to eat the crust, above all.

No em deixis tot el bord pel final.

Don't leave me all the rough stuff for the end.

Ui, ui, m'estic atabalant, eh.

Oh, oh, I'm getting overwhelmed, huh.

Aquesta gent, aquesta gent,

These people, these people,

aquesta gent de no menjar-se les cantonades de la pizza.

these people don't eat the corners of the pizza.

És que no han entès d'aquella segona.

It's just that they didn't understand that second one.

No han entès res.

They haven't understood anything.

No han entès la vida en general.

They have not understood life in general.

No han entès que hi ha altibajos,

They have not understood that there are ups and downs,

que no es pot estar tot el rato en un èxtasi, m'entens o no?

you can't be in ecstasy all the time, do you understand or not?

No es pot, necessitem...

It can't be done, we need...

La primera mossegada que faràs t'emocionarà,

The first bite you take will excite you,

o sigui, et recordarà l'últim cop que has anat a la pizzeria, tal.

So, it will remind you of the last time you went to the pizzeria, like that.

Quan t'estàs acabant el primer tros,

When you are finishing the first piece,

necessites menjar-te aquest bord,

you need to eat this ugly one,

és molta emoció, és molt tal.

It's a lot of emotion, it's very much so.

Posa'm el bord de tal, suques una mica de tomàquet,

Put me the edge of such, add a little tomato,

et pilles algun ingredient, i després tornes amb el següent tros,

you grab an ingredient, and then you come back with the next piece,

i et torna a entrar una cosa a dintre

and something enters back inside you

que no és tan bèstia com la primera mossegada,

that it's not as fierce as the first bite,

però tornes, m'entens o no?

But are you coming back, do you understand me or not?

Perquè la primera vegada sempre és la primera vegada.

Because the first time is always the first time.

La primera mossegada no la viuràs mai.

You will never experience the first bite.

La gent que està parlant a la pizzeria i tal i no sé què,

The people who are talking at the pizzeria and such and I don’t know what,

quan t'arriba la pizza, la primera mossegada,

when the pizza arrives, the first bite,

calla't i no parleu, sisplau, de veritat t'ho dic.

shut up and don’t talk, please, I’m really telling you.

Et menges les cantonades?

Do you eat the corners?

Me les menjo i faig això que diu ell de sucar,

I eat them and do what he says about dipping.

poso una mica d'oli i tal, poso una mica d'oli i me les menjo.

I put a little oil and such, I put a little oil and eat them.

I a més, si la pizza és bona,

And furthermore, if the pizza is good,

m'hauré menjat totes les cantonades.

I will have eaten all the corners.

Si ja em començo a quedar com super farta,

If I'm already starting to feel really fed up,

hi ha alguna cosa allà que no rutlla.

There's something there that isn't working.

Hi ha gent estranya

There are strange people.

que el que fa és això,

that what it does is this,

se'ls menja, por final.

They eat them, fear in the end.

Ens va la cosa aquesta de

This thing of ours goes like this

va menjant-lo de dins, i després dius,

he eats it from the inside, and then you say,

quan ja estàs tip, o t'has quedat bé,

when you are already full, or you have been well served,

perquè bé, després encara

because well, then still

et queden totes les cantonades, però

you still have all the corners, though

mira, jo aquí, amb orgull,

look, I here, with pride,

m'ho acabo.

I'm finishing it.

T'estàs menjant això sec ara.

You are eating this dry now.

No, no, allà, que jo m'ho acabaré.

No, no, over there, I will finish it myself.

M'ho acabaré, doncs vinga, endavant.

I'll finish it, so come on, let's go.

Per tant, aquesta seria la forma,

Therefore, this would be the way,

la que tu fas, que és

the one you do, which is

quatre trossos, insistim, per tant,

four pieces, we insist, therefore,

et queden quatre triangles, i fer

you have four triangles left, and do

en forma de U, deixant els ingredients a dins

in the shape of a U, leaving the ingredients inside

i començant per la punta

and starting from the tip

del que seria el centre de la pizza.

from what would be the center of the pizza.

Per fora, ens acabem la cantonada

On the outside, we finish off the corner.

i anem pel segon tall.

And let's go for the second cut.

Quatre, eh? No vuit.

Four, right? Not eight.

Quatre millor, perquè saps què passa?

Four is better, because you know what happens?

Que si fas vuit, i la pizza porta, jo què sé,

That if you make eight, and the pizza has, I don’t know,

champinyons, i porta pernil,

mushrooms, and it brings ham,

potser si fas vuit,

maybe if you do eight,

agafaràs un tros que no hi ha pernil, m'entens o no?

You'll take a piece that doesn't have ham, do you understand or not?

En canvi, si fas quatre, ho doblegues,

On the other hand, if you do four, you double it.

i pilles tots els sabors que el pizzaiolo ha considerat

You capture all the flavors that the pizzaiolo has considered.

que tu t'havies de menjar a l'hora, entens o no?

that you had to eat on time, do you understand or not?

En canvi, si ho fas

On the other hand, if you do it

vuit, si ho fas tal, pot ser que et deixis ingredients

eight, if you do it that way, you might leave out ingredients

i llavors no t'estàs menjant

and then you're not eating yourself

el que t'han fet, t'estàs menjant

what they have done to you, you are eating yourself

per trossos i canvia la història.

piece by piece and changes the story.

La forma salvatge.

The wild form.

La forma salvatge que fan els napolitanos

The wild way that the Neapolitans do.

ve de la pizza portafolio,

comes from the portfolio pizza,

que era com, més o menys,

it was like, more or less,

com va començar la pizza a Nàpolis,

how pizza began in Naples,

que eren unes pizzes més petites que es feien,

that were smaller pizzas that were made,

les doblegaven, diguéssim,

they were double glazed, let's say,

com mitat i l'altra

like half and the other

mitat, no sé si m'explico, saps?

half, I don't know if I'm making myself clear, you know?

Com dos mitats així, i llavors la gent s'ho menjava

Like two halves like that, and then people would eat it.

pel carrer. Com com? A veure, torna-hi, torna-hi, torna-hi.

On the street. How? Come on, go again, go again, go again.

Com t'ho puc explicar? O sigui, a veure...

How can I explain it to you? I mean, let’s see...

Si fa de mal explicar per la ràdio, això, eh?

It's hard to explain this on the radio, isn't it?

Ja, és que la ràdio és una mica tal. Tu tens una rodona,

Yes, it's just that the radio is a bit like that. You have a circle,

no? Sí. La doblegues per la mitat,

No? Yes. You fold it in half,

i després el que tens ho tornes a doblegar

and then what you have you fold it again

per la mitat. M'explico o no?

For half of it. Do I need to explain myself or not?

Però tota la pizza? Tota, tota. O sigui, fas...

But all the pizza? All of it. I mean, you do...

Converteixes la pizza en una mena

You turn the pizza into a kind.

de calzone... Com si ho convertissis en un crep,

of calzone... As if you turned it into a crepe,

per dir-t'ho d'una manera. O sigui, fas

to put it one way. I mean, you do

un plec, per tant,

a fold, therefore,

et queda ja una meitat,

you have already half left,

amb tot a dins, i en fas un altre. Un altre plec.

with everything inside, and you make another one. Another fold.

Així és com van començar les pizzes. Es feien

This is how pizzas began. They were made

Margarit i ja està, anaven pel carrer

Margarit and that's it, they were walking down the street.

i se les menjaven així. Què passa? Que aquí eren

And they ate them like this. What happens? That they were here.

napolitanos que quan van a una pizzeria i es demana una pizza

Neapolitans who go to a pizzeria and order a pizza.

gran, normal, ho fan i se la mengen

big, normal, they do it and eat it

així a bocajarro. Però, per mi,

thus point-blank. But, for me,

no és la manera recomanable. Però

it's not the recommended way. But

un napolitano bèstia et pot fer això tranquil.

A beastly Neapolitan can do this calmly.

Tranquil·lament, sí, sí, sí. Això ho has fet

Calmly, yes, yes, yes. You did this.

algun cop, Rosa? Jo no ho he fet mai.

Ever, Rosa? I've never done it.

No sóc una napolitana bèstia, de moment.

I am not a beastly Neapolitan, for the moment.

Llavors, escolta'm, Eric, clar,

So, listen to me, Eric, of course,

arriba un moment que

there comes a moment that

comences a fer vídeos

you start making videos

a les xarxes i que

on the networks and what

comences a pujar molt de seguidor.

You are starting to gain a lot of followers.

Saps quants tens, ara? Sí, sí,

Do you know how many do you have now? Yes, yes,

tenim 110.000

we have 110,000

a l'Instagram. 110.000 a l'Instagram. I en el TikTok

on Instagram. 110,000 on Instagram. And on TikTok.

també tenim 40.000.

we also have 40,000.

Quan comences amb els vídeos?

When do you start with the videos?

Els vídeos vam començar

We started the videos.

al novembre de l'any passat.

in November of last year.

Per algun motiu? O sigui, jo tenia

For some reason? I mean, I had

molt clar que, o sigui,

very clear that, I mean,

des que vaig començar tot aquest procés per aprendre

since I started this whole process to learn

la pizza napolitana, jo sabia que acabaria obrint un restaurant.

The Neapolitan pizza, I knew I would eventually open a restaurant.

Llavors, quan vaig

Then, when I go

anar a Nàpolis i tal,

going to Naples and such,

vaig entendre que era més important

I understood that it was more important.

la figura del pizzaiolo que la pròpia pizzeria.

the figure of the pizzaiolo than the pizzeria itself.

O sigui, tu vas a una pizzeria a Nàpolis

So, you go to a pizzeria in Naples.

i veus el nom de la pizzeria

And you see the name of the pizzeria?

allà en petit i el nom del pizzero molt

there in small and the name of the pizzaiolo very

gran. Llavors, per allà

Great. So, over there.

és molt important que hi hagi

it is very important that there is

una figura del pizzero. O sigui, el pizzero és el

a figure of the pizza maker. That is, the pizza maker is the

paquet. No, no, la gent li vol veure la cara al pizzero.

package. No, no, people want to see the face of the pizza maker.

Vol parlar amb el pizzero. Llavors, sabent

I want to speak with the pizza maker. Then, knowing

tot això,

all of this,

i també perquè el tema de la marca personal m'agrada molt

And also because I really like the topic of personal branding.

i tal, vaig parlar amb

and so, I talked with

més hermana, que més hermana s'ha dedicat sempre al món del

More sister, who more sister has always dedicated herself to the world of

vídeo, i li vaig dir, hòstia,

video, and I said to him, damn,

jo crec que hauríem de fer això i tal. Jo li vaig

I think we should do this and such. I'm going to tell him.

dir una idea no tan polida com ho ha fet

to express an idea not as polished as he/she has done

ella. Jo li vaig dir,

she. I told her,

jo crec que li vaig dir com vídeos de YouTube i tal.

I think I told him about YouTube videos and such.

Llavors, més hermana

Then, more sister.

va agafar com el boceto que jo tenia

he took it like the sketch I had

i el va perfeccionar

and he perfected it

i llavors ella és la que s'ha

and then she is the one who has

regalat tot el tema dels vídeos. O sigui, ella em diu,

given the whole video thing. I mean, she tells me,

hòstia, hem de fer aquests vídeos i tal, ho prepara tot.

Damn, we have to make these videos and stuff, prepare everything.

O sigui, jo realment l'únic que faig és sortir. Quan la gent

So, what I really do is go out. When people

diu, hòstia, vídeos molt bons, dic, és que jo només surto

He says, damn, very good videos, I say, it's just that I only go out.

allà. La que fa tot el treball és més hermana.

There. The one who does all the work is more of a sister.

Està a la sombra. I a més has creat com tota una

She is in the shade. And besides, you have created almost a whole...

narrativa, perquè no només ens expliques

narrative, because you not only tell us

com elabores les pizzes, sinó que també

how you make the pizzas, but also

un dels formats que has fet en alguna

one of the formats you have made in some

ocasió són cites

occasion are appointments

entre dues persones en l'espai

between two people in space

aquest on tu fas pizzes, d'ahir, el Joco de la More.

this where you make pizzas, from yesterday, the Joco de la More.

Creus que es pot enamorar alguna cosa

Do you think it's possible to fall in love with something?

amb una pizza?

with a pizza?

Home, jo crec que és molt bon

Man, I think it's very good.

un context per enamorar-se.

a context to fall in love.

Però ara parlant d'això d'aquestes

But now talking about this, about these...

d'aquestes cites,

of these quotes,

o sigui, el tema va ser que un amic meu,

in other words, the issue was that a friend of mine,

que a part ens està escoltant ara mateix perquè li agrada

that besides, he is listening to us right now because he likes it

molt el vostre programa, que es diu Serra,

I really like your program, which is called Serra.

volia trobar l'amor.

I wanted to find love.

Volia una salutació al Serra.

I wanted a greeting to Serra.

Una salutació al Serra, sisplau.

A greeting to Serra, please.

Volia trobar l'amor

I wanted to find love.

i va dir, hòstia, organitzem

he said, damn, let's organize

una cita tal. I llavors

such a quote. And then

d'aquí va sorgir aquesta idea.

This idea emerged from here.

I el dia abans de la cita

And the day before the appointment.

el Serra es va rajar i va dir que no.

Serra backed out and said no.

Mira, molt bé. Però bueno, gràcies a ell

Look, very good. But well, thanks to him.

va sorgir aquest format

this format emerged

que a nosaltres ens diverteix molt.

that we find a lot of fun.

Ha sigut una mina d'or.

It has been a gold mine.

Escolta'm, sabem que obriràs

Listen to me, we know you will open.

la teva pròpia pizzeria.

your own pizzeria.

A saber d'ell, oi? Sí.

To know about him, right? Yes.



M'ho he intentat filtrar abans

I tried to filter it before.

de l'entrevista, però no podrà.

from the interview, but she won’t be able to.

Jo l'únic que estic dient és que

The only thing I'm saying is that

pel 2023 està oberta.

It is open for 2023.

No puc dir més informació encara.

I cannot provide more information yet.

El que sí que et puc dir és que el nom de la pizzeria

What I can tell you is that the name of the pizzeria

de casa...

from home...

Per què serà?

Why could it be?

Això és la gràcia. El nom de la pizzeria

That's the charm. The name of the pizzeria.

és el motiu pel qual s'ha obert aquesta pizzeria

It is the reason why this pizzeria has been opened.

i es desvalora la inauguració mitjançant un documental

And the inauguration is devalued through a documentary.

que està preparat amb més hermana.

that is prepared with more sister.

Tothom molt pendent de la inauguració

Everyone very attentive to the inauguration.

perquè realment no tindrà precedent.

because it will really have no precedent.

Que la inauguració serà?

When will the inauguration be?

Com les esquiva, eh?

How you dodge it, huh?

No t'ho diré, no tinc molt clar

I won't tell you, I'm not very sure.

el que n'haig de dir.

what I have to say about it.

Rosa, tu potser sabràs respondre millor aquesta pregunta.

Rosa, you might be able to answer this question better.

Hi ha un oient

There is a listener.

que ens pregunta

that asks us

per què


creieu vosaltres

do you believe?

que la pizza aquí a casa nostra

that the pizza here at our home

s'ha fet molt més popular

it has become much more popular

que la coca de recapte, que seria una mica

that the coca de recapte, which would be a bit

com la pizza que teníem nosaltres.

like the pizza we had.

És veritat, és veritat.

It is true, it is true.

Jo crec que perquè els italians saben vendre molt bé

I believe that it's because Italians know how to sell very well.

la seva gastronomia per tot el món

its gastronomy around the world

i perquè Barcelona ha estat un

and because Barcelona has been a

lloc on s'han arrelat molts d'ells

place where many of them have settled

des de fa potser 10, 15, 20 anys.

for maybe 10, 15, 20 years now.

Hi ha molts napolitans

There are many Neapolitans.

a Barcelona, molts italians.

In Barcelona, many Italians.

Una colònia molt potent.

A very powerful colony.

De la qual cosa hem d'estar molt agraïts.

For which we must be very grateful.

Absolutament. Perquè així mengem millor pizza.

Absolutely. Because this way we eat better pizza.

Per cert, una pregunta, Eric,

By the way, a question, Eric,

absurda. En cas de

absurd. In case of

que no ens funcioni bé

that it doesn't work well for us

el forn o el que sigui, perquè tenim moltes

the oven or whatever, because we have plenty

ganes de menjar pizza,

craving for pizza,

fer-la al microondas

put it in the microwave

és un delicte, pràcticament, no?

It's a crime, practically, right?

Hòstia, fer-la al microondas

Damn, do it in the microwave.

en quin sentit? No ho sé, escalfar-la allà

In what sense? I don't know, heat it up there.

al microondas. Però que tens alguna base

in the microwave. But do you have any base?

i l'escalfes allà... Sí, no ho sé.

And you heat it up there... Yes, I don't know.

A la paella es poden fer pizzas?

Can you make pizzas in a frying pan?

O sigui, estàs tirant ja de preguntes absurdes

So, you’re already throwing out absurd questions.

que tens a última hora, ja, per acabar

What do you have at the last minute, then, to finish?

el programa, eh? Sí, ja no sap,

the program, huh? Yes, he doesn't know anymore,

ja no sap com fer-ho, que algú el vingui a ajudar, sisplau.

he no longer knows how to do it, someone please come help him.

No, però, per exemple, a vegades, una cosa

No, but, for example, sometimes, one thing.

que es fa molt, és

what is done a lot is

vas al restaurant amb els amics.

you go to the restaurant with friends.

Sí, això no es pot

Yes, this cannot be done.

preguntar, no, això que he fet. A veure, ja

ask, no, what I've done. Let's see, already

és bateria de preguntes que tens per si de cas,

it's a set of questions you have just in case,

per si tens temps... No, però una cosa,

Just in case you have time... No, but one thing,

si l'arròs encara ens explica coses, què penses?

If rice still tells us things, what do you think?

I aquesta és una pregunta de les bones.

And this is a good question.

No, era una pregunta més... És fluixa, és fluixa.

No, it was just one more question... It's weak, it's weak.

Ni te la responc, aquesta és fluixa.

I'm not responding to you, this is weak.

És una heretgia, és una heretgia.

It is a heresy, it is a heresy.

No, però es pot reconduir, jo,

No, but it can be redirected, I.

crec, la pregunta d'en Sergi, perquè

I think, Sergi's question, because

a vegades una cosa que fem molt és

sometimes one thing we do a lot is

anar a sopar amb amics, per exemple,

going out to dinner with friends, for example,

ens sobra pizza,

we have leftover pizza,

ens l'emportem a casa, i ens la volem menjar

We take it home, and we want to eat it.

l'endemà al matí. Clar, llavors està freda.

The next morning. Of course, then it is cold.

Amb aquesta pizza, què hem de fer?

What should we do with this pizza?

Jo aconsello... Per no menjar-nos

I advise... not to eat us.

la freda, em refereixo.

the cold one, I mean.

Sí, jo aconsello la sartén.

Yes, I recommend the pan.

Tampoc m'agrada molt, però aconsello

I don't really like it much either, but I recommend it.

la sartén, quedarà una mica més

the frying pan, it will stay a little longer

crujiente, però és que si ho fiques al microondes,

crispy, but if you put it in the microwave,

queda una cosa molt estranya, és que

there is one very strange thing, it is that

jo ho he fet a la sartén algun cop,

I have done it in the pan sometimes.

però no sé dir quin és el

but I don't know which one it is

modo més... Hi ha un company

in a more... There is a colleague

de la redacció d'informatius, no diré el nom,

from the news editorial, I won't say the name,

perquè potser no em dóna permís per

because maybe he/she won't give me permission to

dir-lo, però em diu

say it, but it tells me

Sergi, tot el suport, jo he

Sergi, all the support, I have.

fet alguna pizza a casa a

made some pizza at home

Tarradellas, al microondes, quan estudiava a la 1 i no

Tarradellas, in the microwave, when I was studying at 1 and not.

tenia res més per dinar. Hòstia, però perquè

I had nothing else for lunch. Damn, but why?

no tenia el forn d'aquesta casa. I em feia

I didn't have the oven from this house. And it made me.

mandra esperar, tenia molta gana i em feia

I was too lazy to wait, I was very hungry and it made me...

mandra esperar que s'escofés el forn.

I was lazy waiting for the oven to preheat.

Hòstia. Aquestes coses que es fan de joves.

Damn. These things you do when you're young.

Ja, ja, ja. Des d'aquí, una crida

Ha, ha, ha. From here, a call.

a això no es fa. Això no es fa.

That is not done. That is not done.

No es fa pizza al microondes, m'ho aconsello.

Don't make pizza in the microwave, I advise you.

Però, has vist?

But, have you seen?

Sortit a defensar-ho. Hòstia, no, no, no.

Come out to defend it. Damn, no, no, no.

No m'ho aconsello jo al microondes.

I wouldn't advise it in the microwave.

Eric, ens queden 4 minuts.

Eric, we have 4 minutes left.

Vols quedar... Escolta, què ens explica

Do you want to meet... Listen, what does it tell us?

la Rosa? Sí, a veure què ens explica, que segur

Rosa? Yes, let's see what she tells us, I'm sure.

que és molt interessant. Home, segur.

that is very interesting. Well, for sure.

Rosa, què ens expliques avui?

Rosa, what are you telling us today?

Doncs us parlaré de tomàquets.

Well, I will talk to you about tomatoes.

No són del piénolo del

They are not from the piñolo of the

Vesuvio, com li agraden a Eric,

Vesuvius, just how Eric likes it,

sinó són els

but they are the

que es diuen huevo de toro

they are called bull's egg

del Valle del Guadalhorce.

from the Guadalhorce Valley.

Resulta que aquesta setmana

It turns out that this week

se n'ha venut un lot per

a lot has been sold for

1.900 euros

1,900 euros

en un concurs i

in a contest and

subhasta. Primer un concurs

auction. First a contest

per decidir quins són els millors.

to decide which are the best.

La millor selecció de tomàquets, huevo de toro,

The best selection of tomatoes, bull's egg,

que ja ens imaginem la forma que deuen tenir.

that we can already imagine what shape they must have.

Ah, i després

Ah, and then

algú fa

someone does

la puja, no? Que ara no recordo ben bé

The bid, right? Because I don't quite remember now.

com es diu aquesta paraula en català. La puja.

How do you say this word in Catalan? The rise.

A apostar, no? Per subastar.

To bet, right? To auction.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

S'aposta per la subasta.

It's bet on the auction.

I aleshores

And then

1.900 euros

1,900 euros

són els que s'han pagat per aquests tomàquets

they are the ones that have been paid for these tomatoes

i la venda d'aquests tomàquets

and the sale of these tomatoes

després es destinarà

after it will be allocated

a una causa benèfica,

to a charitable cause,

en aquest cas, una causa animalista.

in this case, an animal rights cause.

Està molt bé. Què us sembla?

It’s very good. What do you think?

La Rosa sempre ens resol, a més a més, un dubte

Rosa always resolves a doubt for us, moreover.

i avui el que ens planteja

and today what it raises for us

és què faig si m'intoxico

What do I do if I get poisoned?

en un restaurant.

in a restaurant.

Això pot passar. A vegades

This can happen. Sometimes.

passa. Normalment no,

sure. Normally not,

però passa. Pot passar, sí.

but it happens. It can happen, yes.

I clar, un es troba malament

Of course, one feels unwell.

en molts sentits. Un se sent

in many ways. One feels

estúpid, però contra això

stupid, but against this

no hi ha remei, i després

there is no remedy, and afterwards

es pot sentir molt malament

you can feel very bad

a nivell intestinal,

at the intestinal level,

etcètera, etcètera. Aleshores

etcetera, etcetera. Then

hem d'anar al metge.

We need to go to the doctor.

I al metge ens fa un informe i unes

And the doctor gives us a report and some

proves i això ens ho guardarem.

tests and we will keep this to ourselves.

Seria bo que tinguéssim

It would be good if we had.

també el tiquet del restaurant

also the restaurant receipt

terminal, que ens ha intoxicat.

terminal, which has poisoned us.



si la cosa ens ha empipat

if the thing has annoyed us

molt, que és per empipar-se,

a lot, which is for getting angry,

podem anar a l'oficina

we can go to the office

municipal de consum

municipal consumption

de la nostra ciutat. Això està bé saber-ho.

from our city. It is good to know this.

I faran de

And they will make of

faran de mediadors

they will act as mediators

amb el restaurant. S'hi posaran en contacte

with the restaurant. They will get in touch.

i intentaran

and they will try

arribar a un acord, una solució.

reach an agreement, a solution.

Si el restaurant no està per

If the restaurant is not for

massa romansos

too many romances

hi ha l'opció

there is the option

d'obrir una causa

to open a case



i l'oficina pot

and the office can

enviar una inspecció de sanitat al restaurant.

send a health inspection to the restaurant.

Però aviam què ha passat.

But let's see what has happened.

Si l'encedadilla està

If the light is off

ballant el reggaeton allà

dancing reggaeton there

a la barra o què és el que

at the bar or what is it that

està passant. I si la cosa és molt

it's happening. And if the thing is very

molt greu, ja és un tema

very serious, it's already a topic

d'una demanda

of a demand

per lo penal, per danys i prejudicis.

for criminal matters, for damages and losses.

Però bé, d'aquestes en passen

But, well, these things happen.

poc. D'aquestes en passen poc. Però hi ha casos i

Few. There are not many of these. But there are cases and

de casos resols a favor de l'intoxicat.

of cases resolved in favor of the intoxicated person.



Queda un minut

One minute left.

i escaig. Molt ràpid.

and a bit. Very fast.

Rosa, un concepte

Rose, a concept

del diccionari gastronòmic que

from the gastronomic dictionary that

descobrim avui, que és Reventat. El Reventat.

Let's discover today, what is Reventat. The Reventat.

El Reventat

The Burst

podria ser jo que porto tot

It could be me who brings everything.

l'estiu treballant, però

the summer working, but

però és, i tu també,

but it is, and you too,

però és

but it is

el que anomenem un

what we call a

cigaló. És un cafè

Cigaló. It is a coffee.

amb licor. Normalment s'utilitza

with liquor. It is usually used

aquest terme a les Balears i

this term in the Balearic Islands and

algunes zones del País Valencià. Un Reventat, eh?

some areas of the Valencian Community. A mess, huh?

Un Reventat. Per aquí no ens entendran, no?, si

A wreck. They won't understand us here, will they? If

ho diem o... No, aquí un cigaló.

we say it or... No, here a cigar.

Un cigaló. O un president, no?, si és

A crayfish. Or a president, right?, if it is.

amb rompujol.

with rompujol.

Exacte. No? Sí, exacte.

Exactly. No? Yes, exactly.

Doncs això. Rosa Molinero,

Well, that's it. Rosa Molinero,

periodista experta en gastronomia,

expert food journalist,

moltíssimes gràcies. Gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you very much. Thanks to you.

Erika Ayala, pitzer,

Erika Ayala, pitzer,

pizzaiolo, que d'aquí a poc

pizzaiolo, that soon

obrirà el seu propi restaurant

he will open his own restaurant

a Sabadell. Escolta,

to Sabadell. Listen,

moltíssima sort amb l'obertura,

good luck with the opening,

moltíssimes gràcies per il·lustrar-nos

thank you very much for enlightening us

sobre pizzes,

about pizzas,

i al final aquest missatge,

and in the end this message,

per favor, la pizza, que ningú la faci un microones.

Please, no one heat the pizza in the microwave.

No, no, no. Bueno, moltes gràcies

No, no, no. Well, thank you very much.

per invitar-me, eh? A tu.

to invite me, huh? To you.

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