Temp 2 - Capítol #2 - Cap a la Tercera República!

Espai Fil Roig

La Revolta

Temp 2 - Capítol #2 - Cap a la Tercera República!

La Revolta

Hola, soc el Ryan, i podríem usar un espai extra brillant en el nostre dia, no?

Hello, I'm Ryan, and we could use an extra bright space in our day, right?

Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff.

Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff.

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Des de la vestida, comença la revolta.

From the dressed, the revolt begins.

Amigues i amics, benvinguts a Chumba Casino.

Friends, welcome to Chumba Casino.

Benvinguts a un nou programa de la revolta. Un programa per Sant Boi, el Baix Llobregat i tot el rogeria popular.

Welcome to a new program of the revolt. A program for Sant Boi, the Baix Llobregat and all the popular rogeria.

Aquest segon programa, que veu la llum, el volem dedicar...

This second program, which sees the light, we want to dedicate...

Se m'acaba d'apagar el portàtil... Ara no.

My laptop just turned off... Not now.

El volem dedicar a la Segona República.

We want to dedicate it to the Second Republic.

Tot recordant la seva proclamació, un 14 d'abril de 1931.

Remembering its proclamation on April 14, 1931.

I és que per entendre aquest moment...

And it is that to understand this moment...

I ara els vaig a fotre una miqueta la torre a tots.

And now I'm going to mess with them a little bit.

Cal remuntar-se fins a la caiguda de la dictadura de Primoz Rivera.

We must go back to the fall of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera.

Un règim dictatorial que entre 1921 i 1930 va dividir molt el poble respecte a la classe governant.

A dictatorial regime that between 1921 and 1930 greatly divided the people regarding the ruling class.

En aquesta tesitura, Alfonso XIII va decidir que tornar al país a un sistema democràtic era el més correcte.

In this situation, Alfonso XIII decided that returning the country to a democratic system was the most correct thing to do.

I després d'alguns intents, l'almirai Juan Bautista Aznar es va fer càrrec d'un govern de concentració.

And after some attempts, the admiral Juan Bautista Aznar took charge of a concentration government.



El moment clau va arribar el 12 d'abril de 1931, amb la celebració d'unes eleccions municipals

The key moment came on April 12, 1931, with the celebration of municipal elections.

en què els partits republicans van aconseguir una aclaparadora victòria a les grans ciutats.

in which the republican parties achieved an overwhelming victory in the major cities.

En llocs on els escrutinis eren favorables a les esquerres, la gent en veia els carrers per celebrar-ho

In places where the votes were favorable to the left, people took to the streets to celebrate it.

i a molts ajuntaments es proclamava directament la república.

And in many municipalities, the republic was proclaimed directly.

Per això, Aznar va convocar un consell de ministres d'urgència.

For this reason, Aznar convened an emergency cabinet meeting.

El govern es va plantejar reprimir per la voluntat popular en un principi,

The government considered repressing the popular will at first,

sense èxit per falta de suport.

unsuccessful due to lack of support.

De veient aquesta situació, la nit del 14 d'abril, l'Alfonso XIII, en una decisió lògica va decidir sortir a l'exili a París.

Seeing this situation, on the night of April 14, Alfonso XIII, in a logical decision, decided to go into exile in Paris.

Després de conèixer la marxa al monarca, les diferents autoritats van començar a proclamar la segona república.

After learning about the monarch's departure, the various authorities began to proclaim the second republic.

La revolució des de baix havia triomfat, amb profundes reformes en l'ensenyança, un nou sistema agrari,

The revolution from below had triumphed, with profound reforms in education, a new agrarian system,

i la transformació laica del país, acabant amb els privilegis de l'església, els grans terratinents,

and the secular transformation of the country, ending the privileges of the church, the large landowners,

i les classes nobles.

and the noble classes.

La mobilització popular va portar a Espanya una nova època de progrés i modernitat,

The popular mobilization brought to Spain a new era of progress and modernity,

que només el feixisme va troncar vuit anys després.

that only fascism interrupted eight years later.

Deia Antonio Machado, en un dels seus versos, recordant aquell 14 d'abril,

Antonio Machado said, in one of his verses, recalling that April 14,

«Con las primeras hojas de los chopos y las últimas flores de los almendros llegaba, al fin, la segunda iglesia república española».

"With the first leaves of the poplars and the last flowers of the almond trees, the second Spanish Republic finally arrived."

Nosaltres, amb tota la força i determinació en un temps fosc que tenim ara,

We, with all the strength and determination in a dark time that we have now,

continuarem lluitant aquí, als carrers, perquè arribi la tercera.

We will continue fighting here, in the streets, for the third one to come.

Así que, ¡Visca la República!

So, Long Live the Republic!

Molt bé, Tolo, visca, visca.

Very good, Tolo, long live, long live.

Bueno, ja m'he d'aplaudir, vale.

Well, I have to applaud myself, okay.

Jo què sé.

I don't know.

Bueno, tampoco ha sido tanta turra.

Well, it hasn't been that much of a bother either.

Bien, está bien.

Good, it's fine.

Aznar no es nada de el Aznar, ¿no?

Aznar is nothing of the Aznar, right?

No, bueno, ni nada que ver.

No, well, nothing to do with it.

Probablemente sean dos primos y hermanos sus padres.

They are probably two cousins and siblings of their parents.

Es buen estirpe.

He is of good lineage.

Pues, companys, si voleu, ara començarem la tertulieta,

Well, friends, if you want, we'll start the little chat now.

però abans posarem la cortineta que sol venir ara i empezamos, ¿vale?

But first we'll put up the curtain that usually comes now, and we'll start, okay?

La Revolta, un programa per inconformistes.

The Revolt, a program for nonconformists.

Yo volía decir una cosa, abans, que estaba escuchando el himno de Riego,

I wanted to say one thing, earlier, when I was listening to the Riego anthem,

y es que a mí me suena el himno del Real Madrid de los años 2000,

and the fact is that the Real Madrid anthem from the 2000s sounds familiar to me,

del himno de Alan Madrid, y yo creo que si hay una tercera república el himno hay que cambiarlo.

of the anthem of Alan Madrid, and I believe that if there is a third republic, the anthem needs to be changed.

O sea, este ya no sirve.

So, this one is no longer useful.

Hay que poner algo de la batial o algo así más moderno.

We need to put something about the batial or something more modern.

De Carlos G.

From Carlos G.

Bueno, ahora que dices del Madrid,

Well, now that you mention Madrid,

no sé si sabéis que el presidente del Madrid durante la guerra civil,

I don't know if you know that the president of Madrid during the Civil War,

es que lo voy a exagerar todavía,

I'm going to exaggerate it even more.

bueno, va ser un militant comunista

Well, he was a communist militant.

y no aparece en la historia del club.

and does not appear in the club's history.

Va ser dos años presidente del Madrid

He was president of Madrid for two years.

y en la historia del club ni en el museo del Madrid

and in the history of the club nor in the Madrid museum

hi ha dos anys que no apareixen

They haven't appeared for two years.

i els anys que un camarada del PC

and the years that a comrade from the PC

que fue asesinado en el 39.

who was murdered in '39.

Sí, per això ara aquí a Catalunya tenim el Barça

Yes, that's why we have Barça here in Catalonia now.

que rebutja les medalles rebudes per Franco.

that rejects the medals received from Franco.

Bueno, a ver, era una anècdota.

Well, let's see, it was an anecdote.

No sé, está bien, ¿no?

I don't know, it's okay, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Us havia de presentar a tots vosaltres de nou.

I had to introduce all of you again.

Ara que te tenim ja de tertuliano,

Now that we have you as a panelist,

Xavi Alejandra, bona tarda.

Xavi Alejandra, good afternoon.

Bona tarda.

Good afternoon.

Com estem? Què has dinat?

How are we? What did you have for lunch?

Gràcies per arribar tard.

Thank you for arriving late.

Bueno, he fet el que he pogut.

Well, I’ve done what I could.

Què he dinat?

What did I have for lunch?



Viernes de canelones en Can Xavi.

Canelone Friday at Can Xavi.

Sí, sí, molt bé.

Yes, yes, very good.



Eric Romero, què tal?

Eric Romero, how are you?

Pues, muy bien, yo siempre estoy bien.

Well, very good, I am always fine.

Es una persona que nunca tiene problemas en la vida.

He is a person who never has problems in life.

Avui vas d'England?

Are you going to England today?

England, año qué?

England, what year?

Avui sóc amb Paul Gascoigne, una mica.

Today I am with Paul Gascoigne, a little.

Espero que amb menys droga.

I hope with less drugs.

Amb Paul Gascoigne.

With Paul Gascoigne.

I mira, Martín, què tal, com estàs?

And look, Martín, how are you?

Bueno, no es de mis mejores días,

Well, it's not one of my best days,

pero bueno, aquí he venido a...

but well, I've come here to...

Para eso está la revolta, para animar.

That's what the revolt is for, to encourage.

Para eso está la revolta.

That's what the revolt is for.

Hemos venido aquí a hacer un poquito de terapia colectiva.

We have come here to do a little bit of collective therapy.

Sí, necesito un poco de terapia, de psicoterapia.

Yes, I need a little therapy, psychotherapy.

Bueno, us volia presentar ara la tertulieta que fem

Well, I wanted to introduce you to the little discussion group we have now.

i una de les coses que vaig estar mirant van ser

And one of the things I was looking at was

els resultats de les eleccions municipals aquí a Sant Boi

the results of the municipal elections here in Sant Boi

d'aquell 1931.

from that 1931.

I, oh sorpresa, no van guanyar les opcions republicanes

I, oh surprise, the republican options did not win.

sinó que van guanyar els monarquis de la Lleida regionalista.

but the regionalist monarchists of Lleida won.

Des de fa 40 anys.

For 40 years now.

Bueno, que lo que sería...

Well, what would it be...

No ha cambiado mucho, ¿eh?

It hasn't changed much, has it?

Sí, claro, Sant Boi era un pueblo...

Yes, of course, Sant Boi was a town...

Era un pueblo muy agrícola en aquellos momentos

It was a very agricultural town at that time.

y bueno, va a guanyar la dreta.

And well, the right is going to win.

Casi Sant Boi era como, a lo mejor, si fuera, yo qué sé,

Almost Sant Boi was like, maybe, if it were, I don't know,

Berga, ¿no? O yo qué sé...

Berga, right? Or I don't know...

En Berga gobierna la CUP.

In Berga, the CUP governs.

Se n'han puesto el peor ejemplo.

They have set the worst example.

Mireu, perquè sapigueu una mica de què anava.

Look, so you know a little about what it was about.

Fins a Junts.

Until Together.

Es van presentar tres partits a la Giga regionalista,

Three parties were presented to the regionalist Giga,

que eren monàrquics,

that they were monarchists,

i van treure 875 vots.

They received 875 votes.

Després tenim Acció Catalana,

Then we have Catalan Action,

que era com una scissió de la Giga regionalista

it was like a schism of the regionalist Giga

i ja no eren... ja eren més republicans,

and they were no longer... they were more republicans,

però eren, digamos, el centre-esquerra.

but they were, let's say, the center-left.

Com si fossin els comuns.

As if they were the common people.



I després estava el casal d'esquerres,

And then there was the left-wing community center,

que eren rabassaires, i van treure 525 vots.

they were rabassaires, and they received 525 votes.

Si s'haguessin presentat Junts, haurien guanyat aquelles eleccions,

If they had presented themselves together, they would have won those elections.

i probablement el mateix dia 12

and probably the same day 12

ja haurien canviat la bandera monàrquica per la republicana.

they would have already changed the monarchical flag for the republican one.

Què va passar?

What happened?

Què vam ser dels darrers pobles

What became of us, the last villages?

en canviar la bandera monàrquica per la republicana?

Is it to change the monarchical flag for the republican one?

Mira, fixa't.

Look, pay attention.

Ara és un dels pobles que més republicanes té.

Now it is one of the towns with the most republicans.



Si heu passat per Sant Boi aquests dies

If you have been to Sant Boi these days

us haureu fixat que està tot ple de...

you will have noticed that it is all full of...

Ole tu a quien las haya colgado, eh?

Oh you, whoever has hung them, huh?

La verdad.

The truth.

Qué currazo y qué grandes republicanos tenemos en Sant Boi.

What hard work and what great republicans we have in Sant Boi.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I aquí hem de donar les gràcies

And here we have to give thanks.

als partits que han donat suport a tot això.

to the parties that have supported all of this.

Bueno, sí.

Well, yes.

Unos más que otros.

Some more than others.

Venga, va, sin tant.

Come on, enough with that.

Bueno, a todos los partidos.

Well, to all the matches.

A tots els que han donat suport, a Esquerra Republicana,

To all those who have supported Esquerra Republicana,

al PSC, als comuns i a Esquerra Unida, per suposat.

to the PSC, to the commons, and to United Left, of course.

Sobretot, sobretot.

Above all, above all.

I al PSUC viu.

And the PSUC lives.

I Podemos.

And Podemos.



I Podemos.

And Podemos.

El que us anava preguntant...

What I was asking you...

Vosaltres veieu...

You see...

Què és això?

What is this?

Què és un Podemos?

What is a Podemos?

Ah, sí. Podem.

Ah, yes. We can.


We can.

Oye, ¿cuántos más vives que va a tener la Lliga?

Hey, how many more lives will the League have?

La Lliga, 875.

The League, 875.

¿Habríamos ganado las elecciones de Esquerra Unida?

Would we have won the Esquerra Unida elections?

Con 1.400 votos.

With 1,400 votes.

Sí, claro, como allí absoluta.

Yes, of course, like there absolutely.

Fíjate, fíjate.

Look, look.

El que no s'esté...

What is not contained...

El que no s'esté és el cens de Sant Boi.

What is not expected is the census of Sant Boi.

A diferència d'altres pobles sí que s'esté el cens

Unlike other villages, the census is indeed being kept.

d'aquelles eleccions, de Sant Boi no s'esté el cens.

From those elections, the census of Sant Boi is not affected.

Perquè era un poble supercamparol en aquella època encara.

Because it was a very rural village at that time still.

Bueno, no sabem quant percentatge participa si ho vegui.

Well, we don't know what percentage participates if he sees it.

No, pero bueno, es que imagínate,

No, but well, just imagine,

ganar las elecciones por mayoría absoluta

win the elections by an absolute majority

y poder dar dinero a todas las elecciones que hay

and to be able to give money to all the elections that exist

para que te voten, o sea, sería la hostia.

So that they vote for you, I mean, it would be awesome.

Es que, wow.

It's just, wow.

Sí, sí, sí. Algo que no se hace.

Yes, yes, yes. Something that isn't done.

No, no.

No, no.

Aleshores, la pregunta es...

So, the question is...

¿Vosaltres veieu possible una tercera república?

Do you see a third republic as possible?

¿Por dónde empiezo? Para allá, Xavi.

Where do I start? Over there, Xavi.

Con el más repúblico o republicano.

With the most republican or republican.



Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

O sigui, mira, ahir parlàvem de...

I mean, look, we were talking about yesterday...

Vam fer l'acte cap a la tercera a l'espai Fil Roig

We held the event around three o'clock at the Fil Roig space.

i parlàvem d'aquesta qüestió i es parlava que a l'any 1921

And we were talking about this issue and it was mentioned that in the year 1921.

ningú hagués imaginat que 10 anys més tard

no one would have imagined that 10 years later

es proclamaria la segona república

the second republic would be proclaimed

amb aquest impacte i amb aquest suport popular.

with this impact and with this popular support.

Doncs no sabem com seran les coses.

Well, we don't know how things will be.

A nosaltres no ens toca preveure si es podrà fer o no una segona república.

It is not up to us to foresee whether a second republic will be possible or not.

O una tercera república.

Or a third republic.

El que ens toca i tenim l'obligació com a militants d'esquerra

What touches us and what we are obligated to as left-wing militants.

és treballar perquè arribi.

It's working to make it happen.

I ja veurem si arriba o no.

And we'll see if it arrives or not.

Però clar que és possible.

But of course it is possible.

Tot és possible i tot està per fer.

Everything is possible and everything is to be done.

Exacte, tot està per fer.

Exactly, everything is yet to be done.

Sí, sí, totalment.

Yes, yes, absolutely.

I que ens sembla...

And what does it seem to us...

A veure, la institucionalitat que n'hi havia a Primo de Rivera

Let's see, the institutionality that existed under Primo de Rivera.

no és la que n'hi ha ara.

it's not the one that there is now.

I per tant és molt més difícil.

And therefore it is much more difficult.

També tenim més llibertat per organitzar-nos.

We also have more freedom to organize ourselves.



A Madrid hi ha més llibertat.

In Madrid, there is more freedom.

A Madrid va guanyar la llibertat

In Madrid, freedom was won.

i s'ha impulsat el comunisme.

Communism has been promoted.

A Madrid pots prendre una canya, cosa que aquí no.

In Madrid, you can have a beer, which you can't do here.

Aquí està prohibida.

It is prohibited here.

Pots matar a vells a la residència.

You can kill old people at the residence.



Però canyes fins a les 12 en plena pandèmia.

But drinks until midnight during the pandemic.


Thank you.

Però sí, sí, jo crec que és possible.

But yes, yes, I believe it is possible.

El que passa és que cal ser valent.

What happens is that you have to be brave.

I hem d'exigir als nostres representants que ho siguin.

And we must demand that our representatives be so.

Però com votaré jo?

But how will I vote?

Com diré jo república obertament

How will I openly say republic?

si això em va a treure vots?

If this is going to cost me votes?

Com et va a treure vots?

How did you get votes?



No nosaltres, eh?

Not us, huh?

Hi ha gent que no és gaire amb aquest tema perquè diuen

There are people who are not very into this topic because they say

sí, sí, nosaltres som republicans, però no portes cap a dins.

Yes, yes, we are republicans, but don’t bring it inside.

Bueno, crec que el concepte...

Well, I think the concept...

El PSC, no?

The PSC, right?

Sí, podem votar a peixos de cobertura.

Yes, we can vote on coverage fish.

No, no.

No, no.

La república hauria de ser ben definida,

The republic should be well defined,

que és un dels problemes dels nostres polítics

that is one of the problems of our politicians

que no ens definen

that do not define us



el que significa la república.

what the republic means.

I és clar que sí,

And of course it is,

seria possible una tercera república.

Would a third republic be possible?

Si no, jo no estaria aquí.

If not, I wouldn't be here.

Tot allò que sigui imaginable

Everything that is imaginable

i pel que tu puguis lluitar, és possible.

And for what you can fight for, it is possible.



Crec que tens raó, la Miriam, amb això de la definició.

I believe you are right, Miriam, about the definition.

Perquè a vegades quan la gent ens pregunta

Because sometimes when people ask us

per nosaltres república no és només

for us, a republic is not only

un model d'estat, perquè

a model of state, because

realment tampoc hi ha molta diferència

there really isn't much difference either

en ser francès o espanyol.

in being French or Spanish.

Home, a veure...

Okay, let's see...

A veure...

Let's see...

És molt pitjor ser francès, evidentment.

It is much worse to be French, obviously.

Això ho tinc clar.

I have this clear.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Sí, sí, a veure,

Yes, yes, let's see,

tinc clar que he escollit mal exemple

I am clear that I have chosen a bad example.

perquè jo també tinc

because I also have

garrabieta als franceses.

garrabieta to the French.

Però em refereixo, com a ciutadà,

But I mean, as a citizen,

estem en un mateix

we are in the same one

eix imperialista

imperialist axis

en el qual és igual que tu puguis escollir

in which it is the same as you being able to choose

o no el cap de l'estat, sinó

or not the head of state, but

que els teus dictats els marca la Unió Europea,

that your dictates are marked by the European Union,

els marca l'OTAN,

NATO marks them.

els marca els Estats Units.

it marks them the United States.

Per a nosaltres república és una altra cosa.

For us, republic is something else.

Espanyol i francès, europeu.

Spanish and French, European.

Per a nosaltres república és sobirania.

For us, a republic is sovereignty.

I són drets socials

And they are social rights.

i són llibertats.

and they are freedoms.

Això és el que hem d'explicar.

This is what we have to explain.



Jo preguntaré a tu sobre el tema de la tercera república

I will ask you about the topic of the third republic.

perquè després ens vas explicar

because then you explained to us

com te l'has imaginado.

as you imagined it.

No, no, però a mi em pots preguntar si vols.

No, no, but you can ask me if you want.

No, ja, ja.

No, yes, yes.

A tu el que podria preguntar,

What I could ask you,

precisament perquè tu tens moltes coses a dir sobre això,

precisely because you have many things to say about this,

és que precisament a Sant Boi

it's just that precisely in Sant Boi

aquests partits que hem parlat abans

these matches we talked about earlier

han fet una sèrie d'actes

they have carried out a series of acts

en la novena setmana republicana.

in the ninth republican week.

I bé,

And well,

com a alma mater de todo este proyecto,

as the driving force behind this entire project,

que has estat un dels

that you have been one of the



de tot això,

of all this,

ens hauria que s'expliquessis una mica

It would be good if you could explain a little.

què s'està fent, què s'ha fet

what is being done, what has been done

i què es farà.

And what will be done?

Sí, sí, clar.

Yes, yes, of course.

No ho tinc tot al cap

I don't have it all figured out.

exactament, però jo

exactly, but I

sí que sé que us puc dir que

I do know that I can tell you that

de fet, quan veieu el programa

in fact, when you see the program

ja haurà passat

it will have already passed

i certament fer promoció

and certainly promote

no té gaire mèrit

it doesn't have much merit

ni gaire secret,

not much of a secret,

perquè, doncs,

why, then,

la idea és que avui

the idea is that today

avui és dia 12, avui és divendres

Today is the 12th, today is Friday.

i ahir a l'Espai Phil Roig

and yesterday at the Phil Roig Space

doncs es va fer

so it was done

es va fer un acte que era cap a la

an event was held that was around the

Tercera República on va parlar

Third Republic where it was spoken

l'Edu Navarro, que era el secretari del PSU,

Edu Navarro, who was the secretary of the PSU,

com va parlar el Xavi

how Xavi spoke

i bé, la festa

And well, the party.

grossa i la festa republicana

big and the republican festival

doncs comença demà, que es faran uns concerts

Well, it starts tomorrow, as some concerts will be held.

per la República, que es faran uns concerts

For the Republic, some concerts will be held.

a Cal Niño, on tocarà

At Cal Niño, when it will play

Laura, que és un grup de Puc Pong

Laura, what is a Puc Pong group?

de Puc Pong.

from Puc Pong.

Que és Puc Pong?

What is Puc Pong?

Puc Pong, és pop-punk, però...

Puc Pong, it's pop-punk, but...

Jo pensava que era de ping-pong

I thought it was table tennis.

Un funko, quasi

A funko, almost

Inventant nous estils

Inventing new styles

És una bàsquia musical que ve directament des de Corea del Nord

It is a musical basque that comes directly from North Korea.

que és com el K-pop

it's like K-pop

però en comunista

but in communist

Cortant cabells

Cutting hair

M'encantaria, tio

I would love to, dude.

És K-pop comunista, és un nou concepte

It's communist K-pop, it's a new concept.

que estan treballant

that are working

I totes les cançons van sobre Kim Jong-un

And all the songs are about Kim Jong-un.


I hi ha un concert

And there is a concert.

d'aixòs, eh, tio?

Of that, eh, dude?

El K-pop, no, però d'això sí

K-pop, no, but this yes.

El de ping-pong

The table tennis.

Què més tenim?

What else do we have?

També tenim un altre grup que es diu Palos de Ciego

We also have another group called Palos de Ciego.

que fan versions de rock, així

that make rock versions, like this

de tota la vida

of a lifetime

i doncs també tenim un grup que es diu

And so we also have a group called



perquè jo l'anglès no portem molt bé

because I don't do very well with English

que fan un tribut a Foo Fighters

that pay tribute to Foo Fighters

Sí, el Víctor Luna, que és un dels altres

Yes, Víctor Luna, who is one of the others.

que ha estat col·laborant amb tot aquest tema

who has been collaborating on this issue

va comentar que fins i tot

he commented that even

el seu compte d'Instagram

his/her Instagram account

han fet una espècie de petites pistes

they have made a sort of small tracks

d'on tocaran després

where they will play afterwards

i cada dia al seu Instagram van donant petites pistes

And every day on his Instagram, they give small hints.

fins que


no sé si serà avui o demà

I don't know if it will be today or tomorrow.

explicaran que estan al Cal Ninho

they will explain that they are at Cal Ninho

Molt bé

Very good

I després seguirem

And then we will continue.

això serà dissabte a Cal Ninho

this will be on Saturday at Cal Ninho

a partir de les 9 fins a les 11

from 9 to 11

10-11 de la nit

10-11 at night

i el dia següent

and the next day

tindrem un cercavila republicà

we will have a republican parade

que a les 11 i mitja

that at half past eleven

es farà una oferena floral

A floral offering will be made.

i a continuació

and then

a la plaça de l'Ajuntament

in the town hall square

començarà un cercavila

a parade will begin

amb els gegants de Sant Boi

with the giants of Sant Boi

ara no sabria dir exactament quin dels gegants

I wouldn’t be able to say exactly which of the giants.

perquè a vegades la memòria em falla

because sometimes my memory fails me



arribarà fins a la plaça de la República

it will arrive at the Republic Square

on es farà un vermut

Where will a vermouth be held?

patrocinat per Beer Boy

sponsored by Beer Boy

Els amics de Beer Boy

The friends of Beer Boy

que és una cervesa de Sant Boi artesanal

what is an artisanal beer from Sant Boi

Està molt bé

It's very good.

Nosaltres ja la captàvem

We already caught her.

Que bé

How good!

que si hem de fer promoció d'alguna cervesa

that if we have to promote some beer

almenys la farem d'una que sigui d'aquí a Sant Boi

at least we'll make it one that is from here to Sant Boi

A la Puríssima vam agafar

We took it to the Purest One.

un barril de Beer Boy

a barrel of Beer Boy

el que teníem a la paradeta

what we had at the stall

Bueno, no el teníem

Well, we didn't have it.



Bueno, no en teníem perquè

Well, we didn't have any because

no teníamos

we didn't have

Regalàvem cervesa

We were giving away beer.

i era per consum

it was for consumption

Consumo propio


Estos novedaditos son para mi

These little novelties are for me.

Així a grosso modo

So broadly speaking

és el més important que us puc dir

it is the most important thing I can tell you

de la Setmana Republicana

of the Republican Week

La idea és que això sigui

The idea is that this is

una llavor d'una lluita conjunta

a seed of a joint struggle

i a futur

and in the future

construir República

build Republic

i caminar cap a la República

and walk towards the Republic

És estrany veure també

It's strange to see too.

que aquests partits

that these parties

s'hagin posat d'acord

have come to an agreement

o sigui, ara des de l'experiència

that is, now from experience



faré una miqueta d'autocrítica

I will do a little self-criticism.

perquè hi ha vegades que treballar

because there are times when working

amb certs partits

with certain parties

jo que soc professor d'educació especial

I am a special education teacher.

i treballo amb alumnes

I work with students.

que tenen problemes de conducta

that have behavioral problems

i que hi ha bastants conflictes a l'aula

and that there are quite a few conflicts in the classroom

però després d'aquests conflictes

but after these conflicts

a l'aula arribar a aquelles reunions

in the classroom reaching those meetings

els conflictes a l'aula em semblen una cosa

conflicts in the classroom seem to me a thing

tranquil·líssima i de mar de portable

very calm and portable sea

o sigui, jo no canviaria mai

That is to say, I would never change.

l'educació per la política

education for politics

és molt clar

it is very clear

Quina comparació

What a comparison.

Però ha estat al final un aprenentatge per a tothom

But it has ultimately been a learning experience for everyone.


I hope

Per a uns més que per a d'altres

For some more than for others.

Aprenentatge escarmiento

Learning lesson

míralo como...

look at it like...

Ahí estaremos nosotros

There we will be.

cueste o no cueste

whether it costs or not

siempre estaremos haciendo República

we will always be making a Republic

Molt bé

Very good

L'última pregunta que us volia fer

The last question I wanted to ask you.

més perquè debatem una mica

more because we discuss a little

és tot el fet que

it's all about the fact that

està passant ara a sumar

is currently happening to add

amb el motiu de les eleccions

on the occasion of the elections



i han sortit

and they have come out

los puestos de salida

the starting positions

el número uno es de sumar

The number one is for adding.

número dos de comuns

number two of commoners

número tres compromís

number three commitment

i a Esquerra Unida

and to Esquerra Unida

i Izquierda Unida

and United Left

a Manu Peña s'ha arreglat al quart lloc

Manu Peña has finished in fourth place.

Yo esperaba que estaría el de Teruel Ex

I expected it to be the one from Teruel Ex.

A de huello

At the tail end.


Libertat d'expressió

Freedom of expression

Libertat de ondes

Freedom of waves

Fins que tanquin Fundació Mariana 1

Until Fundación Mariana 1 closes

No sé si sumar paga la Fundació Mariana 1

I don't know if adding pays the Mariana Foundation 1.

Estais seguros?

Are you sure?

Evidentemente Izquierda Unida

Evidently United Left

no va a ir en esas elecciones

he is not going to go in those elections

con sumar

with adding

Tu creus?

Do you believe?

Això ja s'ha decidit

This has already been decided.

Cada moment es donen un temps de reflexió

At each moment, they take time to reflect.

fins a finals d'abril

until the end of April

Izquierda Unida

United Left

amb aquestes hores

at this hour

que no sé si vosaltres

that I don't know if you all

heu pogut copsar

you have been able to grasp

l'estat de la militància

the state of militancy

estic segur que Izquierda Unida

I am sure that United Left

no pot anar

cannot go

en sumar

in sum

si ens estimem

if we love each other

el que fem

what we do

si ens valorem a nosaltres mateixos

if we value ourselves

no podem anar

we cannot go

i és que la militància està molt enfadada

And it's that the militants are very angry.

per tant no hi haurà

therefore there will not be

cor evidentment, bueno és que

of course, well it is that

això sí que hem rebutjat l'acord

this is what we have rejected the agreement

proposat per sumar

proposed to add

això està clar

this is clear

per tant ara no hi ha acord

therefore there is no agreement now

per anar junts a les eleccions

to go together to the elections

nosaltres ens hem donat temps

we have given ourselves time

fins a finals d'abril

until the end of April

que no és tant

that it is not so much

que són un parell de setmanes

that are a couple of weeks

per veure què és el que es fa

to see what is being done

i jo crec que també està bé plantejar-nos les coses

And I think it's also good to ask ourselves things.

i veure quins escenaris n'hi ha

and see what scenarios there are

i què hem de fer

And what should we do?

si podem en aquest temps trobar aliances

if we can find alliances in this time

o no

or no

i hem d'anar sols

and we have to go alone

però jo crec que no hi ha alternativa

but I believe there is no alternative

fora de sumar

out of sum

Miriam pide paraules

Miriam asks for words.

bueno es un subidón que nos podamos presentar solos

Well, it's a thrill that we can present ourselves alone.

la verdad

the truth

porque tener que votar a sumar

Why do we have to vote to add?

crees que nos vamos a presentar solos?

Do you think we are going to present ourselves alone?

crees que como habitualmente

do you think that usually


they do

siempre los de arriba

always those from above

unas horas antes nos diran

A few hours before they will tell us.

que no ha quedado más remedio que ir

that there was no other option but to go

unidos a sumar?

united to add?



bueno yo creo que no

Well, I don't think so.

y que no queme más a las bases

and don't burn me more to the foundations

no, no es que

no, it's not that

espero que ya tenga

I hope you already have it.

aceptar eso

accept that

es la estocada

it is the stab

a la militancia

to the militancy

la militancia en ese sentido

the militancy in that sense

tendríamos que hacer un replanteamiento

we should reassess

muy serio si es que esto se acepta

very serious if this is accepted

pero es que es la manera de hacer

but it is the way to do it

no solo de sumar sino de los comunes

not only adding but also of the commons

parece que los comunes hayan ido a Madrid y le han dicho

It seems that the comunes have gone to Madrid and told him.

vaya mitin se está pegando

what a rally he is giving

no puño

no fist

Xavi hoy no eras el invitado, hoy eras el tertuliano

Xavi, today you weren't the guest, today you were the commentator.

bueno nos tenemos que cortar por la manga

Well, we have to cut ourselves off at the sleeve.

he preguntado si a de huello

I asked if it has a trace.

o no

or not

la de huello pero no hacer un monólogo

the one of Huello but not to make a monologue

digo lo de los comunes o me callo

I say it about the commons or I'll keep quiet.



los comunes han ido a Madrid

the commons have gone to Madrid

y han implantado su manera de hacer

and they have implemented their way of doing

en sumar

in adding

y su manera de hacer es apisonadora

and their way of doing things is bulldozer-like

destruir todo lo que

destroy everything that

no sean ellos

let it not be them

y hacen lo mismo que han hecho en Cataluña

and they do the same as they have done in Catalonia

pues lo están haciendo en Madrid

Well, they are doing it in Madrid.

y el señor Vendrell pues está destruyendo

and Mr. Vendrell is destroying

los puentes que había con Izquierda Unida

the bridges that existed with United Left

que somos los que hemos construido sumar

we are the ones who have built sumar

también fuimos aquí los que construimos

we also went here the ones who built

Samboy en Kumu y nos pasó lo mismo

Samboy in Kumu and the same happened to us.

entonces pues nada

then well nothing

seamos valientes

let's be brave

acabas de cerrar tu puerta a la política

you just closed your door to politics

en Cataluña ya porque los comunes

In Catalonia, already because of the commons.

no te van a dar ni agua

they won't even give you water

yo la política me la he cerrado

I've closed myself off from politics.

me la he cerrado bastante

I have closed it quite a bit.

a ver que estamos en proceso de expulsión

Let's see, we are in the process of expulsion.

de los comunes

of the commons

¿cómo ha quedado esto?

How has this turned out?

para quien no lo sepa

for those who don't know

esto lo podemos hacer público

we can make this public

bueno estamos demandados

well we are being sued

estamos todos los

we are all the

bueno todos no

well not everyone

hubo alguno que salió antes de hoy

There was someone who left before today.

a mi no me busqué a ver

don't look for me to see

la gran mayoría de militants

the vast majority of militants

de Izquierda Unida

from United Left

están teniendo expulsión de los comunes

they are having expulsion of the commons

y ya hace tiempo

and it's been a while

que somos versos libres para decir

that we are free verses to say

lo que es los comunes

what is common

quien no lo sepa

whoever doesn't know it

pues lo podemos explicar

Well, we can explain it.

¿sabes cuando entras en el MS

Do you know when you enter the MS?

de la mierda que habías enviado?

of the shit you had sent?

¿mierda yo?

Shit me?



se nos está yendo de las manos

it's getting out of our hands

si, si

yes, yes



yo sí que lo único que trobo una mica greu

I do find it somewhat serious.

es que de esta coalición

it's that from this coalition

que es sumar

what is to add

al final si acabéssim

in the end if we finished



tots els vots

all the votes

si és que sortim

if we go out

acabem aconseguint el quart diputat

we finally achieve the fourth deputy

que aniria a The Left

that would go to The Left


MEP (Member of the European Parliament)

només aconseguiríem un per The Left

we would only achieve one for The Left

si aconseguíssim aquell quart

if we managed to get that fourth


MEP (Member of the European Parliament)

perquè si no l'aconseguim

because if we don't achieve it

tots aniran als verds

everyone will go to the greens

i el quart no anirà

and the fourth will not go

a European Left

a European Left

per tant


no anirà perquè no estarem nosaltres

he won't go because we won't be there

per si rellevants allà

just in case relevant there

millor lluitar-ho

better to fight it

si nosaltres

if we

no som liberals

we are not liberals

i no anirem amb els verds

and we will not go with the greens

ni a la volta a l'esquina en Europa

not even around the corner in Europe

el nostre partit anirà amb l'esquerra europea

Our party will go with the European left.

i amb la resta de partits comunistes

and with the rest of the communist parties

i és lo que hay

and that's how it is

entonces con los que blanquean a Israel

so with those who whitewash Israel

que vayan los comunes

let the commons go

que ya lo saben hacer

that they already know how to do it

y con los demás Madrid también

and with the others Madrid too



Molt bé nois

Very well, guys.

i aquí la tertulieta

and here the little discussion

perquè si no

because if not

una hora i mitja

an hour and a half

que serà una hora i quarta

that will be an hour and a quarter

para el Xavi

for Xavi

i una quarta hora para el resto

and a fourth hour for the rest

así que pararem aquí

so we will stop here

jo vaig votar en contra

I voted against.

i sigo votant en contra

I continue voting against.

tu votes en contra de todo

you vote against everything

de que participes

of what you participate

vale vale

okay okay

ara passarem a la secció de l'Eric

Now we will move on to Eric's section.

al qual

to which

ha fet una

he/she has made a

una petita història distòpica

a small dystopian story

que suposo que ens podrà

that I suppose can help us

comentar una mica

comment a little

i bé si el Jan que per se no l'he saludat

And well, if I haven't greeted Jan himself.

i el Pablo

and Pablo

bona tarda

good afternoon

ens vol passar la música

he wants to play us the music

de Blade Runner

of Blade Runner

se pot dir Blade Runner?

Can you say Blade Runner?

si no?

if not?

aquí mientras paguen

here while they pay

avui vinc del futur

today I come from the future

i no

and no

no vinc per portar-vos nèutrics

I'm not here to bring you nuts.

no sóc tan desgraciat

I'm not that unfortunate.

vinc per portar-vos la veu

I come to bring you the news.

de la tercera república

of the third republic

any 2035

any 2035 translates to "year 2035."

després de Crist

after Christ

és un moment clau

it's a keymoment

per tornar a instaurar la democràcia a Espanya

to restore democracy in Spain


the abdication

ahir a la nit

last night

del que era cap de l'estat fins ara

from what was the head of state until now

Felipe Juan Froilán de Marichalar

Felipe Juan Froilán de Marichalar

i Borbón

and Bourbon

més conegut com a Froilán

better known as Froilán

per la gent del poble

for the people of the village

i com a farlant

and as a boastful person

per les elits de l'estat

for the elites of the state

gràcies a les seves grans aspiracions

thanks to their great aspirations

no parlo només de poder

I am not only talking about power.

però bé recordem

but well, let's remember

que ens ha portat aquestes eleccions

that has brought us these elections

el 2031

the 2031

les forces d'ultradreta

the far-right forces

van fer abdicar a Felipe VI

they forced Felipe VI to abdicate

conegut com el flojo

known as the weak one

que havia permès

that had allowed

el que ells anomenaven

what they called

un govern anarcochevista

an anarcho-chevist government

liderat per Pedro Sánchez

led by Pedro Sánchez

del PE

from the PE

Partido Español

Spanish Party

que va renunciar

that resigned

a la S i a les O

to the S and to the O

i a la O

and to the O

en el nou congrés de suresnes del 2025

in the new congress of Suresnes in 2025

i també

and also

dins d'aquest govern estava

within this government was

Yolanda Díaz

Yolanda Díaz

del partit

of the party

Yolanda Díaz y la Chupipandi

Yolanda Díaz and the Chupipandi

que bé

how nice

aquest govern

this government

distava molt de ser anarcochevista

was far from being anarcho-communist

amb una socialdemocràcia

with a social democracy

molt edulcorada

very sweetened

semblava el govern de Joe Biden

it seemed like the government of Joe Biden

l'abdicació de Felipe el flojo

the abdication of Felipe the Weak

va esdevenir

it became

en la coronació

in the coronation

del següent home de la cadena de successió

of the next man in the line of succession

perquè pels partits

because for the matches

que governaven

that governed

consideraven que

they considered that

esto de que una mujer gobierne

this notion of a woman governing

a ver si un dia va a tener la regla

let's see if one day she gets her period

i ben va dir Francia

And France said it well.



el rei del pétalos

the king of petals

era ara també

it was now too

el rei d'Espanya

the king of Spain

la primera mesura

the first measure

del rei Froilán

of King Froilán

Froilán no, pobrecito

Froilán no, poor thing.

del rei Froilán

of King Froilán

va ser

it was

la dissolució de les Corts

the dissolution of the Cortes

i Espanya va convertir-se

and Spain became

en la primera monarquia

in the first monarchy

absolutíssimament cunyada

absolutely sister-in-law

per aclamació popular

by popular acclaim

el concepte de la política

the concept of politics

al final no sirve para nada

in the end it is useless

solo para que algunos chupen del bote

just so some can benefit from the pot

y luego no trabajen

and then they don't work

el propi Froilán va designar

Froilán himself designated

alguns dels seus escollits

some of his chosen ones

per dur a terme atesques fonamentals

to carry out fundamental tasks

totes les polítiques feministes

all feminist policies

i de defensa contra la violència masclista

and of defense against gender violence

van passar a mans del nou ministro

they were handed over to the new minister

de Deporte y la Mujer

of Sport and Women

Luis Rubiales

Luis Rubiales

que Froilán va destacar

that Froilán stood out

com un gran orador

as a great speaker

de Europa

from Europe

el Ministerio de Orden Publico

the Ministry of Public Order

estava a càrrec

was in charge

de Dani de Socupa

by Dani from Socupa

un antic candidat de Vox

a former candidate of Vox

que anteriorment es dedicava

that was previously dedicated to

a l'especulació mobiliària

to property speculation

i l'extorsió a través

and extortion through

de desnonaments il·legals i violents

of illegal and violent evictions

com també feien els Mossos

as the Mossos also did

i l'Artshaina i la Policia Nacional

and the Artshaina and the National Police

en aquella època

at that time

però després es van dissoldre

but then they dissolved

i es van integrar

and they integrated

dins de los nuevos cuerpos de orden publico

within the new public order bodies

ni es destrueixen

nor are they destroyed

només es transformen

they only transform

llavors també

then also

Sílvia Oriols va ser alliberada

Sílvia Oriols was released.

del gulag als Pirineus

from the gulag to the Pyrenees

que havia instaurat la república soviètica catalana

that had established the Catalan Soviet Republic

i va ser intercanviada

and was exchanged

per Ernest Hurtasun

by Ernest Hurtasun



un perillós anarcochevista

a dangerous anarcho-chavista

pel nou govern

for the new government

però que també era buscat

but was also sought after

pel soviet supremcatalà

for the Catalan supreme soviet

per alta traïció

for high treason

per tant, va dir que la investissin

therefore, he said that they should invest in it

el nou Ministre de Cultura

the new Minister of Culture

l'extorero i conseller de Cultura

the former deputy and advisor of Culture

al País Valencià, Vicente Barrera

in the Valencian Community, Vicente Barrera

va entendre malament el missatge

he misunderstood the message

i la va embastir amb tanta força

and she thrust it with such force

que la Sílvia va caure

that Sílvia fell

després d'un tac cerebral

after a brain stroke

van descobrir que no tenia servei

they discovered that it had no service

però bé, això tampoc va evitar

but well, this also did not prevent

que fos Ministre de Fronteres

that he was Minister of Borders

aquest nou govern

this new government

de repressió i incultura

of repression and lack of culture

va portar a l'estat espanyol

brought to the Spanish state

unes propietaris enormes d'analfabetisme

some huge owners of illiteracy

que van ser aprofitats

that were exploited

pels Youtubers i Twitchers del moment

for the Youtubers and Twitchers of the moment

perquè el Xoques

because of Xoques

tenia una licitació per encarregar-se

I had a bid to handle.

a tots els menjadors escolars

to all the school cafeterias

amb la seva cadena alimentària

with its food chain

que era guardar brossa a la nevera

that it was storing trash in the fridge

i Jordi Wilde

and Jordi Wilde

també tenia un late night

I also had a late night.

on acusava a Pablo Motos

he accused Pablo Motos

de ser massa feminista

of being too feminist

la repressió

the repression

va provocar les famoses

it caused the famous ones

revoltes de l'octubre del 34

October 1934 uprisings

a totes les vies d'accés al país

to all access routes to the country

davant d'aquesta crisi

in the face of this crisis

Froilán va cessar a Feijó

Froilán dismissed Feijó.

i a Marcial Dourado

and to Marcial Dourado

els encarregats dels ports

the port authorities

i els comerç internacional

and international trade

es va reunir llavors

he/she/it then met

amb el seu company infatigable

with his tireless companion

i el Ministre d'Agricultura i Vins i Alterne

and the Minister of Agriculture and Wines and Alternates

Joan Laporta

Joan Laporta

a les 8 del matí

at 8 in the morning

del dia següent

of the next day

van sortir de l'after

they left the after party

i sense haver pres cap decisió

and without having made any decision

de les dues coses

of the two things

Froilán, borratxo

Froilán, drunkard

i sense poder pronunciar gaire bé

and without being able to pronounce very well

no sabem si en honor al seu avi

we don't know if in honor of his grandfather

o a causa de l'excés de substàncies

or because of the excess of substances

va aparèixer al programa de Jordi Wilde

he appeared on Jordi Wilde's show.

anunciant unes noves eleccions

announcing new elections

i aquí

and here

acaba tota la informació

It finishes all the information.

que us puc donar

What can I give you?

no sabem si la Chupi Pandi

we don't know if Chupi Pandi

arribarà al govern

he will arrive at the government

però sí

but yes

això és el futur

this is the future

que ens ve

that comes to us

no era ciència-ficció

it wasn't science fiction

això és el que m'han dit

this is what they've told me

i en d'on estem nosaltres?

And where are we?

en la Chupi Pandi o

in the Chupi Pandi or

a dos o tres metres sota terra

two or three meters underground

espero que estiguem gestionant el Gulag

I hope we are managing the Gulag.

no puc donar-me dades

I can't give you data.

perquè si no puc

because if I can't

caltarà l'espai-tempo

it will heat the space-time

d'acord, d'acord

okay, okay

que por, eh?

What fear, huh?



nosaltres estarem sota terra

we will be underground



no nos intercambiaran

they will not exchange us

no valemos tanto

we are not worth that much

ara volia fer una pregunta

now I wanted to ask a question

que m'ha vingut al cap

that has come to my mind

imagineu-vos que vosaltres

imagine that you

em presento a aquestes eleccions

I am running for these elections.

i porto una proposta estrella

I have a star proposal.

quina proposta estrella

what a star proposal

portaríeu a les eleccions?

Would you bring to the elections?

va, d'esta me voten sí o sí?

Come on, will they vote for me yes or yes?

la més populista

the most populist

la més populista que se't pugui acudir

the most populist that you can think of

no sé

I don't know.

però a aquestes eleccions europees?

but at these European elections?

no, no, no

no, no, no

a les del plebiscit del 1935

to the plebiscite of 1935



vivienda pública para todo el mundo

public housing for everyone

casa para todos

house for everyone



un gelat per a tots els nens

an ice cream for all the children

comprometida a la república catalana

committed to the Catalan republic

muy cercana a los comunes

very close to the commons

se te ve el plumero

Your true colors are showing.

una idea

an idea

un globo

a balloon

un globo?

a balloon?

no sé

I don't know.

es que entre vivienda pública

it's just that among public housing

una birra para todos

a beer for everyone

y a un partit a Austria

and a match in Austria

que si ahora no me equivoco

that if I am not mistaken now

es el partido de la cerveza

it's the beer match

esto no salió en el otro podcast

this didn't come up in the other podcast

es que

it's that

no sé

I don't know.

yo no sé

I don't know.

pues nois, escolteu

Well, guys, listen up.

anem una mica pilladets de temps

We're a little pressed for time.

pasarem a la següent secció

we will move on to the next section

que és la de la Míriam

what is Míriam's one

la revolta

the revolt

un podcast sense fronteres

a podcast without borders

Míriam, que ens portes avui?

Miriam, what do you bring us today?

bueno, hoy emitimos un podcast

Well, today we are releasing a podcast.

algo especial, no tendremos...

something special, we won't have...

nuestra famosa entrevista en discreta

our famous interview in discreet

ya que no tenemos invitado

since we don't have a guest

pero a pesar de no tener invitado

but despite not having a guest

nos vais a librar del test

you are going to free us from the test

triple M

triple M

y vais a ser vosotros tres

and it will be the three of you

los protagonistas del test

the protagonists of the test

os mediréis

you will measure yourselves

en quién tiene mayores conocimientos

in whom has greater knowledge



un poquito más singulares

a little more unique

y como no puede ser con motivo de la celebración

and as it cannot be for the reason of the celebration

del aniversario

of the anniversary

durante esta semana de la república

during this week of the republic

pues voy a empezar con alguna relación

Well, I'm going to start with some relationship.

relacionada con nuestro régimen político

related to our political regime



¿estáis preparados?

Are you ready?

venga, adelante

come on, go ahead

pregunta número uno

question number one

¿por qué motivo la tercera franja

Why the third stripe?

de la bandera republicana

of the republican flag

es de color morada?

Is it purple?

a ver Xavi, no empecemos

Let's see Xavi, let's not start.

el niño que siempre levantaba primero la mano

the boy who always raised his hand first

el que primero levanta la mano

the one who raises their hand first

yo me la sé, yo me la sé

I know it, I know it.

es el que decía

it's what he said

pero profe, hoy no has puesto deberes

But teacher, today you didn't give homework.

eso es el profe

that is the teacher

que veía al niño haciendo así

that I saw the boy doing this

iba diciendo, nadie más, nadie más

I was saying, nobody else, nobody else.

yo era la mierda

I was the shit.

no sabía cómo era

I didn't know what it was like.

todavía no he dado

I haven't given yet.

no sabía que había opciones

I didn't know there were options.

la semana pasada

last week

en el programa anterior

in the previous program

te hice el test triple M

I gave you the triple M test.

A, B y C

A, B and C

una solo es la correcta

only one is correct

se optó

it was opted

por este color

for this color

como reivindicación del papel fresco

as a claim of the fresh role





el color morado se estableció

the purple color was established

para asociarlo con el liberalismo español

to associate it with Spanish liberalism



en honor a los comuneros

in honor of the commoners

del siglo XVI

from the 16th century

venga, vamos allá

Come on, let's go!

Xavi tú el último

Xavi, you the last.



yo me gustaría que fuera en honor a los comuneros

I would like it to be in honor of the comuneros.

porque siempre Castilla

because always Castile


community member

la C

the C

yo para dar la contraria

me to go against the grain

la B

the B

Tolo, tú te has mirado

Tolo, have you looked at yourself?

no, yo solo tengo las preguntas

No, I only have the questions.

que no las respuestas

that the answers don't

es verdad que no pasan las respuestas

Is it true that the answers are not passed?

he de decir que aquí el punto

I have to say that here the point

se lo lleva el señor Tolo

Mr. Tolo is taking it.

el niño que levantaba la mano

the boy who raised his hand

no lo ha adivinado

he hasn't guessed it



existe esta creencia

this belief exists

de que es en honor a la revolución

that it is in honor of the revolution

de los comuneros del siglo XVI

of the commoners of the 16th century

pero no es así

but it is not like that

se estableció para asociarlo con el liberalismo

it was established to associate it with liberalism



vamos a mantener la épica

let's keep the epicness

y diremos que es por los comuneros

And we will say that it is for the commoners.

la correcta

the correct one

la correcta es la B

the correct one is B

al final mejor un comunero que un liberal

in the end, better a commoner than a liberal

one point Tolo

one point Tolo



segunda pregunta

second question

¿cuántos presidentes

How many presidents

conoció la segunda república española?

Did you experience the Second Spanish Republic?





B 7

B 7



Xavi, ahora tú

Xavi, now it's your turn.

levanta la mano

raise your hand

pero que clase de republicano

but what kind of republican

pero eso es teoría trivial

but that's trivial theory

8, 7, 9

8, 7, 9

no, 8, 7, 3

no, 8, 7, 3

ah, no

ah, no

8, 7 o 9

8, 7 or 9

yo diría 8

I would say 8.





yo ahora estoy haciendo el recompte

I am now doing the counting.

y me han surtido 9

and I have gotten 9 out.

he mirado

I have looked.

así de a cap

just like that

he mirado así de rojillo

I have looked a bit reddish.

a ver

let's see









enlúmeramelo, Eric

Number it for me, Eric.



por favor deprimido

please depressed

Felipe González

Felipe González

Felipe González ya estaba en la república

Felipe González was already in the republic.

si era tarantic

if it was tarantic

En la seda. Yo digo 7.

In the silk. I say 7.

Y la respuesta correcta es

And the correct answer is

Eric, la C, 9

Eric, the C, 9

Wow, queda rezagado

Wow, it's left behind.



Oye, 9 presidentes en 8 años

Hey, 9 presidents in 8 years.

Ahora cambiaré de tema totalmente

Now I will completely change the subject.

Pero he visto que

But I have seen that

En la liga de Arabia Saudí

In the Saudi Arabian league.

Un jugador

A player

No sé qué ha hecho

I don't know what he/she has done.

Pero que a un de los presidentes del club

But to one of the club's presidents

Le ha hecho un latigazo

He has given him a whip.

Pero no era un presidente del club, era una aficionada

But it wasn't a club president, it was a fan.

Era una aficionada

She was an amateur.

Pero no sé qué tiene que ver ahora con esto

But I don't know what this has to do with anything now.

No, es que

No, it's just that

Le ha venido

It has come to him/her.

Por lo de Aznar

About Aznar.

Tercera pregunta, Miriam

Third question, Miriam.

Aznar, si pudieras

Aznar, if you could.

Por favor, no me quites más minutos

Please, don't take any more minutes away from me.

Es porque has dicho COE

It's because you said COE.

Y la COE es lo que proponía para el nuevo convenio laboral

And the COE is what was proposed for the new labor agreement.



Tercera pregunta

Third question

A ver, republicanos

Let's see, republicans.


Which one?

Ay, las fobias que me encantan

Oh, the phobias that I love.



¿Cuál de estas fobias es la correcta?

Which of these phobias is correct?



Miedo a recibir buenas noticias

Fear of receiving good news.

La de la Unión Europea

The one of the European Union.

Esa es la que tiene

That is the one she has.

La de la Unión Europea

The one of the European Union.



Miedo a un régimen político republicano

Fear of a republican political regime

Red y fobia

Network and phobia

Miedo insuperable al color rojo

Insurmountable fear of the color red.

Hostia, la del medio la puedes volver a decir

Wow, can you say the one in the middle again?

La del medio

The one in the middle



Miedo a un régimen político republicano

Fear of a republican political regime

La primera?

The first one?

La primera, EU-fobia

The first, EU-phobia.

Miedo a recibir buenas noticias

Fear of receiving good news.

Hostia, esta es mucho más difícil, eh

Wow, this one is much harder, huh?

Yo digo Tricofobia

I say Trichophobia.

La B

The B



No, pero Tricofobia es tricotomanía, que es que te comes el pelo

No, but trichophobia is trichotillomania, which is when you pull out your hair.

No es esa, estás...

It's not that, you are...

Yo diría que es la A

I would say that it's A.

Yo también apuesto por la A, eufobia

I also bet on A, euphobia.





Pero yo creo que...

But I believe that...

Pero más o menos, yo creo que la A es la A

But more or less, I think that A is A.

Pero bueno, ¿qué era miedo en la Unión Europea?

But well, what was fear in the European Union?

Miedo a recibir buenas noticias.

Fear of receiving good news.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Voy a decir reivifobia.

I am going to say reivifobia.



A ver, qué jaleo ya, eh.

Let's see, what a mess already, huh.

Vamos mal de tiempo.

We're short on time.



La A. Venga, doble empate.

A. Come on, double tie.

Xavi i Eric.

Xavi and Eric.

Va ganando Eric.

Eric is winning.

No, entonces va ganando Eric con dos.

No, then Eric is winning by two.

Xavi con uno, Tolo con uno.

Xavi with one, Tolo with one.

¿Hay una más?

Is there one more?

Sí, hay una más.

Yes, there is one more.

Y espérate porque ahora tengo un problema.

And wait because now I have a problem.

Yo las tengo, ¿eh?

I have them, okay?

¿Si no las tienes?

What if you don't have them?

Sí, por favor.

Yes, please.

¿Quieres que la cante yo?

Do you want me to sing it?



¿Cuál de las siguientes noticias es correcta?

Which of the following news items is correct?

A. Joaquín Sabina sacará un single llamado No soporto el bro.

A. Joaquín Sabina will release a single called I Can't Stand the Dude.



¿El bro o el bro?

The bro or the bro?

El bro.

The bud.

Es que tuvo mucho éxito No soporto el rap, entonces ahora se ha planteado.

It was very successful. I can't stand rap, so now he has reconsidered.

El bro, el bro.

The bro, the bro.

La B es.

The B is.

Un hombre demandará a sus padres por haberle tenido sin su consentimiento.

A man will sue his parents for having had him without his consent.

Y la C es.

And the C is.

Se filtra la noticia de un posible encuentro de Puigdemont y Sánchez en territorio español.

The news of a possible meeting between Puigdemont and Sánchez in Spanish territory has been leaked.

La del padre.

The one about the father.

Yo también digo la del padre.

I also say the one about the father.

La B.

The B.

Yo, a no ser que...

I, unless...

Claro, yo sí.

Of course, I do.

Si a que si man va a ir Waterloo, pues diría, pues, bien, es la C, pero...

If yes, if it goes to Waterloo, then I would say, well, it's C, but...

La C va.

The C goes.

Bueno, pues venga, triple empate, muy bien, que inteligentes.

Well, let's go for it, triple tie, very good, how smart.

Qué inteligentes.

How clever.

Un hombre va...

A man goes...

Un hombre va a demandar a sus padres por haberle tenido sin su consentimiento.

A man is going to sue his parents for having had him without his consent.

¿Dónde vamos a llegar?

Where are we going to end up?

Te juro que pensaba que era tan obvia, que era la correcta, que pensaba que la buena iba

I swear I thought it was so obvious, that it was the right one, that I thought the good one was going.

a ser la de Joaquín Sabina.

to be that of Joaquín Sabina.

Pues te juro que no.

Well, I swear to you I don't.

Mira que yo, que sé.

Look at me, I know.

Todos me van a decir lo de Joaquín Sabina, porque después del éxito de No soporto el bro...

Everyone is going to tell me about Joaquín Sabina, because after the success of I can't stand the bro...

Yo creo que le falta el siguiente, es No soporto a los catalanes.

I think the next one is missing, it’s I can't stand Catalans.

No soporto a los catalanes.

I can't stand the Catalans.

Bueno, va, chicos, pues, noticias random y, como no, las vamos a dedicar a la República.

Well, come on, guys, so random news and, of course, we're going to dedicate it to the Republic.

Ya en la Segunda República...

Already in the Second Republic...

En la Segunda República se puso límites horarios a la jornada laboral.

During the Second Republic, working hours were limited.

También se estableció un salario mínimo.

A minimum wage was also established.

Las mujeres lograron el derecho a voto, casarse y poder divorciarse, además de poder acceder

Women achieved the right to vote, to marry and to divorce, as well as to have access.

en igualdad de condiciones a estudios superiores.

on equal terms for higher education.

Finalizar simplemente dándoles gracias a todos y, como no, a por la tercera.

To finish, I would simply like to thank everyone and, of course, here's to the third one.



Muy bien.

Very well.

A por la tercera, claro.

Let's go for the third one, of course.

Ahí hay que llegar.

That is where we need to get to.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Després de la secció de la Míriam, ara passarem a la secció del Xavi, que ens ha demanat

After Miriam's section, we will now move on to Xavi's section, which he has requested.

una sèrie de coses pel seu moment i una d'elles era l'entradilla, perquè ha tingut un nombre

a series of things for its time and one of them was the intro, because it had a number

molt original, intuïcció, que s'anomena...

very original, intuition, which is called...

Ho haveu vist.

Have you seen it?

Uau, que original, Xavi!

Wow, how original, Xavi!

Espera, espera, espera.

Wait, wait, wait.

Ho heu vist?

Have you seen it?



Gràcies per l'originalitat, Xavi.

Thank you for the originality, Xavi.

Espera, tu pots tornar a posar...

Wait, you can put it back...

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Ho heu vist?

Have you seen it?

Ai, ai, ai.

Oh, oh, oh.

Gràcies, Xavi.

Thank you, Xavi.

A veure, la veritat...

Let's see, the truth...



La veritat és que no ho sabia què fer, perquè tenia com moltes opcions i les accions que

The truth is that I didn't know what to do, because I had many options and the actions that...

vosaltres fèieu ja eren com molt potents i llavors és que estava com en plan, què hago?

you were already very powerful and then I was like, what do I do?

Entonces recibí el Vibre a Sant Boi i dije, creo que estaría bastante bien que nos

Then I received the Vibre in Sant Boi and said, I think it would be quite good for us to...

dos habláramos del Vibre a Sant Boi.

let's talk about the Vibre in Sant Boi.

Ya es una cosa que solemos hacer como en camaradería, porque igual que quien lee la vanguardia,

It is something that we usually do in camaraderie, because just like those who read the vanguard,

pues el del Vibre a Sant Boi, si quieres información independiente es lo que tienes que leer.

Well, the one from Vibre in Sant Boi, if you want independent information, that's what you have to read.

Es una muy buena fuente de información y en este Vibre a Sant Boi...

It is a very good source of information and in this Vibre a Sant Boi...

Yo os animo...

I encourage you...

Xavi, dios, que me va a dar algo.

Xavi, God, I'm going to have a fit.

Yo os animo a que lo leáis.

I encourage you to read it.

Yo no sé si...

I don't know if...

Yo no sé si lo habéis leído.

I don't know if you have read it.

No, no me da el placer.

No, it doesn't give me pleasure.

Pero cogerlo, el Vibre a Sant Boi es un periódico de la ciudad que tiene 23 páginas y ya anuncio

But take it, the Vibre in Sant Boi is a city newspaper that has 23 pages and already announces.

que tiene 22 fotos de la juiza.

that has 22 photos of the judge.

En 23 páginas, 22 fotos de la líder suprema.

In 23 pages, 22 photos of the supreme leader.

Entonces, no es para nada un panfleto, porque un panfleto tendría 23.

So, it is not a pamphlet at all, because a pamphlet would have 23.

Tendría una y cada...

I would have one and each...

Una y cada página es otra cosa, ¿no?

Each page is something else, isn't it?

Entonces, bueno, pues hay información relevante de la ciudad,

So, well, there is relevant information about the city,

pero sobre todo hay el Instagram de la juiza copiado para que puedas ver dónde estaba...

but above all there is the judge's Instagram copied so you can see where she was...

Los highlights de la juiza, ¿no?

The highlights of the judge, right?

Exacto, los highlights que son de todos los sitios que he visitado.

Exactly, the highlights are from all the places I have visited.

A ver, es una alcaldesa muy cercana.

Let's see, she is a very approachable mayor.

Sí, pero a mí me fa patir la juiza.

Yes, but it worries me about the judge.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Porque, claro, ahora están todos los actos que se hacen a Sant Boi,

Because, of course, now all the events that take place in Sant Boi are happening,

pero si algún día arriba a ser presidenta de la Generalitat,

but if one day she becomes president of the Generalitat,

¿podrán estar todos los actos que se hacen a Cataluña cada día?

Will all the events that take place in Catalonia every day be able to be included?

Creo que, con una impresora 3D, harán otras.

I think that, with a 3D printer, they will make others.

Y ahí las pondrán allí, pues, recibiendo a los ministros.

And they will put them there, then, receiving the ministers.

Hostia, claro, pero imagínate que crean un clon mal, un clon maligna,

Holy shit, of course, but imagine if they create an evil clone, a malignant clone.

que vol com governar, y ya como una guerra de clones de juiza,

that wants to govern like a war of clone judges,

y eso podría ser, bueno, donar por un argumento de peli distópica también.

And that could be, well, taken as an argument for a dystopian movie as well.

Si hubiera un clon maligno, acabaría el clon.

If there were an evil clone, I would end the clone.



Entonces, no nos preocupemos.

So, let's not worry.

Sí, a ver, la juiza es una persona muy cercana.

Yes, let's see, the judge is a very approachable person.

Lo que pasa es que se podría cortar un poco, porque está muy bien, ¿no?,

What happens is that it could be cut a little, because it's very good, isn't it?

que la juiza va a muchos sitios y ve, pues, a muchas entidades,

that the judge goes to many places and sees, well, many entities,

pues, muchas procesiones, todo aquí con la hermandad y todo el rollo.

Well, many processions, everything here with the brotherhood and all that stuff.

Que esto, pues, es una cosa que...

That this, then, is something that...

Con el bros, sí.

With the bros, yes.

Con el bros.

With the bros.

Con el...

With the...



Con el bros.

With the bros.

Entonces, esto es una cosa que nosotros hemos dicho muchas veces.

So, this is something we have said many times.

Cuando estuvimos en ayuntamiento, lo decíamos cada Semana Santa y cada Navidades,

When we were in the town hall, we said it every Easter and every Christmas,

en plan que somos un municipio laico, pero, bueno, eso al gobierno ya será resbalado siempre y continuar.

it's like we are a secular municipality, but, well, that will always slide by the government and continue.

Hostia, em fa gràcia que posi Ciutat Viva, siguent del PSOE,

Damn, I find it funny that it says Ciutat Viva, being from the PSOE.

perquè en comptes de Ciutat Viva podríem posar Cal, però me parece muy bien.

because instead of Ciutat Viva we could put Cal, but I think it's very good.

Sí, a ver, no aparecería, entonces.

Yes, let's see, it wouldn't appear then.

No, pero

No, but

señor X sí. Yo os lo recomiendo

Mr. X yes. I recommend it to you.

si queréis saber dónde está Yuisa

if you want to know where Yuisa is

pues que miréis el libro de Sam Boy

Well, look at Sam Boy's book.

y veis el recorrido que ha tenido

and you see the journey it has taken



Estaba muy bien

It was very good.

¿En serio? ¿Pero cuántas fotos hay ahí?

Really? But how many photos are there?



¿22 fotos?

22 photos?

Y de verdad que creo que hay más, pero hay algunas

And truly, I believe there are more, but there are some.

en las que no he sabido si era Yuisa o una señora

in which I didn't know if it was Yuisa or a lady

random que estaba en la

random that was in the

no sé, en la cursa de Sam Boy

I don't know, in the Sam Boy race.

Supongo que es ella

I suppose it's her.

porque no se la harían a la ciudadanía

because they wouldn't do it to the citizens

Entonces, creo que es ella

So, I think it's her.

pero no, aquí

but no, here

No, tranquilo

No, take it easy.

Ya vienen a buscarte

They're coming to get you.



Es que creía

I thought so.

Yuisa, es broma, me encanta el libro

Yuisa, it's a joke, I love the book.

Queríamos que estaban

We wanted them to be.

entrando en

entering into

Es broma, el libro nos encanta

It's a joke, we love the book.

Y eso, y todo bien

And that, and everything is fine.

Pero eso es un riquete

But that's a little cutie.

el viure a Sam Boy

living in Sam Boy

No, ni en altres coses

No, nor in other things.

Hi ha informació de qualitat

There is quality information.

de coses que passen a la ciutat

of things that happen in the city

però sempre

but always

en les que ha intervingut l'Ajuntament

in which the City Council has intervened

Aquí és el periòdico

Here is the newspaper.

de l'Ajuntament

from the Town Hall

però al final de tot el viure

but at the end of all living

té com una part que també és

has as a part that is also

de genialitat

of genius

Us la recomano que us la miris

I recommend you watch it.

perquè són les opinions

because they are opinions

de la gent de l'Ajuntament

from the people of the City Council

Jo recordo que, quan estàvem,

I remember that, when we were,

ens curràvem molt això

we worked very hard on this

perquè era com en plan

because it was like in a way

A veure, hem de dir a la ciutadania

Let's see, we have to tell the citizens.

el que hem fet l'últim mes

what we have done last month

Qui no té res a dir del que ha fet

Who has nothing to say about what they have done

doncs diu gilipolletes

so he/she says silly things

Llavors, aquí tenim

Then, here we have

Amb què ens premia Vox aquest mes?

What does Vox reward us with this month?

Bé, s'han posat d'acord, Pepe i Vox

Well, Pepe and Vox have come to an agreement.

i parlen de cotxes

and they talk about cars

A la dreta és com en plan

On the right is like on plan.

que els encanta parlar de cotxes

that they love to talk about cars

perquè n'hi ha molts

because there are many of them

o perquè no saben on posar-los

or because they don't know where to put them

Una se queja de les obres

One complains about the construction work.

i de que no hi ha

and that there is not

aparcament suficient

sufficient parking

i que com anem a comprar

And how are we going to buy?

si no podem aparcar

if we can't park

i llavors

and then

La vida te lleva

Life takes you.

a los centros comerciales

to the shopping malls

Perquè el Park and Ride de Casablanca

Because the Park and Ride of Casablanca

no era suficient

it wasn't enough

El Park and Ride de Casablanca

The Park and Ride of Casablanca

no era suficient

it wasn't enough

I a més no paguen l'IBI

And moreover, they don't pay the property tax.

perquè l'Ajuntament

because the City Council

els ha tret l'IBI

They have removed the property tax from them.

A qui?

To whom?

A tots els que tenien cotxe

To all those who had a car

i podien aixecar-se'l a casa

and they could raise it at home

Ah, és clar, sí

Ah, of course, yes.

L'IBI era una altra cosa

The IBI was something else.

que no ens dona temps de parlar avui

that we don't have time to talk today

Doncs això, aquest tema...

Well, this topic...

Ja us dic que no ens dona temps de parlar avui

I already told you that we don't have time to talk today.

Jo acabo en seguida

I'll be done right away.

En seguida, la del Pepe

Right away, the one from Pepe.

doncs diu que al final

so it says that in the end

doncs no ens enganyem

then let's not deceive ourselves

que al final

that in the end

doncs la gent

so the people

va a comprar

he/she is going to buy

a les zones comerciales

to the shopping areas

i tal

and such

a los centros comerciales

to the shopping centers



perquè no es pot aparcar en el centro

because you cannot park in the center

Llavors bé

Then well

ella parla d'això

she talks about this

i el de Vox

and the Vox one

és brutal

it's brutal

el que fa és

what it does is

com relacionar

how to relate

el tema del cotxe

the topic of the car

de tenir un cotxe

of having a car

amb la envidia

with envy



Miriam té

Miriam has

un Ferrari

a Ferrari

i jo

and me

te tengo envidia

I envy you.

Lo que dice la izquierda es

What the left says is

Róbale el Ferrari

Steal the Ferrari.

a esta

to this

y pártelo

and break it up

Pártelo en dos

Split it in two.

que nos

what we

o lo que sea

or whatever it is

Vendamos el Ferrari

Let's sell the Ferrari.

se lo quitamos a la rica

we take it away from the rich

y lo que dice la izquierda es

and what the left says is

Róbale el Ferrari

Steal the Ferrari.

a esta

to this

y pártelo en dos

and split it in two

que nos

what we

o lo que sea

or whatever

Vendamos el Ferrari

Let's sell the Ferrari.

se lo quitamos a la rica

let's take it away from the rich

y lo que dice la derecha es

and what the right says is

Oye, no

Hey, no.

me lo voy a currar yo

I'm going to work on it myself.

para tener

to have

el mismo Ferrari

the same Ferrari

que mi vecino

that my neighbor


Ad barpis

Ad barpis

Levántate a las cinco

Get up at five.

de la mañana

in the morning

y podrás

and you will be able to

tener tu Lambo

having your Lambo



El último Tesla

The last Tesla

800.000 euros

800,000 euros

que no vas a ganar

you're not going to win

ni en veinticinco años

not in twenty-five years





es que ellos

it's just that they

son triunfadores

they are winners





tenemos que ver

we have to see

que el señor

that the lord

Juan José García

Juan José García



el puto amo

the fucking boss

el triunfador

the winner

de ayuntamiento

of the town hall

que podrem tenir el cotxe del nostre veí.

that we will be able to have our neighbor's car.

Doncs a això es dediquen, no?

Well, that's what they are dedicated to, right?

A fer aquests anticullets.

To make these little antiques.

Llavors, doncs res,

So, then nothing,

us ho recomano que us ho llegeixeu.

I recommend that you read it.

Ell tindrà un cotxe, però hi haurà alguna cosa que mai podrà comprar-se.

He will have a car, but there will be something he can never buy.

El què?


El deixo aquí.

I'll leave it here.

O el cervell, ja ho dic jo.

Or the brain, I say.

Dignitat o moltes coses.

Dignity or many things.

Bé, doncs això

Well, then that's it.

és el que hi ha a l'enviura.

it's what there is in the shipment.

Quan ho acabis de llegir,

When you finish reading it,

ho podeu utilitzar per fer una barbacoa, també.

You can use it to make a barbecue, too.

Escolta, això que fas

Listen, what you are doing

estaria molt guai que ho poguessis

It would be really cool if you could do it.

estendre a altres pobles del Baix, perquè segurament

extend to other villages of the Baix, because surely

aquest no és un cas únic.

this is not a unique case.

Segurament a cada poble

Surely in every village

tindran... És que no m'he imaginat a Balmón,

They will... It's just that I haven't imagined Balmón,

per exemple. No, de caciques amb el cinturó

for example. No, of chieftains with the belt

rotllo en un bar. Sí, exacte.

a roll in a bar. Yes, exactly.

A ver, líder como la nuestra,

Let's see, a leader like ours,

pocas, eh?

Few, huh?

Sí, seguro que muchos lo hacen.

Yes, I'm sure many do.

Balmón es mucho Balmón, eh?

Balmón is a lot of Balmón, huh?

En el buzón a veces nos han dejado hasta dos y tres.

In the mailbox, sometimes they have even left us two or three.

A mi sí.

I do.

Y yo digo, por favor, que despilfarren.

And I say, please, let them waste.

Lo de dos es para que tengas

The two is so you have.

44 fotos de Lluïsa.

44 photos of Lluïsa.

No lo acababa de entender.

I didn't quite understand it.

A tot això, clar,

To all this, of course,

el primer podcast ja vam estar

we were already at the first podcast

rajant de la Lluïsa. Avui

gossiping about Lluïsa. Today

no està anant molt millor.

it's not going much better.



Em va trucar el Jan l'altre dia

Jan called me the other day.

que tenen una

that have a

bústia bé, un poquito anticuado,

mailbox well, a little outdated,

però se ve que aún tienen de estas cosas.

but it seems that they still have these things.

I vam reomplir de missatges.

We filled it with messages.

Què dius?

What are you saying?

Vaja, no serà de Lluïsa.

Well, it won't be Lluïsa.

No, no, és de dos persones que, bueno,

No, no, it's about two people who, well,

han trucat a la Fundació Marianao

They have called the Marianao Foundation.

i han deixat uns missatges de veu

They have left some voice messages.

i que no sé si el Jan els vol posar.

and I don't know if Jan wants to put them on.

Oh, vale.

Oh, okay.

Anem a escoltar.

Let's listen.

Mensaje nuevo.

New message.

Modernísimo, eh?

Very modern, huh?

Recibido ayer a las 22 horas 36 minutos.

Received yesterday at 10:36 PM.

Sí, hola,

Yes, hello,

bon dia.

Good morning.

Se m'està escoltant, ja?

Am I being heard now?

Gravo, no?

I record, right?

Bon dia, estic trucant

Good morning, I am calling.

al programa aquest

to this program

perquè estic molt disgustada.

because I am very upset.

Tinc un disgust

I am upset.

molt gran

very big

perquè s'ofès

because he/she was offended

el nom de la Lluïsa Moret.

the name of Lluïsa Moret.

Ja us ho deia jo.

I told you so.

La Lluïsa Moret,

Lluïsa Moret,

no sé si ho sabeu,

I don't know if you know it,

és una gran persona,

he is a great person.

millor professional,

best professional,

si me'n podeu.

if you can.

És una noia que és psicòloga,

She is a girl who is a psychologist.

psicòloga clínica.

clinical psychologist.

Ha fet molt per la gent,

He has done a lot for the people,

aquesta noia.

this girl.

Aquesta noia és una bona persona.

This girl is a good person.

O sigui, no us fiqueu amb les bones persones,

In other words, don't mess with good people.

fiqueu-vos amb la mala gent.

Get involved with the bad people.

Amb les bones persones no se fica la gent.

You don't mess with good people.

És una noia,

She is a girl.

a més a més,


que li agrada la poesia.

that she likes poetry.

És que m'emociona i tot.

It really moves me and everything.

És que no té nom això que feu, eh?

This is really unexplainable what you’re doing, isn’t it?

És que no té nom això que feu.

What you are doing has no name.

Això és de males persones.

This is from bad people.

És que mira, estic emocionada i tot.

It's just that, you see, I'm excited and everything.

Perquè vaig sentir-ho de l'altre dia

Because I heard it the other day.

i m'agafa un atac de feridura,

I'm having a fitting attack,

fins i tot.


Estic sense dormir, eh?

I'm without sleep, huh?

És que estic sense dormir.

It's just that I haven't slept.

Aquesta noia, la Lluïsa Moret,

This girl, Lluïsa Moret,

és que ha canviat la ciutat.

it has changed the city.

Perquè això,

Because of this,

Sant Boi era una ciutat de bojos.

Sant Boi was a city of crazy people.

Una ciutat de bojos.

A city of madmen.

I ara què és?

And now what is it?

Ara és la ciutat del clúster

Now it is the cluster city.

de Salut Mental de Catalunya.

of Mental Health of Catalonia.

Ha posat de la ciutat de bojos

He has put the city in chaos.

a la ciutat del clúster de Salut Mental de Catalunya.

in the city of the Mental Health cluster of Catalonia.

I vosaltres què feu?

And what do you do?

Vull posar el seu nom

I want to put his/her name.

en bar.

in bar.

Això no es fa.

This is not done.

Som mala gent i jo, mira,

We are bad people and I, look,

hem començat a gravar que estàvem

we started recording that we were

molt angoixada i no sabia

very anxious and didn't know

si em sortiria la veu.

if my voice would come out.

Però és que ara m'estic encenent.

But now I'm getting fired up.

M'estic encenent.

I am getting heated.

Una cosa, és que no hi ha dret

One thing is that it's not fair.

al que feu. Som uns...

to what you do. We are some...

Mira, saps que us diré?

Look, you know what I'm going to tell you?

És que no puc callar. Som un fill de puta.

I just can't stay silent. We are a bunch of bastards.

És un fill de puta.

He's a son of a bitch.

És un fill de puta, no ho sentiu.

He is a son of a bitch, can't you hear it?

És un fill de puta.

He's a son of a bitch.

És que tu pensaves...

It's just that you thought...



Espera, espera.

Wait, wait.

Que hi ha un mensatge.

There is a message.

Mensaje número uno.

Message number one.

Recibido el día cuatro de enero.

Received on January fourth.

¿Cuatro de enero?

January fourth?

Hora quince minutos.

Quarter past three.

No teníamos podcast.

We didn't have a podcast.

Buenas tardes.

Good afternoon.

Mi nombre es Quintín.

My name is Quintín.

Yo he estado escuchando el programa este

I have been listening to this program.

que están teniendo.

that they are having.

He venido aquí en la AME

I have come here in the AME.

y quería saber

and I wanted to know

un poco cuál es

a little which is

el partido que son ustedes.

the party that you are.

Yo soy votante de PSUV.

I am a voter of PSUV.



De iniciativa, de Suma,

Of initiative, of Sum,

de Comunes,

of Commons,

i ja unia, de PC, de PC, de PC, de PUM,

and already uniting, from PC, from PC, from PC, from PUM,

i ara mateix, entre aquestes opcions, ja no sé de què partim avui.

And right now, among these options, I no longer know what we are starting from today.

I per això, volia preguntar a vostès,

And for that reason, I wanted to ask you,

a l'escala de les pròximes eleccions, a qui he d'entrar a votar.

In the context of the upcoming elections, who should I vote for?

Doncs, si a vostès me lo podíeu solucionar...

Well, if you could solve it for me...

No lo sabemos ni nosotros.

We don't know it either.

No m'estranyo.

I'm not surprised.

I ara, con Dios, diga, saludos de República.

And now, with God, say, greetings from the Republic.

Saludos de República, compañero.

Greetings from the Republic, comrade.

Exacto, camarada.

Exactly, comrade.

No lo sabemos ni nosotros.

We don't know it either.

¿Cómo va a responder la nombre?

How is the name going to respond?

¿Cómo es le llama? ¿Tarantino?

What is he called? Tarantino?

Quintín Terrontín.

Quintín Terrontín.

Va, jo a la senyora de la Lluïsa lo siento mucho.

Come on, I feel very sorry for Mrs. Lluïsa.

No puedo decir que no vuelva a ocurrir,

I can't say that it won't happen again,

pero lo siento si le sabe mal.

but I'm sorry if it bothers you.

Bueno, si ens està escoltant, prometem moderar-nos una mica.

Well, if he is listening to us, we promise to tone it down a bit.

Bueno, el que podem fer és... Bueno, sí.

Well, what we can do is... Well, yes.

Moderar-nos una mica.

Moderate ourselves a little.

No ho podem prometre, això.

We can't promise that.

Bueno, y al señor Quintín solo puedo decirle que vote a Izquierda Unida.

Well, all I can say to Mr. Quintín is to vote for United Left.





Sigue existiendo.

It continues to exist.

¿Y a las catalanas?

And to the Catalan women?

A Izquierda Unida.

To United Left.

Izquierda Unida.

United Left.


Does it exist?

No ha desaparecido, no ha desaparecido con Julio Anguita.

It has not disappeared, it has not disappeared with Julio Anguita.

En las catalanas no nos va a poder votar.

In the Catalan election, we will not be able to vote for him.





Hay que hacer un croquis, ¿eh?

We need to make a sketch, right?

Esto ya lo...

This already...

Claro, colgáremola en Instagram.

Sure, we'll post it on Instagram.

Señor Quintín.

Mr. Quintín.

Se lo enviamos.

We will send it to you.

Si algún día quiere, se viene para aquí.

If you ever want, you can come here.

Se lo enviamos.

We send it to you.

¿Cómo va?

How's it going?





O sea, enviamos una carta.

In other words, we send a letter.



Bueno, m'agradaria estar aquí molt de rato més amb vosaltres perquè portem ja...

Well, I would like to be here a lot longer with you because we have already been...

La xapa, la xapa.

The plate, the plate.

Portem una horeta llarga, llarga, llarga.

We've been here for a long, long hour.

Sí, brillant.

Yes, brilliant.

Però bueno, aquí acabem la revolta i bé, dir-vos que aquest podcast està al

But well, here we end the revolt and well, to tell you that this podcast is on the

tenir disponible a Spotify, Amazon, Podimo, Apple Podcast...

to have available on Spotify, Amazon, Podimo, Apple Podcast...



Podimo, no.

Not now.

Que és el podcast...

What is the podcast...

El partido ese del Echenique.

That party of Echenique.

El podcast del Echenique.

The podcast of Echenique.







Que ho deixem aquí, vale?

Let's leave it here, okay?

Bon cap de setmana.

Have a good weekend.

Salut, i per la Terça República.

Cheers, and for the Third Republic.

Salut i república.

Health and republic.


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Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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