La Jam Session 260: ara sí: adéu



La Jam Session 260: ara sí: adéu


A l'estiu, a l'estiu...

In the summer, in the summer...

Bona tarda!

Good afternoon!

Bon dia!

Good morning!

Bona tarda!

Good afternoon!

I molt bona nit i salutacions cordials

And very good night and kind greetings.

per darrera vegada

for the last time

des dels estudis enlloc

from studies nowhere

per celebrar l'edició.

to celebrate the edition.

260 fantasmes ocupen aquest espai.

260 ghosts occupy this space.

La Jam...

The Jam...

Sessió en un programa molt animal

Session on a very animal program

amb tortugues i cocodrils

with turtles and crocodiles

i convidats.

and guests.

I convidats molt especials.

And very special guests.

Avui tenim la presència de la Sònia.

Today we have the presence of Sonia.

Hola, Sònia!

Hello, Sònia!

Hola, molt bon dia!

Hello, very good morning!

Molt bona tarda i molt bona nit!

Good afternoon and good night!

La Sònia és la darrera convidada del nostre programa

Sònia is the last guest on our show.

i per fer-ho ben curiós

and to make it really curious

és la primera vegada que escoltarà el programa

It is the first time he/she will listen to the program.

perquè som així d'originals.

because we are this original.

Doncs bueno, ho hem decidit nosaltres.

Well, we've decided for ourselves.

No, vull dir el que estem fent ara.

No, I mean what we are doing now.

El que estem fent ara no vull que s'acabi.

I don't want what we are doing now to end.

Doncs tot té un principi i un final, amic Bombi.

Well, everything has a beginning and an end, friend Bombi.

Bueno, amics i amigues oients,

Well, friends and listeners,

ja heu pogut esbrinar.

You have already been able to find out.

Avui serà...

Today will be...

I és un programa molt especial.

And it is a very special program.

Aquest cop sí, aquest cop sí.

This time yes, this time yes.

I us preguntareu...

You will ask yourselves...

Per què?


Doncs perquè després d'uns sis anys

Well, because after about six years

de trobar-nos setmanalment

of meeting weekly

amb l'amic cocodril...

with the friend crocodile...

Doncs perquè tot...

Well, because everything...

Tot el que comença s'acaba.

Everything that begins ends.

Com la vida mateixa.

Like life itself.

És de les poques coses que sabem.

It is one of the few things we know.



Que quan naixem, un dia o l'altre ens morirem.

That when we are born, one day or another we will die.



I com totes les coses,

And like all things,

doncs aquest programa de ràdio,

well this radio program,

arriba a la seva fi.

comes to an end.

Bueno, aquí no.

Well, not here.

Dintre d'una estona,

In a little while,

quan arribem al final.

when we reach the end.

Bueno, arriba a la seva fi...

Well, it comes to an end...

Fins que vosaltres deixeu d'escoltar-lo,

Until you stop listening to him,

perquè jo entenc que us agrada tant

because I understand that you like it so much

que potser passareu molts anys

that perhaps you will spend many years

reescoltant un cop per setmana

re-listening once a week

els 10 últims programes.

the last 10 programs.

T'ho creus?

Do you believe it?

No, però és igual.

No, but it doesn't matter.



No és que no ho creguis, segur que no.

It's not that you don't believe it, I'm sure you don't.

Però, i què?

But, so what?



Ha estat maco mentre has durat, amic Bombi.

It has been nice while it lasted, friend Bombi.

Sí, parles de la sintonia, no?

Yes, you are talking about the tuning, right?

Sí, molt maca, per cert.

Yes, very nice, by the way.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Avui és un programa que durarà una mica més,

Today is a program that will last a little longer,

perquè teníem moltes coses a posar

because we had many things to put in place

i cançons molt maques i molt llargues

and very beautiful and very long songs

i hem decidit...

and we have decided...

Més que res, que hem decidit que ja queda l'últim dia

More than anything, we've decided that it will be the last day.

i tampoc calien empreses, no?

And companies weren't needed either, right?



No, no passa res.

No, it's okay.

I què millor que començar que per el final...

And what better way to start than with the end...

Per el final, com si diguéssim.

For the end, so to speak.



Així, al final.

Thus, in the end.

La fi.

The end.

The Doors.

The Doors.

La fi.

The end.

Bona nit

Good night

4 de juliol, i encara que sigui

July 4th, and even if it is

un programa de convidats, és un programa

a guest program, it is a program

pensat per

designed for

avui, de cara a l'estiu

today, looking towards summer

i de cara a aquesta setmana

and in light of this week

o la següent

or the following

o l'altra, però que el dia

or the other, but that the day

24 de juliol ve la

July 24 is coming the

Björk, el poble espanyol de Barcelona

Björk, the Spanish Village of Barcelona



Good moods not here!

Good moods not here!

La feia especial il·lusió

It made her especially happy.

de posar un tema

to put a topic

tan lluminós d'ella com aquest

as bright of her as this

All is full of

All is full of



Tot està ple d'amor per tot arreu

Everything is full of love everywhere.

You'll be given

You'll be given



You'll be

You're going to be



care of

care of

You'll be

You'll be.





You'll have

You'll have

to trust

to trust





not from

not from

the sources

the sources





part yours

part yours



not from

not from

the directions

les direccions





staring at

staring at

Trust your

Trust your




al voltant

It's all

That's all.

around you

al voltant teu

All is full of

All is full of



All around

A tot arreu



All is full of love

Tot està ple d'amor.

You just ain't receiving

You just aren't receiving.

All is full of love

Everything is full of love.

Needs to love

Necessita estimar

all sorts of

all kinds of



Your phone

Your phone

is off the hook

is off the hook

All is full of love

All is full of love.

Your doors

Your doors

are parfois

are sometimes

All is full of love

Tot està ple d'amor.

And I'm bleeding

I’m bleeding.

them and

them and



All is full

Tot està ple.

of love

of love

All is full of

All is full of



All is full of

All is full of



all is full of

all is full of



All ever

Tot mai.

all is full

everything is full

of love

of love

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Bé, de moment encara està en procés.

Well, at the moment it is still in progress.

Bé, doncs, de la gran, fantàstica i pior que segurament deu ser dels artistes que hem posat més en el nostre programa...

Well, then, from the great, fantastic, and probably the worst of the artists that we have featured the most in our program...

Hauríem de fer una estadística que no l'hem fet...

We should do a statistic that we haven't done...

No farem, ni farem mai... Bé, no ho sé, aviam...

We will not do, nor will we ever do... Well, I don't know, let's see...

Jo havia pensat avui...

I had thought today...

Si algú té ganes de fer... Tu imagines que algú fes una tesi doctoral sobre el nostre programa, eh?

If someone is eager to do... Can you imagine someone doing a doctoral thesis on our program, huh?

Seria molt maco.

It would be very nice.

Eh, sí, sí.

Oh, yes, yes.

Però tu creus que hi ha algú tan malalt com per fer-ho, això, i perdre el temps de la seva vida amb...

But do you think there is someone so sick as to do this and waste their life with...

Bé, no ho sé.

Well, I don't know.

Posem un treball, va, posem un treball de grau.

Let's set a project, come on, let's set a degree project.

Perquè una tesi...

Because a thesis...

És massa.

It’s too much.

Si no l'hi volem tant de mal.

If we don't want so much harm to him/her.

I a quines conclusions arribaríem?

And what conclusions would we reach?

Cap. No hi ha conclusions possibles.

No. There are no possible conclusions.

Jo sí que el que havia pensat era que en algun moment del programa d'avui

What I was thinking was that at some point during today's program...

podríem repescar aquella llista que vam fer de secció del disc o de secció les bessones.

We could revisit that list we made for the disc section or for the twin section.

Les bessones les deixem potser pel final.

We'll perhaps leave the twins for the end.

Però pels qui no ens escoltin, o per la Sònia, que és la primera vegada que ens escolta el programa,

But for those who do not listen to us, or for Sonia, who is listening to the program for the first time,

teníem una secció, tenim, teníem una secció que es diu...

we had a section, we have, we had a section called...

El disc.

The disc.



I que la vam començar a fer cap al programa, no sé si cap al programa 60 o 70, no ho sé.

And we started doing it towards the program, I don't know if towards program 60 or 70, I don't know.

No ho sabia dir, no ho sé.

I couldn't say it, I don't know.

I la secció del disc era una secció que agafàvem un disc que ens havia marcat el cap, la nostra infància,

And the section of the disc was a section where we took a disc that had marked our mind, our childhood.

la nostra adolescència musical, i el volíem compartir amb els nostres oients.

our musical adolescence, and we wanted to share it with our listeners.

I llavors vam començar a agafar discos sencers i cada setmana posàvem una cançó d'aquest disc.

And then we started to take whole albums and every week we would play a song from that album.



I així anàvem repassant discos que per nosaltres...

And so we kept going through records that for us...

Sempre havien sigut interessants.

They had always been interesting.

Un, dos, tres, responde otra vez.

One, two, three, respond again.

Espera't un moment.

Wait a moment.

Que ho tenim aquí, home, home.

What we have here, man, man.

Però sí, però és que això són les bessones.

But yes, but this is about the twins.

El disc, mira, a partir del capítol 57, vam fer...

The disc, look, starting from chapter 57, we did...

Nirvana, Nevermind.

Nirvana, Nevermind.

Cançó de carrer del Ramon Montaner.

Street song by Ramon Montaner.

Hour of Time del Rem.

Time of the Oar.

Aquesta era meva.

This was mine.



Jeff Buckley, Grace.

Jeff Buckley, Grace.



Sí, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo y mi ego.

Yes, me, me, me, me, me and my ego.

Sopa de cabra de sopa.

Goat soup of soup.

De cabra.

Of goat.

Bruts, el Speedstink i la banda de la lletra E.

Bruts, the Speedstink and the band of the letter E.

Del carrer.

From the street.

Del carrer E.

From E street.

The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street.

The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street.



Gustav Holst, Els Planetes.

Gustav Holst, The Planets.

Que t'enviarà el Carles i que quedi molt clar, que li fa molta il·lusió saber-ho.

That Carles will send you, and it's very clear that he is very excited to know it.





L'imbècil no és cap disc que haguem posat.

The idiot is not any disc that we have put on.



Metàlica, Master of Puppets.

Metallica, Master of Puppets.

Play Your Head, OK Computer.

Play Your Head, OK Computer.

Pau Riba, Jo, La Doña i el Gripau.

Pau Riba, Me, The Lady and the Frog.

Ten, dels Pels Jam.

Ten, of the Pels Jam.

Lluís Iac, Barcelona, el gener del 76.

Lluís Iac, Barcelona, January '76.

Iron Man.

Iron Man.

Raiden, Somewhere in Time.

Raiden, Somewhere in Time.

Camarón, La Leyenda del Tiempo.

Camarón, The Legend of Time.

Nine Inch Nails, The Down Spiral.

Nine Inch Nails, The Downward Spiral.

Kitsch U, dels Kitsch.

Kitsch U, of the Kitsch.

Thriller, de Michael Jackson.

Thriller, by Michael Jackson.

Héroes del Silencio, senderos de traición.

Heroes of Silence, paths of betrayal.

Y Saem, els Dreams.

And Saem, the Dreams.

Dels Smashing Pumpkins.

From the Smashing Pumpkins.

Déu-n'hi-do, ens poden dir qualsevol cosa, però...

Good heavens, they can tell us anything, but...

Eclèctic, sí.

Eclectic, yes.



Variedat, variedat.

Variety, variety.



Pa' tots els gustos i colors i idiomes.

For all tastes, colors, and languages.

Sempre hem volgut combinar una mica d'aquí i una mica d'allà.

We have always wanted to combine a little bit of here and a little bit of there.

Però mira, no...

But look, no...

No hi ha cap tema així que diguis electrònica pura i dura.

There is no topic that you would call pure and hard electronics.



El que més s'apropa és...

What comes closest is...

Tampoc nosaltres hem sigut molt d'electrònica pura i dura.

We haven't really been into pure and hard electronics either.

No, home, però...

No, come on, but...

Ens agrada.

We like it.

Què? Havíem de posar-hi alguna cosa per quedar bé?

What? Did we have to put something in it to make it look good?

No som així, nosaltres.

We are not like that, we are.



Hem posat discos que de veritat ens han emocionat.

We have played records that have truly moved us.

Sí, però podíem haver posat...

Yes, but we could have put...



No ho sé...

I don't know...

Els Chemical Brothers.

The Chemical Brothers.

Bueno, a tu t'agrada molt, a mi.

Well, you really like it, I do.

Sí, però...

Yes, but...

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

És igual.

It doesn't matter.



Un discurs que va ser important per mi...

A speech that was important to me...

El Scrapwork.

The Scrapwork.

Va ser un dels recolls, va ser molt important.

It was one of the collections, it was very important.

The Pitch Mode.

The Pitch Mode.

The Pitch Mode, potser...

The Pitch Mode, perhaps...

Podríem haver posat...

We could have put...

Bueno, aviam, Nine Inch Nails...

Well, let's see, Nine Inch Nails...

Nine Inch Nails té un punt d'electrònica molt important.

Nine Inch Nails has a very important electronic element.

Podríem haver posat la Björk.

We could have put Björk.

És igual.

It doesn't matter.

No, no, això és un comentari...

No, no, this is a comment...

És veritat, no hem fet Björk, tampoc.

It's true, we haven't done Björk either.

Mira, teníem pendent barricada i no la vam fer.

Look, we had a barricade pending and we didn't do it.

Però no hem fet tanta i tanta i tanta gent.

But we haven't made so much and so many people.

Vull dir que tampoc és que sigui un problema.

I mean, it's not really a problem either.

No hi ha cap disc del Bob Dylan...

There is no Bob Dylan album...

No hi ha cap disc del Nick Cave...

There is no Nick Cave album...

Ni dels Doors, exacte.

Not the Doors, exactly.

Ni dels Teppelin.

Neither of the Zeppelin.

Ni dels...

Neither of the...

Som rarots, rarots.

We are odd, odd.

Ni de tanta altra gent.

Nor of so many other people.

No, bueno...

No, well...

Ja, el que ha sortit...

Yes, what has come out...

És el que hi ha, tu.

It is what it is, you.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Doncs com el que hi ha és el que hi ha...

Well, since what is there is what there is...

Xep, anem als...

Yep, let's go to the...


Come on.



Per què?


Perquè quan jo els preguntava...

Because when I asked them...



Va, hi ha algun tema que us faci especial il·lusió i passava...

Come on, is there any topic that excites you particularly and it was...

Sí, la setmana passada...

Yes, last week...

No, deixa-l'hi explicar amb ella, va.

No, let her explain it to him, come on.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Va, explica'ns-ho i en...

Come on, tell us about it and in...

Tens tot el públic...

You have the whole audience...



Un moment, un moment.

One moment, one moment.

Amunt, amunt, amunt.

Up, up, up.

No parleu els dos a la vegada que no s'entén.

Don't both of you speak at the same time, it's not understandable.



Lo queréis con todo pelo de detalles?

Do you want it with every detail?



Los detalles.

The details.

Los pelos también.

The hairs too.

No, la semana pasada...

No, last week...

Bueno, lo explico en castellano.

Well, I'll explain it in Spanish.

Explica-lo en...

Explain it in...

En l'idioma que vulguis.

In the language you want.

Pots fer-ho en anglès, també, que sé que tens un bon accent.

You can do it in English too, as I know you have a good accent.

Last week...

Last week...

No, la semana pasada íbamos a la verbena de San Juan,

No, last week we were going to the San Juan festival.

íbamos a casa d'una amiga, íbamos en la furgoneta d'una amiga...

We were going to a friend's house, we were going in a friend's van...

La Marina.

The Marina.

La Marina, fantàstica amiga.

Marina, fantastic friend.



No sé por qué el Carles, de pronto no sé qué se estaba explicando de no sé qué,

I don't know why Carles suddenly started explaining something about I don't know what.

que empieza a cantar esta canción y que...

that starts singing this song and that...

Bueno, cantar.

Well, to sing.

No sé, algo dijo de esta canción.

I don't know, he/she said something about this song.

Cantar, cantar...

Sing, sing...

Y entonces Marina inmediatamente saltó como un resorte diciendo que odiaba profundamente esa canción,

And then Marina immediately jumped like a spring saying that she deeply hated that song,

que odiaba, que no le gustaba nada.

that he hated, that he didn't like at all.

Con lo cual, como tampoco teníamos radio, porque no sé qué le pasaba a la radio, no me acuerdo,

So, since we also didn't have a radio, because I don't know what was wrong with the radio, I don't remember,

pues los tres que íbamos en el coche estuvimos entreteniendo a Marina con la bonita canción.

Well, the three of us in the car kept Marina entertained with the nice song.



No, éramos, en total, ¿cuántos?

No, we were, in total, how many?



Es veritat.

It's true.

La Sònia té l'especialitat de quan són quatre persones dir que érem cinc.

Sònia has a talent for saying that there were five of us when there were actually four people.

I ara érem quatre i deia que érem tres.

And now we were four and I said we were three.

Has matado a Irene.

You have killed Irene.

Tengo el síndrome del considerado, pero...

I have the syndrome of the considered one, but...

No, porque no, porque no es conta en bella.

No, because no, because it doesn't add up beautifully.

O es conta doble, que también puede pasar.

Or it is counted twice, which can also happen.

No, porque llevamos cuatro, ¿no es esto?

No, because we've had four, isn't that so?



Y en varias ocasiones ya conté cinco.

And on several occasions, I have already counted to five.

Veía una quinta persona.

I saw a fifth person.

Y ahora me ha pasado igual.

And now the same has happened to me.

Ahora has dicho tres.

Now you have said three.

Has matado a Irene.

You have killed Irene.

Ahora he dicho tres, tres contando.

Now I have said three, three counting.

Has matado a Irene.

You have killed Irene.

Bueno, yo también tengo un somni y es...

Well, I also have a dream and it is...

Irene, Marina...

Irene, Marina...

Continuar a hacer aquel programa...

Continue to do that program...



...una estoneta més.

...a little more time.

Que no he matat a nadie.

That I haven't killed anyone.

I had a dream

I had a dream.

of a song to sing

of a song to sing

to help me cope

to help me cope

with anything

amb qualsevol cosa

if you see the wonder

if you see the wonder

of a fairy tale

of a fairy tale

you can take the future

you can take the future

even if you fail

even if you fail

I believe in angels

I believe in angels.

something good in everything

something good in everything

I see

I see

I believe in angels

I believe in angels.

when I know the time

when I know the time

is right for me

is right for me

I'll cross the street

I'll cross the street.

I have a dream

I have a dream

a fantasy

a fantasy

to help me cope

to help me cope

with anything

amb qualsevol cosa

with reality

amb la realitat

and my destination

i la meva destinació

makes it worth the while

makes it worthwhile

pushing through the darkness

pushing through the darkness

sealed in by the mind

sealed in by the mind

I believe in angels

I believe in angels.

Something good in everything I see

Something good in everything I see

I believe in angels

I believe in angels.

When I know the time is right for me

When I know the time is right for me

I cross the stream

I cross the stream.

I have a dream

I have a dream

I cross the stream

I cross the stream.

I have a dream

I have a dream

I cross the stream

I cross the stream.

I have a dream

I have a dream.

I cross the stream

I cross the stream.

Bona nit.

Good night.

i les seves princeses

and their princesses

així es deia el tema

that's what the topic was called

i esperem que us hagi agradat

and we hope that you liked it

a tu t'ha agradat Carles?

Did you like Carles?

molt, molt, una elegància

very, very, an elegance

un ritme, una cadència

a rhythm, a cadence

sobre la taula

on the table

és impossible ballar la teva taula

It's impossible to dance your table.

està plena de coses

it's full of things

que no, que les coses

that no, that things

són vida, el caos

they are life, the chaos

és energia

it is energy

un pam i mig

a foot and a half

sí, sí, de les vegades que ho veus

yes, yes, of the times you see it

més ordenat

more organized

sí, més fet

yes, more done

és veritat que no hi ha gaire espai

It's true that there isn't much space.

però mira tu, escolta, és la vida del poeta

But look, listen, it's the life of the poet.

del desequilibrista

of the tightrope walker

del periodista

of the journalist

jo trobo que és una mesa molt fascinant

I find it to be a very fascinating table.

això és perquè és la primera vegada que vens

this is because it’s the first time you come

però fixa't, no puc jo posar

but notice, I can't put myself

ni els braços sobre la taula

neither arms on the table

no em deixa escriure

it won't let me write

perquè t'acomodis massa

because you get too comfortable

vinga, on anem ara?

Come on, where are we going now?

doncs jo crec que hauríem d'anar

well, I think we should go

al festival

to the festival

no, no festival

no, no festival

el concurs

the contest

perdó, perdó

sorry, sorry

no, no, no, m'encanta corregista

no, no, no, I love being a proofreader



bueno, eh, què?

well, uh, what?

ah, sí, t'ho explico

ah, yes, I'll explain it to you.



els concurs tots estem d'acord

we all agree on the contest

que són una puta merda, oi?

they're a fucking mess, right?

no, per què?

No, why?

perquè competir amb música

why compete with music

amb Carles, Carles

with Carles, Carles

és a dir, tu si acabes de ser el jurat d'un premi

That is to say, you have just been the jury of an award.

que m'està fent molta il·lusió

that is making me very excited

i ara posarem el que ha guanyat

And now we will put what has been won.

vull dir que no diguis que tots

I mean, don't say that everyone.

estem d'acord que tots són una puta merda

we agree that they are all a bunch of crap

perquè no hi estem d'acord

because we do not agree on it

és injust el concurs

the contest is unfair

però jo no faci ser jurat

but I do not want to be a juror

ja, però no això és injust

Yes, but this is unfair.

estàs d'acord o no?

Do you agree or not?

no ho sé, ho hauria d'analitzar

I don't know, I should analyze it.

el centre 5 mates i ramis

the centre 5 mates and ramis

mates i ramis d'Horta

Mates and branches of Horta

va trucar al Bocanorn i va dir

he called Bocanorn and said

escolta, que molaria que algú de Bocanorn

Listen, it would be cool if someone from Bocanorn.

es fes de jurat al 17è concurs

he served as a juror in the 17th competition

de cantautors i cantautores d'Horta Guinardo

of singer-songwriters from Horta Guinardó

molt bé

very well

i el Joan, que és el director del centre

and Joan, who is the director of the center

va dir, Carles, eh, que tu et molaria anar-hi

he said, Carles, hey, you would love to go there, right?

i jo, evidentment que sí

And I, of course I do.

perquè els concursos són una puta merda

because contests are a total mess

i són injustos, oi?

And they are unjust, right?

no, no li vaig dir això

no, I didn't tell him that

perquè sàpigues que això ho sentirà el teu cap

so you know that your boss will hear this

ja, ja ho sé

Yes, I know.

i tota la gent d'aquest concurs

and all the people of this contest

i li sembla bé

and do you think it's good?

bueno, el tema

well, the topic

el tema és que els concursos

the issue is that the contests

tu saps que t'estàs ficant en un jardí tu solet

You know that you are getting into a garden all by yourself.

m'agrada, m'agrada els jardins

I like it, I like the gardens.

molt bé

very well

torno a dir

I say again



i dir que un músic o un concert

and say that a musician or a concert

és millor que un altre

it is better than another

és totalment injust

it is totally unfair

molt bé

very well

perquè l'estil, la tècnica

because the style, the technique

no es pot valorar

it cannot be assessed

que hi ha gent que no és tan bona

that there are people who are not so good

que sigui un músic millor que l'altre

that one musician is better than another

no, és lleig de fer-ho competir

no, it's ugly to make it compete

però és cert que és la manera de destacar coses

but it is true that it is a way to highlight things

que estan passant a les escenes

what is happening in the scenes

en aquest cas, a l'escena dels cantautors

in this case, in the scene of singer-songwriters

és un mal menor

it is a lesser evil

no? estàs d'acord o no?

no? do you agree or not?

no, jardí

no, garden

molt bé, doncs vaig fer de jurat

very well, so I was a jury member

no, però és que pensa una cosa

no, but think of one thing

jo no soc jurat

I am not a juror.

ni vull ser-ho

nor do I want to be it

no ho sé, no m'ho han demanat mai

I don't know, they have never asked me.

no ho sé, si voldria ser-ho o no

I don't know if I would want to be it or not.

doncs bueno, vaig tenir l'honor

well, I had the honor

de ser jurat d'aquest fantàstic concurs

of being a juror for this fantastic contest

amb dos dies

in two days

divendres i dissabte

Friday and Saturday

vaig veure 30 actuacions

I saw 30 performances.

tu vas passar molt bé

You had a great time.

sí, m'ho vaig passar molt bé

Yes, I had a great time.

perquè vaig conèixer moltes propostes

because I came across many proposals

que no coneixia

that I didn't know

altres ja les coneixia

I already knew them.

i m'ha de venir de gust

I have to feel like it.

de reviure-les una altra vegada

to relive them once again

i això, llavors

and that, then

de les 30 que van participar

of the 30 that participated

va sortir un guanyador

a winner was announced

no, van sortir tres

no, three came out

tres guanyadors

three winners

tres premis

three awards

un guanyador, un segon premi

a winner, a second prize

i un tercer premi

and a third prize

molt bé

very well

valorat amb diferents, diguéssim

valued with different, let's say



perquè els diners serveixen

because money is useful

per ajudar aquests músics

to help these musicians

puguin viure de la seva feina

can live from their work

i el que el jurat

and what the jury

que estava format per l'Euclides Matos

that was made up of Euclides Matos

un músicó brasilany

a Brazilian musician

que porta vivint a Barna

who has been living in Barna

molt de temps

a long time

l'Adrià Garriga

Adrià Garriga

promotor i mànager

promoter and manager

resposta correcta

correct answer

promotor i mànager de Sant Gaudenci

promoter and manager of Sant Gaudenci

i el Xavi

and Xavi

que és el director

what is the director

del Centre Sigmates i Ramis

from the Sigmates and Ramis Center

i jo com a representant de Boca Nord

and I as a representative of Boca Nord

vam decidir que el guanyador

we decided that the winner

va ser el Guillem

it was Guillem

Sol de Vila

Sun of the Village

un menorquí ben trempat

a well-mannered Menorcan

que va venir

that came

de Menorca

of Menorca

amb una guitarra

with a guitar

sota el braç

under the arm

i amb cançons

and with songs

tan boniques

so beautiful

com aquesta

like this

La lluna sortirà

The moon will rise.

després del sol

after the sun

va demostrar

he/she/it demonstrated

que és una gran

that is a big

valor en alça

increasing value

en l'escena musical

in the music scene

del món mundial

of the world cup



germà meu

my brother

el temps

the weather



totes les ferides

all the wounds

encara que

even though

la terra

the earth


be appreciated



la lluna sortirà

the moon will rise

després del sol

after the sun

la lluna sortirà

the moon will rise

després del sol

after the sun

gaudeix dels plaers

enjoy the pleasures

més frugals

more frugal

no li demanis res més

don't ask him for anything else

a la vida

to life

per que avui

why today

i demà i sempre

and tomorrow and always

P delegöd

P delegöd



Eng всю

Eng all










The moon

La lluna sortirà

The moon will rise.

Després del sol

After the sun

La lluna sortirà després del sol.

The moon will rise after the sun.

Ha sossegat, germà meu, el temps guareix totes les ferides.

It has calmed down, my brother, time heals all wounds.

Encara que la terra s'apreciï, la lluna sortirà després del sol.

Although the earth is appreciated, the moon will rise after the sun.

La lluna sortirà després del sol.

The moon will rise after the sun.

Després del sol.

After the sun.

La lluna sortirà, la lluna sortirà després del sol.

The moon will rise, the moon will rise after the sun.

La Lluna sortirà, la Lluna sortirà, després del Sol.

The Moon will rise, the Moon will rise, after the Sun.

i la lluna sortirà

and the moon will rise

a part del Guillem Sol de Vila

from Guillem Sol de Vila

molts dels que van arribar a la final

many of those who reached the final

tenen propostes molt interessants com per exemple

they have very interesting proposals such as

el duo Ualla

the duo Ualla

que m'encara segons

that confronts me according to

una noia cubana

a Cuban girl

que viu a Barcelona que es diu Jaima

who lives in Barcelona and is called Jaima

Orozco que ho fa molt i molt bé

Orozco does it very, very well.

també hi havia la Zoila

there was also Zoila

una pianista i amb una veu fantàstica

a pianist and with a fantastic voice

hi havia un noi anomenat, fa servir el nom artístic

there was a boy named, he uses the stage name

com a George, amb una veu molt molt

like George, with a very very voice

maca, a la final

nice, in the end

l'Ernest Mumbí que va fer una actuació

Ernest Mumbí who gave a performance.

molt fantàstica a la semifinal

very fantastic in the semifinal

i això li va arribar a fer tocar

and this made him touch

a la final, molts altres

in the end, many others

que no van arribar a la final com Roger

that they didn't reach the final like Roger



molts grups i propostes

many groups and proposals

musicals en format de cantautor

musicals in singer-songwriter format

i que per culpa teva no van guanyar

and that because of you they didn’t win




let's go

a notícies i efemèrides

news and anniversaries

notícies i efemèrides

news and anniversaries

jo ja no sé si hi ha coses que he anunciat

I no longer know if there are things I have announced.

no he anunciat, si les coses s'han

I haven't announced, if things have

explicat, no s'han explicat

explained, they have not been explained

jo ja no me'n recordo

I don't remember it anymore.

jo crec que

I believe that

si ho dius, la gent estarà contenta

If you say it, people will be happy.

en tot cas, servidora

in any case, your servant

de vostès, al novembre tindrà

from you, in November it will have

una nova criatura

a new creature

al novembre o a l'octubre

in November or in October

macho, macho man

male, macho man

i aquest és un dels motius pel qual

and this is one of the reasons why

deixem de fer el programa perquè

let's stop doing the show because

no hi ha més temps

there is no more time

ja tenim previst que no hi haurà gaire temps per res

We already foresee that there won't be much time for anything.

no hi ha gaire temps ara

there isn't much time now

i llavors serà una mica més complicat

and then it will be a little more complicated

i tot just acabem de

and we have just finished

fer uns dies de la setmana que ve

a few days of next week

hem decidit el nom

we have decided the name

amb la Martina, que és la teva santa muller

with Martina, who is your holy wife

la que t'aguanta i t'estima cada dia

the one who supports you and loves you every day

i amb el Marçal, que és el

and with Marçal, who is the

el baró, el pubill, l'hereu

the baron, the heir, the successor

no, pubill no, hereu, perdó

no, heir no, heir, pardon

si tenim un hereu, ara tindrem una pubilleta

if we have an heir, now we will have a little heiress

i la notícia és

and the news is

que ja

that already





totes les coses que podria dir

all the things I could say

es resumeixen en un món

they summarize in one world



cada un de fred pot dir calor

each one of cold can say warmth

sóc pels teus braços, no hi ha lloc millor

I am in your arms, there is no better place.

tot era fosc i ara és claró

Everything was dark and now it is clear.

quan arribes a casa

when you arrive home

et pensava i et miro

I was thinking of you and I look at you.

torna a ser el primer dia

it's the first day again

que et vaig fer el plató

that I made the set for you

vull cridar de fort

I want to shout loudly.

que el meu món es diu Núria

that my world is called Núria

anem de festa aquesta nit

Let's go to a party tonight.

vull que m'ho vegi tots els meus amics

I want all my friends to see it.

a tu tinc ganes de fer el boig

I feel like acting crazy with you.



ja he vist el vent de teus petits

I have already seen the wind of your little ones.

vull fer-te riure

I want to make you laugh.

vull tastar els teus dits

I want to taste your fingers.

vine i des de fina

come and from fine

ves amb la sessina

go with the sessina

res més sols t'esvincular

nothing else just unlink you

valentament entre els teus dits

bravely between your fingers



quan arribes a casa

when you arrive home

et pensava i et miro

I thought of you and I look at you.

torna a ser el primer dia

it's the first day again

que et vaig fer el plató

that I made you the set

vull cridar de fort

I want to scream loudly.

que el meu món es diu Núria

that my world is called Núria

anem de festa aquesta nit

Let’s go party tonight.

vull fer-te riure

I want to make you laugh.

vull tastar els teus dits

I want to taste your fingers.



anem de festa aquesta nit

let's go to a party tonight

vine i des de fina

come and from fine

ves amb la sessina

go with the session

res més sols t'esvincular

nothing else I dissociate you

valentament entre els teus dits

bravely between your fingers



Núria Núria

Núria Núria

molt bé, perquè ells sí que el tenim

very well, because we do have it

sí, el Marçal

yes, Marçal

Marçal, Marçal

Marçal, Marçal

tens sort que no hagués trobat cap cançó

You're lucky I didn't find any song.

ni buscat cap cançó que es digui Marçal

nor have I searched for any song called Marçal

segur que existeix alguna

surely there is some

sí, però un altre dia

yes, but another day

amb un altre programa

with another program

exacte, un altre dia, una altra vida

exactly, another day, another life

doncs ja que nosaltres deixem la Jam Session

well since we leave the Jam Session

és el nostre últim programa

it's our last program

i també ens volíem acomiadar

and we also wanted to say goodbye

d'una persona

of a person

que deixa de programar

that stops programming

les sessions dels dimecres

Wednesday sessions

a l'original de poesia

to the original of poetry

després de molts anys, no?

after many years, right?

després de bastants anys

after quite a few years

com 10 anys, potser, o així

like 10 years, maybe, or so

hauria de mirar els números

I should look at the numbers.

però més de 5, segur

but more than 5, for sure

estem parlant ni menys de menys que del nostre estimat amic

we are talking about none other than our dear friend

Josep Pedrals

Josep Pedrals



un dels que tampoc té

one of those who also doesn't have

el temps d'hora

the time of hour

és un impresentable, no?

He's a disgrace, isn't he?

en sentit positiu

in a positive sense

que no els podem presentar perquè ja hem parlat molt d'ell

that we cannot present them because we have already talked a lot about him.



ho deia, estava fent poesia

I was saying, I was making poetry.



gràcies, Sònia

thank you, Sònia

veus? hi ha algú que em riu les gràcies

Do you see? There is someone who is laughing at my expense.

ui, que guapa

Wow, how beautiful!

Josep Pedrals, molt bon amic del circuit de poesia

Josep Pedrals, a very good friend of the poetry circuit.

quan l'altre gran amic

when the other great friend

que ho ha fet

who has done it

organitzava els mítics viatges a la Polinèsia

he organized the legendary trips to Polynesia

després va participar

afterwards he/she participated

al projecte musical amb el Guillamino

to the musical project with Guillamino

fent poesia en Doll

making poetry in Doll

el projecte en Doll

the project in Doll

a la vegada també tenia el projecte musical

at the same time, I also had the musical project

Explosió en Biquini

Explosion in Bikini

amb l'amic Alejo Levis

with the friend Alejo Levis

amb l'amic

with the friend

amb l'amiga Anna Marzana

with friend Anna Marzana

i després va crear

and then he/she created

amb altres grans amics com el Nico Roig

with other great friends like Nico Roig

i amb el

and with the

i amb el Marc Torrent

and with Marc Torrent

un altre gran projecte que era

another great project that was

Els Nens Eutròfics

The Eutrophic Children

els Eutròfics el Nico no hi era

Nico wasn't there in the Eutrophics.

el Nico va produir

Nico produced

va produir

it produced

va col·laborar

he/she collaborated

en tot cas

in any case

com que digui que posem del tal i qual

as if I said that we put of such and such

doncs mira, posem el primer

well look, let's put the first one

tema número 1

theme number 1

número 1 del disc en Doll

number 1 of the album in Doll

que és aquell disc conjunt que va fer

What is that joint album they made?

amb el Guillamino

with Guillamino

i el que feia el Pedrals a l'original

and what Pedrals did in the original

que era?

What was it?



un cop a la setmana

once a week

ell i un altre

he and another



Charles Agustin Cullom

Charles Agustin Cullom

va inventar l'any 1777

was invented in 1777

una balança de torció

a torsion balance

que mesurava la força exercida

that measured the force exerted

pel retorçament produït sobre

for the budget cut produced on

una fibra

a fiber

com que el pes és una mesura

since weight is a measure

de la força de gravetat

of the force of gravity

la balança es podia utilitzar

the scale could be used

per apesar

to spite

bé, tot això encaixa

well, all of this fits



de fet, per més encaixar amb Newton

in fact, to fit more with Newton

Cullom va descobrir

Cullom discovered.

usant la balança

using the scale

que les lleis de tracció elèctrica

that the laws of electric traction

eren similars a les de la tracció gravitatòria

they were similar to those of gravitational attraction

la tracció

the traction

aquella qüestió física

that physical issue

que pot acabar en un bombo

that can end up in a drum


bass drum

Newton va abandonar el bombo

Newton left the drum.



era un bombo que era un bombo

It was a drum that was a drum.

que era un bombo que era un bombo

that it was a drum that it was a drum

que era un noiet feble i malaltís

who was a weak and sickly boy

però una de les grans intel·ligències de la història

but one of the great intelligences of history

vull dir que malgrat l'alçada

I mean that despite the height

l'home no es va quedar baix

the man did not stay down



sembla que per la força de la gravetat

it seems that by the force of gravity

i per la pressió atmosfèrica

and for atmospheric pressure

podem arribar a perdre altura

we can end up losing altitude

per això estirar-se al final del dia

that's why stretching at the end of the day

serveix per recuperar l'alçada

it is used to regain height

imaginem però que el gurro mandret

let's imagine, however, that the lazy gurnet

durant mesos es va encongint

for months it shrank

fins que al final

until the end

de tan compactat

so compacted

el trompeta

the trumpet



de fet el trompeta és un instrument

In fact, the trumpet is an instrument.

de vent que en un moment s'ha usat

of wind that has been used in a moment

en sordina, qui fou sordina

in mute, who was mute

qui em va instruir en la música jazz

who taught me about jazz music

sordina era una monja molt peculiar

Sordina was a very peculiar nun.

que duia uns pentinats

that had some hairstyles


very strange

quan la van trobar en la seva

when they found her in her

darrera posició

last position

estava morta amb un pentinat

She was dead with a hairstyle.



tots els cabells esborrifats

all the hair tousled

havia ficat-se en un pentinat

she had gotten herself into a hairstyle

els dits

the fingers



just darrere

just behind


the plug



No, tu primer

No, you first.

No, anava a dir

No, I was going to say.

M'encanta que fins i tot al darrer programa

I love that even in the last program

hem posat alguna cosa relacionada amb la poesia

we have put something related to poetry

com no podia ser

as could not be

Als principis del programa vam posar bastant de poesia

At the beginning of the program, we included quite a bit of poetry.

Sí, i sempre hem parlat de tant en tant

Yes, and we have always talked from time to time.

de llibres

of books

com per exemple, fèiem la broma mítica

for example, we made the iconic joke

de passem pàgina, quan canviàvem de tema

let's turn the page, when we changed the topic

Llavors el Carlos agafava un llibre

Then Carlos would pick up a book.

A l'atzar, com per exemple avui

By chance, like today for example.

que he agafat un llibre que es diu

that I have taken a book that is called

Bueno, que no és un llibre, sinó una revista

Well, it's not a book, but a magazine.

Bueno, però té llom dur

Well, but it has a hard back.

Doncs agafem la revista

So let's take the magazine.

Revista de Catalunya, capítol 288

Magazine of Catalonia, chapter 288

Número 1

Number 1

I sona així

It sounds like this.

Sona bastant bé

It sounds pretty good.


Doncs això, que no falti la poesia a la vida

So that's it, may poetry never be absent from life.

Ai, perdó, que estan aixecant la mà per aquí, digue'm, Sònia

Oh, sorry, they're raising their hand over here, tell me, Sonia.

Jo et volia dir una cosa

I wanted to tell you something.

Hablando de poesía, y es que...

Speaking of poetry, and it's that...

No, no

No, no

¿Quieres leer un poema?

Do you want to read a poem?

No, hace... Bueno, no sé, igual sí

No, it has... Well, I don't know, maybe yes.

Hace un par de semanas

A couple of weeks ago

me compré un libro

I bought a book.

muy pequeñito de poesía

very tiny piece of poetry

y he estado a punto de traer

and I was about to bring

Bueno, lo tengo aquí, pero he estado a punto de meterlo

Well, I have it here, but I was about to put it in.

antes de empezar el programa, pues he pensado

Before starting the program, I thought.

Sònia, ¿cómo vas a meter un libro de poesía en un programa que no conocen?

Sònia, how are you going to include a poetry book in a program they don't know?

Me he juzgado

I have judged myself.

Entonces no lo he metido, porque me daba palo

So I didn't include it, because it felt awkward.

Pues ya tardas

Well, you’re taking your time.

Ves a buscarlo, va

Go and get it, come on.


Do you see?

Voy, voy, voy

I'm going, I'm going, I'm going.

Tenemos el libro entre romans

We have the book among Romans.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

¿Cómo es diu el libro?

What is the name of the book?

El libro es poesía para monstruos

The book is poetry for monsters.

Me encanta, entre cocodrils y tortugas

I love it, among crocodiles and turtles.

Y es anónimo

And it's anonymous.

¿No lo ha escrito ningú?

Hasn't anyone written it?

Sí, se supone que lo ha escrito alguien

Yes, it is supposed that someone has written it.

¿Sabiduría popular?

Popular wisdom?

Claro, no, es de ahora

Of course, no, it's from now.

Y tal como está escrito, bueno, se nota que está escrito hace un mes

And as it is written, well, it shows that it was written a month ago.

Fresco, fresco

Cool, cool.

O sea, súper fresco

I mean, super cool.

¿Y de quina editorial es?

And which publisher is it from?

Es la editorial...

It is the publisher...

Editorial Veus en Veu

Editorial Voices in Voice

Veus en Veu

Voices in Voice

Y es anónimo, es fantástico

And it's anonymous, it's fantastic.

Muy bien

Very good

I quin poema ens vols regalar?

And what poem do you want to gift us?

Pues no lo sé, quería yo un tembito para escoger uno y tú me has dicho, Carlos

Well, I don't know, I wanted a little theme to choose one and you told me, Carlos.

No, no, a la jarra

No, no, to the jug.

A la jarra

To the jug

A la zagar

To the zagar

Sin título, mira

Untitled, look.


You see

Anónimo sin título

Anonymous untitled



¿Vols alguna música de fons per amenizar?

Do you want some background music to liven things up?

No, no, no

No, no, no.

Por favor


Aquí a pèl

Here bare.

Ah, no, a pèl

Ah, no, bare.

Vinga, t'escoltem

Come on, we're listening to you.

Tengo que decir que como no me lo he leído, igual será de aquella menda del año

I have to say that since I haven't read it, it might be that person's book of the year.

Va, va, va, va, va, va

Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.

A veces asusto los pájaros que hay en mi cabeza y me subo por las paredes o por entre las ramas fuertes de los árboles

Sometimes I scare the birds in my head and I climb the walls or among the strong branches of the trees.

A veces me pierdo y no estoy en ningún sitio

Sometimes I get lost and I'm nowhere.

Huyo de la luz y no quiero amanecer

I flee from the light and do not want to awaken.

A veces, lejos de todo, consigo dejar de recordar y no me pregunto por nada y solamente a veces

Sometimes, far from everything, I manage to stop remembering and I don't ask myself anything, only sometimes.

Pero pocas, pocas veces

But few, few times.

Sin ser apenas consciente de ello, voy al ritmo de cuanto me rodea y danzo con una música que solo escucho yo

Without being barely aware of it, I go to the rhythm of everything around me and dance to a music that only I can hear.

Porque es únicamente mía

Because it is solely mine.

Y de nadie más

And of no one else.

Danzo sobre la tierra que me verá desaparecer

I dance on the earth that will see me disappear.

Pero pocas, muy pocas veces

But few, very few times.



Molt bé!

Very good!

Som uns monstres

We are monsters.

Muchas gracias

Thank you very much.

Es veritat, parlant de monstres, si l'amic Bombi és cocodril i jo soc una tortuga

It's true, speaking of monsters, if my friend Bombi is a crocodile and I am a turtle.

Tu quin animalets?

Which little animals do you have?

Un colibrí

A hummingbird

Un colibrí, caram!

A hummingbird, wow!

Revolutejant pels...

Revolving through the...

Ens el jalarem

We'll freak out about it.

Home, un colibrí

Man, a hummingbird.

Obri sona, obri sona, colibrí

Open sound, open sound, hummingbird

Que si vegetariana

Because if vegetarian

Escolta, jo...

Listen, I...

Bueno, però els cocodrils no

Well, but the crocodiles don't.

Però jo soc un cocodril

But I am a crocodile.

Els cocodrils ho mengen tot

Crocodiles eat everything.

Ah, no, jo te puc de limpiar-los, no te puc de limpiar-los jo

Ah, no, I can clean them for you, I can't clean them for you myself.

No, no, no, no, et faria falta, eh?

No, no, no, no, you would need it, huh?

Els cocodrils, no els bombins

The crocodiles, not the bowler hats.

En fi


Va, continuem, fora de jardins

Come on, let's continue, out of gardens.

L'Agenda del Carles

Carles' Agenda

Agenda del Carles

Carles' agenda

a la Torre de Belles Guards.

to the Tower of Beautiful Guards.

Dimecres 1 de juliol,

Wednesday, July 1st,

Zebra Hunt a l'Helio Gabal.

Zebra Hunt at Helio Gabal.

Dijous 2,

Thursday 2,

al Festival Vida

to the Vida Festival

a Vilanova i les Altru.

in Vilanova and the Altru.

I ara em preguntaràs,

And now you will ask me,

què és el Festival Vida de Vilanova i les Altru?

What is the Vida Festival of Vilanova and the Altru?

És el que antigament era conegut com...

It is what was formerly known as...

Perdona un moment, què és el Festival Vida

Excuse me for a moment, what is the Vida Festival?

de Vilanova i les Altru?

from Vilanova and the Altru?

Ho saps o no?

Do you know or not?

Vols que t'ho torni a preguntar?

Do you want me to ask you again?

No, era el que antigament era conegut com

No, it was what was formerly known as

el Faraday.

the Faraday.

Faraday era un festival molt petitet a Vilanova

Faraday was a very small festival in Vilanova.

i ja l'han fet créixer

And they have already made it grow.

i han crescut.

and they have grown.

L'han fet créixer i l'han crescut

They have made him grow and they have raised him.

i aquest cap de setmana

and this weekend

munten un festival acu amb artistes com

they are organizing a festival with artists like

Andreu Bert, Grupo Expertos

Andreu Bert, Expert Group

Solinieve, Juventut

Solinieve, Youth

Juxer... Segur que això és créixer?

Juxer... Are you sure this is growing up?

Les Sueques, Mourn,

The Sueques, Mourn,

Núria Graya, Prime a l'escrim,

Núria Graya, First in fencing,

Super Furry Animals,

Super Furry Animals,

Tiger Ambuts, Benjamin Clementine,

Tiger Ambuts, Benjamin Clementine,

Joan Miquel,

Joan Miquel,


the Oliver...

La meitat d'aquests noms te'ls has inventat.

Half of these names you've made up.

Los Mambo Jambo, Miquel Serra,

The Mambo Jambo, Miquel Serra,

que l'hem posat moltes vegades al programa,

that we have put in the program many times,

Nacho Vegas, Ocellot, Rinaldo i Clara,

Nacho Vegas, Ocellot, Rinaldo, and Clara.

The Showers, Vida, bla, bla, bla...

The Showers, Life, blah, blah, blah...



Al final t'has anat escalfant, eh?

In the end, you've been warming up, huh?

Perquè la meitat no els coneixia.

Because half of them didn't know each other.

No t'enriguis a mi.

Don't laugh at me.

I Sénior i el Cor Brutal, entre d'altres.

I Sénior and the Brutal Choir, among others.

Aneu a Vilanova!

Go to Vilanova!

Què més? La gran Andrea Motis

What else? The great Andrea Motis

i el Joan Chamorro, a on?

And where is Joan Chamorro?

Un clàssic, el Jambori.

A classic, the Jamboree.

Paul Weller,

Paul Weller,

el Rei dels Mots,

the King of Words,

als Jardins de Pedralbes.

in the Pedralbes Gardens.

Divendres 3, Jam Session,

Friday 3, Jam Session,

a l'Espai Jove.

to the Youth Space.

Jam Session, però no aquesta Jam Session, sinó l'altra.

Jam Session, but not this Jam Session, rather the other one.


The Albocan.

Llibert Fortuny, a la Pedrera.

Llibert Fortuny, at the Pedrera.

Anxius Myopic Boy, a l'Alfa de Gràcia.

Myopic Anxious Boy, at the Alfa in Gràcia.

Beto Stoker, un clàssic de l'escena,

Beto Stoker, a classic of the scene,

al 23 de Ruba 2.

to the 23rd of Ruba 2.

Tori Sparks, a la Sonora de Gràcia.

Tori Sparks, at the Sonora de Gràcia.

I aquest que esteu escoltant...

And this that you are listening to...

Jeff Mills, al Rad Matar.

Jeff Mills, at Rad Matar.

En aquest cas, no amb l'orquestra simfònica

In this case, not with the symphony orchestra.

de Montpellier, que és...

from Montpellier, which is...

amb qui toca aquest tema.

with whom this topic is addressed.

El tema es diu The Bells,

The song is called The Bells,

per qui no ho sabíeu.

for those who didn't know.

Doncs el Jeff Mills estarà repartint pana

Well, Jeff Mills will be handing out flat tires.

a Dret i Sinistre.

To Right and Left.

Al Rad Matar.

To Rad Matar.

No sé si era pitjor el repartir pana

I don't know if it was worse to distribute blankets.

que el Dret i Sinistre.

that the Right and Left.

Saps que el Jeff Mills sembla que sigui de paper de fumar,

Do you know that Jeff Mills looks like he could be made of rolling paper?

perquè tècnicament és negre, però és com gris.

because technically it is black, but it is kind of gray.

Mira, un pujador.

Look, a climber.

Un pujador.

A climber.

Mira, se'm posa el pell de punta i tot.

Look, I get goosebumps and everything.

Clar, que te l'agafes amb paper de fumar.

Of course, you take it with rolling paper.


Let's continue.



Saps on està Acapellades?

Do you know where Acapellades is?



Doncs a Acapellades hi celebren, per darrera ocasió,

Well, in Acapellades they celebrate, for the last time,

un festival molt petit, molt petit

a very small festival, very small

i fet amb molt d'amor, que es diu The Lemon Day.

And made with a lot of love, which is called The Lemon Day.

Molt bé.

Very well.

I a aquest Lemon Day hi participen...

And this Lemon Day is attended by...

Morcego, Joan Colomo,

Bat, Joan Colomo,

Jo me lo guiso...

I cook it myself...

Jo me lo como.

I eat it.

Parmesano, Nuevo Volcano, Ainara Legardón, ZA, Pony Bravo...

Parmesano, New Volcano, Ainara Legardón, ZA, Pony Bravo...

Crec que la majoria d'aquests grups els hem posat al programa.

I believe that we have included most of these groups in the program.

És fantàstic.

It's fantastic.

Cataplàusia, Beto Nícer i Chemical Cousins.

Cataplàusia, Beto Nícer, and Chemical Cousins.

Doncs això, que si voleu música autèntica i feta amb molt d'amor,

Well, that's it, if you want authentic music made with a lot of love,

tots a Acapellades.

everyone to Acapellades.

Què més tenim?

What else do we have?

Al Jamboree, un gran amic del programa, Lluc Casares,

At the Jamboree, a great friend of the program, Lluc Casares,

presentant el seu disc.

presenting his/her album.

Gran amic teu del programa.

Great friend of yours from the program.



Que molt de respecte.

How much respect.

Realment no el conec.

I really don't know him.

Teatre grec, Joan Manel Serrat.

Greek Theatre, Joan Manel Serrat.

Diumenge 5, Santiago Serón.

Sunday 5, Santiago Serón.

Perdona, qui obria el...

Sorry, who opened the...

El grec que aquest any l'obrien, si no m'equivoco,

The Greek that they were opening this year, if I'm not mistaken,

Obeses i Ocas Grases.

Obese and Fat Occasions.

Que maco.

How nice.

Que potser ja l'han obert, però ara que dius el grec...

Maybe they have already opened it, but now that you mention Greek...

Diumenge 5, a Caldes d'Estrac.

Sunday 5, in Caldes d'Estrac.

Santiago Serón.

Santiago Serón.

Poesia i més.

Poetry and more.

Serrat, el teatre grec, i el sobrino del diablo, l'Astrolavi.

Serrat, the Greek theater, and the devil's nephew, the Astrolabe.

Molt bé.

Very well.

I fins aquí, l'agenda de l'estrany.

And up to here, the agenda of the stranger.

I fins aquí, el programa d'avui, i de sempre.

And up to here, the program for today, and always.



Bueno, mentrestant, si vols, pots seguir a escoltar

Well, in the meantime, if you want, you can keep listening.

el que queda de Jam Session,

what remains of Jam Session,

que encara és una mica... una estoneta.

that is still a little... a moment.

Uns minuts.

A few minutes.



Cançons bessones!

Twin songs!

Ole, tu!

Hey, you!

Pels qui no ho coneixeu, Sònia, tots aquests crits i jamecs

For those who don't know her, Sonia, all these shouts and complaints.

és perquè és una de les nostres seccions favorites.

It's because it's one of our favorite sections.

És la darrera secció.

It is the last section.

La darrera secció que sempre posem al final del programa.

The last section that we always place at the end of the program.

Jo m'he quedat amb les ganes d'unir-me a aquesta euforia

I am left wishing to join this euphoria.

i m'he dit, calla't, perquè...

I've told myself, be quiet, because...

Però no té calles.

But it doesn't have streets.

No té calles.

It has no streets.

No sé, però es veia tant d'alguna cosa tan vostra,

I don't know, but it looked so much like something so yours,

tan de les dues, tant així, tan...

so much of both, so much like this, so...

Tan de les dues.

Two o'clock.

No, les dues és al principi.

No, both are at the beginning.

Al principi, al final.

At the beginning, at the end.

Les cançons bessones és aquella secció on vam començar

The twin songs is that section where we started.

a treure...

to take out...

Bé, hi ha dues maneres de fer cançons bessones.

Well, there are two ways to make twin songs.

O agafar cançons sospitosament bessones

Or to take suspiciously twin songs.

de, hola, vaya copiada,

of, hello, what a copy,

o cançons que realment són versions.

or songs that are really covers.

Vam començar, bàsicament,

We started, basically,

a mi m'agradava molt...

I really liked...

Jo tenia un petit arxiu de versions

I had a small archive of versions.

que m'agradaven molt i eren molt

that I liked a lot and were very

diferents les unes de les altres

different from one another

i em feia molta il·lusió posant-hi.

And it made me very excited to put it in.

Em sap que la cosa va començar per aquí.

I'm sorry that things started like this.

Compartir coneixements.

Sharing knowledge.

I, bé, el fet del programa va començar per això.

Well, the fact of the program started because of this.

No ho oblidem. Simplement perquè

We don't forget it. Simply because

Tortuga i Cocodril teníem converses de música

Turtle and Crocodile had conversations about music.

a casa i vam dir, home,

at home and we said, well,

però que no les expliquem a nosaltres.

but we shouldn't explain them to us.

Que no quedin entre nosaltres.

Let them not remain between us.

Expliquem-ho a la gent i al món.

Let's explain it to the people and to the world.

I al món ens ha escoltat una mica.

And the world has listened to us a little.

Una mica.

A little bit.

Doncs les cançons bessones d'avui

Well, the twin songs of today.

com estan inspirades gràcies a

how they are inspired thanks to

algun dels nostres amics

some of our friends

personals al Facebook

personal on Facebook

i que comparteixen

and that they share

música fantàstica i quan vaig veure

fantastic music and when I saw

aquesta versió vaig dir, ha de ser

this version I said, has to be

la darrera versió.

the last version.

Perquè si hem començat

Because if we have started

amb dient dels dors,

with biting of the back,

què millor que acabar amb una escala

What better way to end than with a stopover?

que va cap al cel com a símbol

that goes towards the sky as a symbol

de final, de principi,

end, beginning,

de comiat, de llum.

farewell, of light.

I qui és l'autor de les

And who is the author of the

escales que van cap al cel?

stairs that go to the sky?

Led Zeppelin.

Led Zeppelin.

Ara anava a parlar de la versió jo.

Now I was going to talk about the version myself.

Led Zeppelin.

Led Zeppelin.

Corria l'any 70

It was the year 70.

perquè els Led Zeppelin van fer...

because Led Zeppelin made...

No sé quin any van fer l'Sterway to Heaven.

I don't know what year they made Stairway to Heaven.

Una mica abans, eh?

A little earlier, huh?

Però bueno, és la típica cançó que tots heu escoltat

But well, it's the typical song that you all have listened to.

que té així...

that has like this...

Que prohibeixen en moltes botigues de música.

That is prohibited in many music stores.

Sí, perquè és la cançó que tothom vol provar.

Yes, because it is the song that everyone wants to try.

I hem trobat una versió genial,

We have found a great version,

fantàstica, estratosfèrica,

fantastic, stratospheric,

irreverent i increïble

irreverent and incredible

del ja desaparegut i estimat

of the already disappeared and beloved

Frank Zappa.

Frank Zappa.

Amb una Z i dos P's.

With a Z and two P's.

Com el m'amic Bombi ha dit molt bé.

As my friend Bombi has said very well.



I què vols dir?

And what do you mean?

Vols dir alguna cosa del Frank Zappa?

Do you want to say something about Frank Zappa?

Què és?

What is it?

És meravellós, és fantàstic, és un geni,

It's marvelous, it's fantastic, he's a genius.

era un geni, era un crac.

He was a genius, he was a crack.

I la seva música és...

And their music is...

I del Zeppelin vols dir alguna cosa?

And about the Zeppelin, do you want to say something?

Puc dir el mateix que he dit del Frank Zappa.

I can say the same thing I said about Frank Zappa.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Doncs ara ja només queda acomiadar-nos.

Well, now all that's left is to say goodbye.

Em deixes donar-te una abraçada, amic Bombi, en directe?

Can I give you a hug, friend Bombi, live?

No, perdona, no ens acomiadem,

No, sorry, we don't say goodbye.

que seguim sent amics, eh?

that we continue to be friends, right?

Ja, però ja no farem més programes.

Yes, but we won't make any more programs.

Bueno, ja ho veurem.

Well, we'll see.

Potser d'aquí 300 anys.

Maybe in 300 years.

No? Bueno.

No? Well.

Sònia, un plaer haver-te tingut aquí.

Sònia, a pleasure to have had you here.

L'última convidada.

The last guest.

Ha sigut un atraco, perquè el Bombi no sabia que venies,

It was a robbery, because Bombi didn't know you were coming.

o sigui, no sabia una hora abans que vinguessis,

so, I didn't know an hour before you came,

però que a vegades ho parlem.

but sometimes we talk about it.

Qui vols que vindrà algú? Hi ha un amic? Sí, no?

Who do you want to come? Is there a friend? Yes, right?

I ha sigut com...

It has been like...

Què millor que acomiadar el programa amb una persona fresca.

What better way to end the program than with a fresh person.

Sempre s'agraeix la companyia.

Company is always appreciated.



I les cançons de grups que no ho tenim controlats,

And the songs of bands that we don't have under control,

que com sempre diem som tots ignorants i hem d'aprendre...

that as we always say, we are all ignorant and we must learn...

Dona normalitat a l'últim programa, que també està bé.

It gives normality to the last program, which is also good.



No, és que fem un programa no especial

No, it's just that we make a program that is not special.

i només volem convidar, no sé qui,

and we just want to invite, I don't know who,

una gran estrella, o només volem estar nosaltres dos.

a great star, or we just want to be the two of us.

Home, la Sònia és una gran estrella, eh?

Wow, Sonia is a great star, right?

A veure...

Let's see...

Una gran estrella públicament reconeguda...

A great star publicly recognized...

No, no, no, és cierta.

No, no, no, it's true.

Una gran estrella dando los primeros pasos o mediados pasos.

A great star taking its first steps or mid-steps.

Perquè sí, és que és igual, això.

Because yes, it doesn't matter, this.

Doncs bueno, família,

Well, family,

l'exem session és oficial, que s'acaba.

The exam session is official, and it is ending.

No farem cap programa en directe, com alguns de vosaltres ens vau demanar,

We will not do any live program, as some of you requested us.

perquè sabeu que no sabíem...

because you know that we didn't know...

Perquè la gent que ho ha demanat segurament tampoc vindria.

Because the people who asked for it probably wouldn't come either.

No vindria.

I wouldn't come.

Que ja ens ho sabem, això, ja ens ho sabem, eh?

We already know this, we already know it, right?

El programa 259 queda en el limbo.

Program 259 remains in limbo.

Bueno, sí.

Well, yes.



I és molt probable que jo, a partir de setembre,

And it is very likely that I, starting in September,

iniciï un nou projecte radiofònic...

start a new radio project...

Sense mi, ho faràs sense mi?

Without me, will you do it without me?

Sí, home, clar.

Yes, of course.

Si no tens temps per fer...

If you don't have time to do...

Ja t'he dit...

I've already told you...

Ja t'he dit que potser et trucaré per fer col·laboracions.

I already told you that I might call you for collaborations.

Jo no volia, home!

I didn't want to, man!

No t'ho creus ni tu, tio.

You don't even believe it yourself, dude.

Clar que no.

Of course not.

Làgrimes de cocodrilo.

Crocodile tears.

Mentira, això.

That's a lie.

No, ho haig d'intentar, no?

No, I have to try it, right?

Ho haig de fer una mica de pena.

I have to make it a little sad.

Però et sembla bé o no?

But does it seem good to you or not?

No, et fa il·lusió col·laborar en el meu proper projecte radiofònic o no?

No, are you excited to collaborate on my next radio project or not?

No, no ho sé, explica'm en detalls, per veure...

No, I don't know, explain it to me in detail, so I can see...

Però així, de cop i volta.

But just like that, all of a sudden.

M'ho haig de pensar.

I have to think about it.

Quin cabró.

What a bastard.

Amb tots vosaltres, Frank Zappa, l'Edgeppelin, Tortuga, Cocodril,

With all of you, Frank Zappa, the Edgeppelin, Tortuga, Crocodile,

ha estat un gran plaer...

it has been a great pleasure...

Fins sempre, amics i amigues.

Goodbye, friends.

...escoltar-vos. listen to you.







Bona nit.

Good night.

Bona nit

Good night

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