Gent de Merda #204 - Toca descansar
Radio Primavera Sound
Gent de Merda
Gent de Merda #204 - Toca descansar
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Proudly presented by Cucro.
La Clàudia Rius, la Paula Carreras, la Rita Roig i l'Ofèlia Carbonell
Clàudia Rius, Paula Carreras, Rita Roig, and Ofèlia Carbonell.
són gent de merda.
they are garbage people.
I tu també.
And you too.
S'aclamés normal de tots.
It is the normal clam of everyone.
Està clar que tinc raó.
It is clear that I am right.
Els altres sempre s'equivoquen.
Others are always wrong.
La gent no sap anar pel món.
People don't know how to navigate the world.
Vull dedicar l'última entradeta de la temporada
I want to dedicate the last little entry of the season.
a un tipus de persona que estic seguríssima que ens escolta.
to a type of person that I am absolutely sure is listening to us.
La persona treballadora.
The working person.
Estimada amiga treballadora, com estàs?
Dear hardworking friend, how are you?
No cal que m'ho diguis, que jo ja ho sé.
You don't have to tell me, because I already know.
Estàs completament esgotada.
You are completely exhausted.
Portes tot el curs fotent-li canya,
You’ve been putting in the effort all year.
corrent-ho al màxim perquè tot vagi bé,
running it at full speed so that everything goes well,
autoexigint-te molt i alhora cobrint les exigències
demanding a lot from yourself while also meeting the demands
que no t'atreveixes a demanar als altres
that you don't dare to ask others
perquè saps que traspassarien límits
because you know they would cross boundaries
que tu mateixa et passes pel forro dels collons
that you yourself disregard completely
quan tenen a veure amb la teva pròpia persona.
when they have to do with your own self.
Has arribat aquest mes de juliol derrapant,
You have arrived this month of July skidding,
emocional i físicament.
emotional and physically.
I ni tan sols esperes que el resultat d'aquesta derrapamenta
"And you didn't even expect the result of this skid."
sigui caure en un llit de flors.
to fall into a bed of flowers.
Només esperes estirar-te en el sofà rònac
You just hope to stretch out on the groaning sofa.
de qualsevol indret de fora d'aquesta ciutat
from any place outside this city
tan desquiciadament sorollosa en què vius
so crazily noisy in which you live
i fer una bona migdiada.
and take a good nap.
És igual a quina hora sigui ni quantes hores duri.
It doesn't matter what time it is or how long it lasts.
Estimada persona treballadora,
Dear working person,
a gent de merda t'entenem perfectament
We understand you perfectly, you piece of shit.
perquè ni aquesta veu de moc,
because neither this snot voice,
ni el fet que avui falti una de nosaltres,
not the fact that one of us is missing today,
ni tots els somriures honestos que farem durant aquest programa
nor all the honest smiles we will make during this program
no ens podran tapar les ulleres ni les ganes que tenim
they won't be able to cover our glasses or the desire we have
de sortir de la roda de l'existència durant una estona.
to step out of the wheel of existence for a while.
Amiga treballadora,
Working friend,
mentre escric això, una dona s'acaba de dormir
While I write this, a woman has just fallen asleep.
al meu costat del metro.
on my side of the subway.
Per la manera com la papada ja li toca a la primera xitxa
By the way the double chin already touches the first chubby.
que s'eleva per sobre del melic,
that rises above the navel,
sé del cert que també és una de nosaltres.
I know for sure that she is one of us too.
Companya de trifulques totalment individualitzades
Company of completely individualized scuffles.
que no ens permeten aturar cap dinàmica col·lectiva.
that do not allow us to stop any collective dynamic.
El pes del teu cos comença a recaure
The weight of your body begins to lean.
massa exageradament sobre el meu,
too exaggerated about my,
però jo no em mouré.
but I will not move.
Si entre aquest lleurron que estàs començant a emetre
If among this reading that you are starting to emit
em poguessis sentir, et diria que ara em fa patir pensar
if you could hear me, I would tell you that it now hurts me to think
qui t'aguantarà quan una corba et faci decantar
who will hold you when a curve makes you lean?
cap a l'altra banda on no hi ha ningú.
to the other side where there is no one.
Però alhora sé que te'n sortiràs.
But at the same time, I know you will succeed.
És així.
It is so.
La vida de la persona treballadora.
The life of the working person.
Que arriba el juliol com si des de l'agost anterior
Here comes July as if from the previous August.
hagués travessat un cap de mines
would have crossed a mining head
i li haguessin explotat totes a la cara.
and they would have exploded all in his face.
Estimada amiga, no tinc ni idea
Dear friend, I have no idea.
de com acaba aquesta introducció positivament,
on how this introduction ends positively,
però només vull dir-te que espero que tinguis
but I just want to tell you that I hope you have
unes vacances magnífiques.
a magnificent holiday.
Sí, ja sé que hi ha molta gent que ni tan sols té vacances,
Yes, I know that there are many people who do not even have holidays,
però ara et parlo tu, que desitjo que tinguis
but now I’m speaking to you, as I wish you to have
ni que sigui uns quants dies per parar.
even if it's just a few days to take a break.
Desitjo que les hores s'allarguin,
I wish the hours would stretch.
que deixis el mòbil ben lluny,
that you leave the mobile phone far away,
que gaudeixis de molts llibres
may you enjoy many books
i que puguis llegir atentament com mai pots fer-ho
and that you can read attentively like never before.
als riures i la vida dels teus amics.
to the laughter and life of your friends.
Relaxa els automatismes, amiga treballadora,
Relax the automatism, working friend,
que aquest és l'últim capítol de Gent de Merda de la temporada
that this is the last chapter of Gent de Merda of the season
i això vol dir que per fi l'estiu ja és aquí.
And that means that summer is finally here.
Gaudeix de la bona vida,
Enjoy the good life,
del bon menjar, dels millors paisatges
of good food, of the best landscapes
i de les grans companyies.
and of the large companies.
I si pot ser, compta amb nosaltres
And if possible, count on us.
per tornar-te a agafar de la mà el setembre que ve.
to hold your hand again next September.
Ara per ara, però, deixa'ns enfilar
For now, however, let us carry on.
a aquesta última mitja hora de la temporada.
to this last half hour of the season.
Let's get started.
Paula, de què et parlarem avui després?
Paula, what will we talk about today later?
De l'entradeta.
From the introduction.
Sí, era una mica autorreferencial, potser.
Yes, it was a little self-referential, perhaps.
Has dormit tu contra una senyora?
Have you slept with a lady?
No, o sigui, era la senyora que s'estava dormint sobre meu.
No, I mean, it was the lady who was falling asleep on me.
A mi també se m'ha dormit avui un tio al metro.
A guy also fell asleep on the subway today.
És que jo crec que...
I think that...
Llavors m'ha mirat i els dos hem com rigut
Then she looked at me and we both laughed.
i he sigut com...
and I have been like...
És que crec que és real que ningú pot més, ja.
I just think it's true that no one can take it anymore.
Alhora, és veritat que a mi m'ha passat
At the same time, it's true that it has happened to me.
durant molts estius, ara per sort no em passa
for many summers, now luckily it doesn't happen to me
i sí que puc descansar,
and yes, I can rest,
però m'ha passat durant molts estius
but it has happened to me during many summers
que els estius he hagut de currar
that I have had to work during the summers
i és terrible, per tant, també,
and it is terrible, therefore, too,
o sigui, com una abraçada...
that is, like a hug...
A tots aquells que aquest estiu heu de treballar
To all those who have to work this summer.
i que, per tant, no podeu descansar fins d'aquí uns mesos
and therefore, you cannot rest until a few months from now.
o fins i tot si no hi ha un horitzó,
or even if there is no horizon,
perquè és que being there, done that,
because it's that being there, done that,
és duríssim, una abraçada,
it's very tough, a hug,
només prometem que tornarem
we only promise that we will return
i llavors l'únic que podem fer
and then the only thing we can do
és amanir una mica les estones,
it's about adjusting the moments a bit,
però és duríssim.
but it's very hard.
Llavors avui volem parlar una mica d'això,
So today we want to talk a little about this,
no d'estar cansats,
not of being tired,
sinó al contrari, del descans,
but on the contrary, of rest,
de com descansem
about how we rest
i de què fem per descansar
And what do we do to rest?
en realitat, tenim la sensació
in reality, we have the feeling
cada cop que acaba la temporada,
every time the season ends,
o sigui, això no ens ha passat només aquest cop,
so, this hasn't happened to us just this time,
sinó que cada any tenim la sensació
but every year we have the feeling
que arribem derrapant.
that we arrive skidding.
La prova és que falta una,
The proof is that one is missing.
la festa cau, pobreta,
the party falls, poor thing,
perquè es troba fatal
because he/she is feeling terrible
i també és com una mica simptomàtic
"and it's also somewhat symptomatic"
de dir, bueno, és que no podem més.
to say, well, it's just that we can't do it anymore.
Jo crec que especialment aquest any
I believe that especially this year.
ens noto a totes molt cansades
I notice all of us very tired.
també perquè crec que s'ha ajuntat
also because I believe it has come together
al final de temporada
at the end of the season
que ja, evidentment,
that already, obviously,
és una època esgotadora per tothom,
it's an exhausting time for everyone,
per circumstàncies personals i professionals
due to personal and professional circumstances
de cadascú que ens fan estar més cansades
of each one that makes us feel more tired
de lo normal.
of the normal.
I, de fet, això que tu dius, Paula,
I, in fact, what you say, Paula,
de, jolín,
Oh no,
i també ho ha dit la Clàudia a l'entradeta,
and Claudia has also said it in the introduction,
que hi ha gent que no té vacances,
that there are people who do not have holidays,
crec que intentarem en aquest programa
I believe we will try in this program.
parlar del descans
talk about rest
no com una cosa que es fa únicament
not like something that is done solely
a les vacances,
on vacation,
o com intentar parlar del descans
or how to try to talk about rest
des d'aquesta òptica no d'en plan final de curs,
from this perspective, not in terms of the final course plan,
que sí que és una mica el que ens ha inspirat
that yes it is a bit of what has inspired us
aquest final de temporada superatropellat,
this end of the season is very rushed,
però sí intentar
but yes to try
parlar del descans
talk about rest
com una cosa que,
like something that,
perquè arribis realment descansat als llocs
so that you really arrive rested to places
i perquè no hagis de necessitar col·lapsar
and so that you don't have to need to collapse
en un sofà, hauries de fer
on a sofa, you should do
al llarg de tot l'any.
throughout the whole year.
Sí, això em fa pensar en una secció
Yes, that makes me think of a section.
que va fer el Sergi Pàmies al matí de Catalunya Ràdio
What did Sergi Pàmies do in the morning on Catalunya Ràdio?
que, en realitat, si algú ara
that, in reality, if someone now
sent el meu comentari pot dir
being my comment you can say
no, però és que t'hi ha justament el Sergi Pàmies
No, but it's just that Sergi Pàmies is right there.
el que reivindicava era just el contrari
what I was claiming was just the opposite
del que esteu patint vosaltres.
of what you are suffering.
O sigui, ell deia
That is to say, he said.
jo, com que treballo
I, as I work
amb els meus horaris, soc autònom, faig el que em dóna la gana,
with my schedule, I’m self-employed, I do what I want.
tinc la sort de dedicar-me al que...
I am lucky to dedicate myself to what...
que m'agrada, tinc la sensació que
that I like, I have the feeling that
faig petites vacances cada dia i, per tant,
I take small vacations every day and, therefore,
no paro mai. O sigui, ell
I never stop. I mean, him.
a l'agost segueix treballant,
in August continue working,
m'imagino que escriu diverses coses,
I imagine that he/she writes several things,
no només possibles futures novel·les
not only possible future novels
contes, sinó que, doncs, articles
stories, but, then, articles
o fins i tot encàrrecs que
or even tasks that
són com més... que estan més a l'ombra,
they are like more... that are more in the shade,
que no són públics i que, per tant, no arribarem a veure mai,
that are not public and that, therefore, we will never see.
però que troba la manera
but he/she finds a way
durant el dia a dia de descansar
during the day to rest
cada dia una estona
every day for a while
o de prendre's alguna llicència
or to take some license
que nosaltres podem associar
that we can associate
a l'estiu o a les vacances
in the summer or on vacation
allò, imposades, i ell ho fa durant
that, imposed, and he does it during
tot el dia, o sigui, durant cada dia.
All day, that is, throughout each day.
Doncs jo què sé, vaig a fer un menú
Well, I don't know, I'm going to make a menu.
en un lloc que m'agrada i que sé que podré
in a place that I like and that I know I will be able to
desconnectar i, llavors, el dia d'avui
disconnect and, then, today
ja he descansat una mica i, per tant, ja he
I have already rested a little and, therefore, I have already
fet el... off al cervell
made the... off in the brain
durant una estona i això li permet,
for a while and this allows him,
o sigui, el poder descansar cada dia una mica
that is, the power to rest a little each day
li permet tenir la sensació de no arribar
it allows him to have the feeling of not arriving
doncs això, no? Al juliol, el que ens està passant
So that's it, right? In July, what's happening to us.
a nosaltres, absolutament exhaustes
to us, absolutely exhausted
perquè és el que estem, però...
because it is what we are, but...
però, bueno, és una fórmula, jo no sé
but, well, it's a formula, I don't know.
si a mi em funcionaria
if it would work for me
de fet crec que no, perquè jo necessito
in fact I don't think so, because I need
desconnectar del tot, o sigui...
disconnect completely, that is...
Anava a dir, les vacances són un dret per un motiu
I was going to say, vacations are a right for a reason.
també, no? Que és que a vegades aquest
Also, right? What is it that sometimes this
peron complet és necessari
complete perimeter is necessary
per poder funcionar. Sí que és veritat que
to be able to function. It is true that
és preferible no arribar a les vacances
it's better not to reach the holidays.
o arribar a les vacances
or to reach the holidays
sentint que també has tingut
feeling that you have also had
moments de descans allà... També és veritat que la calor
moments of rest there... It is also true that the heat
no ajuda, eh? O sigui, que en els últims anys
No help, huh? I mean, in recent years
s'ha intensificat tant la calor, és tan bèstia
The heat has intensified so much, it's so brutal.
la calor que fa com a mínim a la ciutat de Barcelona
the heat that it is at least in the city of Barcelona
que, bueno, i aquest any encara, que no
that, well, and this year still, that no
ha estat un estiu ni una primavera
It has been a summer nor a spring.
especialment calorós, o sigui, jo penso
especially warm, that is, I think
per les nits estic dormint prou de 100
At night, I'm sleeping enough for 100.
sense ventiladors, sense aires, sense
without fans, without airs, without
res llavors, bueno. Però
Nothing then, well. But
que sí que és veritat que la calor aplatana
It is true that the heat is exhausting.
i jo, que sóc una
and I, who am one
defensora aferrissada de la calor i de l'estiu
fierce defender of warmth and summer
se m'acaben els arguments i penso
I'm running out of arguments and I think.
merda, vull poder
shit, I want to be able to
defensar l'estiu, però és que aquesta calor és insuportable
defend summer, but this heat is unbearable
fins i tot per mi.
even for me.
Que, evidentment, nosaltres no som les úniques
That, obviously, we are not the only ones.
persones que parlem del descans i hi ha molta
people who talk about rest and there are many
gent que ho ha teoritzat molt bé, però jo just quan
people who have theorized it very well, but I just when
estava pensant en què faríem
I was thinking about what we would do.
aquest programa, vaig topar
this program, I stumbled upon
amb un TikTok de la cinquena
with a TikTok of the fifth
integrant de Gent de Merda, la nostra corresponsal
member of Gent de Merda, our correspondent
a les Illes Baleats, la Júlia Mèrida
in the Balearic Islands, Júlia Mèrida
una persona que ens cau superbé
a person we like a lot
i a qui li desitgem unes molt bones vacances
And to whom do we wish a very good holiday?
des d'aquí, que feia una reflexió
From here, I was making a reflection.
ella que treballa de professora
she who works as a teacher
a l'institut i començava les vacances
at the institute and the holidays were starting
una mica més d'hora que la resta
a little earlier than the others
de gent del món i llavors plantejava això.
of people from the world and then raised this.
Arribar cansada en el mes de juny s'ha
Arriving tired in the month of June has.
convertit en sa meva personalitat, però
turned into my personality, but
en guanyo per acabar aquest curs de pati de butaques
I win for finishing this course of armchair patios.
volia intentar fer una oda en els descans
I wanted to try to make an ode during the breaks.
que mos mereixem. A mi
that we deserve. To me
m'acosta molt això de descansar, seure
This resting, sitting, is very close to me.
i mirar una paret o la mà o el que sigui
and look at a wall or the hand or whatever it is
dic descansar, descansar, sense
I say rest, rest, without.
fer res. A més, veure una dona
do nothing. Also, see a woman
descansar, quasi sempre, és veure
to rest, almost always, is to see
algú que abans de fer-ho s'ha autoconvençut
someone who has convinced themselves before doing it
que se mereix aquella estona
what she deserves during that moment
de no fer res. Avui ja he posat no sé
of doing nothing. Today I have already put I don’t know
quantes rentadores, puc descansar
How many washing machines, can I rest?
avui he anat a fer aquell encàrrec, puc
Today I went to do that errand, can I?
descansar. Cada vegada més treballades
rest. Increasingly worked on.
i deconstruïdes, però tot i així sempre
and deconstructed, but still always
en sa culpa enganxada a ses coses.
in his guilt stuck to things.
Una culpa que mos fa comptabilitzar
A guilt that makes us account for.
els descans que mereixem.
the rest we deserve.
Per això, perles, avui m'agradaria
Therefore, pearls, today I would like to
convidar-vos a descansar tant com
to invite you to rest as much as
ho necessiteu. Un, dos, tres
you need it. One, two, three
o cinquanta dies seguits, fins que us
or fifty consecutive days, until you
canseu, fins que realment el vostre
tired, until you really your
cervell sigui un altre. Tot això
brain be another. All this
us ho diu algú addicte a sa feina,
someone who is addicted to work tells you,
a qui sempre costa una mica assumir que està de vacances.
to whom it always takes a little while to accept that they are on vacation.
Però escolteu-me bé,
But listen to me carefully,
descansau, menjau entre en pont ses amigues,
rest, eat among the friends on the bridge,
anau a sa platja, mireu a sa horitzó
go to the beach, look at the horizon
fins que recordeu com era respirar
until you remember what it was like to breathe
senzillament perquè existiu.
simply because you existed.
És la millor.
She is the best.
O a les noies aquí li poguéssim fer una abraçada.
Or to the girls here we could give a hug.
Sí, ara pensava
Yes, I was just thinking.
i si la truquem?
And if we call her?
I si s'assuma telefònicament?
And if we add up by phone?
Jo, amb aquest TikTok,
Me, with this TikTok,
volia agafar-lo d'excusa
I wanted to use it as an excuse.
per preguntar-vos una mica això.
to ask you a bit about this.
Si us costa descansar, que jo crec que
If you find it difficult to rest, which I believe that
la resposta serà que sí, crec que
the answer will be yes, I believe that
a totes ens costa una mica, i sobretot
it is a bit difficult for all of us, especially
us sentiu culpables,
do you feel guilty,
o sigui, si sentiu que heu de mereixer
In other words, if you feel that you have to earn.
aquest descans, no?
this rest, right?
De quant sentiu
From how much you feel
que realment el vostre descans
that really your rest
és merescut? Perquè per mi
Is it deserved? Because for me
cada vegada, o sigui,
every time, I mean,
cada vegada n'estic aprenent, però per mi molts cops
I'm learning more each time, but for me many times.
té a veure amb el punt de desquiciament
it has to do with the breaking point
que penso, si no descanso
What do I think if I don't rest?
ara, ja no podré
Now, I can't anymore.
fer bé la feina. I aquest és el
do the job well. And this is the
pensament erroni.
wrong thinking.
És que d'aquí la idea de les vacances.
That's where the idea of vacation comes from.
Clar, clar, però vull dir que
Sure, sure, but I mean that
no sé on està el límit
I don't know where the limit is.
de dir, a partir d'aquí començo
to say, from here I begin
a mereixer-m'ho, saps?
I deserve it, you know?
Sí, jo tinc la sensació
Yes, I have the feeling.
que he sigut educada en una cultura
that I have been raised in a culture
del treball tan bèstia
of such tough work
que també crec, és com la típica
that I also think, it's like the typical
cosa dels catalans, no? La cultura del treball
It's a thing of the Catalans, isn't it? The culture of work.
aquesta, del treball
this, of the work
per davant de tot, i tinc la
above all, and I have the
sensació que
feeling that
costa molt
it costs a lot
despendre's d'aquesta cultura.
to detach from this culture.
A mi és una idea que m'agrada,
I like that idea.
o sigui, jo crec que hem de treballar
So, I think we have to work.
col·lectivament per fer un món millor.
collectively to make a better world.
Vull dir, realment no crec en la idea
I mean, I really don't believe in the idea.
del mandrós, ni
of the lazy, neither
dins de la gent
among the people
que prefereix apel·lencar-se perquè el sistema
that prefers to appeal because the system
és una merda, perquè al final penso que
it's a shit, because in the end I think that
apel·lencar-se és un privilegi i que el que hem de fer
To be appealing is a privilege and that is what we have to do.
és treballar tots junts perquè ningú
is to work together so that no one
hagi de treballar massa del compte, però
I shouldn't have to work too much, though.
precisament perquè comparteixo tant
precisely because I share so much
aquesta filosofia, després em costa molt
this philosophy, afterwards it is very difficult for me
a mi parar de treballar.
to stop working.
I tinc la sensació que quan descanso
I have the feeling that when I rest
no ho puc fer gaire visible,
I can’t make it very visible.
perquè el fet que
because the fact that
jo estigui descansant,
I am resting,
no sé, és com que tinc la sensació
I don't know, it's like I have the feeling.
que pot fer que altra gent pensi
that can make other people think
ostres, aquesta persona...
wow, this person...
Por de fardar, d'estar fardant sense voler.
Fear of showing off, of boasting without wanting to.
Jo tinc por de fardar de descansar
I am afraid to brag about resting.
i no sé per què, perquè en el fons
and I don't know why, because deep down
penso que tots sabem que tothom ha de descansar.
I think we all know that everyone needs to rest.
Crec que també va relacionat en el meu cas
I think it is also related in my case.
amb el fet que treballo a la Generalitat de Catalunya
with the fact that I work at the Government of Catalonia
des de fa tres anys i mig i com que
for the past three and a half years and because
sé, i per mi és una responsabilitat molt gran
I know, and for me it is a very big responsibility.
que em prenc molt en sèrio i com que sé que
that I take very seriously and since I know that
és com, el típic, la casa
it's like, the typical, the house
de tots els catalans, que tothom absolutament treballa
of all the Catalans, that everyone absolutely works
i que acaba donant els seus impostos per això,
and ends up paying his taxes for that,
al final per mi tenir aquesta feina encara és
in the end for me having this job is still
una responsabilitat extra dins de la meva personalitat
an extra responsibility within my personality
i ha de per si, exigent i treballadora,
and must be, demanding and hard-working,
que fa que
that makes that
fardar de descansar
show off resting
em sembli encara més com un perill
it seems to me even more like a danger
públic als ulls de la gent.
public in the eyes of the people.
Però alhora crec que
But at the same time I think that
crec també que és una cosa que
I also believe that it is something that
espero que a mesura que
I hope that as...
em vagi fent gran em vagi passant, o sigui
as I grow older, I will be passing, that is to say
de veritat ho espero. També penso que jo com a catalana
I truly hope so. I also think that I, as a Catalan,
que paga impostos i que per tant d'alguna manera
that pays taxes and therefore in some way
vull que la Generalitat
I want the Generalitat.
treballi i treballi bé, a mi em sembla
work and work well, it seems to me
estupendo i de fet ho prefereixo, que els
great and in fact I prefer it, that the
treballadors estiguin descansats, els de la gent
workers are rested, the people's ones
i que puguin, o sigui, de debò
And let them, I mean, really.
que jo si et veiés, tu perquè som
that I if I saw you, you because we are
amigues i perquè t'estimo i perquè a més a més sé
friends and because I love you and also because I know
com i quan arribes a treballar
How and when do you arrive at work?
quant em té, diguéssim, però que
how much I have, let's say, but that
penso, si veig un treballador
I think, if I see a worker.
de la gent descansant
of people resting
clar que sí, rei, aprofita-ho
Of course, my king, make the most of it.
o sigui, de debò que la percepció
I mean, really, that the perception
des de l'altra banda és una altra
from the other side it is another one
clar, clar, totalment
of course, of course, totally
a mi em passa, responent a el que
It happens to me, responding to what
deies, que
you said that
jo vaig començar a treballar molt
I started working a lot.
o sigui, jo quan vaig començar la carrera
That is to say, when I started my degree.
ja treballava de periodista
I was already working as a journalist.
és una cosa de la qual
it's something of which
em sentia superorgullosa, pensava
I felt super proud, I thought
buà, això és superespecial
wow, this is super special
ningú té l'oportunitat que jo he tingut
nobody has the opportunity that I have had
em vaig aferrar allò com una
I clung to that like a
desgraciada, com si fos l'última ampolla d'aigua
unfortunate, as if it were the last bottle of water
del desert, una merda de feina que em pagaven
from the desert, a shitty job that paid me
300 euros per fer 12 hores
300 euros for doing 12 hours
llavors, era horrorós, però
then, it was horrifying, but
jo ho gaudia, o sigui, jo pensava que era
I enjoyed it, I mean, I thought it was
la feina de la meva vida d'alguna manera
the work of my life somehow
i d'allà
and from there
vaig generar com una mena
I generated like a kind of
de workaholisme, o sigui, realment
of workaholism, that is, really
em vaig convertir en addict a la feina
I became a workaholic.
les paraules de la Júlia em ressonaven bastant
Júlia's words resonated with me quite a bit.
perquè pensava, és que, si paro
because I was thinking, it’s that, if I stop
hauré perdut
I will have lost.
totes les oportunitats, hauré perdut el tren
all the opportunities, I will have missed the train
hauré perdut
I must have lost.
la gran oportunitat que és dedicar-se
the great opportunity to dedicate oneself
al que has escollit, una carrera que en el meu
to which you have chosen, a career that in my
cas, a més a més, ja de per si estava
case, furthermore, was already in itself
prou precaritzada i ja era
sufficiently precarious and that was it
complicat, no?, dedicar-s'hi
Complicated, isn't it? To dedicate oneself to it.
Saber que tens sort, això m'afegia
Knowing that you're lucky, that added to me.
com ganes de treballar, tal
as eager to work, such
Què va passar? Que vaig estar molts estius
What happened? I spent many summers.
sis, set estius
six, seven summers
treballant, sense parar, o sigui, realment
working, non-stop, I mean, really
és que potser parava quatre dies
Is it that perhaps I was stopped for four days?
i sí que m'escapava i feia alguna cosa, però
Yes, I would escape and do something, but
que parar, parar, allò, parar, no ho havia
that stop, stop, that, stop, I hadn't
fet i vaig acabar molt
I did it and I ended up very.
molt, molt exhausta, o sigui
very, very exhausted, that is to say
va arribar un punt que va ser molt bèstia i va ser
there came a point that was very intense and it was
insostenible, o sigui, és que el cos
unsustainable, that is, it is that the body
per molt jove que siguis, per molta energia que
no matter how young you are, no matter how much energy you have
tinguis, el cos
have, the body
necessita descansar, el cos, el cervell
needs to rest, the body, the brain
les emocions, o sigui, tot, és que
the emotions, I mean, everything, it's just that
necessites descansar, no pot ser ni que sigui
you need to rest, it can't be otherwise
com per trencar la rutina, llavors em va passar
as a way to break the routine, then it happened to me
vaig haver de fer feina
I had to work.
també gràcies a teràpia, de dir
also thanks to therapy, to say
no, no, la teva vida no
no, no, your life no
és la feina, o sigui, està molt bé que et puguis
it's the job, I mean, it's very good that you can
dedicar al que t'agrada, tu has currat un huevo perquè jo
dedicate to what you like, you have worked hard so that I
també treia una mica de pit d'això, de dir
she also took a bit of pride in that, in saying
m'ho he currat tant, tinc el
I've put so much effort into it, I have the
que em mereixo una mica i fins i tot com
that I deserve a little and even how
bueno, em sentia orgullosa
well, I felt proud
del que havia aconseguit i encara ara m'hi sento i penso
from what I had achieved and still now I feel and think about it
doncs clar que sí, molt bé
well of course, very good
ara curro com una desgraciada i només
now I work like a miserable person and only
jo sé el que curro, llavors
I know what I work for, then.
que jo ara em pugui permetre descans
that I can now afford to rest
és que en realitat, o sigui, gairebé
it's that in reality, I mean, almost
que ho reivindico i penso, doncs sí
that I claim it and I think, so yes
és que sí, fer de descans, doncs sí nois
Yes, it is, take a break, well yes, guys.
em sap greu, veureu 4-500
I'm sorry, you'll see 4-500.
stories en plan
stories in plan
estic descansant però és que
I am resting but it's just that
jo sé el molt que he treballat
I know how much I have worked.
el molt que m'he esforçat
how much I have worked hard
el molt arrossegada que acabo els dies
the very dragged out way I end the days
i per tant m'és una mica igual
And therefore, it doesn't matter much to me.
la veritat, el que pensi la gent, sincerament
the truth is, what people think, honestly
o sigui penso... El que passa és que
So I think... What happens is that
és fort que siguem així perquè precisament les xarxes
it's strong that we are like this because precisely the networks
socials es basen en tot el contrari
socials are based on the complete opposite
o sigui, representa que a les xarxes la gent
So, it means that on social networks, people
fa veure que està millor
pretends to be better
del que està, o sigui, que la gent fa un viatge
of what is, I mean, that people take a trip
i pensa 30.000 ports
and think 30,000 ports
que és una mica
what is a little
just el contrari del que estem dient
just the opposite of what we are saying
de la por de fardar
of the fear of showing off
saps? Però a mi també em passa, jo penjo
You know? But it happens to me too, I hang up.
les coses que són bones, o sigui, també penjo
The things that are good, I mean, I also hang up.
molt autobombo i llavors això ho contamina
a lot of self-promotion and then that contaminates it
perquè ja es veu que faig coses, però
because it is already clear that I do things, but
quan estic
when I am
o de cap de setmana o
or on the weekend or
de cap de setmana, que ni tan sols són
on weekends, which aren’t even
vacances, és senzillament un petit descans
Holidays are simply a little break.
durant el dia a dia, però
during day to day, however
quan jo penjo moltes coses
when I hang many things
d'estic fent això, estic fent
I'm doing this, I'm doing.
l'altre, coses d'oci
the other, leisure things
hi ha molta gent que em diu, com arribes a fer-ho
there are many people who tell me, how do you manage to do it?
tot? I jo pensant, és que si tu sapiguessis
Everything? And I was thinking, it's just that if you knew.
o sigui, si sapiguessis a quina hora comença
so, if you knew what time it starts
el meu dia i a quina hora acaba, és que
my day and what time it ends, is that
les hores són les que són
The hours are what they are.
i la feina és la que és molta
And the work is what it is, a lot.
i les hores són poques en el fons, saps? Llavors
And the hours are few in the end, you know? So then
si a més a més trobo temps per fer
if I also find time to do
coses d'oci, només faltaria
leisure activities, of course
només faltaria que no pugui penjar una història
It would only be missing that I can't post a story.
o sigui, és que vamos
I mean, it's just that come on.
Sí, a mi he de dir que
Yes, I have to say that
no tinc por de fardar,
I am not afraid to show off,
però sí que em fa com ràbia si
but it does make me kind of angry if
penjo alguna cosa que em fa il·lusió i algú em diu
I hang up something that makes me excited and someone tells me.
que bé que vius
how well you live
Amor, t'arrencaré la cara
Love, I will tear your face off.
I sí que crec, o sigui, una cosa
And yes, I do believe, I mean, one thing.
que m'ha agradat que deies, Paula
I liked what you said, Paula.
és la cosa aquesta de dir, és que és igual
it's the thing of saying, it's just the same
com molt que treballis o com
as much as you work or how
molt que descanses, el cos té un límit
rest well, the body has its limits
i jo crec que a mi el que em passa amb el descans és això
And I think that what happens to me with rest is this.
jo crec que no soc una persona workaholic
I don't think I'm a workaholic.
crec realment que no soc workaholic, crec que soc
I really don't think I'm a workaholic, I think I am.
treballadora i punto, i a part
hardworking and that's that, and besides
soc una persona amb bastanta força de voluntat
I am a person with quite a lot of willpower.
llavors quan vull fer una cosa, la faig
So when I want to do something, I do it.
el que és més per mi frustrant
what is most frustrating for me
en el meu dia a dia és quan
in my day to day it is when
no se m'han acabat les coses a fer
I still have things to do.
per X motiu, a vegades no soc jo, a vegades
for X reason, sometimes it’s not me, sometimes
jo no m'estic sobreexplotant
I am not overworking myself.
a vegades m'estan sobreexplotant
Sometimes I'm being overexploited.
els altres, és que jo treballo
the others, it's that I work
o sigui, jo faig les coses que se m'ordenen
That is to say, I do the things that I am ordered to do.
i les faig, i quan
I do them, and when.
i quan sento que la meva
And when I feel that my
força de voluntat ja no serveix
willpower no longer works
perquè estic tan cansada
because I am so tired
això és una cosa que a mi em genera molta frustració
this is something that causes me a lot of frustration
perquè sí que crec que educada dintre
because I do believe that educated inside
d'aquesta cultura del treball, jo
from this work culture, I
he après a dir, jo ho puc fer tot
I have learned to say, I can do everything.
jo tot ho puc fer, amb el temps que
I can do everything, with the time that
em requereixi, potser alguna cosa
requires me, perhaps something
si no em dóna temps, més per sobre del que
if I don't have enough time, more above what
jo voldria, o el que sigui, però jo
I would like to, or whatever, but I
ho puc fer tot, i tot sortirà
I can do everything, and everything will turn out.
i a vegades és literalment impossible i
and sometimes it is literally impossible and
aconseguir coses és a costa
Achieving things comes at a cost.
de la teva pròpia salut
of your own health
física i mental, i jo crec que un exemple
physical and mental, and I believe that an example
d'això és quan vaig agafar una grip de 7 dies
That's when I caught a 7-day flu.
i vam haver de cancel·lar el fucking direct aquest
and we had to cancel this fucking live stream
que jo em pensava que hi podria anar, i estava
that I thought I could go there, and I was
el 38 de febrer, i pensava que em podria anar
February 38, and I thought I could go away.
jo em pensava que hi podria anar,
I thought I could go there.
tant de mà, i crec que és
so much hand, and I think it is
tinc aquesta mena de com
I have this kind of way.
optimisme barra
optimism bar
confiança cucú amb mi mateixa
cuckoo confidence with myself
que ho podré fer tot, i en realitat
that I will be able to do everything, and in reality
és mentida, perquè tots els cossos tenen el seu tope
It's a lie, because all bodies have their limits.
i al final
and in the end
funcionem així com a éssers humans
we function this way as human beings
i llavors crec que és interessant
and then I think it's interesting
el que deia la Júlia en aquest
what Júlia was saying in this
TikTok, perquè ella ens
TikTok, because she us
convidava... Bueno, TikTok, que era un episodi de patir
invited... Well, TikTok, which was an episode of suffering
de butaques en realitat... Sí, anava a dir, la Júlia ha dit
of armchairs actually... Yes, I was going to say, Julia said
anem a ser concises, i nosaltres no, dona per
let's be concise, and we don't, give up
un programa, un programa de la taula
a program, a program of the table
temporada, ho farem així, però bàsicament
season, we will do it this way, but basically
ella ens convidava a
she invited us to
no fer res, i llavors a mi això
do nothing, and then for me this
em va fer pensar inevitablement en el llibre aquell
It inevitably made me think of that book.
de la Jenny Odel, de Com o no hacer nada
from Jenny Odel, from How to Do Nothing
que ens el vam llegir fa com dos estius, no?
We read it two summers ago, didn't we?
Sí, jo me'l vaig llegir, és post-pandèmia, el
Yes, I read it, it's post-pandemic, the
2021 o així, crec que es va traduir al castellà
2021 or so, I think it was translated into Spanish.
l'assaig, jo diria que ella el va
the essay, I would say that she is going to
escriure el 2018 o 2019
write 2018 or 2019
i és molt interessant perquè en aquell moment
and it is very interesting because at that moment
TikTok no era tan popular
TikTok wasn't that popular.
no era la gran xarxa
it was not the great network
social com és ara, i s'aguanta
social as it is now, and it holds up
molt bé, que me l'he estat rellegint aquest cap de
Very well, I've been rereading it this weekend.
setmana, i s'aguanta superbé, però bàsicament
week, and it holds up superbly, but basically
el que fa la Jenny Odel en aquest assaig
What Jenny Odel does in this essay
és, sembla
it is, it seems
un títol una mica d'autoajuda
a somewhat self-help title
a Com o no hacer nada
to eat or do nothing
resistir-se a l'economia
resisting the economy
de l'atenció, però
of attention, but
bàsicament el que fa és com barrejar
Basically what it does is like mixing.
idees sobre criticar el neoliberalisme
ideas on criticizing neoliberalism
a la cultura del treball, però ho relaciona
to the work culture, but it relates it
també amb l'ecologisme, ella té
also with environmentalism, she has
com una visió molt global
with a very global vision
sobre en què centrem l'atenció, i aquí
about what we focus our attention on, and here
el tema ecològic, doncs,
the ecological theme, therefore,
hi és present, i també
"hi is present, and also"
parla molt de l'economia d'atenció d'internet
talks a lot about the attention economy of the internet
i llavors, ella parla
And then, she speaks.
i volia citar una frase del llibre
I wanted to quote a sentence from the book.
que diu que el sentit de no fer res
that says that the meaning of not doing anything
tal i com el defineixo jo, no és
as I define it, it is not
tornar al treball més fresca, preparada per ser
return to work fresher, ready to be
més productiva, sinó més aviat qüestionar-se
more productive, but rather to question oneself
què és el que en l'actualitat percebem
What is it that we currently perceive?
com a productiu
as a productive
portar el no fer res
to bring about doing nothing
a una cosa que no sigui només
to something that is not just
descansar per tornar
rest to return
al treball, i llavors la pregunta seria
at work, and then the question would be
què és per vosaltres no fer res?
What does it mean to you to do nothing?
O sigui, què feu quan no
So, what do you do when you don't?
feu res?
Do you do anything?
Mirar la paret, hi ha gent que li agrada mirar la paret
Looking at the wall, there are people who like to look at the wall.
No ho puc entendre. Jo tinc pensaments intrusius
I cannot understand it. I have intrusive thoughts.
No ho puc entendre. Jo si estic mirant la paret
I can't understand it. I mean, if I'm looking at the wall.
una veu del meu cap
a voice in my head
diu, la vida no té sentit
he says, life has no meaning
Potser... Mirar la paret em sembla
Maybe... Looking at the wall seems to me.
tan depriment, o sigui
so depressing, I mean
mirar una paret em sembla una tortura
staring at a wall seems like torture to me
I believe
que el que més s'assembla a mirar una paret
that which resembles looking at a wall the most
per mi seria mirar el mar
for me it would be looking at the sea
O sigui, quan estic a la platja
That is, when I am at the beach.
per exemple, no té per què ser
for example, it doesn't have to be
prenent el sol. Prenent el sol també és
sunbathing. Sunbathing is also
bastant no fer res, més enllà de prendre el sol
quite a lot of doing nothing, beyond sunbathing
està com estirada prenent el sol, tal
she is lying down soaking up the sun, like that
Però, si miro el mar
But if I look at the sea
quan t'emboves, que estàs allà
when you get stuck, that you are there
mirant com les onades trenquen
watching how the waves break
a la platja
at the beach
és bastant no fer res
it's quite something to do nothing
entenent mirar el mar com no fer res, que ja estàs fent
understanding looking at the sea as doing nothing, because you are already doing it
alguna cosa, que és mirar el mar, però bueno
something, that is looking at the sea, but well
Ara, una paret en blanc
Now, a blank wall.
és que només de pensar-ho em poso
It's just that just thinking about it makes me feel...
malalta. Ara a mi em flipa perquè
sick. Now it amazes me because
jo, quan penso això que dieu
I, when I think about what you say
de dir, no podem mirar una paret en blanc perquè tenim
to say, we cannot look at a white wall because we have
pensaments intrusius i tal, però és que
intrusive thoughts and such, but it's just that
si ho fes, si ho faig durant la
if I did it, if I do it during the
temporada de treballar, diguem,
working season, let's say,
tindré molts més pensaments intrusius, perquè
I will have many more intrusive thoughts because
estic molt més angoixada que no pas
I am much more anxious than before.
si miro una paret en blanc a l'estiu, cosa que
if I look at a white wall in the summer, something that
diu més
say more
de l'angoixada que estic quan treballo que no
of the anxiety that I feel when I work that I don't
de la paret en blanc, sabeu què vull dir?
from the blank wall, do you know what I mean?
Sí, sí, clar. Clar, l'estat en el que
Yes, yes, of course. Of course, the state in which
tu et poses quan decideixes
you set yourself when you decide
no fer res. És que el que parla
do nothing. It's just that the one who speaks
una mica el llibre
a little the book
quan ella defineix el no fer res és
when she defines doing nothing it is
anar una mica més
to go a little further
enllà del que tu deies,
beyond what you were saying,
Clàudia, de la cosa aquesta de simplement dir
Clàudia, about this thing of simply saying
abaixo el treball i quedar-te aquí, que és com que
below the work and stay here, which is like that
tots sabem que hi ha moltes coses problemàtiques
We all know that there are many problematic things.
en el fet de treballar, i pensar
in the act of working, and thinking
el no fer res com una cosa política
not doing anything as a political act
però que
but what
pensada de manera
thought out way
crítica, no? I llavors, aquí
criticism, right? And then, here
és on l'autora relaciona molt en aquest
it is where the author relates much in this
llibre amb tot el tema de l'economia d'atenció,
book with the whole topic of attention economy,
de com les xarxes socials
about how social networks
estructuren el nostre pensament,
they structure our thinking,
de decidir a què pares atenció
to decide what you pay attention to
i llavors, tot i que
and then, although
està molt bé fer una història
it's very good to make a story
a la platja, i llavors, jo aquí
at the beach, and then, here I am
afavoro una mica del Ferdà, perquè total
I favor a bit of Ferdà, because after all.
ser massa humil
to be too humble
no l'he fet mai bé a ningú.
I have never done it well for anyone.
Ja t'ho dic ara.
I'm telling you now.
I jo l'altre dia estava...
And I the other day was...
Vaig pensar una cosa, ara completament
I thought of something, now completely.
unrelated, però vaig pensar, ser una mica
unrelated, but I thought, to be a little
narcisista és
narcissist is
el que garanteix la supervivència de l'ésser
what guarantees the survival of the being
humà. Sí, però ser una mica
human. Yes, but being a bit
narcisista corres el risc d'automàticament ser
narcissistic you run the risk of automatically being
molt narcisista, i això és un perill.
very narcissistic, and that is a danger.
Bueno, cadascú que a casa seva s'ho treballi,
Well, everyone should work on it in their own home,
però crec que hi ha una mica d'això.
But I think there is a bit of that.
Però és això, és
But it's this, it's
tirar-se, o sigui, com
to throw oneself, that is, like
decidir a què
decide what
pares atenció i
pay attention and
no donar-li corda
don't encourage him/her
a estar-te mirant rils
to be watching you lines
perquè tu et penses que estàs descansant,
because you think you are resting,
però és mentida. De totes maneres,
but it's a lie. Anyway,
ella, per exemple, en aquest llibre parla molt
She, for example, talks a lot in this book.
de l'observació d'ocells, que és una cosa
from birdwatching, which is something
que a ella li agrada fer com a hobby.
that she likes to do as a hobby.
Sí, que és molt afriqui. Sí, però
Yes, it is very African. Yes, but.
alhora, jo penso,
at the same time, I think,
O sigui, observar gent que passa pel carrer,
I mean, observing people walking down the street,
que és una mica cosa com que associem molt
which is a bit like we associate a lot
als avis, no?, de dir... Uf, adoro.
To the grandparents, right?, to say... Ugh, I adore.
Estàs assegut en un bar i vas veient la gent
You are sitting in a bar and watching the people.
com camina, tal. Això, d'alguna manera,
as it walks, such. This, in some way,
és observar. O sigui, tot el que sigui observar alguna cosa,
is to observe. That is, everything that involves observing something,
que no sigui una paret, perquè és que
that it not be a wall, because it is that
insisteixo, o sigui, em sembla... No cal.
I insist, that is, it seems to me... it's not necessary.
Tortura. A mi
Torture. To me.
em sembla prou relaxant,
I find it quite relaxing,
prou... O sigui,
enough... I mean,
em serveix prou per descansar
it is enough for me to rest
el cervell, i alhora
the brain, and at the same time
no m'importa si estic
I don't care if I'm
relaxada, arribar a un punt
relaxed, reaching a point
on el cervell descansa tant que
where the brain rests so much that
fins i tot em porta a altres pensaments. O sigui,
it even leads me to other thoughts. That is,
els pensaments intrusius, si estic relaxada
intrusive thoughts, if I am relaxed
de veritat, no
really, no
em molesten. Em semblen bé, fins i tot,
they bother me. I even think they're fine.
penso que és un espai
I think it is a space.
sa i segur on
salt and secure where
tenir-los, perquè penso, bueno, òbviament les coses
To have them, because I think, well, obviously things...
s'han de pensar, i tornar a les coses, tornar-hi
they must be thought about, and return to things, go back to them
a pensar. O sigui, l'overthinking
to think. That is, overthinking
pot ser problemàtic i alhora pot no ser-ho.
It can be problematic and at the same time it may not be.
O sigui, a mi em sembla bé
That is to say, I think it's fine with me.
no quedar-te en una capa superficial i en un
not staying on a superficial layer and in a
nivell com molt primari
level that is very basic
de les coses, sinó que intentar anar una mica
of things, but rather try to go a little
més enllà em sembla perfecte. Llavors,
beyond seems perfect to me. Then,
que sigui en un moment de pau em sembla millor
I think it’s better if it’s in a moment of peace.
que en un moment d'angoixa, òbviament. I quan tens
that in a moment of anguish, obviously. And when you have
el temps per fer-ho, que jo crec que és una mica
the time to do it, which I think is a bit
el que comentava la Clàudia també, de no només
What Claudia was also commenting on, about not only
en quin estat arribes a mirar
in what state do you come to look
una paret en blanc, sinó el temps que tu tens
a white wall, except for the time that you have
per mirar aquesta hipotètica paret en blanc.
to look at this hypothetical white wall.
Si tu tens 20 minuts
If you have 20 minutes
només, no vols començar un
only, you don't want to start one
tren de pensament que no podràs acabar i que potser
train of thought that you won't be able to finish and that perhaps
et deixarà inestable. I també és veritat que
it will leave you unstable. And it is also true that
el que deia la Clàudia, que a l'estiu és més
what Claudia said, that in summer it is more
relaxant i és més agradable mirar una paret en blanc,
relaxing and it is more pleasant to look at a blank wall,
és veritat perquè realment
it is true because really
com que vivim en un sistema molt productiu
as we live in a very productive system
quan no tens res a fer, o sigui, quan t'ho pots
When you have nothing to do, that is, when you can take your time.
permetre i tu sents que t'ho pots permetre,
allowing and you feel that you can afford it,
ho gaudeixes més. Una mica el que deia la Júlia Merida
You enjoy it more. A bit like what Júlia Merida was saying.
de la culpa
of the guilt
o de quin grau
or of what degree
ens mereixem el descans. Llavors,
we deserve the rest. So,
a mi, no us passa de vegades quan
Does it ever happen to you when...
aneu al súper i compreu uns iogurts
Go to the supermarket and buy some yogurts.
i llavors els compreu tant
and then you buy them so much
perquè us agraden i els compreu tant, els compreu tant,
because you like them and buy them so much, you buy them so much,
que al final dius, és que no puc més
what you end up saying is, I can’t take it anymore
dels putos iogurts aquests, necessito canviar
of these fucking yogurts, I need to change
de iogurts. Doncs a mi em va passar això una mica
of yogurts. Well, this happened to me a bit.
com amb la feina. A mi em passava,
like with work. It happened to me,
tornant al tema com del workaholisme,
returning to the topic of workaholism,
jo era
I was
addicte a la feina, no sé si
workaholic, I don't know if
addicte, perquè addicte és bastant gros, però
addicted, because addicted is quite strong, but
sí que no, m'era
yes it was not, I had it
igual treballar el cap de setmana, pensava
I thought working on the weekend was the same.
que hi havia coses que si podia avançar
that there were things I could advance
el cap de setmana, doncs tot això que tenia guanyat i que
the weekend, so all this that I had won and that
tal, treballava hores intempestives,
such, worked odd hours,
m'estava fins les tantes de la nit currant
I was working until late at night.
perquè així, bueno, tal, avancem, avancem.
because like this, well, so, we progress, we progress.
I de tant fer-ho,
And so much doing it,
ha arribat un punt on tinc molt rebuig
A point has been reached where I have a lot of rejection.
d'això, o sigui, un WhatsApp
about this, I mean, a WhatsApp
fora d'hores de feina
out of working hours
em trenca absolutament,
it absolutely breaks me,
per dins, o sigui, no puc suportar-lo,
inside, I mean, I can't stand him,
un mail en diumenge, penso
an email on Sunday, I think
per què m'envies aquest mail en diumenge?
Why are you sending me this email on Sunday?
O sigui, per què m'estàs enviant això en diumenge?
So, why are you sending me this on Sunday?
Per què no m'estàs respectant el descans? Per què?
Why are you not respecting my rest? Why?
Si no és urgent. O sigui, òbviament
If it's not urgent. I mean, obviously.
i justament en les feines que tenim nosaltres
and precisely in the work that we have.
hi ha un punt d'actualitat,
there is a point of current relevance,
of urgency,
d'intensitat que
of intensity that
sempre existeix i hi ha un
there always exists and there is one
marge per això i
margin for that and
tinc prou cintura per
I have enough flexibility to
assumir-ho. Però si no és necessari,
assume it. But if it's not necessary,
si no t'està corrent pressa,
if you are not in a hurry,
si és una cosa que s'està cuinant a foc lent,
if it's something that is being slow-cooked,
si és una cosa que pot esperar a dilluns en horari
if it's something that can wait until Monday at a time
laboral, per què me l'has d'enviar dilluns a les 6
Work-related, why do you have to send it to me on Monday at 6?
si comencem a les 9? Envia-m'ho a les 9.
If we start at 9? Send it to me at 9.
O sigui, hi ha un punt que no puc suportar-ho
In other words, there is a point that I can't stand it.
de tant que ho he fet anteriorment,
because I have done it so many times before,
saps? O sigui, m'he generat rebuig a mi mateixa
You know? I mean, I have generated disgust towards myself.
amb això, cosa que em sembla perfecta perquè
with this, which I think is perfect because
és una manera també d'haver
it's also a way of having
après a posar els meus propis límits
after setting my own boundaries
a base de
based on
fustigar-me a mi mateixa no fent-los,
punishing myself by not doing them,
saps? No posant-me'ls.
You know? Not putting them on me.
És que jo volia dir dues coses.
I just wanted to say two things.
Sobre això que acabes de dir,
Regarding what you just said,
t'ho relaciono totalment amb una etapa
I totally relate it to a stage.
també de la vida en la qual
also of the life in which
ets més jove i sents que t'has de guanyar
you are younger and feel that you have to earn it
més la carrera laboral
more the career path
i que per tant realment dones molt
and therefore you really give a lot
i t'esforces molt
and you try very hard
i t'oblides de les pròpies hores i crec que també
and you forget your own hours and I think you do too
forma part una mica com de fer-se gran,
it is a bit like growing up,
avançar, no? Superar una mica
to advance, right? To overcome a little
aquest patiment que
this suffering that
no sé si és només que deixes de ser com
I don't know if it's just that you stop being like.
workaholica o que
workaholic or what
senzillament tu mateixa
simply yourself
ja no sents potser que has de demostrar tant
You no longer feel that you have to prove so much, perhaps.
i que pots posar-te més límits o que aprens a
and that you can set more limits or that you learn to
posar-te'ls. Això per una banda
put them on. This on one hand
i llavors
and then
l'altra cosa que volia dir té a veure amb una cosa
The other thing I wanted to say has to do with something.
from before
que és la imatge aquesta
What is this image?
de l'estiu quan anem a la platja
in the summer when we go to the beach
i descansem
and we rest
a mi no m'agrada especialment el
I don't especially like the
pla de platja, tot i que sí que m'agrada, o sigui
beach plan, although I do like it, I mean
penso que
I think that
la sorra, la suor, o sigui
the sand, the sweat, like I mean
totes les coses dolentes de la platja no m'agraden, però
I don't like all the bad things about the beach, but
sí que hi ha una cosa
yes, there is one thing
molt guai que per mi és un estat
very cool that for me is a state
una mica zen
a little zen
que costa d'arribar-hi en qualsevol
that is difficult to reach in any way
altra situació, que és el moment
another situation, which is the moment
per mi d'escoltar, o sigui no només
for me to listen, I mean not just
de mirar el que dèiem abans de mirar
of looking at what we said before looking
la platja o mirar, sinó que és
the beach or to look, but it is
el moment d'escoltar i és el moment aquell en el qual
the moment to listen and it is that moment in which
és estiu, has arribat
it's summer, you have arrived
allà, has suat, n'estàs fins al
there, you have sweated, you are up to the
del camí que has fet
of the path you have taken
per arribar a la platja, t'havien dit que era
to get to the beach, they had told you it was
molt maca però has hagut de caminar molt, bueno
very pretty but you had to walk a lot, well
no passa res, 40 graus, no passa res
It's okay, 40 degrees, it's okay.
tu estàs allà amb les xancletes
you are there with the flip-flops
et submarines a la mar i en realitat no passa res, no passa res
you dive into the sea and in reality nothing happens, nothing happens
en contacte amb el teu nen interior
in touch with your inner child
i amb la natura que t'envolta
and with the nature that surrounds you
llavors el mar està fred, bueno passes d'aquests moments
then the sea is cold, well you go through these moments
però llavors hi ha el moment en el qual
but then there is the moment when
ja tot ha estat fet i tu
everything has been done and you
t'estires de la tovallola
you pull the towel
i tanques els ulls, i per mi aquest és un moment
And you close your eyes, and for me this is a moment.
molt guai i molt realment de no
very cool and really not
fer res i de relaxar-me
do nothing and relax
que és el moment d'escoltar, escoltar
it is the moment to listen, to listen
les onades, escoltar
the waves, listen
les converses llunyanes que hi ha
the distant conversations that exist
que passen per allà, o el teu amic
that pass by there, or your friend
que està explicant no sé què a l'altre, per mi aquest
what he is explaining I don't know what to the other, for me this
moment és tan zen que de fet
this moment is so zen that in fact
és una mica lo més similar
it's a bit the most similar
a l'estat previ de dormir-se
in the state just before falling asleep
estant despert jo per mi, vull dir com és
being awake for myself, I mean how it is
un moment d'una tranquil·litat
a moment of tranquility
molt molt bèstia i que m'agrada
very very cool and that I like
molt de l'estiu perquè també tinc la sensació
a lot of summer because I also have the feeling
que durant el curs el que faig és fugir
that during the course what I do is run away
dels sons o dels sorolls
of sounds or noises
hòstia quin soroll em vull concentrar
Holy shit, what noise! I want to concentrate.
i en canvi
and on the other hand
quan estàs en un moment tan zen
when you are in such a zen moment
però també estàs en un context més de natura
but you are also in a more natural context
en el qual pots escoltar i allò
in which you can listen and that
t'està reconfortant
it's comforting you
per mi és com la sensació màxima
for me it's like the ultimate sensation
d'allò de plaer de parar
of the pleasure of stopping
jo en el no fer res
me in doing nothing
els meus pares sempre m'expliquen una cosa que té a veure
my parents always tell me something that has to do with
amb la platja que és que quan jo era petita
with the beach, which is that when I was little
jo era super pesada
I was super annoying.
jo vaig ser un bebè que va plorar fins que va poder parlar
I was a baby who cried until I could speak.
jo feia marranades fins que
I used to mess around until
que trucaven els meus pares
that my parents used to call
aquesta nena té un còlic, era mentida, simplement estava
this girl has colic, it was a lie, she was simply
cridant, plorant i llavors
crying, crying and then
jo era molt pesada i a la platja
I was very annoying and at the beach.
per distreure'm els meus pares em donaven un covell
To distract me, my parents would give me a basket.
i em deien, a veure si atrapes un peix
and they would say to me, let's see if you catch a fish
i llavors podien tenir 6 hores
and then they could have 6 hours
de silenci absolut
of absolute silence
perquè jo em quedava allà a la zona
because I stayed there in the area
que toques i que
what you touch and what
t'arriba l'aigua pels turmells
The water reaches you at the ankles.
mirant els peixos, intentant amb la galleda
watching the fish, trying with the bucket
caçar-los, fracassant, evidentment
hunting them, failing, obviously
perquè tal, en bucle, en bucle
because such, in a loop, in a loop
la geniòdra mirava ocell
the genius was watching a bird
i tu inventes caçar peixos
And you invent fishing for fish.
i hi ha alguna cosa, crec, de fer
And there is something, I believe, to do.
una cosa que és gairebé impossible
one thing that is almost impossible
però una mica possible, que t'arribes
but a little possible, that you reach yourself
a relaxar fent-ho. Què és per mi
to relax doing it. What it is for me
intentar pescar amb una galleda
trying to fish with a bucket
als meus 27 anys?
at my 27 years old?
Fer els encreuats
Make the crossings.
del Mario Serra. Jo em poso allà
from Mario Serra. I'll stand over there.
i raca, raca, raca,
and cluck, cluck, cluck,
a poc a poc, a poc a poc, vas fent.
Slowly, slowly, you are making progress.
Puc estar-me tantes hores
I can stay for so many hours.
m'oblido de com em dic de tot
I forget about my name, about everything.
ho aconsegueixo? Crec que no n'he acabat mai cap
Do I manage to do it? I don't think I've ever finished any.
és possible, evidentment, soc superdotada
It is possible, of course, I am gifted.
tinc aquest temps? No, però
Do I have this time? No, but
em genera una mica el mateix i l'altre dia
it generates a little the same for me and the other day
ho pensava i dic, és que és possible
I was thinking and saying, is it really possible?
però poc probable
but unlikely
a no ser que t'hi estiguis
unless you are involved in it
14 hores i llavors això relaxa molt
14 hours and then that relaxes a lot.
perquè tampoc espero acabar-ho, tampoc
because I don't expect to finish it either, not at all
no sé què espero, estic allà
I don't know what I expect, I am there.
apuntant el nom d'una embarcació marina
pointing out the name of a marine vessel
de no sé què, saps?
I don't know what, you know?
A mi em flipa molt que això us relaxi
I find it really amazing that this relaxes you.
perquè conec molta gent que això
because I know a lot of people who this
li relaxa i per mi és tot el contrari
it relaxes him and for me it is completely the opposite
o sigui, em frustro tan ràpid
I get frustrated so quickly.
de no trobar les paraules al meu cap
not finding the words in my head
o sigui... A mi això em fa pensar
In other words... This makes me think.
que, per exemple, el llibre aquest
that, for example, this book
aquest de la genio del de
this of the genius of the
com o no hacer nada
how or not to do anything
tothom es pensa que, doncs això, la paret en blanc
everyone thinks that, well, the wall is white
relaxar-se, en sèrio, però un moment
relax, seriously, but just a moment
no facis res, bueno, un moment, és que jo potser
Don't do anything, well, just a moment, it's just that maybe I
relaxar o puc descansar i puc estar
I can relax or I can rest and I can be.
fent coses, o sigui, jo, per mi descansar
doing things, that is, for me, to rest.
hi ha un punt de
there is a point of
descansar físicament, que el cos
to rest physically, that the body
està cansat, necessito seure al sofà
I am tired, I need to sit on the sofa.
hi ha un punt també de descansar la ment
there is also a point of resting the mind
i de descansar les emocions, o sigui, hi ha moments
and to rest the emotions, that is, there are moments
on si he sentit coses més intensament
or if I have felt things more intensely
doncs a mi m'esgota, o sigui
well it exhausts me, I mean
a mi sentir emocions
to feel emotions
intenses és una cosa que cansa
Intense is something that tires you out.
és el més cansat del món. Cansa, i jo
he is the most tired in the world. It tires, and I
soc ploranera, ploro, plorar
I am a crybaby, I cry, to cry.
cansa, o sigui, tinc el cervell que m'explota
I'm tired, I mean, my brain is about to explode.
del crani, és horrorós, llavors no he
from the skull, it's horrifying, then I haven't
de descansar, però cada
of resting, but each
cosa, o sigui, si tinc el cos cansat
thing, I mean, if I have a tired body
descanso d'una manera, si tinc el cervell cansat
I take a break in a way, if I have a tired brain.
descanso d'una altra, llavors a mi, per exemple, anar a fer
rest from another, then for me, for example, to go do
esport em relaxa moltíssim
sport relaxes me a lot
relaxa la ment, perquè
relax the mind, because
el cos me'l posa en tensió, o sigui, estic fent esport
my body is under tension, that is, I am exercising.
però que hi ha un punt que fer
but there is a point to make
coses em pot arribar a relaxar molt i que
things can really relax me a lot and that
el de la paret en blanc a mi em sembla una mica
the one with the white wall seems a bit to me
Ja, que és
Yes, it is.
reduccionista en realitat. Sí, i una
reductionist in reality. Yes, and a
mica tòpic, de dir, no, no, però
a bit of a topic, to say, no, no, but
de debò, descansa, no facis res
Really, rest, don't do anything.
no facis res, però si porto
don't do anything, but if I bring
aplatanada, bueno, no sé
flattened, well, I don't know
vull dir que... Sí, bueno, i ella aquesta distinció
I mean that... Yes, well, and she this distinction
també la fa una mica quan parla de
It also makes her a bit when she talks about.
tot el tema de l'economia de l'atenció
the whole issue of the attention economy
de com les grans
of how the great ones
corporacions que tenen les xarxes
corporations that have the networks
socials estan capitalitzant
socials are capitalizing
la nostra atenció i la venen
they sell our attention
com si fos una mercaderia, de dir
as if it were a commodity, so to speak
tu no estàs realment descansant
you are not really resting
el cervell quan estàs fent, depèn de
the brain when you are doing, depends on
quines coses, que et sembla que sí que estàs
What things, do you think you are?
descansant el cervell. Llavors
resting the brain. Then
no vol dir que
does not mean that
de vacances hagis de tirar el mòbil
on vacation, you should leave your phone behind
a l'editrevi o el que sigui
to the editor or whatever it is
vol dir que has de ser conscient que en aquests
It means that you need to be aware that in these
moments que tu estàs
moments when you are
fent bucle a les apps
looping in the apps
potser t'estàs, doncs això, t'estàs
maybe you are, so this, you are
atabalant més
making more noise
d'aquestes emocions que tu deies
of these emotions that you were talking about
de dir, doncs pots de cop i volta
to say, so you can all of a sudden
sentir coses que no
feel things that don't
voldries sentir, pots llegir coses que no voldries
you would like to hear, you can read things you wouldn't want
llegir, pots estar com interactuant
read, you can be like interacting
amb contingut que tu no has escollit
with content that you did not choose
llavors una part de descansar també es focalitza
then a part of resting is also focused
l'atenció en allò
the attention to that
que t'importa, i allò que t'importa pot ser
what matters to you, and what matters to you can be
una cosa més enllà
one thing beyond
de mirar una paret, pot ser alguna cosa...
from looking at a wall, it can be something...
Clar, però també pot ser al revés, és a dir, no tinc mai
Sure, but it can also be the other way around, that is, I never have.
temps en el meu dia a dia per mirar TikTok, l'únic
time in my day to watch TikTok, the only one
que vull fer és posar-me al sofà i mirar TikToks
What I want to do is sit on the couch and watch TikToks.
fins a l'infinit. Clar, però és que
to infinity. Of course, but it's that
per mi, per exemple, a vegades el TikTok
for me, for example, sometimes TikTok
és un break d'alguna
it's a break from someone
cosa, el que passa és que jo sé perfectament
Thing is, I know perfectly well
quin és el meu efecte en el meu estat d'ànim
what is my effect on my mood
i en el meu cervell si em passo tota una
And in my brain, if I spend all of one.
tarda mirant TikTok perquè ho he fet, i llavors
afternoon watching TikTok because I did it, and then
ja no em puc concentrar en res, estic
I can't concentrate on anything anymore, I'm
ratlladíssima de mal humor, tinc mal de cap
Extremely grumpy, I have a headache.
llavors també, doncs, sapiguem una mica què són
then also, well, let’s know a little about what they are
les coses realment, perquè jo m'encanta
the things really, because I love it
a vegades dir, aquest és el meu moment de TikTok
Sometimes I say, this is my TikTok moment.
però això està molt bé, jo ho he escollit
but this is very good, I chose it
quan no estàs activament
when you are not actively
decidint què fas, et pots
deciding what you do, you can
sortir malament. Mira, parlant de TikTok
to go wrong. Look, speaking of TikTok
volia explicar-vos una cosa que em va sortir
I wanted to explain something to you that came up.
l'altre dia a TikTok i que
the other day on TikTok and what
em va flipar, perquè no ho havia pensat mai així
It blew my mind because I had never thought of it that way.
i en realitat té tot el sentit del món
and it actually makes all the sense in the world
i de fet, jo mateixa ho he experimentat
And in fact, I have experienced it myself.
amb la meva pròpia
with my own
persona. Sortia una
person. One was coming out
psicòloga d'aquestes
psychologist of these
persones com, hola, em dic tal tal i soc
people like, hello, my name is such and such and I am
psicòloga, i em va dir, hola, em dic tal tal i soc
psychologist, and she said, hello, my name is so-and-so and I am
psicòloga clínica tal, no sé què. I llavors
clinical psychologist such, I don't know what. And then
deia, un truc per pujar l'autoestima
I said, a trick to boost self-esteem.
i jo vaig pensar, clickbait, ja em tens
And I thought, clickbait, you've got me.
perfecte, què hem de fer? I llavors
perfect, what do we have to do? And then
em deia
he/she used to tell me
de la mateixa manera que
in the same way as
quan un nen petit vols que estigui
when a small child wants to be
content, li pots dir
content, you can tell him/her
què et ve de gust fer avui? I et dirà
What do you feel like doing today? And he will tell you.
nalzo, naltividabo, m'agradaria
nalzo, naltividabo, I would like
anar a la platja, m'agradaria
go to the beach, I would like to
fer castells de sorra, m'agradaria fer no sé què
building sandcastles, I would like to do I don't know what.
si ho fas amb ell
if you do it with him
aquell nen estarà content
that boy will be happy
i dius, sí, perfecte
and you say, yes, perfect
i llavors, ella deia, fes
And then, she said, do.
el mateix amb tu mateix, o sigui, regala't
the same with yourself, in other words, treat yourself
l'estona per fer coses que t'agradin fer
the time to do things you enjoy doing
o sigui, pensa què t'agrada fer, pensa què et ve de gust
I mean, think about what you like to do, think about what you feel like doing.
fer i fes-ho. I llavors
do it and then
pensava, és que d'alguna manera
I thought, it's just that in some way
el descans i
the rest and
l'oci i fer coses que, i cuidar-se
leisure and doing things that, and taking care of oneself
ajuda a l'autoestima
help with self-esteem
també, vull dir que el descans
also, I mean that the rest
no és només una cosa que vagi directament
it's not just something that goes directly
lligada a ser productiu i si descansem
tied to being productive and if we rest
després treballarem millor
afterwards we will work better
que també, sinó que si descansem
that also, but if we rest
estarem millor, o sigui, és que realment ens
we will be better, in other words, it really means that we
agradarem més, estarem molt més
we will be more liked, we will be much more
a gust, estarem més feliços, és que és així de
at ease, we will be happier, it's just how it is
com hippie, si voleu
like a hippie, if you want
però vaig pensar que
but I thought that
tenia tot el sentit del món, o sigui, quan
it made perfect sense, that is, when
tens temporades que estàs trista
you have seasons when you are sad
què vols fer? Doncs vols fer el que
What do you want to do? Well, you want to do what.
et ve de gust fer en aquell moment
do you feel like doing it at that moment
que pot ser o mirar una sèrie o
that can be either watching a series or
anar a fer un cafè amb les amigues o
go for a coffee with friends or
anar a fer piscina o anar a fer, no sé, vull dir
go swimming or go do something, I mean
I vosaltres què triaríeu? Perquè jo ara
And what would you choose? Because I now...
a mi em preguntes què vull fer
you ask me what I want to do
i bueno, no sé què respondre
And well, I don't know what to respond.
jo no sé què vull
I don't know what I want.
Ja, jo estic tan bloquejada
Yes, I am so blocked.
o sigui, depèn del moment
that is to say, it depends on the moment
jo ara mateix si em preguntes ara què vull fer
Right now, if you ask me what I want to do.
jo ara mateix me n'aniria a
I would go to right now.
Menorca. Jo també et diria platja
Menorca. I would also tell you beach.
imagina't. Sí, o sigui me n'aniria
imagine it. Yes, I mean I would leave.
a platja, sol, mar
the beach, sun, sea
Podem anar aquí al parc
We can go here to the park.
del fòrum a fer un
from the forum to make a
xapuzón. No, però ara que parlem
splash. No, but now that we're talking
de tot aquest tema sí que penso
I do think about this topic.
que hi ha una cosa de la visió aquesta productivista
that there is something about this productivity-oriented vision
també fins i tot del temps lliure que
also even of the free time that
jo és un exercici, és una cosa que
I is an exercise, it is something that
em vaig un dia a mi mateixa i no l'he deixat de fer mai
I went one day to myself and I have never stopped doing it.
i per mi ha sigut
and for me it has been
una molt bona decisió, que és
a very good decision, which is
el tema de viatjar tranquil·la
the theme of traveling peacefully
o sigui, jo hi va haver una època on
so, there was a time when
he/she was traveling
ja no només durant les vacances
not only during the holidays anymore
sinó els moments aquells de
but those moments of
pirar-te un vol amb uns amics
taking a flight with some friends
o amb el que sigui i marxar a un fin
or with whatever and leave for a weekend
d'algun lloc i volia
from somewhere and I wanted
veure-ho tot d'aquella ciutat o d'aquest
see it all from that city or this one
lloc on anava i crec que
place where I was going and I think that
això a les vacances és un tema que li passa a molta gent
this during the holidays is a topic that happens to many people
Ah, me'n vaig a X ciutat, vaig a
Ah, I'm going to X city, I'm going to
rebentar-me, o sigui, aquelles vacances
bursting me, that is, those holidays
que fas que realment tu acabes i
what are you doing that you really finish and
necessites una setmana de sofà precisament
you need a week on the sofa precisely
perquè en teoria estàs de vacances, pots anar-te a veure
because in theory you are on vacation, you can go see yourself
alguna cosa i no has parat
something and you haven't stopped
i va haver un moment
there was a moment
on vaig pensar, no importa
I thought, it doesn't matter.
si no tornes a aquesta ciutat o si no
if you don't return to this city or if not
el destí que sigui
whatever the destiny may be
no hi tornes més, no intentis
don't go back there, don't try
tampoc veure-ho tot, és una visió també
not seeing everything is also a viewpoint
com molt productivista del temps lliure
as very productive of free time
i al final és millor
And in the end it's better.
que si vas a una ciutat o si estàs de vacances
that if you go to a city or if you are on vacation
o és igual, ni que vagis al teu
or it doesn't matter, even if you go your way
però que no intentis
but do not try
omplir-te tot el temps només pel fet
filling you up all the time just for the fact
que vagis de vacances, sinó que el que puguis fer
that you go on vacation, but rather what you can do
ho puguis fer tranquil·lament perquè al cap i a la fi
you can do it peacefully because after all
és el que et canviarà el ritme respecte
it is what will change your rhythm regarding
al dia a dia, i a mi això em va anar molt bé
In day-to-day life, and for me, this worked very well.
i ara si en algun moment visito
and now if at some point I visit
algun lloc de vacances
some vacation place
ja dins de la planificació
already within the planning
ja m'hi poso, com molts
I'm getting to it, like many others.
espais entre activitats o com molt
spaces between activities or at most
o un dia que sigui de no
or a day that is not
fer res o així perquè per mi
do nothing or so because for me
és una mala manera d'entendre
it's a bad way of understanding
aquesta suposada desconnexió, si anem a
this supposed disconnection, if we go to
veure coses i tenim la gent de rebentar
see things and we have the people to burst
I més enllà del viatge, també serveix
And beyond the journey, it also serves.
durant les vacances, encara que no
during the holidays, even though not
te'n vagis enlloc, si dius
you go anywhere, if you say so
les vacances he de fer tal, tal, tal
I have to do such and such on holiday.
i ja estàs com productivitzant les vacances
And how are you making the most of the holidays?
també, és el mateix
also, it's the same
Jo anava a dir que a mi això em passa
I was going to say that this happens to me.
durant les vacances també em passa
It also happens to me during the holidays.
i més últimament
and more lately
a mesura que m'he anat fent gran m'ha anat passant més
As I have grown older, it has happened to me more often.
però que durant el dia a dia també em passa, jo crec que
but that also happens to me in day-to-day life, I think that
algun cop ho he explicat a gent de merda que
I have explained it to some shitty people that
jo durant una època, ara ja fa temps que no
I for a while, but now it's been a long time since.
ho faig i crec que potser ho hauria de tornar a fer però
I do it and I think maybe I should do it again but
en el meu Google Calendar del dia a dia
in my Google Calendar of day to day
setmanal em posava, em reservava
weekly I would set aside, I would reserve for myself
caps de setmana bloquejat per descansar
weekends blocked for resting
perquè és que
because it is that
és molt temptador
it's very tempting
i més, bueno, això depèn
And more, well, that depends.
de cadascú, a mi m'agrada fer vida
Each to their own, I like to live life.
social i soc una tia que de seguida
social and I'm a girl who quickly
no soc una aliada
I am not an ally.
perquè no ho soc, però
because I'm not, but
sí que si em dius de fer un pla segurament et diré que sí
If you ask me to make a plan, I'll probably say yes.
si estic disponible i
if I am available and
em ve de gust, llavors
I feel like it, then.
un cap de setmana buit per mi
a free weekend for me
és molt temptador de dir, ah, puc fer moltes coses
It's very tempting to say, ah, I can do many things.
i en canvi
and instead
durant un moment vaig sentir que necessitava
for a moment I felt that I needed
no fer res, o sigui, necessitava
do nothing, I mean, I needed
omplir la nevera, fer els tàpers
fill the fridge, make the containers
descansar, mirar una sèrie, fer rentadores
rest, watch a series, do laundry
o sigui, que són fer coses però és fer coses
That is to say, it’s doing things but it’s doing things.
pel benestar
for the well-being
domèstic i
domestic and
personal també i d'alguna manera
personal too and in a way
també m'ho havia de planificar perquè si no
I also had to plan it out because if not
la temptació era, ah, doncs sí, anem a veure
The temptation was, ah, well yes, let's go see.
tal expo, ah, doncs sí, total, una expo i un vermut
Such an expo, ah, well yes, totally, an expo and a vermouth.
no farà mal, sí, però una expo i un vermut
It won't hurt, yes, but an exhibition and a vermouth.
és sortir
it is to go out
és perdre el matí
it's losing the morning
és perdre el migdia, perdre, entre cometes
it's losing the midday, losing, in quotes
perquè òbviament és un planasso, però bueno
because obviously it's a great plan, but well
i també és consumir d'alguna manera
and it is also a form of consumption in some way.
sí, a mi això no m'importa tant
yes, I don't care about that so much
és a dir
that is to say
insisteixo, la teoria de la paret
I insist, the wall theory.
no la compro del tot
I don't fully buy it.
llavors, per mi, anar a veure una expo
So, for me, going to see an exhibition.
tranquil, amb les meves amigues o amb qui sigui
calm, with my friends or whoever
i després anar a fer un vermut és consumir
And then going for a vermouth is to consume.
sí, però
yes, but
jo ho estic consumint de manera diferent que no
I am consuming it differently than not.
sí, sí, jo em referia més a
yes, yes, I meant more to
gastar, o sigui, que també a vegades
spend, that is to say, sometimes as well
poder fer, o sigui,
to be able to do, that is,
poder descansar fora, a dalt, haver de
to be able to rest outside, up there, to have to
gastar diners, no sentir que per descansar
spending money, not feeling like resting
o per passar-t'ho bé, per sentir que estàs
or to have a good time, to feel that you are
desconnectant, has d'anar a pagar
disconnecting, you have to go pay
està bé, llavors, doncs dir
it's fine, then, so say
avui el que faré, perquè és el que em ve
Today what I will do, because it's what comes to me.
realment de gust, no perquè em sento
really of taste, not because I feel
obligada o perquè estic tan cansada que no em puc
forced or because I am so tired that I cannot
moure, però ara el que necessito i el que em ve de gust és quedar-me
I want to move, but right now what I need and what I feel like is staying.
a casa fent X coses, també és una
at home doing X things, is also a
manera de no pensar que només
way of not thinking that only
es pot descansar a través del gasto
You can rest through spending.
que això també és una cosa que, sobretot en ciutats
that this is also something that, especially in cities
grans, amb molta oferta, tendim
big, with a lot of supply, we tend
a pensar. Sí, que a mi després em passa que no
to think. Yes, because it happens to me afterwards that I don't
sé quedar a casa, o sigui, jo quan estic a casa penso
I know how to stay at home, I mean, when I'm at home I think.
què puc fer, llavors us truco a totes
What can I do, then I’ll call you all.
nenes, fem una birra, tens plan,
Girls, let's have a beer, do you have a plan?
fem alguna cosa, tal, no sé què, vull dir que
let's do something, like, I don't know, I mean that
bé, que costa i que també
well, that it costs and that too
penso, si no m'agrada quedar-me a casa molta estona
I think, if I don't like staying at home for a long time.
perquè m'avorreixo, tampoc no em forçaré
because I'm bored, I won't force myself either
a quedar-me a casa avorrida només perquè
to stay at home bored just because
m'he de quedar a casa, vull dir que senzillament quan ho necessito
I have to stay at home, I mean that simply when I need it.
i que, per exemple, el de gastar
and that, for example, the one about spending
és veritat, a mi
it's true, to me
em pot passar que vagi al mercat,
I might go to the market,
vagi al súper, gasti, ompli la nevera,
go to the supermarket, spend, fill the fridge,
estic gastant igual, però per mi també
I’m spending the same, but for me too.
és una forma com de
it's a way like
self-care d'alguna manera, saps?
self-care in some way, you know?
Bueno, i que omplir la nevera no és oci, en plan, omplir la nevera
Well, filling the fridge is not leisure, like, filling the fridge.
és viure. Sí, exacte, per això, tampoc es podria
it's living. Yes, exactly, for that reason, it couldn't either.
considerar descans, però per mi sí que hi ha un punt
consider resting, but for me there is indeed a point
de m'estic mimant. Perquè és cuidar-se.
I am pampering myself. Because it's about taking care of oneself.
Escuteu, no sé si voleu
Listen, I don't know if you want.
comentar algun tema més o...
comment on any other topic or...
Bueno, jo, o sigui, l'última
Well, I mean, the last one.
cosa que volia comentar té a veure amb el llibre de l'Anna
The thing I wanted to mention is related to Anna's book.
Pacheco, que també parla una mica d'això, tot i
Pacheco, who also talks a bit about this, despite
que ella en parla molt per sobre, el de
that she talks a lot about it, the one of
estuve aquí y me acordé de nosotros,
I was here and I remembered us.
sí que ella parla molt de
yes, she does talk a lot about
com es viu, com els treballadors
how it is lived, like the workers
dels hotels de luxe viuen,
they live off luxury hotels,
i una mica, doncs,
and a little bit, then,
Barcelona, ciutat de
Barcelona, city of
turisme. Però sí que hi ha algun moment
tourism. But there is indeed some moment
on també ensenya com aquests treballadors
it also teaches how these workers
els agrada viatjar
They enjoy traveling.
i senten que són uns privilegiats
they feel that they are privileged
per poder-ho fer, si tenen algun ingrés extra
to be able to do it, if they have any extra income
o el que sigui, i que tenen
or whatever it is, and that they have
com molt orgull en dir
with great pride in saying
pues jo faig no sé quants viatges l'any,
well, I make I don't know how many trips a year,
o coses així, i obre
or things like that, and opens
una mica l'escletxa, no entra en profunditat,
a little bit of the gap, doesn't go into depth,
però a pensar utopies del descans que
but to think of utopias of rest that
no tinguin tant a veure en que cada cop que
they don't have much to do with the fact that each time
has de marxar de vacances
you have to go on vacation
has de viatjar, que crec que és una cosa
You have to travel, which I think is a thing.
que jo, per exemple, quan vaig
that I, for example, when I go
començar a treballar, pacava una mica
started to work, it paid off a bit
no tant de viatges en si, però com de plans,
not so much about trips themselves, but rather about plans,
és a dir, jo només m'agafaré dies de festa
That is to say, I will only take days off.
quan aquests dies de festa
when these holiday days
puguin ser computables per
can be computable by
un pla molt divertit, i per tant a mi em surt
A very fun plan, and therefore it comes to me.
a compte, entre cometes, agafar-me aquest
"on account, in quotation marks, take this one for me"
dia de festa perquè l'estic invertint
Day off because I am investing it.
i llavors això també
and then this too
aplicat al descans, no
applied to the rest, no
acaba de ser del tot
it has just been completely
descans, és a dir, és una manera de descansar,
rest, that is to say, it's a way to rest,
viatjar, pot ser una manera de desconnectar,
traveling can be a way to disconnect,
segur que sí, però no és l'única,
sure it is, but it is not the only one,
no és la més sostenible, no és la
it is not the most sustainable, it is not the
més saludable, i no és, sobretot,
healthier, and it is not, above all,
no és una cura a tots
it is not a cure for all
els mals que t'han passat durant
the bad things that have happened to you during
l'any, no? I llavors crec que a mesura
the year, right? And then I think that as time goes on
que em vaig fent gran vaig aprenent a
as I’m growing up I’m learning to
triar els dies de vacances i combinar
choose the days off and combine
una mica les coses que em fa il·lusió fer, les que
a little bit the things that make me excited to do, the ones that
em fan ganes de sortir
I feel like going out.
de casa o de Barcelona o el que sigui, però
from home or from Barcelona or whatever, but
alhora també guardar-me dies
also to save some days for myself
per dedicar-los al descans, de la mateixa
to dedicate them to rest, of the same
manera que a vegades desitgem, doncs això
so that sometimes we desire, well that
que el cap de setmana tingui tres dies,
that the weekend has three days,
un per poder posar rentadores i descansar
one to be able to do laundry and rest
de veritat i els altres per passar-ho bé.
for real and the others to have a good time.
Crec que no aprofundeix tant
I don't think it goes into depth that much.
en aquest tema, però sí que hi ha alguns moments que ho toca
In this topic, there are indeed some moments where it touches on it.
i que em va fer pensar molt també
and it made me think a lot too
com jo trio les vacances, no?
How I choose the holidays, right?
La meva política de vacances.
My holiday policy.
Sí, que jo, que això també crec que
Yes, I believe that too.
jo és que he anat evolucionant molt, crec que,
I have been evolving a lot, I think that,
d'una per un programa sencer. La idea de viatjar
of one for a whole program. The idea of traveling
com hem viatjat
how we have traveled
en les diferents
in the different
etapes de la nostra vida,
stages of our life,
com veiem que la gent del nostre entorn
as we see how the people in our environment
entén viatjar, perquè no tothom ho entén igual,
understands traveling, because not everyone understands it the same way,
però que en tot cas
but in any case
sí que està clar que
it is indeed clear that
és el que us deia abans, per mi el viatge
it's what I was telling you before, for me the trip
com a descans realment ha d'estar
as a rest it really has to be
planificat com a tal, perquè és que
planned as such, because it is that
al final t'omples de coses per veure
in the end you fill up with things to see
i per tal, que també és una mica
and therefore, it is also a bit
la sensació aquesta de dir
the feeling of saying this
que estic aquí i si no ho faig
that I am here and if I don't do it
ara no ho faré mai més, i al final dius
now I will never do it again, and in the end you say
no ho faré mai més, i no passa res, saps?
I will never do it again, and it's okay, you know?
Però crec que en podríem
But I think we could.
parlar. Però ara,
to speak. But now,
ara s'acaba la temporada, bueno, ja en parlarem.
Now the season is ending, well, we will talk about it later.
Si us sembla bé,
If that seems good to you,
passo a la Filomena.
I pass to Filomena.
Avui faig jo
Today I will do it.
la recomanació de la Filomena.
the recommendation of Filomena.
Quina recomanació més bona
What a great recommendation!
que us vinc a fer?
What am I coming to do for you?
Que feliços que sereu si em feu cas.
How happy you will be if you listen to me.
Us recomano un llibre
I recommend a book to you.
que és de la Teresa Pàmies, que es diu...
what is of Teresa Pàmies, which is called...
Bueno, hem citat tota la família en aquest programa.
Well, we have called the whole family in this program.
Ai, després ho he de lligar.
Oh, I have to tie it later.
Mira, ara me n'havia oblidat.
Look, I had just forgotten about it.
Teresa Pàmies.
Teresa Pàmies.
Una noia i un soldat.
A girl and a soldier.
Ha estat tan ben escrit.
It has been so well written.
Passa tan bé.
Have a great time.
Per mi està sent molt
For me, it is being very...
una lectura...
a reading...
És que puc semblar banal, però
I may seem trivial, but
no soc tonta, vale?
I'm not stupid, okay?
Ja ho sap tothom.
Everyone knows it already.
Per mi està sent una lectura d'estiu,
For me, it is becoming a summer read.
perquè és una lectura d'aquelles que se t'emporta,
because it's a reading that sweeps you away,
que entres dins de la història, que no et costa gens.
that you enter into history, that it costs you nothing at all.
A l'hora, no és una lectura d'estiu,
At the moment, it is not a summer read,
en el sentit que és la història
in the sense that it is the history
d'una noia i un soldat.
of a girl and a soldier.
El títol realment explica
The title really explains.
literalment de què va la cosa
literally what it's all about
durant la guerra civil.
during the civil war.
És una història d'amor
It's a love story.
preciosa, d'aquestes que
precious, one of those that
no ho sé, t'enganxen.
I don't know, they catch you.
Jo soc molt d'històries d'amor
I am very into love stories.
i realment crec que aquesta és molt maca.
And I really think this one is very pretty.
La Teresa Pàmies és una
Teresa Pàmies is a
autorassa de Casa Nostra
authoress of Our House
amb una visió
with a vision
des del comunisme, des de les esquerres,
from communism, from the left,
que va
no way
fugir de Catalunya
flee from Catalonia
i després es va tornar
and then he turned back
i ella és nascuda a Balaguer
and she was born in Balaguer
i en aquest cas explica la història
And in this case, tell the story.
d'un noi i una noia
of a boy and a girl
de Balaguer, molt joves, que el noi
from Balaguer, very young, that the boy
el criden a la guerra a fer de soldat
they are called to war to serve as soldiers
i la noia s'acaba posant en política
and the girl ends up getting into politics
també com ella va fer
also as she did
per reivindicar uns ideals.
to claim ideals.
I de veritat, el recomano molt,
And really, I highly recommend it.
us agradarà moltíssim, per favor, em podeu fer cas.
You will like it very much, please, can you listen to me.
És de l'editorial
It is from the publisher.
Avesiara i
Avesiara and
m'està agradant molt. I també penso
I am enjoying it a lot. And I also think
que si també ens escolta algun profe,
that if any teacher is also listening to us,
jo és que crec que tota l'estona penso
I just think that I’m thinking all the time.
si fos profe, és que el donaria
If I were a teacher, it is that I would give it.
de llegir als meus nens, perquè tinc la sensació
to read to my children, because I have the feeling
que realment és un llibre
that is really a book
d'aquests que et fan
of these that make you
apassionar-te del fet de llegir.
to become passionate about the act of reading.
Jo ara et tancaria a la presó només per estar
I would lock you up in prison just for being.
pensant també en el currículum dels profes.
thinking also about the teachers' curriculum.
És que la Clàudia és una persona
It's just that Claudia is a person.
que ella ho faria tot, però
that she would do everything, but
jo crec que si insisteix en aquesta
I believe that if you insist on this.
associació, ja ho heu de fer cas.
association, you must listen to it now.
Ja m'ha fet gràcia perquè
It has already made me laugh because
hi ha altres cops també has fet intrusisme
there have been other times when you have also committed intrusion
professional, després ho comentarem fora
Professional, we will discuss it outside later.
a micro i ara he pensat, manda huevos, ja està
I've thought about it a little and now I've decided, what the heck, that's it.
dient, si hi ha un profe, que em digui si funciona
saying, if there is a teacher, let them tell me if it works
a l'aula. Però és que realment em passa
in the classroom. But it's just that it really happens to me
de vegades quan llegeixo, perquè sé que a la gent
Sometimes when I read, it's because I know that people...
li costa llegir i que de vegades és difícil
he finds it difficult to read and that sometimes it is hard
recomanar lectures a l'escola
recommend readings at school
i de vegades llegeixo llibres que
and sometimes I read books that
penso, si fos profe, realment crec que aquesta
I think, if I were a teacher, I really believe that this
funcionaria. I aquesta és una de les lectures
functionary. And this is one of the readings
que crec que podrien agradar
that I think you might like
a molta gent. Compreu-vos-la, llegiu-vos-la,
to many people. Buy it for yourselves, read it for yourselves,
aquest estiu, la Teresa Pàmies és
this summer, Teresa Pàmies is
una dona a qui heu de llegir
a woman you have to read
i heu de conèixer de la
and you have to know about the
nostra tradició i
our tradition and
aquest llibre està molt i molt bé.
this book is very, very good.
Et puc fer una pregunta? Sí. Com hi vas arribar?
Can I ask you a question? Yes. How did you get there?
O sigui, què et va fer agafar aquest llibre?
So, what made you pick up this book?
Mira, me'l va regalar una amiga per Sant Jordi.
Look, a friend gave it to me for Sant Jordi.
Molt bé. O sigui que
Very well. So that means
superbé. Sé que també vaig escoltar
superb. I know I also listened
com ja sabeu que
as you already know that
sóc una persona adicta a l'enguàrdia
I am a person addicted to the lookout.
i vaig escoltar
I heard.
un programa de l'enguàrdia sobre
a program of the guardians about
la Teresa Pàmies i crec que el mencionava
Teresa Pàmies and I think I mentioned her.
perquè ara és que no ho vull dir
because now is when I don't want to say it
perquè no em vull equivocar, però crec que era com un manuscrit
because I don't want to be wrong, but I think it was like a manuscript
o alguna... Potser no era aquest
or some... Maybe it wasn't this one.
i era un altre, però
and it was another one, though
sí que ja estava dins del context
yes, it was already within the context
Teresa Pàmies i llavors una amiga
Teresa Pàmies and then a friend
em va regalar aquest llibre.
He gave me this book.
Un petonet per aquesta amiga perquè l'ha encertat molt.
A little kiss for this friend because she got it right.
La millor. Sí. Una cosa.
The best. Yes. One thing.
Què? Que vingui, no?
What? Let him come, right?
Qui? L'Enric Calpena.
Who? Enric Calpena.
Ah, vale, l'ha de dir. La Teresa Pàmies, com ho fem?
Ah, okay, she has to say it. Teresa Pàmies, how do we do it?
L'ha de dir com...
He has to say it like...
Ah, sí. L'Enric Calpena
Ah, yes. Enric Calpena.
va ser profe
he was a teacher
meu de la Uni, no només profe meu de la Uni
my university lecturer, not just my professor from the university
sinó que va ser el meu tutor
but he was my tutor
de TFG.
of the final degree project.
Paula. Sí. Una mica de xerros
Paula. Yes. A bit of gossip.
amb el teu tutor.
with your tutor.
Jo ho he vist seríssim. Fem-ho, fem-ho possible.
I have seen it very seriously. Let's do it, let's make it possible.
És que se li han il·luminat els ulls i he de dir que
It’s just that her eyes have lit up and I have to say that
jo també he gaudit alguns episodis
I have also enjoyed some episodes.
de manera... Sí, és que és boníssim
In a way... Yes, it’s really good.
l'enguàrdia. Perdó, perdó.
the ward. Sorry, sorry.
És que haig de dir que l'altre dia que tornava
I have to say that the other day when I was coming back
del Cruïlla, borratxa, no sé quina hora de la nit
from Cruïlla, drunk, I don't know what time it is at night
i al metro vaig estar parlant d'enguàrdia
And on the subway, I was talking unexpectedly.
amb altra gent. O sigui que realment...
with other people. So really...
Com desconeguts.
As strangers.
Bueno, els acabava... No són desconeguts
Well, I was finishing them off... They are not strangers.
però jo no els coneixia, els acabava...
but I didn't know them, I was just finishing...
Allà vam començar a parlar abans d'entrar al metro
There we started talking before entering the subway.
i el tema de conversa va ser l'enguàrdia.
And the topic of conversation was the guard.
O sigui que... La OFE va coincidir amb l'Enric Calpena
So... The OFE coincided with Enric Calpena.
a un capítol d'Enervi
to a chapter of Enervi
d'això que fa el Patrick Urbano
about what Patrick Urbano does
que ara no em surt el nom.
that now the name doesn't come to me.
Escolta, doncs...
Listen, then...
Quarta vida. Doble vida.
Fourth life. Double life.
No. Bueno.
No. Well.
Bàsicament que... Bueno, perquè el Patrick Urbano
Basically that... Well, because Patrick Urbano
treballa a l'enguàrdia, crec, de redactor.
He works at Enguàrdia, I believe, as a writer.
Va en sèrio, eh?
Are you serious, huh?
Però bueno, jo tampoc... Ja ho parlaré
But well, I won't either... I'll talk about it later.
amb ara fora en micros.
with now outside in micros.
La recomanació de l'últim
The recommendation of the last one.
Gent de Mer de la temporada és una noia i un soldat
People from Mer this season are a girl and a soldier.
de la Teresa Pàmies i...
from Teresa Pàmies and...
Ja està. I que tingueu
That's it. And may you have...
un molt bon estiu a tothom qui ens escolta.
a very good summer to everyone who is listening to us.
Sí. Una cosa. Què? Perdó.
Yes. One thing. What? Sorry.
Estem cansades.
We are tired.
Hem sonat cansades. Hem sonat ties
We have sounded tired. We have sounded foolish.
arrossegades. Ara mateix ho som, però tornarem
Dragging. Right now we are, but we will return.
a força. Sí. Perquè l'altre dia vam dir
by force. Yes. Because the other day we said
estiu, tornem
summer, we return
fresquetes, pensem
fresh ones, we think
al programa... Es va fer servir la paraula
in the program... The word was used
fresquetes. Fresquetes ens va agradar molt.
Fresh. We really liked the fresh ones.
La idea de tornar fresquetes. Llavors,
The idea of coming back fresh. Then,
tenim un objectiu i és tornar fresquetes i així
we have a goal and that is to return fresh and so on
ho farem. Bueno, no, no. És que a més tenim
we will do it. Well, no, no. It's just that we also have
temor de principi de temporada.
fear of the start of the season.
Tenim temor. Bueno, ens trarem per la porta.
We are fearful. Well, we will leave through the door.
Tinc tantes coses a dir sobre aquest tema.
I have so many things to say about this topic.
Jo també. Bueno.
Me too. Well.
Tinc tantes coses a dir.
I have so many things to say.
I no hi ha res més d'orca-còlic,
And there is nothing more of orca-colic,
però també de ties que descansaran molt
but also of girls who will rest a lot
tranquil·les, sabent ja quin és el tema
calm, knowing already what the topic is
del primer pis d'avui
from the first floor today
de la temporada.
of the season.
Ja el direm. Ara no.
We'll say it later. Not now.
Home, clar que no ho direm ara. Simplement anava a dir
Home, of course we won't say it now. I was just going to say.
absolutament tot i tindrem
absolutely everything we will have
idees fugaces
fleeting ideas
sobre episodis de gent de merda
about episodes of shitty people
mentre estiguem intentant fer el nostre
while we are trying to do our own
no fer res, com ens ha recomanat la Júlia Mèrida,
do nothing, as Júlia Mèrida has recommended us,
des dels nostres diversos
from our various
espais, llocs de descans,
spaces, places of rest,
des del llit fins a
from the bed to
viatges a l'hàbitat. Sí, les idees, quan et venen,
trips to the habitat. Yes, ideas, when they come to you,
no ho pots controlar.
you can't control it.
Tu estàs descansant i et ve una idea...
You are resting and an idea comes to you...
I nosaltres som una puta fàbrica.
And we are a damn factory.
És veritat.
It is true.
No ho podem parar de ser
We cannot stop being.
Totalment veritat, això. És que sóc una puta fàbrica
Totally true, that. It's just that I'm a damn factory.
of apartments.
Quatre dies friquis, l'heu fet des de casa
Four geeky days, have you done it from home?
cansadíssima. Quatre dies friquis i cansades
exhausted. Four days of freaks and tiredness.
però molt contentes d'aquesta temporada, jo diria.
but very happy about this season, I would say.
Els replicants, es diu, no?
The replicants, they say, right?
La secció del Patrick al nervi.
Patrick's section on the nerve.
No en tenim ni...
We don't even have...
Podríem buscar-ho, és que ara m'està sabent fatal, noies.
We could look for it, it's just that I'm feeling really bad right now, girls.
Ah, jo m'he confosa amb el seu programa, programa.
Ah, I got confused with her program, program.
Very Project.
Very Project.
Listen to me,
una cosa, ara hem de treure tema
One thing, now we need to change the subject.
mentre la Paula busca...
while Paula searches...
Els replicants, sense alts.
The replicants, without highs.
Vale. Molt bé.
Okay. Very good.
Doncs, molt bé, aprofiteu
Well, very good, enjoy.
també, jo què sé, pues, recupereu nervis,
also, I don't know, well, regain your nerves,
recupereu l'enguàrdia, ja que teniu temps aquest estiu.
Get back your courage, as you have time this summer.
Recupereu gent de merda, que no està mal,
You recover shit people, which is not bad.
que ens veig no sé quants episodis.
that I see not sure how many episodes.
Tots els programes que no teniu temps de veure
All the shows you don't have time to watch.
i a mi em passa també durant la temporada,
it happens to me too during the season,
veig un munt de coses que m'agradaria veure, que al final no veig.
I see a lot of things that I would like to see, but in the end, I don't see them.
O sigui que també és un gran moment per recuperar
So it is also a great time to recover.
aquest tipus de contingut.
this type of content.
I descanseu. Vinga, va, descanseu.
And you rest. Come on, go on, rest.
Moltes gràcies per escoltar gent de merda
Thank you very much for listening, you piece of shit people.
tota la temporada i ens retrobem al setembre.
the whole season and we meet again in September.
Gent de merda.
Shitty people.
Aquestes que sonen són la Rombo,
These that sound are the Rombo,
nosaltres som la Paula Carreras, la Rita Roig,
we are Paula Carreras, Rita Roig,
l'Ofèlia Carbonell i la Clàudia Rius,
Ofèlia Carbonell and Clàudia Rius,
i som gent de merda gràcies a la inestimable ajuda
and we are shit people thanks to the invaluable help
de l'André Ignat, el David Camilleri
from André Ignat, David Camilleri
i el Rob Roman, que fan que tot soni i es vegi bé,
and Rob Roman, who makes everything sound and look good,
la Carol Guinart, que ens ha fet aquest logo tan guai,
Carol Guinart, who made this really cool logo for us,
i el David Carabén, que ens ha posat les veus.
and David Carabén, who has provided the voices for us.
La temporada que ve més. Adéu, noies.
Next season more. Goodbye, girls.
La gent no sap anar pel món.
People don't know how to navigate the world.
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