1x20 SER SENSIBLES: la sensibilitat de Goethe a Josefa Tolrà, un amor perdut per la distància i la cerca de la mare abans dels fills

Radio Primavera Sound

Salsa Romesco

1x20 SER SENSIBLES: la sensibilitat de Goethe a Josefa Tolrà, un amor perdut per la distància i la cerca de la mare abans dels fills

Salsa Romesco

Estàs escutant? Ràdio Primavera Sound.

Are you listening? Primavera Sound Radio.

Proudly presented by Cucra.

Proudly presented by Cucra.

Bon dia, romesquetes!

Good morning, little gnomes!

Estem aquí amb l'últim episodi de la temporada!

We are here with the last episode of the season!

Bueno, bueno, bueno, bueno...

Well, well, well, well...

Escolta, hem sobreviscut, ho hem fet, això, Marta.

Listen, we have survived, we did it, this, Marta.

Com et sents?

How do you feel?

Això ho hem fet, el nostre primer any sense l'Andrea Gómez.

We have done this, our first year without Andrea Gómez.

Salsa romesco volant lliure, no?

Romesco sauce flying free, right?

Bueno, perquè, evidentment, suposo que està claríssim

Well, because, obviously, I suppose it's very clear.

que enteneu que renovem.

what you understand that we renew.

Aquí seguim, noies!

Here we are, girls!

No us desfareu de nosaltres tan fàcilment

You won't get rid of us so easily.

i l'any que ve ja tenim unes idees preparades

And next year we already have some ideas prepared.

per fer-lo... per fer-la més grossa, no?

to make it... to make it bigger, right?

Salsa romesco, segona temporada, tu.

Romesco sauce, second season, you.

Salsa romesco worldwide.

Romesco sauce worldwide.

Bueno, jo estic molt contenta perquè, bueno,

Well, I am very happy because, well,

hi ha una mica de vacancetes, no?

There are a few little holidays, right?

Que també vol dir treballar des d'un altre lloc,

Which also means working from another place,

però endur-te el portàtil.

but take the laptop.

Jo intentaré que no.

I will try not to.

Jo, com a la penúltima de juliol,

I, like in the penultimate of July,

bueno, a segona de juliol envio sempre un mail als meus clients

Well, at the beginning of July, I always send an email to my clients.

amb una vinyeta superdivertida de jo prenent el sol.

with a super funny cartoon of me sunbathing.

Me l'enviaràs a mi també, sisplau.

Will you send it to me too, please?

Sí, si vols.

Yes, if you want.

Soc jo prenent el sol i dient, estic de vacances.

It's me soaking up the sun and saying, I'm on vacation.

Tot l'agost.

All August.

Ser il·lustradora realment et permet aquestes coses, eh?

Being an illustrator really allows you to do these things, right?

Aquestes licències poètiques.

These poetic licenses.

Jo que envio un autorretrat.

I am sending a self-portrait.

Sí, també, com una selfie.

Yes, also, like a selfie.

De jo menjant-me un almendrado a la piscina de Bantalló.

Of me eating an almond cake at the Bantalló pool.

Exacte, exacte.

Exact, exact.

Llavors, no, jo intentaré fer tot l'agost de vacances.

Then, no, I will try to take all of August off.

Ho intentarem.

We will try.



Avui venim amb un capítol meravellós que es diu Ser sensibles.

Today we come with a wonderful chapter called Being Sensitive.

Ser sensibles.

Be sensitive.

La Karel i jo som un parell de dones sensibilíssimes

Karel and I are a couple of very sensitive women.

i he de dir que això, com ja sospitareu,

I have to say that this, as you may have suspected,

romesquetes, és una condemna i un regal a parts iguals, no?

Romesquetes, it’s a sentence and a gift in equal parts, isn’t it?

Quan estàs trist, realment, el tsunami emocional és insostenible

When you are sad, really, the emotional tsunami is unsustainable.

i morts de la tristor,

and dead of sorrow,

però les alegries també pesen molt més que amb la resta de gent.

but joys also weigh much more than with the rest of the people.

I suposo que val la pena.

I suppose it's worth it.

Bueno, no, és un cinc.

Well, no, it's a five.

Un de cincuanta, pa' lo bueno i pa' lo malo.

One in fifty, for the good and for the bad.

És així, noies.

That's right, girls.

Això ens permet ser unes bones artistes perquè, com tot ens pesa molt,

This allows us to be good artists because, as everything weighs heavily on us,

al final hem de treure-ho d'alguna manera, no?

In the end, we have to get it out somehow, right?

La Karel amb les il·lustracions i amb les fotos, doncs, bueno.

Karel with the illustrations and the photos, well, you know.

Noies, hem construït un ofici d'això.

Girls, we have built a profession out of this.

L'important és monetitzar tot el que sentis.

The important thing is to monetize everything you feel.



Bueno, jo intentaré fer la falca anticapitalista i dir que no,

Well, I will try to make the anti-capitalist wedge and say no,

però, escolta, sempre van bé uns cèntims.

But, listen, a few cents always come in handy.

Sempre van bé pagar factures, no?

It's always good to pay bills, right?

Com pagar d'autònoms.

How to pay as a self-employed.

Ja que mai serem propietàries, almenys.

Since we will never be owners, at least.

Mai serem propietàries, mai serem riques, pues jo què sé.

We will never be owners, we will never be rich, well what do I know.

Una vinyeteta cagant amb la teva ex sempre va bé.

A cartoon of you pooping with your ex always goes well.

Una rosset.

A blonde.

Poder-te pagar una rosset a una bona platxeta en Porto Anenca.

Being able to buy you a pastry on a nice little plate in Porto Anenca.

I tant, noies.

Of course, girls.

Bueno, jo, aprofitant tota aquesta estampida de sensibilitat,

Well, I, taking advantage of all this stampede of sensitivity,

aprofitaré l'últim capítol de la temporada de Salsar Romescu

I will take advantage of the last episode of the season of Salsar Romescu.

per despedir també el projecte que l'engembrarà.

to also dismiss the project that will entangle it.

I és que avui dimecres 24 de juliol de 2024,

And it is that today, Wednesday, July 24, 2024,

després de pensar-nos-ho molt i de lluitar-ho fins al final,

after thinking about it a lot and fighting for it until the end,

s'ha decidit posar...

It has been decided to put...

La plataforma que des de fa quasi 5 anys hem utilitzat per difondre

The platform that we have been using for almost 5 years to disseminate

continguts sàfics en català i sobretot per connectar la Catalunya lèsbica

Sapphic contents in Catalan and mainly to connect the lesbian community in Catalonia.

i bisexual més enllà del centralisme barceloní.

and bisexual beyond the Barcelonian centralism.

Estic molt segura que la meitat de les nostres veients

I am very sure that half of our viewers

venen de Bunyol TV i ens van descobrir per aquest projecte

They come from Bunyol TV and discovered us through this project.

que va néixer en pandèmia.

that was born during the pandemic.

Sentim que durant aquests anys ja hem apropat la paraula sàfic

We feel that over these years we have already brought the word sapphic closer.

a molts llocs on se'ns oculta encara.

in many places where we are still hidden.

Hem fet política i ho hem fet sempre antifascistes

We have done politics and we have always done it as antifascists.

i anticapitalistes.

and anti-capitalists.

Des d'aquí faic una abraçada a totes les que vau participar

From here, I send a hug to all those who participated.

en algun moment del projecte, de manera que sigui ajudant-nos

at some point in the project, in such a way that it is helping us

en temes de premsa.

in press matters.

Una gran abraçada aquí a l'Andrea Gómez,

A big hug here to Andrea Gómez,

que en aquell moment era de la casa.

that at that moment was from the house.

També a Adrián Martos, que ens va posar en contacte amb Ginastai,

Also to Adrián Martos, who put us in contact with Ginastai,

amb el que vam fer uns projectes preciosos.

with which we created some beautiful projects.

I a tota la gent que ha participat, de la manera que sigui.

And to all the people who have participated, in any way.

En Bunyol TV també una abraçada a les que hi van ser des del principi.

In Bunyol TV, also a hug to those who were there from the beginning.

L'Anna, la Meri, la Carol, la Vero, l'Ona, la Marina, l'Abril, la Géor

Anna, Meri, Carol, Vero, Ona, Marina, Abril, Géor

i també la Marta, que és aquí al meu costat,

and also Marta, who is here next to me,

amb la que vam començar Salsa Romescu

with which we started Salsa Romescu

i amb la que hem arribat fins aquí.

and with which we have come this far.

Bunyol TV també es desfà deixant clar

Bunyol TV also falls apart making it clear.

que aquesta idea ens ha portat als camins on som ara.

that this idea has brought us to the paths we are on now.

És a dir, ha mort Bunyol TV però nosaltres seguim

That is to say, Bunyol TV has died but we continue.

on estem encara dissidents i encara polítiques.

we are still dissidents and still political.

I esperem haver plantat una llavor també, com noies,

And we hope to have planted a seed as well, like girls,

feu-vos amigues, expliqueu coses, sigueu on sigueu,

make friends, share things, be wherever you are,

feu-vos visibles i reivindiqueu sempre el que us doni la gana.

Make yourselves visible and always demand what you desire.

Sigueu polítiques i, si pot ser, feu-ho en català.

Be political, and if possible, do it in Catalan.

A reveure de part de Bunyol TV i res, que ens han quedat uns anys molt macos.

Goodbye from Bunyol TV and well, we have had some really nice years.

Realment molt bonics, Carol.

Really very beautiful, Carol.

Quin projecte més maco vas arrencar.

What a beautiful project you started.

I se'm fa impossible no mencionar la sintonia que va fer Senyor Chen.

I find it impossible not to mention the tune that Mr. Chen made.

Tu la recordes?

Do you remember her?

Ai, ui!

Oh, dear!

Amb la que començava tot el que es feia a Bunyol TV

With the one that started everything done at Bunyol TV.

durant el confinament.

during the lockdown.

Cada dia així.

Every day like this.

Bunyol TV, Bunyol TV, si surto de casa em moriré.

Bunyol TV, Bunyol TV, if I leave the house I will die.

Ai, ja la buscarem.

Oh, we'll look for her later.

A veure si la busquem i l'hi podem passar al Robert perquè la posi.

Let's see if we can find it and pass it to Robert so he can put it on.

Chen, la teva millor obra.

Chen, your best work.

La veritat és que sí, ens ho vam passar molt bé.

The truth is that yes, we had a great time.

Van ser uns mesos molt xungos i vam aconseguir allargar tot aquest projecte

It was a very tough few months and we managed to prolong this entire project.

i, hòstia, va ser molt guapo.

Yeah, it was really cool.

Nenes, tot està per fer i tot és possible

Girls, everything is to be done and anything is possible.

i Bunyol TV és la broma que ho demostra.

And Bunyol TV is the joke that proves it.

Perquè aquí seguim, noies.

Because here we are, girls.

Aquí s'ha reben, no ha mort, s'ha reencarnat.

Here they have received him; he has not died, he has reincarnated.

En una setena planta de Diagonal Mar fent això.

On a seventh floor of Diagonal Mar doing this.

Què, ens vols explicar la teva xerrana cada dia, què dius?

What, do you want to tell us your story every day, what do you say?

Anem al tema.

Let's get to the point.

Salsa Romesco, un podcast de Marta Mas i Caral Guinart.

Romesco Sauce, a podcast by Marta Mas and Caral Guinart.

Bueno, vinga, anem a parlar de ser sensibles.

Well, come on, let's talk about being sensitive.

No sé si mai us han dit

I don't know if anyone has ever told you.

és que tu ets molt sensible, és que ets massa sensible.

It's that you are very sensitive, it's that you are too sensitive.



Carinyos, no es pot ser massa sensible.

Darling, you can't be too sensitive.

No es pot ser massa sensible.

One cannot be too sensitive.

No és una cosa que es pugui explicar.

It's not something that can be explained.

Cadascú és com és.

Everyone is as they are.

Llavors, prou de criminalitzar el ser sensible

Then, enough of criminalizing being sensitive.

i també

and also

prou d'atribuir la sensibilitat

enough of attributing sensitivity

a un seguit d'estereotips

to a series of stereotypes

difícils d'aparcar.

difficult to park.

El ser sensible

The sensitive being

s'ha relacionat primer de tot

it has been related first of all

i de manera claríssima sempre al gènere femení.

and in a very clear manner always in the feminine gender.

També a la delicadesa

Also to delicacy

i a la fragilitat

and to fragility

i mai en cap cas a la malícia,

and never in any case to malice,

la intel·ligència

the intelligence

o l'ordre.

or the order.

Ser sensible és allò,

Being sensitive is what,

aquella explosió desendreçada

that chaotic explosion

de sentiments que generalment

of feelings that generally

són les dones.

they are the women.

És que tu ets molt histèrica.

You are just very hysterical.

El que t'està dient és que ets massa sensible.

What they are telling you is that you are too sensitive.

Sí, sí, que ets molest.

Yes, yes, you are annoying.



És així com des que tenim la capacitat

It is like this that since we have the ability

de representació en termes comunicatius,

of representation in communicative terms,

és a dir, tenim la capacitat

that is to say, we have the capacity

d'explicar cosetes

to explain little things

de la manera que sigui, amb uns dibuixos a unes pedres

in any way, with some drawings on some stones

o amb uns retaules romànics,

or with some Romanesque altarpieces,

hem distinguit clarament

we have clearly distinguished

el ser sensible dels seus antònims

the sensitive being of its antonyms

com podrien ser la duresa

how could the hardness be

o la crueldat.

or the cruelty.

Les fades i els cavallers,

The fairies and the knights,

les sirenes i els mariners,

the sirens and the sailors,

l'esperit de la màquina,

the spirit of the machine,

la geissa del samurai

the geisha of the samurai

o, de manera contemporània,

or, in a contemporary way,

Barbie i Oppenheimer.

Barbie and Oppenheimer.

Un sucés que va triomfar

An event that triumphed

pel simple fet que reproduïa canons històrics.

for the simple fact that it reproduced historical canons.

Aquest cop,

This time,

incluent els gais and girls,

including gays and girls,

perquè hem de ser,

because we have to be,

hem de ser filles a la nostra època,

we must be daughters in our time,

però que realment

but that really

tornava a enfrontar la dubla

I was facing the doubt again.

aquesta prerafaelita,

this Pre-Raphaelite,

no sé si teniu al cap aquestes donzelles

I don't know if you have these maidens in mind.

amb els cabells pèls rojos llarguíssims,

with the longest red hair,

l'Orfèlia, com al mig de la natura,

the Orpheus, as in the middle of nature,

amb la figura

with the figure

del cavaller,

of the knight,

l'home estoic

the stoic man

i una mica el seu amo,

and a bit of his master,

la duresa i la sensibilitat

the hardness and the sensitivity

i com des de l'art

and how from art

sempre s'ha perpetuat aquesta idea

this idea has always been perpetuated

perquè es considerava

because it was considered



Evidentment, amb Barbie

Obviously, with Barbie.

això es va fer

this was done

incluent la perspectiva de gènere,

including the gender perspective,

però sense faltar

but without failing

a l'essència, els estereotips

to the essence, the stereotypes

no s'enderroquen,

they are not demolished,

no enderrocarem mai un estereotip,

we will never demolish a stereotype,

el transformarem, això sí,

we will transform it, that’s for sure,

però no enderrocarem, una mica

but we will not tear it down, a little

amb el que passarà amb la Kamala Harris

with what will happen with Kamala Harris

que subvencionarà genocidis

that will subsidize genocides

però ho farà amb perspectiva de gènere.

but it will do so with a gender perspective.

És una mica... Petites victòries.

It's a bit... Small victories.

Petites victòries, no sé què dir-te.

Small victories, I don't know what to tell you.

Llavors, amb tot això

Then, with all this

crec que val la pena

I think it's worth it.

que comencem a contemplar

that we begin to contemplate

la idea que de sensible

the idea that is sensible

tothom n'és.

Everyone is.

El que canvia és la manera

What changes is the way.

en com connectem i expressem

in how we connect and express

aquesta facultat, la capacitat

this faculty, the capacity

d'emocionar-nos o empatitzar

to excite or empathize

no només amb les persones, sinó també

not only with people, but also

amb les coses, amb la natura i el seu entorn.

with things, with nature and its environment.

És a dir, una persona molt dolenta

That is to say, a very bad person.

també és molt sensible.

she is also very sensitive.

Perquè s'ha de ser molt sensible per ser molt dolent.

Because you have to be very sensitive to be very bad.



D'acord. I ara us ho explicaré.

Alright. And now I will explain it to you.

No sé per què.

I don't know why.

A veure, la que seria la demostració més convencional

Let's see, what would be the most conventional demonstration.

de ser sensible

to be sensitive

i el que és per mi la bíblia dels sensibles

and what is for me the bible of the sensitive ones.

i els emocionals és, evidentment,

and the emotional ones are, obviously,

el jove Wether

the young Wether

que és un personatge escrit per Goethe

that is a character written by Goethe

un pensador i escriptor de Man

a thinker and writer from Man

que bàsicament redacta a la perfecció

that basically drafts perfectly

el dolor i el patiment d'una persona sensible.

the pain and suffering of a sensitive person.

De fet, aquesta novel·la és considerada

In fact, this novel is considered

l'inici del romanticisme

the beginning of Romanticism

i compleix absolutament tots els clichés.

It absolutely meets all the clichés.

Tots els estereotips.

All the stereotypes.

És un goig de llegir?

Is it a joy to read?

I ets un romàntic?

And are you a romantic?

Perquè és un xec tot el rato.

Because it's a check all the time.

Però sí que,

But yes,

ara vist en perspectiva contemporània,

now viewed in contemporary perspective,

no podem evitar cridar-li puto dramàtic

we can't help but call him a fucking dramatic

aquest tio, aquest jove.

this guy, this young man.

Perquè te n'adones que és

Because you realize that it is

la part més obscura

the darkest part

del sentimentalisme.

of sentimentality.

Que és el victimisme,

What is victimism,

que és no val la pena

it's not worth it

viure en aquest món

to live in this world

si el meu amor no es correspon.

if my love is not reciprocated.

I aquest és el tipus

And this is the type.

de romanticisme convencional

of conventional romanticism

que crec que ens han intentat

that I believe they have tried us

enxufar en calçador

to plug in with a shoehorn

totes les empreses del món

all the companies in the world

de lo sentimental d'estar sempre relacionat

of the sentimental aspect of always being connected

a l'ideal de parella

to the ideal couple

i no és així.

and it's not like that.

No us llegiré cap fragment

I will not read you any fragment.

perquè vull que ho feu vosaltres

because I want you to do it yourselves

perquè és molt important que ho feu vosaltres

because it is very important that you do it yourselves

però sí que us explicaré el que diu

but I will tell you what it says

la Carmen Bravo Villasante

Carmen Bravo Villasante

que el pròleg de l'edició del 1973

that the preface of the 1973 edition

que és el que tinc jo,

what I have,

perdoneu per fardar, però és...

sorry for bragging, but it’s...

És que és el que anava a dir aquest llibre.

It's exactly what this book was going to say.

O sigui, aquest llibre...

So, this book...

O sigui...

That is...

No tinc paraules, és impressionant.

I have no words, it's impressive.

Aquest llibre és el primer regal de Sant Jordi

This book is the first gift of Saint George.

que em va fer una noia.

that a girl did to me.

Tan lesbiancoded, puc mirar-lo un moment?

So lesbian-coded, can I look at it for a moment?

Puc contemplar-lo?

Can I contemplate it?

És un llibre preciós, una encuadernació de pell...

It's a beautiful book, a leather binding...

Les que ho escolteu per Spotify,

Those of you who listen to it on Spotify,

activeu la càmera un moment.

activate the camera for a moment.

Mireu la pantalla.

Look at the screen.

És el meu tresor, eh?

It's my treasure, huh?

Que reture...

What a shame...

És gràcia.

It is grace.

Gràcia forta.

Strong grace.

Sí, sí, és gràcia d'això.

Yes, yes, that's the fun of it.

Bona lletra, més, eh?

Good lyrics, more, huh?

Lletra maca.

Nice handwriting.

És preciós, és preciós.

It’s beautiful, it’s beautiful.

Està dedicat, puc mirar-lo?

Is it dedicated, can I look at it?

No, no ho miris.

No, don’t look at it.

Va, Marta, no ho farem, això.

Come on, Marta, we won't do that.

Sí, està dedicat.

Yes, it is dedicated.

Està dedicat, de fet, del 2014.

It has been dedicated, in fact, since 2014.

2014, el meu primer llibre.

2014, my first book.

Llavors, què diu la persona encarregada

So, what does the person in charge say?

de fer el product d'això?

to make the product from this?

Us vull llegir això perquè és que és megadescriptiu.

I want to read this to you because it is incredibly descriptive.

Perquè diu...

Because he/she says...

Para leer el deber hay que haber amado.

To read the duty, one must have loved.

De otro modo, pudiera parecer ridículo o incomprensible.

Otherwise, it might seem ridiculous or incomprehensible.

És a dir, quan a vosaltres us diuen...

That is to say, when you are told...

Estàs sent massa sensible.

You are being too sensitive.

Estàs sent massa emocional.

You are being too emotional.

Penseu en això.

Think about this.

No serà que tu no estàs estimant com estimo jo.

It won't be that you are not loving as I love.



Com no has passat per aquí, llavors no entens.

Since you haven't been through here, then you don't understand.

No has passat per aquí.

You haven't been through here.

Llavors, únicament

Then, only

qui hagi recorregut

who has traveled

l'intrincat mapa de les passions

the intricate map of passions

es reconeix en weather

it is recognized in weather

i reconeix el seu propi dolor.

and recognizes his own pain.

I això és el que heu de pensar

And this is what you have to think about.

quan algú us digui...

when someone tells you...

Quan algú tiri merdes a ser molt emocionals.

When someone throws shit at being very emotional.

Heu de pensar, vosaltres no entendríeu mai

You have to think, you would never understand.

un clàssic de literatura romànica

a classic of Romance literature

escrita per un alemany.

written by a German.

Serri no et serri.

Serri does not bind you.

No ho entendríeu mai.

You would never understand it.

Llavors, més enllà del romanticisme clàssic

Then, beyond classical romanticism.

que ha de ser les vostres vides,

what your lives must be,

aquest llibre l'heu de tindre a la santeria,

you need to have this book in the shrine,

una de les demostracions aquest cop

one of the demonstrations this time

no convencional, però que per mi és molt important

unconventional, but for me it is very important

que entri en el joc,

let's get in the game,

és de ser...

it's about being...

Una demostració de ser sensible

A demonstration of being sensitive.

és el contacte amb l'espiritualitat.

It is the contact with spirituality.

Que no la relacionarem en aquest cas

We will not relate it in this case.

amb la religió, que això de la gent es peca molt

With religion, that people sin a lot.

quan tu dius jo soc una persona molt espiritual.

when you say I am a very spiritual person.

Sempre ho associen a la religió

They always associate it with religion.

i no ha de ser així perquè és diferent.

And it shouldn't be this way because it is different.

Ni tampoc amb conspiracions

Nor with conspiracies either.



No ens ficarem magúfos.

We won't get bogged down.

Almenys no, molt.

At least not much.

Bueno, carinyos, és que per ser sensible

Well, darling, it's just that to be sensitive

ha de ser una mica fantasia.

It has to be a bit of fantasy.

Clar, bueno.

Sure, alright.

Sí, sí, com a festa.

Yes, yes, like a party.

Clar, sinó més aviat

Of course, but rather.

podem relacionar amb la capacitat,

we can relate to the capacity,

que tenim les persones, de connectar profundament

that we have as people, to connect deeply

amb l'esperit, amb allò que no és material,

with the spirit, with that which is not material,

amb allò que explica la vida,

with what explains life,

amb l'ànima i, al cap i a la fi,

with the soul and, in the end,

amb tot aquest batibull d'emocions

with all this jumble of emotions

que sorgeixen del que és inexplicable.

that arise from what is inexplicable.

La pena, el dolor,

The sorrow, the pain,

l'amor, no?

love, right?

Al final, una persona sensible

In the end, a sensitive person.

és una persona connectada amb el seu esperit

He is a person connected with his spirit.

i, conseqüentment, molt curiosa.

and, consequently, very curious.

Les sensibles ens passem la vida

The sensitive ones spend our lives.

cercant respostes en les relacions,

seeking answers in relationships,

en l'art, en la quotidianitat.

in art, in everyday life.

Respostes que ens

Answers that we

reconfortin i ens facin sentir

comfort and make us feel

que som part d'un món.

that we are part of a world.

El goig d'una sensible és

The joy of a sensitive one is

l'autoconsciència de que viu connectada

the self-awareness that she lives connected

amb les coses més essencials que fan

with the most essential things they do

el nostre planeta habitable.

our habitable planet.

Les coses senzilles, noies, l'amor, la natura,

The simple things, girls, love, nature,

el sentir el cor al sol a la cara

the feeling of the heart in the sun on the face

un diumenge pel matí o

a Sunday morning or

el trànsit de l'absència.

the transit of absence.

Les persones sensibles

Sensitive people

o molt sensibles tenim una percepció

either very sensitive, we have a perception

d'absència brutal.

of brutal absence.

El saber portar amb el cor a la mà

Knowing how to carry your heart in your hand.

la pèrdua d'algú estimat,

the loss of a loved one,

això és superguai.

this is super cool.

És a dir, ser conscient de tot això

That is to say, being aware of all this.

i ser conscient de

and be aware of

connectar amb les emocions que ens desperta tot això.

connect with the emotions that all of this awakens in us.

Sí, com poder desgregar

Yes, like how to disaggregate.

tot el que estàs sentint, no?

everything you're feeling, right?

I posar-li nom a tot i consumir literatura,

And to name everything and consume literature,

poesia, fins i tot pel·lícules

poetry, even movies

que li posin nom a tot

let them name everything

el que et passa.

what's happening to you.

No només com deixar-ho passar.

Not only how to let it go.

I no ens quedem amb la pena,

And we don't remain with the sorrow,

la penya sensible.

the sensitive gang.

La penya sensible agafem això, tot aquest batibull d'emocions

The sensitive crowd takes this, all this jumble of emotions.

i ens fem preguntes.

and we ask ourselves questions.

Però perquè, si no,

But why, if not,

com, has d'haver insostenible.

as you must be unsustainable.

I accionem coses.

We activate things.

I a vegades accionem coses

And sometimes we take action on things.

i és un missatge una mica malgirbat a la teva ex.

And it's a somewhat awkward message to your ex.

I a vegades accionem coses

And sometimes we take action on things.

i de cop i volta

and suddenly

hem entrat en una secta budista.

we have joined a Buddhist sect.

Bueno, un carinyo, esclar, per lo bé i per lo dolent.

Well, a dear one, of course, for the good and for the bad.

No? Però, sí que és veritat

No? But it is true.

que la gent que no té el do

that the people who do not have the gift

de la sensibilitat

of sensitivity

no desgrana emocions.

it does not unravel emotions.

Jo no vull viure així.

I don't want to live like this.

Sí, les emocions són més lineals.

Yes, emotions are more linear.



Bé, llavors, per acabar

Well, then, to finish.

m'agradaria parlar d'un grandíssim exemple

I would like to talk about a great example.

molt proper

very close

d'una persona profundament espiritual

of a profoundly spiritual person

que és Josefa Torra i Abril

who is Josefa Torra i Abril

que és una médium i artista catalana

who is a medium and Catalan artist

nascuda l'any 1880

born in 1880

que, a causa de perdre els seus dos fills,

that, due to losing her two children,

va perdre els seus dos fills a l'hora,

he lost both of his sons at once,

ara no sé si a l'hora, almenys m'he tirat un triple,

now I don't know if at the time, at least I took a three-pointer,

va connectar amb

connected with

una pena devastadora i arran d'això va començar

a devastating sorrow and as a result of this it began

a sentir veus, que ara

to hear voices, that now

algú et diu que està sentint

someone tells you that they are feeling

veus i

you see and



, joder, com l'estigmatitzem

"Fuck, how we stigmatize it."

un munt, saps? Però ella

a lot, you know? But she

es va deixar guiar i d'aquest mateix

he let himself be guided and this same

concepte en va sortir la tècnica

the concept arose from the technique

artística emprada anomenada

artistic technique called

la ma guiada, val? És a dir,

the guided hand, okay? That is to say,

es deixava portar per tot el que li deien

he let himself be carried away by everything they told him

aquestes veus, val? La ma guiada.

these voices, okay? The guided hand.

Ella feia dibuixos sobre el que

She was drawing about what.

li passava per dintre i al final aquesta persona

it went through him and in the end this person

potser sí que estava tenint un brot esquizofrènic

maybe I was having a schizophrenic episode

o potser sí que estava derivant d'algun tipus

or maybe it was deriving from some kind

de malaltia mental, això no ho sabrem.

of mental illness, we will not know this.

Però jo, a mi em va

But for me, it works.

fer pensar molt perquè

make you think a lot because

vaig anar a l'exposició

I went to the exhibition.

que va comissariar Pilar Bonet

who was commissioned by Pilar Bonet

Joveca, és un monstre

Joveca is a monster.

d'academicisme català

of Catalan academicism

al Manac i em va fer pensar molt això de ma guiada.

At the Manac and it made me think a lot about this guidance of mine.

Jo també hi vaig anar. És molt fort.

I went there too. It's very intense.

Que tenia cortinetes roses, no? Sí, crec que sí.

That she had little pink curtains, right? Yes, I think so.

Bé, no ho sé, és fortíssim

Well, I don't know, it's really strong.

aquella expo perquè

that expo why

a mi em fa pensar, o sigui

it makes me think, I mean

jo mai he tingut un nan al cap

I have never had a dwarf in my head.

que m'ha explicat coses directament

that has told me things directly

ni què dibuixar ni què deixar dibuixar

neither what to draw nor what to let be drawn

però jo he estat davant d'un

but I have been in front of one

llenç en blanc amb una pena

blank canvas with a sorrow

terrible i alguna cosa

terrible and something

algun tipus de connexió

some type of connection

amb mi mateixa i amb el món

with myself and with the world

m'ha fet dibuixar el que he dibuixat

it has made me draw what I have drawn

saps? I no sé com

You know? I don't know how.

allò és explicatiu de la meva pena

that is explanatory of my sorrow

i això és

and this is

espiritual, o sigui, és ser sensible.

spiritual, that is, to be sensitive.

Sí, és allò de Rilke

Yes, it's that of Rilke.

que l'obra d'art ha de sorgir de necessitats

that the work of art must emerge from needs

com potser el que feia

like perhaps what I was doing

ella era treure

she was to take out

coses que necessàriament havien de ser

things that necessarily had to be

dites o havien de ser dibuixades

they had to be drawn



és fantàstic. També, fins i tot,

it's fantastic. Also, even,

potser és una bona teràpia, independentment

perhaps it's a good therapy, regardless

de que des d'una perspectiva espiritual

that from a spiritual perspective

ella el que estés sentint

she what you're feeling

fossin veus de l'ultratomba

they were voices from beyond the grave

o que fos alguna cosa més patologitzable

or that it was something more pathologizable

potser és una bona

maybe it's a good one

teràpia el fet com de

therapy the act as of

derivar-ho al dibuix, derivar-ho

derive it to the drawing, derive it

a l'art i donar-li com un

to art and giving it like a

espai dins d'aquest àmbit.

space within this area.

Sí, i també jo

Yes, and me too.

crec que hi ha

I believe there is

una cosa molt important

a very important thing

en la vida, i deixa'm ser una

in life, and let me be one

mica hippie, però es nota

a little hippie, but it's noticeable

molt quan fem coses

very when we do things

des de l'esperit i

from the spirit and

des de l'ànima i quan no les fem

from the soul and when we don't do them

és que es nota un munt

It's really noticeable.

i són matisos, són

and they are nuances, they are

pinzellades, però es nota, es veu

strokes, but it shows, it's visible

I això ho noten, és a dir, les persones sensibles

And this is noticed, that is, by sensitive people.

Sí, total

Yes, totally.

Dins l'àmbit musical no et passa

In the musical field, it doesn't happen to you.

que notes quan algú ha fet una cançó perquè vol

you can tell when someone has made a song because they want to

fer diners o perquè necessitava

to make money or because I needed

explicar això? I tant, o en una conversa

Explain that? Of course, or in a conversation.

amb una amiga, es nota completament

with a friend, it shows completely

quan t'està parlant des del

When he/she is talking to you from the

cor, quan

heart, when

t'està desviant una mica d'atenció perquè

you are getting a bit distracted because

no vol que parlis de dics temes

He doesn't want you to talk about these topics.

O està dient el que vols sentir, no?

Or he's saying what you want to hear, right?

Exacte, i també

Exactly, and also

per acabar, bueno, per acabar

to finish, well, to finish

amb Josefa Torrà, entenem que

with Josefa Torrà, we understand that

tenim un testimoni extremadament sensible

we have an extremely sensitive witness

d'una dona que travessava un dol català

of a woman going through a Catalan mourning

és a dir que, no, és que a vegades

that is to say that, no, it's just that sometimes

ens anem a referents molt llunyans i aquí tenim

we go to very distant references and here we have

un bagatge cultural que flipes

a cultural baggage that blows your mind

També dir-vos que

Also to tell you that

ara estem parlant de, no, és que soc massa sensible

Now we are talking about, no, it's just that I am too sensitive.

massa sensible, no us deixeu

too sensitive, don't let yourselves

dir tampoc que no sou sensible

don't say that you are not sensitive either

això, o sigui, no

this, I mean, no

anem a jugar a extrems, tothom

let's play extremes, everyone

és sensible, i la sensibilitat és una

It is sensitive, and sensitivity is one.

cosa que s'entrena

thing that is trained

és a dir, totes venim

that is to say, we all come

d'on venim, totes tenim la llei de l'herència

Where we come from, we all have the law of inheritance.

tenim la llei de localització, venim

we have the localization law, we are coming

d'on venim, hem crescut on hem crescut

where we come from, we have grown where we have grown

la sensibilitat s'entrena

sensitivity is trained

no hi ha... Totalment, i

there is no... Totally, and

a vegades el que passa, que ja ens ho sabem de sobres

Sometimes what happens is that we already know it very well.

però com que tu has crescut en un

but since you grew up in one

entorn on no estava tan ben vist

The environment was not that well regarded.

que tu desenvolupessis o expressessis

that you would develop or express

tota aquesta complexitat emocional

all this emotional complexity

i simplement és un idioma que no has

it's just a language that you don't have

après a parlar, no? I a vegades

After talking, right? And sometimes

és com que hi ha d'aprendre alemany, a vegades

it's like you have to learn German sometimes

hem d'aprendre l'idioma de les emocions perquè al llarg

we must learn the language of emotions because throughout

de la nostra vida no l'hem vist en la nostra família

we have not seen it in our family from our life

i no ens l'han ensenyat a parlar

and they haven't taught us to speak it.

però no vol dir que tu no ho sentis

but it doesn't mean that you don't feel it

no? Sí, total, total

No? Yes, totally, totally.

i també que

and also that

o sigui, també viceversa, vull dir

or in other words, vice versa, I mean

la gent extremadament emocional

extremely emotional people

també hem de...

we also have to...

Molts anys de teràpia, jo he hagut de sostenir

Many years of therapy, I have had to hold on.

molts anys de teràpia perquè les meves emocions

many years of therapy because of my emotions

no fossin un tsunami

let it not be a tsunami

que se m'enduïa per endavant

that was taking me ahead

i em rebentava contra les cases

and I was crashing against the houses

de primera línia de mar

of first line to the sea

i tots els problemes, un món

and all the problems, a world

no, no, no, també hem de deixar passar

no, no, no, we also have to let it pass

i també hem de deixar córrer

and we also have to let it go

i relativitzar

and relativize

i compartir les coses

and share things

un munt, un munt, un munt, però bueno

a lot, a lot, a lot, but well

no sé, com diu Charlie Execs

I don't know, as Charlie Execs says.

everything is romantic, fall in love again and again

everything is romantic, fall in love again and again

i aquí

and here

un dia parlarem de Charlie Execs perquè crec que a mi ja

One day we will talk about Charlie Execs because I think I already do.

jo no estic entenent el concepte de Brad

I am not understanding the concept of Brad.

ho pensava

I thought so.

a mi ja em sento com la gent gran

I already feel like an old person.

que deia, què és això de peg?

What was I saying, what is this peg?



jo estic super dintre de Brad, tia, m'encanta Brad

I am super into Brad, girl, I love Brad.

a mi m'agrada la cançó de

I like the song by

It's hard being a girl, que va fer amb la Lorde

It's hard being a girl, what did she do with Lorde?

It's girl complicated, no?

It's complicated, isn't it?

això, bueno, això

this, well, this

m'heu entès, oi, que si romesques

You understand me, right, that if you talk nonsense?

jo si voleu podem fer un capítol

I, if you want, we can make a chapter.

sense el setembre sobre Charlie

without September over Charlie

jo ho agrairia perquè

I would appreciate it because

ho desconec, ho desconec massa

I don't know, I don't know too much.

com que crec que se m'escapa i no vull sentir-me tan gran

as I think I'm slipping away and I don't want to feel so old

vull dir, tinc 28 anys

I mean, I’m 28 years old.



és que és tan fort, Marta, que no entenguis Brad

It's just that it's so strong, Marta, that you don't understand Brad.

no entenc Brad

I don't understand Brad.

i he vist vídeos d'ella

I have seen videos of her.

com vídeos a TikTok

with videos on TikTok

d'ella definint Brad i no puc entendre-ho

of her defining Brad and I can't understand it

no ho entenc, se m'escapa

I don't understand it, it escapes me.

l'essència se m'escapa

the essence slips away from me

no es pot explicar Brad

It cannot be explained, Brad.

és com l'ànima, o sigui, no es pot explicar Brad

It's like the soul, so it cannot be explained Brad.

és una cosa que...

it's something that...

la Charlie Execs ha favorit moltíssim la campanya de la substituta del Biden

Charlie Execs has greatly favored the campaign of Biden's replacement.

encara no recordo com es diu

I still don't remember what it's called.

la Kamala Harris, bueno, ha fet un tuit

Kamala Harris, well, she has made a tweet.

la tia com...

the aunt like...

Kamala Harris?

Kamala Harris?

Kamala és Brad

Kamala is Brad.

i llavors la Kamala ha posat

and then Kamala has put

com de fons de Twitter

like Twitter's background



Harris o algo així, no?

Harris or something like that, right?

amb el verd de Brad i la tipografia de Brad

with Brad's green and Brad's typography

és tan fort això del Joe Biden

It's so strong this about Joe Biden.

és tan fort

it's so strong

no arribarem mai al consultori

we will never arrive at the clinic

però és que és fortíssim

but it is really strong

jo he vist un tuit avui molt graciós

I saw a very funny tweet today.

i de dir una miqueta d'humor negre

And to say a little bit of dark humor.

però que deia com, uau, el Joe Biden

but what I said was like, wow, Joe Biden

demà descobrim per les notícies

Tomorrow we will find out through the news.

que ha deixat la candidatura

that has left the candidacy

com que se n'haurà obrit...

since it will have been opened...

clar, pobre, pobre

clear, poor, poor

i una altra cosa, com a últim fet

and one more thing, as a final point

per acabar de fer més d'això

to finish doing more of this

és que he vingut mirant Twitter, noies

I have been coming while looking at Twitter, girls.

llavors estic molt al dia

Then I am very up to date.

de les bromes que s'estan fent

about the jokes that are being made

dient, imagina't deixar com la teva candidatura

saying, imagine leaving with your candidacy

com a president dels Estats Units

as the President of the United States

i no justifica el text

and it does not justify the text

ah, sí, estava tota la bandera esquerra

ah, yes, the whole left flag was there

no està justificat

it is not justified

és que això, a l'ESO, al meu col·le

it's that this, in ESO, in my school

et treien punts

they were taking out stitches

en Joe, en Joe, ara mateix

in Joe, in Joe, right now

està passant Covid

is happening Covid

ah, sí, eh?

Oh, really, huh?

sí, jo vaig passar Covid fa dues setmanes

Yes, I had Covid two weeks ago.

nenes, nenes, nenes

girls, girls, girls

gairebé em moro

I'm almost dying.

gairebé et mors i tens 28 anys

you are almost dead and you are 28 years old

i tinc 28 anys, o sigui, vaig passar-ho malament

I am 28 years old, that is, I had a hard time.

nivells... malament, en sèrio

levels... bad, seriously

sí, i a més a més em va tocar en la part emocional

Yes, and moreover it affected me on an emotional level.

o sigui, vaig estar molt malament

so, I was very unwell

en Joe, no pot haver escrit

Joe cannot have written.

en Joe

in Joe

no pot moure els dits

he cannot move his fingers

en Joe, o sigui, aquí hi ha coses que no sabem

In Joe, I mean, here there are things we don't know.

bueno, va, prou

okay, come on, enough

anem al consultori

let's go to the clinic

sí, prou ja, prou ja, salva'ns

yes, enough already, enough already, save us

a veure, sortint ja del bucle

let's see, getting out of the loop now

de Twitter al que havíeu entrat

from Twitter that you had entered

començarem amb una posada al dia, d'acord?

We will start with a catch-up, okay?

que sempre ens agraden, sempre són sexis

that we always like, they are always sexy

les posades al dia

the updates

a mi m'encanta posar-me al dia, noia

I love catching up, girl.

tot si és amb un aperol fresquet

everything is better with a fresh Aperol

si és amb un aperol francès

if it is with a French aperol

a veure, aquesta posada al dia

let's see, this update

és d'una romesqueta

it is from a little romesca

que ens va escriure fa un any

that wrote to us a year ago

jo recordo el seu missatge

I remember his message.

per les que no el recordeu

for those of you who do not remember it

ens parlava que va tenir una cita

he told us that he had a date

amb una noia casada

with a married girl

que mentre tenien la cita

that while they had the appointment

la dona de la noia casada estava a casa

The wife of the married girl was at home.

en plan poliamor, nivell expertes

in a polyamory style, expert level

i llavors ens parlava

and then he/she would talk to us

sobre el fet que elles van comprar una casa

about the fact that they bought a house

ai sí, sí, ja me'n recordo

oh yes, yes, I remember now

mentre ella, o sigui

while she, that is

això és, amb Andrea Gómez

this is, with Andrea Gómez

estàvem aquí, pot ser, fa un any

we were here, maybe a year ago

context, això

context, this

una noia té una cita

a girl has a date

amb una tia casada, poliamorosa

with a married, polyamorous aunt

es fan nòvies

they become girlfriends

i la casada poliamorosa

and the polyamorous married woman

amb la seva dona compren una casa

with his wife they buy a house

mentre elles encara estaven juntes

while they were still together

i bueno, diu

And well, he/she says.

vinc a dir que ha sigut una de les històries més boniques

I come to say that it has been one of the most beautiful stories.

que viuré mai, un dels grans amors

that I will never live, one of the great loves

de la meva vida, però que els límits del sistema

of my life, but the limits of the system

i els límits interns de cadascuna

and the internal limits of each one

fan que no sigui possible seguir amb això

they make it impossible to continue with this

és a dir, ho han deixat

that is to say, they have left it

a totes les persones que estan amogudes poliamoroses

to all the polyamorous people who are in relationships

aneu amb ojo, sigueu valentes

be careful, be brave

assumiu, si no voleu ser invisibles

assume it, if you don't want to be invisible

digueu, i si no us fan cas

say, and if they don't listen to you

marxeu, si us demanen coses concretes

leave, if they ask you specific things

escolteu-les i sigueu honestes

Listen to them and be honest.

és complicadíssim el món

the world is extremely complicated

i el món no està preparat, ni nosaltres tampoc

And the world is not ready, nor are we.

perquè ens desmuntin el disseny al Disney

so that they dismantle the design at Disney

que portem a dins, també podem assumir-ho

what we carry inside, we can also accept it

i amb tota la cura que sigui possible

and with all the care that is possible

anar tancant alguna cosa

to start closing something

que no entra dins dels esquemes culturals

that does not fit within cultural schemes

que ens hem muntat

that we have set up

i llavors posa, hi ha com asteriscus

And then it says, there are like asterisks.

que aquesta vindria a ser la posada del dia, s'ha inseparat

that this would be the setting of the day, has become inseparable

i diu, plorant, però en relació

And he says, crying, but in relation.

tancada amb una altra persona perquè la salut

closed with another person because of health

mental també és revolucionària

the mental is also revolutionary

és a dir, aquesta noia ha marxat

That is to say, this girl has left.



la Champions poliamorosa

the polyamorous Champions

i ara ha decidit

and now he has decided

descansar, rest in peace

rest, rest in peace

una altra divisió, menys tranqui

another division, less chill

i punts, està bé

and points, it's fine

jo em duc per tot, noies, aventuretes

I take myself everywhere, girls, adventurers.

no aventuretes, el que us vagi bé, escolteu-vos

Don't take risks, do what works for you, listen to yourselves.

llavors anem ara sí

then let's go now

a la primera carpeteta

to the first folder

d'explicamentes, és la carpeteta

of explanations, it is the folder

més trista, i es diu

sadder, and it is called

cor ferit, perquè quan ets una nena sensible

wounded heart, because when you are a sensitive girl

és el que hi ha i no

it is what there is and it isn't

et fa mal el coret sovint

does your heart often hurt?

bueno, doncs som-hi, diu així, 28

well, let's go, it says like this, 28

ella, va ser el primer amor

she was the first love

de la meva vida, de la meva vida

of my life, of my life

ella tenia 20 i alguns

she was 20-something

i jo 18, feia la cel·la aquell any

and I was 18, I was in jail that year

i després pensava marxar a Barcelona

and then I was thinking of leaving for Barcelona

ella marxava a un altre continent per un any

She was leaving for another continent for a year.

a partir de setembre

from September

els seus pares no sabien que existia jo

her parents didn't know I existed

perquè ella mai havia tingut nòvia

because she had never had a girlfriend

públicament des de l'adolescència

publicly since adolescence

li vam organitzar una gincama

we organized a scavenger hunt for him/her

per la culotat

for the culotat

ciutat, ah, ciutat on vivíem

city, oh, city where we lived

on a cada etapa hi havia amics

there were friends at each stage

que s'hi afegien, arribava a un carrer

that were added, reached a street

on unes amigues feien un xou

Some friends were putting on a show.

mentre darrere d'ella, en silenci

while behind her, in silence

un castell es muntava, més o menys

a castle was being built, more or less

amb una pancarta que deia

with a banner that said

bon viatge en l'idioma del lloc on anava

good trip in the language of the place you were going to

les seves begudes preferides i la seva gent

their favorite drinks and their people

vaig passar el meu primer any

I spent my first year.

d'estudis a Barna esperant-la

from studies in Barna waiting for her

per al seu aniversari vaig organitzar un vídeo

I organized a video for his/her birthday.

amb participació de molta gent

with the participation of many people

on responien a preguntes sobre ella

they were answering questions about her

rotllo un mini documental

I’m making a mini documentary.

perquè sentís un poc com a casa

so that it felt a little like home

va tornar amb un noi que va presentar

he returned with a guy he introduced

família i es va quedar a viure

family and stayed to live

a la nostra ciutat un temps

in our city a time

tothom l'adorava i en parlava d'ell

Everyone adored him and talked about him.

ella em va seguir buscant i va enfollar

She kept looking for me and got frustrated.

diversos cops encara que ells tenien una relació

several times even though they had a relationship

tancada, probablement la relació que m'ha

closed, probably the relationship that has me

canviat per sempre de confiança amb la gent

changed forever in trust with people

era tan innocent

she was so innocent

nenes, no sortiu, empenya més gran

Girls, don’t go out, push harder.

res, ara encara

nothing, not yet

ara encara les nits de festa

now still the party nights

que coincidim un cop cada dos anys o així

that we meet once every two years or so

em busca, tinc la impressió, però que és tan poc

looking for me, I have the impression, but it is so little

sexy el que va fer que

sexy what made that

Déu, Déu, Déu, Déu, Déu, en fi

God, God, God, God, God, anyway.

clar, és fort, no?

Of course, it's strong, isn't it?

bueno, no tingueu

well, don't have

relacions amb molta diferència d'edat

relationships with a big age difference

sobretot si tu tens 18 anys

especially if you are 18 years old

i l'altra persona 20 i llargs

and the other person 20 and long

perquè els 18 anys és el moment en què tu

because 18 years is the moment when you

comences a explorar i comences a descobrir

you start to explore and you start to discover

et comences a enamorar, clarament aquesta persona

you start to fall in love, clearly with this person

no va estar a l'alçada i no va ser

he did not rise to the occasion and was not

prou comunicativa en el moment en què se'n van a viure

sufficiently communicative at the moment they go to live there

durant un any fora

for a year abroad

i no et va explicar que s'havia fet un nòvio nou

And didn't she tell you that she had gotten a new boyfriend?

total, és que imagina't el dolor

total, just imagine the pain

tornar a la teva nòvia

get back with your girlfriend

m'ha agafat, que li has fet un vídeo documental

He caught me, that you made him a documentary video.

pel seu aniversari

for his/her birthday

i un correbars

and a pub crawl

el dia que marxa, tornar a la teva nòvia amb un nòvio

The day you leave, return to your girlfriend with a boyfriend.

quan a tu t'havien amagat

when they had hidden you

és tan fort, no, no, és traumàtic

it's so strong, no, no, it's traumatic

sí, ha de ser traumàtic, llavors estimada

Yes, it must be traumatic, then dear.

també, és veritat que nosaltres

also, it is true that we

ella té 28 anys

She is 28 years old.

per tant va tindre 18 anys a la mateixa edat

therefore he was 18 years old at the same age

que, o sigui, igual que nosaltres

that is, just like us

el 2014

the year 2014

por ahí

over there

clar, és veritat que la informació

of course, it's true that the information

que teníem llavors no és la mateixa que tenim

what we had then is not the same as what we have now

ara, és a dir, ara hi ha un muntó

now, that is to say, now there is a lot

de sèries on les ties són molt

of series where the girls are very

més empoderades i que potser

more empowered and perhaps

si jo tingués 18 anys

if I were 18 years old

no sé si m'enteneu per on va, i que si jo tingués

I don't know if you understand where this is going, and if I had

18 anys ara i em fessin això

18 years now and they did this to me.

potser reaccionaria

maybe I would react

d'una altra manera, sí que és veritat que

in another way, it is true that

l'adolescència i

adolescence and

els primers amors són

first loves are

farotges, eh, i diràs

"farotges, eh, and you will say"

que si hi ha coses que no saps ni si

that if there are things you don't even know if

has de dir que no, ni res, però bueno

You have to say no, or nothing, but well.

em fa pensar, i és un missatge una mica

it makes me think, and it's a bit of a message

optimista amb les noies que creixen

optimistic about the girls who are growing up

que gràcies a Déu les hem

thank God we have them

nutrit de referents

nourished by references

basats en l'autoestima pròpia, no?

based on self-esteem, right?

I que poden reconèixer abans

And what can they recognize beforehand?

situacions amb falta

situations with a lack

de comunicació greu que potser han

of serious communication that they may have

de ser aturades, no? I que en el nostre moment

To be stopped, right? And that in our moment

simplement tiràvem, jo

we just threw, I

bueno, és que és inimaginable

Well, it's just that it's unimaginable.

la de coses que permetia també.

the number of things it also allowed.

Total, i una cosa que diu ella

In total, and one thing that she says.

que és guai, és aquesta cosa de

what is cool is this thing of

hi ha coses que no, que fem coses que no són

There are things that don't, that we do things that are not.

sexis, és a dir, lo sexy no està només

sex, that is to say, the sexy is not only

en el físic, no està només en lo material,

in the physical, it is not only in the material,

lo sexy està en els nostres actes.

The sexy is in our actions.

O sigui, a vegades estàs en penya que fan coses

So, sometimes you're with a group of people who do things.

que se t'asseca el xotxo, tio. Totalment.

your little buddy is drying up, dude. Totally.

I dius, uf, això

And you say, phew, this.

no és sexy, doncs penseu-ho així.

it's not sexy, so think of it this way.

La idea que se t'assequi el xotxo

The idea that your butt gets dry.

se m'ha quedat el mateix tatuat al cap.

I have the same tattooed on my head.

Totalment d'acord, i em sembla

Totally agree, and it seems to me

un gran final que als 28 anys ella

a great ending that at 28 years old she

encara et busqui i que tu estiguis en plan

still looking for you and that you are in a mood

va, va, va i a pal, envellit, fatal.

go, go, go and beaten, aged, fatal.

El feo que em vas fer,

The ugly thing you did to me,

more, mmm...

more, mmm...

Totalment. To your house.

Totally. To your house.

A convidar un cubata a una altra tia.

To invite another girl for a drink.

Que se t'assequi el xotxo té a dir que és una

That the sheep dries up means that it is a

propiència cultural d'una amiga meva que

cultural heritage of a friend of mine who

ens escolta molt. Shoutouts, com es diu?

He listens to us a lot. Shoutouts, what is it called?

No, no diré el nom ni el cognom ni res

No, I won't say the name or the surname or anything.

perquè li farà molta vergonya, però... Tu ja saps qui ets.

because it will be very embarrassing for him, but... You already know who you are.

Tu ja saps qui ets. Doncs mira, has entrat

You already know who you are. So look, you have entered.

al Hall of Fame de salsa romesco.

to the Hall of Fame of romesco salsa.

I ja està. Bueno, a veure, vinga amb una altra.

And that's it. Well, let's see, come on with another one.

Farem de fer algun dia un tema

We will do a topic someday.

xotxo sec. Es dirà un capítol.

dry xotxo. It will be called a chapter.

Bueno, Caral, li donarem una volta

Well, Caral, we'll take a look at it.

també, vale? És com lo de les bodes.

Also, okay? It's like with weddings.

Ho parlem fora de micros.

We'll discuss it off the record.

A veure, 26 ella. A mi aquest m'ha fet

Let's see, 26 her. This one has made me.

una pena. Bueno, és una

a shame. Well, it's a

muntanya rosa emocional, vale? Hola,

emotional pink mountain, okay? Hello,

romesquetes. Jo us vinc a explicar una història

Romesquetes. I am here to tell you a story.

de les dues bulleres ben sensibles.

of the two very sensitive bellies.

Tot va començar a Itàlia,

It all started in Italy,

on vaig anar-hi per estudis. Per Tinder

I went there for studies. For Tinder.

vaig començar a parlar amb una noia

I started talking to a girl.

italiana i vam decidir tenir una

Italian and we decided to have one.

cita. Quan la vaig veure per primer cop,

quote. When I saw her for the first time,

tot això s'ha de dir que parlava espanyol, per sort,

all of this must be said that he spoke Spanish, luckily,

quan la vaig veure per primer cop,

when I saw her for the first time,

em va semblar moníssima i molt guapa. Aquella

I thought she was very cute and very pretty. That one.

primera cita va durar vuit hores i vam

the first date lasted eight hours and we

acabar enrotllant-nos a l'únic bar

end up rolling around in the only bar

queer gratuït que tenia a cinc

free queer that I had at five

carrers de casa. Fantasia.

streets of home. Fantasy.

Jo acabava els estudis en una mica

I was finishing my studies in a little while.

més d'un mes i des d'aleshores

more than a month and since then

vam estar quedant gairebé dos cops per

we were almost meeting twice to

setmana. Vaig conèixer una amiga seva

week. I met a friend of hers.

a la tercera cita, ella em va conèixer

On the third date, she got to know me.

als meus companys d'estudis i

to my study companions and

va venir al lloc on estudiava a la cinquena

he came to the place where I studied in the fifth grade.

cita. I això, que

quote. And this, that

quedàvem i era tot molt maco.

We would meet and it was all very nice.

Van anar passant les setmanes i ella m'encantava

The weeks went by and I was enchanted by her.

i en el fons no pensava en què

And deep down, I wasn't thinking about what.

jo me n'aniria en poc temps.

I would leave in a little while.

L'última setmana, però, va arribar i vam

The last week, however, arrived and we

quedar quatre cops. L'últim dia que vam

to meet four times. The last day we did

quedar vam passar tot el matí a uns

We spent the whole morning with some.

jardins d'allà coneguts, estirades en

gardens known there, stretched in

una manta de pícnic. Ella

a picnic blanket. She

em va comentar que va pensar en fer-me un regal

He told me that he thought about giving me a gift.

però que no sabia el què i llavors

but she didn't know what and then

vam decidir fer-nos aquell mateix dia

we decided to get ourselves that same day

un regal a cada una. Així

a gift for each one. That's how.

tindríem algun objecte amb el qual poder

would we have any object with which to

recordar-nos. Al final, vam acabar

reminding us. In the end, we ended up

comprant-nos l'un a l'altre uns cullerets.

buying each other some little spoons.

Jo li vaig escollir per ella dos cullerets,

I chose two little spoons for her,

un d'un color negre i l'altre d'una lluna.

one of a black color and the other of a moon.

I ella em va escollir també un

She chose one for me too.

culleret de cor

heart spoon

vermell i una lluna.

red and a moon.

Al sortir de la botiga li vaig dir

As I was leaving the store, I told him/her.

«saps que t'he comprat un regal?» I li vaig

"Do you know that I've bought you a gift?" I said to him/her.

donar i ella em va dir «no pot ser, això és el que volia,

to give and she told me "it can't be, this is what I wanted,

jo també t'he fet un regal». I em va donar

"I also made you a gift." And he/she gave me.

el seu. Vam anar més tard al cinema,

his. We went to the cinema later,

vam estar la nit caminant pels carrers agafades

we spent the night walking through the streets holding hands

de la mà i sabent que seria l'última nit

hand in hand and knowing it would be the last night

vam dormir tota aquella nit agafant-nos de les

we slept all that night holding each other’s hands

mans, abraçades. L'endem al matí

hands, hugs. The end in the morning

ella es va posar els cullerets que li vaig regalar

She put on the earrings I gave her.

i ens vam fer l'últim petó abans que

and we gave each other the last kiss before that

ella anés a treballar.

she went to work.

I la vaig veure a baix des de la finestra

And I saw her below from the window.

a Nansen. Els següents dos dies

to Nansen. The next two days

ella treballava i estudiava però òbviament vam

she worked and studied but obviously we

aprofitar el matí que jo tenia

make the most of the morning that I had

el meu vol per veure'ns una última

my flight to see us one last time

mitja hora abans que ella tornés a treballar.

half an hour before she returned to work.

Llavors vaig tornar ja cap aquí.

Then I returned back here.

Al tornar vam intentar mantenir el contacte

Upon returning, we tried to keep in touch.

les primeres setmanes ja que ens agradava molt

the first weeks since we enjoyed it a lot

però com no ens és possible

but as it is not possible for us

veure'ns fins d'aquí molt de temps

see you in a long time

vam decidir deixar de parlar. I si més

we decided to stop talking. And if more

endavant ens hem de tornar a retrobar

Let's move forward; we need to meet again.

que passi. Jo de moment deixo

Let it be. For now, I'll leave it.

el ser sensible per un temps. És molt

Being sensitive for a while. It is very.

maco quan les dues persones ho són però

nice when both people are, but

quan s'acaba ja no ho és tant. Un bèstia

when it ends it is not so much. A beast.

per totes, sou genials.

For everyone, you are awesome.

Que ben portat, no?

How well-behaved, right?

Em posaria a plorar. Bueno, se m'ha posat la pell de gallina

I would start crying. Well, I've got goosebumps.

quan l'he llegit. És que al final

When I read it. It's just that in the end.

de l'amor fa una pena, sobretot quan l'amor

Of love it makes a sorrow, especially when love

no s'acaba, no? Com en aquests casos

It doesn't end, does it? Like in these cases.

per exemple que simplement que la vida

for example, just that life

segueix passant. Hi ha com una sensació

it keeps happening. There's like a feeling

d'injustícia que em passa per dins

of injustice that goes through me

immensa, no? Penso

immense, isn't it? I think.

l'amor ho pot tot i l'amor no ho pot tot.

Love can do everything, and love cannot do everything.

No, l'amor no ho pot tot, noies. Això és així.

No, love cannot do it all, girls. That's just the way it is.

És una pena. També

It's a shame. Also.

és veritat que

it is true that

em sembla tan racional

It seems so rational to me.

fer això, o sigui, com...

do this, that is, like...

Que no ho heu intentat tenir una relació a distància, no?

You haven't tried to have a long-distance relationship, have you?

Total, total.

Total, total.

Bueno, és que

Well, it's just that

l'amor no ho és tot, és que ja està.

Love is not everything, it's just that.

O sigui, a vegades jo ho penso

I mean, sometimes I think about it.

molt, t'enamores la penya que és de fora

A lot, you fall in love with the people who are from outside.

i després

and then

hi ha la penya impulsiva que diu, no, no,

there is the impulsive group that says, no, no,

jo em mudo a aquest país i tindrem una relació

I am moving to this country and we will have a relationship.

juntes i tal, però és que no, ni tan sols és això.

together and such, but it's not that, not even that.

És que a vegades no es pot.

It's just that sometimes it just can't be done.

O sigui, a vegades no es pot.

That is to say, sometimes it cannot be done.

I a vegades,

And sometimes,

no és el que et farà feliç, no?

It's not what will make you happy, is it?

Encara que aquest amor no et faci feliç.

Although this love does not make you happy.

Llavors jo crec que la victòria sensible

Then I think that the sensible victory

d'aquest text és que

of this text is that

segurament una persona

probably a person

amb el cap més fred o més racional

with a colder or more rational mind

no s'hagués vinculat a aquest nivell, com vosaltres dues

she wouldn't have been linked at this level, like both of you.

ho vau fer, sabent que

you did it, knowing that

al cap de poc temps marxaria.

Soon he would leave.

Més o menys per sempre, no?

More or less forever, right?

Però vosaltres ho vau fer.

But you all did it.

Ai, és que em fa tanta pena avui que estiguin juntes.

Oh, it makes me so sad today that they are together.

És que fa molta pena.

It's such a shame.

I vosaltres us vau estimar i vau compartir-ho tot

And you loved each other and shared everything.

i vau veure una cosa preciosa

and you saw something beautiful

que en un temps recordaràs

that you will remember in a time

és que en uns anys ho recordaràs

In a few years, you will remember it.

amb tendresa encara.

with tenderness still.

I això jo crec que és el regal més maco.

And I think this is the most beautiful gift.

Molt bé. Sou unes valentes, xavales.

Very good. You are brave, girls.

És molt happy. Bueno, és que per ser sensible

It's very happy. Well, it's just that to be sensitive.

s'ha de ser molt valenta. Home, perquè...

One must be very brave. Well, because...

A veure...

Let's see...

I m'encanta que renunciï a la sensibilitat.

I love that he/she gives up sensitivity.

Amor, no pots renunciar a la sensibilitat.

Love, you cannot give up on sensitivity.

No, no, no. No, per res.

No, no, no. No, not at all.

Bueno, en fi.

Well, anyway.

Next. Anem al següent? Vinga.

Next. Shall we move on? Come on.

21. Ella.

21. She.

Fa dues setmanes va quedar amb la que era

Two weeks ago, he met with what she was.

la meva parella per deixar-ho.

my partner to leave it.

Ell... Ai.

He... Oh dear.

Ui, ja.

Oh, yes.

Un home entra en joc i no és per...

A man comes into play and it's not for...

No, però és que ja, la primera fase...

No, but it's just that, the first phase...

No està bé aquest text, eh?

This text is not good, huh?

Quedar per deixar-ho, ja. No m'agrada, això.

Meeting to leave it, already. I don't like that.

Ja no ve de gust.

It no longer feels appealing.

Ell va ser el que va proposar

He was the one who proposed.

d'anar a casa seva i sabia que no volia

to go home and knew that he didn't want to

estar més amb mi.

be more with me.

Era ell qui em deixava i portava dies

It was he who would let me and took me days.

actuant rara. Raro.

strange acting. Strange.

Jo anava amb un discurs preparat.

I went with a prepared speech.

Després de mitjans xerrades amb amigues,

After having chats with friends,

sabia que havia de dir-li

I knew I had to tell him/her.

quatre coses

four things

i enfadar-me amb ell. Molt bé.

and get angry with him. Very well.

Quan vaig arribar, i efectivament

When I arrived, and indeed

em va deixar, vaig actuar com es suposava

she left me, I acted as I was supposed to

que hauria d'haver fet. Durant 30 minuts li vaig dir

what I should have done. For 30 minutes I told him.

que era gilipolles, que m'havia fet molt

that I was being stupid, that it had hurt me a lot

mal, que a sobre em convidava a casa

bad, because on top of that he invited me to his house

seva esperant de mi alguna

waiting for me for something

cosa més i que era una mala persona

something more and that he was a bad person

per tot el que m'havia fet. Vaig acabar

for everything he had done to me. I ended up

el meu discurs amb un

my speech with a

porta'm a casa en cotxe, que no vull estar més temps

Take me home by car, I don't want to stay longer.

amb tu. Ara es desinfla la història,

with you. Now the story is deflating,

m'encanta. Quan vaig dir això,

I love it. When I said that,

em vaig adonar que era absolutament mentida,

I realized that it was absolutely a lie,

que durant tot aquest temps havia

that during all this time had

repetit paraules de les meves amigues que no eren

I repeated words from my friends that weren't.

meves i que no sempre puc

mine and that I can't always do

ser una tia xulíssima amb

being a really cool aunt with

el cony molt gran com per dir-li quatre coses

the very big cunt to say four things to her

a un tio quan en el fons vull plorar

to a guy when deep down I want to cry

i abraçar-lo. Finalment li vaig donar la mà

and hug him. Finally, I shook his hand.

i li vaig dir que l'estimava. Vaig començar

And I told him that I loved him. I started

a plorar i em vaig quedar dormida

I cried and fell asleep.

abraçada al seu pit mentre ell em consolava

hugged me to his chest while he comforted me

per acabar-me de deixar.

to finish leaving me.

A vegades no es pot ser badi. No em puc enfadar,

Sometimes you can't be nosy. I can't get angry,

només vull estar amb ell i res més.

I just want to be with him and nothing else.

Tant el teu equip he de dir.

I have to say both your team.

Sí, sí. Tant, tant.

Yes, yes. So much, so much.

A mi em va deixar un nòvio un cop i em vaig estar

A boyfriend left me once and I was...

una hora i mitja amb ella sota de l'edredon

an hour and a half with her under the duvet

esperant que una amiga em recullís.

hoping that a friend would pick me up.

Em vingués a recullir. En plan, em puc esperar aquí.

He would come to pick me up. Like, I can wait here.

I està bé.

And it's okay.

Jo sóc de l'enfadu, però...

I am from the anger, but...

Que està bé perquè això et protegeix molt.

That is good because it protects you a lot.

Sí. Em protegeix molt

Yes. It protects me a lot.

l'enfadu, és veritat, però després

The anger, it's true, but then

quan ve la pena, ve

when the pain comes, it comes

com un tiratxino,

like a little scamp,


Do you know?

Te l'han disparada com una pedra

They shot you like a stone.

molt tiratxina. Clar, perquè jo aparto la pena,

very sad. Of course, because I set aside the sorrow,

m'enfado un muntón

I get really angry.

en plan, com pot ser això?

In a way, how can this be?

I després, quan s'acaba

And then, when it ends

l'enfadu, perquè l'enfadu s'acaba.

The anger, because the anger ends.

O sigui, l'enfadu s'acaba

So, the anger is over.

com tot. O sigui, arriba un moment que

like everything. That is, there comes a moment when

tu ets una persona racional.

you are a rational person.

Que ja no et queda gasolina per tirar.

That you have no more gas left to go.

Ja no saps d'on estirar.

You no longer know where to pull from.

De cop comences a estirar i te n'adones

Suddenly you start to stretch and you realize it.

que la teva ex era la millor persona del planeta.

that your ex was the best person on the planet.

Saps? I llavors, quan se t'acaba

You know? And then, when does it end?

d'anar a estirar, doncs ve la penya

Let’s go stretch, because the gang is coming.

i ve com una catapulta medieval.

It's like a medieval catapult.

I allò és devastador.

And that is devastating.

Llavors, per vegades val més

Then, sometimes it is better

ser sincera.

be sincere.

No hi ha una bona solució.

There is no good solution.

Jo, la moraleja d'això,

I, the moral of this,

estic intentant treure moralejes avui de cada text.

I am trying to draw morals today from each text.

Com es nota que ve l'estiu.

How it shows that summer is coming.

Per mi, la moraleja d'això,

For me, the moral of this,

que crec que és interessant, és que

what I think is interesting is that

com a amigues, sempre sentim com

as friends, we always feel how

l'urgència d'aconsellar a les nostres amigues

the urgency to advise our friends

amb contundència, no? En plan, tia,

with emphasis, right? Like, girl,

li dius que no vols tornar-lo a veure

you tell him that you don't want to see him again

i el bloqueges. O parles amb

And you block it. Or you talk with

ella i li dius que

she and you tell him that

per tu això és una línia vermella

for you this is a red line

i que si la creua, no sé què.

and that if she crosses it, I don’t know what.

Però la realitat, quan tu estàs allà,

But the reality, when you are there,

i jo crec que també hem d'ajudar

And I believe that we should also help.

les nostres amigues a que ho gestionin

our friends to manage it

així, és escoltar el teu cos. Perquè

thus, it's about listening to your body. Because

al final tu pots repetir el discurs que et diuen

In the end, you can repeat the speech that they tell you.

totes les amigues, però nosaltres com a

all the friends, but we as

amigues no estem involucrades emocionalment

Friends, we are not emotionally involved.

com tu, no? I llavors

like you, right? And then

jo crec que hi ha alguna cosa com de la carn,

I think there is something like meat,

la pell, com la teva carn

the skin, like your flesh

se sent, no?

It is felt, isn't it?

Que no té res a veure amb...

That has nothing to do with...

Tan espiritual de part teva, això que has dit.

So spiritual on your part, what you just said.

Sí, però és veritat, no? Com que a vegades

Yes, but it's true, isn't it? Like sometimes.

és com, tio,

it's like, dude,

que estúpidament t'ha fet això

how stupidly this has made you

i no sé què, i hauries de

and I don't know what, and you should

pirar dient-li que no... Ja, però és que jo

stop telling him no... Yeah, but it's just that I

necessito abraçar-la i plorar, doncs...

I need to hug her and cry, because...

Sí, sí. Tu com dormiràs tranquil·la?

Yes, yes. How will you sleep peacefully?

Dormiràs tranquil·la havent-te pirat

You will sleep peacefully having been a pirate.

enfadada quan el que el cos i la carn

angry when what the body and flesh

i la pell et demanes una altra cosa? Sí.

And the skin, do you ask for something else? Yes.

O és que necessito escriure-li.

Either I need to write to him/her.

I les teves amigues et diran, no, ja escric

And your friends will tell you, no, I'm already writing.

i és que no sé què. Necessito escriure-li

And it's just that I don't know what. I need to write to him/her.

i punto. I a vegades se'ns fa un ronron

And sometimes we get a buzz.

aquí al pit que ens pesa com

here in the chest that weighs on us like

mala cosa i tot el que necessitem és

a bad thing and all we need is

fotre-li un puto whatsapp.

send him a fucking whatsapp.

A veure-la. I encara que

Let's see it. And even though

tu com a amiga vegis que potencialment

you as a friend see that potentially

és un error, doncs necessito

it's a mistake, so I need

equivocar-me, no? Total. Totes hem

make a mistake, right? Totally. We all have.

necessitat mantenir el contacte amb

need to maintain contact with

una ex o amb un ex durant un mes,

an ex or with an ex for a month,

dos mesos, fins que veus que és

two months, until you see what it is

insostenible. Però bueno, potser sense

unsustainable. But well, maybe without

aquest període anterior

this previous period

no haguessis tingut

you wouldn't have had

la certesa que allà no és,

the certainty that it is not there,

no? Llavors és com,

no? Then it's like,

bueno, crec que està bé això,

well, I think this is good,

que recordem el que ens demana el cos sempre.

that we remember what the body always asks of us.

Encara que a vegades,

Although sometimes,

sigui un error al llarg plaç,

it may be a long-term mistake,

doncs bueno, ja te n'adonaràs, carinyo, no passa res.

Well, you'll realize it, darling, it's okay.

Total, totalment.

Total, totally.

Molt bé, després d'aquesta

Very well, after this

bronca, les amigues...

scolding, the friends...

Següent bloc, eh?

Next block, huh?

Que totes hem sigut amigues,

That we have all been friends,

jo també he sigut mega cruel.

I have also been mega cruel.

Jo tinc amigues que surten amb nois.

I have friends who go out with boys.

Os imagineu-vos.

Can you imagine?

Greu. En fi.

Serious. Anyway.

Què toca, Marta?

What's up, Marta?

Cetrapella. Aquest bloc, bloc divertit.

Cetrapella. This block, funny block.

Perfecte. Vinga.

Perfect. Come on.

Em toca a mi?

Is it my turn?

Sí. Doncs vinga, no?

Yes. Well, come on, right?

24, ell.

24, him.

Som tan poc de fer ràdio.

We are so little of making radio.

Som tan poc radiofònica, estic jo.

I'm so little radio-like, I am.

Es nota tant que no hem anat a la Pompeu, tio.

You can really tell we didn't go to Pompeu, dude.

Bueno, noies, intrusisme laboral per sempre.

Well, girls, labor intrusion forever.

Una il·lustradora i un fotògrafa?

An illustrator and a photographer?

Ei, ningú pot fer el que fem nosaltres.

Hey, nobody can do what we do.

Ep, amb orgull, exacte. Fes-t'ho fotos.

Hey, with pride, exactly. Take pictures of it.

Mai ja. Pompeu Fabra.

Never again. Pompeu Fabra.

Fes-t'ho. Posa't tu, posa't tu

Do it. Put it on yourself, put it on yourself.

aquí al micro a parlar dels problemes de la gent.

here on the mic to talk about people's problems.

Home. Demana-li un baló.

Home. Ask him for a ball.

Demana-li a un becari del núvol que faci això.

Ask a cloud intern to do this.

Home, ja.

Home, already.

Home, ja. Mira, 24, ell.

Home, already. Look, 24, him.

Aquesta és curta i és divertida, vale?

This one is short and it's funny, okay?

Així pugem els ànims, noies.

This is how we lift our spirits, girls.

Que estem a juliol, que això, mira.

That we are in July, that this, look.

Vinga, som-hi.

Come on, let's go.

Diu, fuà.

He says, phew.

Doncs pel cap d'any del 2021,

Well, for New Year's Eve 2021,

que encara hi havia seqüeles del Covid

that there were still aftereffects of Covid

i no es podia fer festa, com Déu mana,

and it couldn't be celebrated properly, as God intended,

amb unes amistats,

with some friends,

ens vam reunir a casa i vam decidir

we met at home and decided

que la millor manera de celebrar el nou any

that the best way to celebrate the new year

era prenent M.

was taking M.

Ras i curts.

Plain and short.

I ara ens diu, jo, amb un high que flipes,

And now he/she tells us, me, with a high that blows your mind,

estimant-ho tot de la vida,

loving everything about life,

li vaig fer un àudio a la que era la meva parella,

I made an audio for my partner.

dient-li que el que estava sentint en aquell moment,

telling her that what he was feeling at that moment,

ultraintens i sensible,

ultraintense and sensitive,

era el que en un estat normal

it was what in a normal state

sentia per ella, no? Com,

I felt for her, didn't I? Like,

jo per tu em sento com quan vaig

I feel for you like when I go.

drogat de M.

drugged by M.

De M, o drogada.

Of M, or drugged.

T'he de dir que a mi m'escriuen això per cap d'any.

I have to tell you that this is written to me for New Year's.



La dona de la meva vida.

The woman of my life.

Vale, però twist.

Okay, but twist.

El que en aquell moment jo pensava que era

What I thought at that moment was

la declaració d'amor més maca del planeta,

the most beautiful love declaration on the planet,

em va explotar la cara perquè al cap d'una setmana

my face exploded because a week later

em va deixar dient que no sentia el mateix.

He left me saying that he didn't feel the same.

Ha, ha, ha, consum responsable

Ha, ha, ha, responsible consumption.

i amb els mòbils fora de l'abast, nenes.

And with the mobiles out of reach, girls.

Bueno, a veure, jo crec que potser va ser el detonant,

Well, let's see, I think it might have been the trigger,

que li diguessis tot això, però que

that you told her all this, but that

jo crec que no es detona un

I believe that one does not detonate.

no anem cap al mateix lloc per un missatge de cap d'any.

we're not going to the same place for a New Year's message.

Jo crec que es detona per...

I believe it is triggered by...

Sí que hi ha moments que són gairebé

Yes, there are moments that are almost

una epifania religiosa, no? Quan algú et diu

a religious epiphany, right? When someone tells you

donaria la vida per tu, m'ho invento, no?

I would give my life for you, I'm making it up, right?

I tu penses, ostres, jo no la donaria per tu.

And you think, wow, I wouldn't give her up for you.

És quan s'obren les portetes de

It is when the little doors open of

esteu al mateix moment, estem al mateix lloc.

you are at the same moment, we are in the same place.

En qualsevol cas entenem que ha passat temps

In any case, we understand that some time has passed.

i ara és una anècdota divertida.

And now it is a funny anecdote.

Sí, és bastant graciós.

Yes, it's quite funny.

Love on drugs.

Love on drugs.

Sempre va bé.

It's always good.

També et diré, grup de gent tancada a un pis

I will also tell you, group of people locked in an apartment.

fotuts de M, orgi.

fucked up of M, orgy.

No m'hi trobaràs.

You won't find me there.

Acaba en orgia.

It ends in an orgy.

No m'hi trobaràs.

You won't find me there.

Vinga, mira, qui ens saluda d'una manera

Come on, look, who is greeting us in a way

que no ens havíem saludat mai?

that we had never greeted each other?

Ja, m'ha encantat.

Yes, I loved it.

30, ella, i diu

30, she, and says

Hola, Ruth.

Hello, Ruth.



Rumi's està bé.

Rumi's is fine.


I like it.

Rumi's perquè és com si fóssim

Rumi's because it's as if we were

companyes d'habitació.


Companyes d'habitació.


A la facultat.

At the university.

Està superbé, això.

This is super good.



Som companyetes de pis, noies.

We are flatmates, girls.

Creieu, romesquetes.

Believe, little Romans.

Sí, una miqueta.

Yes, a little bit.

Una miqueta.

A little bit.

Està molt bé.

It's very good.

Hi ha una cosa.

There is one thing.

Això no sé què ve, però jo m'he adonat

I don't know what this is about, but I have realized.

que molta gent ens escolta en grup.

that many people listen to us in a group.



És a dir, que estan a casa amb col·legues

That is to say, they are at home with friends.

fent birres i tal, i escolten salses

making beers and such, and they listen to salsas





Em sembla molt heavy perquè a mi

It seems very heavy to me because of me.

saludar un podcast em sembla una cosa

Greeting a podcast seems like a thing.

molt individual.

very individual.

Totalment, noies.

Totally, girls.

Convideu-nos a aquestes cadenes.

Invite us to these chains.

Clar, però com que de cop i volta em

Sure, but suddenly it me...

sembla lògic, no?

It seems logical, doesn't it?

Com que què feu?

What are you doing?

Us expliqueu?

Do you explain yourselves?

En plan us baralleu.

Like you guys are fighting.

Les comenteu, no?

You comment on them, don't you?

Les comenteu.

You comment on them.



És que tenen suc a comentar, jo crec.

I think they have juice to comment on.

Tenen suc a connectar.

They have juice to connect.

A comentar, sí.

To comment, yes.

Vinga, diu així.

Come on, say it like this.

Hola, Rumi's.

Hello, Rumi's.

Fa uns mesos em vaig apuntar al gym

A few months ago, I signed up for the gym.

i a la primera classe, amb un monitor,

and in the first class, with an instructor,

vaig sentir un fletxassó molt fort.

I felt a very strong arrow.

A vosaltres també us passa?

Does it happen to you too?

Quan veieu algú que sabeu que us

When you see someone that you know who you

acabareu liant segur?

Will you end up tying it for sure?

No, carinyo, no em passa.

No, darling, it's not happening to me.

Ua, a mi em passa literalment.

Yeah, it literally happens to me.

Diu, o soc una flipada.

Says, either I am crazy.

Benvinguda al grup de flipades sensibles.

Welcome to the group of sensitive freaks.



A veure, veig algú que penso que

Let's see, I see someone that I think that

la tia més atractiva del món, però és

the most attractive aunt in the world, but she is

que a mesura de la vida pensaré segur

that as life goes on I will surely think

que em lio un vell, en plan, ens acabarem

that an old man gets me tangled up, like, we'll end up together

liant, a mi això no em passa.

tied up, this doesn't happen to me.

El meu cervell?

My brain?

Sí, eh?

Yes, huh?



Jo penso, o sigui, això és una veritat

I think, I mean, this is a truth.

com que la Terra es rodona.

because the Earth is round.

Sí, eh?

Yes, huh?

No, a mi no.

No, not me.

Soc més insegura amb això.

I am more insecure about this.

I quan no passa?

And when does it not happen?

A vegades no.

Sometimes not.

O sigui, m'explico?

So, am I making myself clear?

Bueno, pot passar, no?

Well, it can happen, right?

En plan, no soc la Carlin Johansson.

Like, I'm not Carlin Johansson.

A vegades no.

Sometimes no.


Of course.

Penso, bueno, serà per alguna altra cosa.

I think, well, it must be for something else.

Mai penso, no li ha agradat.

I never think, he/she hasn't liked it.


You know?

Ah, jo ho sé.

Ah, I know it.

Com un home hetero que diu, en plan, deu ser

Like a straight man who says, like, it must be.

perquè és boiera.

because it is foggy.

Bueno, jo penso, serà hetero.

Well, I think it'll be heterosexual.

Jo penso, serà hetero.

I think he will be heterosexual.

Clar, jo ho dic així, com...

Sure, I say it like this, like...

És que us he de dir que per mi que sigui

I have to tell you that for me it is

hetero no és un...

hetero is not a...

No, és que no ho és mai.

No, it never is.

No és mai una...

It is never a...

És heterosexual.

He is heterosexual.

És que no ho és mai.

It's just that it never is.

No és mai una...

It's never a...

És heterosexuality.

It is heterosexuality.



Really, I think?

Really, do I think?



No, jo mai...

No, I never...

Jo sempre penso, no és perquè és hetero.

I always think, it's not because he/she is heterosexual.



Són altres coses.

They are other things.

En plan...

In a way...

No passa res.

It's okay.

Però jo quan a algú m'agrada molt, penso, ens agradem.

But when I really like someone, I think, we like each other.

És horrorós, això de la llista.

It's horrendous, this list thing.

És horrorós.

It's horrible.

Bueno, noies, de l'olo és de sa lolo.

Well, girls, from the oil it's from the lolo.

Venga, endavant.

Come on, let's go.

Us acabarem liant segur?

Will we end up getting you tangled up for sure?

O soc una flipada?

Am I crazy?

La cotxe és una flipada.

The car is amazing.

La cotxe és que vaig trobar una motivació per anar al gym bastant sovint i creuar-me'l.

The car is that I found motivation to go to the gym quite often and run into it.

Una miradeta, un saludo, com a l'app del gym, surt l'horari, vas al dir...

A quick look, a greeting, like in the gym app, the schedule comes up, you go to say...

Ah, no.

Ah, no.

Sí, segurament vas al dir.

Yes, you are probably going to say.

T'he pillat, com si n'hi hagués 12 a Barcelona.

I've caught you, as if there were 12 of them in Barcelona.

Sabeu que al dir...

Do you know that when saying...

No, els hi vull fer broma, però és que això em sembla tan fort que es gastin els meus diners

No, I want to joke with them, but this seems so outrageous to me that they spend my money.

en això.

in this.

Van fer una app interna per lligar.

They created an internal app for dating.

Un Tinder dir.

A Tinder say.

Això existeix.

This exists.

I s'han gastat diners meus.

And they have spent my money.

Però i com anava això?

But how was this going?

És un Tinder dir.

It's a Tinder, I mean.

O sigui, jo el puc tindre, si vull.

That is to say, I can have it if I want.

Tu fiques allà a quin dir vas, tal qual...

You put there what you're going to say, just like that...

I en realitat és com per buscar gent amb qui fer esport.

And in reality, it's about looking for people to play sports with.

Una polla.

A cock.

És perquè els gimtetes puguin lligar.

It's so the gymnasts can hook up.

Amb gimtetes.

With gaps.

I jo veig que està a punt de fer de Karen i enviar un mail i dir

And I see that she is about to play Karen and send an email and say

ja m'esteu baixant la quota perquè no pot ser que hagueu fet servir els meus diners

You are already lowering the fee for me because it cannot be that you have used my money.

perquè uns matxitos de gimnàs puguin sucar el xurro.

so that some gym bros can dip the churro.

Però, i tu pots tenir l'opció de només vull veure noies, per exemple?

But can you have the option of just wanting to see girls, for example?

Més igual.

More equal.

O sigui, el gym ha de ser un lloc segur.

That is, the gym must be a safe place.

O sigui...

That is...

Jo no vinc aquí a lligar.

I'm not coming here to hook up.

No, és veritat.

No, it's true.

O sigui, jo vaig al gimnàs a fer esport.

That is to say, I go to the gym to exercise.

Tio, és veritat.

Dude, it's true.

Deu ser l'única, Karen.

It must be the only one, Karen.

No, però m'entens que és una mica xungo com convertir aquests espais en llocs com per anar a lligar.

No, but you understand that it's a bit awkward to turn these spaces into places to pick someone up.

En plan, joder, donem-nos un respiro, tio.

Like, come on, let's take a breather, man.

Jo entenc, mireu que estic molt desvinculada del món gim-coses, vale?

I understand, you see that I am very disconnected from the gym things, okay?

Però entenc que hi ha activitats com moltes de ferro, no?

But I understand that there are activities like many related to iron, right?

Com d'aixecamentes de coses que van millor si les fas col·lectivament, no?

Like the lifting of things that go better if you do them collectively, right?



Com que algú et vigila i viceversa.

As someone is watching you and vice versa.

A veure.

Let's see.

I llavors entenc com que potser la voluntat inicial d'aquesta aplicació és que gent que va al gimnàs sola o que no té una squad trobi altra penya que faci rutines com les seves perquè puguin fer equipo.

And then I understand that perhaps the initial intention of this application is for people who go to the gym alone or who don't have a squad to find others who do routines like theirs so they can team up.

Tinc dubtes.

I have doubts.

Ara, com som gent young, wild and free, ens ho acabem fent tot per lligar.

Now, as we are young, wild, and free people, we end up doing everything to hook up.

Jo crec que ho han projectat molt per lligar.

I think they have projected it a lot to tie it together.

O sigui, jo crec que tal com estava comunicant ho han projectat tot per lligar.

So, I believe that as I was communicating, they have projected everything to tie it all together.

I enteneu-me, no malinterpreteu que qualsevol lloc és bon lloc per lligar.

You understand me, don't misunderstand that any place is a good place to hook up.

El que em ratlla és que des de la pròpia empresa...

What irritates me is that from within the company...

Facin una app.

Make an app.

Facin una app i...

Make an app and...

Com es diu l'app?

What is the name of the app?

És que no me'n recordo jo.

I just don't remember it.

És que tampoc els vull fer broma, però...

It's just that I don't want to joke with them either, but...

Fins aquí.

Until here.

Com que predisposin l'espai com per lligar.

As they prepare the space to tie up.

Em fa una mica de pal.

I'm a little bit reluctant.

Però bueno, vinga.

But okay, come on.

Què en penseu?

What do you think about it?

Com l'app de Gim surt l'horari que feia, a vegades em feia quadrar per trobar-nos casualment per la zona de Gim.

As the Gim app shows the schedule I used to have, sometimes it would make me align to run into each other casually in the Gim area.

He fet moltes voltes a la zona escoltant música pensant que a la següent cantonada ens podríem trobar.

I have walked around the area listening to music thinking that at the next corner we might meet.

És com una adrenalina d'hivern.

It's like a winter adrenaline.

Algun tema així per caminar tipus estic en un videoclip amb el looket bastant pensat i aviam si la providència fa que ens trobem.

Some theme like walking as if I'm in a music video with a pretty thought-out look, and let's see if providence brings us together.

La cosa és que no ens vam trobar mai.

The thing is we never met.

Vam acabar parlant a dins el Gim i ens vam trobar a les festes majors de X on ens vam acabar liant.

We ended up talking inside the gym and we met at the major festivals in X where we ended up getting together.



I ara som una mica nòvios.

And now we are a bit of a couple.

Però sí, visc aquells passejos de surto tot cute de casa amb la meva música pesant per on sé que et mous.

But yes, I live those walks of leaving home all cute with my music weighing where I know you move.

O sols moure't i guau, que heavy quan et trobes.

Or just move and wow, how heavy it is when you meet.

Et sents una petita ninja del destí, perdona les estimades.

You feel like a little ninja of fate, forgive the loved ones.

Petita ninja del destí, m'ha encantat.

Little destiny ninja, I loved it.


I love it.

Ei, totalment tio.

Hey, totally dude.


I love it.

Jo t'he de dir que he fet coses així també.

I have to tell you that I have done things like that too.

Totalment d'acord, jo també.

Totally agree, me too.

De passar, en plan, a l'hora que saps que surt algú de treballar, passar-te casualment per davant de la seva botiga.

To pass by, like, at the time you know someone is finishing work, casually walking by their shop.

Saps com?

Do you know how?

Jo això ho he fet.

I have done this.

Ties, qui algú vol, a algú li costa.

Ties, what someone wants, costs someone else.

Jo estic super a favor.

I am totally in favor.

I també...

And also...

Hi ha una cosa molt innocent que crec que fa que la vida sigui més divertida, que és espais on tu has d'anar quotidianament.

There is a very innocent thing that I think makes life more fun, which is spaces where you have to go daily.

Mira, que de sobte ara a aquesta noia li agrada un noi del gimnàs.

Look, suddenly this girl likes a guy from the gym.

Doncs és que aniràs al gimnàs molt més divertida, tia.

So you'll go to the gym much more fun, girl.

I tu passaràs molt millor, i us fareu miradetes, i un dia parlareu, i ja està.

And you will have a much better time, and you will exchange glances, and one day you will talk, and that's it.

Això li dóna alegria a l'existència humana.

This brings joy to human existence.





O sigui, jo si m'enamorés d'un pilot d'avió, estaria agafant avions, noia.

I mean, if I fell in love with a pilot, I'd be taking flights, girl.

Tu, ui.

You, oh.

És tot un tema de motivació, clar.

It's all a matter of motivation, of course.

Ui, ens hem trobat el mateix vol de República Dominicana per tercera vegada.

Wow, we've found the same flight to the Dominican Republic for the third time.

No, és veritat, l'amor mola molt perquè et fa fer aquestes coses, i és molt xulo.

No, it's true, love is really cool because it makes you do these things, and it's very nice.

L'amor, o no cal que sigui amor, en plan, ara sou una mica nòvios i ho celebrem.

Love, or it doesn't have to be love, as in, now you're a bit of a couple and we're celebrating it.


The attraction.

Però, encara que només s'hagués quedat en les miradetes al gim, penso, clar que sí, carinyo, enjoy.

But, even if it had only stayed at the glances at the gym, I think, of course, darling, enjoy.



Que divertit.

How fun.




I love it.

El següent que es diu els dubtes, val?

The following is called the doubts, okay?

Sempre hi ha seccions de nenes dubitatives.

There are always sections of hesitant girls.

Odio els dubtes, no m'agraden gens.

I hate doubts, I don't like them at all.


Come on.

Hola, guapíssimes.

Hello, very beautiful ones.

Ah, no, toca a tu.

Ah, no, it's your turn.


Come on.

Hola, guapíssimes.

Hello, very beautiful ones.

Acabem de tancar la relació amb la meva parella per provar.

We have just ended the relationship with my partner to try.

I a priori hauria de ser chill, però no deixa de donar-me voltes al cap la penya que li ha

And a priori it should be chill, but I can't stop thinking about the people who have it.

tret abans, perquè són típicament el tipus de penya de la que, bueno, que s'assemblen

shot before, because they are typically the kind of people who, well, resemble.

molt a mi, vale?

very much to me, okay?

Llavors diu.

Then he/she says.

Em fa por semblar-me massa a aquesta gent i que per això estigui a casa.

I'm afraid of looking too much like these people and that's why I'm staying at home.

Que per això estigui amb mi.

That is why you are with me.



Ell ja diu que és diferent follar que enamorar-se, perquè jo penso que l'atracció és l'atracció.

He already says that having sex is different from falling in love, because I think that attraction is attraction.

Sóc avorrida.

I am bored.

Només en vol per fer vida.

Only in flight to make a living.

Si no ens haguéssim enamorat, haguéssim follat igual.

If we hadn't fallen in love, we would have had sex anyway.

Quin lío tot.

What a mess everything is.

Amor està súper liada.

Love is super busy.

Em costa molt entendre el que t'estan goçant.

I find it very hard to understand what they are enjoying.

Però, com que vol dir que no, vol dir, es refereix a obrir la relació?

But, since it means no, does it refer to opening the relationship?

I s'ha liat?

Has it gotten tangled?



O sigui, tancar la relació per provar.

So, to close the relationship to try.

I a priori ha de ser xil, però no deixa de pagar-me voltes al cap la penya que li ha

"And a priori it should be cool, but the crowd that it has keeps going around in my head."

tret abans.

shot before.

Perquè això antigament...

Because this in the past...

Bueno, potser és tancar la relació, eh?

Well, maybe it's about ending the relationship, huh?

M'està costant d'entendre, aquesta.

I'm finding it hard to hear this.

Bé, també.

Well, also.

O sigui, jo m'està costant d'entendre't, lo qual vol dir que realment estàs molt angoixada

So, it's hard for me to understand you, which means that you are really very anxious.

amb aquest tema, vale?

with this topic, okay?

Bueno, i que...

Well, and what...

Puto lío.

Fucking mess.

I tens caòtica energia.

And you have chaotic energy.

Coses a les que sí que et puc contestar, per exemple.

Things I can definitely answer you about, for example.

Ah, no, ja ho entenc.

Ah, no, I understand it now.

Ja t'entenc, vale?

I understand you now, okay?

O sigui, el que vol dir és que han tancat la relació i ella s'assembla molt bé amb

So, what it means is that they have ended the relationship and she resembles very well with





I s'ha enamorat tota la gent amb la qual està liat la seva parella, per tant, ella

And all the people with whom her partner is involved have fallen in love, therefore, she has too.

diu, val, jo no soc especial, és simplement que vol projectar una vida com a ideal de monogàmia,

He says, okay, I'm not special, it's just that he wants to project a life as an ideal of monogamy.



No ho sé, però li angoixa com aquesta idea de follar i enamorar-se.

I don't know, but this idea of fucking and falling in love is stressing him out.

Et diu que és avorrida i només en vol per fer la vida.

She tells you that she is boring and only wants it to make life.

Si no ens haguéssim enamorat haguéssim follat igual.

If we hadn't fallen in love, we would have still had sex.

Carinyo, jo només et diria...

Sweetheart, I would just tell you...

Crec que estàs overthinking.

I think you are overthinking.

Ha, ha, ha.

Ha, ha, ha.

És un clar missatge d'una gran overthinking.

It is a clear message of great overthinking.

No passa res, nosaltres també som overthinkers.

It's okay, we are overthinkers too.

Ens en arriben, ens en arriben d'aquests.

They come to us, they come to us of these.

Llavors et diré, amor, si esteu juntes i teniu una vida sexual mínimament activa com

Then I will tell you, love, if you are together and have a minimally active sex life like

voluntària per part de les dues i esteu còmodes amb això, vol dir que et desitja.

voluntary on both sides and you are comfortable with this, it means that she wishes you well.



I a partir d'aquí, bueno, totes tenim un perfil de gent que ens agrada més o menys, però

And from here, well, we all have a type of person that we like more or less, but

crec que has d'aferrar-te a certeses.

I think you have to cling to certainties.

Que hi ha desig, que quan tu vols ser parella o no vols ser parella o no vols ser parella

That there is desire, that when you want to be a couple or you don't want to be a couple or you don't want to be a couple.

o no vols ser parella o no vols ser parella o no vols ser parella o no vols ser parella

either you don't want to be a partner or you don't want to be a partner or you don't want to be a partner or you don't want to be a partner

d'algú, o sigui, no qüestionis tot el que decideix, bàsicament.

of someone, that is to say, do not question everything they decide, basically.

Aquest seria el meu missatge.

This would be my message.

Si ella vol ser la teva nòvia, us desitgeu i folliu, és maco, està guai, ja està.

If she wants to be your girlfriend, you both like each other and have sex, it's nice, it's cool, that's it.



Keep it simple.

Keep it simple.

I fixa-t'hi que aquesta inseguretat que tens tu de tenir la sensació que t'assembles a

And notice that this insecurity you have of feeling that you resemble

totes les persones que han atès a la teva vida sexual com a quines nenes i nenes, com que

All the people who have attended to your sexual life as if they were boys and girls, as if you were

persones que han atret a la teva parella,

people who have attracted your partner,

hi ha molta gent que la té al contrari. Hi ha molta gent

there are many people who have the opposite. There are many people

que sent que és molt diferent

that feels very different

a la resta de persones que l'han atret a la

to the rest of the people who have attracted him to the

teva parella. I això els genera

your partner. And this generates them

una inseguretat, també. Doncs això ens dona

an insecurity, too. Well, this gives us

pistes que realment, potser,

clues that really, perhaps,

hem de baixar una mica, hem de

we have to go down a little, we have to

parar el carro en això i sortir d'això.

stop the cart on this and get out of this.

Perquè no va

Why doesn't it work?

a això. Perquè sempre trobaràs una cosa

to this. Because you will always find one thing

que et faci sentir petita o que t'angoixi.

that makes you feel small or that stresses you out.

Llavors et diré confia, una mica.

Then I'll tell you to trust, a little.

Confio, i tant. Vinga,

I trust, absolutely. Come on,

26 anys,

26 years,

enamorar-me d'una amiga

falling in love with a friend

supertípic. Doncs m'he sentit

super typical. Well, I have felt

supermal com si estigués fent

super bad as if I were doing

alguna cosa malament, com si estigués mentint, però de vegades

something wrong, as if I were lying, but sometimes

superbonic, perquè a les nostres converses visc

superb, because in our conversations I live

la profunditat de l'oceà, la tranquil·litat,

the depth of the ocean, the tranquility,

que sóc un cul inquiet i amb calma,

that I am a restless person and calmly,

o l'electricitat que sento quan em donen

or the electricity I feel when I'm given

una simple abraçada. Massa intens, tot.

a simple hug. Too intense, everything.

Je, je, je. També d'una

He, he, he. Also one of a kind.

gran overthinker, noies, us adorem.

great overthinker, girls, we adore you.

Bueno, com...

Well, how...

Què vol dir que estàs fent alguna cosa malament?

What does it mean that you are doing something wrong?

T'has enamorat...

You've fallen in love...

Jo ho estic entenent.

I am understanding it.

T'has enamorat d'una gran amiga. Entenc que no

You have fallen in love with a great friend. I understand that you haven't.

l'hi has dit, i llavors tu vius amb

you told him, and then you live with

secretisme. Entenc que sentis com

secrecy. I understand that you feel like

que tu projectes

that you project

la idea com que sou amigues,

the idea that you are friends,

però tu estàs enamorada d'ella. Per tant, entenc

but you are in love with her. Therefore, I understand

com la sensació una miqueta de culpa

with a little bit of a guilty feeling

de dir, li hauria de dir, perquè jo

I should tell him, because I

no estic vivint una amistat aquí a Morg.

I am not living a friendship here in Morg.

I entenc com

I understand how.

la il·lusió

the illusion

immensa amb cada gest de

immense with every gesture of

carinyo i d'afecte. Preguntar-te

affection and tenderness. Asking you

si tu vols fer alguna cosa amb això. És a dir,

if you want to do something with this. That is,

si no tens ganes de compartir-li

if you don't feel like sharing it with him/her

i vols simplement gaudir d'aquesta

and you simply want to enjoy this

complicitat, fins que

complicity, until

necessitis dir-ho o se't passi,

you need to say it or it crosses your mind,

o bé si tu ara vols prendre

or if you want to take it now

una decisió al respecte, no?

A decision in this regard, right?

Entenc que si viviu com aquests

I understand that if you live like this

moments com d'abraçades

moments like hugs

i tal, potser sí que hi ha...

and so, maybe there is…

Creus que hi ha alguna cosa amagada

Do you think there is something hidden?



Sí, jo crec que també

Yes, I think so too.

la culpa aquesta, no?, de...

this blame, right?, of...

O sigui, que combrego completament

So, I completely agree.

amb tot el que dius, companya.

With everything you say, colleague.

Però és que

But it is that

quantes vegades hem estat enamorades

how many times have we been in love

en secret d'un munt de penya

in secret of a bunch of people

amb la qual ens relacionem

with which we relate

diàriament? O sigui, absolutament

daily? I mean, absolutely

totes. És que és el pa de cada dia.

Everyone. It's just everyday bread.

Dels 10 als 18 anys, cada dia.

From 10 to 18 years old, every day.

Viure enamorat d'algú que no ho sap

Living in love with someone who doesn't know it.

is the plot.

is the plot.

O sigui, és...

That is, it is...

Carinyos, és que...

Darling, it's just that...

Is the plot de qualsevol cosa

Is the plot of anything?

que consumeixis, sí, sí.

that you consume, yes, yes.

O sigui, l'elicient romàntic per excel·lència

That is, the quintessential romantic elixir.

és estar enamorat d'algú

it is to be in love with someone

i no dir-li.

and not tell him.

Ara, decideix si l'hi vols dir.

Now, decide if you want to tell him/her.

O a vegades no ho hem de dir.

Or sometimes we don't have to say it.

És que a vegades no ens hem d'amagar a declarar.

Sometimes we don't have to hide to declare.

Has d'intentar seduir-la una miqueta a veure què passa.

You should try to seduce her a little to see what happens.



Clar, seduir-mola.

Of course, it seduces me.

Seduir-mola. Prova a seduir-la.

Seduce me. Try to seduce her.

Si et ve de gust i creus que és un espai

If you feel like it and think it's a space

en el que ets insegura.

in which you are insecure.

I si a ella li ve de gust que la sedueixis,

And if she feels like you seducing her,

tampoc siguem unes mamones.

let's not be fools either.

Però bueno, que no assumim que l'única opció

But well, let's not assume that it's the only option.

és fer una declaració d'amor, perquè jo n'he fet molt poca

It's making a love declaration, because I've done very little of it.

de la meva vida, declaracions. Normalment he anat com

of my life, statements. I have usually gone as

remant a favor, poqueta a poqueta,

rowing in favor, little by little,

a veure què passava.

let's see what happened.

Ja, i la cosa aquesta de declaració d'amor

Yes, and this thing about a declaration of love.

a lo loco, a no ser que ho veguis

like crazy, unless you see it

clarament que pot ser recíproc,

clearly it can be reciprocal,

jo no ho aconsello.

I do not recommend it.

No. Perquè espanta un munt.

No. Because it scares a lot.

Total. I que t'agafa en fred.

Totally. And it catches you off guard.

No? Hi ha alguna cosa de seduir

No? Is there something about seducing?

a poc a poc que fins i tot l'altre va...

little by little, until even the other goes...

O sigui, tu quan estàs a l'altre costat, a vegades

So, when you are on the other side, sometimes

te n'adones que desitges algú que potser

You realize that you desire someone who perhaps

al principi no havies sexualitzat o no havies vist

at first you had not sexualized or you had not seen

d'aquesta manera. Total. Llavors, bueno,

in this way. Total. So, well,

et direm que si això és una cosa que et diverteix,

we will tell you that if this is something that entertains you,

go with the flow, estimada.

Go with the flow, dear.

Exactament. Vinga.

Exactly. Come on.

Anem per un altre. Ella28.

Let's go for another one. She28.

Ei, hola. Us escric perquè fa

Hey, hi. I’m writing to you because it’s been

sis mesos que surto amb una nena amb qui tot

six months that I've been dating a girl with whom everything

va molt rebé. Sis mesos de la

It's going very well. Six months of the

vida real iguala a dos anys de

real life equals two years of

lesbiana. Què passa?

Lesbian. What's happening?

Que dins meu jo tinc molt clar que vull ser mare.

That inside me I am very clear that I want to be a mother.

Sempre he volgut i sempre he pensat que ho faria

I have always wanted and I have always thought that I would do it.

sola o amb amigues. Però clar, ara

alone or with friends. But of course, now

visc per primer cop en una relació amb la que tinc

I live for the first time in a relationship with the one I have.

ganes de projectar-me molt fort

desire to project myself very strongly

i potser doncs és l'edat, no? Recordem

And perhaps then it is the age, right? Let's remember.

que té 28 anys. L'edat de la cara a la meva,

who is 28 years old. The age of my face,



El fet és que, d'una

The fact is that, from one

banda, em sembla important

band, I think it's important

deixar les coses clares i ho hem

to make things clear and we have

parlat. Ella em diu que necessita tenir

spoken. She tells me that she needs to have

l'opció de no tenir fills

the option of not having children

i que és aviat per parlar

And it is too early to talk.

d'aquests temes. I jo ho entenc, però

of these topics. And I understand it, but

alhora em sembla important que els projectes

At the same time, it seems important to me that the projects

estiguin més o menys en sintonia perquè, si no,

they are more or less in tune because, if not,

jo m'hauria d'anar mentalitzant

I should start getting mentally prepared.

per organitzar-me diferent. I, bueno,

to organize myself differently. And, well,

emocionalment em fa susto projectar-me amb ella

Emotionally, it scares me to project myself with her.

si després hauré de decidir

if later I will have to decide

entre els meus desitjos o la relació. En fi,

between my desires or the relationship. Anyway,

un percal, què penseu? És interessantíssim

a situation, what do you think? It's extremely interesting

el que planteges i està

what you propose and it is

molt a l'ordre del dia. Et diria

very much on the agenda. I would tell you

que potser

that maybe

posis una edat a límits. Jo,

put an age to limits. I,

desconeixent aquests temes, et diria com

not knowing these topics, I would tell you how

vale, jo als 30 anys

Okay, I'm 30 years old.

vull tenir la certesa

I want to have certainty.

que construeixo un projecte en el que em vull

that I am building a project in which I want to

quedar a llarg plaç, m'invento, no? Llavors,

to stay in the long term, I make it up, right? Then,

si ara estàs molt bé amb aquesta noia

if you are very well with this girl now

i estàs a gust, et diria segueix

And if you're comfortable, I would tell you to continue.

perquè jo entenc que ara mateix aquesta noia no sàpiga

because I understand that right now this girl doesn’t know

què vol fer. Tu posa't una edat a límits

What do you want to do? Just set an age limit for yourself.

que a tu et faci sentir còmode, no?

that makes you feel comfortable, right?

És a dir, a partir d'aquesta edat

That is to say, from this age onwards.

el que construeixis serà per projectar

what you build will be for projecting

i mentrestant nutreix aquest vincle

And meanwhile nurture this bond.

que és molt maco, que al final no t'ha dit que no, però jo entenc

that it's very nice, that in the end he didn't say no to you, but I understand.

que no vulgui

that does not want

comprometre's a aquest nivell, no?

To commit at this level, right?

De dir, jo algun dia faré de mare

To say, I will become a mother someday.

amb tu. Sí, i també hi ha

with you. Yes, and there is also

la cosa aquesta de

this thing of

com vols maternar tu.

how do you want to mother?

És a dir, acabes de dir que

That is to say, you just said that

pots ser mare sola

you can be a single mother

o amb amigues, no? Per tant,

or with friends, right? Therefore,

entenc que encara que tinguis això clar

I understand that even though you are clear about this.

estàs projectant un munt de copies.

you are projecting a lot of copies.

I vols ser mare amb parella

Do you want to be a mother with a partner?

perquè estàs com projectant

because you are like projecting

aquesta cosa amb una persona que

this thing with a person who

fa sis mesos que coneixes.

You have known each other for six months.

Que això també, jo sé

That this too, I know.

que les lesbianes, dos anys de lesbianes,

that lesbians, two years of lesbians,

no, carinyos. Aquestes temporalitats,

No, darling. These temporalities,

aquest clitxer, hem de començar com a

this clitxer, we have to start as

abaixar-lo una mica

turn it down a bit

i jo sé que són molt intenses, sé que són molt sensibles,

and I know that they are very intense, I know that they are very sensitive,

però sis mesos

but six months

són sis mesos. Llavors, ara

It's six months. So now

a aquesta persona no li veus les merdes

you can't see this person's shit

perquè no li veus. En sis mesos

because you don't see him. In six months

no veus les merdes de ningú.

you don't see anyone's crap.

D'aquí mig any

In six months' time

li començaràs a veure les merdes.

you will start to see the shit.

I és allà on has de decidir

And that is where you have to decide.

si et baralles amb aquesta persona

if you fight with this person

per tindre fills amb ella o no tindre'n fills

to have children with her or not to have children

amb ella. És a dir, crec que abans

with her. That is to say, I think that before

d'això, jo entenc que tens

From this, I understand that you have.

molt clar que vols ser mare i que

very clear that you want to be a mother and that

repeteixo, no m'he trobat

I repeat, I haven't found myself.

en la situació i estic aconsellant

in the situation and I am advising

des de la inexperiència.

from inexperience.



si el que vols és ser mare

if what you want is to be a mother

amb parella, entenc que abans s'ha de construir

with a partner, I understand that it has to be built first

la parella i després s'ha de construir la maternitat.

the couple and then motherhood has to be built.

Totalment d'acord, Carles.

Totally agree, Carles.

Llavors, jo potser

Then, maybe I

disfrutaria ara

I would enjoy now.

sis mesos, són sis mesos, tens

six months, it's six months, you have

28 anys, tenint en compte això que

28 years, taking this into account that

t'ha dit la Marta de l'edat límit, quina és

Marta has told you about the age limit, what is it?

la teva edat límit per començar

your age limit to start

a gestar. En el cas que vull, ja està, perquè

to gestate. In the case that I want, it's done, because

l'altra cosa és que potser no ens has dit

the other thing is that maybe you haven't told us

de quina manera vols ser mare. Totalment.

How do you want to be a mother? Totally.

Si el que vols és una adopció,

If what you want is an adoption,

són uns altres timings. És a dir, que crec que hi ha

they are different timings. That is to say, I think there are

moltes coses de tindre en compte

many things to consider

i que no cal tampoc responsabilitzar

and there is no need to hold responsible either

posar totes aquestes pressions

to put all these pressures

a una persona que t'ha dit

to a person who has told you

clarament que ara mateix

clearly right now

no en vol pensar i que de moment

doesn't want to think about it and for the moment

està molt més còmode

it's much more comfortable

amb l'opció

with the option

que sigui una opció no tenir-ne.

that it be an option not to have it.

Totalment. I que potser ets tu

Totally. And maybe it's you.

la que al cap d'un temps no

the one that after a while does not

et veus construint una maternitat

do you see yourself building a maternity?

com planteja la Carles amb ella. Llavors,

how Carles approaches her. Then,

entenc l'urgència perquè

I understand the urgency because

crec que cap a 28-29

I think around 28-29.

anys ens comença a entrar

years start to enter us

la sensació com que la maternitat era

the feeling that motherhood was

allò que passava superlluny,

that which was happening far away,

i ara de sobte és una cosa que tu

and now suddenly it's something that you

has de començar a pensar-hi, com a mínim,

you have to start thinking about it, at least,

i decidir si vols que tingui a veure

and decide if you want it to have to do with it

amb tu o no. Llavors, mola que hi estiguis

with you or not. So, it's great that you are there.

pensant ara, però potser, com diu la Cari,

thinking now, but perhaps, as Cari says,

no pots construir

you cannot build

la casa per la taulada, estimada.

The house through the roof, dear.

Sí, totalment. I també crec

Yes, totally. And I also believe.

que jo

that I

empatitzo molt amb aquesta

I empathize a lot with this.

noia amb la que estàs sortint perquè

girl you are dating because

jo també poso

I also put.

per davant l'opció de no tenir-ne.

instead of the option to not have any.

És a dir, encara que jo em vulgui tenir,

That is to say, even if I want to have myself,

perquè jo vull ser, jo vull maternar,

because I want to be, I want to mother,

vull maternar de la manera que sigui,

I want to mother in whatever way possible,

la meva primera opció

my first option

és no tenir-ne, perquè tota la vida

it's not having it, because all my life

la meva primera opció ha sigut tenir-ne,

my first option has been to have one.

perquè era l'única opció.

because it was the only option.

Doncs la meva primera opció ara és no tenir-ne.

Well, my first option now is to not have one.

I dins d'aquest espai mental

And within this mental space

jo em puc permetre pensar un moment

I can allow myself to think for a moment.

i decidir com vull maternar.

and decide how I want to mother.

Jo, per exemple, no vull gestar.

I, for example, do not want to conceive.

Jo, per exemple, m'agradaria

I, for example, would like

adoptar. O potser

to adopt. Or perhaps

vull acollir. És a dir, com

I want to welcome. That is to say, how

que entenem també que hem de fer

that we also understand that we have to do

unes reflexions sobre la maternitat, que

some reflections on motherhood, which

ja les estem fent,

we are already doing them,

però crec que les estem fent molt sempre

but I think we are always doing them a lot

des del gestar i sobre

from gestation and above

el ser mares.

the act of being mothers.

Què passa des del

What happens since the

no ser mares, no? Com decidim

Not to be mothers, right? How do we decide?

ser mares? No sé si m'està entenent.

being mothers? I don’t know if you’re understanding me.

Bueno, ho estic

Well, I am.

entenent. És a dir,

understanding. That is to say,

és a dir, que jo m'agrada reflexionar

That is to say, I like to reflect.

sobre la maternitat sense la pressió d'haver de ser mare.

about motherhood without the pressure of having to be a mother.

Sí, sí, ho entenc. Sense que sigui

Yes, yes, I understand. Without it being

una cosa innegociable, no? Exacte.

An non-negotiable thing, right? Exactly.

Com que em pugui permetre dir que no.

As long as I can allow myself to say no.



Bueno, en fi, no sé...

Well, anyway, I don't know...

No sé. No ens escriuen moltes mares, no?

I don't know. Not many mothers write to us, do they?

És veritat. Un dia podem parlar de la maternitat.

It's true. One day we can talk about motherhood.

Algun dia hauríem de parlar...

One day we should talk...

Jo crec que és guai. Perquè

I think it's cool. Because

no ens escriuen moltes mares i sempre acabem

not many mothers write to us and we always end up

parlant tu i jo a lo

talking you and me to it

loco d'això i, evidentment, que donem consells

crazy about this and, of course, we give advice

com si estiguéssim al bar amb les col·legues

as if we were at the bar with the friends

fent un cafè, que està molt bé, però bueno...

Having a coffee, which is very good, but well...

Bueno, i així també podrem comportar

Well, and this way we will be able to behave too.

persones que en sàpiguen més que nosaltres,

people who know more than us,

que si nosaltres podem esdevenir

that if we can become

un pont perquè vosaltres pugueu trobar

a bridge so that you can find

les respostes que busqueu, sempre

the answers you seek, always

és una victòria. Total.

It's a victory. Total.

Vinga, última, abans de l'Hotel Miramar.

Come on, last one, before the Hotel Miramar.

Som-hi. Hola, romesquetes.

Let's go. Hello, little Romeos.

Noia, 28 anys.

Girl, 28 years old.

Sempre he sigut una pisis de manual

I have always been a textbook Pisces.

i llavors sempre he patit

and then I have always suffered

per ser massa a tots els nivells.

for being too much at all levels.

No obstant, us deixo aquest missatge

However, I leave you this message.

solament per donar esperances

only to give hope

a totes les persones que se senten així

to all the people who feel this way

i dir-vos que no és una maledicció

and to tell you that it is not a curse

per molts cops que us sembli

as many times as it seems to you

o que us hagin fet sentir que éreu massa

or that they made you feel like you were too much.

per la carabassa.

for the pumpkin.

No us deixeu fer més petitones per

Don't let yourself be made smaller by

persones que s'emporeguen

people who are embarrassed

emporeguen dels sentiments.

they empower feelings.

Com que tenen por dels sentiments.

Because they are afraid of feelings.

Ah, que tenen por, emporuguen

Ah, they are scared, they are trembling.

dels sentiments.

of feelings.

Que maco, això.

How beautiful, this.

De tendresa insubmissa, com canta Diluvi,

Of insubmissive tenderness, as Diluvi sings,

ja abraceu i abriceu-vos

you have already embraced and embrace each other

d'estimar fort.

of loving deeply.

I ja no soles a les vostres parelles

And no longer only to your partners.

sexoafectives, sinó sobretot

sex-affective, but above all

a les vostres amigues i a la vostra xarxa de cures

to your friends and to your care network

de la vostra família, si les circumstàncies ho permeten,

from your family, if circumstances allow it,

i a la gent que us envolta.

and the people around you.

És cert que cada cop es fiquen més

It's true that they are getting more involved every time.

al centre les cures i les bones paraules,

at the center, care and kind words,

però solament qui hem estat mirades

but only those of us who have been watched

com boges per dir un testimo

like crazy to give a testimony

abans del que és políticament correcte,

before what is politically correct,

sabem que encara queda molt per fer.

we know that there is still a lot to be done.

Acceptar-nos com a individus sensibles i tendres

To accept ourselves as sensitive and tender individuals.

ens dona una força sobrenatural.

it gives us a supernatural strength.

Tota la raó.

Absolutely right.

No puc estar més d'acord.

I couldn't agree more.

Molt ben dit, estimada. Gràcies per compartir aquesta reflexió.

Well said, dear. Thank you for sharing this reflection.

A mi és que la gent que és extravengant,

I mean, the people who are extravagant,

la gent que és massa, m'agrada. M'agrada molt.

I like people who are too much. I like them a lot.

Bueno, i que hi ha un punt, com dèiem abans,

Well, there is a point, as we said before,

dia, no? Com l'exemple

Day, right? Like the example.

que ha posat de dir un testimo abans

what has a witness said before

del que seria políticament correcte.

of what would be politically correct.

Tens la sensació que se t'ha escapat, no?

You have the feeling that it has slipped away from you, right?

Potser tu ja estimaves molt, però

Maybe you already loved a lot, but

amb els anys i socialitzant-te

with the years and socializing

aprens a respectar

you learn to respect

certs tàimings i veure com

certain timings and see how

això també et protegeix.

this also protects you.

I llavors, bueno, ser molt sensible

And then, well, being very sensitive.

és un acte de valentia, molt sovint, perquè

it is an act of bravery, very often, because

t'exposes i

you expose yourself and

et projectes com a vulnerable

you project yourself as vulnerable

i, per tant, ets molt més fàcil de fer-hi.

and, therefore, you are much easier to deal with.

I tant.

Of course.

Dit això, noies, anem a l'Hotel Miramar

That said, girls, let's go to the Hotel Miramar.

que té llit, té llit, avui.

who has a bed, has a bed, today.

Som-hi! Hotel Miramar.

Let's go! Hotel Miramar.

Hotel Miramar.

Hotel Miramar.

Bon dia,

Good morning,


little snakes!

Vinga amb l'Hotel Miramar.

Come with the Hotel Miramar.

Sense més dilació.

Without further delay.


Let's go.

Ella, 21 anys.

She, 21 years old.

Va fer diversos capítols que no feia a l'Hotel Miramar.

He made several chapters that he didn't do at the Hotel Miramar.

Ja l'enyorava.

I already missed him/her.

Us estàveu portant molt bé.

You were doing very well.

És que no s'hi va, no?

It's just that you don't go there, right?

És una miqueta de bif.

It's a bit of a beef.

Sempre ha d'haver-hi el premi

There must always be a prize.

a la vostra confessió més bif.

to your most bif confession.

A la persona de merda.

To the asshole.

Un cop haurem de fer alguna cosa amb l'Hotel Miramar, eh?

At some point we'll have to do something with the Hotel Miramar, right?

He vist que n'hi ha diversos, per cert.

I have seen that there are several, by the way.

De què?

About what?

D'Hotels Miramar.

Of Miramar Hotels.

Ah, sí, sí, sí.

Ah, yes, yes, yes.

El que és que mai ens podran denunciar per difamació

What is that they can never report us for defamation.

perquè, com n'hi ha molts, no saben de qui n'estem parlant.

because, like there are many, they don't know who we are talking about.

Ella, 21.

She, 21.

Hola, romesquetes.

Hello, little Roma.

És el primer cop que envio una resposta

This is the first time I send a response.

als vostres meravellosos missatges.

to your wonderful messages.

Però és que realment el tema de la sensibilitat

But the issue of sensitivity is really...

és el meu tema.

it's my topic.

M'encanta perquè has dit...

I love it because you said...

O sigui, has fet corteta i al pie.

So, you've made a short summary and at the bottom.

Primer missatge que envies

First message you send.

i ja te'n vas directe a l'Hotel Miramar.

And you're heading straight to the Hotel Miramar.

Sempre he estat una persona extremadament sensible

I have always been an extremely sensitive person.

des de ben petita.

since I was little.

Sempre acabo plorant amb una bona pel·li,

I always end up crying with a good movie.

amb un bon poema

with a good poem

o amb un espectacle de dansa.

or with a dance show.

No faig lletjos a res.

I don’t make anything ugly.

La meva vida ha estat atrevessada

My life has been adventurous.

per aquesta sensibilitat que no puc evitar.

for this sensitivity that I cannot avoid.

Fa uns anys mai m'havia replantejat

A few years ago, I had never reconsidered.

que pogués ser dolent.

that could be bad.

Havia après a conviure

I had learned to coexist.

i no em causava problemes o dolor.

and it didn't cause me any problems or pain.

Vull dir, el dolor hi era,

I mean, the pain was there,

però no era més dolor del compte.

but it wasn't more painful than usual.

Però sí que és cert que últimament

But it is true that lately

m'han fet replantejar-me-la.

They have made me rethink it.

Sé que no puc canviar aquesta part tan intrínseca de mi,

I know I cannot change this intrinsic part of me,

però fa mal que hi hagi gent

but it's painful that there are people

que encara vulgui canviar-la.

that still wants to change it.

Vaig tenir una reunió amb una coordinadora

I had a meeting with a coordinator.

de la universitat fa poc

from the university recently

i em va dir una cosa que no quadrava

And he/she told me something that didn't add up.

amb la idea que m'havia fet d'un tràmit de mobilitat.

with the idea I had of a mobility procedure.

Em vaig posar a plorar

I started to cry.

i em va dir que havia de

and he told me that I had to

parar, que estava demostrant ser una persona

stop, I was proving to be a person

molt dèbil i que si mai

very weak and that if ever

em contractaven a una empresa,

they hired me at a company,

al meu cap m'acomiadaria perquè no

In my head, I would say goodbye because why not.

seria prou forta

it would be strong enough

per la feina. Tot un percal.

for the work. Quite a hassle.

Aquella dona segurament no ha plorat

That woman has probably not cried.

els darrers 40 anys, què puc dir.

The last 40 years, what can I say.

Però el que volia dir és que és una mica

But what I wanted to say is that it's a bit

dur viure en un món

hard to live in a world

en què la sensibilitat és menys

in which sensitivity is less

preada. Sí que és cert

Prey. Yes, it is true.

que en la majoria dels meus cercles no és així,

that in most of my circles it is not like this,

però encara em trobo amb molts

but I still come across many

que sí que els menys preen

that they do look down on them

i és una merda gegantina.

and it's a giant piece of crap.

Moltes gràcies per la vostra feina, sou uns cracks.

Thank you very much for your work, you are amazing.

Espero sempre

I always hope.

atenta als vostres podcasts.

listening to your podcasts.

T'estimo. Ole!

I love you. Hooray!

Això em recorda l'anècdota d'una amiga

This reminds me of an anecdote about a friend.

que no anomenaré

that I will not name

que m'ha explicat que ha tingut

that has been explained to me that he/she has had

dues vegades a treballar

twice to work

al món de l'audiovisual

in the world of audiovisuals

i ha tingut dues vegades reunions

I have had meetings twice.

contundents amb homes

forceful with men

i l'han fet plorar.

and they made him cry.

I llavors l'home

And then the man

després de fer-la plorar ens ho explicava i empaixava

after making her cry, she explained it to us and softened.

de riure perquè pensava, t'entenc, fins al molt

to laugh because I thought, I understand you, until a lot

dels ossos. I llavors ella es posava a plorar

of the bones. And then she would start to cry

d'impotència. I el tio li deia

of impotence. And the guy told him

marxo i et deixo com que

I'm leaving and I'll leave you how.

descansis una mica. I ella

rest a bit. And she.

no vull que em deixis que descansi,

I don't want you to leave me alone.

jo puc fer la reunió igual, però tu has de

I can hold the meeting anyway, but you have to.

poder sostenir que jo ploro.

I can say that I cry.

Em sento impotent i ploro, però no per això

I feel helpless and I cry, but not because of that.

soc pitjor professional, és a dir,

I am a worse professional, that is to say,

tu has de poder sostenir les meves emocions.

You have to be able to handle my emotions.

Jo no te les estic fent sostenir, tu simplement has de

I'm not making you hold them, you just have to

aguantar. Però que em facis plorar

to endure. But for you to make me cry

a vegades et fan sentir com que

sometimes they make you feel like

ets una nena dèbil que no pot...

you are a weak girl who cannot...

que no és professional, no?

that's not professional, is it?

Llavors hi ha un punt que a mi se'm fa molta ràbia

Then there comes a point that makes me very angry.

perquè penso, jo, quan

because I think, I, when

algú em fa plorar, és que no m'ho puc aguantar.

Someone makes me cry, I just can't help it.

No m'ho puc aguantar.

I can't stand it.

La Caràlia era un cop que vaig fer una xerrada

Caràlia was once when I gave a talk.

no direm res,

we will say nothing,

amb un home gran

with an old man

que és una icona,

what is an icon,

un home gran que és una icona, doncs va decidir

an old man who is an icon, for he decided

és una vaca sagrada,

it is a sacred cow,

doncs xerrada davant de

so talk in front of

cent i pico persones, va decidir ridiculitzar-me

a hundred and a bit people decided to ridicule me

davant de tothom.

in front of everyone.

Allò va ser tan...

That was so...

Jo tenia unes ganes

I had such a desire.

de plorar, és que no us ho podeu ni imaginar.

to cry, you can't even imagine it.

Em tremolava la barbeta, o sigui,

My chin was trembling, in other words,

és que estava fent servir

I was using

tots els meus sentits per no

all my senses say no

posar-me a plorar davant d'aquestes cent i pico, dos-centes persones.

to start crying in front of these hundred and something, two hundred people.

Li vaig tornar molt contundent,

I responded very forcefully.

em vaig enfadar molt, es va sostenir,

I got very angry, it held on.

me'n vaig anar a l'habitació

I went to the room.

i em vaig posar a plorar. I vaig estar-me

and I started to cry. And I stayed.

a plorar quatre hores, amb la Caràlia i unes

to cry for four hours, with Caràlia and some

altres amigues consolant-me. Llavors hi ha

other friends comforting me. Then there are

un punt de dir, quina ràbia,

a point of saying, what a rage,

no? Perquè hem de ser ties

No? Because we have to be girls?

fortes i perquè el nostre discurs

strong and because our discourse

tingui com...

have as...

digui, vàlid, ha d'estar

say, valid, must be

desvinculat de les emocions. I això fa

disconnected from emotions. And this makes

molta ràbia, tio. Fa un munt de ràbia.

a lot of anger, man. It makes me very angry.

Bueno, i és això que dius, que hi ha

Well, and it’s what you say, that there is

molta penya que

a lot of people who

no pot sostenir que algú

cannot assert that someone

sigui plorada davant seu. No pot.

Let it be cried in front of him. It cannot.

No ho pot...

He can't...

Li incomoda profundament

It deeply bothers him/her.

que la gent plori davant seu. I això

that people cry in front of him. And that

a mi em fa pensar molt en quin tipus

It makes me think a lot about what type.

d'infantesa has tingut.

of childhood you have had.

I que el plor

And that the crying

no et contamina, no passa res.

don't get contaminated, nothing happens.

Jo puc plorar i seguim amb la vida.

I can cry and continue with life.

Seguim parlant. I tant.

We keep talking. Of course.

I tant, i tant. No, no, i que s'ha de

Yes, yes. No, no, and that must be...

plorar. S'ha de plorar.

To cry. One must cry.

És una reacció megal·lícita.

It's a megalithic reaction.

En canvi, quan ens enfadem,

On the other hand, when we get angry,

quan ens enfadem molt, això sí que

when we get really angry, that does indeed

està recolzat.

it is supported.

En una reunió de feina, quan t'emprenyes,

In a work meeting, when you get angry,

ningú li sembla

nobody seems to him

estrany que et puguis enfadar, no?

Strange that you can get angry, isn't it?

I tu, en el fons, el que estàs tenint és

And you, deep down, what you are having is

com estàs deixant

how are you letting go

anar una emoció desbocada,

to go an unbridled emotion,

que en aquest cas és la ira,

that in this case is anger,

i a tothom li sembla bé, quan és una emoció

And everyone thinks it's fine when it's an emotion.

fereix, que taca l'ambient,

it hurts, it stains the environment,

que taca les persones

that stains people

a qui va dirigida aquesta ira,

who is this anger directed at,

en canvi la Tristó, que no fa res, pobreta meva,

on the other hand, Tristó, who does nothing, my poor thing,

que és una emoció suaveta,

that is a soft emotion,

que està allà, que ocupa el seu espaiet,

that is there, that occupies its little space,

la Tristó ens molesta,

Tristó annoys us,

no? És curiosíssim, això.

No? It's very curious, this.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, noies,

Well, girls,



Ploreu quan hagueu de plorar, i si algú us diu

Weep when you have to weep, and if someone tells you

que sortiu a descansar, li dieu que no.

If you go out to rest, tell him no.

Ploreu i

Cry and

aquest estiu estimeu-vos molt,

this summer love each other a lot,

l'enamoreu-vos, no us fiqueu

Fall in love, don't get involved.

pals a les robes, no rodes,

sticks to the dresses, don't roll,

no feu overthinkings,

don't overthink things,

pensar massa, en català, no?

thinking too much, in Catalan, right?

Balleu una miqueta,

Dance a little bit,

poseu-vos crema solar, sempre,

put on sunscreen, always,

i esperem que tingueu

and we hope you have

molts amores de verano, i que ens els expliqueu

many summer romances, and that you tell us about them

aquest setembre, que ja arrencarem

this September, which we will already start

amb alguna sorpreseta, no, Caral?

with some little surprise, right, Caral?

I tant, ens l'estem preparant, noies.

Of course, we're getting it ready, girls.

Això ha sigut la primera temporada de Salsa

This has been the first season of Salsa.

Romesco, una abraçada des dels estudis

Romesco, a hug from the studios

de Ràdio Primavera Sauna, amb el nostre

from Ràdio Primavera Sauna, with our

estimat tècnic, el Rob Roman.

dear technician, Rob Roman.

Rob, un dia més corporatiu

Rob, another corporate day.

amb la Samarta de Salsa Romesco, que podeu trobar

with the Romesco Salsa Samarta, which you can find

el link a l'avió.

the link to the plane.

I també una abraçada des d'aquí a la nostra

And also a hug from here to ours.

editora, la Clàudia Torró, que és

editor, Claudia Torró, who is

una més de Salsa Romesco. Adéu, adéu,

one more of Salsa Romesco. Goodbye, goodbye,

bon estiu!

have a nice summer!

No somos amigas,

We are not friends,

nos comemos el coño,

we eat each other out,

ya ya, por favor,

yeah yeah, please,

acepta lo.

accept it.

Salsa Romesco, un podcast

Romesco Sauce, a podcast

de Marta Mas i Caral Guinart.

by Marta Mas and Caral Guinart.

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